27 September 20017

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F R E E | SEPTEMBER 27 - OCTOBER 3, 2 0 1 7 | V O L . 1 0 - N O . 3 9 | W W W . T H E W E E K L Y S U N . C O M


Accident News Bellevue Man Recovers At Home After Paragliding Accident


Idaho News Marsy’s Law For Idaho Is Introduced At Statehouse

“Poetry is a sort of homecoming.”


Election News Ketchum City Council Candidates Discuss Plans

~Paul Celan

Jamie Ellison, a VOICE paraprofessional with the Blaine County School District, walks in Wood River High School’s Homecoming parade with his dog Cellie, who was sporting... For more information about this photo, see “On The Cover” on page 3. Photo by Dana DuGan

“Romantic! Virtuosic!” —Time Out New York

by Tanya Barfield

SEP 27–OCT 14


T H E W E E K LY S U N •






or years, Jake Harris, 36, has hiked up and, strapped into his paraglider, jumped off of China Rock along Cowcatcher Ridge to the east of Bellevue almost every day. “Sometimes I do it more than once a day,” he said in an interview with The Weekly Sun. But no longer. Harris, a Bellevue resident, was flying at 6:30 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 17 when he experienced technical difficulties with one of his wings and, while attempting to land “wherever” he could find, crashed onto the deck of a house at 516 North 7th Street in Bellevue. This is Harris’s second serious accident in less than a decade. Though the sport is his passion, he will now stick to the ground. “This opened my eyes a little bit, since I have a son,” he said. “I’m probably going to hang up the chute for mountains now; do some kite boarding and have fun that way. I know people who’ve had crashes and died, and others who have had multiple surgeries. I never had to have surgeries and don’t want a third crash.” Harris’s first flight was April 19, 2009. On April 1, 2010 he crashed while paragliding off of Red Devil Mountain, just north of Hailey. That time he bruised his internal organs, broke his back in 12 places, ripped ligaments around his ribs, and perforated both lungs. Despite the recovery period, six weeks and four days later Harris flew again. And nine weeks later he did his first BASE jump. “I got right back up on the horse,” he said. “I heal pretty well. Luckily, I’m a real good healer.” On Sunday, however, Harris said he is “not sure what happened.” “The right trimmer wouldn’t lock into place,” he said. “It was a new wing, but I’d flown at least 100 flights on it. It wouldn’t go into fast, so I had to slip both wings into slow. I knew I had to make an emergency landing wherever I could.” Contrary to a previous report in another local publication, Harris wasn’t trying to land at his own house. “It was light wind and the last thing I saw was my wing tips together, then I woke up at the hospital in Boise,” Harris said. Kelly Wardell, who lives on North 6th Street in Bellevue, heard his dog barking and saw Harris’s chute collapse into itself. Wardell and his significant other, Barb Patterson, are accustomed to watching for Harris when he jumps, as do others in the neighborhood. Wardell and Patterson ran over when Harris hit the deck. The homeowner, Jeff Crandall, called 911. Harris can be heard moaning in a video captured on his GoPro camera. “I was coherent, and talking, but don’t remember any of it,” he said. “I always wear a helmet, but I was having a hard time breathing, so Barb removed the helmet.”

NEWS IN BRIEF Little Black Dress Club Kicks Off Open Granting Event The Little Black Dress Club Wood River will open its granting process to any and all philanthropic-minded women, on Sunday, Oct. 2, at 5 p.m. at the Sawtooth Botanical Garden. Previously, the grant award process was only accessible to current members. Now the club is using a format that requires no previous commitment or ongoing involvement. To participate in the new process, all that is required is attendance at the event with a donation of $100. Women who cannot attend, but would like to participate, can send a $100 check with another participant or mail a check made out to the organization selected for funding. Any attendee can nominate a nonprofit organization located in Blaine County for funding. Five organizations will be selected for short presentations on why the organization should receive funding and what the funds will be used to support. Event attendees make the presentations, rather than the organizations’ boards or staff. Granting events will take place three times a year. For more information and a guideline for preparing for a presentation, visit lbdcwr.org.

Harris was taken by air ambulance to St. Alphonsus Regional Medical Center in Boise, something he sadly doesn’t remember, he said, since it would have meant another flying experience. “I broke my T11 vertebrae, broke my pelvis, three ribs, and my tailbone,” Harris said while recovering at home. “I’ve been sending footage out to some pro buddies who fly for Red Bull Air Force. I must have stalled the wing out. I was up there quite a ways. I’m just really, really lucky. “I’ve never flown my chute in slow,” he continued. “I watched it at about half trim. It wouldn’t hold and I didn’t have enough time to come up with another game plan. I was dropping down, like you’d see a parachute do.” The crash occured just three and a half minutes into the flight. Harris was able to walk, with his walker, for a little while over the weekend, but will have a long recovery period. And he hopes to return to work as a roofer. “Standing on a roof will certainly be better than slamming into it,” he said. There is a GoFundMe account to help with Harris’s medical expenses. Visit www.gofundme.com/4gacc74.


Jake Harris, above, is known for his quirky costumes while paragliding over his hometown. And, below, despite his injuries, he gives a thumbs-up after coming home from Saint Alphonsus Regional Medical Center in Boise. Photos by Mandi Iverson

On a more successful flight, Jake Harris flies off Cowcatcher ridge in Bellevue. Courtesy photo by Jake Harris


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MAYOR NINA VOTE | VOLUNTEER | DONATE Paid for by Re-elect Nina Jonas Campaign

T H E W E E K LY S U N • S E P T E M B E R 27 - O C T O B E R 3, 2017


jane’s artifacts arts / / crafts / / papers / / office / / party

Hailey’s Mini-Mall : The IT Store BAZIC PRODUCTS

Company of Fools will explore life in love with “Bright Half Life” from Sept. 27-Oct. 14 at the Liberty Theatre in Hailey. For a story, see page 12. Photo by Kirsten Shultz, courtesy of Company of Fools

THIS WEEK S E P T E M B E R 2 7 - O C T O B E R 3 , 2017 | VOL. 10 NO. 39


Community News


The Weekly Scene

Historic Church Rings In Recent Nuptials This Week’s Top Photos


The Weekly Sun’s Calendar Stay In The Loop On Where To Be

ON THE COVER Continued from page 1: …an actual wolverine pelt in a show of spirit for the Wood River Wolverines. For more homecoming photos, see “The Weekly Scene” on pages 8-9. Photo by Dana DuGan

Local artists & photographers interested in seeing their art on our cover page should email submissions to: mandi@ theweeklysun.com (photos should be high resolution and include caption info such as who or what is in the photo, date and location).




Asst Colors






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THE WEEKLY SUN STAFF 13 W. Carbonate St. • P.O. Box 2711 Hailey, Idaho 83333 Phone: 208.928.7186 Fax: 208.928.7187 AD SALES Brennan Rego • 208.720.1295 • brennan@theweeklysun.com NEWS EDITOR Dana DuGan • news@theweeklysun.com CALENDAR EDITOR Yanna Lantz • calendar@theweeklysun.com COPY EDITOR Patty Healey STAFF REPORTERS • JoEllen Collins • Dick Dorworth • Raine Kidder • Maria Prekeges • Jennifer Holly Smith news@theweeklysun.com DESIGN DIRECTOR Mandi Iverson • 208.721.7588 • mandi@theweeklysun.com PRODUCTION & DESIGN Chris Seldon • production@theweeklysun.com ACCOUNTING Shirley Spinelli • 208.928.7186 • accounting@theweeklysun.com PUBLISHER & EDITOR Brennan Rego • 208.720.1295 • publisher@theweeklysun.com DEADLINES Display & Community Bulletin Board Ads — Monday @ 1pm brennan@theweeklysun.com • bulletin@theweeklysun.com Calendar Submissions — Friday @ 5pm calendar@theweeklysun.com www.TheWeeklySun.com Published by Idaho Sunshine Media, LLC

by Tanya Barfield

SEP 27–OCT 14

A rapid-fire freefall through a life in love.

