The Weekly Sun - 01/14/14

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sun Hailey


Sun Valley


the weekly


s t a n l e y • F a i r f i e l d • S h o sh o n e • P i c a b o

Millspaugh: Here’s to a Better Life in 2014

Married on Baldy PG 3

Page 5

Samantha Johnson Rides High in the Soccer World Page 6

Do Something This Week: The Valley’s Most Comprehensive Calendar Page 10 & 11

J a n u a r y 1 , 2 0 1 4 • V o l . 7 • N o . 1 • w w w .T h e W e e k l y S u n . c o m

Band Students Pick Up Trees

Not Just an Actor’s Wife Carol Glenn Potter, Painter, Pens Coffee Table Book STORY & PHOTOS BY KAREN BOSSICK



he Wood River High School Band students are conducting their fifth annual Christmas Tree Pickup throughout the Wood River Valley on Saturday, Jan. 4. For a donation of $10 ($20 if your tree is over 8 feet) the students will pick up your tree and take it to be recycled. This fundraiser helps the students raise money for their trip next April to Anaheim, Calif. Each student must individually raise $480 to pay for their trip. They will travel by bus to compete in the National Heritage Music Festival and Competition. The WRHS Band has been to Anaheim four times under Director Tony Randall’s guidance. Please call (208) 481-0389 any time to be added to their tree pick-up list.

Backcountry Film Festival BY KAREN BOSSICK


irst-time filmmaker Drew Stoecklein of Sun Valley got an opportunity to ski Patagonia. And he took the ride. He and three other filmmakers turned their adventure into a three-minute film enabling others to “Take the Ride.” That film and more will be part of the ninth annual Backcountry Film Festival being held this Saturday, Jan. 4 at the nexStage Theatre in Ketchum. Doors open at 6 p.m. for theatergoers to buy beer, snacks and raffle tickets good for Sun Valley lift tickets, a Nordic ski pass, Sun Valley Trekking yurt trip, avalanche course and more. The film festival, designed to celebrate human-powered outdoor fun, is being presented by the Idaho Conservation League and Winter Wildlands Alliance. Proceeds will benefit the Idaho Conservation League. The films include “Valhalla,” which follows one man as he tries to rediscover the freedom of his youth, finding it in backcountry ski and snowboard adventure. “Trail Break” from Powderwhore is a black-andwhite portrait of deep-powder skiing. “Nokhoi Zeekh” follows five Americans on a month-long ski expedition through northern Mongolia to document wolverines. “Strong” captures Roger Strong’s reflections about moving forward after a tragic avalanche. “Poor Man’s Heli” features a new and unique way to the top of the mountain. “Youth” inspires us to pack up the kids for backcountry skiing. And “Morning Rituals” features a day in the life of an undercover ski bum. Tickets are $10. tws


arol Glenn calls herself “the reluctant celebrity.” She’s spent more than 40 years in her husband’s shadow as Scott Glenn leant his craggy persona to such movies as “Urban Cowboy,” “Silverado,” “The Right Stuff,” “The Hunt for Red October,” “The Silence of the Lambs” and “Training Day.” Now, she’s garnering her share of the spotlight as Carol Glenn—artist and author. Glenn debuted a public showing of her pottery at Ochi Gallery last year. This week she finished two Ketchum book signings for her new coffee table book, “Carol Glenn,” which showcases her pottery, along with stories related to her work. She’ll have a showing and signing in Los Angeles’ gallery district this spring. “Most people don’t even know I’m an artist,” she says. “Even now, I’d rather Scott was in the spotlight.” Carol Schwartz Glenn has coupled her rigid upbringing in an orthodox Jewish home with her fascination with a free-spirited Woodstock artist to create art that combines the rigid rules of firing clay with artistic license. Her father’s family owned a sweater factory in New York. Her mother’s family boasted a long line of rabbis—hence, TV, the telephone, even cooking dinner was off-limits between sundown on Friday and sundown on Saturday. But she always had a penchant for art. “My brother is a Rembrandt scholar, and we have a lot of artists in our family,” says Carol, who even took a millinery class in high school. Rather than work in the family sweater factory, Carol modeled for 10 years. Vidal Sassoon was among her clients. “You’ve got to be tough because you’ve got to carry this big portfolio around New York City. They go through it and either they say, ‘We love you,’ or ‘Thank you very much,’ ” she recalls, pretending to hand the imaginary portfolio back. Carol met Scott while he was in theater. They married in 1968 and moved into a loft on Park Avenue. Once a week, they’d pile into a friend’s car and drive into the country. It was on one of those trips that Carol spotted Woodstock ceramicist Elena Zang “It was the first time I’d seen anybody throw a pot, and I was fascinated by her

Carol Glenn says she doesn’t think her ski helmet is going to fit, anymore—not after reading the words that artistic director Kristin Poole wrote about her in her book, “Carol Glenn.”

long, long hair and the way she worked bare-breasted at the wheel,” Carol recalls. “I thought: Now that I’m married I don’t have to work anywhere. I can do something I want to do. And I loved pottery.” Stoking the fire It was her quest to make pottery that brought Carol to Ketchum in the 1970s for a five-week workshop offered by the Sun Valley Center for the Arts. Ceramicist Jim Romberg, who headed up the program, brought in the best potters in the country, including Tom Coleman, John Glick and Kurt Weiser. “They’d work in front of us and we’d sit there, amazed,” Carol recalls, her expressive face lighting up and her

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her favorite Glenn film Asked her favorite movie starring hubby Scott Glenn, Carol Glenn quickly launched into a description of his next movie “Trigger.” A murder mystery, it involves a serial killer. “ ‘Trigger’ refers to what sets him off, not a gun,” Carol explained. She switched gears. “I loved ‘Silverado’—he’s such a sweet guy in that—he wasn’t a bad guy in that one.” “We’ve always had fun with the filming,” she added. “Like with ‘Sucker Punch,’ which he filmed in Canada. We had such a great time traveling to the site, meeting people. I take along a portable watercolor studio—as long as I can work on my paintings, my collages, I do just fine.”

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