3 May 2017

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M AY 3 - 9, 2 0 1 7 | V O L . 1 2 - N O . 1 8 | W W W . T H E W E E K L Y S U N . C O M

Election News Voters To Decide On Air Service Tax



Election News School Board Election: Q&A With Incumbents

“Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company.”

Nonprofit News Idaho Gives Day Will Highlight Nonprofits

~Mark Twain

The People’s March for Climate in Ketchum last Saturday attracted more than 350 people to Town Square and a short walk around the center of town. Speakers included organizers Molly Page of Indivisible Blaine County and Dani Mazzotta of the Idaho Conservation League, along with Aimee Christensen, founder of Sun Valley Institute... For more information on these photos, see “On The Cover” on page 3. Courtesy photo by Gary Morrison (top left); all others by Dana DuGan

KB’s Food Truck


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GIVE US 30 MINUTES to give you updates on the Strategic and Financial Plans.




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T H E W E E K LY S U N • M AY 3 - 9, 2017



Sun Valley Ballet’s Spring Showcase will take place at 7 p.m. Friday, May 5, and Saturday, May 6. For a story, see page 12. Photo courtesy of Sun Valley Ballet


Food Truck for Catering & Events





THIS WEEK M A Y 3 - 9 , 2017 | VOL. 10 NO. 18


Crime & Courts State Police Issues Report For School Bus Accident



The Weekly Sun’s Calendar Stay In The Loop On Where To Be Community Bulletin Board Find A Job, Odds & Ends

ON THE COVER Continued from page 1: ...Idaho State Senator Michelle Stennett, and Community School students Analena Deklotz and Brygitte De La Cruz. Stennett told the crowd to “stay involved.” Courtesy photo by Gary Morrison (top left); all others by Dana DuGan Local artists & photographers interested in seeing their art on our cover page should email submissions to: mandi@theweeklysun.com (photos should be high resolution and include caption info such as who or what is in the photo, date and location).

THE WEEKLY SUN STAFF 13 W. Carbonate St. • P.O. Box 2711 Hailey, Idaho 83333 Phone: 208.928.7186 Fax: 208.928.7187 DIRECTOR OF MARKETING & AD SALES Brennan Rego • 208.720.1295 • brennan@theweeklysun.com NEWS EDITOR Dana DuGan • news@theweeklysun.com CALENDAR EDITOR Yanna Lantz • calendar@theweeklysun.com COPY EDITOR Patty Healey STAFF REPORTERS • Jean Jacques Bohl • Dick Dorworth • Jonathan Kane • Jennifer Smith news@theweeklysun.com INTERN Jill Palmer DESIGN DIRECTOR Mandi Iverson • 208.721.7588 • mandi@theweeklysun.com PRODUCTION & DESIGN Chris Seldon • production@theweeklysun.com ACCOUNTING Shirley Spinelli • 208.928.7186 • accounting@theweeklysun.com PUBLISHER & EDITOR Brennan Rego • 208.720.1295 • publisher@theweeklysun.com DEADLINES Display & Community Bulletin Board Ads — Monday @ 1pm brennan@theweeklysun.com • bulletin@theweeklysun.com Calendar Submissions — Friday @ 5pm calendar@theweeklysun.com www.TheWeeklySun.com Published by Idaho Sunshine Media, LLC

Find true love in every buritto kbsburrito.com • 720-8965 • 788-7217


T H E W E E K LY S U N • M AY 3 - 9, 2017


City of Ketchum Airport Closure Planned for June Runway maintenance takes place from 8 a.m. on June 5 to 7 p.m. on June 7 – weather permitting. Updates at iflysun.com.

Help Protect Ketchum’s Dark Skies Please provide support to the City’s efforts to achieve recognition as an International Dark-Sky Community. Submit a letter detailing the reasons for your support to P.O. Box 2315, Ketchum, Idaho 83340 or by email to participate@ketchumidaho.org by May 5, 2017. Your letters are a critical component of the City’s application.

Want to Vend at City Events? The City is offering vending opportunities at three summer events: Ketch’em Alive, Eclipse Celebration (August 21) and Wagon Days (September2). Call 727-5077 or email participate@ketchumidaho.orgfor more information.

Call for Eclipse Art The City of Ketchum invites experienced artists to apply for The Great American Eclipse installation project. One artist will be selected to create a temporary installation at Festival Meadow on Sun Valley Road during the cities of Ketchum and Sun Valley eclipse celebration on Monday, August 21, 2017. Visit ketchumidaho.org/rfp to access the detailed call.

Passengers on a nonstop flight from Portland, Ore. disembark at the Freidman Memorial Airport, this winter. Photo courtesy of Fly Sun Valley Alliance


Public Notice APPLICATION FOR DEMOLITION OF AN HISTORIC BUILDING: On Friday, April 21, a sixty-day waiting period begins for the historic demolition of the nexStage Theatre at 120 South Main Street and 111 South Leadville Avenue. The public is invited to comment through Monday, June 19, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. Written comments should be addressed to the City of Ketchum Planning and Building Department, P.O. Box 2315, Ketchum, Idaho 83340, or via email to participate@ketchumidaho.org.

Public Meetings PLANNING AND ZONNING COMMIISSION MEETING Monday • May 8 • 5:30 pm • City Hall CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday • May 15 • 5:30 pm • City Hall

Keep Up With City News Visit ketchumidaho.org to sign up for email notifications, the City eNewsletter and to followus on Facebookand Twitter. Email questions and comments to participate@ketchumidaho.org.

Organizations Seek Votes To Extend LOT For Air



he 1% LOT for Air renewal initiative is on the ballot on Tuesday, May 16, in Sun Valley, Ketchum and Hailey. It’s been in effect for three and a half years, and several groups, including Fly Sun Valley Alliance, Visit Sun Valley, The Chamber and Sun Valley Company, are pushing for a five-year extension. The initiative helped to change the way people travel to and from Friedman Memorial Airport in Hailey.

Let’s say you have a job in San Francisco and want to head to your vacation home in Sun Valley on the weekends. Three years ago you would fly to Salt Lake City. Then you’d wait, sometimes for hours, for the next available flight to Sun Valley. Now you can fly nonstop in little more than two hours in peak seasons. And just like that, you’re home for dinner. Or perhaps you work in Seattle. You can fly to Sun Valley nonstop for 10 months out of the year, three times a week,

on Thursday, Friday, Sunday, or daily during peak seasons. In reverse, the benefits are that from Seattle, there are flight connections to anywhere or, as Carol Waller of Fly Sun Valley Alliance says, “One stop to the world.” Nonstop flights also serve Portland, Denver, Salt Lake City and Los Angeles. These upgrades are due to the


Continued LOT FOR AIR Page 5

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T H E W E E K LY S U N • M AY 3 - 9, 2017


Organizations Seek Votes To Extend LOT For Air

Continued from Page 4

Local Option Tax for Air, which is specifically dedicated to air service development and marketing. A local option sales tax is a method used to pay for a specific project to address a local or regional need. In the case of the 1% LOT for Air, this means more flights in and out of the Wood River Valley, which translates to more air visitors as well as more convenience for local residents. And, in the Wood River Valley, more than 80 percent of the 1% LOT is actually paid by those visitors. Doug Brown, of Sun Valley Economic Development, says air visitors spend more time and money than do road visitors because they book hotels, attend events and dine out at restaurants. They also buy necessities and luxury items. Due to air service, there were 40,000 firsttime visitors over the last two years who spent $55 million locally. And all of that translates to an economic boost in the area, which means jobs. “It’s all about tourism and jobs,” Brown said. “These are the two interconnected aspects that drive the economy of the Valley.” Idaho has a 6 percent state sales tax. Communities can approve additional LOTs for such issues as transportation, open space acquisition and recreation, capital improvements, emergency services, city promotion, information and special events.