Liberty Theatre, Hailey


208.578.9122 • sunvalleycenter.org Company of Fools’ 22nd season sponsors are Anonymous, The Shubert Foundation, Carr Foundation, Linda & Bob Edwards, Ken Lewis, Scott Miley Roofing, Priscilla Pittiglio, Linda & Bill Potter, Mary Ann & John Underwood, Barbara & Stanley Zax and media sponsor The Weekly Sun



T H E W E E K LY S U N •




City of Ketchum Take Me Out to the Ball Game! Don’t miss the first pitch, thrown by Mayor Nina Jonas, to celebrate the reopening of the Little League field at Atkinson Park. Reconstruction of the field was made possible through the generous donation of the Atkinson Family for a new scoreboard and extensive field work by the City of Ketchum. The event takes place on Saturday, Sept. 30, beginning at 11 a.m. Join us for food and drink. Baseballs and hats go to the first 50 kids! Then, stay for the field’s inaugural game.

Fire Negotiations Continue On Wednesday, Sept. 27, contract negotiations will continue between the City of Ketchum and Ketchum Firefighters Local #4758. This is a public meeting and will take place at The Community Library in the Young Adult Room from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. This meeting is open to the public.

Proposal Request to Develop at 6th & Leadville The city is requesting proposals for a development project that could consist of rental community housing and public parking or a public parking structure on city property at the corner of 6th St. and Leadville Ave. Visit ketchumidaho.org/rfp for full description.

Join the Ketchum Team! The City of Ketchum has a variety of jobs available. For full job descriptions and application, visit ketchumidaho.org/jobs.

Public Meetings CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday • October 2 • 5:30 pm • City Hall

PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Monday • October 9 • 5:30 pm • City Hall

Keep Up With City News Visit ketchumidaho.org to sign up for email notifications, the City eNewsletter and to follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Email questions and comments to participate@ketchumidaho.org.



Ad Reservation Deadline Is Approaching!




n a recent bright, crisp, fall day in September, a wedding took place at the historic Community Baptist Church in Hailey. It’s the first time in more than a decade the church hosted a wedding, due to the slow decline of the old building and the congregation itself. The church stands tall on a corner lot with brilliant green grass and understated landscaping that enhances the architecture of the building. Julia and Dennis Beckley, of Hailey, were drawn to the church as the site of their wedding ceremony because of the historical view from the outside and the classic aesthetic of the interior architecture. Pastor Dave Cesko performed the ceremony and the bride and groom rang the bells afterwards. The belfry, a very integral part of church architecture, is an elaborate space that includes holes for the sounds of the bells ringing to flow through. Its historical significance lies in being the structure that houses the bells, the ringing of which is tantamount to a church’s communication and connection to the community, most notably to call those to service or prayer but also, historically, to alert the surrounding citizenry of fires or other threats. Renovations to the belfry were made by securing and replacing parts of the structure. “It is an asset to the community and a great fulfillment to the congregation to have the church restored,” said Ken Worthington, a member of the congregation familiar with the project. Community Baptist Church recently completed the first phase of planned renovations to the original church, which was built as a Methodist sanctuary in 1880. Volunteers, grants and donations from the community helped the congregation complete the work on the first phase of restorations. Inside the vaulted space is a new coat of paint where the arched windows have been fixed and repainted. The once deteriorating roof that caused runoff to flood through the basement windows, rendering it useless, has been fixed with drain pipes and structural repair, but the whole roof still needs to be replaced. Reinforcement of the structure has been done by strengthening the exterior, which includes a concrete reinforcement, replacement of dilapidated boards on the outside of the church, and a new coat of paint. As the sun shone on the church Sunday morning, the day after the wedding, a small congregation gathered on the grounds as the reinvigorated church stood in the background in quiet exaltation. “We are really proud of what we have been able

A newlywed couple cavorts outside Community Baptist Church in Hailey. Courtesy photo by Jennifer Simpson 208 Images & Media

to accomplish,” Worthington said. Tim Dunford, an engineer and another member of the church, was instrumental in helping the renovations along. “He had a lot of great ideas and lent his expertise to the project,” Worthington said. The Community Baptist Church congregation hopes to complete more work with new grants and donations, though its funds are now depleted. Some of the work they still need to do include the replacement, sanding and varnishing of some boards in the floors. Renovations to the kitchen are also on the wish list and work still needs to be done to take care of all the water damage in the basement. For anyone wishing to donate, there is an account at Mountain West Bank in Hailey set up for donations. Checks may also be sent to Community Baptist Church, P.O. Box 1596, Hailey, Idaho 83333. As well, people may donate in person on Sundays during the 11 a.m. service. tws


Body Found In Old Hailey Identified

Tommy Boushele, 63, was found dead at 5 a.m. Friday, Sept. 22 under a parking structure close to where he stayed on a porch at 113 E. Bullion St. The cause of death was most likely exposure, but lab reports are still pending, said Russ Mikel, Blaine County coroner. The Hailey Police say there were no signs of foul play. Born Nov. 22, 1954, Boushele was a longtime resident of Hailey.

Rescue Takes Place On Baldy

Submit a photo of your pet to see it printed in this special section!

The backcountry rescue of a mountain bike rider took place Sunday, Sept. 24 on Bald Mountain. The rider was found four towers up under the gondola on the River Run side of the mountain. The male rider had head injuries and other injuries from the crash. He was taken down the mountain by the Sun Valley and Ketchum fire departments to a waiting ambulance at River Run. According to witnesses, the mountain bike rider did not remember his age, the date or where he was.

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Lauren Busdon spoke at the Idaho Statehouse this week. Courtesy photo by Sarah Busdon



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arsy’s Law for Idaho was introduced at an event at the Idaho State Capitol in Boise, Monday, Sept. 25. Currently, the U.S. Constitution and every state constitution has enumerated rights for individuals accused of a crime and those convicted of a crime. Yet, the U.S. Constitution and 15 state constitutions do not extend enumerated rights to victims of crime. Marsy’s Law for All seeks to amend state constitutions that don’t offer protections to crime victims and, eventually, the U.S. Constitution to give victims of crime rights equal to those already afforded to the accused and convicted. Marsy’s Law was named for a college student who was stalked and killed by her ex-boyfriend in 1983. Only a week after Marsy Nicholas was murdered, her brother and mother walked into a grocery store after visiting her daughter’s grave and were confronted by the accused murderer. The family had no idea that he had been released on bail. The proposed constitutional amendment is intended to ensure victims and their families are afforded equal constitutional rights as the accused or convicted. Marsy’s Law was first enacted in California in 2008. Other states have followed suit. However, the ACLU opposes the law, since it appears to give “new rights to the family, friends, corporations and other nonhuman entities,” said Caitlin Borgmann, executive director of ACLU of Montana, earlier this year in the Great Falls Tribune. Blaine County resident Lauren Busdon was one of the speakers at the introduction at the Statehouse for the Marsy’s Law for Idaho. Busdon, 19, was a victim herself at the age of 14. Busdon has also spoken at other events in Blaine County about her tws experience, as well as on other topics.


Idaho Business Review To Accept Applications For Women Of The Year

Each year the Idaho Business Review recognizes women who are making a difference in Idaho. Honorees will be profiled in a special Women of the Year magazine and honored at an awards event March 8, 2018. For more information and to make a nomination, visit idahobusinessreview.com/events/woy, or contact Jeanne Huff at (208) 639-3518 or email jhuff@idahobusinessreview.com.

Volunteers Needed For Sheep Festival

The 21st Annual Trailing of the Sheep Festival, to be held Oct. 4-8, is in need of volunteers for all five days of the festival. Tasks will include everything from assisting at headquarters, at the Sheepdog Trials, at the Folklife Fair, for the Sheep Tales Gathering, the Sheepherders’ Ball and more. It takes more than 200 volunteers to execute this annual nonprofit festival. If you are interested in having fun while helping out, contact volunteer coordinator, Geegee Lowe, at volunteers@trailingofthesheep.org or by calling (208) 720-0585.


