13 September 2017

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F R E E | SEPTEMBER 13 - 19, 2 0 1 7 | V O L . 1 0 - N O . 3 7 | W W W . T H E W E E K L Y S U N . C O M


Arts News The Center’s BIG IDEA: ‘The Unreliable Narrator’


Education News School District Sees Unexpected Changes


Environment News Snake River Flotilla Gathers For Salmon

“Always carry a flagon of whiskey in case of snakebite, and furthermore, always carry a small snake.” ~W. C. Fields

For information about this photo, see “On The Cover” on page 3. Courtesy photo by Michael Kane

Special Event News Bon Appétit! Local Food Events Will Take Place This Week SEPTEMBER 15-16 KETCHUM TOWN SQUARE

Learn more on pages 7 & 12

More information at www.KetchumOktoberfest.com


T H E W E E K LY S U N • S E P T E M B E R 13 - 19, 2017



The Center Encourages Questions In New Exhibition BY DANA DUGAN

“It’s good to be skeptical of really great stories,” said Penny Lane, the director of “Nuts!”, a film that will be shown during the Sun Valley Center’s new multimedia exhibition, The Unreliable Narrator. Lane’s movie is a good example of how a narrator may not be trustworthy, which can apply to any tale, movie or piece of art. In “Nuts!”, the protagonist of the partially animated documentary, Dr. John Romulus Brinkley, was famous in the 1930s for, among other things, replacing about 10,000 men’s testicles with those of goats that he raised himself. “Brinkley was a snake oil salesman in the finest American tradition,” said Kristine Bretall, The Center’s director of performing arts. “But a lot of people believed his story.” How do we know when we can believe the story we’re being told? There are numerous examples of fiction passing as fact (Fake News Alert!) in literature, theatre, movies and art. Gore Vidal wrote a series of historical novels that played with the truth. Vladimir Nabokov’s “Lolita” has a narrator in Humbert Humbert, who spent the novel ed-

• • • • • • • • •

iting out important information to make himself look better, despite his crimes. The novel even begins with a fictional foreword by John Ray, Jr., Ph.D., an editor of psychology books. More recent novels that play with an unreliable narrator are “Gone Girl” and “The Girl on the Train.” Courtney Gilbert, The Center’s director of visual arts, sought artists with a similar bent. “I looked for artists that either presented stories that asked you to question whether they were true, or asked viewers to fill in the blanks,” said Gilbert. Like the photographer Cindy Sherman, Holly Andres carefully orchestrates her photographs to bring to life an unknown. Who are the characters? “Holly, whose work I’ve loved for more than a decade, makes photographs that unfold like a film to create a storyline.” Andres did a visual residence, sponsored by Jennifer Wilson, at The Center, Hailey, where Ezra Pound was born in 1885. “She stayed at the Hailey house, and did still-lifes there through the eyes of Ezra Pound as a child,” Gilbert said. The Blaine County Historical

The documentary, “Under The Sun,” will screen at Magic Lantern Cinemas in Ketchum. Photo courtesy of Sun Valley Center for the Arts

Museum lent Andres props and allowed her to photograph the iconic mannequins found at the museum in Hailey. Fifteen of those photographs are on display at The Center in Ketchum. Another artist whose work is part of The Unreliable Narrator exhibition is Deb Sokolov, who uses “elaborate images and texts of real historical figures to develop complicated storylines,” Gilbert said.

Museum Exhibition, through Nov. 24

Evening Exhibition Tours, 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 28 and Oct. 19 Film: “Under the Sun” 7 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 28 Lecture: James B. Stewart “Truth Matters: How Fake News and False Statements Undermine America” 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 12 Film: “Nuts!” 7 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 19 Creative Jump-in: How to Tell a Great Story, with Matthew Melton from Story Story Night, 5:30–8:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 26 Company of Fools Staged Reading: “Pal” with post-show conversation with playwright Tasha Gordon-Solmon, 6:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 27 Teen Workshop: From the Page to Stage, with Matthew Melton from Story Story Night, 10 a.m.−4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 28 and 29 Family Day, 3–5 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 4 Public Storytelling with The Center & Idaho Basecamp, 6–8 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 9

Bretall similarly looked for stories in the films she chose; these were ones that “fascinated me as to who’s telling the story and what’s the context,” she said. “There’s always something left out.” Russian director Vitaly Mansky shot the other featured film, “Under The Sun,” under strict supervision in North Korea. The documentary is a behindthe-scenes look at a poor country that casts itself as an abundant paradise, and a filmmaking coup of sorts. Under the terms of the agreement with Mansky, North Korea wrote the script and selected the subjects. Mansky and his crew were allowed to film only approved scenes in specific locations, and the North Koreans would delete any footage they deemed unacceptable. But Mansky had a plan to get around the censors and capture unscripted footage of life in the reclusive state; he left the digital cameras rolling all day as the team of North Koreans assigned to oversee the shoot manufactured each scene, coaching subjects on what to say and how to say it. For the

North Koreans, it was their story, controlled and perfected to show one thing; for Mansky, and future audiences, the film was a revelation. Another revelatory performance will be “Pal,” to be a staged reading at the Liberty Theatre in Hailey. Tasha Gordon-Solmon, a New York City-based playwright, penned the play, which is still in development. Gordon-Solmon is a friend and colleague of Ilana Becker, the Company of Fools’ interim artistic director. Becker put out a call to several playwrights asking for something COF could produce. “I cast a net, and Tasha’s play was the right piece,” Becker said. The play is about two 19-yearold pen pals. It’s about what they tell each other and what they omit, and how that affects how they know each other. “It’s so cool,” Becker said. “This is where The Unreliable Narrator comes in. In letters, there’s a removed quality, a politeness and carefulness that gets stripped away. Because the play is in development, the reading is a rare opportunity for the audience to be involved with the evolution of the play. “It will have a life of its own, from a nascent play to a finished product,” Becker said. “And it will always have the Sun Valley Center for the Arts/Company of Fools attached to it.” Gordon-Solmon’s plays have been developed and produced by numerous companies, including Actors Theater of Louisville and the Humana Festival of New American Plays, Clubbed Thumb, Ars Nova, The Perry-Mansfield New Works Festival and The Flea Theater. Another live event will be a lecture with James B. Stewart, “Truth Matters: How Fake News and False Statements Undermine America.” The Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and best-selling author will discuss his latest book, “Tangled Webs: How False Statements are Undermining America: From Martha Stewart to Bernie Madoff.” The book analyzes the judicial, political and business trend in the United States toward “deliberate lying by a different class of criminal—sophisticated, educated, affluent and represented in many cases by the best lawyers.” tws


T H E W E E K LY S U N • S E P T E M B E R 13 - 19, 2017



This workshop offers the latest views and research about single living with methods that promote a solo lifestyle based within an architecture of sustainable happiness. Using personal experience along with an evidence-based positive approach, Christina reframes personal challenges with realistic optimism. Goals are identified that build a contented lifestyle. Discussions end on viable ways to search for romantic partners. Celebrate the harvest at the ninth annual Feastival, to be held Friday through Sunday on Trail Creek Road east of Sun Valley. For a story, see page 12. Photo courtesy of Idaho Basecamp

Be ready to laugh, learn, and be inspired to live single in a refreshing new way.


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S E P T E M B E R 1 3 - 1 9 , 2017 | VOL. 10 NO. 37


Christina Tindle, LPC

Call: 208.315.3075 www.christinatindle.com

Sports News

Soccer Tourney Kicks Into Second Year


The Weekly Scene

This Week’s Top Photos


The Weekly Sun’s Calendar

Stay In The Loop On Where To Be


A prairie rattlesnake (Crotalus viridis) looks directly into the lens late last month in Blaine County. Rattlesnakes are ovoviviparous; their eggs incubate inside the mother snake’s body and the baby snakes are born live, encased in a thin membrane that they puncture after being born, according to livescience.com. Courtesy photo by Michael Kane

THE WEEKLY SUN STAFF 13 W. Carbonate St. • P.O. Box 2711 Hailey, Idaho 83333 Phone: 208.928.7186 Fax: 208.928.7187

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Local artists & photographers interested in seeing their art on our cover page should email submissions to: mandi@theweeklysun.com (photos should be high resolution and include caption info such as who or what is in the photo, date and location).


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Contact Brennan at 208.720.1295 or publisher@theweeklysun.com

sun the weekly


T H E W E E K LY S U N • S E P T E M B E R 13 - 19, 2017


City of Ketchum Breaking Ground at Guy Coles Skate Park The City of Ketchum, Ketchum Urban Renewal Agency and the community join Dreamland Skateparks as they break ground for construction on Monday, Sept. 18, at noon. Enjoy refreshments by local vendors provided by the City of Ketchum. Official ribbon cutting ceremony is planned for late October.

First ‘Surprise Art’ Project Unveiled Stop by the KIC building to see the City of Ketchum Arts Commission’s latest surprise art project on south side of the building. Artwork by Rudi Broschofsky.

Jobs Available The City of Ketchum has variety of jobs available. Visit ketchumidaho.org/jobs for full job descriptions and application.

Snow Stake Safety Snow will start to fly soon so Ketchum is preparing for safer snow stakes or road markers in the right of way. Please eliminate the use of steel snow stakes and replace them with fiberglass poles. The steel can be dangerous to pedestrians, vehicles and snow removal equipment.

