13 December 2017

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F R E E | DECEMBER 13 - 19, 2 0 1 7 | V O L . 1 0 - N O . 5 0 | W W W . T H E W E E K L Y S U N . C O M


Community News Holiday Baskets Program Preps For Its Busy Season


Environment News Hailey Nonprofit Joins National Lawsuit Over Bears Ears

Special Section Fifth-Grade Holiday Guide See Insert

“Once again, we come to the Holiday Season, a deeply religious time that each of us observes, in his own way, by going to the mall of his choice.”

For more information about this photo, see “On The Cover” on page 3. Photo courtesy of Eugene Ballet Company

~Dave Barry


T H E W E E K LY S U N •

DECEMBER 13 - 19, 2017

Rock The Holidays… Made in Idaho USA



NAMI Connection Support Group is an ongoing gathering for people living with a mental health challenge to share coping strategist, offer encouragement and receive support. Every Thursday, 5:30-7pm, Sun Club South, behind McDonald’s in Hailey. 208-481-0686.


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Text (up to 25 words): $5 Additional Text: 20¢ per word Photos: $5 per image • Logo: $10 Deadline: Monday at 1 p.m Space reservations: bulletin@theweeklysun.com

CLASSIC SUDOKU answer from page 15

Join Our Team Of Talented Wordsmiths. The Weekly Sun currently seeks part-time news reporters to produce high-quality, responsible local journalism. • Flexible Hours • Improve Your Craft • Grow Your Income • Photojournalism • Professional + Fun Company Culture. To apply, email a résumé to: Publisher & Editor Brennan Rego at publisher@theweeklysun.com


sun the weekly

ARE YOU AWESOME? Then You Should Work With An Awesome Company! The Weekly Sun is currently looking for part-time sales representatives to join our inspired, creative and talented team. • Flexible Hours • Meet New People • Grow Your Income • Solve Problems • Professional + Fun Company Culture To apply, email a resume to: Publisher & Editor Brennan Rego at publisher@theweeklysun.com What To Know. Where To Be. Responsible Local Journalism


answer from page 15

T H E W E E K LY S U N • D E C E M B E R 13 - 19, 2017


“A Christmas Carol the Musical” will return this week, in time for the holidays. This Wood River Valley tradition will warm the coldest Scrooge’s heart and will bring smiles to the smallest of faces. For a story, see page 12. Courtesy photo by Amanda René Photography

THIS WEEK D E C E M B E R 1 3 - 1 9 , 2017 | VOL. 10 NO. 50


Environment News

New Book By Idaho Historian Discusses Gem State Irrigation




The Weekly Sun’s Calendar

Student Spotlight And Award-Winning Columns Stay In The Loop On Where To Be

ON THE COVER Eugene Ballet Company, along with local dance students, will perform “The Nutcracker” on December 14. For a story, see page 7. Photo courtesy of Eugene Ballet Company Local artists & photographers interested in seeing their art on our cover page should email submissions to: mandi@ theweeklysun.com (photos should be high resolution and include caption info such as who or what is in the photo, date and location).

THE WEEKLY SUN STAFF 13 W. Carbonate St. • P.O. Box 2711 Hailey, Idaho 83333 Phone: 208.928.7186 Fax: 208.928.7187 AD SALES Brennan Rego • 208.720.1295 • brennan@theweeklysun.com NEWS EDITOR Dana DuGan • news@theweeklysun.com CALENDAR EDITOR Yanna Lantz • calendar@theweeklysun.com COPY EDITOR Patty Healey STAFF REPORTERS • JoEllen Collins • Dick Dorworth • Maria Prekeges • Jennifer Holly Smith news@theweeklysun.com DESIGN DIRECTOR Mandi Iverson • 208.721.7588 • mandi@theweeklysun.com PRODUCTION & DESIGN Chris Seldon • production@theweeklysun.com ACCOUNTING Shirley Spinelli • 208.928.7186 • accounting@theweeklysun.com PUBLISHER & EDITOR Brennan Rego • 208.720.1295 • publisher@theweeklysun.com DEADLINES Display & Community Bulletin Board Ads — Monday @ 1pm brennan@theweeklysun.com • bulletin@theweeklysun.com Calendar Submissions — Friday @ 5pm calendar@theweeklysun.com www.TheWeeklySun.com Published by Idaho Sunshine Media, LLC



T H E W E E K LY S U N •

DECEMBER 13 - 19, 2017


City of Ketchum KIC Stays Busy Through December Ski, meet for lunch and talk business at a “Chance Meeting on the Mountain” with the Ketchum Innovation Center at River Run Lodge on Friday, Dec. 15, at 10 a.m. You are also invited to the KIC Holiday Party on Thursday, Dec. 28, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at 311 N. First Ave.

