AUGUST 9 - 15, 2 0 1 7 | V O L . 1 0 - N O . 3 2 | W W W . T H E W E E K L Y S U N . C O M
Environmental News Hailey Greenway Begins To Take Shape
Arts News Visiting Dancers To Work With Young Students
Community News Blaine County Fair Starts Today
“If I have to face the end of human existence, I want to look totally smoking when it happens.” ~Angeline Trevena
For more information about this photo, see “On The Cover” on page 3. Photo by Deputy Randy Lundergreen, courtesy of Blaine County Sheriff’s Office
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All Wood River Valley Studio Tour events are admission free and all ages are welcome!
T H E W E E K LY S U N • A U G U S T 9 - 15, 2017
The 49th Annual Sun Valley Center Arts & Crafts Festival will take place August 11-13 at Atkinson Park in Ketchum. For a story, see page 12. Photo courtesy of Sun Valley Center for the Arts
A U G U S T 9 - 1 5 , 2017 | VOL. 10 NO. 32
Nonprofit News Bloom Garden Offers Produce To Volunteers
The Weekly Scene This Week’s Top Photos
The Weekly Sun’s Calendar Stay In The Loop On Where To Be
ON THE COVER BLM and Blaine County fire crews create back burns to slow a fire, on Picabo Desert Road during the Mammoth Fire north of Shoshone, on Sunday night. Blaine County Sheriff’s Office deputies work in support. Photo by Deputy Randy Lundergreen, courtesy of Blaine County Sheriff’s Office Local artists & photographers interested in seeing their art on our cover page should email submissions to: (photos should be high resolution and include caption info such as who or what is in the photo, date and location).
THE WEEKLY SUN STAFF 13 W. Carbonate St. • P.O. Box 2711 Hailey, Idaho 83333 Phone: 208.928.7186 Fax: 208.928.7187 DIRECTOR OF MARKETING & AD SALES Brennan Rego • 208.720.1295 • NEWS EDITOR Dana DuGan • CALENDAR EDITOR Yanna Lantz • COPY EDITOR Patty Healey STAFF REPORTERS • Jean Jacques Bohl • Dick Dorworth • Jonathan Kane • Jennifer Smith DESIGN DIRECTOR Mandi Iverson • 208.721.7588 • PRODUCTION & DESIGN Chris Seldon • ACCOUNTING Shirley Spinelli • 208.928.7186 • PUBLISHER & EDITOR Brennan Rego • 208.720.1295 • DEADLINES Display & Community Bulletin Board Ads — Monday @ 1pm • Calendar Submissions — Friday @ 5pm Published by Idaho Sunshine Media, LLC
Gerald Arrington, 2016 Sun Valley Center Arts & Crafts Festival Best of Ceramics Winner
T H E W E E K LY S U N •
AUGUST 9 - 15, 2017
City of Ketchum Special Meetings SOLAR ECLIPSE COMMUNITY MEETING: Wednesday, August 9, at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. at the Community Library, hear the cities of Ketchum and Sun Valley, St. Luke’s Hospital, Blaine County Disaster Service, U.S. Forest Service, Idaho Tourism, Idaho Office of Emergency Management and emergency services personnel provide information on preparations for the total solar eclipse taking place on August 21. RSVP to participate@ketchumidaho.orgor 727-5077 CITY COUNCIL MEETING: The City Council meeting scheduled for August 21, 2017 has been changed to Thursday, August 17, 2017. The meeting will take place at Ketchum City Hall and will begin at 5:30 p.m. The date and time of this meeting was changed from that sent out on the tax assessment notice.
General Election on November 7 Three positions are up for election on November 7, 2017; mayor and two city council members. Each position serves a 4-year term. Declarations of Candidacy must be filed with the Ketchum City Clerk at City Hall, 480 East Ave. N. beginning on August 28 and ending on September 8, 2017 at 5 p.m. Please visit for informationand forms.
Public Notice FLOODPLAIN MANAGEMENT OVERLAY: Public Hearing will be held on Monday, August 14, 2017, at 5:30 p.m. in Ketchum City Hall. The Planning and Zoning Commission will consider the recommendation of permanent adoption of text amendments to Chapter 17.88, Floodplain Management Overlay, which City Council enacted in April 2017. DESIGN REVIEW APPLICATIONS: Planning and Zoning Commission on August 14, at 5:30 p.m. in Ketchum City Hall will consider a Design Review application for a new coffee shop proposed for 620 N. Main, a Mountain Overlay Design Review application for an addition to a single-family home located at 207 Jade Street, and Mountain Overlay Pre-Application Design Review for a new single-family homeproposed for 124 Sage Road.
Public Meetings PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Monday • Aug. 14 • 5:30 pm • City Hall CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday • Aug. 17 • 5:30 pm • City Hall
Keep Up With City News Visit to sign up for email notifications, the City eNewsletter and to followus onFacebookand Twitter. Email questions and comments to
Will Caldwell paintings
Studio visits 726-9059
Aug 19 & 20
“This is a great opportunity for our community and our river,” Scott Boettger, executive director of the Wood River Land Trust, said at this week’s second public meeting for the Hailey Greenway Master Plan (HGMP). “We’re in it together,” Kristine Hilt, code compliance specialist and floodplain manager for Blaine County, concurred. “We’ll make it work.” These sentiments were shared by most of the 30 or so attendees at the workshop. Held at the Community Campus in Hailey, the second public session focused on the health of and hopes for the Big Wood River, especially the Bullion-Street-Bridge-toColorado-Gulch reaches, which encompass the Greenway and were hammered by the recent record flooding. Jen Zung, of Harmony Design and Engineering, in Driggs, is leading the HGMP process on behalf of the landowners, the City of Hailey and the WRLT. Zung began the meeting by sharing highlights from the first session in late July, which addressed what the community would like to see at the Greenway. Highlights from the first round of feedback included: improving wayfinding from town, increasing connectivity to other lands, adding more dog waste stations, adding restrooms and water, adding camping or RV sites and other amenities, including commercial space by Lions Park, relocating snow storage, expanding the floodplain at Lions Park, and creating conveyance channels around Heagle Park. Zung explained that the next step in the HGMP process will include an online survey in September and mobile workshops and a draft plan review in October. For more questions or to give specific feedback, Zung suggested that community members email HaileyGreenway@ The meeting then switched into a more river-specific mode. Ryan Colyer, author of the recent Big Wood River Geomorphic Assessment Report, which can be read in full or in summary at Wo o d R i ve rL a n d Tr u s t .o r g , spoke about the study and shared suggestions for a stretch of the river that was ravaged by recent flooding. “The predictions were realized and exponentially more severe than expected,” Colyer said
Courtesy map from Wood River Land Trust
about the study and impacts of the recent flooding that surpassed the 500-year highwater mark in some reaches of the river, like Warm Springs, and set records for peaking between five and seven times. Colyer explained that the quantitative study showed that over 50 percent of the river had been greatly altered, and was already full of reaches that couldn’t adequately move sediment. The post-Beaver Creek Fire sediment that was added to a stressed system not only raised the river and filled channels, it also created more sediment as water ripped away banks in search of new paths. Blaine County issued close to 50 emergency stream-alteration permits to help properties that lost land to the flooding, including as much as 85 feet at one home in the north Valley, while a ranch below Bellevue had an acre eaten up by the floodwaters. Hilt said that all these permits require follow-up, further approval for long-term solutions and that the county is trying to get each landowner to think more holistically. “Everything is connected,” Colyer said. “We’re looking at the river as a whole.” Colyer, who is a fluvial morphologist for Biota Research & Consulting, in Jackson, Wyo., said that the problems the Big Wood River face are similar to what the Teton River faced
several years ago. He said that that community decided to step up and save their river after years of alteration caused the “system to unravel,” as Colyer put it. Some of the techniques used to restore the Teton River and its natural functioning, while still maintaining development and agricultural purposes along its banks, could be used on the Big Wood River. “There are approaches that can be used in the Big Wood that will restore the river in a way that it can naturally maintain itself,” Colyer said. “But it’s going to require the use of numerous tools.” When asked if the river had to be restored sequentially, Colyer said it was possible to work on any reach at any time, keeping the overall goals, health and impact in mind. The 1.5-mile stretch that covers the Hailey Greenway could be worked on at any time. Colyer estimated the project would cost from $3-$5 million, but joked he would add a footnote that those numbers could change. The good news is that the overall message of the meeting was one of hope. The HGMP and river restoration work can be accomplished. The Valley can have a river that’s functional and safe, a river that offers great recreation and wildlife habitat, but it’s going to take the whole community to make it happen.