Public Notice OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING: City Council will hold a public hearing on Monday, Oct. 2, at 5:30 pm to consider adoption of city-initiated text amendments to zoning code Chapter 17.125, to align parking ordinance with objectives of the Comprehensive Plan, promote uses that contribute to the vitality of downtown, incentivize Community Housing, and better reflect the needs of our community.

Public Meetings CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday • September 18 • 5:30 pm • City Hall PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Monday • October 9 • 5:30 pm • City Hall

Keep Up With City News Visit ketchumidaho.org to sign up for email notifications, the City eNewsletter and to follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Email questions and comments to participate@ketchumidaho.org.


Former Hailey Icon John Carson Dies

John Carson, the one-time Hailey City Council member and owner of the Liberty Theatre when it still screened movies, died last week at his home in Arizona. Often seen with his dog, Quigley, Carson “always had something positive to say,” said Julie Johnson, a longtime friend. “He was a Renaissance man, a Southern gentleman, and a teacher with a big smile on his face.” Carson had many friends in the Valley who remained loyal to him even after he moved away to sail in the Caribbean and then live in the Philippines, where he met his wife, Genalyn. Johnson said he was a “true giver of his community. He liked the small-town feel and openness of the people. And he liked to bring in good movies. He cared.” “I met him in 1986, when I worked for KSKI,” said Larry Flynn, auctioneer and former Valley resident. “At that time he owned the Liberty Theatre, and he’d call the station every day to say, ‘Toooo-Night at the Liberty Theatre....’.” It was a distinctive announcement that people still recall fondly. “In his fifties, he found out he had a daughter, Shelby, in California,” Flynn said, “and spent the rest of the time making up for time lost.” Importantly for Flynn, then a DJ and sometime emcee for nonprofits, Carson encouraged him to attend auctioneer school. “I was in the cellphone business at the time,” Flynn said, “but the community was always coming together for benefits. That’s how I got started. It was John who said, ‘You have talent. You need to go to school.’” Flynn visited Carson in late July in Arizona. “We got up with the sun to see the birds; he seemed fine,” Flynn said. “He told me if people ask, tell them I’m doing just fine.” For more information, see Carson’s obituary on page 9.

Last year’s champs, The Ligers, will compete again this year. Courtesy photo by Pete Wooding




he second annual Sun Valley 7’s adult coed soccer tournament will return to the Wood River Valley on Sunday, Sept. 17. The tournament runs from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Atkinson Park in Ketchum. There will also be a family-friendly barbecue and music by DJ Marlene starting around noon. All proceeds will benefit the Sun Valley Soccer Club. The Sun Valley Soccer Club, formerly Sawtooth United, is a 501(C)(3) organization that provides children ages 5-18 the opportunity to play organized, developmental, and competitive soccer in the Wood River Valley. Children ages 9 and above also have the option to play in the competitive Boise league in both the fall and the spring. Teams for the Sun Valley 7’s tournament are comprised of 10 players maximum per team, with the age requirement being 18 years and older. All play is seven versus seven, including goalkeepers, with two 15-minute halves and a five-minute halftime. The entry cost per team is $320, or $32 per player. The registration fee includes a three-game minimum, lunch, tournament shirt, and an Okto-


berfest pint glass and beer. “Last year was a big success,” said Pete Wooding, tournament director and organizer. “We had eight teams, 80 players, and lots of fans. The feedback was great, and many are looking forward to the second annual tourney.” Wooding said Lefty’s and Sawtooth Brewery will provide the beer this year, and the Wood River Sustainability Center will provide a great lunch menu. As well, Matt Luck’s Pride of Bristol Bay summer catch will be available for purchase. “All in all, it’s going to be a great day,” Wooding said. “Anyone who enjoys sitting out in the sun or shade, watching good soccer, drinking good beer, eating good food, sharing good laughs and supporting youth soccer in the Wood River Valley should come check it out.” Anyone over the age of 18 is encouraged to play. Any level player is welcome. Wooding says that play does get a bit competitive. If people would like to play but don’t have a team, they are welcome to sign up and will be placed on a team. To register and for more information, go to sunvalleysoccerclub.com/sv7s. tws

Western States Equipment Receives Grant to Assist With Creation Of New Jobs

Western States Equipment Co. will use $48,243 in Idaho Workforce Development Training Funds to assist with the creation and training of 18 new permanent full-time positions in multiple locations throughout the state. Upon completion of training, the new positions will pay an average hourly rate of $16.50 plus employer-assisted medical benefits. The new diesel technician positions will bring the total number of Western States employees to 506 by June 4, 2019. Western States is a full-service Caterpillar dealer offering sales, service, parts and rental across five states. Western States works with a variety of industries, including construction, agriculture, logging, mining, trucking and locomotive. The Idaho Workforce Development Training Fund was started in 1996 and is administered by the Idaho Department of Labor. Grant funds are used to reimburse businesses for the cost of training new workers or retraining existing workers with skills necessary for specific economic opportunities and industrial expansion initiatives. Eligible businesses must produce a product or service sold outside the region, and the jobs must pay at least $12 an hour and include employer-assisted health insurance. The fund is financed by a 3 LLR 81974 percent set-aside of the unemployment insurance taxes paid by businesses each year. ADJUSTABLE Learn more about the Idaho Workforce Development Training Fund at labor.idaho.gov/WDTF.


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T H E W E E K LY S U N • S E P T E M B E R 13 - 19, 2017





motions ran high on Tuesday, Sept. 5 at Hailey Elementary, when a teacher was moved from her kindergarten classroom, where she began the school year just a week before, to teach first grade at the Ernest Hemingway STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) School. The move was made by the administration when a flux in enrollment put the first-grade student-to-teacher ratio above policy standards. However, the reallocation of the general education teacher is said to put the kindergarten classes at Hailey in the same predicament. “Unexpected and contrary to past trends, elementary school enrollment changed this year, with Hailey decreasing and Hemingway increasing,” said GwenCarol Holmes, Blaine County School District superintendent, in a memo to the board of trustees. “This resulted in the moving of a teacher from one school to another after the first week of school.” According to Heather Crocker, Blaine County School District director of communications, three schools experienced higher and lower numbers than expected, which required some changes in schools. “It seems it created a bad situation in one school to fix a bad situation in another school instead of hiring a new teacher,” according to a source at Hemingway, who wished to remain anonymous. Crocker said it was exciting that students were attracted to the new teaching model at Hemingway School. “Maintaining our commitment to the board’s class-size policy and the board’s expectation that we balance the budget means that we have to move a teacher from one school to the other,” Crocker said. “No one wants to do this, but we recognize that everyone is willing to be flexible and accommodate the needs of our students, which is our priority.” District policy states that, “the board considers a low student-teacher ratio to be vital for sound educational instruction and strong student-teacher relationships.” The policy also says that it recommends that when a kindergarten-through-second-grade classroom size reaches 20 students, a certified teacher or a full-time paraprofessional be hired or reassigned. For grades three through five, policy recommends the same when the class sizes reach 25 students. It also recommends that a Pre-K classroom with a paraprofessional be capped at 20 students. When a grade level drops below 15 students, district policy recommends that a position be eliminated and a staff member be transferred or released. “This tumult is at the expense of children and their education and teachers and their stress,” said a Hemingway teacher not directly involved who also wished to remain anonymous. Some teachers in the district

feel that the administration is balancing the budget at the expense of the students and teachers while others feel that certain programs like the addition of the sixth-grade STEAM class are being pushed through despite budget cuts. In February, Blaine County School District trustees approved a sixth-grade middle school program at Hemingway STEAM with an enrollment of 44 students. At that time 45 families had committed to the program, according to Heather Crocker, director of communications for BCSD. Last spring, Crocker said that numbers had dropped to 35, which was not enough to meet school trustees’ criteria. As of the fourth day of school, Thursday, Aug. 30, the most recent numbers provided by the district, 22 students were enrolled, half as many as were required by the board to add the

sixth-grade class. “After individual conversations with individual trustees, the superintendent decided to keep our commitment to the students who did show up for sixth grade,” Crocker said. “Currently, there are 22 students in the sixth grade. We are maintaining the program for this year and will reevaluate it midyear to determine if it is feasible to continue.” Two teachers were hired to accommodate the 22 students in sixth grade at Hemingway. “A middle school program is different from elementary in that it requires content-specific teachers,” Crocker said. The enrollment requirement was a condition of the board approval so the program would be cost-neutral for the school district. Teachers who have been through the STEAM training are enthusiastic about the benefits to the students. One teacher,

who also wished to remain anonymous, felt that the STEAM method brought teaching into the present day, where children have answers at their fingertips. She said the new program teaches them to process that information. Enrollment at Hemingway’s Pre-K through fifth-grade classes was 33 students higher than predicted, with a total of 359 students as of the most recent data provided. Wood River Middle School has 45 more students than predicted, with a total of 745 students. Hailey Elementary has 42 less students than expected, with a total of 354. Wood River High School has 923 students enrolled. The remaining schools, Alturas, Bellevue, Carey and Silver Creek High School, had enrollment figures that were 10 stu- Dr. GwenCarol Holmes, Blaine dents or less of a difference from County School District superintendent. Photo courtesy of BCSD what was predicted. tws


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T H E W E E K LY S U N • S E P T E M B E R 13 - 19, 2017

September is Library Card Sign-up Month, and the Hailey Public Library wants to make sure that all children in Hailey have the smartest card of all—a library card.