FALL 2017 CLASS SCHEDULE Adult Classes Tuition $150/ four week classes ALL LEVEL THROWING with Lauren Street Session 1: Mondays ~ OCT 2, 9, 16, 23 9:30-12:30 Session 2: Mondays ~ NOV 6, 13, 20, 27 9:30-12:30 BEGINNING SCULPTURE with Bridgette Aldrich Session 1: Wednesdays ~ OCT 4, 11, 18, 25 9:30-12:30 Session 2: Wednesdays ~ NOV 1, 8, 15, 29 9:30-12:30 HANDBUILDING with Cliff Frates Session 1: Thursdays ~ OCT 5, 12, 19, 26 9:30-12:30 Session 2: Thursdays ~ NOV 2, 9, 16, 30 9:30-12:30 THROW A PLATE with Lauren: $35 Tuesday NOV 7 6:00-9:00 One evening, 3 hours and you’ll be an ace plate maker

Youth Classes

Children’s Clay Daze with Diane Walker: Tuition $148 Tuesdays OCT 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, NOV 7 3:00-4:30 Teen Throwing: Tuition $165 Thursdays OCT 5, 12, 19, 26, NOV 2, 9 4:00-6:00

Boulder Mountain Clayworks OPEN STUDIO FOR TEENS Selected Saturdays 2:00-4:00 $10/ Saturday SEPT 9 & 23 ~ OCT 14 & 28 ~ NOV 4 & 18 ~ DEC 2 & 9 Teens must have previous throwing experience in middle school and up FAMILY SATURDAY CLASSES Tuition: $45 for one adult and one child. $10 for each additional person. Halloween Witches ~ OCT 14 10:00-12:00 or 2:00-4:00 Thanksgiving Turkeys ~ NOV 4 10:00-12:00 or 2:00-4:00 Holiday Candle Holders ~ DEC 9 10:00-12:00 or 2:00-4:00 7th ANNUAL EMPTY BOWL-A-THON Open and Free to the community! SATURDAY OCT 7 10:00-2:00 Join Boulder Mountain Clayworks in its efforts to benefit the Blaine County Hunger Coalition. Bring a friend and make bowls that will be sold at our 7th annual Empty Bowl lunch on January 14th, 2018. Schedule your book club or service organization for an “Empty Bowl” event at Boulder Mountain Clayworks this fall, OCT 10- DEC 10th. No experience necessary.


T H E W E E K LY S U N •






wo of the four Ketchum City Council seats, currently held by incumbents Anne Corrock and Baird Gourlay, will be on the Nov. 7 ballot. Both Corrock and Gourlay are in the running, as are Mickey Garcia, Amanda Breen, Shawn Phillips, Anastasia Horan, Shannon Flavin and Courtney Hamilton. Over the next few weeks The Weekly Sun will profile each of those candidates. Mickey Garcia has been a recurrent candidate for mayor and city council of Ketchum as well as the Blaine County Commission for many years. He has never come close to winning any of them, but he regularly attends and comments at Ketchum City Council meetings and considers himself a student of government. Garcia is a vociferous human- caused- climate- change denier, and his oft-voiced criticisms about the workings of the

Mickey Garcia

Ketchum City Council, of which he hopes to become a member, include “…contempt for the individual citizen,” “Fascism” and “Orwellian.” Garcia was born on the kitchen table of his sharecropper parents’ cabin on a farm in Clark County, Arkansas, 74 years ago. His family moved to California to

work in the World War II shipyards and Garcia grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area. After high school, he enlisted in the Air Force and served two terms in Vietnam. After his military service, he attended the University of California, Davis, before transferring to the University of Montana, where he earned a degree in forestry. He first visited Sun Valley to ski in 1972 (on his way to Missoula to enroll at the University of Montana), and moved to Ketchum in 1985. Amanda Breen has been a Ketchum attorney since 2005 and is the managing attorney for Amanda Breen Law. Her firm specializes in immigration law and family law. She is the Idaho Chapter chair of the American Immigration Lawyers Association. Breen, 44, lives in Ketchum with her husband, David, and their 5-year-old son, Camden. She previously ran for Ketchum City Council in 2013, finishing

third of seven candidates. Her campaign website amandabreenforketchum.com states that the three biggest issues affecting Ketchum’s future are middle-class housing, business development and good jobs, and regional planning and cooperation. “All of these issues are intertwined,” Breen says. “And no one city council[person] will ​have a perfect solution to any of them. But I will always evaluate every proposal brought before the city council to ensure it promotes livability and future economic development. If it doesn’t, I will listen to the diverse voices of Ketchum and insist that our core values be enhanced, not hurt, by any proposal.” Breen was raised in Tacoma, Wash., and with her family spent many ski vacations in Sun Valley. She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Stanford University, a Juris Doctor degree from the S.J. Quinney College

Amanda Breen

of Law at the University of Utah, and a Master of Law degree in Public International Law at University College London. tws


More than four decades ago, a group of Ketchum leaders got together to raise money and support to turn a dusty tract near Ernest Hemingway Elementary School into a new baseball field for the city’s young little leaguers. The project, spearheaded by entrepreneur Chuck Atkinson, for the first time provided the city’s young baseball players and teams with a state-of-the-art baseball diamond and facility. On Saturday, Sept. 30, the City of Ketchum will celebrate the next phase of development at the Little League Field at Atkinson Park. The opening ceremony, getting underway at 11 a.m., will highlight the new field and the unveiling of a new electronic scoreboard. Hotdogs, ice cream and other prizes will be provided, courtesy of the city. “This is an exciting new chapter in the rich history of the Little League field,” said

Mayor Nina Jonas, who is scheduled to throw out the ceremonial first pitch. “I am very happy to be able to support the parents, kids, the Atkinson family and all the users of the park in the community tradition of coming together to support ways to enhance and improve our city’s recreational resources.” The makeover included a complete reconstruction of the field to meet current little league ballfield standards. The Atkinson family made a generous donation to cover the costs of a new electronic scoreboard. “I know he’d be proud to see that the scoreboard is one of the finishing touches on this great resource,” said Don Atkinson, the son of Chuck Atkinson. “Our family is proud of it, happy to do this, and proud of Ketchum and all the good things that are happening here.” Jonas encourages attendees to take part in the inaugural game on the new field. Interested players should come dressed to play, with helmet, gloves and bats. The city will also provide equipment to those without. For more information, visit ketchumidaho.org.




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Text (up to 25 words): $5 Additional Text: 20¢ per word Photos: $5 per image • Logo: $10 Deadline: Monday at 1 p.m Space reservations: bulletin@theweeklysun.com


answer from page 15



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Ketchum To Celebrate Improvements At Little League Field


CLASSIC SUDOKU answer from page 15

T H E W E E K LY S U N •


Atkinsons’ To Help Awareness Project

Magic Valley Rehabilitation Services, Inc., will partner with all of the Atkinsons’ Markets in the Wood River Valley during the month of October to celebrate People With Abilities. October is National Disability Employment Awareness month. MVRS has served more than 7,600 individuals in southern Idaho since the nonprofit began in 1973. A major part of our mission is the employment placement and job coaching in the eight counties we serve, including placements in Atkinsons’ Markets. Throughout the month of October, at the checkout at every Atkinsons’ Market, shoppers will be able to scan a code and donate $5 to support efforts to help persons with disabilities, who otherwise would not be able to access MVRS services.

Tommy Ahlquist To Host Public ‘44 Counties In 44 Days Tour’ Event In Hailey

Republican gubernatorial candidate Dr. Tommy Ahlquist will host a “44 Counties in 44 Days Tour” event at 11:30 a.m. Friday, Sept. 29, at The Senior Connection, 721 S. 3rd Ave., in Hailey. Ahlquist is a retired emergency room doctor who is known for building the Zions Bank at 8th Street and Main Street in downtown Boise. It’s now the tallest building in Idaho. Ahlquist was born in Utah, and moved to Idaho to attend college at Ricks College in Rexburg. At the event, Ahlquist will share his Conservative Blueprint to Build an Even Better Idaho.