Campfires To Be Restricted The U.S. Forest Service has issued an order restricting certain outdoor activities in the Fairfield Ranger District, Ketchum Ranger District, Sawtooth National Recreation Area and Sawtooth National Forest. Restricted in these areas are “igniting, building, maintaining, attending or using a fire outside a fire structure that is provided by the Forest Service within a designated area.” Smoking outside an enclosed vehicle or building is also prohibited. Allowable are the use of stoves or grills that are fueled solely by liquid petroleum fuels. Rescue or firefighting crews, or those with special U.S. Forest Service authorization, are exempt from the order. The order goes into effect Monday, Aug. 14 at 12:01 a.m.
T H E W E E K LY S U N •
AUGUST 9 - 15, 2017
nternational ballet comes to Sun Valley, Aug. 22–24—a gift to the community from a group of dance enthusiasts and the dancers themselves. In particular, Isabella Boylston created Ballet Sun Valley, to be held at the Sun Valley Pavilion, for her hometown. Born in Sun Valley, Boylston began dancing at the age of 3. She became a principal dancer with the New York City-based American Ballet Theatre in 2014. Among her many extracurricular activities, including producing and starring in films, Boylston works with the nonprofit National Dance Institute, which partners with public schools to offer free dance classes to kids in underserved communities. Ballet Sun Valley is Isabella’s first venture as artistic director. Along with Boylston, the three-day festival will bring 24 acclaimed dancers from around the world, including Misty Copeland, Lauren Cuthbertson, Marcelo Gomes, Kimin Kim, Maria Kochetkova, and a worldpremiere ballet with an original music score by Judd Greenstein. As part of Ballet Sun Valley’s mission, there will also be a Day for Dance Education, in which 120 young dancers from across the country will engage in free classes with some of those professional dancers. Applications were sent to
dance schools, and the word was also spread through “Isabella’s tremendous following on Instagram,” said Kate Wiehe, the executive director of Higher Ground Sun Valley, who has helped to coordinate the event. “She put the word out.” Wiehe said young dancers, ages 8 to 18, are coming from up and down the Pacific Coast, Indiana, Texas, and Arizona. These students will make up about 60 percent of the students, with the remaining 40 percent from the Sun Valley Ballet School and Footlight Dance Centre, both based in the Wood River Valley. “People putting this together —two Sun Valley residents, Dan Drackett and Robert Smelick— have been so generous,” Wiehe said. “On top of being a part of the class, the students will be given tickets to one of the two Isabella Boylston, right, rehearses under the direction of choreographer and fellow dancer, Gemma Bond. Ballet Sun Valley shows.” Classes will take place at Courtesy photo by Dane Shitagi for Ballerina Project the Wood River Community Ballet) in 2014. dancers were contacted by YMCA in Ketchum and Isabella Boylston Bond is also the Isabella. She wanted to share at Carol’s Dollar Mountain Free Talk choreographer of “eight/twentyher hometown with her friends Lodge in Sun Valley all day on 3 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. in the ballet world. Nothing like Wednesday Aug. 23. Six dancers one/seventeen,” inspired by the 23 at Limelight Hotel in this compilation of dancers has will teach the classes which will solar eclipse that will have Ketchum. include three ballet, jazz, and an its world premiere during happened in the country. And it Boylston will give a talk Ballet Sun Valley’s Program B, happens in Sun Valley.” intro to pointe. Dancer Gemma about her journey from Sun For tickets to the two Bond, a member of ABT, Thursday, Aug. 24. Valley to the top of her inThe whole event is being dance performances, visit will teach the choreography dustry as principal dancer class. One of the few female managed by Jennifer McGrath, with American Ballet Thea stage manager who worked for choreographers in the ballet atre. This is a free event but world, Bond was awarded the ABT space is limited. Register “She’s been phenomenal in fellowship grant from The New online at balletsunvalley. York Choreographic Institute putting this together remotely,” com/education. Wiehe said. “Many of the (an affiliate of New York City tws
T H E W E E K LY S U N • A U G U S T 9 - 15, 2017
2 female tabby cats lost from St. Francis Pet Clinic on Sunday, July 30th. Very shy, please call 720.2059 if you see them. They might be anywhere between Ketchum & Mid-Valley. Please check your sheds/garages/under decks.
olunteering is the middle name of the Wood River community. Of all the organizations one can spend some quality time with, The Hunger Coalition has long ranked as a favorite. Now there’s an even more attractive option: folks of all ages can invest some time at the Bloom Community Farm or The Hope Garden, both in Hailey. In exchange, they can earn a share of locally grown fruits and vegetables harvested onsite. Such a deal. The program, Volunteer for Veggies, was designed as a twoway street for locals who want to fill up on healthy, farm-fresh produce without exhausting their grocery budget. “Our first summer of Volunteer for Veggies has been a beautiful coming together of locals from all walks of life, connecting over the fun and fulfillment of planting and harvesting good food,” said Naomi Spence, associate director of The Hunger Coalition. According to a volunteer, there’s satisfaction in being able to “give back in trade for great veggies and know you are helping others, too.” During this summer, more than 120 volunteers planted crops and harvested food, sur-
Gabriel Saltos, left, helps out in The Hope Garden with her mother, Nellie Saltos, right, and son. Courtesy photo by Naomi Spence
Volunteers at the Bloom Community Farm are, from left to right, Sierra Schuckert, Rachel Shinn, Megan Schooley, Brooke Pace McKenna and Krista Felton. Food production manager Lynea Petty walks by in the background. Courtesy photo by Naomi Spence
prising everyone. “It has exceeded our expectations,” said Kristin McMahon, The Hunger Coalition’s communications and development supervisor. “It’s such an empowering program. Kids are so much more likely to eat a vegetable after planting and harvesting it.” Recently, one little girl dragged her mother around the garden, saying, “I’ve got to show you what I did.” Volunteers have been able to tote home mixed salad greens, arugula, summer squash, basil, cilantro, tomatoes, broccoli, cucumbers, carrots, beets, chard, green onions, and spinach. Together they’ve harvested a grand total of 2,150 pounds of produce. “Currently, volunteers can go home with up to 7 pounds of fresh produce per hour due to heavy crops,” said Lynea Petty,
Connection Recovery Support Group is back! Ongoing support group for people living with mental challenge; share coping strategies, offer encouragement, receive support. Every Thursday.
5:30-7 p.m. Sun Club (North Room), 731 N 1st Ave, Hailey. Info: 208-481-0686
with small independent business. Join our gardening crew to finish the growing season. Tending gardens & installing landscapes. PT now thru mid October. Good pay based on experience and attitude. Fast paced. Must be physically fit. Call Susan for details & interview 208-720-6590.
Photography of VINTAGE FIRE ENGINES, bright red and buffed. At Hailey Atkinsons’ CARD STAND, by Edith Pendl, LOCAL ARTIST.
Unique 47+ acres in Soldier Mt. foothills. 1 hr. from SV. Yearround creek, 900 sq ft slab, 1000 gal underground propane tank, septic, well, wind, solar. 208-481-2016.
Responsible, experienced & great references, housekeeper now accepting new clients. Free estimates available for: homes, condos & offices., 208-720-5973
answer from page 15
food production manager. “Folks generally take home as much as they need.” Many of the volunteers are people who don’t have gardens of their own but crave getting their hands dirty, and enjoy the camaraderie of gardening with friends. Volunteers can simply show up during volunteer hours at either garden. They are encouraged to wear long sleeves, long pants, and sturdy shoes. Sunscreen, a hat, work gloves, water and snacks are also recommended. For those working at either The Hope Garden or Bloom Community Farm, tools are provided. Groups are also welcome to join in, and all volunteers must sign a waiver before volunteering. For more information, visit
Volunteer hours through August and September: The Hope Garden • Mondays from 8:30 a.m.–10 a.m. • Wednesdays from 7 p.m.–8:30 p.m. Bloom Community Farm • Wednesday and Saturday 8:30 a.m.–10:30 a.m.