Holiday Lighting Reminders ★ Holiday Lights can only be displayed Nov. 20 through March 20 ★ All new holiday lighting must be LED, or bulbs proven to be the most energy efficient technology available ★ Private holiday lighting shall be turned off at the close of business hours in the Community Core, and after 10:30 p.m. in all other zoning districts. Outdoor public lighting is excluded from holiday lighting curfew. ★ Flashing holiday lighting is permitted. Happy Holidaysfrom all of us at the City of Ketchum!

Public Meetings CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday • December 18 • 5:30 pm • City Hall PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Monday • January 8 • 5:30 pm • City Hall

Keep Up With City News Visit ketchumidaho.org to sign up for email notifications, the City eNewsletter and to follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Email questions and comments to participate@ketchumidaho.org.

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h a j u l e l l a n Valley H


& s u r Cho ance Centre

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Saturday Dec. 16th 7:00 p.m.

at the Community Campus Theater, Hailey

Sunday Dec. 17th 7:00 p.m.

at The Presbyterian Church of the Bigwood, Ketchum

Handel’s Messiah

Friday, Dec. 22nd 5:30 p.m.

at The Presbyterian Church of the Bigwood, Ketchum Free to the public • Donations welcome

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hen I moved to Idaho, I had to relearn how to garden. As an Easterner, with plentiful rainfall, I barely needed a sprinkler. I dubbed my vegetable garden ‘Colombia’ for its seasonal abundance. But Idaho is tricky, and dry, as I was not the first to find out. And it is, along with most other Western states, a place where the challenge to make things grow is hampered by lack of the precious resource, water. The pioneers and early settlers knew this but only after very hard times and droughts. Extreme weather wasn’t the only challenge, however; they also dealt with the lies of con men who insisted that water was plentiful, and the federal government’s own missteps. Native Idahoan and Boise State University history professor Hugh T. Lovin (1928-2014) spent years writing about Idaho’s relationship with water and, specifically, irrigation, for the Idaho Historical Society. Lovin’s scholarly essays were compiled first by him and then, in 2014, by editor Judith Austin. It has just been printed as “Complexity in a Ditch: Bringing Water to the Idaho Desert,” by Washington State University Press. University of Idaho historian Adam M. Sowards’ valuable introduction sets Lovin’s work in context, and concludes, “No one knows irrigation better than Hugh Lovin, and the essays included here are gems of historical research.” Lovin grew up on a farm in southeastern Idaho and much of his work concerns agricultural efforts in the expansive and flat Snake River Plain, and the politics of water. An important part of those politics stemmed from the complexity of the 1894 Carey Act, which gave “desert states up to one million acres of federal public domain provided the state get the lands irrigated using private corporations and investors who profited by selling the water to farmers on the lands.” It sounded appealing to folks back East, who sought a challenge. Mostly, these transplants to the “New West,” as promoted by newspapers back East, were not manual laborers before they came. Among the rude awakenings they were confronted with was the necessity of clearing land of sagebrush and jackrabbits. And that was before attempting to find water for their desert land. Drawn by the promise of 50-cents-an-acre, seed-ready land near extensive water resources, they came trooping out West by the thousands. Idaho’s population doubled between 1900 and 1910, to 325,594. Federal agents, “silk hatters” and speculators followed. Irrigation companies formed and went belly up, and investors disappeared, but irrigation remained the “promise of Eden.” Silk hatters— businessmen promoting irrigation schemes—even

“Complexity in a Ditch,” by Hugh T. Lovin, 2017 WSU Press

tried to divert snow runoff water from the Big Wood River to farms hundreds of miles away, to no avail. There were also attempts to divert water from Yellowstone, and such projects as King Hill and Bruneau (both unsuccessful), and the Twin Falls south side tract (successful). In 1907, William Jennings Bryant called the Twin Falls south side irrigation tract “desert land converted into a garden.” Lovin described the Snake River basin as “an awesome plateau bounded by snowcapped mountains on its north and south perimeters and sprawling east to west for over three hundred miles across the southern part of the state.” On the Snake River Plain, the irrigation process has been particularly complex, influenced by local and national politics as well as geography and technology. But much of the land was far removed from water sources. As the reality of the situation became clear, Idaho, under the leadership of thenGovernor Moses Alexander, began returning nonirrigated land to federal public domain. Even for the current crop of farmers and settlers, water remains the essential component to life in Idaho. “Complexity in a Ditch” is available through bookstores, direct from WSU Press at (800) 3547360, or at wsupress.wsu.edu. tws


