101 summer 2013

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amazing things to do INSIDE: WOOD RIVER VALLEY’S

best-kept secrets & local events P U B L I S H E D & D I S T R I B U T E D B Y T H E S TA F F AT T H E W E E K LY S U N





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101 Amazing Things To Do /Summer 2013

the gallery Floating World: Inuence of Japanese Prints China

Jun 14 - Aug 24 Aug 30 - Nov 29

the lectures Sep 26 Oct 10 Oct 17

Alexandra Fuller Orville Schell David Henry Hwang

the theatre Other Desert Cities Shipwrecked

Jul 2 - 27 Dec 10 - 29

the concerts Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings Josh Ritter and the Royal City Band Okaidja

Jul 14 Aug 14 Oct 11

of engaging through arts and ideas sun valley center for the arts www.sunvalleycenter.org | 208.726.9491 101 Amazing Things To Do / Summer 2013



Sawtooth Rangers Rodeo, Antique Fairs, Children’s Carnival, Hometown Parade, Criterium Bike Race, Road Apple Roulette, Pancake Breakfast, Old Fashion Ice Cream Social, Fireworks Display & Street Dance. F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N A N D C O M P L E T E S C H E D U L E O F E V E N T S V I S I T


O R C A L L T H E H A I L E Y C H A M B E R O F C O M M E RC E AT 2 0 8 - 7 8 8 - 3 4 8 4


101 Amazing Things To Do /Summer 2013

What you’ll find inside INTRO............................................... 6 CALENDAR............................... 43-54 1. 4-H Camps ................................. 7 2. Adult Reading ............................. 7 3. Advocates Fundraiser ................. 7 4. Animal Shelter Benefit . ............... 9 5. Art Walks ................................... 9 6. Arts and Crafts. Festivals .................................. 10 7. Bellevue Labor Day ................... 10 8. Bike Festival ............................. 12 9. Blaine County Fair . ................... 12 10. Boardwalk and. Bow Bridge .............................. 13 11. Botanical Garden ...................... 13 12. Bowe Bash ............................... 15 13. Braun Brothers Reunion ............ 15 14. Cabaret Show . ......................... 15 15. Caritas Chorale. Fundraiser ................................ 15 16. Charity Trivia ............................ 16 17. Chess Camp . ........................... 16 18. Community Orchestra. Concerts .................................. 16 19. Community Paseo .................... 18 20. Company of Fools. Performances .......................... 18 21. Conservatory Camp . ................ 18 22. Corbin Maxey Visit .................... 19 23. Cowboy Ball ............................. 19 24. Cowboy Poetry ......................... 19 25. Crafting ................................... 21 26. Crisis Hotline Benefit . ............... 21 27. Dance Lessons .........................22 28. Day of Chalk .............................22 29. Disney’s Aladdin .......................24 30. Drama Camp ............................24 31. Environmental Camps ...............25 32. Farmers’ Markets . ....................25 33. Fishing ..................................... 27 34. Flat Top Picnic .......................... 27 35. Fly a Kite ..................................28

36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71.

Fourth of July ...........................28 Garden Tour .............................30 Golfing .....................................30 Gondola Ride ............................ 31 Gun Clubs ................................ 31 Higher Ground Fundraiser .........33 Hiking ......................................33 Historic Photos . .......................33 Hope Garden ............................33 Horse Show . ............................34 Hunger Coalition Party ..............34 I Have a Dream. Fundraiser ................................36 Ice Shows ................................36 Ice Skating ............................... 37 Ketch’em Alive. Concerts .................................. 37 Library Lectures .......................39 Live Dancing . ...........................39 Live Music at. Local Restaurants . ...................40 Memorial Golf. Tournament .............................. 41 Motorcycle Escort .................... 41 Mountain Bike Racing . ..............56 Mountain Biking ........................56 Museums in the. Wood River Valley .....................56 Music and Art Festival . ............. 57 Music at Redfish ....................... 57 Music in Stanley ....................... 57 Northern Rockies. Music Festival . ......................... 57 Olympic Fundraiser ...................59 PBR Classic . ............................59 Plant Your Potatoes ..................60 Putting Course .........................60 Rebecca Rusch. Mountain Bike Event . ................62 Relay for Life ............................62 Road Biking ..............................63 Road Rally ................................63 Road Trips . ..............................63

OWNER & Publisher: Steve Johnston • 208-309-1088 steve@theweeklysun.com

writer & photographer: Karen Bossick • 208-578-2111 kbossick@cox-internet.com

Sales and Marketing: Steve Johnston • 208-309-1088 steve@theweeklysun.com Leslie Thompson • 208-309-1566 leslie@theweeklysun.com

Production Manager & editor: Leslie Thompson

COPY EDITOR: Patty Healey

Ad Design: Leslie Thompson, Mandi Patterson 101 Amazing Things To Do / Summer 2013

Rock Climbing ..........................65 Rockhounding . .........................65 Rodeo ......................................66 Running . ..................................66 Sagebrush Soiree .....................68 Salmon Festival ........................68 Shakespeare Festival ................ 70 Sheeptown Drag Races . ........... 70 Silver Creek Preserve ............... 71 Skate Park ............................... 71 Stanley Lectures ...................... 73 Stanley Museum ....................... 73 Summer Carnival ......................75 Sun Valley Center. for the Arts Concerts . ..............75 86. Sun Valley. Harvest Festival . ...................... 76 87. Sun Valley Opera. Concert . .................................. 76 88. Sun Valley Summer. Symphony ................................ 78 89. Sun Valley Tours ....................... 78 90. Swimming ................................ 79 91. UTV Rentals ............................. 79 92. Vacation Bible Schools . ............ 81 93. Wagon Days ............................. 81 94. Walk a Shelter Dog ...................83 95. Walking Tours ...........................83 96. Wildflower Walks . .....................84 97. Wine Auction ............................84 98. Wine Tastings ...........................86 99. World Jam ................................86 100.Writers’ Conference .................. 87 101.YMCA Fundraiser....................... 87 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85.

AND A FEW MORE 102.Youth Reading at. The Community Library . ...........89 103.Youth Reading at the. Hailey Public Library .................89 104.Youth Theater Projects .............90 105.Youth Writing ............................90 ADVERTISER INDEX.......................92

contact us: Phone: 208-928-7186 Fax: 208-788-4297 16 West Croy St. • P.O. Box 2711 Hailey, Idaho 83333 Mon– Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Find us online: www.TheWeeklySun.com

sun the weekly

cover photo: Josh Thompson PUBLISHED BY THE WEEKLY SUN



t is June, and springtime in the mountains is nearing its passage into summer — the often gone-toofast season that has facilitated the filling of many a bucket list. Ready to show off her last secret stashes of morels in the forest and wild onions on her mountainous slopes, Mother Earth readies herself for summer. Glacial thaws fill alpine lakes, soak meadows and begin the journey down the peaks. The surge brings vigorous life to streams, which wind their way down the crags to become ripples in the rivers — nourishing local flora and fauna along the way. The valley becomes vibrant in the summer months and it is evident in the community. The mountain air sustains the vitality of locals and visitors alike, who enjoy the extra vigor. The arts and entertainment scene is seemingly endless. Indoors we have performances by local theater troupes, gallery walks, lectures and art classes. Outdoors we have arts and crafts festivals, ice shows with U.S. Olympians, plein air paint-outs, and concerts in a variety of places with beautiful outdoor


backdrops — including Bald Mountain. For shopping there is just about everything you could dream of — from the grocery stores, which offer hosts of natural and organic goods, to the Farmers’ Markets with local fare. We have clothing boutiques, jewelry stores, souvenir shops, sporting goods stores, consignment furniture and clothing shops, an amazing kitchenware store, thrift stores that support local non-profits and more. We also have antiques fairs and plenty of yard sales. And, let’s not forget the abundance of real estate opportunities. And, last but not least, we have plenty of places to enjoy the great wide open that surrounds us. From the skate parks and state-of-the-art rodeo park, to the bike trails that connect our cities and the endless hiking and biking trails in the mountains that surround us. There is plenty of opportunity to explore and discover. We hope that you will find this magazine a useful tool to help maximize your summer enjoyment. – Leslie Thompson, editor

101 Amazing Things To Do /Summer 2013



4-H Camps

Horsing around and more -H has several camps planned this summer, in addition to its weekly meetings in Hailey where youngsters 5 through 18 can enjoy such activities as scrapbooking, shooting, sports and photography. A Wild About Wildlife 4-H Day Camp for kids 5 through 18 years of age takes place June 2 at Hayspur Fish Hatchery, 71 Hayspur Lane south of Bellevue. The day—open to families—will include a fish barbecue, fishing and tour of Idaho’s oldest hatchery. There’ll be a 4-H Overnight Horse Camp complete with camping under the stars, trail rides, Dutch-oven cooking, cowboy poetry and leather crafts for kids ages 8 through 18, June 13-15. Those without horses are welcome. Summer 4-H Youth Camp for those ages 8 through 13 will be held June 17-19 at the Central Idaho 4-H Camp 17 miles north of Ketchum. A Natural Resources Camp for those 12 to 14 will be held June 24-29. Information: 208-788-5585 or . extension.uidaho.edu/blaine And the 2 Hearts North 4-H Camps where youngsters can adopt a horse for the summer, learning basic riding skills, leadership and more, will be held June 1-Sept. 1 at The Heatherlands riding facility north of Hailey. Information: Amy Federko at 2087381.


101 Amazing Things To Do / Summer 2013

adult reading

Groundbreaking reads eading’s not just for kids. The Hailey Public Library is encouraging adults to read this summer for fun, to explore new interests and to model healthy behaviors for their children who can enroll in related youth programs. The library has even devised a list of “groundbreaking” books encouraging readers to investigate such topics as paleontology, geology, gardening, insect life, cemeteries and remarkable groundbreaking moments in history. For information, check in with the library or go to haileypubliclibrary.org



Advocates fundraiser

Fearless and fashionable he Advocates is combining with Panache to present an evening of philanthropy, art and fashion featuring the DVF pre-fall collection from 6-8 p.m. Wednesday, July 10, at Ochi Gallery in Ketchum. The fundraiser for The Advocates will include cocktails, appetizers and a live auction. Information: 208-788-4191 or. lisa@theadvocatesorg.org




101 Amazing Things To Do /Summer 2013


Animal shelter benefit

The top dog of benefits he Animal Shelter of the Wood River Valley will roll out a pooch parade, one-of-akind birdhouses, auction items and other fun when it presents its Dog Days of Summer benefit dinner and auction. This year’s fundraiser will be held at 5:30 p.m. Friday, July 26, at Trail Creek Cabin in Sun Valley. Information: 208-788-4351 or animalshelterwrv.org








Art walks

For art’s sake t an elevation of 5,945 feet, the air in Sun Valley is rarefied—and so is the clientele of the area’s top-flight art galleries. Serving the valley’s plethora of well-heeled and well-educated art collectors are art galleries that could hold their own in Manhattan, Berlin, London or Los Angeles.�— Art Ltd Magazine You can check out these works in some two dozen galleries yourself any time, of course. But it’s especially fun to indulge in the Gallery Walks where galleries open from 5 to 8 p.m., raising the bubbly as strollers meet artists in person. This summer’s Gallery Walks: Saturday, May 24; Friday, July 11; Friday, Aug. 8, and Friday, Aug. 29. Take advantage of a free guided tour that meets at 5 p.m. those evenings at the Sun Valley Recreation Office on the Sun Valley Mall. Another good place to see local artists’ work is the Artists Down Under store underneath Atkinsons’ Market in Ketchum and, believe it or not, St. Luke’s Wood River Hospital, which sports a large collection of art in its hallways. 101 Amazing Things To Do / Summer 2013






Cattle Drive, Plein Air paintings and other treasures.

Support the Festival October 10-13, 2013! ZIONS BANK presents the 17th annual

Trailing of the Sheep Festival

1 0 #PY r )BJMFZ *% r XXX USBJMJOHPGUIFTIFFQ PSH One of the best Fall Festivals in the World – MSN Travel PUBLISHED BY THE WEEKLY SUN


arts and crafts festivals

Now that’s crafty he Ketchum Arts Festival will lead off the summer’s menu from July 12-14 at Festival Meadows on Sun Valley Road next to Our Lady of the Snows Catholic Church. There’ll be more than a hundred booths, live music and a free kids’ activity tent. The 37th annual Mountain Mamas Arts and Crafts Fair in Stanley will take place July 20-21 along Highway 21 in Stanley. There’ll be 130 artists and craftsmen, bluegrass music and a good selection of food vendors. The 45th Sun Valley Center Arts & Crafts Festival, which has been ranked among the top 20 in the Pacific Northwest and California by the Larry Harris List of the Nation’s Best Art Festivals, will be held Aug. 9-11 at Atkinson Park in Ketchum. There’ll be arts workshops for both adults and kids and entertainment throughout the festival.



Bellevue labor day

Small-town celebration njoy a small-town Labor Day celebration when Bellevue celebrates its 89th Labor Day celebration Aug. 31.-Sept. 2. There’ll be music, games and food in Bellevue Memorial Park, along with a 5K Fun Walk and Run beginning at 9 a.m. at the park to benefit the fire department (register at imathlete.com). The highlight will be a parade featuring antique steam tractors and more at noon on Labor Day.




101 Amazing Things To Do /Summer 2013

Here in the Wood River Valley,




bike festival

Ride Sun Valley he third annual Ride Sun Valley Bike Festival returns to Sun Valley June 29-July 6 with eight days of races and events for anyone who can balance on two wheels. Among this year’s events: the 50-mile USA Cycling Marathon Mountain Bike National Championships on July 6; the Sun Valley Super Enduro on June 29, which takes competitors on four different hair-on-fire downhill trails on Bald Mountain; Ride Sun Valley Bike Demo Days on July 1 and 2; the Ketchum Criterium on July 3, Bald Juan Cross-Country on July 6, and MASSV Music Festival July 5-6. The Arthritis Foundation introduces The Sun Valley Dirt Rally, a charity ride on June 29 and 30 along the scenic forest roads around Ketchum and Sun Valley. Information: ridesunvalley.com




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Blaine county fair

Fair days he era of deep-fried Cokes, Twinkies, and butter have yet to find their way to the Blaine County Fair. But you can see the requisite giant zucchini, handmade quilts, beef shows and other things that make up a small-town fair Aug. 7-10 at the free Blaine County Fair in Carey. The week’s activities include Friday’s Family Fun Day, a kids rodeo featuring mutton-busting at its wildest, and a 4-H luncheon with live music followed by the Market Animal Auction. Information: 208-788-5585 or blainecountyfair.com. 101 Amazing Things To Do /Summer 2013



Boardwalk and bow bridge

Out on the boardwalk mmerse yourself in the wetlands paradise by strolling the Draper Preserve boardwalk near Lions Park in Hailey. While there check out the very unique Bow Bridge that links the preserve—one of several preserves the Wood River Land Trust has conserved for people’s and wildlife’s enjoyment. (woodriverlandtrust.org). Or, stroll the boardwalk on the Fishhook Creek Nature Trail at Redfish Lake near Stanley. In late August you can see the red salmon from this vantage point.



botanical garden

Celebrate plants et in touch with your contemplative self at the beautiful Garden of Infinite Compassion, created in 2005 in honor of the Dalai Lama’s visit to Sun Valley. Or check out the various ecosystems that define the Wood River Valley, from the sagebrush steppe to lava rock desert to alpine wildflower areas, at the Sawtooth Botanical Garden located three miles south of Ketchum on Highway 75 and Gimlet Road. Even children will have a good time as they grab a butterfly net or scrounge for tadpoles in the riparian area. Or, they can take part in the summer classes that teach children about our outdoor environment. Admission is free. Information: sbgarden.org P.S. Don’t forget the Native Plant Sale from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Sunday, June 8.


Saving Land, Water and Wildlife Habitat



in the Heart of the Valley

Extraordinary Places ~ Explore the Hailey Greenway

www.woodriverlandtrust.org 101 Amazing Things To Do / Summer 2013





101 Amazing Things To Do /Summer 2013


bowe bash

Fourth Anniversary of Bowe Bergdahl’s Capture Bring Bowe Back bash has been slated for June 22 to mark the fourth anniversary of Hailey soldier Bowe Bergdahl’s capture by a Taliban-allied insurgent group in Afghanistan. The event will be held from 1 to 4 p.m. at Hailey’s Hop Porter Park. It will include music by two local bands: Up a Creek and Paddywagon. About 250 MIA/POW motorcyclists from as far away as Utah and Nevada are expected to attend, with Hailey Police Chief Jeff Gunter leading the procession from Jerome. And participants will plant four trees in Bowe’s name, each marking one year of his captivity, with KECH Radio donating a plaque for the trees. There’ll be raffle prizes, special motel rates, enough food vendors to make it like a Taste of the Valley and a 5K race starting at 10 a.m. at Hop Porter Park. Information: 208-450-9687, Pocatello.net/Bowe-Bergdahl.html, Debyoneill@aol.com or www.facebook.com/events/141029086071390/?ref=3



braun brothers reunion


cabaret show

Main Street Cabaret ull up a seat, help yourself to a drink and indulge in some hors d’oeuvres as music maestro Patti Parsons directs locals and professionals in an evening of music, laughter and song in a cabaret setting. The annual event—a favorite among lovers of Broadway and other pop tunes—will be held July 26-28. The evening at the nexStage Theatre in Ketchum will be accompanied by pianist Jim Watkinson. Call 208-726-4TKS to reserve a table.



Caritas chorale fundraiser

Love, love them do etchum’s elite Caritas Chorale will perform an evening of “Light Fare,” including songs from the Fab Four—the Beatles—on June 8-9. This year’s spring fundraiser takes place at 5 p.m. at Gail Severn Gallery, 400 1st Ave. in Ketchum, and includes wine, soft drinks, savory appetizers and delectable desserts. Information: caritaschorale.org or Ann at 208-726-5402.


101 Amazing Things To Do / Summer 2013

Saturday 1-10 pm

Hayes Carll Ruthie Foster

Halden Wofford and the Hi-Beams

Head to Challis ust off your cowboy hat and head to Challis for the annual shindig featuring Idaho’s leading family of Western and alternative country music. Muzzie and Gary Braun, Reckless Kelly and Micky and the Motorcars will mix it up Aug. 8-10 in Challis. This year’s shows will include Dale Watson and his Lonestars and legendary singer/ songwriter Guy Clark. Information: braunbrothersreunion.com


Friday, 5-10 pm

Up A Creek

The 44s

George Devore and the Electric Cigarettes Steph Sloan & Elephant Parade Captain Dano & The Nobodies Paddy Wagon

Tickets: Friday Only $20 • Saturday Only $30 • Weekend Pass $45 available at Shelley’s Deli in Hailey, Chapter One in Ketchum • www.northernrockiesmusicfestival.com Hailey Tourist Park, 209 E. Bullion St., Hailey, Idaho • Food Vendors • Raffles RV Parking and Tent Camping Available For Info: Hailey Chamber of Commerce (208)788-3484 or www.haileyidaho.com

SPONSORS: Albertsons Power Engineers, Names & Numbers, Hailey Chamber, KECH/KSKI, DL Evans Bank, Idaho Power, Marketron, Ree Construction White Otter, Sun Valley Magazine, Mountain Lifestyles Services, Inc., Sun Valley Title, Shorty’s, Shelley’s Deli


June 11 - October 8 4th Street • Heritage Corridor 2-6 p.m.


June 13 - October 10 main St., North of Sturtevants 2-6 p.m.

We will have all the usual local vegetables seasonally available including: lettuce, kale, spinach, swiss chard, onions, carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, beets, peas, garlic, zucchini, winter squash, peppers, eggplant And fruit including: apples, pears, plums, berries, apricots, melons Other products at the Markets: pasta sauces and pre-made pasta dinners, fresh herbs, sheep & goat cheese, sausage, organic meats (burger, cuts of beef, chicken), lamb, cut flowers, recycled glassware, flower pots & hanging baskets, wine, fresh baked bread and other baked goods, homebrewed beer, hot dogs and burgers, eggs, jewelry, pottery, fresh made lemonade, toffee, salves, honey, pies, body lotions, bbq ribs & chicken and more!





Charity trivia

Chess camp

Checkmate! oin the Wizard’s Quest Chess Camp July 22-25 at The Community School in Sun Valley. The camp is held from 9 a.m.-noon for kids ages 4-12. It will be followed each day by an “I LOVE Legos!” camp from 1-4 p.m. Information: SunValleyChess.com


Brain teasing uick! Where did the expression “Good night, sleep tight” come from? On what show was the first toilet ever seen on TV? Challenge yourself with questions like these at the weekly Charity Trivia nights held at 8 p.m. Tuesdays at Lefty’s Bar & Grill, 6th and Washington streets in Ketchum. Entry fee is $15 per team of up to six with a third of the entry fees going to local charities. Questions range from sports to pop culture to history, with prizes for the winners. Players can form their own teams or join a team at each night’s competition. P.S. In case you’re wondering, the phrase came from Shakespeare’s time when mattresses were secured on beds by ropes. When you pulled on the ropes, the mattresses tightened, making the bed firmer. As for the toilet, you saw it first on “Leave It To Beaver.”


community orchestra concerts

Music in the Garden he Wood River Community Orchestra will offer three Wednesday evening concerts at the Sawtooth Botanical Garden this summer. Concerts start at 6 p.m. June 26, July 24 and Aug. 28 at the garden three miles south of Ketchum at Gimlet Road and Highway 75. Wine and cheese plates will be available; audience members are invited to bring lowback chairs or blankets. The concerts are free; donations will go to the orchestra and the garden. A Music and Margaritas fundraiser will be held from 5-7 p.m. June 30 in the gardens of Jon and Linda Thorson at 2122 Buttercup Road in Hailey. Attendees will be treated to a short music program while enjoying libations and fiesta food. Tickets:. info@wrorchestra.org or 208-720-7281.


Take a Shelter dog for a hike!

Enjoy the Dog Days of Summer!

Animal Shelter Hikin’ Buddies Program

Animal Shelter Dog Days of Summer

Wednesdays throughout the Summer Weather permitting 9:30 - 1 pm Adam’s Gulch Trailhead

For more information about Hikin’ Buddies and other opportunities to hike with a Shelter dog please call the Shelter or visit us online:

(208) 788-4351 www.animalshelterwrv.org




Annual Benefit Dinner and Auction Friday, July 26, 2013 Beginning at 5:30 pm

Trail Creek Pavilion in Sun Valley

$175 per person Reservations required

For more information about the fundraiser or to make reservations, call the Shelter or visit us online.