In Sun Valley, Ketchum and Hailey, there are formulations that make up the LOT, so that each town is a little different. Gas and groceries are exempt from the LOT for Air. “A lot of people think the LOT is all retail, including gas and groceries, which it’s not,” Brown said. “People are always worried that a tax isn’t going to what it was intended. In the language, it’s very clear this can only be used for marketing, advertising and a small percentage to Fly Sun Valley Alliance, who administer the program. It’s all disclosed in reports and is very transparent. It’s really a good tax. It targets exactly what it’s supposed to.” In 2016, the totals collected by each of these cities were: in Sun Valley $579,191.53; in Ketchum $1,895,055.81; and in Hailey $87,311.62. “This is a totally unique LOT because it’s tourist driven,” Brown said. “We went from three to six daily nonstop flights since we’ve had the LOT. That’s astounding. We passed the LOT. We have the resources. Now we can play the game with the airlines.” The LOT didn’t pass all the towns the first time it was on the ballot in 2012 and was put back on the ballot and passed in 2013. “We’re three and a half years into it,” Waller said. “We’re asking for an extension on the original. We don’t want to lose momentum. It’s important to know if you have the funds to support these services” before negotiating for more flights, and newer

GIVE DISTRICT GET STATE OF THE GIVE US 30 MINUTES to give you updates on the Strategic and Financial Plans.

cities. The LOT supports a minimum revenue guarantee that is essentially a risk mitigation with the airlines. Before we ever see a new nonstop flight come into Hailey, there are extensive negotiations with the airlines on what is available, on what days and what the costs are. “If there’s a shortfall, we make up the difference, which comes out of LOT funds,” Waller said. Most airlines require a contract to provide nonstop service to smaller, seasonal markets like SUN. These contracts typically include a financial risk-mitigation component to ensure the airline doesn’t have significant loss on the route. Additional airline seats into the Valley are a critical part of a comprehensive effort to stimulate the local economy and generate more tourism, more business and more jobs. In fact, in 2016 there was a $113 million economic impact of air travelers, and $200 million in overall spending. Such projects as the Sun Valley Lodge renovation, the opening of the Limelight Hotel, and successful purchases of Tamarack Lodge and the Bellemont Hotel are direct results of the LOT, Brown said. “It goes into the community in wages and taxes, and the cities benefit as the LOT increases, since they get a higher dollar amount,” said Brown. “It’s good for the total community. It’s tourism and jobs, family and friends.” One sticking point for residents of Blaine County has always


GET 30 MINUTES to ask questions and get answers.

been that the nonstop flights are only during peak seasons. And there’s a reason for that. “It costs subsidy money,” Waller said. “We hope to creep into slack with more flights, eventually. The community does want that, and wants to be more consistent. We have made great progress but so has our competition. Everyone is working to improve their air access service and we have to, too.” Waller said that Sun Valley is actually more balanced as a destination than the competitors since it’s been marketed for years as a summer resort, too. The main competitor markets

are Aspen, Jackson Hole, Vail, Telluride, Steamboat Springs, Mammoth and Crested Butte. Sun Valley is sixth on that list for most flight departures and seats; third for flights in summer (after Aspen and Jackson Hole); and sixth for total annual flights. It also is fifth in terms of marketing budget at $2,300,000. People can vote early through Tuesday, May 16, at the Blaine County Courthouse in Hailey. Residents can also vote absentee right now by obtaining a ballot through tourismandjobs.com, or on the Blaine County website, co.blaine.id.us. Scroll down to elections. tws

The Embraer E175

Officials from Friedman Memorial Airport and Fly Sun Valley Alliance announced Monday that United Airlines will begin service with the next generation of regional jet, the Embraer E175, for its flights serving Sun Valley (SUN) from San Francisco (SFO) and Denver (DEN), beginning with the June 30 inbound flights. The flights will be operated by United Express carrier SkyWest Airlines, using the 76-seat Embraer E175. Each aircraft is equipped with 12 first-class seats, 16 economy-plus seats and 48 economy seats as well as onboard Wi-Fi. Friedman Memorial Airport manager Chris Pomeroy said this would be another positive enhancement to air service for both local residents and visitors. “While the E175 is about the same size as the Bombardier CRJ700 regional jet currently operating at our airport, it provides an enhanced passenger experience. The plane has more headroom, larger windows, wider seats and aisles, larger overhead bins, and passengers really like it,” Pomeroy said. Flights can be booked at united.com

Come to any meeting that fits your schedule. Spanish interpretation, refreshments and childcare provided.

Monday, May 8, 6:00-7:00 p.m.

Queen of the Hills Room, Community Campus, Hailey

*Thursday, May 11, 6:00-7:30 p.m. Queen of the Hills Room, Community Campus, Hailey

Monday, May 15, 12:00-1:00 p.m. Minnie Moore Room, Community Campus, Hailey

Give us 30 minutes to give you updates on the Strategic Plan. Get 30 minutes to ask questions and get answers.

Tuesday, May 16, 12:00-1:00 p.m.

Find out how we are inspiring, engaging, educating and empowering every student.

Tuesday, May 16, 5:30-6:30 p.m.

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wo sitting Blaine County School Board trustees will seek re-election on Tuesday, May 16. Both of the school board members, Cami Bustos, who represents Zone 2, and Rob Clayton, who represents Zone 4, were appointees. This is their first election process. Bustos was appointed to the board in September 2015, following the resignation of Trustee Kathy Baker. Clayton was appointed to the board in December 2014, following the resignation of Trustee Richard Roberts. Bustos is being challenged by Kelly Green. Johnny Galgano is challenging Clayton. The Weekly Sun: What is your background? Rob Clayton: I am an experienced educator with 11 years of experience as an independent school head. I am currently in the role of vice chair of the BCSD school board and am the second most experienced member of the board. I currently work in operations and customer service at Clear Creek Disposal. TWS: What are your strengths? RC: I feel I was an able to be the voice of reason through a fairly tumultuous period for this board and have helped navigate the district to a position where the education of all students is at the forefront of our board conversation. TWS: What do you hope to

accomplish as a trustee? RC: A very important goal for me is to oversee and shepherd the rebuilding of our General Fund Balance, which had been drawn down on before my arrival to my board seat. We have set a goal that will require diligence and discipline in order to reach it. I would like to see the Blaine County School District recognized as the top-performing district in the state of Idaho. This is a lofty but I believe achievable goal. Eliminating our existing achievement gap will go a long ways in supporting this goal. A rising tide floats all ships. TWS: What will be the greatest challenge facing the school district in the years to come? RC: We have a two-pronged challenge facing us in the Blaine County School District. First, we must continue to be fiscally responsible and operate without spending more than we receive in funding and at the same time implement educational strategies that will reduce the achievement gap we have in terms of both ethnicity and socioeconomic status. I would recommend addressing these challenges through diligence in the budgeting process and establish clear, targeted expectations for curriculum to direct the improvement of our lower performing students. TWS: How will you improve communications with the Zone 4 patrons whom you represent? RC: The Blaine County School District is considered to be one


Rob Clayton. Photo courtesy of Blaine County School District

of the most transparent districts in the state of Idaho because of the volume of materials we share with the public through our district website. We must continue to be diligent in respecting open meeting law. As a board, we must continue to improve the level of debate at the board table and listen closely to all public comment that is delivered to us. We need to continually reach and hold forums for the public to come and have informal conversations with us and communicate their feelings and desires. Bustos did not respond to requests for an interview. She lives with her husband, Carlos, and their four school-age children, and is the owner of the Sawtooth Agency, an insurance and tax-preparation company in Bellevue. Next week in The Weekly Sun the challengers will answer the same questions. tws


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n Thursday, April 27, the Idaho State Police released the Vehicle Collision Report regarding the Carey School bus crash, which took place on Tuesday, April 18 on Highway 26. The bus, carrying 41 students, was on its way to a track meet in Gooding. Twelve students needed to be hospitalized as a result of the accident. Carey resident Richard Mecham, 67, was the driver. Mecham started to work for the district in 2009 as a substitute driver and became a part-time driver in 2012. The collision report was completed by State Trooper Michael Haushauer on April 18 and approved on April 27. “The driver of unit one was westbound on U.S. Highway 26 near milepost 174.9, County of Lincoln, State of Idaho,” Haushauer wrote. “The driver of unit one drove off the road onto the right shoulder, overcorrected while returning onto the roadway, lost control of the bus, crossed the center line, and rolled the bus.” The report says there were three contributing circumstances for the accident. The driver was “Asleep. Drowsy. Fatigued.” It also cited driver “Inattention” and failure to “Maintain Lane.” According to the report, charges are still pending and no

Students were injured in school bus rollover near Dietrich. Photo courtesy of Carey School

formal charges have been filed at the Lincoln County Courthouse, which has jurisdiction over the court case. On the same day, Blaine County School District Superintendent GwenCarol Holmes issued a letter to staff, parents and community members. “The Blaine County School District has been informed that charges are pending against the driver of the school bus involved in the April 18 accident,” she wrote. “The driver is no longer employed by the district... We are cooperating fully with Idaho State Police in the investigation of the crash. Transporting our students safely is a major respon-

sibility of the district, and one that we take very seriously. Our annual parent survey has shown that parents who responded to the survey feel their children are safe on our school buses and we are committed to maintaining this trust. We are both saddened and shocked by this incident, and we are reviewing all of our internal procedures and policies on transportation to see if there is any way it might have been prevented. Any employee who compromises student safety will be terminated.” BCSD does not comment publicly or privately on personnel matters. tws