Sheriff’s Office Makes Investment In Community The Blaine County Sheriff’s Office recently added 22 more automated external defibrillators (AED) to equip all department vehicles. AEDs, portable devices that check the heart rhythm and can send an electric shock to the heart to try to restore a normal rhythm, are used to treat sudden cardiac arrest. “Receiving CPR and defibrillation within the first five minutes can make a significant difference in the chances of survival and quality of life,” said Steve Harkins, Blaine County sheriff. Law enforcement responders are often the first on the scene when an emergency medical call comes in. “Providing each of our deputies with an AED means that more in our community are closer to an AED when every minute counts,” Harkins said. “This is an investment in public safety. Blaine County Sheriff now has AEDs in all vehicles used by patrol, animal control, detectives, and command staff. Deputies are certified in CPR and fully trained on AED usage.”

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T H E W E E K LY S U N •

DECEMBER 13 - 19, 2017

jane’s artifacts


arts / / crafts / / papers / / office / / party

PERSONALIZED Christmas Cards Custom Bows Bags of Holiday Baskets await pick-up at the Community Campus. Photo courtesy of Holiday Baskets



hen times are tough, the Wood River Valley community comes together in a myriad of ways, from food drives to toy drives. The Holiday Baskets program has excelled in doing exactly that for 30 years. The nonprofit organization, which is supported by the Sun Valley REALTORS Give foundation since 2003, serves hundreds Blaine County families and children in need. The organization provides baskets full of food for a holiday meal as well as clothes and toys for the children of the families during the Christmas season. But they can’t go it alone. The organization is asking the community for more than in-kind donations. They need monetary donations year-round. “One Christmas, many years ago, when I was a single mother of three barely making ends meet, I had no money to buy Christmas presents for my kids, let alone food for a holiday meal,” said Diane Walker, a resident of Bellevue. “Little did I know an angel added my family’s name to the list of Holiday Basket recipients and that year we were blessed with food for a good meal and lots of toys for each of my kids.” Walker said times were tough then. “I remember I came home in the evening, and walked upstairs to our apartment and found a couple of boxes with food and gifts,” she said. “My kids didn’t


feel pitied at all. They were so grateful; they felt cared for. Talk about swelling your heart up with Christmas spirit.” Based on that experience more than 20 years ago, Walker became a participant in the annual Toy Run held each fall. After years of volunteering and riding in the run with other motorcyclists, she now organizes the event with her daughter. “It’s something we take really seriously because of our experience,” she said. The Community Campus in Hailey is the base of operations for Holiday Baskets. Volunteers from the community and schools help decorate the giant Queen of the Hills room, stuff food bags with ingredients for a holiday meal, and create gift bags full of toys, clothes, toothbrushes and books for the kids. It’s a process that takes weeks to prepare, culminating with the private distribution to local families. “Every year we receive support from hundreds of volunteers and donors so that local families in need experience some Christmas cheer,” says Amanda Ornelas, CEO of Sun Valley REALTORS Give. “It’s that kind of generosity that keeps Holiday Baskets alive.” Holiday Baskets received toys in early spring right before the now-defunct department store in Hailey, King’s, closed for business. Donations of any size can be made online at SVRealtorsGive. org. For volunteer opportunities, call Brandee Smith at (208) 7267764. tws

Idaho Democratic Party Staff Votes To Unionize Idaho Democratic Party staff voted to authorize the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers 291 (IBEW) as their collective bargaining representative. The vote was unanimous. This makes the IDP the first state Democratic party in the nation to unionize its staff. “Although it creates some challenges, I am pleased our staff has decided to unionize,” Bert Marley, Idaho Democratic Party chairman, said. “Our staff is setting an example of what it means to ‘walk the talk’ for other state parties and progressive organizations around the country.” “I want to congratulate the staff at the Idaho Democratic Party for becoming the first state party in the United States to unionize,” Mark Zaleski, IBEW 291 business manager, said. “We’re excited to represent them in this process.”