St. Luke’s Wood River Announces New Hires

Dr. JP Prouty will begin seeing patients at the end of this month at the St. Luke’s Clinic – Family Medicine, in Hailey. Most recently, Prouty was chief resident in the Family Medicine Residency program at Oregon Health & Science University Cascades East. Prouty also received additional training and experience in obstetrics, surgical obstetrics and newborn care. Dr. JP Prouty Prouty grew up in Kansas City, Mo., and received his Doctorate of Medicine from the University of Missouri in 2014. He completed his residency in Klamath Falls, Ore. “I am thrilled to join SLWRFM and work side by side with topnotch physicians to provide the full spectrum of care in a rural community that is also a wonderful recreational area,” Prouty said. “I enjoy everything about family medicine and being able to help care for people, regardless of their need, whether that be internal medicine, obstetrics, pediatrics or emergency medicine.” St. Luke’s Wood River CEO Cody Langbehn said that Prouty had received numerous honors as a student and has a history of significantly contributing to committees and organizations in medicine and beyond. Master Physician Assistant Tiffany Wohlwend comes to St. Luke’s Wood River Family Medicine from Woodland, Calif., with 13 years of experience as a PA in emergency medicine, family medicine and dermatology. Wohlwend was most recently Advanced Practice Clinicians Director as well as a PA in the Emergency Department at Woodland Healthcare. She studied at Samuel Merritt University, in Oakland, Calif., with rotations in family medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, emergency medicine, pediatrics, internal medicine, orthopedics, head and neck surgery, and geriatrics. Bilingual in Spanish and English, Tiffany Wohlwend Wohlwend has a B.S. in biological sciences and a B.A. in Spanish from the University of California, Davis. As well, Wohlwend is a Wilderness First Responder, licensed in Advanced Cardiac Life Support, Pediatric Advanced Life Support, Swiftwater Rescue and was head river guide for All-Outdoors California Whitewater Rafting and Mayuc River Rafting, in Peru.

Aviation Gathering In Sandpoint Highlights Self-Esteem

Last Thursday, the Sandpoint Airport was the site of a presentation by female aviators from Idaho. The female pilots spoke to aspiring pilots about how “women excel in the cockpit,” wrote Mary Malone of the Bonner County Daily Bee. Christina Tindle, of Hailey, is both a licensed counselor and pilot. In the summer, she hosts Women Wise Awesome Adventures, to provide coaching, training and adventures for women pilots to boost passion, competence, and confidence. During the lunch last Thursday, Tindle covered several topics, including the Powder Puff Derby of 1929, which had 19 competitors, including Amelia Earhart. Courtesy photo by Mary Malone, Bonner County Daily Bee




This workshop offers the latest views and research about single living with methods that promote a solo lifestyle based within an architecture of sustainable happiness. Using personal experience along with an evidence-based positive approach, Christina reframes personal challenges with realistic optimism. Goals are identified that build a contented lifestyle. Discussions end on viable ways to search for romantic partners.

Be ready to laugh, learn, and be inspired to live single in a refreshing new way. Date: Friday September 29 Time: 6-8:30 Where: 101 E Bullion St. 3J, Hailey, Idaho Cost: $55/person Early Bird Special: $45 if paid in full by September 19th Go to christinatindle.com/payments.html Use Paypal or Mail check to Christina Tindle, Box 5877, Hailey, 83333

Christina Tindle, LPC

Call: 208.315.3075 www.christinatindle.com

Thank You

Hi Hailey, the Wood River Valley and all the souls who helped me at the Ellsworth Inn these last four years. Thank you so much to The Weekly Sun newspaper and The Chamber for always having the Ellsworth’s best interest at heart! God bless you all and watch over you. The very best luck to the owners and caretakers of the inn; long may she run!

Gabriele Scott Meadows

Women in Business SPECIAL SECTION

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T H E W E E K LY S U N • S E P T E M B E R 27 - O C T O B E R 3, 2017

During the Wood River High School Homecoming parade, green balloons surround th Can’t Take It With You,” to be performed at Wood River High School this fall. Photo b Bellevue Elementary School’s fifth-grade students, teachers and hiking volunteers found just under 8 inches of fresh snow at Baker Lake on Thursday afternoon. Teachers Alexis Duvall and Andrea Gallegos take their students to the lake each year to study geological weathering and erosion, among other topics. This year, the students got to see weathering in action. Sun staff photo

Above, the Wood River High School club, Nostoros United shows their colors during t Friday. Below, R.L. Rowsey plays piano on a float with vocal students during the Hom on Main Street in Hailey. Photos by Dana DuGan USA Grappling Academy athletes pose after a Jiu-Jitsu tournament in Twin Falls on Saturday. The academy, located in Bellevue, had kids and adults compete, bringing home gold, silver and bronze medals. “All athletes did very well in their divisions,” states a news release from the academy. “Congratulations to all who competed.” Photo courtesy of USA Grappling Academy


The Weekly Sun staff’s favorite photo will win a $25 GIFT CERTIFICATE to Albertsons Grocery in Hailey. Submission deadline is October 5th. Send image to production@theweeklysun.com





he cast of “You by Dana DuGan

the parade, on mecoming parade


T H E W E E K LY S U N • S E P T E M B E R 27 - O C T O B E R 3, 2017

During the 2017 Wood River High School Homecoming parade, all sorts of students and groups came out to support the event, including this inspired Alturas Elementary School student. Photo by Dana DuGan



Lesley Andrus and her husband were planning to move to Sun Valley, a place where they had vacationed and wanted to call home. Lesley’s husband was battling cancer and would move to hospice rather than the home they were building. He died the day the movers arrived, and Lesley would move to Sun Valley to start a new life in a place that held happy memories of their life together. Lesley became a volunteer for Hospice of the Wood River Valley and recently published a book, “Unscripted: Experiences of a Hospice Volunteer, the Joy in the Journey, and Thoughts on End of Life Care.” Lesley writes in the preface that, as she assisted patients in their finals days, sometimes helping, sometimes feeling helpless, she learned about living. At a brown bag lunch talk hosted by St. Luke’s Wood River’s Center for Community Health (CCH), Lesley shared some of her lessons learned. One is to leave an ethical will, which spells out what you learned, not what you earned. Lesley had a patient at hospice who decided to write an ethical will/letter to each child that she would leave for them to read after her passing. The letter can convey beliefs, values, successes, mistakes and memories, as well as feelings of pride, regret, love, hope and dreams. The woman

decided to give it to her children at Christmas, which ended up being her last. Some children do not know their parents’ stories, thoughts and/or feelings very well. Putting them into words can be such a gift, particularly if it allows parent and child to open up a dialogue and deepen their appreciation of each other. Lesley also discussed aging and frustration over the inability to do the things we could in our younger years. She suggests viewing it as an opportunity to venture out of our comfort zones to try new things that are stimulating, fun and make you laugh. It isn’t often you can say, ”This is the first time I’ve done that!” Lesley’s talk is part of a campaign to create an aging-friendly community that encourages learning, understanding, honor, respect and planning. The campaign is a collaboration between St. Luke’s, The Senior Connection, Hospice and Palliative Care of the Wood River Valley, and the Wood River Community YMCA. To learn more about the programs and events, contact St. Luke’s Center for Community Health at (208) 727-8733.

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The Weekly Sun’s summer + fall 2017

101 things to do Day Trips | Summer Checklist | Free Fun | Family Friendly | Start Your Story Here...

MAGAZINE 10,000 copies distributed to over 225 locations for 6 months! Day Trips | Winter Checklist | Free Fun | Family Friendly | Start Your Story Here...

Above, the Construction Academy wowed onlookers with an elaborate float during the Homecoming parade on Friday afternoon in Hailey. Below, the Wood River High School Jazz Band belts out some tunes on a dark but lively afternoon.

101 things to do winter + spring 2017

THE Insider’s Guide To The Best Kept Secrets Of The Wood River Valley & Beyond Explore: Bellevue, Carey, Hailey, Ketchum, Sun Valley & Unincorporated 5B

Day Trips | Winter Checklist | Free Fun | Family Friendly | Start Your Story Here...

Day Trips | Winter Checklist | Free Fun | Family Friendly | Start Your Story Here...

101 things to do 101 things to do winter + spring 2017

winter + spring 2017

THE Insider’s Guide To The Best Kept Secrets Of The Wood River Valley & Beyond Explore: Bellevue, Carey, Hailey, Ketchum, Sun Valley & Unincorporated 5B!