Text (up to 25 words): $5 Additional Text: 20¢ per word Photos: $5 per image • Logo: $10 Deadline: Monday at 1 p.m Space reservations:
CLASSIC SUDOKU answer from page 15
T H E W E E K LY S U N • A U G U S T 9 - 15, 2017
The Solar Eclipse Special Section
John and Lois McDonald are the 2017 Blaine County Fair grand marshals. Photo by Dana DuGan
The Blaine County Fair starts today, Wednesday, Aug. 9, and runs through Saturday, Aug. 12. The fair takes place at the Blaine County Fairgrounds in Carey, and admission and parking are free. The fair includes everything from 4-H youth and their animal showings and competition, to nightly rodeo events, as well a variety of exhibits of all types. Devra Mary has served on the Blaine County Fair Board for over five years. She said she’s enjoyed fairs since she was in kindergarten. “It’s Americana,” Mary said. “It’s tradition. It’s storytelling, and good family fun. I’ve been a fair girl for a long time, and I believe in community, and especially the tradition that’s taken place over the years here in Blaine County, since before 1950.” Other attractions include a carnival, food vendors, music, games, and a fun run on Friday at 5 p.m. Volleyball games also take place at the sand courts. There is even a Dutch-oven discus-throwing contest. “It’s really gotten competitive over the years,” Mary said. “Peo-
ple take the lid of a Dutch oven and see how far they can toss it. It’s good, down-home fun.” The Dutch-oven cook-off contest has gained momentum over the past few years. The event will take place from 2-4 p.m. on Friday. Anyone can enter the contest and fairgoers are invited to try free samples of all of the entries and cast their vote for best-tasting recipe, with the winner receiving a $100 prize. Another big part of the fair is the 4-H competition. After 4-H members show their animals, there will be a Fat Stock Sale and auction on Saturday. “A lot of work goes into the kids and their animals, as they’ve been taking care of them for months to get them ready,” Mary said. “The showings are very competitive and the money raised for most of the kids is a college savings fund.” Mary pointed out that the fair is for everyone—not just people in Carey. “We hope many people attend, as it really is something for the entire family,” she said. For more information on all of the events, visit, or call Mary at (208) 720-2990. tws
Quarter Junior Horizontal (5.78” x 3.875”) - $185 Quarter Junior Vertical (3.8” x 7.875”) - $185 Quarter (5.78” x 7.875”) - $275 Half Page (9.75” x 7.875”) - $475 Full Page (9.75” x 16”) - $675 Advertorials (you write them, we publish them)* Single Advertorial (250 words plus logo OR photo): $55 Double Advertorial (500 words plus logo AND photo): $100
*Must purchase a display ad in the special section to qualify for advertorials
Contact Brennan at 208.720.1295 or NEWS IN BRIEF
Local Artist Featured On Symphony Program
The 2017 Sun Valley Summer Symphony program book cover and official 2017 season imagery features a painting from Wood River Valley-based artist Will Caldwell. The watercolor, called “Stand of Aspens,” was painted in 1972. It was selected to help support the Symphony’s theme for the 2017 season, “Experience the Creative Spark,” akin to a community outreach initiative lead by the Symphony, titled “Share Your Creative Spark.” Inspired by intense sunlight blazing through an aspen grove on his property in early spring of 1972, Caldwell painted, framed and submitted it to an art gallery in Sun Valley. “That radiant vision began my 40-year devotion to painting the pageantry of light, from Sawtooth lakes and wildflowers, to ethnic faces in faraway places,” Caldwell said. A call from the gallery saying it had sold was a life-changing moment for him. “Music and the visual arts actualize a common creative impulse,” said Caldwell, who also co-founded two summer concert series, which he still produces, Ketch’em Alive and Jazz in the Park. “I feel lucky that two wondrous art forms occupy my time and imagination.” The Symphony encourages people to get involved by submitting written descriptions of their own “Creative Spark.” Submissions may be turned in at the Symphony store, at the main entrance of the Sun Valley Pavilion, or A participant will be chosen by random at the end of the Symphony season to be awarded a recent oil painting by Caldwell, titled “Color After Fire.” The painting, displayed at the Symphony store, was donated by Caldwell and portrays the vibrant colors of wildflowers that appear after a forest fire.
Road Sealing Project Near Ketchum Postponed
Past 4-H competitors show their animals at the Blaine County Fair. Photo courtesy of Blaine County Fair and 4-H
the weekly
Work to seal a four-mile section of Idaho Highway 75 has been delayed until after Labor Day weekend to avoid holiday traffic and other events in the Wood River Valley. The application of a micro-seal to the area between East Fork Road and the southern end of Ketchum will begin on Sept. 5 and last up to four days. Crews will be applying a micro-seal coat to the reconstructed section of Idaho 75 that was completed in 2015. A micro-seal is similar to a seal coat but the materials are premixed and placed on the roadway as slurry. Traffic can be returned to the driving surface after the product has been allowed to cure, generally accomplished in a few hours. The micro-seal, which offers the same benefits of a seal coat but without loose gravel, is often used in higher traffic areas, but is a more costly application. Depending on weather conditions, work will be allowed between 9 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. Work should be completed by Sept. 9. Drivers should watch for lane restrictions, flaggers and delays throughout the project zone. The work is part of a $762,500 contract with Intermountain Slurry Seal, Inc., of North Salt Lake, Utah.
T H E W E E K LY S U N • A U G U S T 9 - 15, 2017
arilyn P. (Kennedy) Kasputys, 80, of Lincoln, Mass., and Sun Valley, Idaho, died peacefully, surrounded by her husband and daughters, on Sunday, Feb. 5, 2017 at Lahey Hospital & Medical Center in Burlington, Mass. Marilyn was the devoted and loving wife for 62 years of Joseph E. Kasputys. One of Marilyn’s passions was ice dancing. Her passion for skating brought her to Sun Valley in 1987, where she and Joe made their second home. Marilyn loved skating at Sun Valley’s world-famous outdoor ice rink and being a part of the skating community, which includes a number of national and Olympic champions. Marilyn was also an enthusiastic skier. Marilyn was a woman of grace, style and elegance. She had a flare for fashion and interior decorating. A talented seamstress, she often created her own skating costumes and ball gowns. In addition to her husband, Marilyn’s life and memory will be cherished by her daughters: Clare Victoria Kasputys of Rockville, Md.; Patricia Jeanne Kaczorowski and husband William of Baltimore, Md.; Jacqueline Ann Albrecht and husband David of Natick, Mass.; and Veronica Joy Prudek and husband Jack of Sun Valley; her six grandchildren and three great-grandchildren; her niece, Barbara Doran; and her brother-in-law, Thomas M. Kasputys. She was also the sister of the late Herbert Joseph Kennedy, who is survived by his wife, Adrienne. A memorial service will be held at Our Lady of the Snows Catholic Church in Sun Valley,
Sunday, August 13 at 12 p.m., followed by a reception in the lower church. Please share photos and memories at http://marilyn-kasputys. Contributions in Marilyn’s memory may be made to the National Parkinson Foundation, 200 S.E. 1st Street, Suite 800, Miami, FL 33131 ( or to The Advocates, P.O. Box 3216, Hailey, ID 83333 (
Borah Basin Building at Idaho Base Camp in the Big Lost River Basin is the first public hemp facility in the U.S. Photo by Dana DuGan
Bu Ha
homas Milton Peterson was born in Twin Falls, Idaho, Dec. 2, 1942, the middle son of eight children born to Cleo and Sybile Peterson. He died better known as “Big G” or “Papi” at his home in Gannett, Idaho, on Aug. 4, 2017. Tom is survived by his wife of 56 years, Judith A. McKenzie, his four children, 10 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. His four children are: Tracy Peterson (Vee Van Hook) of Carey, Pam Tidwell (Curtis Tidwell) of Bellevue, Travis Peterson of Gannett, and Tyler Peterson (Jennifer Liebrum) of Bellevue. Known best as Tommy while growing up in Carey, he graduated from Carey High School, where he lettered in track and served as captain of the football team. He farmed daily with his father, milked cows, fed the cattle and sheep and participated in 4-H. Tommy picked up the guitar in high school, which became a lifelong passion. The challenging circumstances of juggling chores, sports and school brought the siblings close. Tommy is survived by his siblings, Buzz Peterson (Carol), Judy Justesen (Larry), Ronnie Peterson (Anita), Skip Peterson (Trudy), Marty Peterson (Gail), and Greg Peterson, and was preceded in death by sister, Patricia Sparks (Larry), and his parents. At 15, Tommy began his journey to adulthood. He met Judy at a Bellevue dance when his uncle introduced him to his children’s babysitter. They danced to “I Walk the Line‚” and dated for the next four years. They married on Dec. 23, 1960, and Tom joined the U.S. Army. Stationed in Germany for three years, Tommy served in the Cavalry Unit as Specialist Four E4. Judy and the couple’s first son, Tracy, joined him the last year of his tour of duty. Judy returned to Hailey to give birth to their daughter, Pam, while Tom finished up his assignment at Fort Lewis in Washington. The small family moved to Richfield, where Tom worked at the local cheese factory before moving to Hailey, and started working for Sun Valley Company as a lift operator, painter, and grounds crewman. He had two more sons, Travis and Tyler. Tom joined Sun Valley Custom Painting
and then went out on his own as T&J Painting. He continued farming throughout his life, hauling hay and wood, from a parcel on Baseline Road (which Judy playfully called Old McDonald’s Farm for the various critters), and then to the old Gannett Post Office, which they remodeled, and where they lived for the last 35-plus years. Many will remember Tom and Judy as bus drivers for the Blaine County School District, too. Tom started playing bass guitar with his brother-inlaw, Marvin McKenzie, Don Litzinger and Jim Burk, forming a band called “The Country Gentlemen.” They played at the Silver Dollar in Bellevue and other local haunts throughout the Valley for many years. Tom gave up the bar scene when he became a Christian, but continued to play upon invitation at weddings, funerals and special occasions, among them his beloved daughter Pam’s wedding, his twin granddaughters’ first birthday party (where Gracers took her first steps dancing for her grandpa), and at the Three Island Crossing re-enactment in 2003. Tom’s hobbies included bowling (many trophies earned), horses, playing horseshoes and, especially, salmon fishing. He enjoyed the outdoors, hunting and camping, and any chance to beat grandchildren Teea, Patrick, Lacey, Bryan, Sydney, Nic, Chelsea, Mackenzie, Gracie and Devon at cards. Great-grandchildren Lexie, Josh, Dez and Aryia were his latest targets. Tom was well-loved and will be deeply missed by many, including longtime friends Dale and Jeanne Ewersen. Services will be held today Wednesday, Aug. 9, 2017, at 11 a.m. at the Life Church in Hailey. Funeral arrangements were made by Wood River Chapel, with graveside services with military honors to follow at the Hailey Cemetery. A reception back at the Life Church will be hosted by the Life Church and Tom’s home church, Wood River Assembly of God. In lieu of flowers, the family asks for a donation to Wounded Warriors or Make-A-Wish Idaho. Please visit Tom’s memorial page at www. to share a memory or photo and light a candle.