T H E W E E K LY S U N • M AY 3 - 9, 2017



Girls On The Run Recognized By AfterSchool Association

Girls on the Run International was recognized as one of the National AfterSchool Association’s Most Influential in Health and Wellness. Girls on the Run is a physical activity-based positive youth development program that helps girls in third through eighth grade develop key life skills through dynamic lessons and interactive running games. During each 10-week season, girls strengthen their sense of self, build connections with teammates and coaches, create and implement a community impact project, and prepare to complete a celebratory endof-season 5K event. The National AfterSchool Association is the membership association for professionals who work with children and youth in diverse school and community-based settings. According to the organization an estimated 10.2 million children participate in after-school programs each year. Girls on the Run provides programs for girls in all 50 states and the District of Columbia and has impacted the lives of 1.2 million girls since being founded in 1996. Girls on the Run of the Wood River Valley provides programs at all of the Valley’s elementary and middle schools. Since being founded in 2002 by Shari Kunz, Girls on the Run WRV will serve its 2,000th girl during its milestone 15th anniversary year. More information about Girls on the Run can be found at GirlsontheRun.org.

Wild Gift Announces Alumni Board

As of Jan. 1 this year, a new group of nine committed Wild Gift alumni took full responsibility for charting the next chapter of the Ketchum-based nonprofit organization’s story. Volunteering their time and skills, the first all-alumni board will focus on four areas: supporting the 201617 Wild Gift Climate Change class, recruiting the 2018 New Fellows class, fundraising, and engaging alumni to increase their local and global impact. Founded in 2003 by Bob Jonas and Sun Valley Trekking owner Joe St. Onge, Wild Gift has supported 52 entrepreneurs through a 16-month fellowship. The program involves a deep wilderness experience plus mentorship and financial support for better-world initiatives. For new fellows, the Wild Gift experience does not end with the completion of their 16-month fellowship. Alumni return to Sun Valley to participate in wilderness retreats, collaborate on better-world enterprises, and provide new fellows with mentorship and support. “Idaho’s wilderness is a great innovation incubator,” said Pete Land, an alumni board member. “We want the new fellows to be able to refine and implement their better-world projects through this experience.” To learn more about the first alumni board as well as the story and impact of all the better-world leaders Wild Gift has supported, visit wildgift.org.




daho Gives Day is Thursday, May 4, and in Blaine County there are nearly two dozen nonprofits seeking donations. The 24-hour giving drive is a program of the Idaho Nonprofit Center and is designed to bring the state together, raising money and awareness for Idaho nonprofits. Organizations will receive 100 percent of its donations within three days. “Idaho Gives is a great grassroots fundraising event that allows donors of all levels to get in on the excitement,” said Bekka Mongeau, marketing coordinator of the Animal Shelter of the Wood River Valley. “When folks donate just $10 to an organization, they are putting them one step closer to possible prize funds from the Idaho Nonprofit Center. More importantly, though, it’s a great way to spread the word about the important contributions our local nonprofits make toward a more positive community.” Giving days, which will happen all over the country, offer regions an opportunity to boost their nonprofit organizations with short-term funds, long-term online fundraising skills, and an increase in awareness of their important work. “As a small, community-based nonprofit, much of the ERC’s work is possible thanks

to the support of our local community,” said Hadley DeBree, executive director of the Environmental Resource Center. “Idaho Gives is, therefore, a wonderful opportunity to honor the vital role that nonprofits play in the success of our communities and state while also celebrating the generosity of those who make that work possible.” Helping bring the community up to speed on upcoming events and outreach by the organizations is another reason the groups participate. “Idaho Gives helps build excitement and awareness around upcoming projects and programs we’re working on at the Sawtooth Botanical Garden,” said Kat Vanden Heuvel, executive director of the Sawtooth Botanical Garden. “While SBG is busy year-round, gardens are naturally associated with a certain amount of seasonality, so this helps us kick off the growing season nicely.” Tyra MacGuffie, director of development for Higher Ground Sun Valley, also feels that Idaho Gives is an exceptional way for the “community to come together and show their support for the many incredible Idaho nonprofits,” she said. “Higher Ground will make sure that all donations given on this day will go toward either our local recreation program for kids, teens and adults

with physical and cognitive disabilities, or to our newly established local program for Idaho veterans in and around Blaine County.” Organizations will also team up on Idaho Gives Day, which helps the day continue on in donors’ minds, and through proactive work. For instance, Hailey Coffee Company will donate a percentage of their sales on Thursday to the Wood River Land Trust to its mission of “Protecting the Places You Love.” “Idaho Gives is a great day to recognize how special the Gem State is and to honor all the work we all do to keep Idaho great,” said Mike McKenna, community engagement coordinator for the Wood River Land Trust. On Thursday, visit idahogives.org to donate to Idaho nonprofits. There will be a $1000 random drawing at the close of the giving period for all nonprofits that secured and earned matching funds for Idaho Gives Day.



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T H E W E E K LY S U N • M AY 3 - 9, 2017




n the first Saturday in May since 1994, hundreds of volunteers of all ages have come together to clean up our cities, neighborhoods and trails after the long winter. This year, Clean Sweep falls on Saturday, May 6. Participation is free and easy. Meet at one of the following locations at 9 a.m. to register and pick up supplies: ERC office in Ketchum (471 Washington Ave.), KB’s in Hailey (121 N. Main St.), or Memorial Park in Bellevue (between Cedar and Elm streets). Complimentary breakfast snacks and coffee are included. Fan out to pick up trash until 11:30 a.m. and come back together with fellow participants to celebrate your good work with a free lunch generously provided by KB’s. There will be raffle drawings and team and individual prizes. Youth and service groups are encouraged to participate.

New to the event this year is a valleywide business competition. Additionally, we will kick off Blaine County’s “Adopt-aRoad” program, with the local National Interscholastic Cycling Association team and Wood River Bike Coalition adopting Croy Creek Road. On Friday, May 5, from 12-3 p.m., Cox Communications will provide free small electronics recycling (no TVs) and document shredding at the Cox Solutions Store (340 Lewis St., Ketchum). Blaine County and Southern Idaho Solid Waste’s “Clean Sweep Week” kicks off on Saturday, May 6, where community members can drop off appliances, wood waste, and tires at no charge at the Ohio Gulch and Carey transfer stations. For more information: (208) 726-4333; hadley@ercsv.org; www.ercsv.org.





ow out road tripping around the West, Leif Whittaker is visiting venues while doing readings from his memoir, “My Old Man and the Mountain.” He will be in Ketchum at The Community Library for a reading and slide show, 6-7:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 9. It will include an “entertaining multimedia presentation, with the climbs on Everest, and my father’s ascent in 1963,” he said. Whittaker, the son of Jim Whittaker, the first American to summit Mount Everest in Nepal, reached his first major summit when he was 15 years old. Since then, he’s climbed many of the world’s tallest mountains. Chronicling these adventures has become his life, too. His work has appeared in POWDER, The Ski Journal, and Backcountry. Whittaker lives in Bellingham, Wash., and is a seasonal climbing ranger on Mount Baker. His uncle, Lou Whittaker, and cousin Peter Whittaker and family, live in Ketchum, “It’s such a great outdoor town,” Whittaker said of Ketchum. “I am hitting outdoor-centered communities on this tour.”