(208) 788-4351 www.animalshelterwrv.org

101 Amazing Things To Do /Summer 2013


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HAILEY’S Antique Market

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community paseo

Celebrate diversity troll around a Latin American plaza as you celebrate the diversity of the Wood River Valley and enjoy the start of summer with the music and foods of Latin America. The event, sponsored by the College of Southern Idaho and The Hunger Coalition, will be held from 3-6 p.m. Friday, June 21, at The Hope Garden, corner of S. 1st Ave. and E. Walnut St. in Hailey.



company of fools performances

“Other Desert Cities” ompany of Fools will present Jon Robin Baitz’s award-winning play, “Other Desert Cities,” July 2 through 27 at The Liberty Theatre in Hailey. The play revolves around a woman who announces that she is about to publish a memoir dredging up a pivotal and tragic event in her family’s history, even though it’s a wound her parents, her brother and aunt don’t want reopened. She draws a line in the sand and dares them to cross it. A “Vogue” critic called it a “scathingly funny, deeply felt family drama… with a wisdom and compassion and sureness of touch.” The cast will include Keith Moore, Denise Simone, Patsy Wygle and New York-based actor Hanna Cheek. Rusty Wilson, who cofounded Company of Fools, will direct it. For tickets call 208-578-9122.



conservatory camp

Summer Performing Arts Conservatory Camp outh between the ages of 10 and 18 are invited to participate in workshops involving acting, singing and music theory, dance, film and rock music taught by guest artists from around the nation at St. Thomas Playhouse’s camp at Camp Perkins near Stanley. The conservatory also offers outdoor recreational opportunities, arts and crafts and evening activities. Information: 208-7265349, extension 16, or sgorby@stthomassunvalley.org


Alee Marsters haileyantiques@aol.com (208) 720-1146 COURTESY PHOTO



101 Amazing Things To Do /Summer 2013


corbin maxey visit

The Reptile Guy he Hailey Public Library will celebrate its summer reading finale with a show featuring Corbin Maxey: The Reptile Guy. The free show, open to everyone regardless of whether they participated in the summer reading program, starts at 3 p.m. at the Community Campus at the east end of Fox Acres Road in Hailey. Maxey, a 23-year-old nationally recognized animal expert who grew up in Meridian, Idaho, has appeared on “The Tonight Show,” “The Today Show” and other TV programs. His first kiss was from a female giraffe named Betty. Other pals include an alligator named Soni, a tortoise named Tinkerbell and an albino Burmese python named Shere Khan.



cowboy ball

Go Western for a good cause ony up for the Swiftsure Ranch Cowboy Ball at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, July 11, at the therapeutic riding ranch off Highway 75 south of Bellevue. Get duded up in your Western wear, share laughs around the Willow Bar, dine on a Western BBQ prepared by Silver Fox Catering and dance to Old Death Whisper. The event benefits the therapeutic riding ranch, which provides equine-assisted therapy to more than 250 individuals per year free of charge. Information: 208-578-9111 or swiftsureranch.org.



WE RENT FUN At Ryan’s Mountain Rentals our motto is “We Rent Fun” and we make it our business for you and your family to have fun! Our two seat and four seat Polaris RZR UTV’s are fun and a safe way to get down and dirty and see the Idaho backcountry. RMR offers park and ride day trips and overnight trips with trailer. We are a short drive from Sun Valley, Ketchum and Hailey and conveniently located on Main Street in Bellevue just minutes from a myriad of backcountry trails. Lunches available with advanced notice. LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED.

cowboy poetry

Y’all come, you hear? tanley will celebrate Idaho’s Western heritage with its second annual StanleySawtooth Cowboy Poetry and Music Gathering Sept. 6-7. The event will feature seasoned storytellers, as well as a youth poetry contest for young buckaroos and buckarettes. Stanleysawtoothcowboygathering.com


101 Amazing Things To Do / Summer 2013

For Details and Rates visit: ryansmountainrentals.com PUBLISHED BY THE WEEKLY SUN


summer sports & outdoor programs 5B Basketball Camps, June 10-13, July 29-Aug. 1 These small, intense camps focus on skills, player development, teamwork, competition and interactive drills that build fundamentals while having fun. June 10-13 Girls and Boys, Grades 3, 4 & 5, 9am to noon $130 June 10-13 Girls and Boys, Grades 6, 7 & 8, 1pm to 4:30pm $145 July 29-Aug 1 Boys, Grades 9-12, 1pm to 4:30pm $160

Wilderness First Aid (WFA), June 22-23 Community School, in partnership with the Wilderness Medical Institute, is offering this fast paced and hands-on WFA certification course, which covers in-depth wilderness medicine topics. 8am to 5pm Age 15+ $220

SwiftWater Rescue, Level IV Certification, July 6-7 Offered in partnership with White Otter Outdoor Adventures, this two-day course offers classroom instruction, hands-on practice, and rescue scenarios to provide the necessary skills and information to navigate and lead river trips. Participants who complete the class will receive the American Canoe Association Swiftwater Rescue, Level 4 cert. Age 16+ $175

5B Lacrosse Camp, July 8-11 Whether you are new to the game or building on years of experience, this camp will provide the individualized instruction for you to play “the fastest game on two feet” and have fun too. Boys Grades 6-9, 9am to 2pm $195

Wilderness First Responder (WFR), July 8-17 Community School, in partnership with the Wilderness Medical Institute, is offering a two-week WFR certification course, essential for anyone who spends significant time outdoors. Through learning hands-on skills and practicing realistic scenarios and rescues, this course prepares students to make difficult medical decisions in the backcountry. Ages 16+ $695

5B Volleyball Camp, July 15-19 This fun camp for beginners or experienced players focuses on player development, teamwork and fundamental skills including passing setting, hitting, serving, blocking, and defense. Girls Grades 6-8, 9am to noon $155

Rock Climbing: Beyond the Top Rope, July 22-25 This is a unique opportunity to spend four days learning the skills to go “beyond top-roping” to multi-pitch and lead climbing at City of Rocks National Reserve. Ages 12-18. $550 (includes food, transportation and gear)

one.Soccer School, July 29-August 1 This premier soccer camp develops speed, agility, quickness, dribbling and more. Learn from the pros! Girls & Boys, Ages 9-18, 9am-12:30pm $195

Learn to Kayak, July 29-August 1 Spend four days learning to whitewater kayak safely and competently on Idaho’s Salmon River in partnership with White Otter Outdoor Adventures. Ages 12-18 $550 (includes food, trans. and gear)

Mt. Baker Glacier Climbing Adventure, August 4-10 Spend a week learning to climb in glaciated terrain on Mt. Baker in Washington. This course covers the basic skills needed to climb glaciated mountain terrain. Conditions permitting, we will attempt to summit Mt. Baker. Ages 14-18 $800 (includes food, transportation and gear)

We also offer many other camps, classes and adventures for students ages 2-18 including: Elementary School:ÊÊ9 Õ }Ê Ý« ÀiÃ½Ê > «ÊUÊ > `>À Êv ÀÊ `ÃÊ ,i>` }Ê> `Ê7À Ì }Ê iVÌ Ê > «ÊUÊ iÃÃÉ i} Ê > «ÊUÊ ÀÃÌÊ Ê >Ì ÊUÊMad ScientistÊ i ÃÌÀÞÊ > «ÊUÊ/iV }ÞÊ > « Middle School:ÊÊ Ý«i` Ì ÃÊ Ê >Ì Ê> `Ê-V i ViÊ ÀÃÌÊ Ê >Ì ÊUÊ/iV }ÞÊ > «ÊUÊ Mad ScientistÊ i ÃÌÀÞÊ > «ÊUÊ Ài>Ì ÛiÊ7À Ì }ÊÊ -ÌÕ`ÞÊ- ÃÊv ÀÊ `` iÊÌ Ê } Ê-V Ê/À> Ã Ì High School: *- /É- /Ê*Ài«>À>Ì ÊUÊ À ÛiÀ½ÃÊ `ÕV>Ì ÊÊ } Ã Ê > }Õ>}iÊ i>À }ÊUÊ* ÕÃÊ>ÊvÕ Êà >ÌiÊ vÊv À VÀi` ÌÊV ÕÀÃiÃ

ÀÊvÕ Ê`iÃVÀ «Ì ÃÊ> `Ê`iÌ> Ã]ÊÛ Ã ÌÊ www.communityschool.orgÊ> `ÊV V ÊÌ iÊ Summer ProgramÊLÕÌÌ ]Ê ÀÊV Ì>VÌÊ iÊ7>`i]Ê-Õ iÀÊ*À }À> Ê ÀiVÌ À]Ê Ü>`iJV Õ ÌÞÃV ° À}ÊUÊÓän°ÈÓÓ°Î ÈäÊiÝÌ°Ê£ä Ê 20


101 Amazing Things To Do /Summer 2013



Rainy day therapy ainy days are few and far between in Sun Valley. But if you do find yourself in a downpour, head to The Bead Shop at 7 E. Bullion St. in Hailey to string together a necklace or paint pottery (208-788-6770). Other places for drop-in crafts: Boulder Mountain Clayworks, 471 E. 10 th St., No. B6, in Ketchum (208-726-0773) and Local Color at 160 W. 4th St., Ketchum (208-726-2788).



Studies show volunteering is good for your health! sŝƐŝƚ ŽƵƌ ǁĞďƐŝƚĞ ĨŽƌ Ă ĐŽŵƉůĞƚĞ ůŝƐƟŶŐ ŽĨ ǀŽůƵŶƚĞĞƌ ŽƉƉŽƌƚƵŶŝƟĞƐ͗ ƚŚĞŚƵŶŐĞƌĐŽĂůŝƟŽŶ͘ŽƌŐ

&ŝŐŚƟŶŐ ŚƵŶŐĞƌ͕ feeding hope work in the garden rescue food be a mentor assist those in need The Hunger Coalition 121 Honeysuckele Street Bellevue - 788-0121

crisis hotline benefit

1 in 8 women continue to be diagnosed with breast cancer. Join us in finding cures in our lifetime: Until there’s a cure, there’s a climb!


www.TheWeeklySUN.com 101 Amazing Things To Do / Summer 2013

Boulder creSt traverSe

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Climb for a Cure eaSley Peak 11,164

Dial up a drink Spring Wine Tasting and Silent Auction will be held to benefit The Crisis Hotline. The event will be held from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Saturday, June 29, at the Sawtooth Botanical Garden. It will feature wines from around the world, gourmet appetizers from local chefs and live piano music. Cost is $25 per person, with tickets available at 208788-0735.

cerro ciento 11,154


208-726-6456 www.expeditioninspiration.org PUBLISHED BY THE WEEKLY SUN



Dance lessons

DIY dance earn the “fun-damentals” of partnership dancing without steps or counting Tuesdays and Thursdays in June. The workshop, taught by Dale and Peggy Bates, will be held 6:30-8:30 p.m. June 18, 20, 25 and 27 at Studio Move, 231 Northwood Way, unit B-600. Information: 208-720-3350. Footlight Dance Centre will present a five-day DANCEcamp for students entering second through fourth grades June 17-21 and July 8-12. The Centre will offer a ballet camp for students 9 and older COURTESY PHOTO: AUBREY STEPHENS June 24-28 and July 29-Aug. 2. It will offer a dance refresher course Aug. 12-16. Information: footlightdancecentre.com or 208-578-5462.



day of chalk

Chalk it up uy a sidewalk square for $5 and mark it up with chalk in the Hailey Arts Commission’s annual Day of Chalk on Saturday, July 13. Participants of all ages are invited to take part as musicians and other street activities provide a festive touch from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Information: Sheila Kelley at 208-720-9361.




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SUMMER/WINTER STORAGE & TUNE-UP 101 Amazing Things To Do /Summer 2013

jane’s artifacts arts / / crafts / / papers / / office / / party

Lots to choose from! Friendly & Fun! There’s Something Here for Everyone! holiday hooray

arts & crafts

cards & invites

party hearty

home & office



disney’s aladdin

The genie’s lamp hildren and youth between 4 and 13 are invited to join in on two weeks of acting, singing and dancing at Company B Performing Arts Day Camp. The camp, sponsored by St. Thomas playhouse, begins June 10 and culminates in three performances of “Disney’s Aladdin Jr.� from June 20-22 at The Community School campus in Sun Valley. Information: Sara at 208-726-5349, extension 16, or sgorby@stthomassunvalley.org


7 !0% 6-30 0%,2!* +!,!'%+%,2 ,%%$1 "%),' +%2

Last year, 92 children participated in Company B’s summer performance of ‘Thoroughly Modern Millie, Jr.�


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drama camp

Calling all drama buffs aughing Stock Theatre Company will offer Camp Little Laugh, its overnight drama camp for third-graders through ninthgraders, at Camp Sawtooth just north of Ketchum, Aug. 4-9. The camp includes classes in drama, music, mime, improv, costumes, makeup, set design and construction, sports and arts and crafts, with opportunities for hiking and evening campfires. The week culminates in a Grand Finale Performance at the nexStage Theatre in Ketchum. The nexStage will also offer a three-week day camp July 1-19. Info: 208-726-9124, 721-7048 or nexstagetheater.org


101 Amazing Things To Do /Summer 2013



environmental camps

Shooting stars, eco camps et wet learning about the science of water and the habitats streams and lakes create; learn how nature adapts; bone up on orienteering, outdoor ethics and backcountry skills at the Environmental Resource Center’s sleepover camps near Prairie Creek and on Trail Creek Summit. The ERC will hold its Shooting Star Campout from 4 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 10, to noon Sunday, Aug. 11, as the Perseid meteor shower streaks across the Sawtooth Valley sky. Information: 208-726-4333 or ercsv.org


farmers’ markets

Toffee to goat cheese ou can find all the locally grown and produced kale, eggplant, berries, pasta dinners, sausage, baked bread, homebrewed beer and homebaked pies you need for tonight’s supper at the Wood River Farmers’ Market. The market runs from 2-6 p.m. Tuesday in Ketchum June 11Oct. 8 on Fourth Street, catty-corner to Atkinsons’ Market. A slightly different market runs 2-6 p.m. Thursdays June 13Oct. 10 on a Main Street lot north of Sturtos in Hailey. The markets also feature lotions, pottery, jewelry and other crafts, as well as kids’ activities and live music.










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101 Amazing Things To Do /Summer 2013



Go fish lick that wrist as you wade for trophy trout in Sun Valley’s Big Wood River. We’d never give away any secret holes, but it’s no secret you can find dozens of fly-fishermen wading up and down the Big Wood River any given day. Even more head to Silver Creek south of Bellevue for those fish that are so tough to catch you need a Master’s degree in fly-fishing! There are any number of outfitters ready to get you started, including those at Silver Creek Outfitters, Sturtevants and Lost River Outfitters in Ketchum and the new Picabo Angler. Got kids? Get them started at Penny Lake out Warm Springs Road or the pond nestled in the sagebrush above the Lake Creek Road neighborhood at Ketchum’s north end. Both are stocked. And women may want to take advantage of the International Women’s Fly-fishing Rendezvous Sept. 6-11 at Idaho Rocky Mountain Ranch south of Stanley. It includes two days of guided drift boat fishing, as well as horseback riding and mountain biking. Information: info@idahorocky.com



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Flat top picnic

A picnic for the sheep njoy a parade of sheep as you picnic at John and Diane Peavey’s historic Flat Top Sheep Ranch near Carey. The picnic, from 1-4 p.m. Sunday, June 30, is a fundraiser for the annual Trailing of the Sheep Festival. It will include the opportunity to take an easy hike to the Laidlaw gravesite, help herd a band of sheep, watch plein air artists paint the surrounding fields and foothills, bid on such auction items as an authentic cattle drive, dance to the music of Cindy and Gary Braun and enjoy a lamb dinner prepared by the Noh Ranch Catering Company. Information: . Robyn@trailingofthesheep.org The 17th annual Trailing of the Sheep Festival Oct. 10-13 will feature a workshop with author Mark Kurlansky, music by Hot Club of Cowtown, fiber and cooking workshops, folk dances and, of course, the sheep parade down Main Street, Ketchum.

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101 Amazing Things To Do / Summer 2013




fly a kite

Join the aerial ballet ie for prizes at Stanley’s 6th Annual A.J. Silva Cup Kite Festival held from 11 a.m.-3:30 p.m. on Father’s Day—Sunday, June 16—in Stanley’s Pioneer Park. You certainly can’t find too many more scenic backdrops for kite flying! There’ll be hamburgers, hot dogs and assorted beverages—bring a potluck dish to share or a few dollars to put toward your share of the chow. Information: Randy Somerville at yankeeforker@yahoo.com P.S. Another great place to fly a kite is the top of Baldy in Sun Valley.



fourth of july

Celebrate independence ailey annually throws one of the best Independence Day celebrations in southern Idaho. This year’s event kicks off with a pancake breakfast served up by the Boy Scouts and a mile-long parade featuring more than 75 entrants at noon followed by a BCRD/Powerhouse Bike Criterium at 1:30 p.m. on Main Street. The Sun Valley Center for the Arts will host its annual Old-Fashioned Ice Cream Social in what is the birthplace home of poet Ezra Pound at 2nd and Pine streets. There will also be a Kids’ Carnival in Hop Porter Park and antiques fairs at Roberta McKercher Gateway Park and on Main Street north of McDonald’s. The evening will close with a Street Dance at Hailey Square, a Sawtooth Rangers Rodeo at 7 p.m. and fireworks shot from a location near the high school on Fox Acres Road shortly after 10 p.m. The town of Stanley, meanwhile, will celebrate the 4th with a kids’ parade at 6 p.m. and evening fireworks after dusk.


Fantasy, Function, and Fun

Children’s Boutique Clothing and gifts from precious preemie to the hard to find tween. Located on 4th & Walnut, Ketchum 208.788.4289 28


101 Amazing Things To Do /Summer 2013

_]meeZ h[WZ W\[ emdjemd ,*+-

Corner of East Street and 4th ave in Ketchum Open 7 days, 7am - 5pm • Outdoor Dining, Beer and Wine

Your Local Organic Bakery and CafĂŠ.

Fresh Organic Bread, Pastries, Sandwiches, Salads & Soups Bigwood Bread Organic Bakery and CafĂŠ located in the Ketchum Industrial Park, 270 Northwood Way. Open M-F, 8am-2pm. Call in for Take Out 208-726-2035


Garden tour

Magical gardens and fire jugglers oin the Sawtooth Botanical Garden for its 18th annual Garden Tour on Saturday, July 13. This year’s tour, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., will feature some of the most beautiful gardens in Ketchum’s Warm Springs neighborhood. That evening join the circus at the Botanical Garden’s Magic in the Garden Party fundraiser. Be prepared to be entertained with midway games, fabulous food, a silent auction and even fire jugglers. Info: sbgarden.org




Par with a view t may be hard to keep your head down, what with the fantastic views all around. But do try your swing on Sun Valley’s Trail Creek course, which has been named one of the top 75 resort courses in North America. The challenging White Clouds course where your golf ball will mingle with the eagles offers a 360-degree view encompassing the Pioneer and Smoky mountains, plus a dead-on look at Ernest Hemingway’s home. And the Elkhorn course, Sun Valley’s newest acquisition, features large undulating greens and a hundred-plus sand traps and bunkers in the Robert Trent Jones style. Information: sunvalley.com or 208-622-2271. Also open to the public: The nine-hole Bigwood Golf Course located along Highway 75 north of Saddle Road. Information: 208-726-4024.




101 Amazing Things To Do /Summer 2013



gondola ride

Get high ide the gondola to the top of Bald Mountain and take a short hike to the old stone lookout. Or, climb the 5.1-mile Bald Mountain Trail and ride down the Christmas lift and gondola for free. Get a bird’s eye view of Sun Valley mountaintops via a tandem paraglide ride (flysunvalley.com or 208-726-3332).


gun clubs

Take aim eginners and sharpshooters alike can test their skill with trap, skeet, sporting clays and more at the Sun Valley Gun Club, one mile east of Sun Valley Lodge on Trail Creek Road. The club is open from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. daily during the summer. Book your spot at 208-622-2111 or 208-721-1495. Or check out. sunvalley.com North of Hailey the Hurtig Shooting Center at 705 Ohio Gulch Road offers trap, skeet and a challenging sporting clays layout with two duck towers, as well as a rifle/pistol range. Hours are 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Wednesdays through Sundays. Information: 208-788-2681 or hurtigshootingcenter.org. Downvalley, you can shoot trap at the Wood River Gun Club from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Sundays. Take Highway 75 three miles south of Bellevue. Information: 208-788-2778 or 208-788-4391.



5IVSTEBZ 'SJEBZ 4BUVSEBZ ° X $BSCPOBUF )BJMFZ 101 Amazing Things To Do / Summer 2013



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A Hero’s Journey ormer Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will headline the annual fundraising dinner and auction for Higher Ground Sun Valley on Aug. 9. The Higher Ground Hero’s Journey event will be held at 5:30 p.m. Friday, Aug. 9, at the Trail Creek Pavilion. Tickets are $175 per person. VIP tables for 10 start at $2,500. Higher Ground, formerly known as Sun Valley Adaptive Sports, uses innovative sports and recreation therapies to enhance the quality of life for military troops suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury. It also provides therapeutic recreational opportunities for children, teens and adults with disabilities in the Wood River Valley. Information: Tyra MacGuffie at 208-622-9298 or. www.HigherGroundSV.org




higher ground fundraiser


Take a hike id you know that a six-hour hike can increase your body’s natural immunity? Boost your immunity, fight cancer and cut stress levels by getting into the great outdoors that surround Sun Valley. Close-to-home favorites include Chocolate Gulch. Access it from the Fox Creek parking lot 5.8 miles north of Ketchum off Highway 75.The five-mile trail offers a relatively flat stretch along the Big Wood River before turning uphill through lodgepole pine and topping out at a rocky area resembling a moonscape. The loop continues back down through woods and meadows. Another favorite of those looking for a short hike or a hike for kids is the hike to Baker Lake. The hike, which is about 2.5 miles round trip, starts on Baker Creek Road 15 miles north of Highway 75. Drive nine miles on the gravel road to the end. A relatively new bridge gets you started on the trail which ascends nearly 900 feet before you find the lake underneath a granite wall.


historic photos

Wall of fame eruse some of Sun Valley’s historic photographs dating back to the days when the Shah of Iran, Lucille Ball and the Kennedy family used to spend time in Sun Valley at the Sun Valley Lodge. There are some additional historic photos at the Sun Valley Club a little farther out Sun Valley Road.



hope garden

Plant, water, grow oin others in helping to raise food for clients of The Hunger Coalition at The Hope Garden next to the Blaine County Courthouse in Hailey. Garden parties will be held from 6-7:30 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays and 9-10:30 a.m. Tuesdays from June 10-Aug. 28. Chores include building, planting, weeding and harvesting. And, if past summers are any indication, you may get a chance to practice your Spanish and/or English. The garden is located at the corner of S. 1st Ave. and E. Walnut St. Information: 208-788-0121.


