M AY 31 - J U N E 6, 2 0 1 7 | V O L . 1 0 - N O . 2 2 | W W W . T H E W E E K L Y S U N . C O M
Nonprofit News Crisis Hotline Turns 30
Election News Teacher Negotiations Hit Snag
“If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.”
For information about this photo, see “On The Cover” on page 3. Courtesy photo by Michael Kane
Center Spread Wellness Festival Photos & Senior Bash Info
Sports & Rec. News Silver Creek’s Fishing Season Opens
~Isaac Newton
To Don & KaThy & The Whole KeTchum KiTchens creW From The WeeKly sun For many years oF Doing greaT Business TogeTher enjoy reTiremenT, relax & enjoy liFe (sTore is noT closing, jusT changing hanDs)
T H E W E E K LY S U N • M AY 31 - J U N E 6, 2017
Explore Idaho’s beauty with Sagebrush Saturdays and Wildflower Walks. For a story, see page 12. Public domain photo, accessed via Wikimedia Commons
THIS WEEK M A Y 3 1 - J U N E 6 , 2017 | VOL. 10 NO. 22
Heritage Court News Betty Murphy Honored By Historical Museum
Community Bulletin Board Find A Job, Odds & Ends
The Weekly Sun’s Calendar Stay In The Loop On Where To Be
ON THE COVER “Ride Along,” by Michael Kane. A red-winged blackbird hitches a ride on the back of a red-tailed hawk last summer in Bellevue. Local artists & photographers interested in seeing their art on our cover page should email submissions to: (photos should be high resolution and include caption info such as who or what is in the photo, date and location).
Coming Soon! The Weekly Sun’s summer + fall 2017
101 things to do
THE WEEKLY SUN STAFF 13 W. Carbonate St. • P.O. Box 2711 Hailey, Idaho 83333 Phone: 208.928.7186 Fax: 208.928.7187
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Day Trips | Summer Checklist | Free Fun | Family Friendly | Start Your Story Here...
101 things to do summer + fall 2016
Day Trips | Summer Checklist | Free Fun | Family Friendly | Start Your Story Here...
101 things to do summer + fall 2016
Day trips | summer Checklist | Free Fun | Family Friendly | start your story here...
101 things to do summer + fall 2016
CALENDAR EDITOR Yanna Lantz • COPY EDITOR Patty Healey STAFF REPORTERS • Jean Jacques Bohl • Dick Dorworth • Jonathan Kane • Jennifer Smith DESIGN DIRECTOR Mandi Iverson • 208.721.7588 • PRODUCTION & DESIGN Chris Seldon • ACCOUNTING Shirley Spinelli • 208.928.7186 •
THE Insider’s Guide To The Best Kept Secrets Of The Wood River Valley & Beyond Explore: Bellevue, Carey, Hailey, Ketchum, Sun Valley & Unincorporated 5B!
THE Insider’s Guide To The Best Kept Secrets Of The Wood River Valley & Beyond Explore: Bellevue, Carey, Hailey, Ketchum, Sun Valley & Unincorporated 5B!
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T H E W E E K LY S U N • M AY 31 - J U N E 6, 2017
City of Ketchum Special Meetings BUSINESS BLITZ: Thursday, June 1, at 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. at the Community Library, hear the cities of Ketchum and Sun Valley, St. Luke’s Hospital, Sun Valley Company, U.S. Forest Service, Idaho Tourism, Idaho Office of Emergency Management and emergency services personnel provide information on preparations for the total solar eclipse taking place on August 21. RSVP to participate@ketchumidaho.orgor 727-5077. JOINT MEETING: City Council and the Ketchum Urban Renewal Agency will meet Thursday, June 1, at Ketchum City Hall.
PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: On Thursday, June 8 at 2 p.m., the Planning and Zoning Commission will meet to hear an appeal on a decision to deny applicant’s request for review of a resubmitted Conditional Use Permit application for a fueling station at 911 N. Main St.
Public Notice DEMOLITION OF HISTORIC BUILDINGS: On Apr. 21, a 60-day waiting period began for the historic demolition of the nexStage Theatre at 120 S. Main St. and 111 S. Leadville Ave. The public is invited to comment through June 19, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. On May 10, a 60-day waiting period began for the historic demolition of the Bellemont Radio Station located at 620 N. Main St. The public is invited to comment through Aug. 10, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. On Friday, May 31, a 60-day waiting period begins for the historic demolition of Brait Residence at 311 Edelweiss Ave. The public invited to comment through July 30, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. Address written comments to Ketchum Planning & Building Department, P.O. Box 2315, Ketchum,Idaho 83340 or
Public Meetings CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday • June 5 • 5:30 pm • City Hall PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Monday • June 12 • 5:30 pm • City Hall
Keep Up With City News Visit to sign up for email notifications, the City eNewsletter and to follow us on Facebookand Twitter. Email questions and comments to
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he Crisis Hotline, an Idaho 501(c)(3) organization, was founded in 1987 by a group of concerned citizens. “They started it because they knew of people who had issues and there was no place to call—no hotline, no shelter,” said Sher Foster, for the past decade the organization’s executive director. “At first, they provided safe houses for a few years until The Advocates (for Survivors of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault) had a shelter in the early aughts.” The first volunteers also used a pager system, and an answering service based in Ketchum, Foster said. “Cellphones gave us more flexibility.” Over the past three decades, the hotline has taken more than 10,000 calls for help, logged extensive volunteer hours and made more than 18,000 referrals. Idaho is one of two states in the country with no suicide hotlines. Because of this, Crisis Hotline volunteers take an average of two suicide calls per week. The service provided by the Crisis Hotline is essentially one of connections and referrals. Volunteers carry a cellphone for 48 hours, before handing it off to the next volunteer. They keep records of each call, the conversation, and the outcome. They follow up with the caller the next day. Currently, there are about 20 volunteers, though Foster said the organization could always use more. Sometimes volunteers hang in for many years, sometimes for a year. The Crisis Hotline provides a free 20hour, four-week training session each spring. The classes cover such subjects as listening skills, depression, suicide, hospice services, bullying, homelessness, trauma and resilience, drug awareness, LGBT/ transgender issues, youth and teens, and help for parents. “They learn all aspects of different kinds of crises,” Foster said. “It’s also offered to the public, free.” Sometimes people just want to talk, but the volunteers are taught to connect the caller with specific resources. The organization has created an extensive resource directory for the volunteers to use, with more than 400 national, state and local listings. “Other hotlines are specific, while we cover all kinds of crises—all confidential,” Foster said.
Crisis Hotline bracelets were created for a youth campaign. Photo by Dana DuGan
Foster is on call 24 hours a day. She noted that while holidays generally see a high rate of suicide, springtime can be even worse due to expectations about being happier when the seasons change. In a Valley known for its beauty and recreational opportunities, disparity in income, expectations from outside as well as inside, and difficulty in making a living can adversely affect people. Foster also said that people who live in high altitudes have a higher rate of depression. “It’s across the five Northwestern states,” she said. “All they have to do is call and someone can help them get through a rough patch, and find options. It’s so important and we’re very strict about anonymity. We don’t want to deter anyone from calling. People need to talk. We can help them find options. We give vouchers for free counseling. We get people help who need financial assistance locally, and elderly people who need help with home care.” Crisis Hotline also fields many calls from parents who need help with teens, as well as from kids themselves. Crisis Hotline provides information and handouts at all the schools. “We encourage them to put our number in their phones if they need us,” Foster said. “My Life Matters” is another teen suicide prevention and awareness program Crisis Hotline offers for free. Foster said one reason suicide is high during teenage years is related to underformed frontal lobes, whose function is decision-making. Teen programs are especially important right now. “Many kids are concerned
about the future due to the atmosphere of the country,” Foster said. “There’s so much anger.” Suicide is the second cause of death for all Idaho teens. “We’ve seen it change in the last 10 years,” Foster said. “After the recession, our calls tripled. People were financially stressed and seriously needed help with so many different things. We’re always looking to add new programs to provide more support to the community. Right now we’re working with NAMI [National Alliance on Mental Illness], and sharing a high school intern, on a program for teens called Blue Bird.” Innovations from outside are huge benefits to the business, too. Foster said that a new Behavioral Health Services opened in Twin Falls, and that a new 24-hour hotline for immigration help will be launched soon. She added that the organization is coordinating with emergency service departments to provide training to first responders for trauma and crisis intervention. The 501(c)(3) operates on donations, grants and yearly fundraising efforts. “We get very valuable support from the community,” Foster said. “We’re very appreciative of everyone who believes in our mission to provide assistance. A devoted crisis hotline isn’t a common thing; we’re very lucky to have this organization in this Valley.” To reach the Crisis Hotline, call (208) 788-3965 or try the office at (208) 788-0735. People can also dial 211 in an emergency from anywhere.