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Striking 12 is generously sponsored by Arrow R Storage. Company of Fools’ 22nd Season Sponsors: Anonymous, The Shubert Foundation, Carr Foundation, Linda & Bob Edwards, Ken Lewis, Scott Miley Roofing, Priscilla Pittiglio, Linda & Bill Potter, Mary Ann & John Underwood, Barbara & Stanley Zax and media sponsor The Weekly Sun

EARLY DEADLINES FOR 12/27 & 1/03 ISSUES The Weekly Sun Team Will Be Out Of The Office On Monday, Dec. 25, & Monday, Jan. 1 Early Deadlines For The 12/27 Issue: Calendar Entries: Thursday, 12/21 By Noon Display & Bulletin Ads: Friday, 12/22 By Noon Early Deadlines For The 1/03 Issue Will Be Calendar Entries: Thursday, 12/28 By Noon Display & Bulletin Ads: Friday, 12/29 By Noon Thanks For Helping Us Enjoy The Holidays —Your Friends At The Weekly Sun



T H E W E E K LY S U N •

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DECEMBER 13 - 19, 2017


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Lincoln County Fails To Reimburse Landowners Last February, overwhelmed with early season floodwater, 4 Bros. Dairy, northwest of Shoshone, pumped lagoon water into the Milner-Gooding Canal. Contamination disappeared into a fissure in the canal and reappeared in domestic wells, prompting a water advisory for areas of Lincoln and Gooding counties. The dairy was ordered to stop pumping the wastewater into the canal and the Idaho State Department of Agriculture was alerted to reports of discolored, foul-smelling water. Lincoln County then urged homeowners with domestic wells within the advisory area to have their water tested and promised to reimburse them for the cost of the tests if they kept their receipts. The Twin Falls Times-News reports between 20-40 wells were tested at a cost of $16 per test, some of which tested positive for E. coli bacteria. However, Lincoln County has turned away requests for reimbursement, saying federal emergency funding never came through despite assurances from Lincoln County commissioners.

Grand Gulch is one of the areas that was removed from Bears Ears National Monument. Courtesy photo by Erik Molvar




ast Thursday, Dec. 7, just days after President Donald Trump issued two proclamations reducing the size of Utah national monuments Bears Ears by 85 percent and the Grand Staircase-Escalante by 39 percent, conservation organizations filed lawsuits attacking the orders as an abuse of the president’s power. Trump has maintained that the move was a victory for states’ rights and local control. The proclamations effectively split the two vast swaths of federally protected lands into five much smaller monuments. Following in the footsteps of Native American tribes who already sued the president, Earthjustice is representing nine conservation organizations in a suit charging that the president violated the 1906 Antiquities Act and the U.S. Constitution by eviscerating the monuments. The nine groups are The Wilderness Society, the National Parks Conservation Association, the Sierra Club, the Grand Canyon Trust, Defenders of Wildlife, Western Watersheds Project, Great Old Broads for Wilderness, WildEarth Guardians, and the Center for Biological Diversity. The Natural Resources Defense Council and Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance are co-plaintiffs in the case, represented by counsel from those organizations. Founded in Hailey in 1993, Western Watersheds Project has field offices throughout the West, as it works to protect and restore millions of acres of public land. Five tribes—Hopi Tribe, Navajo Nation, Pueblo of Zuni, Ute Indian Tribe, and Ute Mountain Ute Tribe—led the effort to establish the Bears Ears National Monument, an area still used for Native American cultural and religious purposes. Increased looting of the estimated 100,000plus structures, sites, and objects within every reach of the monument dictated the need for protections in the form of a monu-

ment designation. It’s not just the looting, however. The unprecedented revocation of Bears Ears leaves those rare archaeological sites and wildlands without protection from prospecting, oil and gas drilling, uranium mining, or off-road vehicle damage. Because the president’s authority to create national monuments is delegated by Congress under the Antiquities Act, monument proclamations carry the force of law and cannot be reversed by later presidents. These groups, and the letter of the law, suggest that Trump lacks the authority to gut a national monument that belongs to all Americans. Rhea Suh, president of the Natural Resources Defense Council, believes the president’s order is illegal. “This landscape, with its petroglyphs, stone villages and sheer natural splendor, has been the homeland to indigenous peoples for thousands of years,” Suh said. The Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Land Management and the Department of Agriculture’s United States Forest Service manages the monuments jointly. Trump’s proclamation states that the Antiquities Act requires that “any reservation of land as part of a monument be confined to the smallest area compatible with the proper care and management of the objects of historic or scientific interest to be protected.” It goes on to state that “some of the objects Proclamation 9558 identifies are not unique to the monument, and some of the particular examples of these objects within the monument are not of significant scientific or historic interest. Moreover, many of the objects Proclamation 9558 identifies were not under threat of damage or destruction before designation such that they required a reservation of land to protect them.” However, Native American tribes view the proclamations differently. This action appears