Cherie and Rick Kessler pose at the Sawtooth Botanical Garden’s annual fundraiser Wednesda Photo by Dana DuGan
Tim Nelson, in full costume, and Ellen Gillespie enjoy the Far East fundraiser last Wednesday night. Photo by Dana DuGan
Amy Taylor, left, of Sun Valley, and Hay catch up at the SBG Far East party. Pho
A long-tailed weasel in its summer coat near upper Amber Lake last week. Photo by Steve Deffé
AB riff
T H E W E E K LY S U N • A U G U S T 9 - 15, 2017
Chicago Nonstop Flight Is Added For Winter Season
Serving the Wood River Valley, Friedman Memorial Airport in Hailey will have a seventh nonstop flight beginning Dec. 23, 2017. A new United Airlines nonstop flight will connect Chicago to Sun Valley. The flight from O’Hare International Airport (ORD) to Sun Valley (SUN) will operate weekly, on Saturdays, for the winter season, with a break in service during January and early February. Specific flight dates are Dec. 23, 30, Jan. 6, Feb. 17, 24, March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31. The 76-seat Embraer E175 regional jet will depart Chicago at 9 a.m. to arrive in Sun Valley’s Friedman Memorial Airport at 11:48 a.m. It will depart at 12:25 p.m. with an O’Hare arrival at 4:50 p.m. Fly Sun Valley Alliance, Sun Valley Resort and Friedman Memorial Airport worked in partnership to secure the new Chicago service, which will add a seventh nonstop Sun Valley market. This increases the total to four new nonstop cities with service to SUN added in the past three years—San Francisco, Denver and Portland, and now Chicago. Other cities with nonstop flight service to SUN include Salt Lake City, Seattle and Los Angeles. “The addition of the weekly nonstop flight from Chicago is another positive step for air access to Sun Valley, particularly from one of the largest ski markets in the U.S.,” said Carol Waller, Fly Sun Valley Alliance director. “Most other Rocky Mountain resorts have nonstop winter service from Chicago, so this new flight will help us be more competitive in attracting more of those destination ski visitors, while also providing new nonstop access for local travelers.” The new ORD-SUN winter flights are now available for booking at
Mammoth Fire Update
urt Gershater, right, speaks at the opening of the Borah Basin Building on Saturday. His son Matt Gershater, rear, of ailey, is the owner operator of Idaho BaseCamp, with his wife Whitney McNees Gershater. Photo by Dana DuGan
The Mammoth Fire north of Shoshone was mapped at 50,182 acres Monday morning, according to the Bureau of Land Management. But by 8 p.m. that night, it was 100 percent contained, said BLM spokesperson Kelsey Brizendine. The fire had more than doubled in size over the weekend, growing from 20,000 acres Saturday evening to an estimated 47,000 acres on Sunday. An earlier estimate from the BLM showed the fire had grown to 60,000 acres, but that estimate was later revised. On Friday, the fire destroyed one home and two secondary structures, but crews kept the fire from damaging any more buildings over the weekend. Saturday evening, the fire threatened to knock out electrical power to the Wood River Valley, but that threat was gone by Sunday morning. “We had resources working on the fire from all over,” Brizendine said Tuesday afternoon. “They’re being released today, too.”
Join The Library LitWalk 2017
The Sawtooth Botanical Garden is all dressed up for its Far East fundraiser last week. Photo by Dana DuGan
yley Andrews, of New York City, oto by Dana DuGan
Larry Flynn did the emcee honors at the Sawtooth Botanical Garden’s annual fundraiser. Photo by Dana DuGan
BLM action, fire crews work on a back burn on Picabo Desert Road, Sunday. Courtesy photo by Blaine County Sherff’s Office Deputy Randy Lundergreen
The Community Library in Ketchum will host the 2017 LitWalk—an evening to celebrate a community that reads, writes, creates, and connects. Event attendees will stroll through Ketchum, enjoying “tastes” of literature and great food at library locations, including the main library, Gold Mine Consign and Thrift, and the Sun Valley Museum of History along with Chapter One Bookstore, and the Wood River Valley Studio Tour Artists’ Reception at the Ketchum Conference and Events Center on Sun Valley Road. At the main library, author Bryan Brewer will discuss his book, “Eclipse,” which will help prepare readers for this once-in-a-lifetime event. Free eclipse viewing glasses will also be available. Campfire Stories will be another highlight of the 2017 LitWalk, with local writers and actors including Jana Arnold, Tony Evans, Mariel Hemingway, David Janeski, Diane Josephy Peavey, Matt Leidecker, Nick Neely, Sarah Sentilles, David Seidler, and Julie Weston. A food and beverage pass for $15 gives participants access to small bites and refreshments from Sun Valley Resort Catering, Rasberrys, Cristina’s, The Pioneer Saloon, Sawtooth Brewery, Globus, Three Little Pigs, Town Square Tavern, Bread Werks, KB’s, Leadville Espresso House, and Albertsons.
Be A Host For Trailing Of The Sheep Festival
Community members can be a part of the Trailing of the Sheep Festival by hosting participants during the Trailing of the Sheep Festival in early Octobers. As the Festival grows, so does the need for lodging. Since most of the events are offered either free or at a very low cost, support is a vital part of the Festival’s success. Guests might be musicians, storytellers, dancers, performers, artists or cultural groups. If you’re able to donate space, contact Trailing of the Sheep at (208) 720-0585 or
Flights Into Friedman Interrupted by Smoke
On Sunday, Aug. 6, Alaska, United and Delta airlines canceled scheduled flights into Friedman Memorial Airport in Hailey due to low visibility from the Mammoth Fire north of Shoshone. Delta and Alaska were able to land the scheduled 11 p.m. flights when there was a higher ceiling. The Federal Aviation Administration had a temporary flight restriction south of the airport, said Chris Pomeroy, airport manager. The air space was closed due to the Mammoth Fire “There was less than two miles’ visibility most of the day,” said Pomeroy. “It’s like wintertime visibility. It’s up to the air carriers and airlines.” Though still smoky on Monday, flights had returned to normal, although many passengers were unable to get flights until a day later.