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‡ MHII#FRS\DQGSULQW EL] :HVW &UR\ ‡ +DLOH\ ,' 101 Amazing Things To Do / Summer 2013




horse show

Idaho Hunter Jumper Horse Show and Benefit two-day benefit for the Swiftsure Ranch Therapeutic Equestrian Center will be held June 7-9 at Swiftsure Ranch south of Bellevue. Practice jump rounds take place Friday afternoon, followed by the show beginning at 8:30 a.m. Saturday There’ll also be tack sales and food and apparel vendors. Information:. swiftsureranch.org or Meghan at 208-578-9111.

A 208.788.4844 Western and English Riding Lessons Available Western Way Horsemanship Trudy Peterson 208.481.2551 Western Kids Camp, June 20th, 21st, 22nd Western Adult Camp, July 24th, 25th, 26th Fun Rodeo August 3rd Barn Dance, August 24th Jumping & English Lessons Sarah Berkowitz 208.316.1212 Dressage Lessons Kathy McClatchy 208.721.2283


hunger coalition party

Holy Moses! It’s a jumping trout! he Hunger Coalition will construct a huge jumping-trout sculpture made out of canned foods on July 11 and 12 at Ketchum Town Square, 4th Street and East Avenue. The event will mark the Coalition’s 10 th anniversary, while raising awareness about hunger in Blaine County. Slow Children Playing will provide live music from 6-8 p.m. on Thursday, July 11.


Trail Rides Indoor and Outdoor Arenas 20 Prairie Sun East Bellevue, Idaho 83333

JAM PACK your summer SCHEDULE! Check out our calendar on pages 43-54.






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-&"%7*--& "7& r ,&5$)6. *% њ њ 101 Amazing Things To Do /Summer 2013


We are a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world one child and one community at a time.


Things we do…

Donate diapers to the Advocates Against Violence & Sexual Abuse & The Hunger Coalition • Playground equipment, software and books for Hailey Head Start • Winter Wonderland – Crafts & Santa • Read to the kids at Head Start (monthly) – we also provide them with a book to take home • Provide swim lessons for Head Start students • Funding for Rotarun, Learn to Ski project • K-coats for Kids, Collect and distribute coats through the schools • Support Hailey and Bellevue libraries • Provide school supplies for schools • Provide emergency garments for elementary students • help with special needs (eyeglasses, tennis shoes, backpacks, boots) for students and the Advocates • Snow Box Derby @ Rotarun • Support Project Eliminate to eliminate neonatal and maternal tetanus worldwide • Contra dances (barn dance) family activity at the Armory • Support Senior Bash at WRHS • WRHS scholarship for Key Club member

Fundraising events…

• Car Show held in August • Fourth of July Rodeo Concessions — with the Lions

Join the club…

Meeting at Senior Connection, Wednesdays 11:30 - 12:30 Visitors and new members welcome. Call 208-727-7408 if you are interested.


Your Local Electronics

‘I have a dream’ fundraiser

Help Children in the Wood River Valley njoy cocktails and hors d’oeuvres with actress Jamie Lee Curtis, honorary chair of the new “I Have a Dream” Foundation from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 3, at a private home in East Fork. The foundation seeks to help children from low-income families in the Wood River Valley complete their high school education by providing tuition scholarships. Information: Kenneth Lewis at 208-726-6996 or Stephen Schultz at 208-721-3584.


Visit us at your locally owned and operated Radio Shack- we would love to see you! We can help you with all of your everyday electronic needs including audio and video supplies, cameras, cell phones, home phones and more. We also have a large supply of parts. Forgot that power supply or need a battery? Save time- come and see us!



A young fan, Rufus Smith, got his book signed by Jamie Lee Curtis at a book signing a few years back. It would seem that someone this connected to children is surely the perfect honorary chair for the ‘I Have a Dream Foundation’ which benefits children in the Wood River Valley with tuition scholarships.

Highway 75

Galena St

ice shows

Razzle dazzle on the ice un Valley’s ice shows debut July 4 and run each Saturday night through Labor Day. Watch the show with its head-overheels jumping routines by Jozef Sabovcik, its clown routines and more from the bleachers or while dining at the Sun Valley Lodge Terrace buffet. 2011 U.S. Gold Medalist Ryan Bradley performs July 4; three-time U.S. Gold Medalist Johnny Weir, July 13; Olympic Gold Medalist Evan Lysacek and U.S. Junior Gold and Bronze Medalist Nathan Chen, July 20; and 2013 U.S. Bronze Medalist Agnes Zawadzki plus a skater yet to be named, July 27. The 2013 U.S. Gold Medalist Ashley Wagner and 2013 World Junior Gold Medalist Josh Farris perform Aug. 3; four-time World Champion Kurt Browning and 2012 U.S. Bronze Medalists Madison Hubbell and Zach Donahue, Aug. 10; 2011 U.S. Gold Medalist Alissa Czisny and U.S. Junior Gold and Bronze Medalist Nathan Chen, Aug. 17; 2013 Canadian Silver Medalists Piper Gilles and Paul Poirier, Aug. 24; and World Bronze Medalist Johnny Weir, Aug. 31. Information: sunvalley.com or 208-622-6135.


Carbonate St

S Owned and Operated by Wood River Electronics 513 North Main St Hailey, ID 208.788.9747 36



Every summer has a story. What’s yours? 101 Amazing Things To Do /Summer 2013



ice skating

Ice away the sweat ercury climbing? Cool off with a spin around Sun Valley’s magnificent outdoor ice rink. The 180-foot-by-90-foot rink is open from 10 a.m.-8 p.m. daily. You can learn jumps and spins from the professional instructors with the Sun Valley Skating School June 17-Aug. 16. The 9 th Annual Adult Skaters Weekend Aug. 21-24 offers 12 ice seminars featuring worldclass presenters in freestyle, dance and choreography. The 2013 Sun Valley Summer Championships held July 17-21 will conclude with the always-enjoyable free crowdpleasing freestyle show July 21.


Ketch’em alive concerts

Good vibes in Ketchum ock out to Celtic rock, Carlos Santana tunes and more as Ketchum rolls out three nights of free music each week during the summer. Ketch’em Alive brings in bands from across the country with a smattering of local talent from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesdays, June 25-Aug. 20 at Ketchum’s Forest Service Park, First and Washington streets. The lineup: June 25 “B-Side Players”(Latin funk rock jazz); July 2 “Swagger” (Celtic rock); July 9 “Incendio” (Latin instrumental); July 16 “Girls, Guns & Glory” (country from Boston); July 23 “The Bobos” (rock favorites); Local Band All-Night Diner will perform on July 25 for July 30 “Natural Roots” (reggae); Aug. 6 Town Square Tunes in Ketchum Town Plaza. “Paa Kow & By All Means Band” (Afro-fusion); Aug. 13 “The Heaters” (rock dance party); Aug. 20 “Abraxas” (Carlos Santana tunes). Town Square Tunes parades out local bands from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Thursdays at Ketchum Town Plaza outside Starbucks. The lineup: June 20 Mia Edsall and the Rhythm Rangers; June 27 Hat Trick; July 4 Electric Snack; July 11 Up a Creek; July 18 Dewey Pickett & Howe; July 25 All-Night Diner; Aug. 1 Spare Change; Aug. 8 Music ’n Me; Aug. 15 Six at Sochi; Aug. 22 Triple Crown; Aug 29 Cake Face Jane. Jazz in the Park takes place from 6 to 8 p.m. Sundays June 23-July 28 at Ketchum’s Rotary Park, Warm Springs and Saddle roads. The lineup: June 23 Kevin Kirk’s Onomatopoeia from Boise; June 30 Paul Tillotson Trio; July 7 Alan Pennay & Cheryl Morrell; July 14 Sun Valley Latin Jazz Ensemble; July 21 Brooks Hartell Trio; July 28 Idaho Falls Big Band.



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101 Amazing Things To Do /Summer 2013


library lectures

A Country Doctor in Sun Valley ickle your brain after a day of hiking or biking with a lecture or film at The Community Library in Ketchum. “High Tech, Low Life” about two citizen reporters who travel to China chronicling underreported news and social issues will screen June 4. Robert Wright discusses his book, “Rugged Mercy: A Country Doctor in Idaho’s Sun Valley,” on June 13. Lee Pollock, executive director for the Churchill Center, COURTESY ART discusses “Churchill and Roosevelt: The Friendship that Saved the World,” on July 16. New York City Ballet dancer Dr. Afshin Mofid will talk about growing up in Iran as a dancer on July 18. The library will screen “The Law in These Parts,” which asks if a democracy can impose military occupation on other people while retaining its democratic values, on July 25. Native son Alexander Maksik launches his new novel, “A Marker to Measure Drift,” on July 29. All presentations start at 6 p.m.



photograph by Romantz Photography

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live dancing

A world of dance he International Folk Dance Festival based in Rexburg will present Idaho international Summerfest folk dancers from around the world at 8 p.m. Tuesday, July 16, at the Wood River High School Performing Arts Theater at the Community Campus in Hailey. Tickets are available at the door. A Savannah Fuentes Flamenco Dance concert featuring a live dancer, musician and flamenco singer will be held at 7:30 p.m. July 27 at the theater. Tickets are at the door.


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101 Amazing Things To Do / Summer 2013

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live music at local restaurants

The Deadshow down south and more ohnny V., aka Johnny Valenzuela, will present Deadshow, a celebration of the music of The Grateful Dead featuring Chip Booth, Johnny Zarkos, Shawn Jackson, Lee Chubb and Peter Heekin as part of The Wicked Spud’s Wicked Wednesday free music series on July 31. The gang will reprise the show on Aug. 1 at Mahoney’s Bar & Grill in Bellevue. The Wicked Spud will feature many of the valley’s talented musicians each Wednesday from 6:30 to 10 p.m. beginning June A young fashionista enjoys music on the patio of The Wicked Spud last summer. PHOTO: BALI SZABO/SUN 12. Beer and raffle sales will benefit different non-profits each night. Wicked Spud’s Lineup: June 12, 812 Band; June 19, Hoodwink; June 26, Sofa Kings; July 3, TBA; July 10, South of Bellevue; July 17, Kim Stocking Band; July 24, TBA; July 31, Deadshow; Aug. 7, All Night Diner; Aug. 14, Up a Creek; Aug. 21, Lower Broadford Boys. Mahoney’s Lineup: June 20, Up a Creek; June 27, Johnny Shoes & the Rhythm Rangers; July 4, George Devore; July 11, Kim Stocking Band; July 18, Stone Seed; July 20, Shawn and the Marauders; July 25, Kole Moulton & Lonely Road; Aug. 1, Deadshow; Aug. 8, Hoodwink; Aug. 15, George Devore; Aug. 22, Kip Attaway; Aug. 29, Old Death Whisper/Up a Creek. Sun Valley Brewery Lineup: June 1, 8 p.m. Lucky Tongue; June 3, 8 p.m., Naked Walrus; June 7, 8 p.m., The Black Hands; June 15, 8:30 p.m., Slaughter Daughter; June 21, 8:30 p.m., Ethan Keller Band; June 24, 8:30 p.m., B-Side Players; June 27, 8 p.m., JP Whipple; July 1, 8:30 p.m., Swagger; July 3, 8:30 p.m., Josh Powell Band; July 4, 11 a.m.-4 p.m., 4th of July Parade Parking Lot Party; July 7-8, 8:30 p.m., Young Dubliners; July 11, 8:30 p.m., The 44’s; July 13, 8:30 p.m., Larry & His Flask; July 15, 7:30 p.m., Lucky Tongue; July 17, 8 p.m., Possessed by Paul James; July 18, 8:30 p.m., Skyfoot; July 22, 8:30 p.m., Dirk Quinn Band; July 25, 8:30 p.m., Billygoats; July 29, 8:30 p.m., Natural Roots Reggae; Aug. 2, 10 p.m., Gypsy River Haunts; Aug. 3, 10 p.m., The 44’s; Aug. 5, 8:30 p.m., Paa Kow & By All Means Band; Aug. 8, 8:30 p.m., Carrie Nation & The Speakeasy; Aug. 12, 8 p.m., Cats Melvin; Aug. 15, 8:30 p.m., Stone Seed; Aug. 19, 8:30 p.m., Abraxas tribute to Santana; Aug. 22-23, 8:30 p.m., Lucky Tongue; Aug. 30, 8:30 p.m., George Devore.


101 Amazing Things To Do /Summer 2013


Memorial golf tournament

Huey Lewis and the News to perform ask in “The Power of Love” when Huey Lewis and The News bring their rock, soul and doo-wop-influenced harmonies to the Sun Valley Pavilion Aug. 21. The nominee-based Lewis will perform as part of the annual Killebrew-Thompson Memorial Golf Tournament, which brings some of the big names in the sports and political world to Sun Valley Aug. 21-24 in a fundraiser for cancer research and leukemia. Information: 208-622-2135 or sunvalley.com




motorcycle escort

Camp Rainbow Gold’s easy riders oin more than 500 bikers and supporters from all over the Pacific Northwest in the 12th annual Motorcycle Escort to Camp Rainbow Gold on July 28. Easy riders will start from Bellevue City Park, at 300 Elm St. in Bellevue, then escort the campers to Cathedral Pines summer camp for kids with cancer just north of Ketchum. A no-host barbecue, live music and dancing will be offered cyclists while they await the kids’ arrival at Bellevue Park.

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Days of the Old West

Rodeo July 2, 3 & 4 at the Hailey Rodeo Park

Rodeo Action Begins Nightly at 7:30pm PRe-Rodeo ActioN:

Freestyle Reigning competition & Queen coronation.....6:30pm For queen contestant information, please contact Michelle @ 720-6074

Mutton Bustin (July 2&3)..........................................................7pm Hometown Bull Riding (July 4) ................................................7pm To pre-register for Mutton Bustin & Hometown Bull Riding, contact Madeline @ 788-4979


JULY 2.................... Kids under 10 get in FRee with paying adult

eVeNtS to eNJoY:

Stock Saddle Bronc • Bareback Riding • Saddle Bronc Riding team Roping • tie-down Roping • Breakaway Roping Barrel Racing • Steer Wrestling • BULL RidiNG! Half-time entertainment tBA

sponsored by the sawtooth Rangers Riding club

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advance tickets

Atkinsons’ Market in Ketchum, Hailey, Bellevue and Hailey chamber we RecoMMend Buying TickeTs eaRly, as we sold ouT lasT yeaR


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*no cooleRs/ouTside Food*

concessions: THe lions cluB & kiwanis cluB

RAiN oR SHiNe ~ No ReFUNdS ~

Summer calendar June

saturday, 6.1.13 Wild About Wildlife 4-H Day Camp (ages 5-18, families welcome) at Hayspur Fish Hatchery. Sportsmen lead workshops, a fish bbq and a hatchery tour. $12, pre-registration required. Info: 788-5585 **22** 4-H Lamb Weigh In (ages 8-18) at the Blaine County Fair Grounds, Carey. $8.50/animal. Info: 788-5585 **22** 2 Hearts North 4-H Camps (now through Sept. 1) - adopt a horse or bring your own for weekly meetings at the Heatherlands Riding Facility, Mid-Valley. $300. Info: 7885585 **22** 8th Annual Sun Valley Half Marathon starts at 9 a.m. on the lawn of the Sun Valley Pavilion. Info: www.SunValleyHalfMarathon.com **22** Wood River Valley Water Series: A Big Wood River and Ranch Field Trip - 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. River Diversion visit with Big Wood River Watermaster Kevin Lakey, then head to a Bellevue Triangle ranch where Silver Creek Preserve manager will discuss agriculture water conservation measures. Meet in Bellevue and carpool from there. Space is limited. e-mail: Marie Kellner at mkellner@ idahoconservation.org **22** Howard Preserve Workday, presented by the Wood River Land Trust and Friends of the Howard Preserve - 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. All ages welcome. Snacks provided. Info: 7883947 **22** Saturday Storytime - 10 a.m. at the Children’s Library in The Community Library, Ketchum. FREE. Info: 726-3493 May Fair presented by The Mountain School - 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Hop Porter Park, Hailey. Crafting, pony rides, food and more. Crown making at 11 a.m., with Maypole dance at 12 p.m. Info: 788-3170 **22** Restorative Yoga for Caregivers (free to caregivers) w/Katherine Pleasants - 2 to 3 p.m. at Zenergy, Ketchum. Info/register: Tim Hanna at 725-0595 x106 **22** Restorative Yoga with Katherine Pleasants - 4:30 to 5:45 p.m. - YMCA, Ketchum. Info: 727-9600. **TFN** 101 Amazing Things To Do / Summer 2013

Summer Kick-Off Dance for Area Teens hosted by the Sun Valley Youth Council and partnered by the Blaine County Community Drug Coalition - 8 to 11 p.m. at Elkhorn Springs Restaurant in Sun Valley. All current 8th -12th grade students invited, ID required. $5 at the door. Info: Taylor at 721-2168. **22** S Lucky Tongue - 8 p.m. at the Sun Valley Brewery, Hailey. No cover **22** S The Satin Chaps - 9 p.m. at Whiskey Jacques’, Ketchum. $5. **22**

sunday, 6.2.13 Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan 5 to 6:30 p.m., 416 Main Street, North entrance, Hailey. Info: HansMukh 721-7478 **TFN**

monday, 6.3.13

Toddler Story Time - 10:30 a.m. at the Bellevue Public Library. **TFN** Fit and Fall Proof - 11 a.m. at the Senior Connection, Hailey. 788-3468. **TFN** Gentle Yoga with Katherine Pleasants - 12 to 1 p.m. - YMCA, Ketchum. Info: 727-9600. Laughter Yoga with Carrie Mellen - 12:15 to 1 p.m. at All Things Sacred (upstairs at the Galleria), Ketchum. **TFN** Duplicate Bridge for all skill levels - 3 p.m., in the basement of Our Lady of the Snows Catholic Church, Ketchum. Info: 726-5997. Intermediate Bridge Lessons - 3 to 5:30 p.m. at Our Lady of the Snows Catholic Church Community Room, Sun Valley. Reservations required, 720-1501 or jo@jomurray.com. www.SunValleyBridge.com **TFN** Gentle Iyengar Yoga with Katherine Pleasants - 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. - MOVE Studio, Ketchum. Info: www.StudioMoveKetchum. com NAMI - National Alliance for the Mentally Ill “Connections” Recovery Support Group for persons living with mental illness - 5:30 to 7 p.m. at the NAMI-WRV office on the corner of Main and Maple - lower level, Hailey. Info: 309-1987 **TFN** S Naked Walrus - 8 p.m. at the Sun Valley Brewery, Hailey. No cover **22**

tuesday, 6.4.13

Yoga Sauna - 8:10 to 9:40 a.m., Bellevue. Info: 720-6513. **TFN**

Connection Club - 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Senior Connection, Hailey. Info: 788-3468. Children’s Library Science time w/Ann Christensen, 11 a.m. at the Children’s Library of the Community Library, Ketchum **TFN** Mommy Yoga - ages infant to walking. 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Wood River Community YMCA, Ketchum. Info: 727-9622. **TFN** Rotary Club of Ketchum/Sun Valley meeting - 12 to 1:15 p.m. at Rico’s, Ketchum. Info: www.Rotary.org **TFN** Guided Meditation - 12:15 to 1:15 p.m. at St. Luke’s Wood River, Chapel. Info: 7278733 **TFN** Blood Pressure Check - 12:30 p.m. at the Senior Connection, Hailey. Info: 788-3468. **TFN**

BINGO after lunch, 1 to 2 p.m. at the Senior Connection, Hailey. 788-3468. **TFN** Sewcial Society open sew - 2 to 5 p.m. at the Fabric Granery, Hailey. **TFN** Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan 2 to 3:30 p.m. and 6 to 7:30 p.m., 416 Main Street, North entrance, Hailey. Info: HansMukh 721-7478 **TFN** Duplicate bridge game for those new to duplicate - 3 to 5:30 p.m. at the Wood River YMCA, Ketchum. Reservations required, 720-1501 or jo@sunvalleybridge.com. www.SunValleyBridge. com **TFN** Weight Watchers - 5 to 6:30 p.m. at the Senior Connection, Hailey. Info: 788-3468. **TFN**

FREE Hailey Community Meditation - 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at Pure Body Pilates, across from Hailey Atkinsons’. All welcome, chairs and cushions available. Info: 721-2583 **TFN** Free Screening of High Tech, Low Life (before it airs on PBS) - 6 p.m. at The Community Library, Ketchum. **22** Free acupuncture clinic for veterans, military and their families 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Cody Acupuncture Clinic, Hailey. Info: 720-7530. **TFN**


Charity Trivia Night - 8 p.m. at Lefty’s Bar & Grill in Ketchum. $15 per team up to six people - 1/3 of entry fee goes back to local non-profits. Info: Gary, 725-5522 **TFN**



Summer 2013 •

S- Live Music

_- Benefit


Saturday Storytime - 10 a.m. at the Children’s Library in The Community Library, Ketchum. FREE. Info: 726-3493 Free Fishing Day - All day at the West Magic Resort. Info: 487-2571 or visit www.facebook.com/westmagicresort **23** Adams Gulch Fun Run. Info: Elephant’s Perch, Ketchum. **23**


22nd Annual Sawtooth Relay - all day at the Stanley Park. Info: www.sawtoothrelay.com or Terry at 8531221. Benefits the PKD Foundation **23** Summerfest - 2 to 6 p.m. in downtown Hailey. Celebrate the end of school with bouncy houses, dunking booths and more. Info: 788-5136 **23**