Whittaker grew up in Port Townsend, Wash., though his family spent four years on a 53-foot sailboat in the South Pacific. He climbed Everest in 2010 and 2012. “I was following in my dad’s footsteps,” Whittaker said by phone in Moab, Utah. “I grew up with that pressure. It’s the universal story, whether your parent is a butcher or a mountain climber. We all want to make our parents proud. It’s in our nature. And for me, that story was set on the slopes of Mount Everest.” “On a night like tonight, when frozen clouds obscure the stars, when bursts of wind punch the tent walls into my face, the South Col’s a humbling place. The landscape and the storm don’t care that I’m the youngest son of the first American to summit the highest peak on planet Earth. They don’t care how much I’ve trained or how strong I am or how long I’ve dreamed about Mount Everest.” Excerpt from “My Old Man and the Mountain,” published by Mountaineers Books, 2017. Whittaker said that much of his presentation concerns the “differences between my father’s climb in 1963, and mine. I still believe the mountain hasn’t changed a whole lot, despite climate


Idaho Department Of Transportation Receives Notice



he Sawtooth Botanical Garden is hosting the 13th annual Bug Zoo, featuring Amazing Adaptations. Come on out for opening day—Bug Zoo Festival, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Saturday, May 6. Bring the kids and experience more than 35 species of fascinating insects, reptiles and other cool critters. Kids will enjoy activity tables, including face painting, a scavenger hunt, and loco-motion game. Plus, there will be photo ops galore. And who doesn’t love a good cockroach race? Bug Zoo Festival is great family fun and kid-friendly food will be available for purchase, so come and stay awhile. Then on Saturday, May 13, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., come on back for Bug Zoo U! That’s Bug Zoo University, a terrific oppor-


tunity to dive deep. Meet Burma the corn snake, Boris the ball python, and Sneakers, a Florida ivory millipede, and more! Local naturalist Ann Christensen will introduce Rosie, her favorite tarantula. Critter owners of some of the more than 35 species on display will be on hand to share their natural history and a favorite story or two. Don’t miss Bug Zoo Festival on Saturday, May 6, and Bug Zoo U on Saturday, May 13. Both events run from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. And both are just $5 for adults and $3 for kids 5-18. Children 4 and under are free. Sawtooth Botanical Garden is located at 11 Gimlet Rd., along Highway 75 south of Ketchum. We hope you’ll join us! Visit www.sbgarden.org for a complete schedule of events and exhibit hours.

The Idaho Department of Transportation’s Innovation Program began in 2014 and since then has implemented 600 of its nearly 950 ideas, and has saved $4.7 million. The savings in time and money are being used to maintain roads and bridges and provide better customer service. ITD’s director Brian Ness was recently named chairman of the Special Committee on Research & Innovation from the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, and won the 2016 Navigator Award from Route Fifty for his innovative approach. ITD was also named a finalist for Idaho Innovative Company of the Year, the first public-service state agency to ever be named to the final three. Ness was recently interviewed by Jessica Engelman, editor of Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government’s “Government Innovators Network” newsletter. They discussed the program’s origins, the logistics of the program, the organizational changes required, and the ability to replicate the program elsewhere in government to improve efficiencies and performance ITD’s employee-driven program solicits improvements from employees statewide.

Suit Is Filed Against Boy Scouts And LDS

Five men who say they were sexually abused as kids while in the Boy Scouts of America are suing the organization and the Mormon Church because they say both groups fraudulently presented the Boy Scouts as a safe, wholesome activity for boys. The men filed the lawsuit Monday in Boise’s U.S. District Court. They maintain that the Boy Scouts of America and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints knew that there were child molesters acting as leaders in the Boy Scouts in the 1970s and 1980s, but they covered up the danger instead of letting parents and children know about the risk. All five of the men were in troops in the Boise or Lewiston regions.

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Last week, at the Community C River Elementary Chess Champion crowned. Hailey Elementary overwhelmi Elementary came in second with points and Bellevue posted 6.5 po were represented. Trophies were provided to the Garin Beste and Carson Bauer wo drink from the Internet Café, at th This was the first time many p Many tournament nuances were Porth, chess coach and teacher at

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T H E W E E K LY S U N •




M AY 3 - 9, 2017

Help Protect the Places You Love on Idaho Gives Day! Stop by the Hailey Coffee Company on Thursday, May 4th and a percentage of all sales will be donated to the Wood River Land Trust. Donations can also be made at www.givegab.com/nonprofits/ wood-river-land-trust

ttaker stands with his parents, Jim Whit, and mother Dianne Roberts, at 7,500 buche Village, Nepal, after a day of hiking e camp on Mount Everest, in 2012. Photo of Leif Whittaker

affecting the glacier. It’s a really powerical place with an incredible draw and o it. What has changed is the climbing st, the strategy and the people.” aker’s book tour is partially sponsored rfeet and Pygmy Boats. There will be ven away at the presentation on Tuesday. tws

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mprovement Fund awarded $10,000 ncil programs. The Outdoor Program ed $5,000 in support of the Girl Scout confidence, and character. alth Improvement Fund focuses on upporting organizations, like the Girl t promote life-skills development, nd the prevention of risky behaviors. , Girl Scouts of Silver Sage works to regions in which St. Luke’s has a presures fun, interactive outdoor activitain an active, healthy lifestyle. The Luke’s long-term objectives to get kids tyle in order to avoid obesity.

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Campus in Hailey, the 2017 Wood nship was held, with new champions

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e winners. Students Conrad Foster, on top three overall and won a free he Community Campus. players had played in a tournament. learned at this event, said Adam t Silver Creek High School in Hailey.

Betsy Castle Memorial Room pens at Bellevue Library

evue Public Library had a grand opening for expansion, called the Betsy Castle Memom, in honor of the late Betsy Castle, who ered her time and devotion to the library. ghters, Trinity, left, and Bella, right, and d, Jerry Haddam, behind Bella, were on day evening when Bellevue Mayor Chris enter, cut the ribbon. The expansion was in part by the Wood River Women’s FounPhoto by Dana DuGan

Emily Stone. Photo courtesy of Emily Stone


Student Shows That Teens Have Choices BY CRYSTAL THURSTON

“I’m an artist. I paint and do portrait photography,” said Emily Stone, a senior at Wood River High School. Emily’s love of art led her to discover web designing during a computer science class in her sophomore year in high school. “I’m interested in UX-user experience design. When you design a website, you want it to make a lot of sense but also to be attractive. There’s a lot of psychology behind it, like figuring out which icon will make someone want to click on it, and where people’s eyes map on a page. You have to figure out the layout you want and to design it so people like going on the website.” With her mother, Wood River High School counselor Millie Reidy, Emily created a computer program that helped graduating high school students find scholarships. Last year it helped the graduating senior class raise $300,000 in scholarships for college and career. “I’m definitely looking to find my way to impact the world, to change something,” said Emily, who also volunteers for The Advocates for Survivors of Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault. “I am in ETC––Every Teen has a Choice. We are teen interns who go around to schools and teach how to maintain and build healthy relationships.” Emily and other students designed posters on the theme that “love shouldn’t hurt” to raise awareness of teen dating violence. “April is sexual assault awareness month, so we just talked to eighth graders on consent and we are working on a PSA announce-

ment about what consent looks like.” A recent event changed Emily’s life. “We were coming back from the Mountain Home music festival (Highway 30 Music Fest) and found a woman on the side of the road, with her child, who had been in a car accident. The woman was drunk and bleeding a lot. I immediately got into life-saving mode but didn’t know what to do. It was mostly to reassure her.” After that, Emily was determined to know more about what to do in emergency situations. She underwent intense training to become a certified wilderness first responder. She was trained in how to help people having a heart attack, heat stroke, heat exhaustion, hypothermia, broken limbs and much more. “Now I do know what I can do to help,” she said. “I have that good response where I just go into a totally different world and start helping someone instead of freaking out about it.” After a lot of hard work, including 11 Advanced Placement classes, Emily got into her firstchoice college, University of Southern California. She will work toward a bachelor of science degree in arts technology and business innovations. The students in her program have many choices of fields to explore, including cancer research, Apple Music, virtual reality, renewable energy solar cells, and even medical engineering, designing things like prosthetic limbs. “I am looking more toward nonprofit work. There are a lot of choices and possibilities.” tws

This Student Spotlight brought to you by the Blaine County School District

Our mission is to inspire, engage, educate, and empower every student.


Lines Between the Wines: a sipping, noshing book club Sponsored by the Hailey Public Library and the Wood River Sustainability Center. Sample wine and tapas pairings while discussing interesting books! Discussions will be led by LeAnn Gelskey. May 8th, Doors open @ 6 p.m. Program begins @ 6:30 p.m. Wood River Sustainability Center, 308 S. River Street $25 to cover the cost of wine and food. Pre-registration required, Call Al @ 721-3114 This month’s book: The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion

Join us for an evening of conversation and cocktails $30 • Cash or Card at the Tickets: $50 • Under 30 years old: door

Join us for an evening of conversation and cocktails (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2017-clint-stennett-social-tickets-33383438764) Meet your state representatives Please RSVP To Janie 208-309-0350

Take a refreshing break from phone calls and letter writing Friday, May 5, 2017 • 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Meet local supporters of progressive ideals and policies Valley Club House Discuss strategies for moving forward - 100 Club View Dr N. Hailey, Idaho 83333

to elect local and state progressive candidates Fundraiser for Blaine County Democrats • Working Delightful hors d'oeuvres and a no-host bar will be served.