106 S. Main, Hailey 208.788.0848
T H E W E E K LY S U N • M AY 31 - J U N E 6, 2017
or the first time since 1988, Blaine County School District teachers may not have an updated contract when they report back to work in August. Early last week, the Blaine County Education Association (BCEA) rank and file overwhelmingly rejected by 78 percent the proposed contract negotiated between union representatives and the board of trustees. Negotiators had agreed upon the tentative agreement for both parties just the week before, on May 17. While the union negotiates for all teachers, only members are eligible to vote on the proposed contract. About three-quarters of all teachers are members. On May 23, the union issued a statement explaining the negative vote: “The BCEA negotiations team feels that this vote reflects the general feeling among teachers in the district that this contract was not a win-win for the district or the certified teaching staff. It was clear from discussions with the BCEA membership, survey results, and the vote that this agreement did not meet the interests of the teachers, including:
• • • • • • • • • •
Maintaining as many positions as possible. Attracting new teachers. Retaining excellent staff. Rewarding experienced and dedicated teachers for their longevity. Helping move experienced teachers toward a viable retirement. Maintaining quality of life based on cost-of-living increases. Recognizing the increasing demands on teachers. Allowing people to afford to live in the district in which they teach. Preserving comprehensive medical, dental, and vision benefits for all employees. Providing quality affordable healthcare for all employees and their families.
The BCEA informed the school board in writing, and requested the opportunity to return to the negotiations table to resume talks. The board met again on Thursday, May 25.
It reaffirmed, by a vote of 5 to 0 and in a statement, the guiding principles for the 2017-18 budget to provide support for its “strategic plan goals, prioritize and provide equity in resources to ensure all students meet and exceed standards (close the gap), maintain district commitment to its class-size policy, which values small classes, and maintain a balanced budget while building an unassigned fund balance.” Idaho law mandates that school districts have a budget by June 30 in order to start the new fiscal year on July 1. The board of trustees is slated to vote on the 2017-18 budget during its regular June 13 meeting. It’s not uncommon, however, for school districts to continue negotiating with the teachers past this deadline. Currently, the West Ada, Nampa and Coeur d’Alene school districts plan to negotiate beyond the July 1 deadline. Jerome and Twin Falls school districts have settled their negotiations this year. Should both parties find themselves in an impasse, “mediation could be a possibility,” said Marritt Wolfrom, a negotiator for the BCEA. According to the Idaho School Board
Association website, mediation can be requested by either side; there doesn’t need to be an agreement between the parties in order for mediation to proceed even if the non-requesting party objects to mediation. Once a party makes a request for mediation, the statute requires that the parties must agree to all of the procedures, including who bears the cost. The Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, in Portland, Ore., will provide free mediation services for school districts. The ball is now clearly in the school board’s court. Both the board and the BCEA leadership will meet for a work session on Thursday, June 1 “I could not say at this point what will happen,” said school board trustee and negotiator Ellen Mandeville. “Mediation is possible. The district has put all the money on the table that we can. We have been straightforward. Dipping into reserves is not going to happen. We were very consistent at the negotiating table. For now we will honor the negotiated agreement and amend it if needed.”
RevUp To Continue Until June 30
Due to the continued interest in RevUp Blaine, the program has been extended through the end of June. This means you can purchase electric vehicles at the discount price until June 30. Starting July 1, the vehicles will return to their normal pricing, and you will no longer be able to apply for Idaho Power’s Home Charging Incentive Program. In case you missed it, BMW has increased the RevUp Blaine discount by $250. Nissan has also increased their discount, and individuals who purchase through RevUp Blaine are now eligible for up to $10,116 off select models of the Nissan Leaf. This is one of the biggest discounts to be offered in any electric vehicle adoption program yet! If you are purchasing a vehicle and have questions about the discount, the voucher, and/or dealership contacts, email
Idaho Aeronautics ACE Academy To Include STEM “Living Lab”
Idaho’s Division of Aeronautics Aviation Career Exploration Academy for Idaho high school students will offer a teacher STEM day from June 12-15. Applications are still being accepted. Teacher tuition is $50 for the Living Lab, with half the tuition funded by a scholarship from the Idaho STEM Action Center; the balance will be the teacher’s responsibility. Only 20 teacher slots are available. Tuition includes lunch, and is due upon notification of acceptance to the Living Lab. Qualifying teachers will earn equivalent in-service credit as well. The ACE Academy provides an interactive summer experience for high school students ages 14-18. Student tuition is $60 for the entire ACE Academy, which includes the Living Lab at Boise State University. Only 40 student slots are available. Limited scholarship opportunities may be available as well. To access the online application, visit ACEAcademyBoise.weebly. com.
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T H E W E E K LY S U N • M AY 31 - J U N E 6, 2017
ast Friday, May 26, Silver Creek’s opening day eve brought fly-fishing enthusiasts from around the country to the Picabo Angler, located in the Silver Creek Convenience Store, in Picabo. Fishing season officially began on Saturday, May 27. Fly anglers of all skill levels gathered outside for festivities. Everybody had something to say about the difficulty and beauty of Silver Creek, both of which are reasons for the large number of visitors each year. Not exclusive to fishing, The Nature Conservancy, which oversees the Silver Creek Preserve, lists birdwatching, wildlife viewing, hiking, picnicking and canoeing as sum-
mer activities. Alongside various vending booths, a raffle table to benefit Reel Recovery, the national nonprofit that offers fly-fishing retreats for men living with cancer, offered many prizes—from gear to artwork. Practice targets set up on the grass outside of the Picabo Angler’s barn provided a platform for fishermen to showcase their casting abilities and, for those lucky enough, the opportunity for a free lesson. Artist, fly fisherman and journalist Ed Anderson, of Boise, displayed appropriately themed paintings. His artwork hangs at Wiseguy Pizza Pie in Hailey, but social media is how he gets the word out. “For me, getting sponsored to go on trips and to get my jour-
Nick Purdy, left, and Jerry Smith enjoy the festivities on Friday evening in Picabo. Photo by Sangjay Smith
nals published is contingent upon having followers (on Instagram),” Anderson said. Members of Picabo Angler’s own guide team gave pointers to those practicing on the grass. Nick Price, also a fly-fishing writer and photographer, has been guiding tours on Silver Creek for 22 years. “Silver Creek is a spring creek, which provides great water clarity,” Price said. “It’s good for the bugs, which is good for the fish. It’s a mecca, really. Aside from the difficulty, it’s unique here because of the great accessibility. All that The Nature Conservancy asks is that you sign your name upon entering the Preserve. Bob Turzian, longtime employee of Silver Creek Convenience Store, pulled cold taps while his wife Maureen served up barbecue to the attendees. “Everybody who works here is a non-snob-type fly fisherman,” Turzian said. “We’re all real easy to deal with. There’s good equipment, good advice, and it’s just a real cozy, comfortable place to be.” Turzian has been fishing for 30 years and has been in Picabo for 22. “Well, I grew up in Idaho and this was my grandfather’s favorite place to fish, my father’s favorite place to fish, and my uncle’s favorite place to fish,” said Hank Patterson, who calls himself a “world-renowned fly-fish-
Painter Ed Anderson works on a piece while at the event on Friday. Photo by Sangjay Smith
ing expert and guide.” “I’ve been at the opening day of Silver Creek 23 of the last 24 years,” he said. “It’s a proving ground. The scenery, the difficulty of catching fish here… people think, ‘Hey, it’s really hard to fish there,’ and I think we all like the challenge. “I tell people all the time, if you want to make hardly any money, become a fly-fishing guide; if you want to make even less, make videos about it. I’m not on the track to own a home or anything like that. I’ve got a few sponsors, I get free beer and fly-fishing gear, and I have a pickup.” Patterson made clear the benefits of a simple life on the water. Success looks different to every-
Staying Safe Around Electrical Equipment in Flooded Areas
Idaho Power crews are patrolling and working in areas at high risk for flooding in the Wood River Valley. Water can damage electrical equipment, creating a hazardous situation. As a reliability and safety precaution, Idaho Power may need to turn off power to some customers.