_S wednesday, 6.5.13

Yoga and Breath with Victoria Roper - 8 to 9:15 a.m. at Pure Body Pilates, Alturas Plaza, Hailey Animal Shelter Hikin’ Buddies Program, take a Shelter dog for a hike - 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., meet at Adam’s Gulch Trailhead (weather permitting). Info: 788-4351 or www.animalshelterwrv.org FREE Blood Pressure Checks, hosted by St. Luke’s Wood River Medical Center - 1 to 3 p.m. at Hailey Post Office No appt. necessary. Info: 727-8733 **23** Wood River Cup short track mountain bike racing for the whole family - 5 to 9 p.m. at Old Cutters Park, Hailey. $25/day. Racers 12 and under are free. Info: 788-9184. **23**

thursday, 6.6.13 Wildflower Walk with the Sawtooth Botanical Garden and the ERC - meet at 9:30 a.m. at the Garden, and leave from there for various spots. Info: 726-9358 Connection Club - 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Senior Connection, Hailey. Info: 788-3468. S Lower Broadford Boys - 5 to 7 p.m. at the Silver Dollar Saloon, Bellevue **23**

Friday, 6.7.13


Prime Rib Feed Fundraiser, a benefit for the Senior Connection, sponsored by Atkinsons’ Market - $25. Proceeds benefit Meals on Wheels. Info/RSVP: 788-3468 **23** S The Black Hands - 8 p.m. at the Sun Valley Brewery, Hailey. No cover **23** S Tracorum - 9 p.m. at Whiskey Jacques’, Ketchum. $5. **23** S Up a Creek - 9:30 p.m. at the Silver Dollar Saloon, Bellevue. No cover **23**

saturday, 6.8.13 Boy Scout Jamboree Pancake Breakfast - 8 to 10 a.m. at the Grange, Hailey. $5/person or $20/family. Info: 721-3015 **23** 44

Caritas Chorale Benefit Event - 5 p.m. for ‘Wine, Hors d’ouerves and Soft Drinks’ reception, concert begins between 6 and 6:30 p.m. at the Gail Severn Gallery, Ketchum and will feature ‘Folk Rock Music of the 60’s and 70’s’. $40 at the door. **23** S Actual Deception - 9 p.m. at Whiskey Jacques’, Ketchum. $5. **23**

SUNday, 6.9.13


Summer Start, 5k, 10k, Kids 1k community fun run/walk, a benefit for the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation - 9 a.m. at the Valley Club Fitness Center. $20/person, $5/child 10 and under, $40/family of 4 (each add’l kid $5). Sign up or donate at www. IMAthlete.com under SummerStart Community Fun Run. Info: Cortney at 721-8473 or Jennifer at 721-2984. **23**


Caritas Chorale Benefit Event - 5 p.m. for ‘Wine, Hors d’ouerves and Soft Drinks’ reception, concert begins between 6 and 6:30 p.m. at the Gail Severn Gallery, Ketchum and will feature ‘Folk Rock Music of the 60’s and 70’s’. $40 at the door. **23** S Sweatshop Union - 9 p.m. at Whiskey Jacques’, Ketchum. $5. **23**

Monday, 6.10.13 Plant. Water. Grow. - 6 to 7:30 p.m. in the The Hunger Coalition’s Hope Garden, Hailey. Info: 788-0121 **35**

tuesday, 6.11.13 Plant. Water. Grow. - 9 to 10:30 a.m. in the The Hunger Coalition’s Hope Garden, Hailey. Info: 788-0121 **35** Wood River Farmers’ Market, locally grown, raised and hand-crafted products 2 to 6 p.m. at 4th Street, Heritage Corridor, Ketchum.


Swiftsure Ranch Cowboy Ball - 5:30 p.m. at the Swiftsure Ranch, south of Bellevue. A benefit for the therapeutic riding ranch. Info: 578-9111 or www.SwiftSureRanch.org **23**


• updates: the weekly sun wednesday, 6.12.13 Animal Shelter Hikin’ Buddies Program, take a Shelter dog for a hike - 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., meet at Adam’s Gulch Trailhead (weather permitting). Info: 788-4351 or www.animalshelterwrv.org Story Mania - 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the Hailey Public Library. Info: www.HaileyPublicLibrary.org or 788-2036. Wood River Cup short track mountain bike racing for the whole family - 5 to 9 p.m. at the Croy Creek Trail System, 3.5 miles west of Hailey. $25/day. Racers 12 and under are free. Info: 788-9184. **24** Plant. Water. Grow - 6 to 7:30 p.m. in the The Hunger Coalition’s Hope Garden, Hailey. Info: 788-0121 **35** S 812 Band - 6:30 to 10 p.m. at The Wicked Spud, Hailey. No cover **24**

thursday, 6.13.13 4-H Overnight Horse Camp (June 13-15 for ages 8-18) at the Blaine County Fairgrounds, Carey. $60. Info: 788-5585 **24** Wildflower Walk with the Sawtooth Botanical Garden and the ERC - meet at 9:30 a.m. at the Garden, and leave from there for various spots. Info: 726-9358 Connection Club - 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Senior Connection, Hailey. Info: 788-3468. Wood River Farmers’ Market, locally grown, raised and hand-crafted products - 2 to 6 p.m. on Main Street, north of Sturtos, Hailey S Mic Terra - 5 to 7 p.m. at the Silver Dollar Saloon, Bellevue **24** Rugged Mercy: A Country Doctor in Idaho’s Sun Valley - 6 p.m. at The Community Library, Ketchum. **24**


friday, 6.14.13

Hoodwink - 9:30 p.m. at the Silver Dollar Saloon, Bellevue. No cover **24**

saturday, 6.15.13 Saturday Storytime - 10 a.m. at the Children’s Library in The Community Library, Ketchum. FREE. Info: 726-3493 S Slaughter Daughter - 8 p.m. at the Sun Valley Brewery, Hailey. No cover **24** S McKenna Faith - 9 p.m. at Whiskey Jacques’, Ketchum. $5. **24**

sunday, 6.16.13 6th Annual A.J. Silva Cup Kite Festival - 11 a.m. at the Stanley Pioneer Park. Kite contests, prizes, food and beverages. Info: yankeeforker@yahoo.com **24** S Laura Meyer - 5 to 7 p.m. on the lawn of Redfish Lake Lodge. Info: www.redfishlake.com **24**

monday, 6.17.13 4-H Summer Youth Camp (ages 8-13, June 101 Amazing Things To Do /Summer 2013

Summer 2013 •

S- Live Music

17-19) at Central Idaho 4-H Camp, 17 miles north of Ketchum. $120. Info: 788-5585

TUESday, 6.18.13 Wood River Farmers’ Market, locally grown, raised and hand-crafted products 2 to 6 p.m. at 4th Street, Heritage Corridor, Ketchum. Free Reading with Writer Antonya Nelson - 6:30 p.m. at the Liberty Theatre, Hailey. Info: 726-9491 or www.sunvalleycenter.org

wednesday, 6.19.13 Animal Shelter Hikin’ Buddies Program, take a Shelter dog for a hike - 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., meet at Adam’s Gulch Trailhead (weather permitting). Info: 788-4351 or www.animalshelterwrv.org Story Mania - 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the Hailey Public Library. Info: www.HaileyPublicLibrary.org or 788-2036. Wood River Cup short track mountain bike racing for the whole family - 5 to 9 p.m. at Old Cutters Park, Hailey. $25/day. Racers 12 and under are free. Info: 788-9184. **25** S TBA - 6 to 8 p.m. on the lawn of Redfish Lake Lodge. Info: www.redfishlake.com S Hoodwink - 6:30 to 10 p.m. at The Wicked Spud, Hailey. No cover **25** St. Thomas Playhouse Summer Theater Project presents West Side Story - 7:30 p.m. at the Community School Theater, Sun Valley. Tickets/Info: Cherie at 726-5349 x13

thursday, 6.20.13 Sheeptown Drag Races, Hailey. Info: 7889184 **25** Wildflower Walk with the Sawtooth Botanical Garden and the ERC - meet at 9:30 a.m. at the Garden, and leave from there for various spots. Info: 726-9358 Connection Club - 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Senior Connection, Hailey. Info: 788-3468. Wood River Farmers’ Market, locally grown, raised and hand-crafted products - 2 to 6 p.m. on Main Street, north of Sturtos, Hailey S Carter Freeman - 5 to 7 p.m. at the Silver Dollar Saloon, Bellevue **25** S Ketchum Town Square Tunes presents Mia Edsall and the Ryhthm Rangers - 6 to 7:30 p.m., at the Ketchum Town Square. St. Thomas Playhouse Summer Theater Project presents West Side Story - 7:30 p.m. at the Community School Theater, Sun Valley. Tickets/Info: Cherie at 726-5349 x13 S Up a Creek - 8 p.m. at Mahoney’s, Bellevue. No cover **25**

friday, 6.21.13 Sheeptown Drag Races, Hailey. Info: 7889184 **25** Free Sun Valley Story Tour - board a Moun101 Amazing Things To Do / Summer 2013

_- Benefit


tain Rides bus at 10:15 a.m. outside the Visitor Center, Ketchum. Info: 788-7433 **36** Community Paseo - celebrate foods of Latin America - 3 to 6 p.m. at the Hunger Coalition’s Hope Garden, Hailey. Info: 788-0121 S Muzzie Braun - 6 to 8 p.m. on the lawn of Redfish Lake Lodge. Info: www.redfishlake.com **25** St. Thomas Playhouse Summer Theater Project presents West Side Story - 7:30 p.m. at the Community School Theater, Sun Valley. Tickets/Info: Cherie at 726-5349 x13 S Ethan Keller Band - 8:30 p.m. at the Sun Valley Brewery, Hailey. No cover **25** S James McMurtry with Jack + Jill opening - 9 p.m. at Whiskey Jacques’, Ketchum. $10. **25** S Bermuda Cowboys - 9:30 p.m. at the Silver Dollar Saloon, Bellevue. No cover

saturday, 6.22.13 Saturday Storytime - 10 a.m. at the Children’s Library in The Community Library, Ketchum. FREE. Info: 726-3493 S Bring Bowe Back Bash - 1 to 4 p.m. at Hop Porter Park in Hailey. Live music by Up a Creek and Paddy Wagon. Tree dedication ceremony at 2 p.m. and about 250 MIA/ POW motorcyclists are expected to attend as well as several local government officials. Info: Debbie at 450-9687 **25** Summer Reading Program kick-off party - 2 to 4 p.m. at The Community Library, Ketchum. Info: 726-3493 **25** S Concert in the Park - 6 to 10 p.m., at the West Magic Resort. Info: 487-2571 or visit www.facebook.com/westmagicresort **25** St. Thomas Playhouse Summer Theater Project presents West Side Story - 7:30 p.m. at the Community School Theater, Sun Valley. Tickets/Info: Cherie at 726-5349 x13 S Kilmer - 9 p.m. at Whiskey Jacques’, Ketchum. $5. **25**


sunday, 6.23.13

Montana Skies - 5 to 7 p.m. on the lawn of Redfish Lake Lodge. Info: www.redfishlake.com **25** S Jazz in the Park presents Kevin Kirk’s Onomatopoeia - 6 to 8 p.m., at Ketchum’s Rotary Park. **25**

monday, 6.24.13 4-H Natural Resources Camp (ages 12 - 14, June 24-29) at the Central Idaho 4-H Camp, 17 miles north of Ketchum. Cost, Info or Register: Megan Satterwhite at 736-3634 S B-Side Players - 8:30 p.m. at the Sun Valley Brewery, Hailey. $5**25**

TUESday, 6.25.13 Wood River Farmers’ Market, locally grown, raised and hand-crafted products -

• updates: the weekly sun 2 to 6 p.m. at 4th Street, Heritage Corridor, Ketchum. S Ketch’em Alive presents B-Side Players - 7 to 9 p.m. in the Forest Service Park, Ketchum. FREE **25**

wednesday, 6.26.13 Animal Shelter Hikin’ Buddies Program, take a Shelter dog for a hike - 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., meet at Adam’s Gulch Trailhead (weather permitting). Info: 788-4351 or www.animalshelterwrv.org Story Mania - 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the Hailey Public Library. Info: www.HaileyPublicLibrary.org or 788-2036. Wood River Cup short track mountain bike racing for the whole family - 5 to 9 p.m. at the Croy Creek Trail System, 3.5 miles west of Hailey. $25/day. Racers 12 and under are free. Info: 788-9184. **26** Free Talk by Photographer Seth Resnick 5:30 p.m. at the Sun Valley Center for the Arts classroom in Hailey. Info: 726-9491 or www.sunvalleycenter.org **26** S Wood River Orchestra concert - 6 p.m. at the Sawtooth Botanical Garden. Info: wrcorchestra.org **26** S Johnny Shoes - 6 to 8 p.m. on the lawn of Redfish Lake Lodge. Info: www.redfishlake.com **26** S Sofa Kings - 6:30 to 10 p.m. at The Wicked Spud, Hailey. No cover **26** S Andy Frasco - 9 p.m. at Whiskey Jacques’, Ketchum. $5. **26**

thursday, 6.27.13 Wildflower Walk with the Sawtooth Botanical Garden and the ERC - meet at 9:30 a.m. at the Garden, and leave from there for various spots. Info: 726-9358 Connection Club - 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Senior Connection, Hailey. Info: 788-3468. Wood River Farmers’ Market, locally grown, raised and hand-crafted products - 2 to 6 p.m. on Main Street, north of Sturtos, Hailey S Sean Jackson - 5 to 7 p.m. at the Silver Dollar Saloon, Bellevue **26** S Ketchum Town Square Tunes presents Hat Trick - 6 to 7:30 p.m., at the Ketchum Town Square. **26** S JP Whipple- 8 p.m. at the Sun Valley Brewery, Hailey. No cover **26** S Johnny Shoes & the Rhythm Rangers - 8 p.m. at Mahoney’s, Bellevue. No cover

Friday, 6.28.13 Ride Sun Valley Bike Festival - today includes Super Enduro Race Registration Pickup and WRBC Fundraiser party at Sawtooth Brewery, Ketchum. Info: www.RideSunValley.com **26** Free Sun Valley Story Tour - board a Moun-



Summer 2013 •

S- Live Music

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• updates: the weekly sun

tain Rides bus at 10:15 a.m. outside the Visitor Center, Ketchum. Info: 788-7433 S The Barking Owls - 6 to 8 p.m. on the lawn of Redfish Lake Lodge. Info: www.redfishlake.com **26** S The Dusty 45’s - 9 p.m. at Whiskey Jacques’, Ketchum. $5. **26** S South of Bellevue - 9:30 p.m. at the Silver Dollar Saloon, Bellevue. No cover

saturday, 6.29.13 Ride Sun Valley Bike Festival - today includes Day One of the Sun Valley Super Enduro and Apple’s Party. Info/full schedule: www.RideSunValley.com **26** Saturday Storytime - 10 a.m. at the Children’s Library in The Community Library, Ketchum. FREE. Info: 726-3493


Spring Wine Tasting and Silent Auction to benefit The Crisis Hotline - 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Sawtooth Botanical Garden. Tickets/Info: 788-0735 **26** S Mary Cutrufello with Ophelia - 9 p.m. at Whiskey Jacques’, Ketchum. $5. **26**

Sunday, 6.30.13 Ride Sun Valley Bike Festival - today includes Day Two of the Sun Valley Super Enduro with Awards & After Party to follow. Info/full schedule: www.RideSunValley.com **26**


Flat Top Picnic, a fundraiser for the Trailing of the Sheep Festival - 1 to 4 p.m. at the Flat Top Ranch near Carey. RSVP/Info: robyn@trailingofthesheep.org **26**


Wood River Orchestra music and margaritas fundraiser - 5 to 7 p.m., location TBA. Info: wrcorchestra.org **26** S The Barking Owls - 5 to 7 p.m. on the lawn of Redfish Lake Lodge. Info: www.redfishlake.com **26** S Jazz in the Park presents Paul Tillotson Trio - 6 to 8 p.m., at Ketchum’s Rotary Park. **26**

cludes Local Stoker Rides and the Fourth Annual Idaho Pump Track State Championships. Info/full schedule: www.RideSunValley.com **26** Company of Fools presents Other Desert Cities - 7 p.m. at the Liberty Theatre, Hailey. Tickets/Info: 578-9122 or www.companyoffools.org. Pay what you feel night **26** S Ketch’em Alive presents Swagger - 7 to 9 p.m. in the Forest Service Park, Ketchum. FREE **26** Days of the Old West Rodeo - 7:30 p.m. at the Hailey Rodeo Park. Tickets/Info: 7884996 or 720-7798 **26**

WEdnesday, 7.3.13

Ride Sun Valley Bike Festival - today includes Local Stoker Rides and the Ketchum Criterium. Info/full schedule: www.RideSunValley.com **27** Animal Shelter Hikin’ Buddies Program, take a Shelter dog for a hike - 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., meet at Adam’s Gulch Trailhead Monday, 7.1.13 (weather permitting). Info: 788-4351 or Ride Sun Valley Bike Festival - today in- www.animalshelterwrv.org cludes Sun Valley Bike Demo, and Local Story Mania - 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the HaiStoker Rides. Info/full schedule: www.Ride- ley Public Library. Info: www.HaileyPublicLiSunValley.com **26** brary.org or 788-2036. S Swagger - 8:30 p.m. at the Sun Valley FREE Blood Pressure Checks, hosted by St. Brewery, Hailey. $5 **26** Luke’s Wood River Medical Center - 1 to 3 p.m. at Hailey Post Office No appt. necesTUESday, 7.2.13 sary. Info: 727-8733 **27** Wood River Farmers’ Market, locally grown, raised and hand-crafted products - S James Orr - 6 to 8 p.m. on the lawn of 2 to 6 p.m. at 4th Street, Heritage Corridor, Redfish Lake Lodge. Info: www.redfishlake. com **27** Ketchum. Ride Sun Valley Bike Festival - today in- S TBA - 6:30 to 10 p.m. at The Wicked Spud, Hailey. No cover **24** 46 PUBLISHED BY THE WEEKLY SUN


Company of Fools presents Other Desert Cities - 7 p.m. at the Liberty Theatre, Hailey. Tickets/Info: 578-9122 or www.companyoffools.org **27** Days of the Old West Rodeo - 7:30 p.m. at the Hailey Rodeo Park. Tickets/Info: 7884996 or 720-7798 **27** S Josh Powell Band - 8:30 p.m. at the Sun Valley Brewery, Hailey. No cover **27**

THURSDAY, 7.4.13 Fourth of July **27** Wildflower Walk with the Sawtooth Botanical Garden and the ERC - meet at 9:30 a.m. at the Garden, and leave from there for various spots. Info: 726-9358 Hailey’s Fourth of July Celebration (includes Rodeo, Antique Fairs, Children’s Carnival, Hometown Parade, Criterium Bike Race, Road Apple Roulette, Pancake Breakfast, Ice Cream Social, Fireworks Display and Street Dance). Schedule/Info: www.haileyidaho. com or 788-3484 **27** Stanley Fourth of July - annual kids’ parade and evening fireworks display in Stanley City Center. Info: www.stanleycc.org **27** Ride Sun Valley Bike Festival - today includes Local Stoker Rides and the Hailey Fourth of July Criterium Bike Race. Info/full schedule: www.RideSunValley.com **27** S Fourth of July Parade Parking Lot Party - 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Sun Valley Brewery, Hailey. No cover **25** Wood River Farmers’ Market, locally grown, raised and hand-crafted products - 2 101 Amazing Things To Do /Summer 2013

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to 6 p.m. on Main Street, north of Sturtos, Hailey Hailey’s Antique Market - afternoon at Roberta McKercher Park and inside the Hailey Armory (early birds welcome today). Info: Alee at 720-1146 or haileyantiques@aol. com **27** S Ketchum Town Square Tunes presents Electric Snack - 6 to 7:30 p.m., at the Ketchum Town Square. **27** Company of Fools presents Other Desert Cities - 7 p.m. at the Liberty Theatre, Hailey. Tickets/Info: 578-9122 or www.companyoffools.org Educators night **27** Days of the Old West Rodeo - 7:30 p.m. at the Hailey Rodeo Park. Tickets/Info: 7884996 or 720-7798 **27** S George Devore - 8 p.m. at Mahoney’s, Bellevue. **27** Sun Valley Ice Show featuring U.S. Gold Medalist Ryan Bradley. Tickets/Info: 6226135 or www.sunvalley.com. **27**

friday, 7.5.13 Ride Sun Valley Bike Festival - today includes Local Stoker Rides, MASSV Music Festival and Kids MTB Race. Info/full schedule: www.RideSunValley.com **27** Hailey’s Antique Market - 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Roberta McKercher Park and inside the Hailey Armory. Info: Alee at 720-1146 or haileyantiques@aol.com **27** Free Sun Valley Story Tour - board a Mountain Rides bus at 10:15 a.m. outside the Visitor Center, Ketchum. Info: 788-7433 S MASSV (Music and Arts Showcase Sun Valley) - all day at River Run, at the base of Baldy, Ketchum. **27** Community School All-Alumni Reunion - 4 p.m. (through 12 p.m., July 7). Various activities and fees. Schedule/Info: 622-3960 x165 or kdetwiler@communityschool.org/ alumni**27** Gallery Walk - 5 to 8 p.m. at participating galleries in Ketchum. Info: svgalleries.org or 726-5512 **27** Idaho Wolves with Carter Niemeyer, sponsored by the Sawtooth Interpretive & Historical Association - 5 p.m. at the Stanley Museum and again at 8 p.m. at the Redfish Center & Gallery. Info: www.discoversawtooth.org. Free **27** S Bobos in the Park - 6 to 10 p.m., at the West Magic Resort. Info: 487-2571 or visit www.facebook.com/westmagicresort **27** S Muzzie Braun - 6 to 8 p.m. on the lawn of Redfish Lake Lodge. Info: www.redfishlake.com **27** Company of Fools presents Other Desert Cities - 8 p.m. at the Liberty Theatre, Hailey. Tickets/Info: 578-9122 or www.companyoffools.org **27** 101 Amazing Things To Do / Summer 2013

_- Benefit


saturday, 7.6.13 Ride Sun Valley Bike Festival - today includes USA Cycling Marathon Mountain Bike Nat’l Championships, and the Sun Valley Bald Juan XC Mountain Bike Race. Info/ full schedule: www.RideSunValley.com **27** Hailey’s Antique Market - 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Roberta McKercher Park and inside the Hailey Armory. Info: Alee at 720-1146 or haileyantiques@aol.com **27** Saturday Storytime - 10 a.m. at the Children’s Library in The Community Library, Ketchum. FREE. Info: 726-3493 S MASSV (Music and Arts Showcase Sun Valley) - all day at River Run, at the base of Baldy, Ketchum. **27** Company of Fools presents Other Desert Cities - 8 p.m. at the Liberty Theatre, Hailey. Tickets/Info: 578-9122 or www.companyoffools.org **27**

sunday, 7.7.13 Ride Sun Valley Bike Festival - today includes Women’s Only Mountain Bike Ride With Juli Furtado. Info/full schedule: www. RideSunValley.com **27**


NAMIBikes Sun Valley, a benefit for NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) check-in and continental breakfast at 8 a.m. at the River Run parking lot, Ketchum. Info: 309-1987 or namiwrv@gmail.com **27** Hailey’s Antique Market - 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Roberta McKercher Park and inside the Hailey Armory. Info: Alee at 720-1146 or haileyantiques@aol.com **27**


Garden Tour, a benefit for the Sawtooth Botanical Garden - 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tickets/Info: www.sbgarden.org **27** S Shook Twins - 5 to 7 p.m. on the lawn of Redfish Lake Lodge. Info: www.redfishlake.com **27** S ABBA and the American Festival Chorus and Orchestra perform at the Sun Valley Pavilion. Tickets on sale April 1. Diva Tickets: www.SunValleyOpera.com or 726-0991; General admission: www.seats.sunvalley. com or 622-2135 **27** S Jazz in the Park presents Alan Pennay & Cheryl Morrell - 6 to 8 p.m., at Ketchum’s Rotary Park. **27** S Young Dubliners - 8:30 p.m. at the Sun Valley Brewery, Hailey. $15 **27**


Monday, 7.8.13

Young Dubliners - 8:30 p.m. at the Sun Valley Brewery, Hailey. $15 **27**

tuesday, 7.9.13 Wood River Farmers’ Market, locally grown, raised and hand-crafted products 2 to 6 p.m. at 4th Street, Heritage Corridor, Ketchum.