T H E W E E K LY S U N • A U G U S T 9 - 15, 2017
Fishing R epoRt
e have waited a long time for a good Grasshopper season. We now have a GREAT Hopper season underway! One of the greatest joys in fly fishing is, without question, “The Hopper Take.” We wait months and months and months as fly anglers for the opportunity to throw the big bug. We see the Brown Drake early season and the Salmon Fly on a few rivers and get the opportunity to cast big dry flies. Then every few years we get Hoppers in fantastic numbers. When it happens, it seems to happen on all of our rivers. This season, the South Fork of the Boise set the bar high early, with Hopper action practically tied to the Salmon Fly hatch. The Hoppers continue to grow and be eaten on the South Fork. Driftboats are the way to go if you want to cover a lot of water with a big foam Hopper. We carry the Morrish Hopper in pink and tan. The Hopper/Dropper rig on any river right now is not a bad way to go. On Silver Creek, think pure, and forgo the Dropper so you can see the big “Inhale” on the flat water. Silver Creek is still fishing well with Damsels when the wind is down. The Stalcup Damsel in blue or tan is the fly these fish really want to eat. The Callibaetis hatches and spinner falls seem to be growing again, as the size drops to nearly an 18. Try to find small size 16 patterns or big 18s. Tricos continue to bring up pods of fish if you are in the right place. If it’s 9 a.m. and you aren’t seeing fish podded up, think about trying a completely new area. Both the Upper and Lower Lost rivers are fishing well with a Hopper or Hopper/Dropper setup. The downriver flows are still challenging, but the tributaries like the North and East Forks are fishable. The flows on the Lower Lost are still challenging to wade while staying in the river channel, but some Crane Fly action and some Nymphing will catch fish. In most runs, the Hopper is a great searching pattern. The Big Wood is providing anglers with broad smiles as everyone learns new spots and new runs that the fish have also learned and love. Those medium-sized attractors, both wet and dry, are the way to go. Oh, and HOPPERS! Happy fishing, everyone!
Hwy 20 in Picabo (208)788.3536
any of us have been blessed with living with an incredibly smart puppy or dog. Usually smart is aligned with the description of precocious, devious— and actually sometimes dumb! The brilliant puppy can be a challenge to live with, or a nightmare, depending on how you approach it. But, the most important thing is to take puppies for who they are, give them things to keep their dazzling minds busy and nurtured, but also keep them safe. My time off going to rehab from my heart attack has given me some special time to spend with my dogs, in particular Mariah. Mariah is now 10 months old and her brain and energy are off the charts. One of the challenges with Mariah is that she is not food motivated. In fact, when I first got her, the only thing that motivated her was to chase and bite—as in chasing the big dogs and taking chunks of their fur out when she could. And, the big dogs never disciplined her. I had to change my approach to get this puppy to focus on me. I took all the other dogs away. There was no longer any playtime with the other dogs, which was very distressing for her. But when she discovered toys, life was fun again. When I introduced the toys, I also controlled the toys. She only got her toy when she did the behaviors I asked for. Mostly, that was “sit” and “watch.” Then I introduced “down” and “leave it.” And, of course, the command, “Get the toy.” Whew! Then I began letting Mariah offer me behaviors to get the toy or ball from me. This became great fun for her and really cemented our relationship with each other. She would bring me a toy, then sit, then down, and then put her head on the ground. At that point I
Mariah and her stash of toys. Photo by Fran Jewell
would gently toss the toy and she would retrieve it. This combined all her skills into a very fun game for her. Since I have been home, I have been giving Mariah more freedom in the house. Prior to now, it has been a challenge to keep her from destroying everything, or even laying down to relax. She just had too many things to explore! I have had to confine her with something interesting, like a bully stick or bone, if I couldn’t watch her. Finally, after all this time, I began gradual freedom instead of risking her hurting herself or destroying my house. Today, I took a bath and left Mariah out in the house free. Soon, the door flung open and in she walked, shocked to see all that water in the house instead of her swimming pool. She turned and went out. Shortly, she comes in with an old bone in her mouth and drops it in the tub. This is a game she plays in her
swimming pool. Next, she brought a ball, then another, then my slipper. She would drop the “toy” and go through her offered routine. I didn’t want to encourage the play in the bathroom, so I ignored her. Shortly, she laid down and settled. The point to this is that living with a brilliant dog can mean you have to be creative, especially if traditional food training doesn’t work. Each dog is different. We become better owners and, ultimately, trainers, when we listen to our dogs and work with their strengths to help them grow instead of being overwhelmed with frustration. Fran Jewell is an Idaho Press Club award-winning columnist, IAABC-certified dog behavior consultant, NADOI-certified instructor #1096 and the owner of Positive Puppy Dog Training, LLC, in Sun Valley. For more information, visit
Dear readers, Early on Monday morning, July 17, Fran Jewell—a longtime contributor to The Weekly Sun’s Commentary section with her dearly loved “No Bones About It” dog-training column—suffered a heart attack and was flown to
St. Luke’s Magic Valley Medical Center in Twin Falls. Fran is on the road to recovery, and needs our help. I have always considered Fran’s column to be a true gift to our community; now it’s time for us, as a community, to return the favor, in whatever way we can. I
have set up a GoFundMe account to help with her medical and living expenses. In just two weeks, we as a community raised over $3,500 for Fran. Let’s keep it going! To contribute, visit gofundme. com/fran-jewells-medical-fund. Fran sends her love to her read-
ers and to all those who have contributed. She’ll keep writing, but not quite yet. Let’s come together now to help Fran in her time of need, Brennan Rego Publisher
inner core. Lightly etched lines ran down the length of the white, a reminder of past insect life. There were simple straight lines to complicated tattoo-like patterns. I observed grooves or tunnels and radiating lines. Each etched line is indicative of the signature track of a specific insect. The patterns were intricate and intriguing. The creamy-white inner core of the blackened trees joined with the whites of the lily and the silvers of the lupine to seize the rays of the sun and toss the beams back and forth between themselves, generating shimmers of light that flitted over the hillside. A rainstorm had occurred the previous day and on this particular morning vapor was rising from the ground with the warmth of the rising sun. All of these glinting lights were like ghostly specters sculpting a spiritual world, paying homage to the bygone days of the scorched woods.