Fri, May 5, 2017 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM Valley Club House 100 Club View Dr N. Hailey, Idaho 83333 Tickets $50 Under 30 years old, $30 (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2017-clint-stennett-social-tickets33383438764) Please RSVP by April 30 (Janie 208-309-0350) Cash or Card at the door Fundraiser for Blaine County Democrats Working to elect local and state progressive candidates

Protect yourself and your family this summer! Use a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. For the best protection, use shade, clothing, a hat with a wide brim, and sunglasses in addition to sunscreen. South Central Public Health District Prevent. Promote. Protect.

(866) 710-9775 phd5.idaho.gov/Cancer/skincancer.html



T H E W E E K LY S U N • M AY 3 - 9, 2017

Fishing R epoRt



special season is about to begin on Silver Creek. Flows have been holding steady at around 226 cfs for nearly a week. There is little fluctuation, so there is no reason to expect any significant drop before the opener. We could start the season at a higher flow than we ever saw all of last season. This means a healthy fishery, healthy fish, and more fish spread throughout the system. So far the hatches have been awesome. The giant size-14 Baetis have been joined by daily PMD occurrences. Expect the Baetis to get smaller as Opening Day approaches, and the PMD action should continue to ramp up as the spring temperatures rise. The ongoing question about the Brown Drakes is anyone’s guess right now. With a return to more normal, historic flows, we wonder if we will also see a return to the mid-June event that has occurred at the end of May for the past three seasons. We’ll go kick up some nymphs soon and give you our prediction. Stay tuned! With Opening Day around the corner, don’t forget our second annual “Evening with Hank Patterson” on Friday night, May 26. Doors and beers will open at 6 p.m., with Hank taking over the entertainment at 7 p.m. This is a free event to fundraise for the folks at Casting for Recovery. We encourage you to attend, lend your support and, mostly, get a nice long laugh in the night before we all go fishing. The only other options for opening weekend will be tailwater like the South Fork of the Boise and the Lower Lost River. These areas are flow-dependent, though. The South Fork of the Boise will be boating water, with major flows, so experienced boaters only! The Lower Lost River may fish depending on the flows, but at this point we think it would be a long shot to have fishable waters over there once the irrigation starts and the water is needed downstream. The good news is we are blessed with Silver Creek, and we are blessed with the kindness of the anglers that fish there. Don’t worry about how many people are out and about on the opener. It is a celebration. Not everyone is fishing; many just come to be a part of this wonderful weekend. So plan a trip to Picabo on May 26 for an Evening with Hank Patterson, and again on May 27 for Opening Day. Heck, you may as well camp out! Happy fishing, everyone!

Hwy 20 in Picabo info@picaboangler.com (208)788.3536 www.picaboangler.com




ecently, I have been so dismayed by the lack of early dog training with puppies. I am not sure where this is coming from, but early training and socialization is imperative to have a dog you can live with. What do I mean by early? Before 16 weeks of age! Not after they have finished their shots. By then, pups have missed a critical imprinting period that helps them to live comfortably in our world. If puppies are not socialized with people, other dogs and new places during this period, they may fear them the rest of their lives. A fearful dog is not easy to live with and can eventually become fear aggressive. When I talk about socializing with people, I mean both adults and children. Include people that are disabled and maybe in a wheelchair, on crutches, or using a walker. If dogs are not introduced to all of these things before that 16-week period is over, it can produce a plethora of problems later on. These experiences must be positive ones, which means you have to take the responsibility to provide safe socialization. It does not mean taking your puppy to the dog park and letting other dogs run up to your puppy and terrorize or bully him. It means letting your puppy have safe experiences with fair, friendly and healthy dogs that belong to your friends in a virus-free environment such as a fenced-in backyard. It also means asking your friends with dog-experienced children to help provide positive experiences with youngsters. Borrow a wheelchair, walker, cane or crutches from someone to let your pup see. Put pieces of food on them so the pup will go up, sniff the equipment and get rewarded for it. Wear silly hats, dark glasses and floppy clothes or Halloween costumes so your puppy understands it’s all right and not something to bark at or shy away from. Have

Safe socialization with other dogs, people and places is imperative for puppies under 16 weeks of age. Here, Mariah learns proper behavior from Kalidor. Photo by Fran Jewell

a puppy party, where you ask all your friends to come over in 10-minute intervals to have a cracker-and-cheese party, where you can have your puppy sit nicely for treats upon each person’s arrival. Be sure you invite everyone—male, female, and children. Leave other dogs home for another time. As for training, the more you can teach your dog before the 16 weeks is up, the easier it is to work with your dog as she hits her “teenage years,” meaning from six months to a year old. All dogs go through this period where they test you and what you are going to do about everything—whether they really have to come when they are called, or if they have to sit by the door instead of bolting out into the street. Imprinting behaviors like

“leave it” and “come” are critical at this time, as well as how to walk nicely on a leash. The longer you wait to train, the harder it is because you have to undo all the bad behaviors your dog learns during that 16-week period to replace them with the good behaviors. Training takes longer the longer you wait. Just like human babies, give your pup the best start in life! Fran Jewell is an Idaho Press Club award-winning columnist, IAABC-certified dog behavior consultant, NADOI-certified instructor #1096 and the owner of Positive Puppy Dog Training, LLC, in Sun Valley. For more information, visit positivepuppy.com or call (208) 578-1565.





s I left the house this morning the sky went from cloudy to sunny in a matter of seconds. When cloudy, the rays of the sun reached out through sky holes. When sunny, the light glinted off of the tree trunks and branches. The morning was bright and temperate one moment and stormy with dark cloud cover the next, a backand-forth duel so reminiscent of springtime in the mountains. Spring in the mountains is a time of dramatic skies and swiftly changing skies. It is a time of unique light on the mountains when the morning shadows are long and the lit areas are unusually bright. It can also be a time of mist shrouding the mountains, briefly challenging our memory of well-known landmarks. The mist obliterates the peaks, blending them into the sky, or settles on the midsections of the slopes, recreating the geography of the incline. Along with the light, spring in the mountains has what I think of as a “temperate cold.” The temperature can be quite low, but it seems balmy, perhaps because we are used to such cold winter days. There is a lilt to the air and the winds seem to sway and gen-

Leslie Rego, “Mist over the Mountains,” nib pen and ink, watercolor.

tly dance. I like opening my eyes first thing in the morning and seeing a thin layer of frost covering the grass, which is just beginning to turn green. I like looking at the drops of dew—or the glistening

ice if the morning is cold—covering the trees. Spring is a time of change and with the days swinging from cold to warm to cold again, each day comes with intrigue and surprise.

Leslie Rego is an Idaho Press Club award-winning columnist, artist and Blaine County resident. To view more of Rego’s art, visit leslierego.com.