From free access to STEAM programs/activities, educational apps, virtual homework help, technology workshops to the expertise of librarians, a library card is one of the most costeffective, back-to-school supplies available. Today’s public libraries are thriving technology hubs that millions rely on as their first or only choice for Internet access and digital content. In addition to books, magazines, DVDs, computers, games, software and other multimedia materials, libraries provide access to e-books and e-book readers. For more information on how to obtain a library card, please call 788-2036 or our website at haileypubliclibrary.org.

Sawtooth Valley

FIREFIGHTERS BALL Saturday, September 23 Redfish Lake Lodge Live music from 9 pm - 12 am Jonathan Warren and the Billy Goats Silent Auction from 8pm - 11pm Admission: $10

Free shuttle provided from Stanley to Redfish Lake and back throughout the evening

For additional information contact Cassie at cassie.svrfd@gmail.com


More information at www.KetchumOktoberfest.com NEWS IN BRIEF

Serve Idaho Seeks Brightest Star Nominations

Serve Idaho, the Governor’s Commission on Service and Volunteerism, is accepting nominations for the annual Brightest Star Awards, a program recognizing outstanding Idaho volunteers in a variety of categories. Nominees and winners will be recognized at an awards ceremony in Boise Jan. 17, 2018. Nominations will be accepted until Oct. 20 at ServeIdaho.gov. The categories are: • Individual • Student (19 years of age and younger) • Veteran • Individual (55 years of age and older) • Business • Nonprofit / Public Organization • Teacher / Professor Nominees must be Idaho residents who have performed volunteer service in 2017. Companies must conduct business in Idaho to be eligible. If the company is headquartered out of state, then local affiliates must be engaged in local volunteer activities. Individuals may submit more than one nomination per category or in multiple categories. A panel consisting of Serve Idaho commissioners, Serve Idaho staff and community members will review the nominations and select a winner in each category. For more information about Idaho’s Brightest Star Awards and volunteering, visit ServeIdaho.gov.

Flotilla participants raise their paddles in support of a dam-free Snake River. Photo courtesy of Idaho Rivers United




aze from Northwest wildfires gave way to blue skies last Saturday morning as hundreds of paddlers cast their boats on the impounded waters of the lower Snake River channel to call attention to the plight of Idaho’s endangered wild salmon. “It’s a moving experience to see hundreds of people from different places and backgrounds come together, spend a day on the water together and say with one voice that they’re fed up with business as usual on the lower Snake River,” Kevin Lewis, Idaho Rivers United executive director, said. “There are four deadbeat dams here that are still killing Idaho’s salmon, and it’s past time for these expensive antiquities to go.” Boaters gathered Friday night and Saturday morning at Chief Timothy State Park in Washington State. The park is about eight miles west of Lewiston, Idaho, where the Snake and Clearwater rivers join and are then stilled by four dams built in the 1960s and 1970s. Beginning around 10 a.m. on Saturday, flotilla boaters paddled three miles downstream on the reservoir created by Lower Granite Dam, the farthest upstream of the dams and the last dam adult salmon must pass before working their way back into Idaho to spawn. Before the formal flotilla launched Saturday morning, Lewiston native and IRU member Devon Barker-Hicks gave an inspiring speech to encourage people to refocus on building things up, not tearing them down. “We built the dams,” she said. “We know how to build. Let’s use our collective knowledge to build beaches. Let’s build current. Let’s build shade. Let’s build fish runs. Let’s build jobs, river communities, healthy water, native lands and whitewater. “Most importantly, let us build on our knowledge—our knowledge of mistakes. Undam it.”

Barker-Hicks works as a river guide and owns a family rafting business. Her husband, a salmon fishing guide, also depends on the river. “If you are pro dam, you must realize you also say no to fish, local cafés, gas stations, guides, to my husband’s way of life, to hotels, to the tourists,” she said. “You’re saying no to many things.” IRU is among the organizations that helped found the first Free the Snake Flotilla in 2015. Since then, it’s become a growing annual event that attracts people from throughout the region and beyond to the Lewis-Clark Valley of North Idaho. In the 2015 flotilla, participants paddled to Lower Granite Dam. In 2016, they paddled a much more visible route on the river between Lewiston and Clarkston, Wash. This year, the route took participants downstream from Chief Timothy to a scenic and secluded part of the Snake River canyon. “We’re here gathering with all sorts of people to expose one of the worst-kept secrets in the entire Northwest,” said Joseph Bogaard, executive director of Save Our Wild Salmon, one of the key groups organizing the event. “That secret is these dams are done. They cost too much. They destroy our fishing cultures. We don’t need their energy. We made a mistake when we put them in, and it’s time to right that wrong.” Brett Haverstick is education and outreach director at Moscow-based Friends of the Clearwater. He called the flotilla a “beautiful thing.” “These diverse people came together to say loudly: we need the political leadership to breach the dams and do right by the people and the fish,” Haverstick said. The Free the Snake Flotilla was a huge undertaking, requiring the support and cooperation of numerous organizations and people. Notable among them were IRU, Save Our Wild Salmon, Earthjustice, Friends of the Clearwater, Nimiipuu Protecting the Environment, Patagonia and many more. tws


T H E W E E K LY S U N • S E P T E M B E R 13 - 19, 2017


Sagebrush Saturdays at Rock Creek Ranch




Cowboy Days on the Range

Dang passes out delicious food in front of his restaurant at the second annual HarvestFest. Photo by Dana DuGan




he annual Wood River Valley HarvestFest, created by Ali Long, founder of Local Food Alliance, is a way to expand the delights of harvest season for the community. “We want to build it into a harvest weekend with different ways of celebrating the farmers and their work,” Long said. To be held Saturday, Sept. 16, the third annual HarvestFest Restaurant Walk, local Food Fair & Market and Street Party is designed to introduce the community to fresh seasonal food produced in and around the Wood River Valley. The event offers chefs, restaurants and consumers an introduction to the many delicious fruits, vegetables, meats and dairy products the region has to offer. The Food Fair & Market will be held at the Wood River Sustainability Center from 3-5 p.m. followed by the Restaurant Walk from 5-8 p.m. and a Street Party with The Heaters. New this year will be a Kids Corral, run by Syringa Mountain School, with games, face-painting, archery and more, allowing parents to meander on the Restaurant Walk while the kids are engaged. The cost is $20 for three hours of childcare. Participating restaurants will include the Sustainability Center, di Vine Wine Bar, daVinci’s, A Taste of Thai, Jersey Girl, The Red Shoe, Lago Azul, CK’s, KB’s, Sawtooth Brewery, Smokey Bone BBQ, Hailey Fire Department, 7 Fuego and International Cowboy Cocina. Dessert and coffee will be available at Black Owl Coffee, Hank & Sylvie’s, The Coffee House and Hailey Coffee Co.

DIRECTIONS TO ROCK CREEK BARN From Hailey: From traffic light in town center, west on Bullion St - becomes Croy Creek Rd - follow this 4.5 miles to Rock Creek Rd on left, then follow Rock Creek Rd 6.5 miles.

Enjoy cowboy coffee and learn about cattle ranching practices and livestock management on a working ranch!

From Hwy 75 & Hwy 20 Junction: West on Hwy 20 for about 5 miles to Rock Creek Rd on right, follow Rock Creek Rd for 4.5 miles.

9:00 to 11:30 am End-of-Season Event Bring the whole family!

From Boise: I-84 E to Mtn Home - Exit 95, US20 N, turn left after Magic Reservoir to Rock Creek Rd, follow road 4.5 miles in.


“It’s about the people not tourists,” Long said. “It’s really hyper-local because we’re pairing restaurants directly with producers. We’re trying to create these relationships because we know it’s hard to source and run a restaurant. So this gives them a risk-free opportunity to get to know the farmers and their produce.” The weekend of food will begin with an event called The Elevated Table, which will feature a farm tour, seasonal craft cocktails under the willows, and a farm-to-table, four-course, sitdown dinner at Kraay’s Market & Garden south of Bellevue on Friday, Sept. 15. All the farmers whose produce is being served will be guests with their significant others at the dinner. The chefs—Sean Temple from Warfield Distillery; Brian Janego from Town Square Tavern; and Sarah Lipton—will also have guests at the table. Ware2 will provide accompanying music. The celebration will continue to evolve over the years, Long said. “Next year, we’ll have the same two events, along with a yoga celebration of the harvest with Cathy Caccia, and a few more things to tie the weekend together for the community,” she said. Tickets for the Restaurant Walk are $45 and free for kids age 10 and under but registration is required. Idaho wines and handcrafted beers are included with a 2017 Wood River Valley HarvestFest ticket, available at woodrivervalleyharvestfest.org. All proceeds will support the Local Food Alliance’s efforts to create a resilient local and regional food system. tws

Water, sunscreen, closed-toed shoes, long pants, and hats recommended.