to be another the tribes vigorously oppose due to negative effects on their land, livelihood and environment, including issuing the permits to both the Dakota Access Pipeline and the Keystone XL, and revoking the executive order to protect the Bering Sea. Because there were two proclamations, there are two separate suits from each group in the Federal District Court in Washington, D.C. “The judge can now rule to change the outcome of the reductions,” said Erik Molver, executive director of Western Watersheds Project. “The court will set the schedules [for hearings] but, in the meanwhile, we’ll be watching for any major action that could potentially destroy rare artifacts. If there are such major actions proposed, we could seek an injunction.” One way around the Antiquities Act might be for Congress to change the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976. “Under that law, it’s explicitly stated that the president may not reduce or eliminate national monuments,” Molvar said. “That is the law of the land. It would be surprising indeed for these congressional acts to go very far. National monuments are very popular with the voting public. We don’t think they have the votes to pass it in Congress. We think it’s a matter of time, considering the overreach by President Trump, before the courts restore the monuments.” A mix of local conservation, tribal and outdoor recreation groups, including Patagonia, also filed suits—there are five in all. A group of scientists and paleontologists filed its suit due to the world-class reserves of dinosaur fossils found nowhere else in the world. Since its designation by President Bill Clinton in 1996, 21 new dinosaur species have been unearthed, leading these lands to be called a “dinosaur Shangri-la” and a “geologic wonderland.” Continued NATIONAL MONUMENTS Next Page

T H E W E E K LY S U N •


DECEMBER 13 - 19, 2017



USA Grappling Academy Be A Part Of Something Great; In Your Mind, Body & Spirit With Jiu-Jitsu


The Eugene Ballet will perform “The Nutcracker” on Dec. 14, with local dancers. Photo courtesy of Eugene Ballet Company


Valley youth to perform ‘The Nutcracker’



he classic Christmas ballet “The Nutcracker” will come alive this holiday season in a special collaborative performance between the College of Southern Idaho Blaine County Center and the Eugene Ballet Company. For this presentation, Wood River Valley dancers will join the pros to bring forth this beloved extravaganza. The show will take place at 7 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 14 at the Wood River High School Performing Arts Theater, located at the Community Campus in Hailey. “Involvement of local dance students is something we’ve always encouraged,” said Toni Pimble, EBC’s artistic director. “The experiences with a professional dance company will be something they will remember for years to come, and give them inspiration beyond their dance studies.” More than 50 Valley youth auditioned to be part of the show in late summer, and 48 will take the stage alongside EBC principal dancers Danielle Tolmie, Koatsu Yashima and Colton West. “The students have all worked very hard and with professional poise at the responsibility of their parts and opportunity to dance on the stage with professionals,” said Hilarie Neely, director of Footlight Dance Centre. “Some for the first time (definitely the mice and most of the angels), but there are some kids who had easier parts two years ago and have now moved into roles that require more technical strength and understanding of their ballet vocabulary. It is a thrill to be part of a tradition that is over 100 years old—children dancing in The Nutcracker.” This performance will be many of the Valley dancers’ first professional experience onstage. For months, Neely rehearsed the young ballerinas in their parts. Valley youth will be showcased as mice, angels and party children in Act 1; perform roles in Clara’s dream in the “Kingdom of Sweets”; and take the stage for the “Waltz of the Flowers.”