T H E W E E K LY S U N • M AY 3 - 9, 2017



this “bowdlerized” version of Shakespeare’s plays, edited to be without noxious or offenhe only humor that doesn’t usually make sive language or situations not “appropriate” me chuckle is slapstick, except for some for young readers. For example, in “Othello,” of the finest moments of Carol Burnett Shakespeare’s original lines about the black and her talented crew. The recent “Saturday king and his beloved white wife, Desdemona, Night Live” skit called “The Lawyer,” with Iago taunts her father (gasp alert; inappropriLouis C.K. wearing false eyelashes, likely tick- ate language ahead): “I am one, sir, that comes led my toes. Anyone who wants to share that to tell you, your daughter and the Moor are can catch the hilarity on YouTube. now making the beast with two Laughter is one of the most backs.” – Iago, Othello, Act I. healthy ways humans communiBowlder’s version reads, “Your cate, even while exploring topics daughter and the Moor are now we otherwise may find unpleastogether.” I detest that violation. ant. There may be an unspoken Much comedy, as well, would etiquette for situations labeled suffer with this kind of alter“black” or “ghetto” humor, ation. I accepted the profanity in which provides relief for miscomedy, though I enjoyed more erable situations we may not be the wit of Nichols and May, the able to face without being able to wryness of Bob Newhart, and laugh at them. even early sitcoms like “The I DVR’d a recent TV series on Dick Van Dyke Show.” The endthe uniqueness of the comedic ing of “The Mary Tyler Moore voice. How things have changed JoEllen Collins—a longtime Show” was hilarious with its since I once spent evenings in resident of the Wood River pathos and group hug. Woody San Francisco or LA at clubs, Valley— is an Idaho Press Allen’s “Take the Money and first hearing comedy pioneers Club award-winning colum- Run” had a similarly laughable like Mort Saul, George Carlin, nist, a teacher, writer, fabric scene where one of the chain and Lenny Bruce! Their appear- artist, choir member and gang members had to use the ances were scandalous to some unabashedly proud grandma bathroom, so all the gang shufknown as “Bibi Jo.” and resulted in some unexpected fled together to the loo. punishments. My thought was I used to cringe when I sat with my father and is that one has the freedom to attend those at the movies and he thundered with laughter performances and thus should not complain. at Abbot and Costello. However, just because I Now their language and subject matter seem didn’t share his sense of humor, I didn’t unlove almost normal, merely part of the vivid and him; I loved the way he smiled and laughed so occasionally graphic interchanges around us that his chubby stomach jiggled. I am fortunate today. I am more offended by censorship than that I grew up with a father who filled a room scruffy language. with joy and taught me that laughter is truly the In 1807 an English gentleman named Bowd- clichéd “best medicine.” I’ll take even profane ler published “The Family Shakespeare,” a col- and ribald material to laugh. lection of the Bard’s works. When I first started tws teaching decades ago, we were required to use







pring has provided an oft-repeated theme in these pages these past few weeks, which is no surprise given its fresh arrival after a long winter. Instead of blankets of snow, yards are now peppered with hyacinths and baby bunnies, and trees are sporting fresh buds as well as nests full of squirrel kits. With the arrival of all of these youngsters on the scene, local veterinarians and wildlife rehabilitators are getting frequent calls regarding orphaned and injured animals. Nursing a wild animal back to health takes a lot of work and dedication, not to mention time, as they often need to be hand-fed every two to three hours. In modern times, the goal is always to release rehabilitated animals back into the environment once they are capable of taking care of themselves, although that was not always the case. Early American settlers were fascinated by the fauna of their new home, and wild animals were often captured and tamed as pets. Portraits commissioned by wealthy families frequently featured these beloved curiosities, attached to their owners’ wrists by delicate gold chains. Colonists enjoyed trying to teach wild birds such as cardinals and mockingbirds to sing

popular tunes, and in the 18th century it was not uncommon to encounter pet deer wearing collars and neckerchiefs ambling down village streets, much like our Valley’s Labrador retrievers in search of attention and table scraps. Everything from beavers and otters to frogs and snakes could be found at local markets, and newspaper advertisements regarding lost wildlife or tame animals for sale read much like Craigslist ads for missing pets and chickens available for purchase do today. Two such examples from a Charleston, South Carolina, newspaper were published in 1767 and 1770, respectively: “Two tame Deer, a Buck and a Doe, to be sold by Francis Nicholson, in King-street.” “Stolen or Strayed out of my Yard this Morning, a Young Deer, his Horns just coming out, and is stiff in his hind legs, by being crampt in the Waggen which brought him to Town…Charles Crouch.” Of the myriad forest creatures being welcomed into elite households, squirrels were among the most popular. At one point they were such common members of the household that an 1851 book on pet care dedicated more pages to squirrels than rabbits, and one could purchase a tinlined squirrel cage, complete with running wheel, at the lo-

Portrait of Elizabeth Eliot (Mrs. Gershom Burr) by Ralph Earl, 1798.

cal pet store. Though a tame wild animal may seem like a cute novelty, their very lack of domestication led to household headaches—apparently it was impossible to keep raccoons from raiding the pantry on midnight snack runs, for instance—and the practice fell out of fashion. Now it is often illegal to keep wild animals as pets, due to a mix of concerns over conservation, animal welfare and human safety. If you find a wild animal in distress, please contact a licensed wildlife rehabilitator, veterinarian, or the Idaho Department of Fish and Game for advice on what to do. Sarah Bahan grew up in the Wood River Valley and is currently a veterinarian at Sawtooth Animal Center



Support Idaho Gives on May 4

Idaho’s largest single day of giving—Idaho Gives—is coming up on Thursday, May 4, and I want to challenge the Wood River Valley community to come together and support local causes that are doing amazing work right here in our own backyards. Idaho Gives is the only single day of online giving across the state where ANY nonprofit that has signed up to participate can receive donations. And the goal this year is big—really big. The Idaho Nonprofit Center has set out to raise $1.2 million for Idaho causes! That’s $1 for every adult Idahoan in our state. This is a chance for nonprofits to increase their donor base, raise awareness for their causes and, most importantly, raise critical funds to continue their work in our communities. And it’s an opportunity for donors to make a major impact. Many people are familiar with Idaho Gives but may not understand the crucial services provided by Idaho nonprofits and how those services affect our community. Idaho has over 6,000 registered nonprofit organizations that bring over $5 billion in revenue to our state. And they employ over 50,000 people. These organizations support kids, families, seniors, animals, the arts, education, the environment and so much more. Think about concerts or plays you’ve attended recently, or education services provided to your kids, or a 5K you may have participated in—these are all nonprofit organizations that bring immeasurable value to our community and we must work together to support these organizations and the work they do. Visit IdahoGives.org and browse the list of participating causes, or search for your favorite nonprofit organization. The simple online giving form will guide you through the process—with proceeds going directly to the organization you choose. I hope you will join me in supporting all the great nonprofit work done in Idaho during Idaho Gives 2017. Let’s show the rest of the state how strong we are here in the Wood River Valley. Marcia Liebich Idaho Nonprofit Center Board of Directors


BCSD Financial Focus Is On The Line

Blaine County School District has a weight problem. Even before our new superintendent arrived, BCSD administrative expenses had become bloated. We hoped that the new superintendent would see and begin to remedy this problem, but exactly the opposite has happened. While enrollment has increased 2.5 percent since she arrived, the superintendent has enlarged the number of administrative positions 21 percent, adding a data and testing coordinator, a district program coordinator, and an assistant to the Communications Department head. She also received a raise herself, from $168,000 to $174,000 this year. We need a change! More money than ever is being diverted from the classroom and into administrative expenses, due to misplaced priorities. Two school board trustee seats are up for election on May 16: Zone 2 and Zone 4. (To find your zone, call 208-788-5510 or go to the County Elections Office website. Early voting is also possible, until May 12.) Cami Bustos (Zone 2) has proven herself to be a steady, independent voice for refocusing our tax dollars on the students and classroom. On the other hand, Rob Clayton (Zone 4) has proved a big disappointment to many. He has consistently supported the superintendent’s spending practices despite public clamor against them. Here voters have a chance to elect John Galgano, a hardworking, knowledgeable straight-shooter who has stated publicly that he would prioritize spending in the classroom rather than administration. Please help our school district be the best that it can be, starting with selecting trustees who commit themselves to focusing our taxpayer dollars on the classroom and not the administration. Vote for Cami Bustos for Zone 2 and John Galgano for Zone 4 BCSD trustee! They will do the job that our community needs them to do—hold the superintendent accountable and redirect spending to the kids, not the administration. Pamela Plowman Hailey resident


Vote Yes on 1% LOT for Air

As a board member at Sun Valley Economic Development, the Ketchum Innovation Center and the Sun Valley Institute, my focus has been on growing our year-round economy by growing local businesses. An economy that functions well year-round means that our community will be both resilient and welcoming to new businesses. The 1% LOT for Air program helps our local businesses by bringing tourists to the region, and by making it possible for businesses to recruit employees and support their remote customers. It’s about creating community stability through both visitors AND jobs. I encourage local residents to support this very important program by voting YES on the 1% LOT for Air renewal initiative on May 16. Rick LeFaivre Sun Valley resident


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M AY 3 - 9, 2017



Elena is a member of Senior Connection and a loving mother. Photo courtesy of Senior Connection