THE Insider’s Guide To The Best Kept Secrets Of The Wood River Valley & Beyond Explore: Bellevue, Carey, Hailey, Ketchum, Sun Valley & Unincorporated 5B


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T H E W E E K LY S U N • S E P T E M B E R 27 - O C T O B E R 3, 2017

Fishing R epoRt



all is here and the fish and the bugs they eat are all acting accordingly. The fall hatches of Baetis and October Caddis are strong on almost all our area rivers. Flows are very wadable and the fish are up eating off the surface. The brown trout are approaching their spawning season and, in the meantime, they are attacking everything in their path, including our flies!!! Silver Creek is on fire with Fall Baetis and October Caddis. The Mahogany Dun is not quite in play yet, but should be as you read the report this week. The Baetis action is all day when it is cloudy. If it is clear, they tend to come and go throughout the day. The wind does not seem to be a factor, as they are going to hatch this time of year, regardless of conditions. The October Caddis that grew to magical proportions on the Creek last year is even bigger and more prominent this season. It is a great way to search the river if nothing else is happening. Try size 14 and 16 Orange Stimulators. The Mouse fishing for monster brown trout is underway and it is working. If you are out during the day and want to catch a big one, get your Streamers out and fish hard. The browns are still moving upriver in their pre-spawn run. The Big Wood, the Big Lost and the South Fork of the Boise rivers are all experiencing different degrees of Fall Baetis right now. This is such a great hatch and tends to bring all the fish to the surface for one last eating binge before the true winter weather arrives. October Caddis is also in play on these rivers. The Big Wood can be especially good north of Ketchum in the fall. The Lower and Upper Lost can have great hatches, but be sure to check the weather for travel conditions if things start getting stormy again. The biggest miss this time of year for most anglers is giving up on Hopper season too soon. Be sure, the fish saw plenty of Hoppers this year and they are still happy to eat them. The first few frosts we have had killed most of them, but the fish don’t know that! Finally, this is the time of year to carry supplies in your vehicle. Start bringing extra food, water, clothes, matches, and a sleeping bag. This is not the time of the year to get caught stuck overnight on a river without supplies! Happy fishing, everyone!

Hwy 20 in Picabo info@picaboangler.com (208)788.3536 www.picaboangler.com



know. While I have practiced many of these training skills with my other dogs, I used much less food with Kalidor and Mariah to show them my pleasure with the behaviors I liked. Let’s face it. It’s hard to carry food with you all the time when you have a puppy. And even harder to do training when you have multiple dogs and they know there is food involved. My mission was “beat them to it.” I made a practice of noticing the things I liked and I rewarded it with my attention—a pet and a good but soothing word to them before I found any need to stop bad behaviors like chewing, barking, whining, or even counter surfing. When we train ourselves to look for the behaviors we like from our dogs, such as lying nicely on the floor next to us, or sleeping quietly on a bed instead of pacing in front of a window, we show leadership in a manner dogs understand. Leadership gives a dog direction. The problem is that we get carried away with our own lives and don’t pay attention to our dogs until something bad happens, or until we go to a class and are told what to do. Make the first move! Be proactive in your dog training. Training can start any time and you will see decreased behavior problems.


his morning, I am sitting in my chair, watching the morning news with my coffee, thinking about what I should write about. Here, next to me, is the sweetest, kindest black dog you can imagine. He doesn’t beg for attention. He doesn’t try to force my hand over his head. He doesn’t lick me. He doesn’t whine at me. He sits quietly. Instead of pestering me to pet him, he is quiet and polite. How did that happen? I pay attention to the things I like from my dogs. I make the first move to adore them, to pet them, to tell them how much I like something. I don’t wait until they have done something bad to pay attention to them. I don’t encourage obnoxious, pushy behavior. I pay attention to what I like—a calm, polite, relaxed dog. I reach over and gently pet Kalidor’s ear. Then he lies down next to me. I pet him again, long slow strokes down his back. Kalidor is one of the least nervous, least anxious dogs I have ever owned. So often our dogs come up to us, constantly licking us, or butting/nudging our arms and hands for petting. Or they jump on us, get in our laps without invitation, or even bark, demanding we look at them. Many of us think this is cute and endearing. What we may not notice is that when they are not pestering us, they nervously look out the window for something to bark at, or walk around the house looking for mischief to get into. Many dogs pant all day, whether it is cool or not. Some find it hard to just lie down and relax. These behaviors can indicate our dog is suffering from a freeform anxiety. If

it continues, it can escalate into full-on separation anxiety, aggression toward other dogs or even people. Kalidor is one of the most accepting, friendly, outgoing German shepherds I

Fran Jewell is an Idaho Press Club award-winning columnist, IAABC-certified dog behavior consultant, NADOI-certified instructor #1096 and the owner of Positive Puppy Dog Training, LLC, in Sun Valley. For more information, visit positivepuppy.com or call (208) 578-1565.





ften I take short hikes that are relatively close to town, and do them over and over again. That way I can draw trees that catch my attention as I am walking along the trail. Mill Lake is one such hike. I like this hike because it goes through a woods, alongside a creek and then to open ground. I can draw trees, running water, expansive mountain views and, finally, I can draw the destination itself, a lake. I quibble with my term “destination” because I view the entire hike as a continual destination! I like to depict trees with interesting shapes or settings. I particularly like the stoic trees that have survived the ravages of fire and beetle invasion. On Sunday, I found an old gnarled pine. The bark was thick with deep crevices and lots of linear markings. In fact, the bark was so thick that it created gully-like sections cutting lengthwise into the substantial trunk. The patterns of the bark cascaded down the tree like rippling water. The pine angled a bit to one side, but the roots held tenaciously to the ground, anchoring it solidly. The roots were bulbous. They ran along the forest floor, at times surfacing. The exposed areas showed scars from the rain and snow that have repeatedly beat down throughout the years. The branches of this ancient tree looked ragged; many bent down, making me think the tree was exhausted from sustaining their weight over the years.

Leslie Rego, “Ancient Pine,” pencil on toned paper.

Lots of branches had lost their needles. They drooped in a haphazard manner, giving a scruffy look to the pine. I sat on a portion of a root and sketched the tree. I thought, as I moved the pencil across the paper, that no matter how scrupulously or how slowly I drew, it could never match the patience of this evergreen, which has seen the passage of so much time.

Once I have drawn a tree, it becomes part of my conscious life. I search it out whenever I return to the hike to see if it has flourished or suffered. The tree becomes like an old friend that I fret over. The sun was beginning its descent and the air was getting cold. Dark clouds, a harbinger of the rain and snow to come, were forming in the sky. I packed up

my pencils and paper to complete my journey home, leaving this stoic being behind in the forest, to continue to weather the storms that come her way. Leslie Rego is an Idaho Press Club award-winning columnist, artist and Blaine County resident. To view more of Rego’s art, visit leslierego.com

T H E W E E K LY S U N •






laska is by far the most sparsely populated state in our country, with barely more than one person per square mile across that enormous state (compare that to Idaho’s density of around 20 people per square mile, the national average of 86 people per square mile, or New Jersey’s density of more than 1,000 people per square mile). It is an exceptionally rural and wild state, especially considering that a little less than half of the roughly 750,000 residents of Alaska live in one city, Anchorage. So, you can imagine that Alaskans are quite well connected to their local ecology. In a place where summer (“the season after it’s muddy and before it’s snowy,” some Alaskan natives might say) is only a few months long, where winter takes some serious preparation, and where many folks’ livelihoods depend on knowing what is going on in their environments, people gain

a deeper-than-average sense of the seasons. I spent much of my childhood in Alaska, and one of the things that stands out in my memory every year about this time has to do with a plant called fireweed (Chamaenerion angustifolium). We have fireweed here in our Valley as well, so you may be familiar with the tall stalks of beautiful pink flowers that grow in the summers around these parts. Alaskans take special note of fireweed blooms, because there is a saying up there that when the fireweed blooms reach the top of the stalk and go to seed, one can predict that there is six weeks left until the first snow. “When fireweed turns to cotton, summer is soon forgotten” is something you might hear up there, or even here in Idaho wherever people notice things like that. Fireweed plants first set out their flowers down low on the stalk in summer and then the flowers open, bloom, and go

to seed (creating white, puffy material similar in appearance to cottonwood seed), from the bottom up, over the course of some weeks. If you have been on a hike out in the hills lately, you may have noticed that there aren’t many pink blooms left— most of them have turned to seed already. So, it may be the case that we missed our chance to “check the math” on the fireweed’s ability to predict the onset of winter this year (suddenly, as you have surely noticed, there is snow on the ground!). But, if nothing else, the fireweed blooms provide a seasonal clock of sorts; a reminder, maybe, as you hike or ride along them in the summer, that winter is always on the horizon. Hannes Thum is a Wood River Valley native and has spent most of his life exploring what our local ecosystems have to offer. He currently teaches science at Community School.