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Shamanic “Raven Portal” Workshop Sept. 29th – Oct. 1st at Best Western Kentwood Lodge, Ketchum Learn valuable North American native wisdom teachings that will assist in personal and collective healing Hosted by Traci Ireland, being taught by Marv and Shanon Harwood of Kimmapii, www.kimmapii.com For more details and to register, please visit: couragetoleap.com/events, call Traci (208) 309-3620, or email: traci@couragetoleap.com

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Donors Sought To Honor Loved Ones

The National Alliance on Mental Illness-Wood River Valley will hold its annual fundraising golf tournament on Friday, Sept. 22, and the nonprofit organization is asking folks to consider donating to the cause to help make it a total success. The tournament is overseen by Christina Cernansky, NAMI-WRV marketing and fundraising director, and intern Amber Leyba. When Cernansky and Leyba first met, they didn’t realize they had so much in common, Cernansky said. Not only did they share the same middle name, Rose, but they both lost friends to suicide. And the similarities don’t stop there; the two women had also overcome their own adversities with depression. During September, which is Suicide Prevention Month, Cernansky and Leyba will honor their friends at the Swing Fore Recovery 5B Open on Friday, Sept. 22 at the Elkhorn Golf Course in Sun Valley. In addition to having sponsor signs at each of the 18 holes, there will be a myth vs. fact sign, as well as an in-memoriam tee box sign. To make a donation in honor of a loved one, go to nami-wrv. org/golf.

Mind Your Matches

Last week, Idaho officials sent an $84,500 bill to the parent of a juvenile after fire investigators determined the juvenile started a wildfire with mortar-style fireworks. In a news release sent Thursday, the Idaho Department of Lands said the July 7 brushfire burned 420 acres of grazing land near the northern Idaho town of White Bird. Officials determined the fire was caused by negligent behavior and Idaho law requires the person responsible be billed for firefighting costs. Federal, state and local agencies responded to the wildfire. Officials didn’t release the name of the person who received the bill. Idaho state forester David Groeschl says humans have caused more than two-thirds of wildfires on lands protected by the Idaho Department of Lands so far this year.

Toy Cash Being Passed

Rodolfo Serva and his daughter Chyanne show off their local food creation at KB’s in Hailey. Photo by Brennan Rego


Police in Pocatello say counterfeit $100 bills are being passed at local businesses. The bills are sold online as novelty items, and they include Chinese characters written in pink—a feature not found on real $100 bills. Police say businesses should train their employees to examine money carefully. If someone tries to use a bill that appears to be phony, authorities urge the businesses to call police.


T H E W E E K LY S U N • S E P T E M B E R 13 - 19, 2017





hree Dog Night released a hit song in 1968 that echoed an ingrained belief: one is the loneliest number. Fifty years later, shifts in society hoisted numbers between marrieds-unmarrieds to flip singles to the top. Today, 50.02 percent (125 million American adults) live single and this is the new normal. “Single” is defined by the American Families and Living Arrangement Survey of 2009 as adults who have never been married, are divorced or are widowed. A significant influence was when research found that married couples are not happier than singles. People pursue dreams first now, develop themselves, and then consider relationships. It’s okay and enjoyable to have solitude. Many get that intuitively. After a hectic day at work, and then home to kids, household chores, bills, and rare time to tend a dying marriage, solitude is an inevitable fantasy. Interviews from those who watched parents struggle, fight, and grow apart decided marriage was not for them. When parents stayed married for appearances or to avoid divorce, children resented the inauthenticity. Instead, these grown adults prefer to pursue goals and contribute

to life. In short, America has undergone a fundamental social and demographic shift, the “greatest social change of the last 60 years that we haven’t already named and identified,” according to New York University sociologist Eric Klinenberg. Euromonitor International states the flip comes from, “… increased standards of living, the growing tendency of younger people to focus on education and careers while delaying marriage, the rise in global female employment and the growing ability of women to support themselves, and an aging population that has led to more elderly people living alone.” Also having children is no longer a key reason to marry. Next, online dating seems to actually discourage marriage. Profiles are weighed against predators, frauds, sociopaths, and those lacking social skills entirely—male or female. These mix into a huge vat with the fewer select-acceptable. It’s like finding a needle in a haystack in a technological way. Quests to serve in a meaningful way become more rewarding. Singles are less likely to settle, and choose instead to hold out. Millennials may lead the way for wholesome, loyal connections because they’re seen as the generation least likely to cheat on a partner. There should be more


Christina Tindle

positive contributions from a generation that holds dear values of genuineness and truth. In the Sun Valley area, marriage is valued, but perhaps not the top choice. Marrieds enjoy legal and logistical advantages, from Social Security benefits to inheritance rules. Money can cement a marriage to preserve financial security. Yet, notice who pursues volunteer efforts, personal quests, environmental service, or hangs regularly with friends. Marrieds get involved but maybe not as often as singles, according to surveys. I’m unclear about that in Sun Valley because individuals here define their life. Regardless, the population of existing singles in the Sun Valley area is not alone, literally or figuratively, and they lead a brave new way. Bravo.

Ruth Jones, right and Gini Baumgardner enjoy a meal by Judith McQueen Entertaining during “Hooray for Hollywood” at the Sawtooth Botanical Garden. Photo courtesy of Caritas Chorale


Valley Resident Elected To International Paralympic Committee

The International Paralympic Committee (IPC) elected a new governing board last Friday and held its first meeting a day later. The elections were held at the 18th IPC General Assembly in Abu Dhabi, UAE, with Andrew Parsons succeeding Sir Philip Craven as president. Parsons, the former president of the Brazilian Paralympic Committee, was elected after one round of voting, prevailing over Canada’s Patrick Jarvis, Denmark’s John Petersson and China’s Haidi Zhang. Parsons will be the third president in the organization’s history. “I would like to thank the IPC membership for their trust,” Parsons said. “Now it is time to roll up the sleeves and work really hard with the membership and the new governing board.” New Zealand’s Duane Kale, a three-time gold medal winner in swimming at the Atlanta 1996 Paralympics, was elected as vice president. Muffy Davis, a Hailey resident and Paralympic champion, was elected to the IPC last spring. “We were all present in Abu Dhabi for a week,” Davis said. In the afternoon session, the IPC membership elected 10 members-at-large after six rounds of voting. Muffy Davis · Debra Alexander (Republic of South Africa) · Mohammed Alhemeli (United Arab Emirates) · Muffy Davis (USA) · Rita van Driel (Netherlands) · Sung Il Kim (Korea) · Luca Pancalli (Italy) · Leonel da Rocha Pinto (African Paralympic Committee) · Tim Reddish (Great Britain) · Juan Pablo Salazar (Colombia) · Yasushi Yamawaki (Japan) The governing board will serve a four-year term, with elections next held in 2021. Davis explained that the International Olympic Committee makes decisions on competitions, but the two organizations have a continuing relationship that covers a lot of territory. “One of my passions is getting more women involved in the movement as athletes, as coaches and on boards,” Davis said. “Another thing is fundraising, and growing our brand, looking for corporate sponsors and increasing awareness in the Paralympic games. We want to get the stories and words out there. “I’m so blessed and grateful to the IPC,” Davis said. “I didn’t have to give up my goals to be an elite athlete after my accident. I have a sense of responsibility to steward that for future athletes.”

Hailey Chamber president Richard Stahl sings a solo during a performance by Caritas Chorale, Sunday evening. Photo by Dana DuGan

Eileen Judell, left, and Edie Cary, both Valley and Palm Beach, Fla, were amon enthusiastic supporters of Caritas Cho benefit. Photo by Dana DuGan

On a recent hike to a nearby lake, Mark Longley, and pictured, Scott Friedman and edible and choice, since I’m writing about it,” Longley said. “We found about 20 po


Jim and Wendy Jaquet along with Ruth Lieder, all of Ketchum, attend the Caritas Chorale annual fundraiser and performance at the Sawtooth Botanical Garden, Sunday evening. Photo by Dana DuGan

of Sun ng the orale at the


T H E W E E K LY S U N • S E P T E M B E R 13 - 19, 2017




ormer Wood River Valley resident John Carson died at his home in Green Valley, Ariz., at 12:34 a.m. on Sunday, Aug. 20, 2017. He was 74. John was raised in Charlotte, North Carolina, and graduated from Davidson College. He served in Germany while an officer in the U.S. Army. Before moving to Blaine County, he taught high school in California. John may be best remembered as “Captain Liberty,” owner of the Liberty Theater in Hailey. All who lived in the Valley in those days will remember calling to hear John’s recording of what was playing, “ToooooNight at the Liberty...” John opened his theater to many organizations for fundraisers and was the auctioneer for local charity events and his own weekly auctions. When John was elected to the Hailey City Council, he earned the nickname “Mr. Hailey.” After selling the Liberty to Bruce Willis in the early 1990s, John pursued a lifelong dream and sailed the Caribbean for several years, sending weekly “Faxes from Paradise” to The Wood River Journal. Eventually, John returned to Santa Barbara, Calif., to be closer to his daughter, Shelby Bearschild, of San Jose. He taught at Santa Barbara City College for several years and continued his auctioneering business. On a trip to the Philippines in 2007, John met the love of his life, Genalyn Dumagsa. They

spent nearly 10 years living on a beautiful beach on Negros Oriental and exploring the Philippine islands and Cambodia. John was instantly accepted as a member of Genalyn’s family and was very generous and supportive, sending Genalyn’s sisters to school and helping her parents when needed. Last year John’s longstanding, somewhat benign, prostate cancer suddenly became aggressive; he returned to California for evaluation and learned it was a very serious stage four and his odds were not good. Realizing what he was up against, he arranged for Genalyn to come to the U.S. They married last December and settled in Green Valley, where they both had friends. John’s last weeks were spent with visits from his daughter Shelby and old Wood River Valley friends Craig and Judy Sorensen, and Larry Flynn. At the end, John was under hospice care and died at home with Genalyn and longtime friends Jack and Desiré Foard at his side. Along with his wife and daughter, he is survived by his cousin Sally (Milstead) and Bill Wallace of Santa Monica, Calif., who welcomed him into their home while he was getting treatment, and cousin Charlotte Milstead of Minnesota. John’s last word was “Peace.”