If you are in an area impacted by flooding: • Stay away from electrical equipment, including lines, poles, green transformer boxes and anything else that looks like electrical equipment or has electric-hazard warning signs. • Homeowners are encouraged to call an electrician if their equipment becomes impacted by flooding. • In advance of possible outages, charge your cell phone and ensure flashlights have batteries. If it is necessary to turn off your power due to flooding, Idaho Power will attempt to reach you via an automated phone call at the number associated with your Idaho Power account. We understand outages are inconvenient and appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to safely manage the effects of flooding on our electrical equipment.
one, but an honest living out of passion seems top tier. On Saturday, the rods and reels jutted like snow stakes from amassed beige fishing hats. Some say the crowds are to blame for opening day’s low catch rate, but nobody was disappointed. General attitude is that this year is going to be one for the books. The Creek has plenty of water, the wildlife, although displaced by weather, is healthy, and a high number of bugs attract fish to the surface. Early season is expected to be very popular on Silver Creek as many of Idaho’s fishing destinations are still blown out by this winter’s massive snowmelt. tws
T H E W E E K LY S U N • M AY 31 - J U N E 6, 2017
he Blaine County Historical Museum named Betty Murphy of Ketchum to the 14th annual Heritage Court. The Heritage Court honors women who have been influential in Blaine County, are 70 years of age or older, and have lived here for at least 30 years. Murphy, 84, came to the Wood River Valley in the early 1980s to visit her daughter, Kathy Carson, on a reprieve from the sweltering heat of summers in Phoenix, Ariz., where she and her husband Pat Murphy lived. “I went to church the first Sunday that I was here permanently, and met Wendy Jaquet,” Murphy said. After a “lovely conversation,” Murphy discovered that Jaquet planned to run for the Idaho Legislature the following year,
and Murphy, finally in a position to become involved in politics, asked if she could help. “When you’re married to the publisher of the two big daily newspapers, if I got involved in a political election, automatically people would assume the paper was going to endorse that person, so I would just be very quiet about political things,” said Murphy. “I was married 58 years to a newsman.” A Canadian, Murphy was the reigning Miss Toronto in 1953, and part of her winnings included a trip to Miami. “I was guest of the chamber of commerce and my future husband was the reporter who interviewed me,” Murphy said. “I had a beautiful red convertible given to me by the Ford company to use while I was down there. So we just went everywhere in it. My parents were with me. I wouldn’t
High Tea For The Ladies
An introductory tea, hosted by The Community Library, introduced this year’s Heritage Court. Betty Murphy of Ketchum, Sue Rowland of Hailey, Grace Eakin of Bellevue and Edith Conrad of Carey were formally introduced to each other and previous ladies of the Heritage Court, all wearing white sashes with their names and year honored embroidered in black. Jenny Emery Davidson, executive director of The Community Library, welcomed the new ladies and thanked those in attendance for all of their great work. Emery said she was reminded of Annie Pipe Greenwood’s book, “We Sagebrush Folks,” about Greenwood’s adventures of moving from the refined Salt Lake City to the wilds of southern Idaho in the early 1900s. Emery read an excerpt from the book. “The way she makes it work [land that is not yet a farm] I think really channels the spirit of what we are honoring today with the Heritage Court,” said Emery Davidson. “It evokes an appreciation for this beautiful landscape, a sense of adventure in being a part of it and a real sense of the reality of the hard work involved at looking out the kitchen window and seeing all this transpire and doing the work day after day that made it happen and made community happen.”
The 2017 Heritage Court honorees honored at a tea were, from left to right, Edith Conrad, Grace Eakin, Betty Murphy and Sue Rowland.
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go to Miami without my parents, so they got to meet Pat at that time. So he came up to Toronto, and we were married the day after Christmas on Boxing Day in 1953. We dated 10 days.” Her husband’s retirement made it possible for Murphy to step out with the Democratic Party in Idaho. She is serving a second term as the legislative chair for four counties and is precinct captain until next election year. “I work with [state Representative] Donna Pence right now. She’s my vice-chair. Blaine County is predominantly a Democratic stronghold, but the other three counties that I represent are not.” Murphy facilitates candidates traveling to other counties for meet-and-greets as well as sending emails and letters to keep people informed. She spends her winters with her other daughter, Patti, in Boise, where she keeps up on what’s going on in the Legislature. “And then, of course, if our legislator is unable to fulfill their responsibilities, it is the legislative chair’s responsibility to hold a meeting and an election of the four counties to elect a representative to replace the legislator,” Murphy said. Murphy was chairwoman of the Blaine County Democratic Party for six years. During that time, John Kerry ran for President. When Kerry came to town, he came with the Washington press corps, and personal employees. Interestingly, candidates are not allowed to drive when they’re running for President, so Murphy and the Blaine County Democrats stepped in. “The Blaine County Democrats drove them everywhere— to the ski lift, to the restaurants, to church,” Murphy said. “We were notified about 24 hours in advance that they would be landing in Twin Falls and we needed enough cars to pick up everybody. I had wonderful volunteers. That was a very exciting year.” Murphy’s husband, Pat, passed away five years ago. “It was a very interesting marriage,” Murphy said. “From cub reporter, he became editor and he ran the Miami Herald newsroom. And then he was editor, publisher and vice-president of the Coral Gables News.” The Murphys stayed in Miami for 20 years, and raised their daughters there. Later, Pat became editor of the Arizona Republic and the Phoenix Gazette. “Being married to the publisher, that was a full-time job,” said Murphy. “Some weeks he was either speaking somewhere or attending some kind of a fund-
Betty Murphy with daughter Kathy Carson at the Heritage Court Tea. Photo by Jennifer Holly Smith
raiser or benefit, and some weeks we’d be out five nights a week. It was a very busy time.” And yet, Murphy found time to volunteer for the American Red Cross. Her daughter Patti was public relations officer for the foundation in the area and Murphy became involved in many fundraising efforts and benefits. While in Arizona, Murphy became a trained hospice volunteer and, when she moved to the Valley, she connected with the local hospice. “I worked with them for two years here, then I volunteered also for the [Ketchum/Sun Valley] Chamber of Commerce, and that evolved into me running the visitor center for five years,” said Murphy, who was director of the visitor center and a permanent employee. Murphy also volunteered her time at the Sun Valley Museum of History, eventually serving on the museum’s board of directors and as its president for 10 years. It was at the historical society that she became involved in the Heritage Court Tea where she would eventually be honored. “I was contacted by Laura Hall, now deceased, unfortunately,” said Murphy. “She said it would be nice if the museum had something to do with our heritage court.” They started the introductory tea for the ladies so they could meet each other before they go into the ceremony at the Liberty Theater. “I was born and raised in Toronto, Canada, and I know how to put on a tea,” said Murphy. “So that’s how it started.” Each year Murphy has donated her English bone-china cups and saucers to the celebratory tea; this year was no exception. “I was also very involved with the Blaine Manor Auxiliary,” Murphy said. “We had a wonderful group of ladies. We raised money and had a big fundraiser every year to support the
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residents of Blaine Manor. We bought their TVs for them, redid their lunchroom, bought beds— anything they needed, we tried to raise money for.” Murphy was president of the Blaine Manor Auxiliary for three years, and though the auxiliary was disassembled with the closing of Blaine Manor, the ladies, who now call themselves the Blaine Belles, meet for lunch three to four times per year. “They’re a wonderful group of ladies,” Murphy said. “We are all very close.” Murphy keeps active and busy, lunching with friends often, and she’s close with her daughters and grandson, who just graduated from Westminister College in Salt Lake City. Plus, “I’m still able to walk my dogs a couple of miles a day, thankfully, at 84,” she said. tws
Patti Murphy, Miss Toronto, 1953
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T H E W E E K LY S U N • M AY 31 - J U N E 6, 2017
Singer and songwriter Toni Childs opened the 20th Sun Valley Wellness Festival on Thursday with local shaman Traci Ireland with a gratitude fire ceremony in which the pair recognized First Peoples of the area. From left to right, Ireland, Anne Kalek and Amy Harris celebrate at the Sawtooth Botanical Garden. Photo by Dana DuGan
The Annual Senior Bash 2017 The Wood River High School graduation will be held on Friday, June 2, and immediately after, the annual Senior Bash will be held in the Community Campus. The Senior Bash is open to all graduating seniors in the Valley, including Carey School, Community School, The Sage School, Silver Creek High School and Wood River High School. There will be various activities and games, such as a casino, a photo booth, fortune telling, temporary tattoos and a bouncy house. Graduates will have a chance to win raffle tickets, and winners will be drawn every half hour. Prizes include college scholarships worth $500 from the Papoose Club, Blaine County Education Foundation, Wood River High School Education Foundation and the Wood River Parent Teacher Student Association. To win a new MacBook from the Community Drug Coalition, graduates must take a breathalyzer. The grand prizes are a second-hand, refurbished Toyota SUV and Lexus from Dave Stone and the Sun Valley Auto Club. Photo courtesy of the Senior Bash
ERC Partners With I Have A Dream Foundation and WOW-Students
The Environmental Resource Center and I Have a Dream Foundation – Idaho students joined forces with the help of WOW-Students last week to pick up piles of unattended dog waste along the popular Carbonate trail in Hailey. This partnership was a part of a WOW-Students project with the ERC. Students worked for one hour and picked up 10 pounds of dry dog waste within the first quarter-mile of the trail. They placed a yellow flag at the site of each unattended mound of dog waste found to demonstrate the amount of unattended dog waste there is along popular trails. These flags will remain up for two weeks. Dog waste contains large amounts of phosphorous and nitrogen, which encourages rampant algae growth and lowers water quality, along with parasites and microbes such as e. coli, salmonella and giardia that can be transmitted to humans. The ERC’s PÜP [Pick Up for the Planet] program provides weekly bin maintenance, free dog waste bags, and educational signage to 16 trailheads valleywide. For more information call (208) 726-4333 or email
SQN Apparel Appears In Outside Magazine
Based in Ketchum, SQN sport’s pocket capri was chosen by Outside Magazine in the Best of Women’s Running Gear for their Summer 2017 Gear Guide. The capri was chosen because of its “silky, friction-foiling fabric and a snug fit. These tights close the book on chafing. Svelte thigh pockets allow for quick smartphone draws.” SQN is a acronym for Sine Qua Non, which means “only the essential” in Latin. This philosophy permeates the brand’s fabric and design choices, blending performance and minimalist design with American manufacturing. Owner and designer Megan Murphy Lengyel founded the line after a successful career in visual arts and the nonprofit sector. Besides Ketchum, SQN Sport has locations in Aspen, Colo., and Malibu, Calif.