“Life doesn’t come with a manual—it comes with a mother.” - Katie Pavlich Mother’s Day is coming up on May 14. You may be a mother, have a mother or have friends who are mothers— all deserve to be honored and celebrated throughout the year, but especially on this day. There are some tried-andtrue gifts that are still popular with mothers. They include flowers, candy, cards and beautiful motherly accessories like scarves and jewelry. If it’s difficult to shop for the mother in your life, explore gift cards and magazine subscriptions, which can be enjoyed for a long time. Breakfast in bed can be a big winner, too. But a vacuum, water softener or garbage disposal—maybe not so much. Maybe it’s time to branch out a little and be creative. How about a gift that includes you, the giver, and creates fond memories? Looking ahead with a promise of a date, you can share tickets to a movie, a play, a concert, a fashion show, an event with the Sun Valley Center for the Arts or a day at the Sun Valley Jazz and Music Festival. For no charge, you can be your mother’s companion at the Sun Valley Summer Symphony series or simply attend a beautiful church service together. She might enjoy a shopping trip around the Valley or an enjoyable evening taking part in one of Ketchum’s Gallery Walks. It’s fun to stroll through the art festivals and antique fairs, too. Whether you live near your mother or far away, she will value spending time with you above all else, if

only on Skype or the telephone. There are lots of fun activities that the entire family can appreciate. Yummy brunch, a day trip to Redfish Lake filled with hiking and rafting nearby, maybe a barbecue with family and friends—these are activities that all ages can enjoy, as participants or spectators. You also might enjoy a quieter end to the day. Try playing cards or board games, singing around the piano or toasting marshmallows in a fire pit for s’mores. Elena, a beloved Senior Connection member, told us about some Mexican traditions for celebrating Mother’s Day. Typically, there is a large family potluck meal that includes ham, enchiladas, tamales and maybe margaritas. Gifts aren’t necessarily exchanged, but there will be a candy-filled piñata for the children. No matter how you choose to spend Mother’s Day, you may acknowledge that this is her day and pamper her as much as you can. If she is lucky enough to receive handmade coupons from children, encourage her to take advantage of any kid coupons for chores and hugs. These make the best gifts! Executive director of Senior Connection, Teresa Beahen Lipman is both a mother and a daughter. The May edition of the monthly Senior Connection newsletter highlights the invaluable lessons her mother, Joyce Beahen, taught her over the years. Call Senior Connection if you’d like to be on the mailing list for the monthly newsletter, (208) 788-3468. You are invited to a Mother’s Day brunch at Senior Connection from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday, May 12.

“These girls and boys come in with such dedication and commitment—it amazes me,” said Nicole Ching, SVB executive director. Photo courtesy of Sun Valley Ballet


Sun Valley Ballet Presents Its Spring Showcase



tudents at the Sun Valley Ballet School will wrap up the school’s 39th season with its Spring Showcase. A fun, fast paced show, the Spring Showcase will take place at 7 p.m., Friday May 5 and Saturday, May 6, at the Community Campus theatre in Hailey. There will be 110 children, ages 3 to17, involved in this production. The Spring Showcase gives all the school’s dancers an opportunity to step outside the traditional ballet box and perform jazz, modern and lyrical ballet. Some students will even make their Wood River Valley stage debut. Sun Valley Ballet strives to provide high-level dance instruction and performance opportunities in a diverse program, where any child who wishes to dance may do so, regardless of means. The program additionally encourages participation for both males and females, regardless of skill level. This performance will be a culmination of the year’s work. “Act I is a culmination of all the styles of dance we teach,” said Nicole Ching, SVB executive director. “This is a favorite of the dancers because they can showcase all their different talents with lyrical, jazz, tap, hip-hop and ballet. A great highlight will be the competition team performing one of their gold medal, judges’ choice and purple diamond winning jazz pieces. The threeyear-olds are also a crowd favorite and normally steal the show.” In Act II of the production, excerpts from the ballet classic “Coppélia” will be featured. Based on two short stories by E.T.A. Hoffmann, Der

Act II of the production will feature excerpts from the ballet classic “Coppélia.” Photo courtesy of Sun Valley Ballet

Sandmann (The Sandman) and Die Puppe (The Doll), “Coppélia” eventually became the most performed ballet at the Théâtre Impérial de l’Opéra in Paris. “‘Coppélia’ was chosen because it is a classic comedic ballet,” explained Ching. “It has all the basic elements of a classic ballet and allows students to grasp the technique and learn how to project themselves on stage.” Sophia Bernbaum and Lucca Vernoy, the eldest students at SVB, will be featured in the showcase. A sophomore at Wood River High School, Bernbaum will play the part of Coppélia in the second act. “Sophia has been with Sun Valley Ballet since she was two years old and has been an absolute pleasure to watch grow and mature in her love for dance,” said Ching. Vernoy is a sophomore at Community School and has been with SVB since she was three. She is also playing a lead role in “Coppélia” as Swanhilda.

According to Ching, the best part of putting together a ballet is watching the growth of the dancers. “These girls and boys come in with such dedication and commitment—it amazes me,” she said. “They start out frustrated by new steps, but ready to learn. Over the weeks and months of rehearsal, their techniques strengthen, their confidence grows and their smiles and performances shine. To me, this is the best part. Once they step onto that stage, they feel strong, they blossom and they can enjoy their performance.” General admission tickets for the SVB Spring Showcase are available now at Chapter One Bookstore in Ketchum or Harrison Insurance in Hailey: $20 per adult, $15 per child or student. Reserved tickets, at $25 per person, are available online at sunvalleyballet.com.


T H E W E E K LY S U N • M AY 3 - 9, 2017

EVENTS CALENDAR, CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE MINDFULNESS & YOGA WITH RYAN REDMAN WEDNESDAY MAY 3 NOON TO 1PM / 1030 AIRPORT WAY / HAILEY Spend a midday hour with Ryan Redman practicing mindfulness and yoga. Mats will be provided at this free event.

FREE BLOOD PRESSURE CHECKS WEDNESDAY MAY 3 1-3PM / HAILEY POST OFFICE St. Luke’s Wood River Medical Center will offer free blood pressure checks at the Hailey Post Office. No appointment is necessary. Hailey Post Office blood pressure checks will be offered the first Wednesday of the month through October. Call St. Luke’s Center for Community Health for more information at (208) 727-8733.

SPRING SCIENCE SERIES WEDNESDAY MAY 3 6-7PM / COMMUNITY CAMPUS / HAILEY The Environmental Resource Center and College of Southern Idaho will host the third presentation of the ERC’s Spring Science Series. Pete Coppollilo, executive director of Working Dogs for Conservation, will provide information about conservation dogs and give a live demonstration of the work conservation dogs do. This presentation will take place in the Queen of the Hills room at the Community Campus is Hailey. All ages are welcome to attend this free program. The Spring Science Series is associated with the ERC’s Spring Exploration Series, a program that brings experts from various scientific fields to all second- and third-grade students in the public and private schools of Blaine County during the school day. For more information visit ercsv.org.

FLOOD PREPAREDNESS MEETING WEDNESDAY MAY 3 6:30 COMMUNITY CAMPUS / HAILEY The 2017 cumulative stream flow for Big Wood River in Hailey is ahead of 1983 record to date. The basin snow-water equivalent is at 215 percent of the normal flow. A flood meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 3 at the Community Campus in Hailey. The meeting is open to the public but specifically open to residents who reside in flood prone areas. Highlighted will be preparedness, property owner responsibilities, emergency response, local resources and utilities. For more information (208) 788-5570 ext. 1177.

COLLEGE COUNSELING TALK WEDNESDAY MAY 3 6PM/ COMMUNITY SCHOOL / SUN VALLEY Community School’s College Counseling office will present “Behind the Scenes of Selective College Admissions,” on 6 p.m. Wednesday, May 3. The presentation will feature speaker Bob Massa, senior vice president for Enrollment and Institutional Planning for Drew University in Madison, N.J. Massa’s presentation will provide insight into the college admissions process “from the other side of the table,” and how college admissions officers make the tough decisions. He brings a wealth of professional experience in the college admissions world including positions at Lafayette College, Dickinson College, Johns Hopkins University, and Colgate University. The event is free and open to the public and will take place in the Big Room of Hagenbuch Hall for the Creative Arts & Middle School. For more information about the event, call (208) 622-3960, ext. 107.