(208) 720-3519 • 713 N Main St., Unit A, Bellevue “The Nutcracker” tells the story of a young girl who imagines her Christmas toys come to life one Christmas Eve. Photo courtesy of Eugene Ballet Company

“The ‘Waltz of the Flowers’ is the ultimate role for young dancers,” Neely said. “The dancers dance on pointe, so this means that they have been studying for many years and have attained strength of body and technique to get to this level.” “The Nutcracker” is a perfect vehicle for young children to be exposed to ballet and learn how to express a story with their body. “It is a story that most of us can relate to— through holiday traditions within our own family—incorporating parties, friendships and gifts that are exchanged, along with dreams of wonderful places of fun, [like] the Kingdom of the Sweets,” said Neely. “This is an easy story to introduce children to the world of ballet and storytelling without words. This production teaches the kids commitment. They gain confidence and enthusiasm for their dancing as we get closer to the show and the excitement builds.” Tickets for the performance are $25 for general admission and $44 for priority seating section. Reserve seats online at offcampus.csi.edu/blaine/ Nutcracker. For more information about this production, call CSI at (208) 788-2033. tws

National Monuments Continued from Page 6

In the big picture, while the Grand Staircase-Escalante’s proclamation upset southern Utah’s Kane and Garfield counties at the time, tourism dollars in the region have increased. Recreation from adventure-seekers, hikers, amateur geologists and families now funnels more than $12 billion into Utah’s economy. As well, an intricate land swap was made between Utah and the federal government over Grand

TESTIMONIAL I have always struggled losing weight! Recently, with the passing of my father due to health issues, I wanted to do something to be healthier! I was working out on my own for about 45 days prior to starting kickboxing class at Lee’s gym. At first, I was hesitant and scared and unsure. When I arrived my first day, Monday, October 2, I was welcomed with open arms! I was allowed to go at my pace, but was also pushed to be better, do better and get better results! Kickboxing has not only accelerated my weight loss, but made me stronger physically and mentally! Lee is extremely supportive and encouraging, he really cares about what he does and it shows! He makes you want to work hard! Not for him, but for you; because you’re worth it! —Tiffany Cross BEFORE AFTER

Staircase-Escalante, with Congress passing legislation that modified its boundaries in 1998. Utah received 145,000 acres of mineral-rich federal lands, and $50 million from the federal treasury, which was used to support Utah’s public schools. “For more than two decades, through Democratic and Republican administrations alike, we have worked with the BLM, paleontologists, local landowners, ranchers and business owners to ensure the monument’s resources are protected,” said Nada Culver, senior counsel for The Wil-

derness Society. Worth noting is that some of America’s best-loved national parks, including Yellowstone, the Grand Canyon and Grand Teton, were designated as monuments amid significant local controversy. “Twenty years from now, if our suit is successful, Bears Ears will be famous and treasured and its opponents will look just as foolish and short-sighted as those who opposed the Grand Canyon’s designation,” Molvar said. tws


Wood River Chess Club Competes In Regionals

The Wood River Chess Club competed in the South Central Regional Scholastic Tournament, which is a qualifier for the state scholastic competition, on Saturday, Dec. 2. Hosted by Jerome High School, the event attracted players from Meridian, Boise, Eagle, Twin Falls, Jerome, Hailey, and Bellevue. Each game lasted an hour long, “The club did very well, with everyone securing a berth in the state chess tournament,” said Adam Porth, club director. “Of the 47 competitors, seven were from Wood River.” River Shepard tied with Dylan Flukinger to share first place overall and first place in eighth grade. Dylan Porth and Jasper Vega won first place for the 12th and 11th grades, respectively. Nate Sorenson was in second place for 10th grade. Darwin Porth and Sera Begay nabbed third place for seventh and 12th grade, respectively. And in fourth grade, Carson Bauer was in third place. The Wood River Chess Club is open to everyone and meets every week at Natural Grocers in Hailey, Thursdays from 4-7 p.m. The Wood River Chess Club will host a Christmas Blitzkrieg (lightning-fast chess) Tournament, 4-9 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 21, at Natural Grocers in Hailey. There will be eight rounds; games are five minutes each person; clocks and boards provided. For information, contact Adam Porth at woodriverchessclub@gmail.com.

sun T H E W E E K LY S C E N E 8

T H E W E E K LY S U N • D E C E M B E R 13 - 19, 2017

the weekly

The City of Ketchum Arts Commission, with partners Sun Valley Co., U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management, unveiled a new, wrapped gondola “art car” on Friday afternoon at the River Run base in Ketchum. Standing in front of the car are Marybeth Flowers, left—widow of Joe Bauwens, for whom the artwork was dedicated—and Ketchum Mayor Nina Jonas. The artwork was done by Boise-based artist Rachel Teannalach, and is titled “Mandala Gondola.” This is the second art car the partners have produced, with the first being unveiled in December 2014.