• updates: the weekly sun


Ketch’em Alive presents Incendio - 7 to 9 p.m. in the Forest Service Park, Ketchum. FREE **27** SOLD OUT! Company of Fools presents Other Desert Cities - 7 p.m. at the Liberty Theatre, Hailey. Tickets/Info: 578-9122 or www.companyoffools.org **27**

wednesday, 7.10.13 Animal Shelter Hikin’ Buddies Program, take a Shelter dog for a hike - 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., meet at Adam’s Gulch Trailhead (weather permitting). Info: 788-4351 or www.animalshelterwrv.org Story Mania - 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the Hailey Public Library. Info: www.HaileyPublicLibrary.org or 788-2036.


Fearless and Fashionable, an annual summer fundraiser for The Advocates - 6 to 8 p.m. at the Ochi Gallery, Ketchum. Space is limited. Tickets/Info: Lisa at 788-4191 **28** S Muzzie Braun - 6 to 8 p.m. on the lawn of Redfish Lake Lodge. Info: www.redfishlake.com **28** S South of Bellevue - 6:30 to 10 p.m. at The Wicked Spud, Hailey. No cover **28** Company of Fools presents Other Desert Cities - 7 p.m. at the Liberty Theatre, Hailey. Tickets/Info: 578-9122 or www.companyoffools.org **28**

thursday, 7.11.13 Wildflower Walk with the Sawtooth Botanical Garden and the ERC - meet at 9:30 a.m. at the Garden, and leave from there for various spots. Info: 726-9358 Connection Club - 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Senior Connection, Hailey. Info: 788-3468. Wood River Farmers’ Market, locally grown, raised and hand-crafted products - 2 to 6 p.m. on Main Street, north of Sturtos, Hailey S 10 Year Anniversary Celebration for the Hunger Coalition - arts event and evening concert featuring Slow Children Playing from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Ketchum Town Square Plaza. Info: 788-0121 **28** S Ketchum Town Square Tunes presents Up a Creek - 6 to 7:30 p.m., at the Ketchum Town Square. **28** Company of Fools presents Other Desert Cities - 7 p.m. at the Liberty Theatre, Hailey. Tickets/Info: 578-9122 or www.companyoffools.org **28** S Kim Stocking Band - 8 p.m. at Mahoney’s, Bellevue. No cover **25** S The 44’s- 8:30 p.m. at the Sun Valley Brewery, Hailey. $5 **28**

friday, 7.12.13

Ketchum Arts Festival - 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Festival Meadow on Sun Valley Road. Free PUBLISHED BY THE WEEKLY SUN 47

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entry and kids activities. Info: 725-4090 or www.KetchumArtsFestival.com **28** Free Sun Valley Story Tour - board a Mountain Rides bus at 10:15 a.m. outside the Visitor Center, Ketchum. Info: 788-7433 Falconry, an ancient art in modern times, with David Skinner, sponsored by the Sawtooth Interpretive & Historical Association - 5 p.m. at the Stanley Museum and again at 8 p.m. at the Redfish Center & Gallery. Info: www.discoversawtooth.org. FREE **28**


Relay for Life - Blaine County - 6 p.m. at the Wood River High School track. Walk through the evening and into the morning. Info: 720-5056 **28** S Dewey, Pickett & Howe - 6 to 8 p.m. on the lawn of Redfish Lake Lodge. Info: www.redfishlake.com **28** Company of Fools presents Other Desert Cities - 8 p.m. at the Liberty Theatre, Hailey. Tickets/Info: 578-9122 or www.companyoffools.org **28**

saturday, 7.13.13 A Day of Chalk - 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Main St., Hailey. Participants of all ages buy a sidewalk square for $5 and draw in chalk. Other activities will round out this Hailey Arts Commission Event. Info: Sheila Kelley at 720-9361 **28** Ketchum Arts Festival - 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Festival Meadow on Sun Valley Road. Free entry and kids activities. Info: 725-4090 or www.KetchumArtsFestival.com **28** Saturday Storytime - 10 a.m. at the Children’s Library in The Community Library, Ketchum. FREE. Info: 726-3493 Company of Fools presents Other Desert Cities - 8 p.m. at the Liberty Theatre, Hailey. Tickets/Info: 578-9122 or www.companyoffools.org **28** S Larry & His Flask - 8:30 p.m. at the Sun Valley Brewery, Hailey. $15 **28** Sun Valley Ice Show featuring U.S. Gold Medalist Johnny Weir. Tickets/Info: 6226135 or www.sunvalley.com. **28**

sunday, 7.14.13 Ketchum Arts Festival - 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Festival Meadow on Sun Valley Road. Free entry and kids activities. Info: 725-4090 or www.KetchumArtsFestival.com **28** S Bare Bones - 5 to 7 p.m. on the lawn of Redfish Lake Lodge. Info: www.redfishlake.com **28** S Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings presented by the Sun Valley Center for the Arts - River Run. Tickets/more info: 726-9491 x110 **28** S Jazz in the Park presents Sun Valley Latin Jazz Ensemble - 6 to 8 p.m., at Ketchum’s Rotary Park. **28** 48


_- Benefit


Monday, 7.15.13

Lucky Tongue - 8:30 p.m. at the Sun Valley Brewery, Hailey. No cover **28**

tuesday, 7.16.13 Wood River Farmers’ Market, locally grown, raised and hand-crafted products 2 to 6 p.m. at 4th Street, Heritage Corridor, Ketchum. Churchill and Roosevelt: The Friendship that Saved the World - 6 p.m. at The Community Library, Ketchum. **28** Company of Fools presents Other Desert Cities - 7 p.m. at the Liberty Theatre, Hailey. Tickets/Info: 578-9122 or www.companyoffools.org **28** S Ketch’em Alive presents Girls, Guns & Glory - 7 to 9 p.m. in the Forest Service Park, Ketchum. FREE **28** International Summerfest folk dancers from around the world - 8 p.m. at the Wood River High School Performing Arts Theater, Hailey. Tickets at the door. **28**

wednesday, 7.17.13 Animal Shelter Hikin’ Buddies Program, take a Shelter dog for a hike - 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., meet at Adam’s Gulch Trailhead (weather permitting). Info: 788-4351 or www.animalshelterwrv.org Story Mania - 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the Hailey Public Library. Info: www.HaileyPublicLibrary.org or 788-2036. S Kim Stocking Band - 6:30 to 10 p.m. at The Wicked Spud, Hailey. No cover **29** Company of Fools presents Other Desert Cities - 7 p.m. at the Liberty Theatre, Hailey. Tickets/Info: 578-9122 or www.companyoffools.org **29** S Possessed by Paul James AKA Konrad Wert - 8 p.m. at the Sun Valley Brewery, Hailey. No cover **29**

thursday, 7.18.13 Wildflower Walk with the Sawtooth Botanical Garden and the ERC - meet at 9:30 a.m. at the Garden, and leave from there for various spots. Info: 726-9358 Connection Club - 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Senior Connection, Hailey. Info: 788-3468. Wood River Farmers’ Market, locally grown, raised and hand-crafted products - 2 to 6 p.m. on Main Street, north of Sturtos, Hailey S Ketchum Town Square Tunes presents Dewey Pickett & Howe - 6 to 7:30 p.m., at the Ketchum Town Square. **29** Junior Patrons Circle, part of the Sun Valley Center’s Wine Auction 2013 - 7 p.m. into the evening. Info: www.sunvalleycenter.org S Stone Seed - 8 p.m. at Mahoney’s, Bellevue. No cover **29**


• updates: the weekly sun


Skyfoot - 8:30 p.m. at the Sun Valley Brewery, Hailey. No cover **29**

friday, 7.19.13 Free Sun Valley Story Tour - board a Mountain Rides bus at 10:15 a.m. outside the Visitor Center, Ketchum. Info: 788-7433 Sun Valley Center’s Wine Auction Gala - 5 to 10 p.m. at the Dollar Mountain Lodged Tent. Info: www.sunvalleycenter.org **29** Bats, facts on the fly, with Barbara Garcia, sponsored by the Sawtooth Interpretive & Historical Association - 5 p.m. at the Stanley Museum and again at 8 p.m. at the Redfish Center & Gallery. Info: www.discoversawtooth.org. FREE **29** S Chet O’Keefe 6 to 8 p.m. on the lawn of Redfish Lake Lodge. Info: www.redfishlake.com **29**

saturday, 7.20.13 Backcountry Run. Info: Elephant’s Perch, Ketchum. **29** Mountain Mamas’ Arts & Crafts Show - 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. in Stanley, across from the Community Center. Free to the public. Music, food and more. Info: www.sawtoothmountainmamas.org **29** Saturday Storytime - 10 a.m. at the Children’s Library in The Community Library, Ketchum. FREE. Info: 726-3493 S Reggae in the Mountains-World Jam at the Hailey Rodeo Grounds. Info: 720-5431 or iriedonal@hotmail.com **29** S Grand Wine Tasting and Picnic Concert - 6 to 9 p.m. at the Dollar Mountain Lodge area. Info: www.sunvalleycenter.org S Concert in the Park - 6 to 10 p.m., at the West Magic Resort. Info: 487-2571 or visit www.facebook.com/westmagicresort **29** Company of Fools presents Other Desert Cities - 8 p.m. at the Liberty Theatre, Hailey. Tickets/Info: 578-9122 or www.companyoffools.org **29** S Shawn and the Marauders - 8 p.m. at Mahoney’s, Bellevue. No cover **29** Sun Valley Ice Show featuring U.S. Junior Gold and Bronze Medalist Nathan Chen. Tickets/Info: 622-6135 or www.sunvalley. com. **29**

sunday, 7.21.13 Mountain Mamas’ Arts & Crafts Show - 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Stanley, across from the Community Center. Free to the public. Music, food and more. Info: www.sawtoothmountainmamas.org **29** S Andy Hackbarth - 5 to 7 p.m. on the lawn of Redfish Lake Lodge. Info: www.redfishlake.com **29** S Jazz in the Park presents Brooks Hartell Trio - 6 to 8 p.m., at Ketchum’s Rotary Park. **29** 101 Amazing Things To Do /Summer 2013

Summer 2013 •


S- Live Music

Monday, 7.22.13

Dirk Quinn Band - 8:30 p.m. at the Sun Valley Brewery, Hailey. No cover **29**

tuesday, 7.23.13 Wood River Farmers’ Market, locally grown, raised and hand-crafted products 2 to 6 p.m. at 4th Street, Heritage Corridor, Ketchum. S Ketch’em Alive presents The Bobos7 to 9 p.m. in the Forest Service Park, Ketchum. FREE **29** Company of Fools presents Other Desert Cities - 7 p.m. at the Liberty Theatre, Hailey. Tickets/Info: 578-9122 or www.companyoffools.org **29**

wednesday, 7.24.13 Animal Shelter Hikin’ Buddies Program, take a Shelter dog for a hike - 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., meet at Adam’s Gulch Trailhead (weather permitting). Info: 788-4351 or www.animalshelterwrv.org Story Mania - 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the Hailey Public Library. Info: www.HaileyPublicLibrary.org or 788-2036. S Wood River Orchestra concert - 6 p.m. at the Sawtooth Botanical Garden. Info: wrcorchestra.org **30** S Douglas Cameron - 6 to 8 p.m. on the lawn of Redfish Lake Lodge. Info: www.redfishlake.com **30** S TBA - 6:30 to 10 p.m. at The Wicked Spud, Hailey. No cover **30** Company of Fools presents Other Desert Cities - 7 p.m. at the Liberty Theatre, Hailey. Tickets/Info: 578-9122 or www.companyoffools.org **30**

thursday, 7.25.13 Wildflower Walk with the Sawtooth Botanical Garden and the ERC - meet at 9:30 a.m. at the Garden, and leave from there for various spots. Info: 726-9358 Connection Club - 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Senior Connection, Hailey. Info: 788-3468. Wood River Farmers’ Market, locally grown, raised and hand-crafted products - 2 to 6 p.m. on Main Street, north of Sturtos, Hailey Free Screening of The Law in These Parts - 6 p.m. at The Community Library, Ketchum. S Ketchum Town Square Tunes presents All Night Diner - 6 to 7:30 p.m., at the Ketchum Town Square. **28** S Kole Moulton & Lonely Road - 8 p.m. at Mahoney’s, Bellevue. No cover **28** S Billygoats - 8:30 p.m. at the Sun Valley Brewery, Hailey. No cover **28**

friday, 7.26.13 Free Sun Valley Story Tour - board a Moun101 Amazing Things To Do / Summer 2013

_- Benefit


tain Rides bus at 10:15 a.m. outside the Visitor Center, Ketchum. Info: 788-7433 Astronomy, star gazing & solar viewing with Dr. Irwin Horowitz and Joanne Nolan, sponsored by the Sawtooth Interpretive & Historical Association - 5 p.m. at the Stanley Museum and again at 8 p.m. at the Redfish Center & Gallery. Info: www.discoversawtooth.org. FREE **30**


Animal Shelter’s Dog Days of Summer Gala, annual benefit dinner and auction 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. at Trail Creek Pavilion, Sun Valley. $175. Info/Reservations: www.animalshelterwrv.org or 788-4351 **30** S Muzzie Braun- 6 to 8 p.m. on the lawn of Redfish Lake Lodge. Info: www.redfishlake.com **30** Sun Valley PBR Classic - 8 p.m. at the Hailey Rodeo Grounds. Tickets/Info: Hailey Chamber office, Atkinsons’ markets or www.sunvalleypbr.com **30** Company of Fools presents Other Desert Cities - 8 p.m. at the Liberty Theatre, Hailey. Tickets/Info: 578-9122 or www.companyoffools.org **30**

saturday, 7.27.13 Saturday Storytime - 10 a.m. at the Children’s Library in The Community Library, Ketchum. FREE. Info: 726-3493


Sun Valley Road Rally - get bused to Phantom Hill. Proceeds benefit the Blaine County Drug Coalition. www.blainecountycdc.org **30**


Sagebrush Soiree - 6 p.m. at the Busterback Ranch, south of Stanley. Support the Sawtooth Society. Dinner, dancing, auction and more. Info: 721-2909 or gary@sawtoothsociety.org **30** Savannah Fuentes Flamenco Dance Concert - 7:30 p.m. at the Wood River High School Performing Arts Theater, Hailey. Tickets at the door. **30** Company of Fools presents Other Desert Cities - 8 p.m. at the Liberty Theatre, Hailey. Tickets/Info: 578-9122 or www.companyoffools.org **30** S Throwdown in Dogtown featuring live music by Hellbound Glory and The George Devore Band and more - 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. at the Rod-N-gun Whitewater Saloon, Stanley. Info: 208-774-7000 **30** Sun Valley Ice Show featuring U.S. Bronze Medalist Agnes Zawadzki and guest. Tickets/Info: 622-6135 or www.sunvalley.com.

sunday, 7.28.13


• updates: the weekly sun com **30** S Sun Valley Summer Symphony’s Edgar M. Bronfman In Focus Series presents The Sacred and the Profane: Spirituality Across the Globe and the Ages - 6 to 7:30 p.m. at the Sun Valley Pavilion. FREE. **30** S Jazz in the Park presents Idaho Falls Big Band - 6 to 8 p.m., at Ketchum’s Rotary Park. **30** Throwdown in Dogtown - 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. at the Ace of Diamonds, Stanley. Info: 208774-7000 **30**


monday, 7.29.13

Sun Valley Summer Symphony’s Edgar M. Bronfman In Focus Series presents The Sacred and the Profane: Visions of Heaven and Hell - 6 to 7:30 p.m. at the Sun Valley Pavilion. FREE. **30** Author Reading: Alexander Maksik - 6 p.m. at The Community Library, Ketchum. **30** S Natural Roots Reggae Music - 8:30 p.m. at the Sun Valley Brewery, Hailey. No cover **30**

tuesday, 7.30.13 Wood River Farmers’ Market, locally grown, raised and hand-crafted products 2 to 6 p.m. at 4th Street, Heritage Corridor, Ketchum. S Ketch’em Alive presents Natural Roots - 7 to 9 p.m. in the Forest Service Park, Ketchum. FREE **30**

wednesday, 7.31.13 Animal Shelter Hikin’ Buddies Program, take a Shelter dog for a hike - 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., meet at Adam’s Gulch Trailhead (weather permitting). Info: 788-4351 or www.animalshelterwrv.org Story Mania - 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the Hailey Public Library. Info: www.HaileyPublicLibrary.org or 788-2036. S Sun Valley Summer Symphony’s Edgar M. Bronfman In Focus Series presents The Sacred and the Profane: Ceremony and Ritual - 6 to 7:30 p.m. at the Sun Valley Pavilion. FREE. **31** S Johnny V. presents DEADSHOW, a celebration of the music of the Grateful Dead - 6 p.m. at The Wicked Spud, Hailey. No cover **31** S Muzzie Braun - 6 to 8 p.m. on the lawn of Redfish Lake Lodge. Info: www.redfishlake.com **31**

AUGUST thursday, 8.1.13

12th Annual Motorcycle Escort - 11 Wood River Farmers’ Market, locally a.m., beginning at Bellevue City Park. Info: grown, raised and hand-crafted products - 2 www.Cancer.org **30** to 6 p.m. on Main Street, north of Sturtos, S The Fav - 5 to 7 p.m. on the lawn of Hailey Redfish Lake Lodge. Info: www.redfishlake. PUBLISHED BY THE WEEKLY SUN 49

Summer 2013 •

S- Live Music


Johnny V. presents DEADSHOW, a celebration of the music of the Grateful Dead - 6 p.m. at Mahoney’s Bar & Grill, Bellevue. No cover **31** S Ketchum Town Square Tunes presents Spare Change - 6 to 7:30 p.m., at the Ketchum Town Square. **31**

friday, 8.2.13 Free Sun Valley Story Tour - board a Mountain Rides bus at 10:15 a.m. outside the Visitor Center, Ketchum. Info: 788-7433 Blaine Co. 4-H Horse show - open to the public at the Blaine Co. Fair Grounds, Carey. FREE entry. Info: 788-5585. **31** Gallery Walk - 5 to 8 p.m. at participating galleries in Ketchum. Info: svgalleries.org or 726-5512 **31** S Northern Rockies Music Festival - 5 to 10 p.m. $20. Info/Tickets: www.NortherRockiesMusicFestival.com **31** Forest Service & Stanley Memories and Tales with Tom Kovalicky, Dave Kimpton and Marie Osborn, sponsored by the Sawtooth Interpretive & Historical Association - 5 p.m. at the Stanley Museum and again at 8 p.m. at the Redfish Center & Gallery. Info: www. discoversawtooth.org. FREE **31** S Sun Valley Summer Symphony’s Edgar M. Bronfman In Focus Series presents The Sacred and the Profane: A Faustian Bargain - 6 to 7:30 p.m. at the Sun Valley Pavilion. FREE. **31** S The Farewell Drifters - 6 to 8 p.m. on the lawn of Redfish Lake Lodge. Info: www. redfishlake.com **31** S Post-NRMF Party Featuring Gypsy River Haunts - 10 p.m. at the Sun Valley Brewery, Hailey. $5 **31**

saturday, 8.3.13


Car Show - 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Roberta McKercher Park, Hailey. Food, drink, entertainment, even bicycle racing for the kids! Free to attend the show. $25 to enter your car. Proceeds benefit Kiwanis of Hailey and the Wood River Valley. Info: 720-7091 **31** Blaine Co. 4-H Horse show - open to the public at the Blaine Co. Fair Grounds, Carey. FREE entry. Info: 788-5585. **31** Saturday Storytime - 10 a.m. at the Children’s Library in The Community Library, Ketchum. FREE. Info: 726-3493 S Northern Rockies Music Festival - 1 a.m. to 10 p.m. $20. Info/Tickets: www. NortherRockiesMusicFestival.com **31**


I Have a Dream fundraiser, enjoy cocktails and hors d’oeuvres with actress Jamie Lee Curtis - 5:30 to 8 p.m. at a private home in East Fork. Info: 726-6996 or 721-3584 Sun Valley Ice Show featuring U.S. Gold Medalist Ashley Wagner and 2013 World Ju50

_- Benefit


nior Gold Medalist Josh Farris. Tickets/Info: 622-6135 or www.sunvalley.com. **31** S Post-NRMF Party Featuring the 44’s - 10 p.m. at the Sun Valley Brewery, Hailey. $5 **31**