Land Trust Gets Busy In Draper Preserve
The Wood River Land Trust will begin an emergency effort to fall carefully identified trees within the Draper Wood River Preserve in an effort to help mitigate flooding in downstream neighborhoods. An emergency permit has been issued from Blaine County and work will begin on Friday. The recent high spring flows have caused larger gravel on the stream bottom to build up in the river between Lions Park and Lawrence Heagle Park, which has backed up the river and forced it to rise up and find new routes throughout the preserve and the adjoining neighborhoods. As well, Alpine Tree Service has selectively felled some cottonwood trees at key locations and will focus on the walking trail, which is currently funneling water at a high velocity. “The Wood River Land Trust’s efforts and consideration for the downstream properties is greatly appreciated,” said Brian Yeager, engineer with the City of Hailey. “It’s our hope that this effort, performed under the guidance of Biota Consulting, will help to reduce floodwater velocity in the immediate area. While this may help address concerns about the existing trails functioning as a water channel, downstream residents will still experience flooding. We strongly encourage homeowners to continue to protect their homes.” “I applaud the Land Trust for taking action,” said Mark Davidson, The Nature Conservancy’s director of conservation initiatives. “We know that by restoring some of the large, woody debris along the trails within the preserve, it will restore
Enjoying a local food- and seed-related gathering sponsored by Local Food Alliance on Sunday are, from left, Ali Long and Sun Valley Wellness speaker Dr. Vandana Shiva. Ann Christensen and James Reed discuss with other attendees the importance of local food, native seeds and nutrition. Photo by Dana DuGan
floodplain health to a small degree, and may help slow the water. There are no quick fixes here.” For any questions, contact or call (208) 788-3947.
Flooding Peak Predicted This Week
Based on the current weather forecast, the Big Wood River is predicted to reach 6.77 feet at the Hailey gauge by Friday morning. Residents need to prepare for additional flooding. Filled sandbags are available at the Maple Street site just north of the old Blaine Manor nursing home in Hailey for any residents of the county that need sandbags. Stay alert to the threat of high water. Here are a few important reminders: • Children playing in standing floodwater can be seriously injured. It looks like fun to splash around, but floodwaters often contain raw sewage, hazardous waste, sharp and dangerous objects, manholes and sinkholes. Be safe. Stay clear of flooded areas. • Floodwaters can easily wash away unsecured propane tanks and pesticides, creating hazardous materials spills. Securing hazardous materials prevents tanks and chemicals from being swept into waterways causing contamination and posing very serious risks to people and animals. • It may seem like a fun challenge, but stay off and out of the river. Don’t put your own life or the lives of your rescuers at risk. Be smart. Be safe. • 6 inches of fast-moving floodwater can knock over an adult. 12 inches of rushing water can carry away a small car. 2 feet of rushing water can carry away most vehicles. It’s never safe to drive or walk into floodwaters. Turn around, don’t drown. • Precautionary preparedness actions. Persons with interests near flooding rivers and streams need to continue to take action to protect property. For information, call Blaine County Disaster Services at (208) 788-5508.
Idaho Water Resurfaces At Festival
At the Sun Valley Wellness Festival this past weekend, Rising Springs, Inc., a new Idaho water company, was formally introduced. The water is from the geothermal spring source formerly known to Wood River Valley residents as Trinity Springs near Pine, Idaho. Rising Springs flows from a protected source 2.2 miles deep beneath the Sawtooth National Forest. The deeply pure water has been carbon dated at 16,000 years, and tests pure at parts per quadrillion, which classifies it as one of the rarest waters on the planet. The source and bottling facility are located a few miles north of Anderson Ranch Reservoir. Co-founders Sean and Grey Hecht, both Idaho natives, are excited to steward such a special resource, and share its unique properties with former and new consumers. The brothers, avid outdoor enthusiasts, first visited the source in November 2014. The Hechts’ mission with Rising Springs is to be a conduit for the water—to reunite the public with this pristine source, with the lightest ecological footprint possible.
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T H E W E E K LY S U N •
M AY 31 - J U N E 6, 2017
June 5, 6, 7 Travelers can expect traffic delays and potential road closures. Please plan to use alternative routes. All is weather dependent.
The pioneers of local food and seed saving in the Wood River Valley, from right to left, are: Bill McDorman, executive director and co-founder of Rocky Mountain Seed Alliance; John Caccia, co-founder of Rocky Mountain Seed Alliance and manager of Wood River Seed Library; James Reed of Onsen Farms and co-founder of Idaho’s Bounty; and Kelley Weston, a co-founder of the Sawtooth Botanical Garden, board member of Western Watersheds Project and board president of Rocky Mountain Seed Alliance. Photo by Dana DuGan
Please refer to the Blaine County Road & Bridge website for questions.
MISSION TORTILLAS AND TIM’S CHIPS As the Sun Valley Wellness Festival’s keynote speaker, author Arianna Huffington engaged the audience about having a work-life balance on Friday evening in the Earl Holding Pavilion. “It’s important we don’t sacrifice humanity on the altar of technology,” Huffington said. Photo by Dana DuGan
company’s debut product, labeled as a natural mineral supplement because water’s efficacious natural fluoride and silica content, is packaged in an nmentally conscious, multi-serve 5-liter box, which will be available for order at the past eight years, Grey has been working with and is currently on the of the national Waterkeeper Alliance—the largest nonprofit focusing on preand protecting clean water. He is also a founding member of Waterkeeper rs for the Rogue River in southern Oregon, Lake Pend Oreille in Sandpoint, and in Oahu, Hawaii. nded in May 2016, Rising Springs has seven employees at the source in Pine, the company’s headquarters in Portland, Ore.
etchum Announces Plans For 60th Wagon Days
60th annual Wagon Days in Ketchum, to be held Saturday, Sept. 1, is expectraw more than 17,000 people to take part in a celebration that got its start , when just a few dozen wagons and teams rolled through Ketchum’s Main
highlight event is the Big Hitch Parade, one of the largest non-motorized s in the Pacific Northwest featuring more than 100 museum-quality buggies, es, carts, coaches and wagons. The parade begins Saturday at 1 p.m. and will owed by live street music headlined by Lukas Nelson and the Promise of the Town Square and East Avenue. mise of the Real, led by Lukas and Micah Nelson, sons of country music legllie Nelson, released their latest album this spring after touring with Rock ’n’ ll of Fame member Neil Young. lineup of events also features a barn dance planned at the Ore Wagon Mumeandering musicians, the Papoose Club pancake breakfast on Saturday to oney for local children’s activities, and antique and art fairs. Organizers are anning to have twice as many food trucks and vendors on hand compared to ar’s celebration. itional information is available at
Sun Valley Writers’ Conference To Offer Two Lawn Talks
he second year, the Sun Valley Writers’ Conference will open two free eveks to the public on the Pavilion lawn at no charge during the weekend of the ence at the Sun Valley Resort. The talks will be broadcast live to the Pavilion reen. New York Times op-ed columnist David Brooks will speak from 5:30-6:30 aturday, July 1 about his two most recent books and his conversations with ans in a talk titled “The Soul of America.” d Akhtar, the Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright of “Disgraced,” the most ed play of the 2015-16 season, will lead an exciting evening of theater, monologues from several of his plays in a talk titled “Muslims in America: A ndium of Characters.” Held from 5:30-6:30 p.m. Sunday, July 2, two actors d in his work, Rajesh Bose and Nadine Malouf, will join him onstage. mited number of free tickets will be available online at for each talk ng Wednesday, May 31.
e caption for a photo accompanying the story “River Flooding Creates Need w Mapping, Permits” in the May 24 issue of The Weekly Sun misstated the pictured equipment was doing. The river work shown was done without propriate permit.