here are several divisions in the animal class Arachnida, called Orders. Scorpions are in the Order Scorpiones, spiders are in the Order Araneae, ticks and mites are in the Order Acari. People often mistake the daddy longlegs for being a spider, but it is not. Daddy longlegs do have spider-like qualities, like spiders, and they are classified as arachnids, but daddy longlegs are in their own separate Order known as Opiliones. They are also known as harvestmen and opilionids. Daddy longlegs have eight legs and skitter around the way spiders do, but, unlike spiders, they have a different body type, sex organs and defense mechanisms. Daddy longlegs are characterized by having one basic body segment, which has a narrow “waist” between their front and rear. They have two eyes, and all eight legs attach to the pill-shaped body segment. You might find daddy longlegs in the same places as you would spiders—under logs and rocks—and they prefer a moist habitat. Contrary to belief, daddy longlegs are not venomous. They do not have venom glands and don’t

even have fangs. Daddy longlegs do have defensive stink glands, which emit an odor when they are threatened. They are experts in playing dead for several minutes, remaining motionless if they are disturbed. If you happen to catch a daddy longlegs by its leg, it can shed the entire leg and run off. They do this to escape their predators. Unfortunately, they are not able to regrow their legs once they have been shed. Daddy longlegs do not produce silk or spin webs. They do not use webs to capture their prey. If you happen to come across a daddy longlegs in a web, it definitely doesn’t live there. Daddy longlegs eat decomposing vegetation and animal matter. Daddy longlegs have a specialized organ capable or depositing sperm directly to the female, unlike spiders, that use an indirect method. The itsy-bitsy spider was not actually a spider at all; it was an opilionid, which is more like a scorpion than a spider. Sarah Busdon is an administrative assistant with University of Idaho’s Blaine County Extension office. For more information, visit extension. uidaho.edu/blaine or call (208) 788-5585.


Beware the Ns and Cs

We are fortunate in our town that elections for our city officials do not turn on the labels “R” and “D.” But we still need to be on the lookout for the Ns and Cs, because those tight little affiliations will turn Ketchum into a place we don’t want to live. I refer to the Nimbys and the Cronys. When Ns and Cs get a hold of city government, you can tell by observing certain patterns: unequal application of land-use rules; fast-tracks for favored projects with dismissal of ordinary concerns like parking, pedestrian safety or affordable housing; abrupt changes to zoning laws in support of narrowly defined and unvetted goals; cavalier re-assignment of moneys supposedly collected for purposes of developing affordable housing; or the disappearance of support for good ideas that conflict with an organized subgroup’s idea of its entitlements.

When the assumed entitlements of the few rise to the level of city priorities, you know it is time for change. Don’t be fooled by protestations of progress by incumbents. Watch what is actually happening. Are things going the way we want? Or are we going to end up in a town where “entry-level” housing costs $750,000 and we’re only rubbing elbows with those who bring their money to town, rather than those who make their livings here? The failure of the current mayor and her allies to deliver meaningful action or consistent treatment from City Hall on many issues is a very strong indication that we are being had by Ns and Cs. Cast your votes for change. Richard Sharbinin Ketchum resident

Submit A Letter To The Editor Do you have a response to a story or letter we’ve published, or some new thoughts you’d like to share with the community? Submit a letter to the editor. Please include your full name and in which city you reside (unincorporated Blaine County if you live outside city limits). Published letters don’t necessarily reflect the opinion of The Weekly Sun or any of its staff members. Email letters to publisher@theweeklysun.com.



Amber Leyba. Photo courtesy of KS Photography



mber Leyba, a junior at Wood River High School, was recognized recently by the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare at a banquet for September’s Mental Health Awareness Month. As an intern with the National Alliance of Mental Illness-Wood River Valley (NAMI-WRV), Amber helped establish and facilitate the Bluebirds advocacy club. This group helps high school students overcome adversities and challenges that young people often face. “I am excited to initiate meaningful and enjoyable activities for the Bluebirds this year,” Amber said. “We are planning a youth fest, an event that creates a welcoming space for young people and their families to have fun, find support, and learn about available local resources.” Amber attended the national conference of NAMI in Washington, D.C., last June. She intends to use her gained experience to be an energetic and positive member of her generation, which she feels has the resources and ability to be great. “Technology has provided wider opportunities for us if we use it wisely,” Amber said. “I believe that we all need to continue to develop a strong work ethic and increased compassion, both attributes that will assure successful results.” Amber’s philosophy builds on the strength she has gained in her life. “I would rather suffer a little pain in accomplishing something,” she said. “Isn’t that better than going your whole life know-

ing you hadn’t tried to do it?” “Amber goes above and beyond the call of duty,” said Chris Koch, mayor of Bellevue, WRHS leadership teacher and president of NAMI-WRV. “I am proud to support this determined young woman. The world would be a better place with more young people like her.” “Amber is doing such a tremendous job working within our community,” said Angenie McCleary, Blaine County commissioner. “I am so proud that a young woman her age is so driven toward fighting stigma in the Wood River Valley.” Due to her continued quest to help others, Amber’s ambition is to be a psychologist. Toward that goal, she is taking AP classes in psychology and language toward an education that will involve many years of college and post-graduate study. “I have already learned a great deal about the field through hands-on learning and through the adversities of an uneasy life,” Amber said. She spends time with her family hunting and fishing, and hanging out with her dog, Willow. Born and raised in Blackfoot, Amber’s Idaho roots are deep. She now shares time with family in Blackfoot, and lives with her aunt in Hailey. Amber fills her life with activities to help people. She trained with the Crisis Hotline, and spends time with the animals at the Animal Shelter of the Wood River Valley. After school, she also enjoys the outdoors. “I love all of the country right outside my back door and the unity of this community,” she said. tws

This Student Spotlight brought to you by the Blaine County School District

Our mission is to inspire, engage, educate, and empower every student.



T H E W E E K LY S U N •








t is the end of September. Summer is officially over. Idaho’s weather is changing. Wearing sweaters and fleece, we’re thinking about cords of wood, pots of soup, and runs on Baldy. School sports are in full swing, and we are cheering on our Wolverines. But, is it too early to think about Christmas? Well, if you’re thinking about decorating your home, I would say yes. If you are a business owner and you are thinking about corporate promotional gifts for your clients, then no, it’s not too early. There is no time like the present—literally and figuratively—to think about corporate Christmas gifts for clients and employees. Choosing a promotional product takes time and energy. And, distributors are coming up with better product choices, making your business stand out. First and foremost, the product you choose should represent your brand. Putting thought into the selection process is vital. You will reap the benefits of the gift’s relationship to your brand and its staying power. Think of it this way. The longer your customer keeps and uses your branded gift, the more impressions that gift makes. The more impressions, the more likely your customer will think of your brand when the time comes to purchase goods or services. The long and short of it is that when you provide a gift for your clients or your valued employees, you should choose well. By doing so, you will show appreciation for the relationship and bring all good things back to your business. Now, let’s look at some promotional product trends that are always winners: 1) Branded outerwear – Branded jackets, hoodies, sweatshirts and hats are always welcome as the weather turns cold. With purpose and staying power, a well-designed hoodie with your company’s logo will be worn again and again. Yes, there are many brand names from which to choose. Selecting a well-known brand like Carhartt offers a higher perceived value to the recipient. This is a good thing! You will earn points and so will your business.