SUNDAY, 8.4.13

Korby Lenker - 5 to 7 p.m. on the lawn of Redfish Lake Lodge. Info: www.redfishlake.com **31** S Sun Valley Summer Symphony’s Orchestra Festival Opening Night with Alasdair Neale, conductor and Midori, Violin - 6:30 p.m. at the Sun Valley Pavilion. FREE. **31**


monDAY, 8.5.13

Sun Valley Summer Symphony’s Orchestra Festival with Alasdair Neale, conductor and Amos Yang, Cello - 6:30 p.m. at the Sun Valley Pavilion. FREE. **31** S Paa Kow & By All Means Band - 8:30 p.m. at the Sun Valley Brewery, Hailey. No cover **31**

tuesday, 8.6.13 Wood River Farmers’ Market, locally grown, raised and hand-crafted products 2 to 6 p.m. at 4th Street, Heritage Corridor, Ketchum. S Ketch’em Alive presents Paa Kow & By All Means Band - 7 to 9 p.m. in the Forest Service Park, Ketchum. FREE **31**

wednesday, 8.7.13 Animal Shelter Hikin’ Buddies Program, take a Shelter dog for a hike - 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., meet at Adam’s Gulch Trailhead (weather permitting). Info: 788-4351 or www.animalshelterwrv.org Story Mania - 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the Hailey Public Library. Info: www.HaileyPublicLibrary.org or 788-2036. Blaine County Fair at the Fairgrounds in Carey. Info: kkimball@uidaho.edu **32** FREE Blood Pressure Checks, hosted by St. Luke’s Wood River Medical Center - 1 to 3 p.m. at Hailey Post Office No appt. necessary. Info: 727-8733 **32** S Victor & Penny - 6 to 8 p.m. on the lawn of Redfish Lake Lodge. Info: www.redfishlake.com **32** S Sun Valley Summer Symphony’s Orchestra Festival with Alasdair Neale, conductor and Joyce Yang, Piano - 6:30 p.m. at the Sun Valley Pavilion. FREE. **32** S All Night Diner - 6:30 to 10 p.m. at The Wicked Spud, Hailey. No cover **32**

thursday, 8.8.13

Blaine County Fair at the Fairgrounds in Carey. Info: kkimball@uidaho.edu **32** Connection Club - 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Senior Connection, Hailey. Info: 788-3468. Wood River Farmers’ Market, locally grown, raised and hand-crafted products - 2 PUBLISHED BY THE WEEKLY SUN

• updates: the weekly sun to 6 p.m. on Main Street, north of Sturtos, Hailey S Ketchum Town Square Tunes presents Music ‘n Me- 6 to 7:30 p.m., at the Ketchum Town Square. **32**


Sun Valley Summer Symphony Benefit Concert featuring Wynonna Judd and her band - 6:30 p.m. at the Sun Valley Pavilion. Info/tickets: www.SVSummerSymphony. org **32** S Hoodwink- 8 p.m. at Mahoney’s, Bellevue. No cover **31** S Carrie Nation & the Speakeasy - 8:30 p.m. at the Sun Valley Brewery, Hailey. No cover **31**

friday, 8.9.13 Blaine County Fair at the Fairgrounds in Carey. Info: kkimball@uidaho.edu **32** Free Sun Valley Story Tour - board a Mountain Rides bus at 10:15 a.m. outside the Visitor Center, Ketchum. Info: 788-7433 Sun Valley Center Arts & Crafts Festival at Atkinson’s Park, Ketchum. Info: sunvalleycenter.org **32** Them Were the Days with The Oldest Man of Idaho, Clark Heglar, sponsored by the Sawtooth Interpretive & Historical Association - 5 p.m. at the Stanley Museum and again at 8 p.m. at the Redfish Center & Gallery. Info: www.discoversawtooth.org. FREE


A Hero’s Journey, a fundraiser for Higher Ground with Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice - 5:30 p.m. at the Trail Creek Pavilion. Tickets/Info: 622-9298 S James Orr - 6 to 8 p.m. on the lawn of Redfish Lake Lodge. Info: www.redfishlake. com **32**

thursday, 8.8 - 8.10.13


10th Annual Braun Brothers Reunion - Challis. Get all updates and info at: www. BraunBrothersReunion.com **32**

saturDAY, 8.10.13 Sun Valley Center Arts & Crafts Festival at Atkinson’s Park, Ketchum. Info: sunvalleycenter.org **32** Saturday Storytime - 10 a.m. at the Children’s Library in The Community Library, Ketchum. FREE. Info: 726-3493


Climb for a Cure, Boulder Crest Traverse presented by Expedition Inspiration. Info: 726-6456 or www.expeditioninspiration.org. **32** S Sun Valley Summer Symphony’s Orchestra Festival Pops Night: Bond and Beyond with Michael Krajewski, guest conductor and Debbie Gravitte, Soprano - 6:30 p.m. at the Sun Valley Pavilion. FREE. **32** Sun Valley Ice Show featuring U.S. four-time World Champion Kurt Browning and 2012 101 Amazing Things To Do /Summer 2013

Summer 2013 •

S- Live Music

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U.S. Bronze Medalists Madison Hubbell and Zach Donahue. Tickets/Info: 622-6135 or www.sunvalley.com. **32**

Festival presents The Tempest - 6 p.m. at the Forest Service Park, Ketchum. Tickets/ Info: 208-726-4TKS **33** S Sun Valley Summer Symphony’s Orchestra Festival: w/Alasdair Neale, Conductor - 6:30 p.m. at the Sun Valley Pavilion. FREE. **33**

sunDAY, 8.11.13 Sun Valley Center Arts & Crafts Festival at Atkinson’s Park, Ketchum. Info: sunvalleycenter.org **32** S Jeanne Jolly - 5 to 7 p.m. on the lawn of Redfish Lake Lodge. Info: www.redfishlake.com **32** S Sun Valley Summer Symphony’s Orchestra Festival: The Lighter Side w/Alasdair Neale, Conductor, Teddy Abrams, Assistant Conductor - 6:30 p.m. at the Sun Valley Pavilion. FREE. **32**


saturDAY, 8.17.13 Saturday Storytime - 10 a.m. at the Children’s Library in The Community Library, Ketchum. FREE. Info: 726-3493 14th Annual Sun Valley Shakespeare Festival presents The Tempest - 6 p.m. at the Forest Service Park, Ketchum. Tickets/ Info: 208-726-4TKS **33** S Sun Valley Summer Symphony’s Orchestra Festival: w/Alasdair Neale, Conductor and John Glenn, Narrator - 6:30 p.m. at the Sun Valley Pavilion. FREE. **33** Sun Valley Ice Show featuring U.S. 2011 U.S. Gold Medalist Alissa Czisny and U.S. Junior Gold and Bronze Medalist Nathan Chen. Tickets/Info: 622-6135 or www.sunvalley. com. **33**

MONDAY, 8.12.13

Sun Valley Summer Symphony’s Orchestra Festival: w/Alasdair Neale, Conductor - 6:30 p.m. at the Sun Valley Pavilion. FREE. **32** S Cats Melvin - 8 p.m. at the Sun Valley Brewery, Hailey. No cover **32**

tuesday, 8.13.13 Wood River Farmers’ Market, locally grown, raised and hand-crafted products 2 to 6 p.m. at 4th Street, Heritage Corridor, Ketchum. S Ketch’em Alive presents The Heaters - 7 to 9 p.m. in the Forest Service Park, Ketchum. FREE **32**

wednesday, 8.14.13 Animal Shelter Hikin’ Buddies Program, take a Shelter dog for a hike - 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., meet at Adam’s Gulch Trailhead (weather permitting). Info: 788-4351 or www.animalshelterwrv.org Story Mania - 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the Hailey Public Library. Info: www.HaileyPublicLibrary.org or 788-2036. S Josh Ritter & the Royal City Band presented by the Sun Valley Center for the Arts - River Run. Tickets/more info: 726-9491 x110 **33** S Douglas Cameron - 6 to 8 p.m. on the lawn of Redfish Lake Lodge. Info: www.redfishlake.com **33** S Up a Creek - 6:30 to 10 p.m. at The Wicked Spud, Hailey. No cover **33**

thursDAY, 8.15.13 Connection Club - 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Senior Connection, Hailey. Info: 788-3468. Wood River Farmers’ Market, locally grown, raised and hand-crafted products - 2 to 6 p.m. on Main Street, north of Sturtos, Hailey


Six at Sochi, presented by the Sun Valley Ski Education Foundation - 5 to 9 p.m. at Ketchum Town Square. Fundraiser for training and travel expenses for local skiers 101 Amazing Things To Do / Summer 2013

• updates: the weekly sun


sunDAY, 8.18.13

Interstate - 5 to 7 p.m. on the lawn of Redfish Lake Lodge. Info: www.redfishlake. com **33**

and boarders who might participate in 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia. Info: 7264129 or visit www.svsef.org **33** 14th Annual Sun Valley Shakespeare Festival presents The Tempest - 6 p.m. at the Forest Service Park, Ketchum. Tickets/ Info: 208-726-4TKS **33** S Sun Valley Summer Symphony’s Orchestra Festival: w/Alasdair Neale, Conductor, Orli Shaham, Piano - 6:30 p.m. at the Sun Valley Pavilion. FREE. **33** S George Devore - 8 p.m. at Mahoney’s, Bellevue. **33** S Stone Seed - 8:30 p.m. at the Sun Valley Brewery, Hailey. No cover **33**

friDAY, 8.16.13 Free Sun Valley Story Tour - board a Mountain Rides bus at 10:15 a.m. outside the Visitor Center, Ketchum. Info: 788-7433 Wilderness Photography with Ed Cannady, sponsored by the Sawtooth Interpretive & Historical Association - 5 p.m. at the Stanley Museum and again at 8 p.m. at the Redfish Center & Gallery. Info: www.discoversawtooth.org. FREE **33** S Johnny Shoes - 6 to 8 p.m. on the lawn of Redfish Lake Lodge. Info: www.redfishlake.com **33** 14th Annual Sun Valley Shakespeare

14th Annual Sun Valley Shakespeare Festival presents The Tempest - 6 p.m. at the Forest Service Park, Ketchum. Tickets/ Info: 208-726-4TKS **33** S Sun Valley Summer Symphony’s Musician’s Choice Chamber Music - 6:30 p.m. at the Sun Valley Pavilion. FREE. **33**


Wood River YMCA’s Classic (golf scramble, cocktails, hors d’ouevres, dinner by Cristina’s, and an evening of comedy - a benefit for the YMCA. Tickets/Info: 928-6702 or woodriverymca.org **33**


Monday, 8.19.13

Abraxas, a tribute to Santana - 8:30 p.m. at the Sun Valley Brewery, Hailey. $10

tuesDAY, 8.20.13 Wood River Farmers’ Market, locally grown, raised and hand-crafted products 2 to 6 p.m. at 4th Street, Heritage Corridor, Ketchum. S Sun Valley Summer Symphony Season Finale w/Alasdair Neale, conductor - 6:30 p.m. at the Sun Valley Pavilion. FREE. **33** S Ketch’em Alive presents Abraxas - 7 to 9 p.m. in the Forest Service Park, Ketchum. FREE **33**

wednesday, 8.21.13 Animal Shelter Hikin’ Buddies Program, take a Shelter dog for a hike - 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., meet at Adam’s Gulch Trailhead (weather permitting). Info: 788-4351 or



Summer 2013 •

S- Live Music

www.animalshelterwrv.org Story Mania - 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the Hailey Public Library. Info: www.HaileyPublicLibrary.org or 788-2036. S Pesky Grape Seeds - 6 to 8 p.m. on the lawn of Redfish Lake Lodge. Info: www. redfishlake.com **34** S Lower Broadford Boys - 6:30 to 10 p.m. at The Wicked Spud, Hailey. No cover **34**


Huey Lewis and the News - 8 p.m. at the Sun Valley Pavilion. Proceeds benefit the Killebrew-Thompson Memorial. Tickets: 622-2135 or www.ticketfly.com. Info: www.killebrewthompsonmemorial.com **34**

thursday, 8.22.13 Connection Club - 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Senior Connection, Hailey. Info: 788-3468. Wood River Farmers’ Market, locally grown, raised and hand-crafted products - 2 to 6 p.m. on Main Street, north of Sturtos, Hailey 14th Annual Sun Valley Shakespeare Festival presents The Tempest - 6 p.m. at the Forest Service Park, Ketchum. Tickets/ Info: 208-726-4TKS **34** S Ketchum Town Square Tunes presents Triple Crown - 6 to 7:30 p.m., at the Ketchum Town Square. **34** S Kip Attaway - 8 p.m. at Mahoney’s, Bellevue. **34** S Lucky Tongue - 8:30 p.m. at the Sun Valley Brewery, Hailey. No cover **34**

friday, 8.23.13 Sun Valley Writers Conference. Schedule/ Info: www.svwc.org **34** Stanley Arts Festival - 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. in Stanley Idaho. Live music and food. Info: www.stanleycc.org **34** Free Sun Valley Story Tour - board a Mountain Rides bus at 10:15 a.m. outside the Visitor Center, Ketchum. Info: 788-7433 Recovering Wild Salmon with Steve Hawley, sponsored by the Sawtooth Interpretive & Historical Association - 5 p.m. at the Stanley Museum and again at 8 p.m. at the Redfish Center & Gallery. Info: www.discoversawtooth.org. FREE **34** 14th Annual Sun Valley Shakespeare Festival presents The Tempest - 6 p.m. at the Forest Service Park, Ketchum. Tickets/ Info: 208-726-4TKS **34** S Carter Freeman - 6 to 8 p.m. on the lawn of Redfish Lake Lodge. Info: www.redfishlake.com **34** S Lucky Tongue - 8:30 p.m. at the Sun Valley Brewery, Hailey. No cover **34**


_- Benefit


saturday, 8.24.13 Sun Valley Writers Conference. Schedule/ Info: www.svwc.org **34** Saturday Storytime - 10 a.m. at the Children’s Library in The Community Library, Ketchum. FREE. Info: 726-3493 S Concert in the Park - 6 to 10 p.m., at the West Magic Resort. Info: 487-2571 or visit www.facebook.com/westmagicresort **34** Stanley Arts Festival - 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. in Stanley Idaho. Live music and food. Info: www.stanleycc.org **34** Sawtooth Salmon Festival - 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. on the Stanley Museum grounds. Educational booths, live music, salmon spawning tours - all free to the public. Wild Salmon dinner from 6 to 8 p.m. - $15/adults and $10/kids. Info: www.sawtoothsalmonfestival.com **34** 14th Annual Sun Valley Shakespeare Festival presents The Tempest - 6 p.m. at the Forest Service Park, Ketchum. Tickets/ Info: 208-726-4TKS **34** Sun Valley Ice Show featuring U.S. 2013 Canadian Silver Medalists Piper Gilles and Paul Poirier. Tickets/Info: 622-6135 or www.sunvalley.com. **34**

sunday, 8.25.13 Sun Valley Writers Conference. Schedule/ Info: www.svwc.org **34** Shop to the Top Run . Info: Elephant’s Perch, Ketchum. **34** Stanley Arts Festival - 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Stanley Idaho. Live music and food. Info: www.stanleycc.org **34** S Caitlin Canty - 5 to 7 p.m. on the lawn of Redfish Lake Lodge. Info: www.redfishlake.com **34** 14th Annual Sun Valley Shakespeare Festival presents The Tempest - 6 p.m. at the Forest Service Park, Ketchum. Tickets/ Info: 208-726-4TKS **34**

Monday, 8.26.13 Sun Valley Writers Conference. Schedule/ Info: www.svwc.org **34**

tuesday, 8.27.13 Wood River Farmers’ Market, locally grown, raised and hand-crafted products 2 to 6 p.m. at 4th Street, Heritage Corridor, Ketchum.

wednesday, 8.28.13 Animal Shelter Hikin’ Buddies Program, take a Shelter dog for a hike - 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., meet at Adam’s Gulch Trailhead (weather permitting). Info: 788-4351 or www.animalshelterwrv.org Story Mania - 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the Hailey Public Library. Info: www.HaileyPublicLibrary.org or 788-2036.


• updates: the weekly sun


Wood River Orchestra concert - 6 p.m. at the Sawtooth Botanical Garden. Info: wrcorchestra.org **35**

thursday, 8.29.13 Connection Club - 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Senior Connection, Hailey. Info: 788-3468. Wood River Farmers’ Market, locally grown, raised and hand-crafted products - 2 to 6 p.m. on Main Street, north of Sturtos, Hailey S Ketchum Town Square Tunes presents Cake Face Jane - 6 to 7:30 p.m., at the Ketchum Town Square. **35** S Old Death Whisper/Up a Creek - 8 p.m. at Mahoney’s, Bellevue. No cover **35**

friday, 8.30.13 Wagon Days, presented by the City of Ketchum. Schedule of events/info, visit www. WagonDays.org or call 1-800-634-3347. Hailey’s Antique Market - 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Roberta McKercher Park and inside the Hailey Armory. Info: Alee at 720-1146 or haileyantiques@aol.com **35** Free Sun Valley Story Tour - board a Mountain Rides bus at 10:15 a.m. outside the Visitor Center, Ketchum. Info: 788-7433 Gallery Walk - 5 to 8 p.m. at participating galleries in Ketchum. Info: svgalleries.org or 726-5512 **35** Fire Ecology with Chuck Mark, sponsored by the Sawtooth Interpretive & Historical Association - 5 p.m. at the Stanley Museum and again at 8 p.m. at the Redfish Center & Gallery. Info: www.discoversawtooth.org. FREE **35** S All Night Diner - 6 to 8 p.m. on the lawn of Redfish Lake Lodge. Info: www.redfishlake.com **35** S Summer Concert Series Finale featuring George Devore - 8:30 p.m. at the Sun Valley Brewery, Hailey. No cover **35**

saturday, 8.31.13 Wagon Days, presented by the City of Ketchum. Schedule of events/info, visit www. WagonDays.org or call 1-800-634-3347. Hailey’s Antique Market - 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Roberta McKercher Park and inside the Hailey Armory. Info: Alee at 720-1146 or haileyantiques@aol.com **35** Wagon Days Parade - 1 p.m. Info:www.WagonDays.org or call 1-800-634-3347. **35** Intermountain Pro Rodeo Association Finals Rodeo - 4 p.m. at the Hailey Rodeo Park. Tickets/Info: 521-7708 **35** Sun Valley Ice Show featuring U.S. Gold Medalist Johnny Weir. Tickets/Info: 6226135 or www.sunvalley.com. **35**

101 Amazing Things To Do /Summer 2013

Summer 2013 •

S- Live Music

_- Benefit


• updates: the weekly sun saturday, 9.7.13 Stanley Sawtooth Cowboy Poetry and Music Gathering. Info: www.stanleysawtoothcowboygathering.com **36** S Concert in the Park - 6 to 10 p.m., at the West Magic Resort. Info: 487-2571 or visit www.facebook.com/westmagicresort **36**

Tuesday, 9.10.13 Wood River Farmers’ Market, locally grown, raised and hand-crafted products 2 to 6 p.m. at 4th Street, Heritage Corridor, Ketchum.

wednesday, 9.11.13 Animal Shelter Hikin’ Buddies Program, take a Shelter dog for a hike - 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., meet at Adam’s Gulch Trailhead (weather permitting). Info: 788-4351 or www.animalshelterwrv.org Story Mania - 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the Hailey Public Library. Info: www.HaileyPublicLibrary.org or 788-2036.

September sunday, 9.1.13 Wagon Days, presented by the City of Ketchum. Schedule of events/info, visit www. WagonDays.org or call 1-800-634-3347. **35**

Hailey’s Antique Market - 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Roberta McKercher Park and inside the Hailey Armory. Info: Alee at 720-1146 or haileyantiques@aol.com **35** Intermountain Pro Rodeo Association Finals Rodeo - 4 p.m. at the Hailey Rodeo Park. Tickets/Info: 521-7708 **35** S Ian McFeron - 5 to 7 p.m. on the lawn of Redfish Lake Lodge. Info: www.redfishlake.com **35**

Monday, 9.2.13 Labor Day **35** Harriman Trail Run. Info: Elephant’s Perch, Ketchum. **35** Wagon Days, presented by the City of Ketchum. Schedule of events/info, visit www. WagonDays.org or call 1-800-634-3347.