few days ago I took a quick excursion to Baker Lake. Wildflowers abound right now along the trail of the entire hike. The fireweed is at its height. The bright pink against the black bark of the burnt trees is an amazing pop-art exhibition. But what really caught my eye were the white mariposa lilies mixed in with the silver lupine, which extended up a hillside. The rays of the sun were just cresting over the hill and the plants were sparkling. The whites of the mariposa lilies were glinting and the silver tones of the lupine were catching the reflected light. The two flowers intertwined together created quite a glow. Interspersed with the flowers were the blackened tree trunks from the Beaver Creek Fire. On some of the trees the burnt bark had peeled off, exposing the inner core. This inner core is very smooth and a creamy-white color. Leslie Rego is an Idaho Press Club Leslie Rego, “Ghostly Specters,” black and white At times, only a portion of the bark had peeled award-winning columnist, artist and Blaine charcoal, colored pencils. off, leaving a startling contrast between the County resident. To view more of Rego’s art, black of the burnt area and the white of the visit
T H E W E E K LY S U N •
AUGUST 9 - 15, 2017
of equipment, were fitted appropriately and sent off with a smile. We marveled at not even having y now most of us have heard about the to give credit card numbers! Later that day, my amazing total eclipse of the sun occurring friend was slightly injured, and when we returned on August 21. Most of us have probably the skis, we were met with kindness and, anothalready heard of masses of tourists heading our er surprise, a refund for the following two days’ way to view it from our nearby mountaintops or rental. Later, my friend and her family moved up in northern neighbor towns like Stanley, where it here, and then when I followed about a year later, will be visible for about a minute we recalled that happy exchange longer than it will be in the Wood with that business. Now, after livRiver Valley. As well, most of our ing here for so long, I still mainresidents may have mixed feelings tain that we possess a remarkable about the influx of people on our tradition of welcome, warmth and one highway and their needs for hospitality. necessities, and for campsites or One virtue that requires continother places to perch. Certainly, our ual practice is patience, a characmerchants welcome the chance to teristic that may be very necessary enhance our tourist economy, but in during the weekend and then the the back of their minds may lurk a Monday of the eclipse. I am planfear of overcrowding and the resulning on staying close to home to tant chaos. watch (one doesn’t need a peak Shopping just a few days ago to see it; just look up—with your on a very hot and hazy afternoon, JoEllen Collins—a longtime special glasses, of course). I even resident of the Wood River I realized that, as in most of the Valley— is an Idaho Press plan to stock up on food and other peak seasons, I could not avoid the Club award-winning colum- things I might need during the inthrongs of visitors trying to find nist, a teacher, writer, fabric flux of out-of-towners. I may well parking places, riding bikes in the artist, choir member and privately snivel a bit about the trafmiddle of the street, and stopping unabashedly proud grandma fic and bewail the crush of people people to ask directions. Usually known as “Bibi Jo.” everywhere, but I also intend to be none of this bothers me unduly, and gracious, smile, and welcome our I always remain friendly and open to our guests. visitors. I will fight the temptation to exercise After all, we “locals” enjoy this special place all any components of a mob mentality or negative the time and should remember to spread the joy responses to what stress there might be. After all, to those not lucky enough to live and work here. we are known to be gracious hosts, and all of us, When I first came to Sun Valley over 35 years including our guests, should be able to enjoy this ago, I rented skis at Pete Lane’s shop at the re- spectacular event together. tws sort. My friend and I bought three days’ worth
Ike Buxton at bat for the Wood River Wolverines. Photo courtesy of Nancy Buxton
f you have spent any time around a campfire or watched a sunset across an alpine lake this summer, it is likely that you have enjoyed the thrill of bats flitting about, foraging for insects. Bats make up the Order Chiroptera and are the only mammals that can truly fly. This trait, among others, is clearly of great benefit because there are approximately 1,000 species of bats in the world. Bats account for nearly a quarter of all mammal species! Bats can be further divided into two suborders: Megachiroptera and Microchiroptera (known as megabats and microbats, respectively, though there is significant size overlap between them). Megabats consist of approximately 200 species of Old World fruit bats, including the flying foxes. These species are crepuscular and rely on their vision to forage for fruit and nectar during twilight hours. Flying foxes are the largest species of bats, with wingspans of up to 5 to 6 feet and weighing 2.2 pounds! By contrast, the smallest documented species is a microbat, known as the bumblebee bat, which, true to its name, is only about 1 inch long and weighs about 0.07 ounces, making it arguably the smallest mammal in the world. Despite such whopping size differences that span orders of magnitude, there is significant overlap in the size of species split between the megabat and microbat suborders. Most bats belong to the latter — Microchi roptera — and are nocturnal insectivores. Mi-
Male silver-haired bat. Photo by Larisa Bishop-Boros via Wikimedia Commons
crobats rely on echolocation to navigate and hunt prey at night, though they are still fully visual despite the phrase “as blind as a bat.” Echolocation consists of a bat emitting ultrasonic sound waves, which are too high for humans to hear, from its mouth or nose. When the sound waves hit an object, they are reflected back as “echoes,” which give a bat an auditory image of its surroundings. Using echolocation, bats can detect objects as fine as a human hair, allowing them to hunt small insects like mosquitoes. Though it is unlikely that mosquitoes make up the bulk of any bat’s diet, research suggests that bats can make a significant impact on local mosquito populations. Though many bats catch insects on the wing, others also pick them from foliage and off the ground. Depending on their energy needs, bats can eat anywhere from 50–100 percent of their body weight per night! Idaho is home to 14 species of bats, all of which are insec-
tivorous microbats. They live in dark, cool spaces such as caves and mines and spend winters hibernating or in a state of torpor. White-nose syndrome, a devastating fungal disease, has killed hundreds of thousands of bats in the U.S. Originating in the Northeast, the disease has been steadily spreading south and westward and is now found in over 30 states. Luckily for our local bat populations, the disease has not been documented in Idaho yet. Rabies is relatively rare in bats, though it has been found in the Valley before. If you need to handle a bat, be sure to do so with thick gloves or heavy material, such as a towel, to avoid direct contact. Should you be bitten by a bat, be sure to contact your doctor and a public health official immediately. Sarah Bahan grew up in the Wood River Valley and currently works as a veterinarian at Sawtooth Animal Center in Bellevue.
ke Buxton, entering his senior year at Wood River High School, is passionate about the game of baseball, as he displays his talents on the field for the Wolverines. Carrying a 3.8 grade point average and a member of National Honor Society, Buxton excels in Advanced Placement U.S. History, Psychology, Environmental Science, Language and Composition, and Spanish. This year he will be tackling Calculus A/B, Biology, Government and Macro/Micro Economics. Along with academics, Buxton plays three sports—football, hockey and baseball—with the latter his main focus. “I’m really sports-centered, and baseball is my favorite,” Buxton said. “I like the anticipation of action, whether that’s in fielding or hitting. It’s action-packed. It’s also really hard to play, especially if you consider how much you fail. In Major League baseball, if you fail seven out of 10 times, you can still be considered a great player. You need so much focus and strength of mind to accomplish something.” Buxton also appreciates what it means to play a team sport. “You have a deep connection with your teammates and you build lasting friendships with your peers,” he said. “I’ve played on teams where everyone was best friends and on teams where no one knows each other. It can change your whole attitude toward the game. Good friends can help you through it, and help you accomplish your
goals.” Buxton also thrives on the mental part of the game. “I like how the game is not just physical, but it combines the mental factor on both sides of the game. You can appreciate a physically talented player as well as a smart player.” Buxton started playing at 4 years old, in T-ball. “My earliest memories were of playing catch in the living room with my dad,” he said.” I think I picked up a baseball before I could walk. I also remember playing wiffle ball in the snow in the driveway with my family.” Buxton hit his first home run at 8 years old. “It led to our first win of the season,” he said. “We were beating Salmon 20-1 and I hit a grand. It was funny because I didn’t think it would go over, so I kept on running and ended up passing a teammate, who was then called out. “Everyone was so excited and actually we ended up only winning two games that season. But it was so great doing something special for the team and my best friends.” On varsity, Buxton plays pretty much everywhere and bats in the four hole. “Last year I averaged .465 and I feel like I can hit pretty much anything. I’ve especially put a lot of work into hitting the curveball and the changeup. “Next year is looking pretty good for us as we have six seniors returning. We lost some players to graduation but we have some good kids coming up. I’m excited to get going.” tws
This Student Spotlight brought to you by the Blaine County School District
Our mission is to inspire, engage, educate, and empower every student.
T H E W E E K LY S U N •
AUGUST 9 - 15, 2017
t seems likely that e ve r yo n e in Blaine County is aware of the coming total eclipse of the sun. We are located in what will be the epicenter of the viewing area. It’s probably safe to say that it will affect each of us in some way, maybe with a financial boost for a business, NASA Public Domain photo a day off from work, or aggravating congestion and traffic jams. Some of us will choose to stay home, avoid the crowds and packed streets, and watch the eclipse from the front yard. Why is the eclipse such a big event? On the morning of Monday, Aug. 21, a total solar eclipse will be visible across the entire United States. For the first time in over 100 years, the total eclipse will be seen from coast to coast from within a 70-mile-wide corridor that stretches from Oregon to South Carolina. People in all of the lower 48 states will be able to see at least a partial eclipse. Because we are in the center of that 70-mile band, we’ll get a large influx of visitors to the Wood River Valley from around the world. When the moon starts to block the sun from view at 10:12 a.m., shadows and then eventual darkness will fall on our towns, mountains and open spaces. The total eclipse will begin at 11:29 a.m. and last for about two minutes. The moon ends its blockage of the sun at about 12:53 p.m. The eclipse will be visible to the naked eye, but don’t look directly at it before and after, to avoid damage to your eyes. Special viewing glasses are available throughout the Wood River Valley, at little or no cost. It’s likely that the stores and businesses offering them may run out of the glasses soon, so plan ahead. Because of the huge number of visitors expected to travel to and through our area, we have been advised by the Blaine County Sheriff’s Office to prepare for the long weekend of the eclipse. • Stay off the roads as much as possible. You may become trapped in extreme traffic jams. • Keep drinking water, food, a first-aid kit and a blanket in your car—you may be stuck for hours. • Avoid pulling off the road to pass or park. Hot cars can start wildfires. • Gas up your car by Thursday to avoid long lines. Get some cash. • Stock up on water and groceries by Thursday. • Avoid going to movies, restaurants, eclipse gatherings, stores—anything that might put you on the roads. • Transportation, urgent care and emergency services may become overloaded. • There may be a cell-service overload, due to a vast increase in phone use. Use a landline or send a text instead. • If you must go out, call ahead. Many banks and businesses will be closed on eclipse day. • Use 9-1-1 only in a real emergency. The non-emergency phone number is (208) 578-3831. Teresa Beahen Lipman, Senior Connection executive director, would like to remind everyone that the Senior Connection will be closed on the day of the eclipse, Monday, Aug. 21. Stay safe.