R.L. Rowsey conducts the Caritas Chorale in memorable Hollywood music during the nonprofit’s annual fundraiser. Photo by Dana DuGan

d Peter Schmid found a super-large Steinpilz fungus, also known as a stone mushroom. “It was ounds of these giants.” Courtesy photo by Mark Longley



aurice M. Charlat was born to Dorothy Skinner, a Londoner, and Marcel Charlat, a Frenchman, in Richmond, Calif., on Dec. 1, 1932. It was often said that Maurice arrived wearing a blue blazer and saddle shoes, destined to be a gentleman who spoke perfect English without a French accent. Dorothy won on language, Marcel on handsome. We had no Church of England so he became Catholic; his second language was Latin, with no accent. The nuns of St. Matthews Grammar School trained him well as a scholar and alter boy. The Jesuits at Serra High continued his education. He pursued his Eagle Scout in record time. San Jose State became finishing school in all things fun, female, sporting, cars, and character building. With cars, Maurice preferred them fast and preferably someone else’s. Further, he learned a lot about them working in a gas station to put himself through school. As a kid, he played stickball, kick-the-can, and baseball. As an adult, he enjoyed tennis, golf, skiing, bird hunting, sailing and horseback riding. Work was important and Maurice had great respect for those who did it well. Capable, industrious, ambitious and pragmatic, he was a paperboy, busboy, insurance adjuster and, ultimately, a senior executive. He was a good mentor to a lucky few. His management style emphasized the positive—lauding and encouraging lead to improvement of the team. He answered his own phone. He typed his own letters. He was, by today’s standards, a modern man. During the Korean War, Maurice joined the Army. Before reporting, however, he went to Reno, Nev., to work in a casino, where he fell in love with a chorus girl, Elaine. Seven weeks later, they were married. A year later, he was stationed in Darmstadt, Germany.

His MOS was personnel, where he formed a teaching staff to educate soldiers on European issues. After three years of service, he left as a sergeant first-class. A year later, Maurice became the father of a baby girl, Pamela, and landed a new job on the same day in advertising and marketing with a small cannery. They gave him a raise because girls are good luck. In a few years, a baby boy, Joshua, was born, and another raise. Boys are good luck, too. Maurice loved the food business and formed many lifelong friends within various facets of the industry. He became president of the consumer products division of the American Can Co. in Greenwich, Conn. Later, he formed Senior Marketing Partners, a consulting firm, and then became a food broker in Los Angeles. As an industry leader, he was honored to chair the City of Hope Benefit Gala, as well as honoree for the Christian & Jews Fund event in L.A. Travel was a family activity, very often in Escargo, the family motorhome. Maurice often said, “The world’s your oyster” to his grandchildren as well, Casey and Sam Colesworthy. Skiing brought the family to Sun Valley and it was love at first sight. And so it came to pass that here they lived happily ever after. Maurice served on the Ketchum City Council from 2002-2004, the boards of the Sun Valley/Ketchum CVB, Fly Sun Valley Alliance, KART (now Mountain Rides), and was commander of the David Ketchum Post of the American Legion. He loved the Wood River Valley and did his best to contribute to its wellbeing. Community, friends and family will remember Maurice fondly. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Hospice of the Wood River Valley. Maurice Charlat passed on Sept. 1, 2017.



T H E W E E K LY S U N • S E P T E M B E R 13 - 19, 2017

Fishing R epoRt



ransition is the theme of this week’s fishing report. The weeks on end of heat and identical weather patterns is coming to a close. This will mean a few things for anglers. The bad part is we will get between heavy summer hatches and fall hatches. The good part is that even if we suffer through a few slow hours in the coming weeks, anglers will also get to see epic events. The first days of the Fall Baetis and Mahogany Duns are to come. The Western Red Quill is a bug that brings all the big fish to the surface and we’re just a few cold days away from their appearance. In the meantime, if your Hopper starts working less, or the Callibaetis begins to decrease in volume, start thinking about the subtleties again. The early fall can be an epic time for fishing Rusty Spinners to rising fish in the evening. Brown trout have begun their spawning run and they are vicious while doing it. This means the season’s best Mouse fishing for giant Browns is upon us. Local tailwaters will begin to drop faster and faster, forcing anglers into changing strategies, whether they want to or not. Those anglers that paid dues on Silver Creek this summer will excel as the flatwater of fall takes over all our rivers and the fish move into the slicks and tailouts to eat before winter gets a grip. It is this flatwater afternoon fishing that defines a lot of the fall. Being able to produce flies small enough, casts accurate enough and presentations that won’t spook a fish in the flats is where it is at. What is a daily occurrence on Silver Creek will be easy stuff for anglers heading out to other waters. I write here often that Silver Creek will make you better and make everywhere else you fish easier. This fall-flatwater scenario on all our area waters is a perfect example. Regarding the Western Red Quill, be sure to dig out all your favorite Green Drake patterns. They will work very well on the Big Wood and Upper Lost in the coming weeks. Big flies are the deal with this bug. Parachute Adams, Green Drakes and most Wulff patterns will bring fish up once this hatch hits. Another fly to dig out of your box from the spring is any Orange Stimulators. The October Caddis is coming to all our rivers and you want to be ready for it. Happy fishing, everyone!

Hwy 20 in Picabo info@picaboangler.com (208)788.3536 www.picaboangler.com




f you have ever visited my website, you will find a page called “No Bones About It,” which is my two bits of free advice and how I arrived at this newspaper column title. This is where I tell it like it is, without any sugarcoating. I talk about having two puppies, especially from the same litter. “Two puppies (especially siblings) are not better than one, unless you don’t want to have any relationship at all with your dogs. They will love each other, bond with each other, and leave you out of the loop. The only one that really benefits from you taking two puppies is the breeder or the shelter.” What many people think is the positive aspect of having two puppies is that they will have a friend to play with. This is true to some extent, but, having two puppies, littermates or not, is huge responsibility. To help them grow up mentally healthy, you must spend time alone with each of them. They must learn to be alone without the other dog to lead them. Many times, one puppy will be more confident. At that point, the less confident pup-

py learns to completely depend on the other, setting them up for a lifetime of separation anxiety. Puppies that grow up together tend to only rely on each other; they have a hard time separating who they are from one another. Each puppy needs to have training alone, and away from the other. That means you need to take each puppy alone for socialization with other dogs, with other people, in new places, to the vet, on trips in the car, and so on. They need to sleep in separate crates and have limited play time with each other. If you don’t plan on spending this kind of time with each of them alone, they become so dependent upon each other that emotional stability for each of them is compromised. House training is a nightmare. If one pup goes in the house, you have no idea who did it, unless you practice strict separation, meaning one is in a crate or exercise pen while the other is loose in the house, being closely supervised every minute by you. There are so many opportunities for socialization and play time with other dogs, including day care and play dates with other safe puppies and older dogs, that there is no need to have two

Two puppies: It’s all fun and games until someone poops behind the chair. Photo by Fran Jewell

puppies at home. Then, sadly, on the other end, as they grow older and near the end of their lives, if one dies, the other one is devastated. To me, this is one of the saddest parts of it all. They are so close emotionally it’s hard for them to go on without the other. There are so many more benefits to having only one puppy at a time. When you have one puppy at home, you have time to bond,

love, socialize, train and enjoy so much more. Fran Jewell is an Idaho Press Club award-winning columnist, IAABC-certified dog behavior consultant, NADOI-certified instructor #1096 and the owner of Positive Puppy Dog Training, LLC, in Sun Valley. For more information, visit positivepuppy. com or call (208) 578-1565.

Let’s Help Fran Jewell In Her Time Of Need Dear readers, Early on Monday morning, July 17, Fran Jewell—a longtime contributor to The Weekly Sun’s Commentary section with her dearly loved “No Bones About It” dog-training column—suffered

a heart attack and was flown to St. Luke’s Magic Valley Medical Center in Twin Falls. Fran is on the road to recovery, and needs our help. I have always considered Fran’s column to be a true gift to our community; now it’s time for us, as a community, to return the fa-

vor, in whatever way we can. I Fran sends her love to her readhave set up a GoFundMe account ers and to all those who have conto help with her medical and liv- tributed. ing expenses. In just a few weeks, Let’s come together now to help we as a community raised nearly Fran in her time of need, $6,500 for Fran. Let’s keep it going! Brennan Rego To contribute, visit gofundme. Publisher com/fran-jewells-medical-fund.