• • • • • •
Distributorship and territory are purchased through seller and contracted through Mission Foods, and Tim’s Cascade snacks. In addition I sell other items. Current sales route includes the area from Carey, the Wood River Valley, and up to Stanley. Estimated yearly sales : $441,040 Gross income : $110,916 (average of 25% of sales) Net income : $58,501 Expenses : $52,425 Expenses and overhead include, but not limited to: fuel, stales or damaged product, computer, vehicle maintenance, auto insurance, business insurance, rent, office supplies, hired help.
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Connection Recovery Support Group is back! Ongoing support group for people living with mental challenge; share coping strategies, offer encouragement, receive support. Every Thursday. ¡Grupo De Apoyo NAMI Conexión Ha Regresado! Grupo de apoyo para adultos que viven con los retos asociados con los desafíos mentales; este programa está diseñado para unir, motivar y apoyar a sus participantes. Se habla ingles durante el grupo. Todos los jueves. 5:30-7 p.m. Sun Club (North Room), 731 N 1st Ave, Hailey. Info: 208-481-0686
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T H E W E E K LY S U N • M AY 31 - J U N E 6, 2017
Fishing R epoRt
he fishing is fine on Silver Creek these days. After a wonderful opening weekend, we were able to see just how positive the influx of water has been for the Creek. Anglers reported decent numbers of fish being caught, but more than anything was the overwhelming volume of anglers talking about how big and how strong the fish in the Creek are right now. The months of flooding water must have put a lot of forage in the river for these fish. One angler after another keeps asking why the fish are so much bigger than last year. The fishing is starting mid to late morning, although it should be earlier over the next week or two as daytime temperatures rise. We have been treated to Baetis hatches, PMDs and Callibaetis. The Brown Drake hasn’t appeared as of this writing, but that could change, so be ready! The river should be very quiet the next few weeks as we await the Fourth of July holiday. Anglers can find some fishing on the South Fork of the Boise, the Owyhee and the lower Henrys Fork, as well, but Silver Creek is certainly fishing the best of all of these. The evenings on Silver Creek have seen very few anglers and this should be the norm until the Brown Drakes start, but even then, anglers that want peace and quiet will find plenty of both on the Silver Creek Preserve stretches of the river in the evenings. If you come to the Creek, dress warm under your waders, as the water is nice and cool this season. If you have a float tube, it will open up a lot of water for you, as the depths are making fishing from the bank and tubes a little easier than trying to wade some spots. If you are headed to the South Fork of the Boise, plan on big flows, and right now the best thing is to keep very experienced oarsmen on the sticks. The river is powerful at high flows and it’s narrow enough that there leaves little room for error. Fishing the South Fork of the Boise with big Stonefly Nymphs will produce a few strikes. Red Copper Johns are also a good idea, and you may get lucky enough to find a rising fish or two in the back channels. Ants are a great bet if you can find these subtle risers. We’ll see you in Picabo for the Drake hatch soon. Get ready! Happy fishing, everyone!
Hwy 20 in Picabo (208)788.3536
Most of us make play dates with other dogs, especially for our puppies, so they learn how to interact appropriately with other dogs. While this is a great idea, many times playtime teaches dogs to become nuts and uncontrollable around other dogs. One of the biggest concerns people call me about is that their dogs “come” very well—except when they see another dog! Well, unfortunately, we probably unconsciously taught that to our dogs as puppies by letting them have play dates that were wild free-for-alls! Play dates can be a marvelous place to use as a training opportunity; it isn’t just our time to chat on our cellphones or drink wine with our friends. What can you teach during playtime? Two very important skills: • How to “come,” even when there is another dog around. • “Impulse control,” which is the new jargon for self-control. To start teaching impulse control, as the playtime outing begins, start by not letting your dog out of the car until he sits and looks at you. These are skills that should first be taught in a low-distraction situation. Then attach a leash. Have your dog sit and look at you again. Reward him with a special treat to help him feel good about sitting and waiting to get out. Use a release word, such as “release” or “alright”—do not use “okay,” since we use that word too much in our everyday conversations. The goal to work toward is waiting until your dog settles before releasing him to get out. Let him drag the leash for the playtime. It will seem like the leash is such a bother, but here is where it becomes such a wonderful tool. As your dog (hopefully as a puppy) is playing gleefully with the other dog, walk over to the play, grab the leash and say your dog’s name. Draw him away from the play with the best treat he can imagine—maybe use some cooked chicken breast or freezedried liver.
I always use playtime as a time to teach and reinforce name response and “come.” For Mariah, I use a toy instead of food. Toys are more important to her than food.
Gently pull him away from the playtime, using the leash if necessary. When your dog comes away from the play, ask him to sit, then reward him with lots of goodies. Have him look at you again, then say “Go play!” and let him go back to playtime. Let him play for a bit. Do this several times until he willingly comes from the play without you having to use the leash. Once you get to this point, start saying “come” as he comes to you. The owner of the other dog can do the same thing at the same time, which will help tremendously. Two of the biggest mistakes I see is using the word “come” and ending the playtime to go home; then “come” becomes an evil word. If you start associating “come” with food, and a moment of rest and cooperation, pretty soon “come” becomes a wonderful game and no longer associated with ending a good time. Then the leash can come off.
The same exercises can be done with your dog before and during hikes to create an excellent recall in the woods. A dog with self-control is a safe dog. A dog jumping out of a vehicle, anticipating playtime or a walk, can be dangerous. He may actually jump out, knocking someone over or into an unexpected car! Incorporating some simple obedience exercises can help you have safe adventures—and fun ones, too! Fran Jewell is an Idaho Press Club award-winning columnist, IAABC-certified dog behavior consultant, NADOI-certified instructor #1096 and the owner of Positive Puppy Dog Training, LLC, in Sun Valley. For more information, visit or call (208) 578-1565.
ne of the most enjoyable experiences while hiking is to come upon a recent hatching of butterflies. The other day I arrived at a slight dip in the trail and entered into a wonderland of dozens of flitting butterflies. They were blue/gray with black edging on their wings. They were not large—maybe, at most, 1 inch across the wingspan. The blue/gray coloring blended so well with the surrounding ground that it took me a moment to even realize what was happening. At first all I saw was motion. I took a step and there was quivering in the air. I took another step and realized it was the fluttering of wings. The butterflies stayed low to the ground, hovering around my ankles. I stilled and the motion stilled. I advanced and my motion set off a wave of motion. The wings glimmered in the sunlight. Such gentle creatures, I thought. So light and effervescent. I had been looking at the lupine and suddenly the flowers seemed so earthbound in comparison to the butterflies. I had never thought of lupine as particularly earthbound before. The flower,
Leslie Rego, “Butterflies in Motion,” nib pen and ink, watercolor.