This three-day outdoor exhibition will feature 130 artists, works include a wide range of unique handmade fine arts and crafts. Photo courtesy of Sun Valley Center
49th Annual Sun Valley Center Arts & Crafts BY YANNA LANTZ
elebrate art and the mountain lifestyle with the 49th Annual Sun Valley Center Arts & Crafts Festival, to be held at Atkinson Park in Ketchum, Friday through Sunday, Aug. 11-13. Drawing artists, craftspeople and visitors from around the country, this ever-popular community event is admission free. “The Arts & Crafts Festival is a celebration of contemporary fine art and craft,” said Katelyn Foley, director of Education & Humanities and interim festival director for the Sun Valley Center for the Arts. “It is a gathering of contemporary artists from all over the U.S. and Canada, selling their work. The Festival is juried, meaning that all artists have applied and their work has been reviewed by a jury of local community members.” This three-day outdoor exhibition will feature 130 artists, whose works include a wide range of unique handmade fine arts and crafts—from painting, photography, fiber and ceramic, to metal, jewelry and woodwork. Exhibiting artists and craftspeople are selected through a rigorous jury process, ensuring truly exceptional work in all categories. According to Art Fair SourceBook, a comprehensive guide to the top-selling art fairs and craft shows around the country, the Sun Valley Center Arts & Crafts Festival is ranked in the top 100 fine art festivals in the nation. “Popular returning artists include previous best-of-show winner Gerald Arrington, ceramics; Jim Brown, printmaking; and Alison Antleman, jewelry,” Foley said.
The Kids Activity Area is open from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. each day. Photo courtesy of Sun Valley Center for the Arts
“New artists include Elliot Stith, woodwork, and Olive Parker, jewelry.” In addition to the arts and crafts exhibition, the Festival includes free artist demonstrations from 1-4 p.m. daily. Each day will feature a different local artist working on a project for the duration of the demonstration. Attendees of the Festival are encouraged to drop in and see what they are making, ask questions about their process and check on their progress throughout the afternoon. On Friday, observe abstract painting with Sarah Davies. On Saturday, join furniture maker Wes Walsworth. Finally, Sunday will feature a metalwork demonstration by Mark Sheehan. The Kids’ Activity Area is open from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. each day. Children under the age of 8 are welcome with an adult who is ready, willing and able to help them create art. Children ages 8-12 may work alone but cannot leave the craft area unattended. In addition to craft projects, a scavenger hunt can be picked up
at the Kids’ Area that will take Festivalgoers throughout the artist booths and back to The Center for more activities. There will be no live music this year, but multiple food vendors will be onsite to satisfy any cravings. “Food vendors include KB’s, The Haven, The Smokey Bone BBQ, Sun Valley Brewery, Toni’s Ice Cream and Wood River Sustainability Center,” Foley said. The Festival is held at Atkinson Park, adjacent to Hemingway Elementary School in Ketchum. Guests are reminded that, per Atkinson Park rules, no dogs are permitted on the Festival grounds. Festival hours are from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. on Friday, and from 10 a.m. -5 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. For a daily schedule of events and to learn more about the Festival, visit or call (208) 726-9491.
T H E W E E K LY S U N •
AUGUST 9 - 15, 2017
The Hikin’ Buddies program, hosted by the Animal Shelter of the Wood River Valley, is held weekly at the Adams Gulch trailhead in Ketchum from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Attendees can take a shelter dog for a hike, or hang out and socialize some of the smaller dogs. No appointment is necessary; dogs go out on hikes on a first-come, first-served basis. Additionally, the shelter will now be doing adoptions at Adams Gulch during Hikin’ Buddies. An adoption counselor will be onsite to help complete the adoption process.
5:30PM / DUCK POND / SUN VALLEY INN The Toy Store will host its 37th annual Doll Buggy Parade, themed “Sun, Moon And Stars.” Meet at the Inn duck pond and stroll to the Pavilion lawn to stay for the Sun Valley Summer Symphony Family Concert after the parade, which has the same theme.
KETCHUM COMMUNITY DINNERS WEDNESDAY AUGUST 9 6-7PM / CHURCH OF THE BIG WOOD / KETCHUM Weekly free hot dinners are provided to anyone who wishes to join. Find Ketchum Community Dinners on Facebook for more information and weekly menu updates.
‘SUN, MOON AND STARS’ WEDNESDAY AUGUST 9 6:30PM / SUN VALLEY PAVILION Music is truly universal in the Family Concert this year, as the Sun Valley Summer Symphony will sample a variety of music of the spheres. Celestial favorites, from Strauss and Mozart to Holst and more, will accompany a musical journey into space. This free concert is part of the Sun Valley Summer Symphony Orchestra Festival. Visit to learn more.
BROOKS HARTELL WED AUG 9-SAT AUG 12 6:30-9:30PM / DUCHIN LOUNGE / SUN VALLEY Enjoy music by Brooks Hartell at the Duchin Lounge from 6:30-9:30 p.m.
HAILEY FARMERS’ MARKET THURSDAY AUGUST 10 3-7PM / E. CARBONATE STREET / HAILEY The Hailey Farmers’ Market is now located on the east side of Main Street, on Carbonate Street. Vendors offer a great variety of fresh produce, prepared foods and crafts. Sun Valley Brewery has a beer garden set up, plus live music through the evening. Food trucks will rotate through weekly. For more information visit
GROUND TRANSPORTATION SUMMIT THURSDAY AUGUST 10 3:30-5PM / ZIONS BANK / KETCHUM Interested in ground transportation options to Friedman Memorial Airport? Mountain Rides will host a discussion for all interested community members on Aug. 10. The meeting will take place at Zions Bank second-floor meeting room (311 N. Main St., Ketchum). RSVP to
he dog days of summer are here and wild food is abundant, especially if you know where to find it. On hikes, the sweet smell of wild mint often greets me, thorny wild raspberries scrape my knees, and darkblue huckleberries provide welcome nourishment. If Photo accessed via Wikimedia you’re interested in identifying Commons and harvesting food from the wild, let this be a beginner’s state fruit, only grows in the guide, but always have a plant wild. Huckleberry shrubs identification book along with typically grow from 2-6 feet tall and are found on lower you. Stinging nettle is commonly mountain slopes. The leaves foraged in Idaho. When cooked, are thin with pointed tips, it tastes similar to spinach, and have dark purple (to blue) contains many vitamins, and berries growing in clusters. Wild raspberries can be is a good source of both iron and protein. Stinging-nettle found wherever a bird “drops” leaves are dark green and its seeds, often in sunny spots heart-shaped, with serrations alongside trails. Raspberry along the leaf edge. Run your bushes have thorny stems and finger along the leaf; if it stings, spade-shaped leaves that are you’ve found it. Or, better yet, toothed along the edges. We’re lucky to have so many wear gloves. Before eating, boil the leaves for a few minutes delicious wild foods that grow to neutralize the stinging just out our back door. Happy chemicals, then enjoy as pesto foraging. for pasta and in summer salads. Wild mint grows along many shaded trails. Easily identified by its smell, mint often has a small group of purple to white flowers at the top with leaves growing in pairs on either side of the stalk. Mint aids digestion and complements many cold drinks—try a fresh-mint and ginger lemonade. The huckleberry, Idaho’s
s there anything more enjoyable than going for a walk on your favorite nature trail with man’s best friend? It seems like the morning couldn’t get more perfect until you look down at Fluffy. Your once beautiful companion has turned into a walking burr cushion. Welcome to this week’s noxious weed: Photo by Zeynel Cebeci, accessed houndstongue. While you spend the next via Wikimedia Commons half hour tediously picking little oval burrs off your dog, you will have plenty of time alkaloids, making it poisonous for us to educate you about this to livestock and horses. noxious menace. If you find a large Houndstongue is a biennial, infestation of houndstongue, or short-lived perennial, which call the Blaine County Weed reproduces by barbed seeds Department. Remember to that readily adhere to fur, hair, remove houndstongue burrs in and wool. The first year, the the field so as to not spread the plant develops a rosette with infestation to new sites. If there hairy, linear leaves that range are just a few plants, pull them from 10-30 cm in length. Plants and bag them so they don’t typically grow from 35-140 cm drop their seeds and further tall the second year. spread the problem. The reddish-purple, fivelobed flowers bloom June through August. Each plant produces an average of 500 seeds, which are composed of four prickly nutlets, each approximately 1 cm in length. Houndstongue’s ability to spread has created serious problems on rangeland and pastures where the plant quickly colonizes disturbed sites and heavily grazed areas in riparian zones. Houndstongue contains pyrrolizidine
T H E W E E K LY S U N •
AUGUST 9 - 15, 2017
Enjoy free music at Mahoney’s Bar & Grill this and every Thursday night at 6:30 p.m. This week, jam with Sequestrado.