grew up in Pittsburgh during the height of the steel industry. Frequently, there was a lot of pollution in the air resulting from a tremendous amount of particles that filled the atmosphere and scattered the light. Sunsets were particularly beautiful as the setting sun’s light passed through the thickest, haziest part of the lower sky, scattering away the greens and yellows and leaving the brilliant oranges and reds. On Thursday, there was a lot of smoke in the air. My eyes were burning and the air quality was poor, creating an obvious downside to the smoke-filled skies. The upside I did not discover until the middle of the night when I happened to look out my window. There, high in the sky, was a burgundy red moon. Fire smoke acts much like pollution, but adds even more particles to the atmosphere. Like sunsets, many colors of the rainbow are scattered away, leaving only the reds and oranges. The smoke hides the stars, making the moon appear suspended in the inky black of

the sky. So many thoughts filtered through my mind as I watched the moon. Nostalgic images from my childhood tumbled around in my head with more recent impressions. Just a couple of weeks ago I saw the moon pass in front of the sun, making daylight into nighttime for a brief minute. The moon was a black ball surrounded by bright yellow. Now I was watching a bright red moon encased in a black sky. The next morning I left the house early. As I rounded the corner, the sun came into view. It was a fiery red ball. The red was much more intense than the red of the moon that I had witnessed the previous night. Within 12 hours, I viewed the sun and the moon as different shades of red, but both shades intensely glowing, beckoning from the sky to all of us observers to reassess the normal pattern of the colors within our daily lives. Leslie Rego is an Idaho Press Club award-winning columnist, artist and Blaine County resident. To view more of Rego’s art, visit leslierego.com

Leslie Rego, “Red Moon,” charcoal and pastel.





omato hornworms, Manduca quinquemaculata, are very large caterpillars that have a “hornlike” tail that gives them their name. Large numbers of caterpillars can occur in home gardens and can quickly defoliate plants. Tomato hornworms feed only on solanaceous plants; i.e., the nightshade family, especially tomato. Hornworms can measure up to 4 inches in length. Small tomato hornworms are yellow to white in color with no markings. Large caterpillars develop eight white “V-shaped” marks on each side. Tomato hornworms have a black projection, or “horn,” on the last abdominal segment. The adult moths are large, heavy-bodied insects with narrow front wings. The tomato hornworm moth is a mottled gray-brown color with yellow spots on the sides of the abdomen and a wingspread of 4-5 inches. The hindwings have alternating light and dark bands. Moths emerge from overwintering sites in spring. After mating, females deposit oval, smooth, light-green eggs singly on lower and upper leaf surfaces. Caterpillars hatch, begin to feed and are full grown in three to four weeks. The mature caterpillars drop off plants and burrow into the soil to pupate. Moths emerge in two weeks to begin a second generation, during mid-summer. Second generation moths deposit eggs on host plants, such as tomato. The caterpillars feed until late summer or early fall and then pupate. The pupae remain in the soil through the winter. Tomato hornworm caterpillars feed on the leaves on the upper portions of the plants. The

caterpillars can go unnoticed until most of the damage is done. As they feed, they create dark green or black droppings that can be conspicuous. As they become larger, the amount of defoliation increases. The last caterpillar stage consumes nearly as much as all the younger stages combined. Management options consist of examining plants at least twice per week during the summer to check for tomato hornworms. Keep your garden as weed free as possible, till the soil after harvest to destroy burrowing caterpillars and pupae, and handpick hornworms from infested plants. There are many natural enemies of the tomato hornworm. Various general predatory insects, such as lady beetles and green lacewings, often prey upon the egg stage and on young caterpillars. Another important predator is paper wasps, Polistes spp. This common wasp feeds on many types of caterpillars, including those found in gardens. Insecticides are typically not necessary. However, if the above options are not effective or practical, you may consider applying a product. Small caterpillars are more easily controlled than large ones. Be sure that if you treat tomato hornworms you do so before defoliation is severe. Sarah Busdon is an administrative assistant with University of Idaho’s Blaine County Extension office. For more information, visit extension. uidaho.edu/blaine or call (208) 788-5585. * adapted for use from University of Minnesota Extension, Tomato Hornworms in Home Gardens, by Suzanne Wold-Burness and Jeff Hahn.



of trees like interwoven patchwork on the land, is what we really would like to see and what forest ires are an inevitable part of living in the managers are working hard to recreate when they West, as much a part of the landscape as our can. rivers, mountains and wildlife. While wildAs we make the turn into autumn and we hopefire stirs up some deep-rooted fully soon see relief from the fears in us and can cause great fires that have dominated the heartache when it is at its worst, headlines and the attention of there is no possible future in the many Westerners this summer, West where we will be without remember that there are many it. ways that fire helps our ecosysAnd, from an ecological tems stay healthy. The best that point of view, we wouldn’t we can do is make sure that we want to be without it. are managing our forests and Despite the damage done by our critical wildland-urban inwildfires over the years and terface areas (where towns and despite the noxious smoke that homes meet wildfire-prone arhas been plaguing our Valley eas) with a responsible eye toas of late, it is worth rememward reducing the chances of bering that fire has been part huge, devastating fires. This is of our local ecosystems since one of the major jobs of the U.S. long before human beings ever Forest Service and Bureau of arrived here. And many of our Courtesy photo Land Management as we keep local species have evolved to Hannes Thum is a Wood River learning how best to live in the not only survive with fires, but Valley native and has spent most West. thrive with fires. Lastly, don’t forget to thank of his life exploring what our local A well-known example is ecosystems have to offer. He curthe hardworking firefighters all that of the lodgepole pine (Pi- rently teaches science at Communi- around our region for keeping nus contorta), which produces ty School. us safe this year. so-called “serotinous” cones that are sealed with a sticky kind of pitch that only opens to release seeds when exposed to high heat, making the lodgepole pine one of the first plants to recolonize burned areas. Another example is our local quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides), which invests great amounts of energy in its ability to send new shoots quickly up to the surface from its underground roots after a disturbance to the above-ground trees. Small-scale, patchy fires are the meat-and-potatoes of a healthy fire regime and what our local ecosystems are best adapted to. The word that biologists use to describe the recovery of an ecosystem after a disturbance such as fire is succession. Biologists describe healthy forests and grasslands as having a “mosaic” pattern when small fires are allowed to routinely burn through small areas, cleaning out the underbrush and old, diseased trees to make room for new growth. Diversity in our forests, with various species and various ages



T H E W E E K LY S U N • S E P T E M B E R 13 - 19, 2017



Wood River High School senior Jaren Bothwell plans to be a football coach. Photo courtesy of Jaren Bothwell



ood River High School senior Jaren Bothwell is spending his year enjoying his last few months with lifelong friends and participating in the sports he loves. The guidance of instructors like his football coach, Kevin Stilling, who guided him through his play as a running back and cornerback, has inspired him to follow in Stilling’s path. “He is someone I can trust to help me in my game on the field and with any other challenge I may face,” Jaren said. Jaren also enjoys track and field, and with his medley relay team placed second at State in 2016. Jaren plans to attend Boise State University, which his parents both attended. His family opened the world of outdoor activities available to him with boating and other trips exploring the state’s landscapes since 2002, when his family moved from Twin Falls to their current home in Hailey. “All four seasons provide joy to me,” Jaren says. “The outdoors are so close. I can be in school and, at the end of the day, find a canyon nearby to explore by hiking or with a four-wheeled Razor.” Jaren was on the strong WRHS football team last year that won the Great Basin Conference for

the first time. As a senior, he hopes to participate in the continued success of the team. “I’d like to use this time to be a role model for younger players, as those former ones were for me,” Jaren said. As a potential teacher, Jaren was especially moved by the interaction he had last year as a Breakfast Buddy. He shared a hearty meal at Hailey Elementary every morning with a young student, with whom he developed a strong relationship. “It showed me how small actions can matter,” Jaren said. “If we do them, then bigger things may happen.” Jaren is optimistic that his generation can aim for the bigger achievements, whether in sports, academics, communication, or through technology with its many options and challenges. He believes that the teenagers he knows will use technology in a positive way toward realizing their goals. “Two kids, sitting together, were talking to each other on cellphones,” he said. “While it seemed excessive, these friends spoke different languages and were using the translating functions of their phones to know each other better.” Jaren welcomes the tools available for this generation as they step out into the varied lives they face. tws

This Student Spotlight brought to you by the Blaine County School District

Our mission is to inspire, engage, educate, and empower every student.



T H E W E E K LY S U N • S E P T E M B E R 13 - 19, 2017





ince July 5, we have written articles in The Weekly Sun on behalf of Davis Embroidery, Screen Printing & Promotional Products. Every other week you indulge us with your time and interest in how promotional products benefit your brand and message. First and foremost, thank you. We value your thoughts and comments. And, from what we can tell, our advice on promotional products has been well received. Thank you for allowing us to offer guidance and suggestions. Now, let’s get down to business. This week we would like to talk about three tips to best incorporate promotional products into your marketing and advertising budgets. 1) Uniforms – Your employees represent your business. So, here is a question: Do your employees wear a company uniform? If not, they should. Whether an employee is out in the field or managing your showroom, a crisp and well-designed company uniform speaks volumes and sends a positive message to customers. In today’s modern world, a uniform can consist of a T-shirt, a button-down dress shirt or a collared polo. A branded hat, jacket or other outerwear will also compliment the message. Make room in your marketing budget for uniforms and branded apparel. Doing so will ensure repeat exposure and send a consistent reminder to customers that you are there for them. 2) Community Events – Is there an upcoming community or nonprofit event that your business supports? Getting involved with a local event can be advantageous to your brand and image. We are aware of underwriting and how that works but, what about providing an awesome event T-shirt that also touts your company’s name or a catchy slogan? Look at what is happening in your town. How can your brand make a splash and help a good cause at the same time? Supporting what is near and dear to your own heart is usually the best place to start. Almost anything can be turned into