on long slender stems, always swayed with the breeze. But now, with the butterflies fluttering, the lupine seemed anchored. As I stood there, I pondered the magic in our natural world, where one being can transpose
another just by proximity. Nothing is fixed. What might be true in one situation can readily become the opposite a moment later. The delicate light and airy lupine becomes static in the presence of another even lighter liv-
ing entity. Leslie Rego is an Idaho Press Club award-winning columnist, artist and Blaine County resident. To view more of Rego’s art, visit
T H E W E E K LY S U N • M AY 31 - J U N E 6, 2017
rather daunting assignment to compose some poetry about their surroundings. The process was called bserving children reminds us of the joys of “radical amazement,” a way of noticing afresh our youth we may have minimized or stifled environment. When I read the results, I could sense as we age. Author Somerset Maugham de- the imagination and focused eye of a child: one scribed leaving childhood as a propoem was about the Golden Gate cess of disillusionment; we cast off Bridge, a smidgen of which he can naïveté and adjust to maturity’s desee through his dining room winmands. While few grown-ups wish dow. He said, “The fog cuddles the to be as dependent as are children bridge,” a fresh childlike and unexor to suffer the reactions of unpected metaphor! seemly and childish behavior, there As for silliness, you can imagine are childlike qualities we wish to the reaction when I almost sent a emulate. text to my daughter vacationing in I am fortunate to work across the Hawaii. I typed: “Such happy memhall from a child-care center. Some ories of Poipu Beach!” Instead of observable characteristics of chil“Poipu,” the auto-spell check subdren are a sense of trust, hopefulstituted “pooping.” I giggled while ness, openness, excitement and, not JoEllen Collins—a longtime correcting this tiny, silly, and funny so minor, silliness. Recent examples resident of the Wood River error and look forward to sharing it abound: When her parent tossed his Valley— is an Idaho Press with my grandchildren. 2-year-old a soft, balloon-like ball Club award-winning columWhile I do not want childish befrom only 2 feet away, she caught it nist, a teacher, writer, fabric havior in my leaders, I do wish we and smiled and laughed at being cho- artist, choir member and could all try, even for a few minutes sen and accomplishing the new skill. unabashedly proud grandma a day, to look around us with childMay we all be as joyous over an even known as “Bibi Jo.” like eyes. Artists do, as we may if we minor success! take the time. We can imagine: How A toddler comes into the building most mornings do those words sound together? Can we look more and runs with unrestrained wonderment and glee to closely at a flower with intricate patterns and discovthe black-Lab sculpture posed in the lobby. If she er that it is exquisite beyond belief? Can we greet a could express it, I think she would voice her delight person new to us with trust and openness and hope? that somehow, by magic, that doggy was still here In e.e.cumming’s whimsical and memorable to greet her after her absence. Could we likewise poem, “in Just-,” we see spring from a child’s perthrill at seeing every day something that counted, spective: The slush of spring brings happy expectathat was sought for and loved. Perhaps we forget that tions of a field for play. excitement of encountering the new when we later take that gift for granted. “in JustAs men and women, we may also have lost the spring when the world is mudwillingness to be open to change. My 7-year-old luscious... and puddle-wonderful” grandson, along with his classmates, was given a
ith morels popping up seemingly everywhere these days, from the ground to local menus to coffeeshop chatter, I’ve had mushrooms on my mind. Having wandered local hillsides in search of my own semi-buried treasure these past couple of weeks, I’ve been thinking a lot about all that mushrooms do for us beyond providing a tasty spring treat. The fungi kingdom is comprised of a diverse group of organisms that are defined by cell walls composed of chitin, the same material that protects crustaceans in the form of armor-like exoskeletons. This shared characteristic with the animal kingdom provides evidence that fungi are actually more closely related to animals than plants, which they are thought to have diverged from about 1 billion years ago. Though 70,000 species of fungi—which include yeasts, molds, and mushrooms—have been described to date, experts estimate that there are likely 1.5 to 5 million species that account for a whopping 25 percent of the planet’s biomass! Fungi fill a wide range of important ecological niches. Many species are what are known as free-living saprobes, meaning that they obtain their nutrients via extracellular digestion of dead or decaying matter. As a result, fungi, along with bacteria, are nature’s main terrestrial decomposers, playing a vital role in nutrient cycling. Other kinds of fungi are biotrophs, which form symbiotic relationships with other organisms, such as plants and animals, and derive nutrients from their
living hosts. A well-known and easily observed example is lichen, a symbiotic relationship between fungi and algae. Below ground and hidden from the naked eye, most plant roots have formed intimate associations with symbiotic fungi, known as mychorrizae. Most of these are mutualistic relationships—meaning that both organisms benefit—and many species of plants, such as the oft-cited orchid family, are completely dependent on these fungal associations for growth and survival. Mushrooms are not distinct organisms but, rather, the aboveground fruiting body of a parent fungus living in the soil. Mushrooms aid the fungus in sexual reproduction and spore production and dissemination. Of the 10,000 known types of mushrooms, only about a dozen are considered deadly to humans. Morel mushrooms are the fruiting bodies of the genus Mochrella, which are found, and thoroughly enjoyed in seasonal dishes, around the globe. It is unclear what morels rely on for nutrients, though evidence suggests that some are saprotrophic whereas others may by mychorrizal. Morels pop up during a narrow time window in the spring, when conditions are just right. What exactly those conditions are, however, remain shrouded in mystery. Though they can be found across the country, often around decaying trees or cottownwoods, for example, this part of the country is particularly well known for morels that grow out of charred soil following forest fires. This type, which may actually be a unique species, is known as a Phoenicoid morel (the name is
Sarah Bahan grew up in the Wood River Valley and currently works as a veterinarian at Sawtooth Animal Center in Bellevue.
derived from the same root as another creature that famously arises from the ashes, the Phoenix). Beyond providing lifeblood to the literal roots of our forests and providing fermentation for your favorite IPA (or Merlot or kombucha), fungi have innumerable other remarkable properties that scientists are only beginning to understand. From Alexander Fleming’s discovery of penicillin, a natural fungal defense against harmful bacteria, to the recent discovery that one variety of oyster mushrooms is capable of decontaminating oil spills (they reduced the concentration of diesel from 10,000 parts per million to 200 ppm in one study plot), it is clear that these unassuming, inconspicuous organisms will only continue to enhance our lives and the health of the planet in general. So while you are outside hunting for your own morels in coming weeks, remember all of the magic going on beneath the surface, as well.
Wood River High School senior Olivia Stimac, a singer, grew up around music. Photo courtesy of Jack Flolo
ood River High School senior Olivia Stimac would rather be singing than anything else. Her father, Max Stimac, is the choir teacher at the high school. “I guess you could say I was born into it,” Olivia said. Carrying a 3.2 grade point average, Olivia’s schedule is filled with her passion, as she sings in Colla Voce, Spiritus and Carmina Montis. She also appears in high school theatrical productions and is president of the Information Technology Institute. Olivia says she started singing at 1 or 2 years old. “My parents would put on ‘Riverdance,’ or ‘Phantom of the Opera,’ when I was a little older, and I would sing along, although to Riverdance I would have to make up the words. Music was just always there and I developed a habit early of repeating stuff in my head. I was able to memorize really quickly—even without music.” Olivia’s dad would play and listen to a lot of classic rock and classical music. “I remember hearing Counting Crows and Kansas. I would sing along, and by the ages of 5 or 6, I would know the words.” She listened to everything, but classic rock was her favorite. “I really liked the rhythm and the power of the songs—especially Kansas’s ‘Carry On Wayward Son.’” Soon, her favorite music to sing along to became opera. “I was trained classically, which was easier to sing because
my voice fit.” Olivia is a colatura soprano, and her favorite composer is Mozart. “His songs are really fun,” she said. “They’re classic, and if you sing them at a concert, everyone knows them.” Although she entered the choir in first grade at Bellevue Elementary, Olivia didn’t start formal training until seventh grade. She also took piano lessons and her first recital was memorable. “I was about 5 or 6 and I was too scared to play and ran off the stage. Then my dad sat next to me and I made it all the way through. I felt so good and that was the end of my stage fright. I haven’t struggled with it since.” These days, she loves to perform. “It’s my favorite thing in the world because it gives me a lot of energy. I still get nervous energy, but it’s not scary, and I channel it into performing better.” She prefers singing to playing the piano in front of an audience. “Singing is easier because I have the words memorized so I can enjoy it more. I don’t have to be as focused and can be more in the moment. I also get to express myself more as I use my body and have to make sure that I am standing correctly. You’re facing the audience and you use your face and emote more. “It’s a different level of artistic expression. I try to sound as unique as I can and let as much emotion as possible into my voice.” That’s probably why her performances are so memorable. tws
This Student Spotlight brought to you by the Blaine County School District
Our mission is to inspire, engage, educate, and empower every student.
T H E W E E K LY S U N •
M AY 31 - J U N E 6, 2017
Winston Lipman, son of Senior Connection Executive Director Teresa Beahen Lipman, sits in the seat of the House Chambers at the State Capitol in Boise on a recent visit. Photo courtesy of Teresa Beahen Lipman
t last! The snow is (mostly) gone. The melting has brought unparalleled flood danger to the Wood River Valley, and many are suffering as a result. We wish them the best and hope that they’ll be back in their homes soon. The Senior Connection continues to be ready for action as a Red Cross disaster relief center. Late spring is a great time to explore our area with beautiful day trips and activities. There are many options for hiking nearby and a large trail system north of Ketchum. Take a friend, a grandchild, or a dog from the Animal Shelter of the Wood River Valley. You can sign out a dog for the day and drive to a hiking trail for hours of dog fun and exercise. Call the Animal Shelter of the Wood River Valley at (208) 788-4351 to make arrangements. Many of the hiking trails are also suitable for mountain bikes, and there’s an extensive bike path that winds throughout the Valley. Beginning next week, you can also take the gondola up River Run and hike or bike down Bald Mountain. Our local Farmers’ Markets will also kick off the summer season June 6. The Ketchum market will be open on Tuesdays and the Hailey market on Thursdays, both from 4-6 p.m. Both markets offer fresh local produce, baked goods, meats, crafts, and prepared foods such as green chile cheeseburgers on the grill. Stock up on fresh food, pack a picnic and head for a picnic table at a park or a beautiful lake north of Ketchum. A short drive will get you to Stanley for rafting and good food, or to Redfish Lake to rent a canoe or visit the dog beach. Try fly-fishing at Silver Creek Preserve, spend some leisurely
hours at Magic Reservoir or explore Craters of the Moon National Monument. The two sets of waterfalls in Twin Falls are magnificent this year, with record levels of water and power. Would you also like to learn something about our Valley? The Sun Valley Museum of History in Ketchum will fill you with knowledge about the beginnings of commerce and recreation here. There is a lovely museum in Hailey called the Blaine County Historical Museum, open during the summer month, and the Bellevue Historical Museum is open weekends from Memorial Day to Labor Day. The Ore Wagon Museum in Ketchum is unique in that it houses seven towering wagons from the mining days, which are pulled by 18 mules in Ketchum’s annual Wagon Days Parade on Labor Day weekend; truly an awesome sight. The state of Idaho is bursting with natural beauty from border to border. Open an atlas, search online, ask friends— you’re sure to find places that will interest and entertain you. Teresa Beahen Lipman, executive director of the Senior Connection, just spent a day discovering Boise with a group of fourth graders. They visited the State Capitol, Julia Davis Park and the Discovery Center. “The Capitol is such an elegant structure,” Lipman said. “To walk the halls with a tour guide shed remarkable light on its rich history. I am so glad I went along as a class chaperone.” The Senior Connection takes frequent field trips throughout the year. To check out the activities schedule, visit or call (208) 788-3468.