2) Technology is key. Whether wireless earbuds or hip wall chargers for electronics and accessories, you cannot go wrong with a corporate gift that is technocentered. Every year, more and more tech gadgets impress and offer endless choices to promote a brand. In a digitally connected, app-driven “smart” world, this gear can make a lot of sense. Tech gear carries a high-perceived value, and this alone impresses the recipient every day. If a tech gadget is a good fit for your brand and your customers, the possibilities to get noticed and drive business home are endless. 3) Health and wellness is of concern to all. In today’s fastpaced world, many of us want to live our best life. By embracing the health and wellness trend, you are opening the door to many promotional products with staying power. With mass appeal for customers and employees, health-andwellness-oriented promotional products range from yoga mats, essential oil and diffuser aromatherapy kits, or even meditation and mindfulness DVDs. Hit two birds with one stone and combine tech and health with a fitness tracker. Again, the options for branding are creative, desirable and endless. If you have questions regarding promotional products for the upcoming Christmas season, let us know. The right promotional product will effectively support your brand. Simply reach out to Davis Embroidery, Screen Printing and Promotional Products. Call (208) 726-1948, visit davisembroidery.com or stop by the Ketchum showroom at 270 Northwood Way, across from Bigwood Bakery. We are open Monday–Friday, 9 a.m.–5 p.m.

Left to right, New York-based actors Sophie Hassett as Erica and Liz Morgan as Vicky. Photo by Kirsten Shultz, courtesy of Company of Fools



ompany of Fools will present a stunningly human and humorous depiction of a life in love with “Bright Half Life,” Sept. 27Oct. 14, at the Liberty Theatre in Hailey. In Tanya Barfield’s nonlinear, intimate play, Vicky and Erica navigate the present through a lifetime of courtship and marriage, kids and parents, death and divorce, Ferris wheels and skydiving, in a moving story that spans decades in an instant. Interim artistic director Ilana Becker will direct the play in the round on the main stage of the Liberty, with approximately 60 seats per performance. “This play is for anyone who has ever been touched by love,” said the director. “It explores the impact and the indelible imprints we have on one another.” Barfield’s nonlinear love story is told through a collage of moments from 1985 to 2031 that make up movements. “There are 10 movements and we jump around in time throughout each of them, except the movement in which the characters first meet and start to get to know one another,” Becker said. “We get to see the little pursuit and retreat game they start in that movement and how it shifts over the course of their relationship.” “I think memory exists in a really interesting way in this piece,” said Liz Morgan, who plays Vicky. “You have no control over what you remember, and when it comes up and how you remember it. Someone else may remember it so differently. The play explores, in a beautiful way, how we try to remember and how we try to forget.” The cast features New Yorkbased actors Morgan and Sophie

The creative team and cast of “Bright Half Life.” Photo by Kirsten Shultz, courtesy of Company of Fools

Hassett as Vicky and Erica, respectively. The production features scenic design by resident designer Joe Lavigne, lighting design by Mike Inwood from Philadelphia and New York City, sound design by Emma Wilk from New York City and stage management by K.O. Ogilvie. Hassett describes her character as “all heart.” “When we usually hear something like that, we think of all the best parts of love and of people,” she said. “But with all heart, you can get the hardest choices because nothing is held back.” Morgan describes Vicky as “type A.” “I think she’s using her practicality and organization to survive a system that is not really for her,” Morgan said. “This is a love story, but I think the audience is very aware of the systems that are around these two. Vicky is a woman, a person of color, she’s queer, and it’s very important for her to get

as close as she can to the whitepicket-fence, two-kids scenario and be the best at it. Vicky sees Erica as the yin to her yang.” Becker believes “Bright Half Life” to be epic in its simplicity, poetic in its everydayness and trusting in its actors and audience. “The author has a way of, very gently, weaving in questions about race and gender, privilege, sexuality and intersectionality that totally transcends politics,” she said. “The homogenization of theatre nationally is something the ‘super we’ have been confronting for a long time. I hope we can open hearts through laughter and connection to this story.” Tickets for “Bright Half Life” may be purchased online at sunvalleycenter.org, by phone at (208) 578-9122 or at the Liberty Theatre box office starting one hour before curtain. All seats are reserved, except for the “Pay What You Feel” preview. tws

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EVENTS CALENDAR, CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE HIKIN’ BUDDIES WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 27 9:30AM TO 1PM / ADAMS GULCH / KETCHUM The Hikin’ Buddies program, hosted by the Animal Shelter of the Wood River Valley, is held weekly at the Adams Gulch trailhead in Ketchum from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Attendees can take a shelter dog for a hike, or hang out and socialize some of the smaller dogs. No appointment is necessary; dogs go out on hikes on a firstcome, first-served basis. Additionally, the shelter will now be doing adoptions at Adams Gulch during Hikin’ Buddies. An adoption counselor will be on site to help complete the adoption process.



USA Grappling Academy would like to thank the following sponsors for their continued support for the academy, its athletes and events. We truly appreciate all that you do. It’s your generosity that makes these local events possible and gives our athletes the opportunity to do what they love.

FALL FILM FESTIVAL WED SEPT 27-THURS OCT 5 VARIOUS TIMES / MAGIC LANTERN CINEMAS / KETCHUM Magic Lantern Cinemas presents its 28th Fall Film Festival, which celebrates a variety of acclaimed documentary, comedy and dramatic films. Theater owner Rick Kessler curated independent films that have screened at celebrated international festivals. The festival will conclude on Thursday, Oct. 5. The third week of the Magic Lantern Cinema’s 28th Fall Film Festival will feature the re-mastered science fiction landmark film “Terminator 2 in 3D,” “Alive and Kicking,” “Ingrid Goes West” and “Brigsby Bear.” Visit mlcinemas.com/film-festival for a full list of showings.




6PM / COMMUNITY LIBRARY / KETCHUM Writers Dana Levin and Sebastian Matthews will read from their recent collections of poetry and memoir, 6 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 28 at The Community Library in Ketchum. Levin’s fourth book is “Banana Palace.” Her poetry and essays have appeared in Best American Poetry 2015, The New York Times, Poem-a-Day, Boston Review, and Poetry. Levin is a recipient of honors from the National Endowment for the Arts, PEN, the Witter Bynner Foundation and the Library of Congress, as well as the Whiting and Guggenheim foundations. A teacher of poetry for 25 years, Levin serves as Distinguished Writer-in-Residence at Maryville University in St. Louis. Matthews is the author of a memoir, “In My Father’s Footsteps,” and two books of poetry. A new hybrid collection of poetry and prose, “Beginner’s Guide to a Head-on Collision,” will be published this fall. In conjunction with Woolly Press, Matthews is currently serially publishing “The Life & Times of American Crow,” a “collage novel in 11 chapbooks.”

HAILEY FARMERS’ MARKET THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 28 3-7PM / E. CARBONATE STREET / HAILEY The Hailey Farmers’ Market is located on the east side of Main Street, on Carbonate Street. Vendors offer a great variety of fresh produce, prepared foods and crafts. Sun Valley Brewery has a beer garden set up, plus live music through the evening, and there is always a food truck on hand for instant gratification. For more information visit wrfarmersmarket.org.

TNT THURSDAYS – AGES 10+ THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 28 4-5PM / HAILEY PUBLIC LIBRARY TNT for teens happens every Thursday from 4-5 p.m. Here, kids ages 10 and up meet to play video games. Visit haileypubliclibrary.org to learn more.


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The Wood River Land Trust will team up with The Chamber to host a family- and pet-friendly Business After Hours at the Draper Wood River Preserve at the Land Trust’s pavilion next to Lions Park in Hailey. There will be tasty treats from the Wood River Sustainability Center and KB’s as well as beer from Sawtooth Brewery. Cornhole will be set up, and the Land Trust will take public feedback and give an update on the progress of the Hailey Greenway Master Plan. The Bureau of Land Management will share news about their new regional Travel Plan. The Trailing of the Sheep Festival will have a booth and, since the Draper Wood River Preserve is one of the most popular dog-walking spots in the Valley, the Animal Shelter of the Wood River Valley will have dogs and cats for adoption. For any questions contact the Wood River Land Trust at (208) 788-3947.