4th Annual Bellevue Labor Day 5K Fun Run/Walk - 9 a.m., starts and ends at Bellevue Memorial Park. Kids 12 and under are free. Proceeds benefit the Bellevue Fire Dept. Register at www.imathlete.com More Info: bellevuelaborday@gmail.com **35**

tuesday, 9.3.13 Wood River Farmers’ Market, locally grown, raised and hand-crafted products 2 to 6 p.m. at 4th Street, Heritage Corridor, Ketchum.

wednesday, 9.4.13 101 Amazing Things To Do / Summer 2013

thursday, 9.12.13 Animal Shelter Hikin’ Buddies Program, take a Shelter dog for a hike - 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., meet at Adam’s Gulch Trailhead (weather permitting). Info: 788-4351 or www.animalshelterwrv.org Story Mania - 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the Hailey Public Library. Info: www.HaileyPublicLibrary.org or 788-2036. Annual Plein Air Painters of Idaho Paint Out - observe on-location painting, free demos and more. Info: www.pleinairpaintersofidaho.org or Pam at 788-3302 **36** FREE Blood Pressure Checks, hosted by St. Luke’s Wood River Medical Center - 1 to 3 p.m. at Hailey Post Office No appt. necessary. Info: 727-8733 **36**

thursday, 9.5.13 Connection Club - 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Senior Connection, Hailey. Info: 788-3468. Wood River Farmers’ Market, locally grown, raised and hand-crafted products - 2 to 6 p.m. on Main Street, north of Sturtos, Hailey Annual Plein Air Painters of Idaho Paint Out - observe on-location painting, free demos and more. Info: www.pleinairpaintersofidaho.org or Pam at 788-3302 **36**

friday, 9.6.13 Annual Plein Air Painters of Idaho Paint Out - observe on-location painting, free demos and more. Info: www.pleinairpaintersofidaho.org or Pam at 788-3302 **36** Stanley Sawtooth Cowboy Poetry and Music Gathering. Info: www.stanleysawtoothcowboygathering.com **36**

Connection Club - 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Senior Connection, Hailey. Info: 788-3468. Wood River Farmers’ Market, locally grown, raised and hand-crafted products - 2 to 6 p.m. on Main Street, north of Sturtos, Hailey

tuesday, 9.17.13 Wood River Farmers’ Market, locally grown, raised and hand-crafted products 2 to 6 p.m. at 4th Street, Heritage Corridor, Ketchum.

wednesday, 9.18.13 Animal Shelter Hikin’ Buddies Program, take a Shelter dog for a hike - 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., meet at Adam’s Gulch Trailhead (weather permitting). Info: 788-4351 or www.animalshelterwrv.org Story Mania - 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the Hailey Public Library. Info: www.HaileyPublicLibrary.org or 788-2036.

thursday, 9.19.13 Connection Club - 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Senior Connection, Hailey. Info: 788-3468. Wood River Farmers’ Market, locally grown, raised and hand-crafted products - 2 to 6 p.m. on Main Street, north of Sturtos, Hailey Sun Valley Harvest Festival - more info at www.SunValleyHarvestFestival.com **38**

friday, 9.20.13 Sun Valley Harvest Festival - more info at www.SunValleyHarvestFestival.com **38**

saturday, 9.21.13 Sun Valley Harvest Festival - more info at www.SunValleyHarvestFestival.com **38**



Summer 2013 •

S- Live Music

_- Benefit


• updates: the weekly sun


Fireman’s Ball - 8 p.m. to 12 a.m. at Redfish Lake Lodge. Info: www.stanleycc.org **38**

sunday, 9.22.13 Sun Valley Harvest Festival - more info at www.SunValleyHarvestFestival.com **38**

tuesday, 9.24.13 Wood River Farmers’ Market, locally grown, raised and hand-crafted products 2 to 6 p.m. at 4th Street, Heritage Corridor, Ketchum.

wednesday, 9.25.13 Animal Shelter Hikin’ Buddies Program, take a Shelter dog for a hike - 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., meet at Adam’s Gulch Trailhead (weather permitting). Info: 788-4351 or www.animalshelterwrv.org Story Mania - 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the Hailey Public Library. Info: www.HaileyPublicLibrary.org or 788-2036.

thursday, 9.26.13 City of Rocks Climbing Festival. Info: www. SawtoothGuides.com **39** Wood River Farmers’ Market, locally grown, raised and hand-crafted products - 2 to 6 p.m. on Main Street, north of Sturtos, Hailey Connection Club - 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Senior Connection, Hailey. Info: 788-3468.

saturday, 9.28.13 Baldy Hill Climb . Info: Elephant’s Perch, Ketchum. **39** S 1st Boise State Tailgate - 6 to 10 p.m., at the West Magic Resort. Info: 487-2571 or visit www.facebook.com/westmagicresort **39**

October tuesday, 10.1.13 Wood River Farmers’ Market, locally grown, raised and hand-crafted products 2 to 6 p.m. at 4th Street, Heritage Corridor, Ketchum.

wednesday, 10.2.13 FREE Blood Pressure Checks, hosted by St. Luke’s Wood River Medical Center - 1 to 3 p.m. at Hailey Post Office No appt. necessary. Info: 727-8733 **40**

thursday, 10.3.13 Wood River Farmers’ Market, locally grown, raised and hand-crafted products - 2 to 6 p.m. on Main Street, north of Sturtos, Hailey

thursday, 10.10.13 Trailing of the Sheep Festival (17th Annual) - info and schedule: www.TrailingOfTheSheep.org or 720-0585 **41** 54

friday, 10.11.13

friday, 10.18.13

Trailing of the Sheep Festival (17th Annual) - info and schedule: www.TrailingOfTheSheep.org or 720-0585 **41** Gallery Walk - 5 to 8 p.m. at participating galleries in Ketchum. Info: svgalleries.org or 726-5512 **41**

Sun Valley Jazz Jamboree - Schedule, Tickets, Info: www.SunValleyJazz.com **42**

saturday, 10.12.13 Trailing of the Sheep Festival (17th Annual) - info and schedule: www.TrailingOfTheSheep.org or 720-0585 **41**

sunday, 10.13.13 Trailing of the Sheep Festival (17th Annual) - info and schedule: www.TrailingOfTheSheep.org or 720-0585 **41**

wednesday, 10.16.13 Sun Valley Jazz Jamboree - Schedule, Tickets, Info: www.SunValleyJazz.com **42**

thursday, 10.17.13 Sun Valley Jazz Jamboree - Schedule, Tickets, Info: www.SunValleyJazz.com **42** St. Thomas Playhouse SPACC presents My Fair Lady - 7 p.m. at the nexStage Theatre, Ketchum. Tickets/Info: Cherie at 7265349 x15 or purchase at Iconoclast Books


St. Thomas Playhouse SPACC presents My Fair Lady - 7 p.m. at the nexStage Theatre, Ketchum. Tickets/Info: Cherie at 7265349 x15 or purchase at Iconoclast Books **42**

SATURDAY, 10.19.13 Sun Valley Jazz Jamboree - Schedule, Tickets, Info: www.SunValleyJazz.com **42** Wood River Valley Studio Tour - 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Info: www.WRVStudioTour.org or 7250600 **42** St. Thomas Playhouse SPACC presents My Fair Lady - 7 p.m. at the nexStage Theatre, Ketchum. Tickets/Info: Cherie at 7265349 x15 or purchase at Iconoclast Books

sunDAY, 10.20.13 Sun Valley Jazz Jamboree - Schedule, Tickets, Info: www.SunValleyJazz.com **42** Wood River Valley Studio Tour - 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Info: www.WRVStudioTour.org St. Thomas Playhouse SPACC presents My Fair Lady - 7 p.m. at the nexStage Theatre, Ketchum. Tickets/Info: Cherie at 7265349 x15 or purchase at Iconoclast Books 101 Amazing Things To Do /Summer 2013

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mountain bike racing

In pursuit of the Wood River Cup hort track mountain bike races for the whole family are held every Wednesday night in June at 5:30 p.m. starting May 29. The races, sponsored by Road & Dirt, are held at the Croy Creek Trail System course 3.5 miles west of Hailey on Croy Canyon Road. Cost is $25 with racers 12 and under free. The rewards? Prizes, medals and the coveted annual Wood River Cup. Information: powerhouseidaho.com,. billy@roadanddirt.org or 208-788-9184.


Ride, cyclist, ride un Valley offers no shortage of single-track mountain bike trails, what with 435 miles of trails south of Galena and another 750 miles north in the Sawtooth National Recreation Area. Try out a relatively flat trail like the Corral Creek trail near Trail Creek Cabin north of Sun Valley or the Harriman Trail, which runs 18 miles from the SNRA headquarters seven miles north of Ketchum to Galena Lodge. Advanced cyclists can test their skills on Sun Valley’s liftaccessed trails on Bald Mountain. Want flow trails—one-way mountain bike trails that resemble luge tracks with jumps and berms? Check out the 1.3-mile Forbidden Fruit in the Adams Gulch area at Ketchum’s north end and the 1.3-mile Punchline accessible from the Croy Canyon trailhead west of Hailey (turn west on Bullion Street). Info: bcrd.org For girls only: Sun Valley’s professional mountain biker Rebecca Rusch, four-time Leadville Trail 100 Women’s Champ and three-time 24 Hour Solo Mountain Biking World Champion, is offering a six-week mountain bike clinic for girls in 7th through 12th grades on Tuesdays from June 18-July 23. Info:. goldruschtour.com or Karoline@rebeccarusch.com




Museums in the wood river valley

A legacy of ore and skiing earn about the history of the Wood River Valley, including its sheep ranching traditions, Basque boarding houses, famous son Ernest Hemingway and more at any one of the four museums in the area. The Ketchum-Sun Valley Heritage & Ski Museum is in the old Forest Service Park at First and Washington streets in Ketchum. Hours are noon-4 p.m. weekdays and 1-4 p.m. Saturdays. There is an admission charge. The Ore Wagon Museum at Fifth Street and East Avenue offers a peek at the historic 15-foot-tall Big Hitch wagons used to ferry ore through the surrounding mountains. The Blaine County Historical Museum, at 218 N. Main St. in Hailey, offers a walk-through mine tunnel, a look at the Chinese who once lived in the valley, a collection of handmade barbed wire, memorabilia concerning Hailey’s native son Ezra Pound, and one of the country’s largest collections of button and other political campaign items. Hours are 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Mondays through Saturday and 1-5 p.m. Sundays from Memorial Day through Oct. 31. And the Bellevue Museum located on Main Street in Bellevue offers a chance to view the old town jail and look at wedding dresses once worn by locals from noon-4 p.m. Sundays through Sept. 5. 101 Amazing Things To Do /Summer 2013



mountain biking


Massive MASSV ASSV, Music & Arts Showcase Sun Valley, returns July 5-6 at the Sun Valley Resort’s River Run recreation area in conjunction with the Ride Sun Valley Bike Festival. Headliners for MASSV 2013 COURTESY PHOTO : KARL WEATHERLY will include national touring acts Krewella, an American electronic dance music group from Chicago, and Gramatik, a Slovenian-born DJ who serves up a rich blend of American funk, jazz, soul and blues. They will be joined by several more bands, musicians, DJs and artists featuring cutting-edge sounds, music and art never experienced in Sun Valley. Information: www.massvmusicfestival.com.




music and art festival

northern rockies music festival

Annual music festival in August exas singer/songwriter Hayes Carll, 2011 nominee for the Americana Music Association Artist of the Year, and Ruthie Foster, a Texas soul singer who grew up in a family of gospel singers, will headline the 36th annual music festival Aug. 2-3 at Hailey’s Hop Porter Park. Other performers include Denver’s Halden Wofford & The Hi Beams, who will perform rocked-up honky-tonk and Western swing; George Devore & The Electric Cigarettes; and The 44’s. Passes start at $17 if purchased online at nrff.net


music at redfish

Redfish Lake—LIVE! esh the stunning beauty of Mt. Heyburn and the seven-milelong Redfish Lake with music on the lawn of the Redfish Lake Lodge this summer. Starting in mid-June there’ll be music in the mountains three nights a week. Wednesdays from 6 to 8 p.m. catch: June 19- to be announced, June 26- Johnny Shoes, July 3- James Orr, July 10Muzzie Braun, July 17- Muzzie Braun, July 24- Douglas Cameron, July 31- Muzzie Braun, August 7- Victor & Penny, August 14Douglas Cameron, August 21- Pesky Grape Seeds. Fridays from 6 to 8 p.m. catch: June 21- Muzzie Braun, June 28- The Barking Owls, July 5- Muzzie Braun, July 12- Dewey, Pickett & Howe, July 19- Chet O’Keefe, July 26- Muzzie Braun, August 2- The Farewell Drifters, August 9- James Orr, August 16- Johnny Shoes, August 23- Carter Freeman and August 30- All Night Diner. Sundays from 5 to 7 p.m. catch: June 16- Laura Meyer, June 23- Montana Skies, June 30- The Barking Owls, July 7- Shook Twins, July 14- Bare Bones, July 21- Andy Hackbarth, July 28- The Fav, August 4- Korby Lenker, August 11- Jeanne Jolly, August 18Interstate, August 25- Caitlin Canty, September 1- Ian McFeron.



music in stanley

Throwdown in Dogtown ock out to Hellbound Glory, a bluegrass, country and rockabilly band from Reno, Nev., and The George Devore Band’s acoustic folk rock at the Fourth Annual Throwdown in Dogtown at 8 p.m. Saturday, July 27, at the Rod-N-Gun Whitewater Saloon in Stanley. Also playing: Voice of Reason, a reggae, roots and ska band from Boise; Old Death Whisper, a country roots band from Bellevue; and Jonathan Warren and The Billygoats, a bluegrass and folk rock group from Boise. There is a $10 cover charge. Information: 208-774-7000, 208774-2922 or stanleycc.org


101 Amazing Things To Do / Summer 2013




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Olympic fundraiser

Six at Sochi own a shot of Sochi vodka, knock a few celebrities in a dunk tank, belly up to some great local food, rock out to live music and meet a lineup of potential Olympians as the Sun Valley Ski Education Foundation throws its Six at Sochi bash on Thursday, Aug. 15 at Ketchum’s Town Square. The outdoor party from 5-9 p.m. is designed to help with training and travel expenses for local skiers and boarders who have the potential to compete in the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia. Information: svsef.org or 208-726-4129.

PBR Classic

Hang on tight for a bull-y good time owboy up for a night of bull riding, clown joking and special music guests at the Sun Valley PBR Classic. The event starts at 8 p.m. July 26 at the Hailey Rodeo Grounds. Tickets are available at the Hailey Chamber of Commerce, Atkinsons’ Markets or sunvalleypbr.com


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plant your potatoes

Spuds in your duds ot sprouting potatoes? Don’t throw them away—plant them in your jeans or other interesting containers. The Hailey Public Library is offering take-home instructions and some supplies through June 7 as part of its summer Groundbreaking Reads program. Information: haileypubliclibrary.org




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putting course

Putt-putt rab the family for a trip around the 52,000-square-foot 18hole Sawtooth Putting Course out Sun Valley Road. You can play the course for just a handful of greenbacks with George Washington on them. Modeled after The Himalayas putting course at Scotland’s St. Andrews, it takes its inspiration from the nearby Sawtooth Mountains. Once done, belly up to a table in the nearby popular Sun Valley Club. Information: 208-622-2251.





101 Amazing Things To Do /Summer 2013


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rebecca rUsch mountain bike event

Rebecca’s Private Idaho merica’s premier female endurance mountain biker Rebecca Rusch, who has stood atop podiums with the likes of Lance Armstrong, is launching a mountain bike event that borrows from the gran fondo trend (that is, a long-distance, organized, mass-participation cycling event). This long-haul gravel grinder showcases the stunning scenery and quad-cracking climbs of the Queen of Pain’s home turf. Bikers can choose from the 94-mile Big Potato, which COURTESY PHOTO goes deep into the Pioneer Mountains, and the 56-mile Small Fry, which climbs Trail Creek Summit taking bikers into Wild Horse Creek Canyon. The event benefits The Wood River Bike Coalition, which champions Sun Valley bike trails, along with PeopleForBikes. org advocacy group and World Bicycle Relief, an organization that provides bikes to villages in Africa. Information:. rebeccasprivateidaho.com


relay for life

Walking to cure cancer he journey to end cancer starts with a single step. Join the fight against cancer in the Relay for Life starting at 6 p.m. July 12. Participants will spend the night walking round the track at Wood River High School in an evening punctuated by salutes to cancer survivors, luminarias, dinner and other events. Information: Janie Varin Swanson at Janievarin@yahoo.com or 208-720-5056. In addition, there will be a fun run/walk on Sunday, June 9, at The Valley Club Fitness Center north of Hailey. Money raised will go to the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation.


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101 Amazing Things To Do /Summer 2013



road biking

Hit the road—or the bike path he wind doesn’t always blow the right way. And the hills through Elkhorn will leave an impression on your lungs. But pedal pushers on skinny tires can find some wonderful scenery from the back of a bicycle seat. Cruise the Wood River Trail bike path, which stretches 22 miles from Ketchum to Bellevue. Take a rest stop at the benches overlooking the Big Wood River at Boxcar Bend—you may see elk or a wolf and you’ll almost surely spot fly-fishermen in the river below. Up for a real challenge? Cycle 30 miles along Highway 75 from Ketchum to 8,701-foot Galena Summit—a mere elevation gain of about 2,800 feet—for a grand view of the Sawtooth Mountains. Ketchum’s bicycle phenom Richard Feldman has stitched together the Ronde Van Ketchum, patterned after the famous Belgian cycling classic, Ronde Van Vlaanderen, on June 23. The non-competitive cycling event, which encompasses 130 kilometers and 1,300 meters of hills, starts at 9 a.m. and will roll over nearly every hill in West Ketchum before heading up and over Phantom Hill north of town, back out Trail Creek to the end of the pavement and then up nearly every road in the Sun Valley/Elkhorn area. Information: elephantsperch.com The BCRD Century Road Ride is Aug. 24. Information:. bcrd.org


road rally

Break the speed limit ut your pedal to the metal during the Fifth Annual Sun Valley Road Rally on Saturday, July 27. The weekend kicks off on July 26 with a driver luncheon and technical inspection with racecar driver Johnny Unser followed by a parade of sports cars through Ketchum that evening. On Saturday spectators may inspect the cars before being bused to Phantom Hill north of Ketchum where they can watch cars speed past police with radar guns at speeds approaching 200 miles per hour. The event, which benefits the Blaine County Drug Coalition, concludes with a VIP street party and auction.



road trips

On the road again alk on a river of lava at Craters of the Moon National Monument 24 miles east of Carey (nps.gov/crmo). Scope out the birdlife at the Camas Prairie Centennial Marsh near Fairfield (faifieldidaho. net). Check out the ghost towns of Bonanza and Custer northeast of Stanley (visitidaho.org). Take a whitewater raft trip through The Narrows and Piece of Cake on the Upper Salmon River east of Stanley. Enjoy a cup of espresso or try horseback riding or a dinner wagon ride at Galena Lodge 24 miles north of Ketchum on Highway 75 (galenalodge.com). Or drive to Redfish Lake, where you can try stand-up paddling, paddleboats, horseback riding, biking, hiking, beachcombing and even a game of bocce on the lawn outside of Redfish Lake Lodge (redfishlake.com).


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rock climbing

For rock jocks only entral Idaho offers a myriad of climbing opportunities with fabulous vistas ranging from the Boulder and Pioneer Mountains surrounding Ketchum to the Elephant’s Perch near Redfish Lake. The rock climbing season is capped by the City of Rocks Climbing Festival on Sept. 26. For guided trips or introductory courses, contact Sawtooth Mountain Guides (. sawtoothguides.com). You can also take your questions to The Elephant’s Perch in Ketchum. Climbing enthusiasts can also Climb for a Cure with Expedition Inspiration, on the Boulder Crest Traverse (a fundraiser for breast cancer research), Saturday, Aug. 10. For more info visit www.expeditioninspiration.org or call 208-726-6456.


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Local gems o visit to the Gem State is complete without a gander at local gems. Vint and Linda Hughes, whose Hughes Jewel Gallery is at 400 E. Sun Valley Road in Ketchum, can show you some unique examples of quartz crystal or banded agate that they found in nearby East Fork Canyon or near Challis or Carey. And they can even tell you where to go to do your own rockhounding. Other places to see jewelry with a unique Idaho touch include Christopher & Co. on Main Street Hailey, the Golden Door Gallery with its unique river and other amulets just north of the Ketchum Post Office and Towne & Parke Fine Jewelry in the Sun Valley Mall.


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The MinT Nightclub and Restaurant


ailey’s 15,000 s.f., landmark restaurant and nightclub has been host to such names as Bruce Willis and the Accelerators’, The Little River Band, Leon Russell, Buffalo Springfield and Steve Miller all through the high tech sound system where the crowd can take advantage of the wide dance floor.


Yee haw! he Sawtooth Rangers will hold their Fourth of July Days of the Old West Rodeo July 2-4 at the new Hailey Rodeo Grounds adjacent to Highway 75 across from the airport. The 7 p.m. rodeo features mutton-busting, hometown bull riding, bareback riding, roping contests, steer wrestling, barrel racing, bull riding and more. They’ll hold the IMPRA Intermountain Professional Rodeo Association Finals Rodeo at 7 p.m. Sept. 1-2 at the Hailey Rodeo Park. Tickets are available at Atkinsons’ Markets and from the Hailey Chamber of Commerce. Information: sawtoothrangers.org


The two story plus full basement building consists of a full commercial kitchen, billiards area, bar and restaurant on the main level; and a full bar and nightclub, stage, custom lighting and sound system on the second floor. There is private access to the green room and sauna area, which is located basement level, from the nightclub.



Not your ordinary run around the block he 8th annual Sun Valley Half Marathon, which follows the Wood River and Sun Valley bike paths, will set the pace for this summer’s running season. The marathon, which also includes a 10K and 5K, starts at 9 a.m. Saturday, June 1, on the lawn of the Sun Valley Pavilion. Sunvalleyhalfmarathon.com The 22nd Annual Sawtooth Relay will follow a week later on June 8, with teams of six completing 12 legs along a 62-mile route from Stanley to Ketchum’s Atkinson Park.. Sawtoothrelay.com Other runs this summer: Adams Gulch Fun Run, June 8; the Bring Bowe Back Bash Fun Run, June 22; The Backcountry Run, July 20; Shop to the Top Run, Aug. 25; and The Harriman Trail run, Sept. 2. Cap it all off with the Baldy Hill Climb on Sept. 28. Check with The Elephant’s Perch in Ketchum for information regarding these runs.


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101 Amazing Things To Do /Summer 2013



sagebrush soiree

salmon festival

Celebrate the salmon homecoming ome August, Idaho’s salmon will be completing a 900-mile journey from the ocean to the place where they were born near the headwaters of the Salmon River near Stanley. Celebrate their homecoming at the Sawtooth Salmon Festival from 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Friday and Saturday, Aug. 23- 24. Steve Hawley, author of “Recovering a Lost River,” will set the stage Friday night with a free lecture about salmon recovery Hiking opportunities abound near the at 5 p.m. at the Stanley headwaters of the Salmon River. Museum. Hawley will

Support Your National Forest upport the Sawtooth Society, the organization dedicated to protecting and enhancing the Sawtooth National Recreation Area, in an evening of dining and dancing that begins at 6 p.m. Saturday, July 27, at the historic Busterback Ranch south of Stanley. Included: A chance to bid on auction items that run the gamut from fine wines to unique outdoor experiences. Information: Gary O’Malley at 208-721-2909 or gary@sawtoothsociety.org



repeat his talk at 8 p.m. at the Redfish Lake Visitor Center. The next day, members of the Shoshone-Bannock tribes will bless the salmon and there will be educational booths, live music and free salmon spawning tours offered by Idaho Rivers United. A wild salmon dinner from 6-8 p.m. costs $10 for kids and $15 for children. Information: sawtoothsalmonfestival.com

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101 Amazing Things To Do /Summer 2013

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shakespeare festival

“The Tempest” woon, laugh and raise your fist in ire as the 14th annual Sun Valley Shakespeare Festival presents “The Tempest.” The play revolves around Prospero, the rightful duke of Milan, who plots to restore his daughter to her rightful place using illusion and skillful manipulation, including that of conjuring up a tempest to lure his usurping brother and the complicit King Alonso to the island. The play, directed by longtime Shakespeare professor and actress Freddie Ramsby, will unfold at 6 p.m. Thursday through Sunday, Aug. 15-25 at the outdoor Forest Service Park, First and Washington streets in Ketchum. Call 208-726-4TKS for tickets.


sheeptown Drag races

Pedal power ut your pedal power to work dragging a flaming log down Hailey’s streets during the Sheeptown Fat Tire Rally June 20-21. Head-to-head drag racing on bikes dragging flaming logs makes this one of the weirdest, most memorable spectacles in the free sporting world. With an open registration and no entry fee, all you need is a bike and the right attitude to get down and dirty. Check in with the Powerhouse in Hailey (208-788-9184) for more information.


“Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer’s day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.” –John Lubbock


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silver creek preserve

On the water ilver Creek Preserve enjoys a wellearned reputation far beyond Idaho’s borders for its feisty trout that make fishermen earn their catch in these clear spring waters. You can canoe the creek and walk a nature trail, which starts near the Visitor Center, as well. On June 7 there will be a Friends of Silver Creek canoe float and barbecue. To get there, turn off Highway 20 onto the Kilpatrick Bridge Road between Picabo and the Highway 20/Highway 75 junction. Information: 208-788-7910.



skate park

Riding the curves njoy skateboard thrills at the Hailey skate park across from the Hailey Post Office or the Ketchum skate park at the corner of Warm Springs and Saddle roads. Or let gravity take you over rollers and berms at the Ketchum and Hailey bike pump parks. The Ketchum track is at Second Avenue and Seventh Street near Atkinson Park. The Hailey track is next to the Aquatic Center on Fox Acres Road.


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101 Amazing Things To Do /Summer 2013



stanley lectures

Tales of the Sawtooths he Sawtooth Interpretive & Historical Association will offer a unique look at Idaho’s beautiful Sawtooth Mountains through its 2013 Forum and Lecture Series held every Friday in July and August. The free lectures are offered at 5 p.m. at the Stanley Museum and repeated at 8 p.m. at the Redfish Center and Gallery. Carter Niemeyer will talk Idaho wolves on July 5; David Skinner, falconry, July 12; Barbara Garcia, bats, July 19; and Dr. Irwin Horowitz and Joanne Nolan, stargazing and solar viewing, July 26 and 27 in conjunction with Stanley’s Night Sky Celebration. On Aug. 2, Tom Kovalicky, Dave Kimpton and Marie Osborn will offer tales of Stanley and the Forest Service; Clark Heglar, “The Oldest Man of Idaho,” Aug. 9; Ed Cannady, wilderness photography, Aug. 16; Steve Hawley, recovering wild salmon, Aug. 23, and Chuck Mark, fire ecology, Aug. 30.


stanley museum

History in the mountains he Stanley Historical Museum, located in the historic Valley Creek Ranger Station on Highway 75 just past the turnoff for Highway 21, offers a fascinating look at yesteryear, including the story of the moving post office and a look at what life was like for early rangers. Special activities include scavenger hunts for kids and an ice cream social on Aug. 11. The museum is open daily from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission is free but donations are welcome. The Sawtooth Interpretive & Historical Association also operates the Redfish Center and Gallery at Redfish Lake. The gallery features the work of local artists, as well as new exhibits, displays and video programs. Activities include nature walks, Junior Ranger programs, campfire programs, Redfish Lake boat tours and discovery stations. Hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. June 14 through Sept. 15. The center is funded by book and map sales but donations are always welcome. Information:. discoversawtooth.org


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summer carnival

Summerfest owntown Hailey will turn into a realm of bouncy houses, dunking booths and more as the South Valley Merchants Alliance celebrates the end of school. The event takes place from 2-6 p.m. Saturday, June 8. Information: Kim at 208-788-5136.



svca concerts

Sharon Jones and Josh Ritter haron Jones and the Dap-Kings and Josh Ritter and the Royal City Band will headline the Sun Valley Center for the Arts’ 2013 Summer Concerts series. Jones and her band will perform their vintage funk and soul, plus Jones’ astonishing dance moves, on July 14. Ritter, a Moscow, Idaho, native and one of the few songwriters with a song titled “Idaho” will play his heartfelt folk-rock anthems on Aug. 14. The Milk Carton Kids, an up-and-coming Americana duo, will open the concert with their tight vocal harmony and acoustic guitars. Both concerts will be held outdoors at River Run Lodge. Tickets range from $30 to $85, available at sunvalleycenter.org, 208-726-9491 or at The Center, Fifth and Washington streets in Ketchum.



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sun valley harvest festival

Delectable dishes earn the culinary secrets of some of the nation’s finest chefs at the fourth annual Sun Valley Harvest Festival Sept. 19-22 at Sun Valley Resort. Celebrity dietician Ashley Koff will emcee the event. Also new this year: Food Mavericks and Food Trends panels featuring entrepreneurs and experts from well-known brands and media outlets such as “Prevention Magazine” and “Dr. Oz.” Returning: the popular restaurant walk-around, an opportunity to sip artisanal cocktails, Grand Tastings, Expo Hall and the river guides’ Dutch-oven cook-off. Information:. sunvalleyharvestfestival.com or 208-450-6430.


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sun valley opera concert

“Mamma Mia!”—It’s ABBA ind your Dancing Queen and head over to the Sun Valley Pavilion on Sunday, July 7, for a tribute to ABBA performed by Sweden’s ARRIVAL. The only group sanctioned by ABBA to perform their music, ARRIVAL looks like and sounds very similar to the original as they perform such hits as “Waterloo,” “Fernando,” “Gimme Gimme Gimme” and more. They’ll be joined by the American Festival Chorus and Orchestra, which was founded in 2008 by Dr. Craig Jessop, former director of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. The concert is sponsored by the Sun Valley Opera. Diva tickets are on sale at sunvalleyopera.com or by calling 208-726-0991. General admission tickets are available at 888-622-2108 or 208622-2135 or at seats.sunvalleyopera.com.


101 Amazing Things To Do /Summer 2013

101 Amazing Things To Do / Summer 2013



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sun valley summer symphony

From Wynona to “Bond and Beyond� he Sun Valley Summer Symphony—the largest publicly funded free symphony in the nation—will take place this year from July 28-Aug. 20 at the Sun Valley Symphony Pavilion. Patrons are welcome to take a seat inside the covered pavilion. Or, they can bring picnics for the lawn or partake of Sun Valley’s new food offerings while watching the concerts on the big screen donated by Elaine Wynn. The season kicks off with four chamber music concerts July 28-Aug. 2 that will focus on “The Sacred and the Profane: Spirituality across the Globe and Ages.� The full symphony orchestra opens with violinist Midori on Aug. 4. Other highlights include the Aug. 10 “Bond and Beyond� pops concert featuring soprano Debbie Gravitte singing such numbers as “Goldfinger.� Also, Time for Three—two violinists and a bass player—who will play pops, country and bluegrass songs with the orchestra. The only concert requiring an admission ticket is the benefit concert featuring Wynona Judd and the orchestra on Aug. 8. Information: svsummersymphony.org or 208-622-5607.


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sun valley tours

The Sun Valley Story o you know why they built the Sun Valley Lodge out of concrete, rather than the abundant pine nearby? Do you know where Ernest Hemingway had his last supper? You can learn the answers to those questions and more on the Sun Valley Story Tour. The Ketchum-Sun Valley Historical Society is offering free tours pointing out some of the interesting buildings and history in Ketchum and Sun Valley every Friday from June 21 through Sept. 6. Tour-goers will board a Mountain Rides bus at 10:15 a.m. outside the Visitor Center at Sun Valley Road and East Avenue. The bus will go to the Warm Springs neighborhood before heading out to Sun Valley and Elkhorn and eventually returning to the Visitor Center. Information: Kim at 788-7433.


101 Amazing Things To Do /Summer 2013



Cool—and hot—dips ool off this summer with a dip at the Blaine County Aquatic Center at the east end of Fox Acres Road in Hailey. The outdoor oasis features a regular and kidsized pool, a toddler playground, snack bar, leisure cabanas and palapa umbrellas, along with swim lessons and a master swim program. Open swim hours are 1:15-5:20 p.m. weekdays and noon-5 p.m. weekends. Information: bcrd.org or 208-578-2273. Or, dip your toe in the Hulen Meadows Pond off Hulen Meadows Road just north of Ketchum or—brrr—Redfish or Pettit lakes in the Sawtooth Valley Prefer your water hot? Head to Frenchman’s Bend Hot Springs, seven miles out Warm Springs Road on the west side of the road. Or, head for Easley Hot Springs, 12 miles north of Ketchum. There is a cost to use this commercial hot springs pool, which is open through Labor Day but closed Mondays. Information: 208-726-7522.



UTV rentals

Drive Idaho’s backcountry ee Idaho’s backcountry from behind the wheel of a two-seat or four-seat Polaris RZR utility vehicle. Ryan’s Mountain Rentals located at 1267 S. Main St., Bellevue, offers park-and-ride day trips and overnight trips with trailer. Information: ryansmountainrentals.com




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101 Amazing Things To Do /Summer 2013


vacation bible schools

Fun times for the children alvary Bible Church, a mile north of Hailey on Highway 75, will host “a rip-roaring good time” with Jesus when it hosts its SonWest Roundup for 4-year-olds through sixth-graders June 24-28. Calvarybiblewr.org or 208-578-0334. St. Thomas Episcopal Church on Sun Valley Road in Sun Valley will hold its VBS, “Kingdom Rock: Where Kids Stand Strong for God,” July 8-12. Information: stthomassunvalley.org or. 208-726-5349. And the Presbyterian Church of the Big Wood’s Vacation Bible School will have the look of a world’s fair as 4-year-olds through sixth-graders make friends with neighborhoods around the world. The church, at Warm Springs and Saddle roads, will hold its school July 29-Aug.2. Information: pcbw.org or 208-622-0548.



wagon days

Get hitched — The Big Hitch that is ake in the largest non-motorized parade in the Pacific Northwest as the City of Ketchum trots out its tall, stately ore wagons pulled by an authentic 20mule jerk line for the annual Wagon Days Parade on Saturday, Aug. 31. The annual Labor Day festival from Aug. 29-Sept. 2 is chock full of activities, including a rodeo, antique and art shows, antique car auction, Old West shootout, music, horse show and more. Information: wagondays.org


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101 Amazing Things To Do / Summer 2013



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walk a shelter dog



Heart-healthy Hikin’ Buddies alk a shelter dog from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesdays, June through September. The Animal Shelter of the Wood River Valley has a variety of dogs raring to go at Adams Gulch (turn left off Highway 75 onto Adam’s Gulch Road opposite Bigwood Golf Course and follow it to a variety of trails suitable for all abilities). You’ll help socialize the animals. And, there’s a growing body of evidence that pets can lower your risk of heart disease, according to the American Heart Association. Dog walking exercises two-legged creatures and petting animals can lower your blood pressure and cortisol levels.



walking tours

Walk through history ake a self-guided walking tour through history following brochures available at the Ketchum-Sun Valley Heritage & Ski Museum and the Blaine County Historical Museum in Hailey. The Ketchum museum is located in Forest Service Park at First and Washington streets; the Hailey museum, on Main Street. You can also pick up a Historic Walking Tour brochure for the rustic Western town of Stanley at the Stanley Historical Museum or download one at discoversawtooth.org


101 Amazing Things To Do / Summer 2013

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Seasonal beauties ake a walk and smell the roses—or, rather, the lupine.. The Sawtooth Botanical Garden and Environmental Resource Center are teaming up to offer Wildflower Walks each Thursday from June 6 through July 25. Walkers meet at 9:30 a.m. at the garden three miles south of Ketchum on Highway 75 and Gimlet Road and leave from there for spots around the valley that naturalists have scoped out ahead of time. Proceeds from the walk benefit both organizations. (208-726-9358). Want to discover the sego lilies, Indian paintbrush and elephant’s head on your own? The trail on the backside of Dollar Mountain offers stands of lupine and other flowers early in the season—in June or so. Greenhorn Gulch and Adams Gulch are other hot spots, with stands of flowers emerging later in the season on Bald Mountain.


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wildflower walks


wine auction

Wining and dining for art he Sun Valley Center’s 32nd Wine Auction serves up unique vintner dinners in private homes, one-of-a-kind auction lots up for bid at a gala dinner, tastings and a wine picnic and concert featuring dishes from local restaurants and toe-tapping funk jazz from Sister Sparrow and the Dirty Birds. Information: sunvalleycenter.org or 208-726-9491.


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IntermountaIn Pro rodeo assocIatIon

FInals rodeo August 31, 4pm September 1, 4pm Hailey Rodeo Park * Top 12 Competitors * Tickets $12 adults, $5 kids 12 and under Call 208-521-7708 • www.intermountainprorodeo.com

H Roping with The Stars Both Nights H Finals Rodeo Party following Saturday’s Performance at Mahoney’s Bar & Grill, Bellevue Sponsored by Pendleton



wine tastings

Weekly wine tastings in the valley xplore the world of wine at CavaCava this summer. The restaurant at 230 Walnut Ave. in Ketchum features Team Trivia with prizes and drink specials from 67:30 p.m. Mondays, and Tuesday Tastings with Advanced Sommelier John McCune from 3:30-5 p.m. Tuesdays. $10 includes appetizers. Sun Valley Wine Company brings in distributors who offer up a wine tasting from 5-7 p.m. the first Thursday of each month at 360 N. Leadville Ave. in Ketchum. Cost is $10. Meanwhile, Atkinsons’ Market in Ketchum often offers wine tastings on weekend afternoons to introduce shoppers to its vast store of wines from around the world.



world jam

First concert at the Rodeo Park he first concert at the new Hailey Rodeo Park will be the Reggae in the Mountains “World Jam” on Saturday, July 20. Information: mountainniceness.com


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101 Amazing Things To Do /Summer 2013


writers’ conference

Turning another page ormer U.S. Poet Laureate Billy Collins, National Public Radio host Neal Conan, Ret. Gen. Stanley McChrystal and Iranianborn Firoozeh Dumas head a long list of literary notables at the Sun Valley Writers’ Conference. This year’s conference, being held Aug. 23-26, is sold out. But individual tickets to Pavilion talks will be available beginning Aug. 1. Information: svwc.org



YMCA fundreaiser

Y Classic njoy a golf scramble at the Sun Valley Golf Course, then hang on tight for cocktails, hors d’ouevres and dinner by Cristina’s followed by an evening of comedy at the Wood River YMCA’s annual fundraiser Aug. 18. Comedian Ralph Harris, best known for his role in “On Our Own” and as the host of “Momma Throws Down,” will provide the antics for the evening, which will take place at Dan and Martine Drackett’s Le Pevillon des Fetes in Greenhorn Gulch. Harris has also appeared on “Seinfeld” and “The Parenthood” and co-starred Celebrities like Jamie Lee Curtis, picin “Dreamgirls” and “Evan tured above have been known to show Almighty.” He placed fifth up for the annual fundraiser. on the reality show “Last Comic Standing.” Information: woodriverymca.org or 208-928-6702.


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101 Amazing Things To Do /Summer 2013


youth reading at the community Library

Paws to Read… and more he Children’s Library at The Community Library in Ketchum has plenty to keep youngsters busy this summer. They’ll kick off their Summer Reading Program with a party from 2-4 p.m. Saturday, June 22. The program begins June 10 and runs through Aug. 2 and includes weekly-theme activities involving crafts and other activities as youngsters “Dig into Reading.” Naturalist Ann Christensen and others will lead Science Time at 11 a.m. Tuesdays. Reginald Reeves and others will offer Story Time at 10 a.m. Saturdays. And Paws to Read—where children offer to read to trained therapy dogs—will be offered. The library also offers a monthly Lego/Star Wars Club, Sewing Club and children’s movies—always with popcorn. This summer the library will also offer a Summer Movie Series for teens and young adults—the first one being “Beautiful Creatures” in June. Look also for Retro Game nights. Information: thecommunitylibrary.org or 208-726-3493, extension 217.



youth reading at the hailey public Library

Dig into reading he Hailey Public Library offers special programs for youngsters and teens. Story Mania is a story hour for children of all ages offered at 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays. Parents are encouraged to stay and participate in the activities and crafts associated with each Wednesday’s story. TNT Thursdays is for tweens and teens from 4 to 5 p.m. Thursdays. It will feature games and crafts for ages 10 through 18. This year’s theme: Beneath the Surface. Meanwhile, first- through eighth-graders will receive incentive prizes when they turn in a completed reading log for each Summer Reading week from July 8 through Aug. 10. Register between June 17 and June 29. Information: 208-788-2036 or haileypubliclibrary.org


101 Amazing Things To Do / Summer 2013




youth theater projects

There’s gonna be a rumble onight, tonight, won’t be just any night…”—at least not from Wednesday, June 19 to Saturday, June 22, when St. Thomas Theater’s Summer Theater Project presents “West Side Story.” Young adults and high school teens will present Leonard Bernstein’s contemporary musical adaptation of Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” as those star-crossed lovers Tony and Maria are caught up in a feud between rival gangs in the slums of New York City. Shows start at 7:30 p.m. at The Community School Theater in Sun Valley. Tickets are available at Iconoclast Books or by calling Cherie at 208-726-5349, extension 13. Looking ahead: The music moves to London Oct. 17 through 20 when St. Thomas Playhouse presents Lerner and Lowe’s musical, “My Fair Lady,” at the nexStage Theatre in Ketchum.



youth writing

Calling all young writers ate Ristow is teaching a free writing workshop for kids in seventh grade and up on Fridays throughout the summer at The Community Library in Ketchum. The young writers will get a chance to write stories and poems and learn about publishing opportunities for young writers. To sign up, call the library at 208-726-3493, extension 217, or sign up at the children’s library by June 10. The writing workshop will be augmented by a book club, giving those in seventh-grade on up a chance to discuss new and old young adult literature every other Friday throughout the summer. Ristow, who has taught writing and literature at The Community School, College of Southern Idaho and the University of Montana, has an MFA in fiction writing.


“The sun shines not on us, but in us. The rivers flow not past, but through us.” -John Muir



101 Amazing Things To Do /Summer 2013


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Advertiser index 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34.

5B Paws & Claws....................75 ABBA Towing..........................72 Alan Rickers Painting...............87 Camp Rainbow Gold - . American Cancer Society........11 Animal Shelter of. the Wood River Valley..............16 Atkinsons’ Market....................38 Attic, The................................73 K-9 Rehabilitator ....................39 Bead Shop, The......................12 Bella Cosa..............................12 Bellevue Labor Day.................81 Big Wood Body & Paint............72 Bigwood Bread.......................29 Branching Out........................ 64 Bun Valley.................................6 Calcagno, Richard.................. 90 Cari’s Hair Care . & Day Spa...............................79 Christopher & Co....................95 Classic Drivers -. Lowell Thomas........................41 Clearwater Equipment.............22 Coldwell Banker - Jim Kuehn....32 Comme Les Filles................... 94 Community Library, The..........25 Community School .................20 Community School..................61 Company of Fools.....................3 Copy & Print...........................33 Curves ..................................78 Despo’s .................................65 Dollhouse, The........................55 Espinoza, Ray........................ 60 Expedition Inspiration..............21 Farasha Boutique....................77 Fisher Appliance......................86


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35. Five Springs Wellness............. 40 36. Four Seasons. Spa & Pool, LLC......................58 37. Giacobbi Square.....................27 38. Golden Door Gallery................28 39. Hailey Antiques.......................18 40. Hailey Chamber. of Commerce............................4 41. Hailey Orthopedics &. Sports Medicine . ...................82 42. Healthy Skin of. Sun Valley...............................76 43. Hunger Coalition.....................21 44. Jane’s Artifacts.......................23 45. Jaye Phipps Massage..............78 46. Ketchum Arts Festival................7 47. Ketchum Kitchens.....................2 48. Ketchum Pawn....................... 84 49. Killebrew-Thompson. Memorial Golf Tournament.......67 50. Kiwanis of Hailey and. the Wood River Valley..............35 51. Lifestyle Simple Living.............31 52. McKenzie, Emily..................... 60 53. My House Furnishings............. 30 54. Northern Rockies. Music Festival.........................15 55. Open Room, The.....................88 56. Ozzie’s Shoes.........................59 57. Perry’s Restaurant...................83 58. Primavera Floral..................... 34 59. RadioShack.............................36 60. RE/MAX - Joanne Wetherell. / Bob Kesting........................ 80 61. River Sage Stables................. 34 62. Ryan’s Mountain Rentals..........19 63. Sawtooth Rangers...................42 64. Sawtooth Rangers - IMPRA .....85 65. Sheepskin Coat Factory...........69

66. Smoky Mountain. Pizzeria Grill............................14 67. Sotheby’s International. Realty - Janine Bear.................66 68. Soundwave.............................63 69. St. Thomas Playhouse.............10 70. State Farm -. Patrick Buchanan....................89 71. Sun Valley Auto Club................71 72. Sun Valley. Center for the Arts....................3 73. Sun Valley. Summer Symphony.................93 74. Sun Valley Wine Co..................81 75. Sweetwater Community...........17 76. Symbiotic Reflexology.............91 77. T’s & Temptations...................74 78. Tara Bella Floral Design...........39 79. Tater Tots...............................28 80. Third Floor Salon.....................37 81. Towne & Parke Jewelry............70 82. Trader, The............................ 34 83. Trailing of the Sheep.................9 84. Valley Apothecary...................62 85. Velocio...................................57 86. Vertu......................................68 87. Visit Sun Valley..........................8 88. Wagon Days........................... 96 89. Wildflower...............................26 90. Wildhorse Interiors..................41 91. Wood River. Electronics.............................36 92. Wood River. Farmers’ Market......................15 93. Wood River Land Trust.............13 94. Wood River Valley. Studio Tour.............................56 95. Woodside Motorsports............65 96. Wyndham Vacation Rentals......24

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101 Amazing Things To Do /Summer 2013

THE 2013 SEASON AlAsdAir NeAle, Music director edgAr M. BroNfMAN In Focus series The Sacred and The Profane July 28 – august 2 seAsoN coNcert series august 4 – 20 studeNt suMMer Music Workshops august 5 – 9 In keeping with its mission Sun Valley Summer Symphony concerts are admission free. 208.622.5607 svsummersymphony.org

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