Sagebrush Saturdays, at Rock Creek Ranch, pictured, and Wildflower Walks will both take place on Saturday mornings throughout the summer. Photo courtesy of Wood River Land Trust
Sagebrush Saturdays & Wildflower Walks BY YANNA LANTZ
xperience summer to the fullest with two free, family-friendly nature series: Sagebrush Saturdays at Rock Creek Ranch and Wildflower Walks at the Sawtooth Botanical Garden. Both series will take place on Saturday mornings throughout the summer months starting this Saturday June 3. At Sagebrush Saturdays, the whole family is invited to enjoy free educational events and find out more about the animals, plants and historic ranching on Idaho’s iconic rangelands. Sagebrush Saturdays will be held at Rock Creek Ranch, a 10,400-acre working ranch and education facility owned and managed by the University of Idaho’s Rangeland Center, The Nature Conservancy of Idaho and the Wood River Land Trust. “This 10,400-acre working ranch near Hailey, Idaho, is a model for conservation and education,” states a release from the Wood River Land Trust. “The goal is to establish a sustainable rangeland research and education facility in the heart of Idaho where ranching, recreation, and conservation intersect. This outdoor laboratory will help Idahoans conserve rangelands, improve livestock production, enhance wildlife habitat and support public access and recreation.” All Sagebursh Saturday events will run from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Participants will receive a nature journal as part of this free series. There are five events in all. This Saturday, learn about the area’s raptors and how they thrive in the “Sagebrush Sea” at the summer’s first installment of the Sagebrush Saturday series. “‘Birds, Birds, Birds’
Learn about the area’s raptors and how they thrive in the “Sagebrush Sea” at the summer’s first installment of the Sagebrush Saturday series. Public domain photo, accessed via Wikimedia Commons
will offer hands-on experiences with raptors and will include bird identification from birds of prey experts,” states a release from the Wood River Land Trust. Future topics at Sagebrush Saturdays include “Wildflowers and Pollinators,” “Beavers, Bugs and Streams,” “Earth, Fire and Wildlife” and “Cowboy Days on the Range.” Participants should meet at the Rock Creek Ranch barn. Closed-toe shoes, long pants and hats are recommended. Call (208) 788-3947 or visit uidaho. edu/cnr/rangeland-center to learn more. Join the Sawtooth Botanical Garden and the Idaho Native Plant Society for the popular summer Wildflower Walk series to some of the area’s most diverse and spectacular habitats. Bask in the glory of Idaho’s stunning nature with the whole family at these fun, free events throughout the season. All trips will start at 8:30 a.m. at the Sawtooth Botanical Garden in Ketchum. Most, but not all, field trips will return to the SBG by 1 p.m. Carpooling will be encouraged
and helps reduce the group’s environmental footprint. Participants should bring appropriate outerwear, sturdy walking shoes, water, sunscreen, a hat and lunch. Some walks are appropriate for children 7 and older if accompanied by an adult; no dogs are allowed. The first Wildflower Walk of the summer will take place on Saturday, June 3. Participants will enjoy “Botany and Birds” at the Camas Prairie Centennial Marsh with local bird experts and plant specialists. New this year, organizers will keep an eye out for other spectacular floral displays and schedule “bonus walks” to see them. Other scheduled Wildflower Walks include “Wildflowers of Greenhorn Gulch” with Lisa Horton and John Shelly, “Native Idaho Orchids” with Lyn Kintner, “Exploring Trail Creek Summit” with John Shelly, and “Three Big Trees” with John Shelly. For more information about the summer Wildflower Walk series, visit or call (208) 726-9358. tws
T H E W E E K LY S U N • M AY 31 - J U N E 6, 2017
EVENTS CALENDAR, CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE KETCHUM COMMUNITY DINNERS WEDNESDAY MAY 31 6-7PM / CHURCH OF THE BIG WOOD / KETCHUM Weekly free hot dinners are provided to anyone who wishes to join. Find Ketchum Community Dinners on Facebook for more information and weekly menu updates.
12:15-1:15PM / ST. LUKE’S / KETCHUM St. Luke’s Center for Community Health will present a Brown Bag Health Talk titled “Survivorship, Prevention and Nutrition.” Research over the past 20 years has shown that diet can be a big influencer in prevention and survivorship from cancer. Sarah Seppa, registered dietitian, will present on recommendations for a healthy diet and other lifestyle considerations in the field of cancer research. This talk will take place in St. Luke’s Baldy Rooms. All Brown Bag lectures are free and no preregistration is required. Call St. Luke’s Center for Community Health for information on this or other educational programs at (208) 727-8733.
IDEABOUNCE THURSDAY JUNE 1 5PM / 311 N. FIRST AVE. / KETCHUM Enjoy innovating, problem solving and discussing new projects over a beer? Join the Ketchum Innovation Center for IdeaBounce, a free, informal, monthly gathering of entrepreneurs in which attendees have fun hacking apart problems, helping each other with designs and sharing an enthusiasm for creativity and innovation. KIC has partnered with Sawtooth Brewery to offer beverages. Contact jon.duval@ with questions or for more details.
yperbaric medicine has been around far longer than most people realize, making huge strides over the last 20 to 30 years. The birth of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) dates back to 1662 when a British clergymen and physician named Nathanial Henshaw built the first hyperbaric chamber. In the 1890s, it treated infections, even though its mechanism for infection was not fully understood until 1970. In 1930, a giant sphere was constructed into a hyperbaric hotel. From the 1950s to the 1980s, the military lead with HBOT research. In 2005, the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine discovered that a single treatment at 2.0 ATA [atmosphere absolute] would double stem-cell production. HBOT drastically improves the take of stem-cell therapy; therefore, knowing this, it should play an important role in stem-cell therapy and research. We have come a long way in our understanding of hyperbaric medicine, with much more to learn, and we still do not understand all the mechanisms
produced by HBOT. Possible uses of HBOT in the future include: hyperbaric ambulances, hyperbaric birthing chambers, hyperbaric organ transport and storage devices (these have already been designed and patented), and hyperbaric prep rooms constructed for athletes to use prior to and after events or for special warfare teams before an op. How about hyperbaric chambers as commonplace as hot tubs? My dream is to make HBOT affordable for everyone. Imagine paying $25 for a treatment or perhaps receiving a treatment for free that would normally cost around $2,000 in the hospital. I believe the general health benefits of HBOT would far outweigh the cost to insurance companies and the government for healthcare in our damage-control healthcare system. According to Dr. William S. Maxfield, M.D., HBOT will play a crucial role in cancer care, both in prevention and treatment. Everyone seems to be revved up about sustainable energy. How about sustainable health? Questions? Contact Phil Rainey at (208) 928-7477.
‘WILDFIRE & SALMON HABITAT’ FRIDAY JUNE 2 6-7:30PM / COMMUNITY LIBRARY / KETCHUM Dr. Jaime Goode will present “Climate Change at the ForestStream Interface: How Wildfire Shapes Salmon Habitat” at The Community Library. This program coincides with the “Firelines” exhibit at the Sun Valley Museum of History. Mountain basins of the Western United States provide diverse habitats for aquatic organisms, but are also prone to natural and anthropogenic disturbances. This talk draws from several years of research in watersheds of central Idaho, to illustrate the dynamic biophysical responses to wildfire and climate change. Dr. Jaime Goode, an assistant professor of Geosciences and Environmental Studies at The College of Idaho, received her Ph.D. in Geoscience from Colorado State University in 2009. Goode investigates how river systems respond to a changing climate and the corresponding implications for ecosystems and societies. Much of this work has been conducted in central Idaho in collaboration with scientists at the USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. Recent work brings undergraduates out into the Idaho wilderness to examine the role that wildfire plays in shaping aquatic habitat, particularly for threatened and endangered salmonids.
SEX TRIVIA BENEFIT FRIDAY JUNE 2 7-9PM / HOT WATER INN / KETCHUM Sex Trivia is an evening of cheeky trivia, games, drinks, raffles, music and laughs. This trivia night will benefit Planned Parenthood and The Advocates for Survivors of Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault partnership in the community educating students on consent, healthy relationships, sexual health and prevention issues. This is a 21+ event and cost is $5 per person. Teams of five will compete, but attendees need not come with a team. The Hot Water Inn is located at 100 Picabo St., Ketchum. Call (541) 520-4665 to learn more.