The Sun Valley Realtors Give Foundation is hosting their second annual 5K & Tailgate party to continue raising money to provide housing assistance for local veterans. The only program of its kind in the Wood River Valley, 5B Realtors for Veterans will give 100 percent of the proceeds raised from the 5K & Tailgate party to sustainable housing assistance for local veterans and their families. To date, the program has helped two local veterans with rental assistance (who would otherwise be homeless) and a WWII veteran with major home repairs, so that he is able to continue safely living in his home. Registration is available online at 5BVeterans.org. Check-in for race participants, including day-of registrants, begins at 9 a.m. KB’s will provide a post-race lunch for purchase and the Sawtooth Brewery will provide free beer.

‘THE UNRELIABLE NARRATOR’ THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 28 5:30PM / THE CENTER / KETCHUM Sun Valley Center for the Arts will host the first of two free evening tours associated with its current visual arts exhibition, “The Unreliable Narrator.” Visitors are invited to enjoy a glass of wine in the museum and take a guided tour of the exhibition with The Center’s curators and gallery guides. The exhibition associated with “The Unreliable Narrator” BIG IDEA project considers the power of the narrator—a storyteller who shapes the experience of a story. The artwork in the exhibition invites viewers to question the story they are being told. The visual arts exhibition will be on view through Nov. 24 at The Center in Ketchum. For more information about upcoming events associated with The Center’s current BIG IDEA project, visit sunvalleycenter.org or call (208) 726-9491.


11AM / GRUMPY’S / KETCHUM The Mike Kelly Memorial Toy Run provides an opportunity for bikers and their friends to gather toys and money for Wood River Valley children in need. The 2017 Toy Run is scheduled for 11 a.m., Saturday, Sept. 30 at Grumpy’s Restaurant, 860 Warm Springs Road in Ketchum. Participating riders should bring a $10 new toy or $10 cash donation to the start of the event. The money and toys acquired by the Toy Run will go to the Community Foundation’s holiday basket program. The gathering for the Toy Run starts at Grumpy’s and will depart for the Hailey Hotel on Main Street in Hailey to drop off toys. The entourage will then venture to the Silver Dollar Saloon in Bellevue for an auction, barbecue, raffle and live music. For more information, contact Diane Walker at (208) 481-0479.



7PM / MAGIC LANTERN CINEMAS / KETCHUM Sun Valley Center for the Arts will present the feature-length documentary film “Under the Sun” as part of its current BIG IDEA project, “The Unreliable Narrator.” The screening is the first offering in The Center’s 2017-2018 Film Series. “Under the Sun” was filmed in North Korea by Russian director Vitaly Mansky. After two years of negotiation with the North Korean government, Mansky was granted permission to make a film about one girl and her family in the year she prepares to join the Children’s Union, on the Day of the Shining Star (Kim Jong-Il’s birthday). Tickets to “Under the Sun” are $10 for members of The Center and $12 for nonmembers. This film will be screened during the Magic Lantern’s annual Fall Film Festival. To purchase tickets or to learn more about other events associated with The Center’s “Unreliable Narrator” BIG IDEA project, visit sunvalleycenter.org, call (208) 726-9491 or visit The Center’s box office at 191 Fifth Street East in Ketchum.

Acclaimed New York actor Bill Raymond returns to the Wood River Valley to appear in a free play reading of John Patrick Shanley’s “Outside Mullingar.” The reading is part of an ongoing season of readings presented by Sun Valley Performing Arts. Shanley’s finest work since “Doubt,” “Outside Mullingar” is a compassionate, delightful work about how it’s never too late to take a chance on love. Raymond is the recipient of three Obie Awards: one for a shared lifetime achievement award as co-artistic director of the New York-based internationally acclaimed experimental theater company Mabou Mines, and two for performance. He is also celebrated as one of the most influential performers in the world of the works of Irish playwright Samuel Beckett. The reading of “Outside Mullingar” will feature Raymond along with Claudia McCain, Aly Wepplo and David Janeski. For information about the Sun Valley Performing Arts play-reading series call (208) 726-9124. The Spot is located at 220 Lewis St., #2, Ketchum.

SOFA KING & FRIENDS FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 29 9:30PM / SILVER DOLLAR / BELLEVUE Head to the Silver Dollar Saloon in Bellevue for free music shows every Friday night. This week, catch Sofa King & Friends at 9:30 p.m.



The Ketchum Farmers’ Market can be found in downtown Ketchum at the intersection of East Avenue and Fourth Street, just east of Atkinsons’ Market and Giacobbi Square. Shop local and check out some of the fruits, vegetables, flowers, meats, baked goods and more available weekly at the market. Locals and visitors can head to the Ketchum Farmers’ Market weekly on Tuesdays through Oct. 10.

The Baldy Hill Climb challenge offers one big mountain and five awesome events. The course for runners and hikers spans 1.86 miles and 3,140 vertical feet, from the bottom of Warm Springs to the summit of Bald Mountain, at 9,020 feet. There are two mountain biking events, the Baldy Mountain Bike Hill Climb and The Cheeso Double, in which competitors complete the mountain bike race and hill climb. The bike course is the Cold Springs mountain bike trail, featuring an elevation gain of 2,600 vertical feet over nine miles. The Cheeso Double is named in memory of the late Sun Valley Ski Education Foundation ski coach Craig “Cheeso” Kjesbo. Truly an event for all ages, the BHC also features a free children’s Kinder Climb for ages 11 and younger. The course is 300 vertical feet, starting at the base of Warm Springs. Everyone receives a participatory ribbon. All participants will also receive a T-shirt, access to the summit aid station, lift service and entry to the post-race awards party. Cash prizes are awarded to anyone clocking course records in the running, mountain bike and Cheeso Double divisions. Registration closes Thursday, Sept. 28; there is no race-day registration. For additional details and to register visit baldyhillclimb. com.

GARDEN THANKS PARTY TUESDAY OCTOBER 3 5-7PM / SAWTOOTH BOTANICAL GARDEN / KETCHUM Join the Sawtooth Botanical Garden for its annual thank-you party celebrating the invaluable volunteers and the support of the Wood River Valley community. The party will be held Oct. 3 from 5-7 p.m. with finger food and beverages. RSVPs appreciated. The Garden is located at 11 Gimlet Road, four miles south of Ketchum. For more information contact SBG by visiting sbgarden.org or call (208) 726-9358.

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T H E W E E K LY S U N • S E P T E M B E R 27 - O C T O B E R 3, 2017


Two Fires In One Hour

On Sunday, Sept. 24, there were two fire calls in the Wood River Valley within about 20 minutes of each other. At 10:40 p.m., Wood River Fire & Rescue responded to a reported fire out Croy Canyon, west of Hailey. The fire erupted in a bucket containing painters’ supplies inside a barn on the property. Wood River Fire & Rescue Chief Bart Lassman said there was no damage, and that the “police got there first and put it out with a fire extinguisher.” At 11:08 p.m., a fire was called in from The Meadows trailer park, south of Ketchum. Flames were visible outside of a utility closet on the outside of a trailer. The water heater was burning but was put out quickly, said Mike Elle, Ketchum fire chief The crews also checked the roof to make sure the fire had not spread. The trailer was still livable with no smoke damage.

VEX Robotics Competition Kicks Off At Community Campus

Robotics teams from Wood River Middle School and Wood River High School will host the season-opening tournament of Idaho’s VEX Robotics Competition at the Community Campus in Hailey on Friday, Oct. 27, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. More than 30 teams and 100 participants from school districts across southern Idaho and neighboring states will travel to the Wood River Valley for the event, which is free and open to the public. This year’s game challenge, “In the Zone,” requires competitors to amass points by stacking cones on goals, scoring points on mobile goals, and parking their robots within defined areas—all within a two-minute time limit. “These competitions are fun, fast-paced and fierce,” said Kevin Lupton, Wood River High School robotics coach and engineering teacher. “We encourage everyone to come and see what the excitement is all about.” Started in 2009, the Blaine County School District’s robotics program (known as BCB Bots) was the first of its kind in the state of Idaho. Today, BCB Bots involves 25 students at WRHS and 37 at WRMS, as well as robotics programs at each of the local elementary schools.


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