Catch rock ‘n’ roll’s diamond in the muff, Thunderpussy, direct from Seattle. The quartet of musicians will appear live at the Hot Water Inn, located at 100 Picabo Street, Ketchum. Call (626) 484-3021 for more information.
GROUP EXHIBIT FRIDAY AUGUST 11 10AM-5PM / KETCHUM CONFERENCE & EVENT CENTERS Work by Wood River Valley Studio Tour artists will be on exhibit at the Ketchum Conference & Event Center in the Walnut Avenue Mall at 660 Sun Valley Road. Access to the daily exhibition is free and open to everyone.
The Sawtooth Interpretive & Historical Association 10th annual Forum and Lecture Series will continue at the Stanley Museum. This summer the Sawtooth Forum and Lecture Series is themed “Fins, Feathers, and Features of Idaho.” This week, Dr. Steven Pauley, dark sky aficionado, will present “Small Potatoes: How We Fit in the Cosmos.” The Sawtooth Interpretive & Historical Association is a nonprofit, member-based organization. All programs are free of charge, but donations are gladly accepted. For more information on programs and membership, visit
Every Sunday, fly a kite sponsored by Pete Lane’s Outdoor Adventure Center or bring a kite to the Sun Valley Pavilion lawn and fly with Pete Lane’s experts. All ages and abilities are welcome.
CZECH MATES SUNDAY AUGUST 13 6:30PM / SUN VALLEY PAVILION Two of the greatest Czech composers, Janáček and Dvořák, were good friends, and the elder Dvořák was a strong influence on Janáček musically. This night’s three works will span 50 years of composition, running the expressive gamut: sparkling humor, nostalgia and triumph. This free concert is part of the Sun Valley Summer Symphony Orchestra Festival. Visit to learn more.
NOTHING BUT HEROES FRIDAY AUGUST 11 9:30PM / SILVER DOLLAR / BELLEVUE Head to the Silver Dollar Saloon in Bellevue for free music shows every Friday night. This week, catch Nothing But Heroes at 9:30 p.m.
The inimitable Joe Fos entertains with timeless piano music at the Duchin Lounge from 7-10 p.m.
Join the Sawtooth Botanical Garden and Idaho Native Plant Society for this popular summer wildflower walk series to some of the area’s most diverse and spectacular habitats. Walks are free and happen rain or shine. Participants should bring appropriate outerwear, sturdy walking shoes, water, sunscreen, a hat and lunch. This week, explore Trail Creek Summit with John Shelly, INPS president and retired U.S. Forest Service plant specialist. The trip will start at 8:30 a.m. at the Sawtooth Botanical Garden, 11 Gimlet Road, four miles south of Ketchum. Carpooling from SBG will be encouraged and helps reduce the group’s environmental footprint. Visit to learn more.
BRASSTACULAR MONDAY AUGUST 14 6:30PM / SUN VALLEY PAVILION Maestro Alasdair Neale calls this evening, “Another ‘only-in-Sun Valley’ concert.” This will be arguably the largest gathering of the finest orchestral trumpeters performing repertoire certain to challenge their expertise and delight the audience. This free concert is part of the Sun Valley Summer Symphony Orchestra Festival. Visit svsummersymphony. org to learn more.
Music in the Village is back! Join locals and visitors on the patio of the Boiler Room in the Sun Valley Village for live music from local favorites, The Kim Stocking Band.
The Ketchum Farmers’ Market is located on East Fourth Street, just east of Atkinsons’ Market and Giacobbi Square. Shop for locally grown organic fruits, vegetables, flowers, meats, baked goods and more available weekly at the Market. The Market is held weekly on Tuesdays through Oct. 10.
SYMPHONIC HERO SATURDAY AUGUST 12 6:30PM / SUN VALLEY PAVILION Richard Strauss will bring audience members on an epic journey in his grand-tone poem, portraying the friends, enemies, deeds and death of his autobiographical Hero, who struggles valiantly “toward the elevation of the soul.” This free concert is part of the Sun Valley Summer Symphony Orchestra Festival. Visit to learn more.
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AUGUST 9 - 15, 2017
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PIANO Boston UP-118E upright piano. Immaculate condition. Mahogany color. $6,500. Text andrew 208-720-1006 for photos and any questions.
The Classic Sudoku is a number placing puzzle based on a 9x9 grid with several given numbers. The object is to place the numbers 1 to 9 in the empty squares so that each row, each column and each 3x3 box contains the same number only once.
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See answer on page 6
PONTOON BOAT 9ft. bucks bag pontoon boat, complete-new in box. made in Boise. With rack.$725. Dewey 480-945-0468
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ent for the home 720-9206 or 788-0216 nsignment the homefor the home 509 S. Main Street • Bellevue, Idaho
Wednesday through Saturday Wednesday Wednesday - Friday Wednesday - Friday 11:00to to 5:00 ednesday - Friday 11 to 611 to 6 available by appointment 11 to 6Always Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday and if we’re here. 11 to 5 to 4 11 or to 788-0216 411 720-9206 11 to 4
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See answer on page 6
PM Thunderstorms 50%
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PM Thunderstorms 40%
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T H E W E E K LY S U N • A U G U S T 9 - 15, 2017
ITD Making Plans For A Safe And Enjoyable Eclipse Aug. 21
In two weeks, thousands of people from around the world are expected to hit the road in Idaho to see the Great American Eclipse pass across the state. Idaho Transportation Department reminds drivers there are a few things to keep in mind to have a safe and enjoyable experience. Before, during and after the event, the ITD will maintain normal traffic patterns and will not change any lane directions. Lanes that are typically northbound will remain northbound throughout the eclipse weekend. Traffic is expected to increase around prime viewing areas in the path of totality. ITD is taking steps to keep traffic moving in those areas during the eclipse—construction and maintenance projects will be suspended where possible, response teams will be deployed to assist disabled vehicles, and digital message boards will provide drivers with traffic information. Rest areas will remain open to the public but overnight camping will not be allowed. Drivers are also asked not to park on the roadway, shoulders, or emergency turnouts during the eclipse. Heavy congestion and delays are expected in the days around the eclipse. For the latest road conditions, visit
Applications Sought For Freight-Related Infrastructure The Idaho Transportation Department is accepting applications through Aug. 25 for funding to improve freight-related infrastructure in Idaho. The department will distribute $10 million in federal funding for freight-related projects. The projects are required to take place between the years 2021-2024.
Applications will be judged based on adding road capacity to address highway freight bottlenecks, the physical separation of passenger vehicles from commercial motor freight, and electronic cargo or border-security technologies that improve truck freight movement. Additional criteria is traffic-signal optimization, including synchronized and adaptive signals; climbing and runaway-truck lanes, among other criteria. Those with questions about the application process can contact Jeff Marker at or at (208) 334-8462.
Nominate A Hometown Hero
The Idaho’s Hometown Hero Organization Committee wants to know, “Who is your hero?” It is currently accepting nominations for the 2017 Idaho’s Hometown Hero Medal. The selected medalists will be honored at the 7th Annual Idaho Hometown Hero Awards Ceremony, Gala Celebration and charity partner Exposition on Saturday, Sept. 9 at the Stephens Performing Arts Center in Pocatello. Established in 2011, Idaho’s Hometown Hero Medal pays tribute to those who show unique characteristics and achievements while displaying remarkable commitment to creating better and safer communities across the state of Idaho. Fahim Rahim, co-founder with his brother Naeem Rahim, of Idaho’s Hometown Hero Medal, will address “Overcoming Adversity” in his keynote speech. The selected medalists are a handful of distinguished Idaho citizens who characterize a life dedicated to the Idaho method of hard work, self-improvement and community service, while embodying the spirit of philanthropy and showing a remarkable commitment to the improvement of Idaho in both their personal and professional lives. Idaho’s Hometown Hero Medal is a nonprofit organization sponsored by the JRM Foundation for Humanity. Visit to make a nomination.
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