Stroke is a neurological deficit resulting from an interruption of blood supply to the brain. Stroke is one of the leading causes of disability and death, and is highly resistant to treatment. The interruption of blood flow and oxygen causes the affected area of the brain to shut down and possibly die. Within approximately six minutes, oxygen depletion creates an umbra. This tissue is dead and cannot be reanimated. Surrounding the umbra is an area called the penumbra. These are idling neurons. They simply don’t get enough oxygen to fire and function properly. Until 1990 it was believed the penumbra would die within 30 to 60 minutes. In that year, Dr. Richard A. Neubauer published a paper in The Lancet demonstrating the survival of the penumbra 14 years later in a 60-year-old patient. The patient recovered partial neurological function using hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT). At this time, there is no proven method to determine recoverable neurons, so prognosis is difficult. Repairing the brain is a slow process. Current case studies show promising results with the use of HBOT several years after the incident. Thirty animal studies

and 25-30 human studies published on HBOT and stroke show improvements in both the acute and chronic stages. A PLOS-ONE Report, Jan. 15, 2013, states results indicate that HBOT can lead to significant neurological improvements in post-stroke patients even at chronic late stages. In the U.S., there are two indications currently being treated with HBOT that are essentially strokes: Central retinal arterial occlusion (blockage in the retinal artery) and sudden acute hearing loss (blockage in the auditory artery). In the U.S., a stroke in the brain is not treated with HBOT in the hospital setting. It is considered off-label and is generally not covered by health insurance. In many parts of the world, HBOT is a common treatment for stroke. In Italy, if you have a stroke and are taken to the hospital, they have three hours to have you in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber or they may be considered negligent. This article is for informational purposes only and not to be considered medical advice. For further information contact Phil Rainey, Hyperbarics of Sun Valley, at (208) 928-7477.

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childhood memories are cooking with my chefsTHERAPY strive for(HBOT) grandmother and mother.AT OfAallCELLULAR L HYPERBARICany OXYGEN - OXYGEN SATURATION fresh, high-quality • Autism • Crohn’sthe diseaseMichelin-star restaurants • Parkinson’s disease • Burns • Fibromyalgia • Plastic surgery healing ingredients, but I’ve worked in, I’ve never healing • Cancer • Frostbite • Post-operative • Carbon monoxide poisoning • Inflammation • Post traumatic stress disorder Christian Phernetton takes it to experienced anything quite as • Cardiovascular disorders • Lyme disease • Skin grafts • Cerebral new Palsy level. Earlier this • Multiple sclerosis • Stroke a whole nourishing as with them. • Chronic pain • Near drowning • Traumatic brain injuries and year, Phernetton launched • Damage caused by radiation therapy The • Non-healing wounds past concussive syndrome Chef’s Farm (thechefsfarm. What’s your definition of hyperbaricsofsunvalley.com com),(208) a 928-7477 local organic mealof Sun “good food”? | Hyperbarics Valley, 21 Comet Lane, Suite A, Hailey, ID 833 delivery business built around Whole food that is farm-fresh produce, much of nutritionally dense and freshly which he grows on his family’s harvested. farm in Camas County. As our 2017 Wood River Valley Who is your food hero? HarvestFest restaurant liaison, Curtis Stone, a.k.a. Phernetton will facilitate the “The Urban Farmer” direct connection between (theurbanfarmer.co). I hope to farmer and chef—a critical inspire as many people with component to increasing local my concepts as he has with his. procurement. Here’s what Phernetton said What is your biggest wish when asked about his new for food system change? business and hopes for the I’d like to see more small future: farms instead of megafarms and for organic farming to gain Why did you start The celebrity status. Most farmers Chef’s Farm? in our current food system are I saw a need to help facilitate approaching retirement. It’s the a paradigm shift in the current perfect opportunity for young food system. entrepreneurs to make serious change. You only use organic ingredients. Why? Non-organic food is directly related to all modern health issues: mental, obesity and autoimmune diseases.


Who inspired your interest in preparing food?


T H E W E E K LY S U N •

M AY 3 - 9, 2017


THURSDAY MAY 4 5-7PM / HEMINGWAY ELEMENTARY / KETCHUM View the artistic and literary accomplishments of all Hemingway students in their 26th annual Hemingway School Art and Literature Fair. Hemingway students will have some of their work on display. Bring the family and come celebrate education.

HEAL NATURALLY THURSDAY MAY 4 5:30-6:30PM / HAILEY PUBLIC LIBRARY Learn how to heal depression and anxiety naturally with Dr. Maria Maricich. Discover how to spot brain dysfunction and what can be done to stop it. Come to this free presentation to learn more. Text “askdrmaria” to 442-22 to save a seat. Maricich specializes in Functional Neurology and has been practicing Functional Medicine and Network Chiropractic for over 25 years. Visit DrMariaMaricich.com to learn more.

ENVIRONMENTAL MEETING THURSDAY MAY 4 6-7PM / 110 5TH ST. W. #201 / KETCHUM The Environmental Resource Center and Idaho Conservation League will meet at the ICL Ketchum office for this bimonthly Environmental Advocates Alliance meeting. For the first 30 minutes of the program, participants will learn about local, state and national legislation focused on a relevant environmental issue. Participants will then have the opportunity to learn which tools are available to them and what actions they can take to make their voices heard on issues that are important to them. Time and materials will be provided during the second half of the program for participants to take immediate action should they choose. All community members are welcome to attend. On the first Thursday of every other month at 6 p.m., ERC and ICL staff will host an Environmental Advocates Alliance program focused on a variety of important local, state and national environmental issues. For more information visit ercsv.org.

BUG ZOO & FESTIVAL SAT MAY 6-THURS MAY 18 11AM TO 3PM / SAWTOOTH BOTANICAL GARDEN / KETCHUM Sawtooth Botanical G a rde n’s enor mously popular Bug Zoo, featuring Amazing Adaptations, will be held May 6-18. The family-friendly event showcases more than 35 species of insects, reptiles and other cool critters, many of which are family pets on loan from members of the community. The Rev. Lea Colvill, from Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Hailey, will offer a Blessing of the Animals at 11 a.m. Saturday, May 6, to open Bug Zoo. Afterwards, get up close and personal with some of Bug Zoo’s insects and other amazing creatures. The kids’ activity tables include face painting, critter crafts, bug scavenger hunt, fun photo ops and cockroach races. Bring the kids and explore engaging displays while learning about fun, weird and sometimes incredibly helpful creepy crawlers. Kid-friendly food will be available for purchase. The Bug Zoo Festival is $5 for adults, $3 for children 5-18 and free for children 4 and under. Bug Zoo will be free for public viewing from 3-5 p.m. May 8-12. Visit sbgarden.org for a full schedule of activities and exhibit hours.


SCHOOL BOARD CANDIDATE FORUM THURSDAY MAY 4 6:30PM / WRHS / HAILEY Join the community for a candidate forum for Zones 2 and 4 at 6:30 p.m. in the Distance Learning Lab at Wood River High School. Cami Bustos and Kelly Green are the candidates for Zone 2, and Rob Clayton and Johnny Galgano are the candidates for Zone 4. This event is sponsored by Indivisible Blaine County.



On the first Saturday in May since 1994, hundreds of volunteers of all ages in Sun Valley, Ketchum, Hailey and Bellevue have come together to clean up their cities, neighborhoods and trails after the long winter. Participation is free and easy. Meet at one of the following locations starting at 9 a.m. to register and pick up garbage bags and gloves: ERC office in Ketchum (471 Washington Ave. N.), KB’s in Hailey (121 N. Main St.), or Memorial Park in Bellevue (between Cedar and Elm streets). Complimentary breakfast snacks and coffee will be available. Fan out to pick up trash in a chosen area until 11:30 a.m. and then come back together with fellow participants to celebrate a job well done with a free lunch provided by KB’s. During lunch, there will be raffle drawings and team and individual prizes. The ERC’s Clean Sweep event will kick off Blaine County and Southern Idaho Solid Waste’s Clean Sweep Week, where community members can drop off appliances, wood waste and tires at no charge from May 6 through May 13 at the Ohio Gulch and Carey transfer stations. For more information on this weeklong event, contact the Ohio Gulch Transfer Station at (208) 788-2351.

Ready to quit smoking? This free, five-week class held Mondays through May 22 incorporates the evidence-based stages of change model to teach attendees the tools and provide support to help them snuff out this addictive habit. South Central Public Health District will bring health education specialist Cody Orchard to lead attendees through a week-by-week strategic process to help them quit. Call St. Luke’s Center for Community Health for information or to register at (208) 727-8733.

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6PM / BLAINE COUNTY COURTHOUSE / HAILEY The Blaine County Republican Central Committee will meet at 6 p.m. Monday, May 8, in Room 300 of the Blaine County Courthouse. Questions? Contact Julie Lynn at julie@bcrwidaho.com or call (208) 720-3629.

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T H E W E E K LY S U N • M AY 3 - 9, 2017


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See answer on page 16


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T H E W E E K LY S U N • M AY 3 - 9, 2017



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answer from page 15

CLASSIC SUDOKU answer from page 15


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