a promotional item. Looking ahead at your community’s events allows you to find room in your budget get involved. 3) Think Strategic Targeting – When it comes time for customers to act, you want them to think of your products or services before any others. Top-of-mind recognition wins every time. Target your audience when and where it matters. Strategic targeting with promotional products means providing your customer with a promotional product that will be used in the environment where decisions involving your product or service will be made. Let me explain. If you operate a brick-and-mortar business, offer a customer a promotional product that compliments your goods and services. Folks will think of you every time they use the product. A local liquor store might offer a branded bottle opener and a dentist might provide a new toothbrush and some floss with every visit. When it comes time to buy a bottle of wine or to make a dental appointment, you will know right where to go. This can work the same for online businesses. Giving out branded mouse pads or flash drives makes sense. Think about it. Decision-makers are at the computer when making online purchases. Your branded item is in front of them every day. Strategic marketing is a win for branding success. Including promotional products in your marketing and advertising budgets has an impact on your overall messaging strategy. Get creative and plan. Use what you know. A little forward thinking and strategizing can go a long way toward growing profits. Promotional products are ad dollars well spent. If you have questions regarding promotional products and how they support your brand, reach out to Davis Embroidery, Screen Printing & Promotional Products, at (208) 726-1948, or visit davisembroidery.com. The Ketchum showroom is located at 270 Northwood Way, across from Bigwood Bakery in Ketchum, open Monday– Friday 9 a.m.–5 p.m.

Feastival is dedicated to building community, creative expression, education, celebrating the harvest and developing a sustainable relationship with nature. Photo courtesy of Idaho Basecamp


Feastival’s food & music festival to return



elebrate the changing of the seasons with the ninth annual Feastival, to be held Friday through Sunday, Sept. 15-17 on Trail Creek Road east of Sun Valley. A fundraiser for the nonprofit Idaho Basecamp, started by programs director Whitney McNees Gershater, the weekend is a family-friendly community event. Feastival is dedicated to building community, creative expression, education, celebrating the harvest and developing a sustainable relationship with nature. “It’s a food and music festival that celebrates the harvest and the changing of seasons,” Gershater said. “It’s a last hurrah for families to get out and have fun together before it gets cold and a time to come together as a community and share in the abundance of life.” The weekend is jam-packed with live music, yoga, workshops, fishing and more. “This year, our two headliners are Lounge on Fire from Boise, and Pixie and The Partygrass Boys, who have played Feastival and Ketch’em Alive before,” Gershater said. “They are a super-high-energy, upbeat band from Salt Lake City and are always a crowd favorite.” Other bands include Sheep Bridge Jumpers, Super Bubble, Ana Lete and Acid Genie. The weekend will include workshops on Fermented Sodas with Sylvie Doré, Building an Apacheta with Becquel Smith, Yoga with Tyia Wilson, Seed Saving and the Magic of Garlic with Thumbs Heath and John Caccia, and more. “A yearly favorite is the community dance on Saturday morning, which is the Rhythm and Roots Dance with my sister-in-law, Jenny,” Gershater said. “Some people come just for

“The way we are able to feed so many people is that we provide a main course… and we ask that everybody bring a dish for the table that can serve eight to 10 people,” said Idaho Basecamp programs director Whitney Gershater. Photo courtesy of Idaho Basecamp

that dance. There will also be a massage table down by the river, with a portion of those processes going back to Idaho Basecamp.” On Friday and Saturday night, all attendees participate in the potluck parade. “The way we are able to feed so many people is that we provide a main course—usually a soup or chili—and we ask that everybody bring a dish for the table that can serve eight to 10 people,” Gershater said. “The potluck parade is something we came up with to gather everyone and have them walk down to the table to present their dishes together.” The annual Beet-Off, a beet-cooking competition, will take place at 6:15 p.m. on Saturday “We have a love of beets in our core volunteer family,” Gershater said. “It’s a quintessential fall harvest vegetable, and it’s not something people tend to get

creative with. This event inspires people to think out of the box and use a vegetable they may not normally think to cook with.” Feastival will happen rain or shine, and there will be indoor spaces for the events if the weather deems it necessary. “We will work on creating really cozy spaces for people to gather in, and we will also utilize our new hemp building for the bigger events,” Gershater said. “But, above all, this weekend can be whatever you want it to be. Participate in all the workshops, fish by the river, or just enjoy some good music, food and the company of great people.” Idaho Basecamp has several other exciting events on the horizon, including an AcroYoga Workshop Sept. 22-24 and an Archery Retreat Oct. 6-8. Visit idahobasecamp.org to learn more about these events and to purchase tickets for Feastival. tws

T H E W E E K LY S U N • S E P T E M B E R 13 - 19, 2017



The Hikin’ Buddies program, hosted by the Animal Shelter of the Wood River Valley, is held weekly at the Adams Gulch trailhead in Ketchum from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Attendees can take a shelter dog for a hike, or hang out and socialize some of the smaller dogs. No appointment is necessary; dogs go out on hikes on a first-come, first-served basis. Additionally, the shelter will now be doing adoptions at Adams Gulch during Hikin’ Buddies. An adoption counselor will be on site to help complete the adoption process.

DEDICATION OF BIG WOOD RIVER BRIDGE WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 13 12:30PM / COLD SPRINGS TRESTLE BRIDGE & HWY 75 Citizens are invited to join the Idaho Transportation Department, members of the Blaine County Regional Transportation Committee and the Citizen’s Advisory Committee for the dedication of the new Big Wood River Bridge and six locally-inspired sculptures created for the bridge. The ceremony will be held at 12:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 13 near the south end of the Cold Springs trestle bridge adjacent to Highway 75 south of Ketchum. Representatives from ITD, members of the transportation committee and the advisory committee will make brief presentations about the development and construction of the bridge. Members of the local arts community recommended the addition of artwork to the new bridge through the Transportation Committee. ITD was able to designate federal funding to support the artwork. After a lengthy vetting process, Kay Kirkpatrick was awarded the commission. Kirkpatrick, a former Ketchum resident, designed the sculptures to represent local life and natural surroundings in the Wood River Valley. Kirkpatrick will be at the dedication to describe her vision and creation of the art. Attendees are asked to park at the north end of Hospital Drive and walk on the Wood River Trail to the dedication site.

FARM APPRECIATION PARTY WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 13 5:30PM / BLOOM COMMUNITY GARDEN / HAILEY Join The Hunger Coalition as the nonprofit organization celebrates the accomplishments of the Bloom Youth Project interns, at the Bloom Community Garden located at the south end of Quigley Farm, via Fox Acres Road, in Hailey. There will be fresh bites, drinks, live music and farm tours. Farm-friendly attire is suggested. For more information, visit info@thehungercoalition.org.



nexStage Drama Club is back for fall and will run through mid-January. Drama Club Sr. will run from 4:15-5:15 p.m. on Wednesdays at the new Sun Valley Performing Arts headquarters in the Boulder Building at 120 N. Leadville Ave., Ketchum. Drama Club Jr. will run from 3-4 p.m. on Thursdays at the American Legion Hall in Ketchum. Call (208) 726-9124 or visit nexstagetheater.org to learn more.

HAILEY FARMERS’ MARKET THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 14 3-7PM / E. CARBONATE ST. / HAILEY The Hailey Farmers’ Market is located on the east side of Main Street, on Carbonate Street. Vendors offer a great variety of fresh produce, prepared foods and crafts. Sun Valley Brewery has a beer garden set up, plus live music through the evening. Food trucks will rotate through weekly. For more information visit wrfarmersmarket.org.

TNT THURSDAYS – AGES 10+ THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 14 4-5PM / HAILEY PUBLIC LIBRARY TNT for teens happens every Thursday from 4-5 p.m. Here, kids ages 10 and up meet to play video games. Visit haileypubliclibrary.org to learn more.





any of us experience situations that cause emotional distress or challenging hardships. In a society that often expects us to “pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back to it,” it can be frightening, disheartening and/ or embarrassing to ask for help. Sharing your thoughts and feelings with friends and family can be helpful and provide support. Sometimes we may need extra support from someone with an outside perspective and with professional training. However, if we give in to the negative portrayal or stigma of mental health services, we deprive ourselves of this great opportunity. Whether it is a life event or a general feeling of sadness, therapists are professionally trained listeners who can assist in getting to the root cause of issues, helping to cope with emotions and making changes to work toward overcoming challenges. Once the decision is made to seek professional help, it’s okay to shop around for the right fit. Ask questions about specialties, licensing and treatment protocols. Look for a therapist who is experienced in treating the areas you want to address. Ask about their techniques and suggested length of treatment. There are numerous types of therapy to consider—individual, family, group or couple therapy. Trust your gut. Even if your therapist looks great on paper, if the connection doesn’t feel right—if you don’t trust the

person or feel like they truly care—go with another choice. A good therapist will respect this choice and should never pressure you or make you feel guilty. One of the most important factors is to be honest and open with a therapist; they are not there to judge but, rather, to provide support and confidence. Holding back only hinders you. Multiple resources are available within our community to help us address mental health conditions. St. Luke’s Center for Community Health, with support from the St. Luke’s Wood River Foundation, has recently published “Get Help! A Mental Health Resource Guide for the Wood River Valley,” which is available in English and Spanish. The booklet is being placed in magazine racks at the hospital, the Hailey clinic, at local post offices and in grocery stores. A downloadable PDF is also available by visiting www.stlukesonline. org/gethelp. Talk to your primary care provider or call St. Luke’s Center for Community Health if you think you might have symptoms of a mental health condition. For more information and to access resources call (208) 727-8733.