Experience oxygen saturation at a cellular level
SPONSORED LOCAL FOOD FOR THOUGHT A SAFE NON-INVASIVE THERAPY Currently Idaho’s only non-hospital-based hyperbaric facility
greater diversity habitats in home WITH STATE-OF-THE-ART EQUIPMENT landscapes and provide a vahis spring and sum- riety of native nectar and pollen sources spring, mer, OXYGEN honor the hard (HBOT) HYPERBARIC THERAPY - OXYGENthroughout SATURATION AT A CELLULAR summer and fall. • Autismwork of our pollinators • Crohn’s disease • Parkinson’s disease Plastic surgery healing • Protect nests and ••egg-layand•• Burns protect our food supply by•• Fibromyalgia Cancer Frostbite Post-operative healing ing sites, such as open sandy • Carbon monoxide poisoning • Post traumatic stress disorde reducing your use of synthetic• Inflammation • Cardiovascular disorders • Lyme disease • Skin grafts ground, brush piles, and old fertilizers and weed controls. • Cerebral Palsy • Multiple sclerosis • Stroke • Chronic pain is the process by • Neartree drowning • Traumatic brain injuries and stumps. Pollination • Damage caused by radiation therapy • Non-healing wounds past concussive syndrome • Seek alternative, non-chemwhich pollen from a flower is ical pest controls; even “organtransferred to another flower (208) 928-7477 Sun Valley, 21 Comet Lane, Suite chemicals canA,beHailey, ID 83 or a different part |ofHyperbarics the same of ic-approved” flower, resulting in seed and harmful to pollinators. • Choose locally sourced fruit production. Pollinators include vertebrates (birds, bats, foods, when you know what and small mammals) and in- production practices are being vertebrates (flies, beetles, but- implemented, and buy organic. The ERC’s Pesticide Action terflies, moths, and bees). More than 200,000 pollinating ani- program is working to reduce mal species exist worldwide, the use of pesticides, herbi99.9 percent of which are in- cides, and chemical fertilizers in the Wood River Valley. vertebrates. For more information on this Pollinators are crucial to world food production. One program and others:; out of every three bites of food (208) 726-4333; @ERCSunthat we eat and 75 percent of Valley. The Environmental Reglobal crops depend on animal source Center (ERC) is an enpollination. Pollinators keep vironmental nonprofit based in plant communities healthy and the Wood River Valley that prodiverse, assist plants in provid- vides education and inspires ing food and cover for wildlife, action to cultivate a healthy prevent erosion, and keep wa- environment. terways clean. Unfortunately, pollinator populations are in decline due to many factors, including fragmented and degraded habitats, excessive and improper use of synthetic fertilizers and weed controls, disease, and competition with non-native species. How can you help promote healthy pollinator populations?
T H E W E E K LY S U N •
M AY 31 - J U N E 6, 2017
Hear Secuestrado play live at the Silver Dollar Saloon in Bellevue. This is a free music event.
RUNSUN VALLEY FRI JUNE 2-SUN JUNE 4 VARIOUS TIMES / VARIOUS LOCATIONS Start off the RunSun Valley weekend with the Color Me Fearless 5K BBQ & Hailey Bib Bag Pick-Up from 3-7 p.m., Friday, at KB’s Burritos, 121 N. Main St., Hailey. Saturday boasts the Color Me Fearless 5K, a benefit for Girls on the Run, at 10 a.m. Events will take place at Old Cutters Park, in Hailey. An annual tradition and community-wide event, the Color Me Fearless 5K has it all. Miles will be marked with paint-throwing stations. Following the 5K there will be live music, vendors for healthy living-related information, food and bubble ball activities. Sunday benefits the Wood River Community YMCA with the Sun Valley Half Marathon at 9 a.m. An 11-year spring tradition, the Sun Valley Half Marathon is a loop-style course starting and finishing at the Wood River YMCA. The course follows the paved pedestrian path system, allowing for riverside running, mountain vistas and crisp morning air at 6000 feet elevation. Visit to register.
The Blaine County Republican Central Committee is hosting the first of its “Meet the 2018 Candidates” series with Republican candidate for governor Russ Fulcher. This event will take place in the Old Blaine County Courthouse, 220 1st Ave. S., Room 300, Hailey. The public is invited to this free event.
TINKER TIME TUESDAY JUNE 6 3:30PM / HAILEY PUBLIC LIBRARY Join the Hailey Public Library this and every Tuesday for their new STEAM event, Tinker Time. Attendees will enjoy cool projects involving science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics. This program is geared toward kids in grades 3-5. Visit for more information.
The Animal Shelter of the Wood River Valley is kicking off another year of its popular Hikin’ Buddies program at Adams Gulch in Ketchum. All are welcome to join in throughout the summer, weather permitting. Meet at the Adams Gulch trailhead from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Wednesdays. At Hikin’ Buddies, attendees can take a Shelter dog for a hike, or hang out and socialize some of the smaller dogs. It is a great opportunity to meet some of the Shelter’s adoptable dogs as well as to learn more about the organization. No appointment is necessary; dogs go out on hikes on a first-come, first-served basis. Additionally, the Shelter will now offer adoptions during Hikin’ Buddies. An adoption counselor will be on site to help complete the adoption process.
Spring is finally here and it’s time to make local gardens bloom with bright color and new seasonal and perennial plants. Join Papoose Club volunteers at the Webb Garden Centers on Saturday and participate in the Papoose Club Plant Extravaganza fundraising event. The event takes place from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the three local Webb Garden Center locations: 162 Glendale Rd., Bellevue; 417 N. Main St., Hailey; and 891 Washington Ave., Ketchum. Webb offers a range of exclusive products specifically selected for gardeners in the Wood River Valley, extending beyond plants to unique home and garden merchandise. They will generously donate 20 percent of the day’s sales on everything except rocks and pavers to the Papoose Club. Volunteers will offer cookies and lemonade for refreshments. This is an ideal time to shop for all garden and outdoor living needs and, at the same time, contribute to a great local nonprofit. The Papoose Club’s mission is to promote and assist educational, cultural and athletic growth for local children.
The Sun Valley Center for the Arts will host the final free evening tour associated with its current visual arts exhibition, “Contemplative Practice.” Visitors are invited to enjoy a glass of wine in the museum, see the final performance of the short Company of Fools play “High Grass,” take a guided tour of the exhibition with The Center’s curators and museum guides and listen to a talk by featured artist Pegan Brooke. The evening’s events will begin at 5:30 p.m. with the final presentation of “High Grass”—a specially commissioned short play by Irene Ziegler that deals with the subjects of healing and forgiveness. “High Grass” is directed by Company of Fools’ Artistic Director John Glenn and features local actors Jana Arnold and Richard Rush, with design and stage management by K.O. Ogilvie. The play is a unique, engaging and immersive experience for patrons, as the actors move around and amongst members of the audience. The tour of the “Contemplative Practice” visual arts exhibition will begin immediately following the performance. The exhibition features paintings, video, sculpture and works on paper made by contemporary artists who incorporate contemplative practices into both the content and creation of their work as part of a larger conversation about meditation and mindfulness today. During the tour, featured artist Pegan Brooke will speak about her creative process, explain the relationship between her paintings and her video work and share her thoughts about the different ways viewers can connect to her artwork. The “Contemplative Practice” visual arts exhibition will be on view through June 23 at The Center in Ketchum. For more information about The Center’s BIG IDEA project and other upcoming events visit or call (208) 726-9491.
The Sawtooth Interpretive & Historical Association kicks off the summer 2017 season with the opening of the Stanley Museum. On Saturday, June 3, the Stanley Museum will remain open every day, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., through Tuesday, Sept. 5, and will be open weekends for the remainder of September through Sunday, Oct. 1. The Sawtooth Association Interpretive & Historical Association is a nonprofit, member-based organization. All programs are free of charge, but donations are gladly accepted. For more information on the Sawtooth Association, programs and membership, follow on Facebook, visit or contact
JOE FOS SUNDAY JUNE 4 7-10PM / DUCHIN LOUNGE / SUN VALLEY Joe Fos will serenade attendees into the evening at the Duchin Lounge from 7-10 p.m.
INTRODUCTION TO PATENTS MONDAY JUNE 5 NOON TO 1:15PM / 311 N. FIRST AVE. / KETCHUM Ketchum Innovation Center will host several spring workshops through June 22. This week, learn about “Introduction to Patents.” A $5 suggested donation is recommended. Visit for more information.
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T H E W E E K LY S U N • M AY 31 - J U N E 6, 2017
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See answer on page 9
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