It’s your life. We help you live it.


St. Luke’s Welcomes New Physician

Dr. John Hatzenbuehler recently joined St. Luke’s Wood River Family Medicine Clinic in Hailey and is accepting new patients. A Pocatello native, Hatzenbuehler obtained his degree from the University of Washington School of Medicine in 2004. He completed his Family Medicine residency at Maine Medical Center and is board-certified with the American Board of Family Medicine, with the added qualification of sports medicine. Hatzenbuehler has a strong interest in sports medicine, earning his fellowship in Maine Medical’s Primary Care Sports Medicine Program, becoming associate director in 2010. He then practiced at InterMed in Southern Portland, Me., from 2015 until moving to the Wood River Valley. A lifelong visitor to the Wood River Valley and the father of two children, Hatzenbuehler said he can “think of no better place to live and raise our young children.” St. Luke’s Wood River does an “incredible job of individualizing care for each patient, regardless of background,” Hatzenbuehler said. “The opportunity to then care for my patients in the clinic as well as the hospital fits perfectly with my beliefs of what a small-town doctor should be. I am excited to be able to live and work in this wonderfully beautiful and active community.”

Adopt A Park

The City of Hailey has 14 parks, with seven adopted by local companies that provide services to keep the parks in good shape for visitors. The adopters are Webb Landscaping, Swenke Landscape Co., Sun Valley Services, Lily & Fern, G & G, C-U Next Storm, and Clearwater Landscaping. Any company in the Valley interested in adopting one of the parks in Hailey may contact the Adopt-A-Park Programs through Hailey Public Woks at (208) 788-9830, ext. 31.


T H E W E E K LY S U N • S E P T E M B E R 13 - 19, 2017




Local author J Dominic will read from and discuss his recently released novel “Reaching Montaup.” The topics discussed during the library presentation will include: how the Wood River Valley influenced a book about New England, the nature of the book’s peculiar prose and the basic concepts behind the literary style known as “Dangerous Writing.” To illustrate these points, the author will read aloud selections from various chapters, while the audience simultaneously reads the projected words on a screen. Check out comlib.org or call (208) 726-3493 for more information.

ART HISTORY LECTURE THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 14 & 21 5:30PM / THE CENTER / KETCHUM The Sun Valley Center for the Arts will present a two-part art history lecture titled “The Aztecs, Conquest and Early Colonial Art of Mexico,” with Courtney Gilbert, curator of Visual Arts at The Center. Gilbert’s first lecture on Thursday, Sept. 14 will focus on the art and architecture of the Aztecs—a Mesoamerican culture that flourished between 1350 and 1521 in what is today considered Central Mexico. Using the broader context of the Aztecs’ complex and sophisticated society as a framework, Gilbert will highlight key examples of Aztec sculpture, illustrated codices and urban planning, including Tenochtitlan, the capital of the Aztec Empire, now known as Mexico City. Her second lecture on Thursday, Sept. 21 will consider the arrival of the Spanish in Tenochtitlan in 1519, and the impact of their conquest of Mexico on art and architecture throughout the remainder of the 16th century. Gilbert will illustrate the ways in which native artists incorporated European styles, imagery and materials into their work and explore how the Aztecs resisted their colonial rulers. Registration for each of the lectures is $10 for members of The Center and $12 for nonmembers. To register, or for more information about other upcoming Sun Valley Center for the Arts events, visit sunvalleycenter.org or call The Center’s box office at (208) 726-9491.

The Sawtooth Botanical Garden will offer “Roots to Seeds,” its final summer children’s workshop, on Saturday. During the three-hour class, children ages 8-10 will explore the plant world from the ground up through stories, games and hands-in-thedirt activities. Cost is $25 per student and includes materials and snacks. Advance registration required. The instructor will be SBG Education Director Kristin Fletcher. Visit sbgarden.org or call (208) 726-9358 to learn more.

TOUR THE GARDEN SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 16 10AM TO 11PM / SAWTOOTH BOTANICAL GARDEN / KETCHUM Last day for a guided tour of the Sawtooth Botanical Garden’s Garden of infinite Compassion, which was created to honor the 2005 visit of the Dalai Lama to the Wood River Valley. The garden hosts a rare Tibetan prayer wheel, one of only two of its size in North America, that was personally blessed by His Holiness. SBG is located at 11 Gimlet Road, four miles south of Ketchum. Details at www.sbgarden.org or call (208) 726-9358.


VARIOUS TIMES / KETCHUM TOWN SQUARE Come get your German on at the Valley’s largest Oktoberfest, with something for everyone all weekend. At Sawtooth Brewery, the beer stein is the cover. Enjoy a 400-square-foot beer garden tent with six German lagers by Sawtooth Brewery on tap featuring $5 pints and $8 liters. There will also be wine, root beer and root beer floats available. Food trucks will be on hand all weekend and beer-garden games will round out the events. Friday’s events run from 4-9 p.m. and boast the annual Ketchum Kraut-off. Saturday is full of merriment with events from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. and the Beer Olympics at 3 p.m. Visit sawtoothbrewery.com/beers/Oktoberfest to learn more and see a full schedule of events.

WOOD RIVER VALLEY HARVESTFEST SAT SEPTEMBER 16 3-10PM / VARIOUS LOCATIONS / HAILEY Celebrate the harvest season at the third annual Wood River Valley HarvestFest, a tasting tour featuring fresh seasonal foods produced at regional Idaho farms. The day will feature a Food Fair & Market from 3-5 p.m. at the Wood River Sustainability Center (free), a Restaurant Walk from 5-7 p.m. ($45 for ages 11 and up) and a Street Party from 7-10 p.m. featuring desserts, cocktails, coffee and live music by The Heaters. Get event tickets at wrvharvestfest.org. For more information, see page 7.



The final installment of this summer’s popular Sagebrush Saturday series at Rock Creek Ranch is “Cowboy Days on the Range.” The whole family is invited to enjoy this free educational event to try some “cowboy coffee” and learn about the roles cattle management and cowboys play in Idaho’s iconic rangelands. Rock Creek Ranch, just west of Hailey and Bellevue, is a 10,400-acre working ranch and education facility owned and managed by the University of Idaho’s Rangeland Center, The Nature Conservancy and the Wood River Land Trust. All events in the Sagebrush Saturday series are free and open to the public. Closed-toe shoes, long pants and hats are recommended. The Rock Creek Ranch barn is 11 miles west of downtown Hailey; go to woodriverlandtrust.org to see a map. For any questions, contact the Wood River Land Trust at (208) 788-3947.

MUSIC AT THE LIMELIGHT MONDAY SEPTEMBER 18 5:30-8:30 / LIMELIGHT HOTEL / KETCHUM Enjoy the music of Dewey Pickett & Howe in The Lounge area.

KETCHUM FARMERS’ MARKET TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 19 2-6PM / TOWN SQUARE / KETCHUM The Farmers’ Market is located at the intersection of East Avenue and Fourth Street, just east of Giacobbi Square. Shop local for fruits, vegetables, flowers, meats, baked goods and more available weekly at the market.

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• Send calendar entry requests to calendar@theweeklysun.com. • Entries are selected based on editorial discretion, with preference for events that are free and open to the public. • To guarantee a calendar entry, buy a display ad in the same issue or the issue before you’d like your calendar entry to appear. Contact Brennan at brennan@theweeklysun.com or 208.720.1295.



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T H E W E E K LY S U N • S E P T E M B E R 13 - 19, 2017

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BECKY SMITH signed 2008 photograph. 32.5” x 15.75” x 1.25”. Original value $450. Sale at $100. Part of estate sale. 208-309-1130

See answer on page 16

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Wednesday through Saturday Wednesday Wednesday - Friday Wednesday - Friday 11:00to to 5:00 ednesday - Friday 11 to 611 to 6 available by appointment 11 to 6Always Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday and if we’re here. 11 to 5 to 4 11 or to 788-0216 411 720-9206 11 to 4

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See answer on page 16


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T H E W E E K LY S U N • S E P T E M B E R 13 - 19, 2017



Duplex for rent. Three bedrooms and two full baths. Dishwasher And wood-burning stove. Balconies out front and back. Small fenced-in backyard. Within walking distance to Warm Springs ski lift, golf course and free bus. Pets negotiable. Non-smoking unit. $2,000 per month. Available October 1. Call (208) 481-1343.

Connection Recovery Support Group is back! Ongoing support group for people living with mental challenge; share coping strategies, offer encouragement, receive support. Every Thursday.

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answer from page 15

answer from page 15


Text (up to 25 words): $5 Additional Text: 20¢ per word Photos: $5 per image • Logo: $10 Deadline: Monday at 1 p.m Space reservations: bulletin@theweeklysun.com

The Hailey Public Library is seeking interested applicants to fill one vacancy on the Hailey Library Board of Trustees. Applicants must be full time residents of Hailey. The board meets once per month to make policy decisions, plan for the future, set the budget and advocate on behalf of the library. A letter of interest and resume should be submitted to LeAnn Gelskey, Library Director lgelskey@haileypubliclibrary.org; mailed to 7 W Croy; or dropped off at the Hailey Public Library.

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