Hoar frost appeared after a heavy fog lifted on a magnificent tree in Bellevue on Friday. Cour by Kathleen Swanson

Narda Pitkethly, left, and Helen Morgus displayed their wares, Glassy Globes and Cashmere Leis, respectively, at Tara Bella’s Christkindl Markt on Friday night in Hailey. Photo by Dana DuGan

rtesy photo


T H E W E E K LY S U N • D E C E M B E R 13 - 19, 2017


Census Bureau Releases New Data For 2012-2016

A slight increase in the percentage of Idaho’s population 18 years and older that are veterans, a rise in median household income and an increase in median gross rent are just a few of the many statistics released this week by the U.S. Census Bureau. The Census Bureau’s 2012–2016 American Community Survey produces a rolling sample of estimates on more than 40 social, economic and housing characteristics for U.S. cities, towns, counties and other geographies, regardless of their population size. It is the only source for comprehensive data for 38 of Idaho’s 44 counties and 198 incorporated cities. Idahoans who don’t own their homes saw a $55 increase in median gross rent, from $709 in 2007-2011 (adjusted for inflation) to $764 in 2012-2016. The highest median gross rent was in Blaine County at $964 in 2012-2016, up from $931 in 2011-2015. Idaho’s median household income increased $1,591 from the 2011-2015 survey period to $49,174. Men earn on average $43,261 annually while female Idahoans earn just $32,249. The largest decrease was $2,002 in Blaine County to $58,086. The largest increase was $5,246 in Valley County to $53,630. Teton County had the highest median household income at $58,173. Clark County had the smallest median household income at $32,422. Ten percent of Idaho’s population 18 years and older were veterans. The largest number were veterans of the Vietnam era, 46,155 or 38.6 percent. Blaine County had the highest percentage of veterans with a bachelor’s degree or higher at 48.2 percent. Fifty-eight percent of Idaho’s population age 16 and older were employed, of whom 77 percent worked for private firms. Fifteen percent worked for government employers and about 8 percent were self-employed. Between 2012 and 2016, 10.6 percent of Idaho’s population age 5 and older spoke a language other than English at home. Of those, 62.3 percent also spoke English. For more information, visit census.gov.

Local Food Alliance Hires New Food Strategist

Local Food Alliance scored a major win last month when Amy Marvin Mattias came on board as the new food system strategist. Since settling in the Wood River Valley in 2014, Mattias has worked to strengthen the local/regional food system through positions with Wood River Sustainability Center, Idaho’s Bounty, NourishMe and, most recently, Kraay’s Market & Garden. Mattias, who served as producer liaison for Wood River Valley HarvestFest in both 2016 and 2017, will continue connecting the Wood River Valley to local and regional farms. “We are stronger for her passion, expertise, and commitment to our mission,” said Ali Long, CEO of Local Food Alliance.

“A Few Good Men” To Perform This Holiday Season

The singing group “A Few Good Men” will perform three times this holiday season in the Wood River Valley. With all members performing, the first concert will be held at 7 p.m. Sunday, Dec.17 at Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Hailey. This is a free concert of holiday music and all are invited to attend. Donations will be gratefully accepted. “A Few Good Men” will also sing at 12 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 19 at the Rotary luncheon at Rico’s Pizza in Ketchum. On Christmas Eve, a quartet from the group consisting of R.L. Rowsey, Dick Brightman, Dawson Howard and Tim Eagan will perform at the 9 p.m. service at Emmanuel Episcopal Church. They will sing for approximately 15 minutes before the service begins, during the service, and a “postlude” song at the conclusion of the service. Everyone is also invited to attend this service. Emmanuel Episcopal Church is located at 101 2nd Avenue South, Hailey.



Fifth-grade scholars produce a holiday guide for Blaine County BY BRENNAN REGO


uring the past few weeks, I’ve enjoyed the educational and inspirational experience of working with the newest group of journalists in town: this year’s Bellevue Elementary School fifth-grade students and their teachers. Go Bellevue Bears!! What began as a project with last year’s class to increase the students’ proficiency in writing has flourished into a real-world, handson experience for the kids—now for the second year in a row. We began the project with a guest lecture on writing as a profession, with a focus on journalism, the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and objectivity in writing. Fifth-grade teachers Alexis Duvall and Andrea Gallegos and I then dedicated December’s writing classes toward producing a real newspaper special section, “The Bellevue Bears Fifth-Grade Holiday Guide,” inserted in this week’s issue of The Weekly Sun. The kids are so tremendously excited to present their work to you, as are all of us who helped them share this informative and fun insert with our community. This learning experience was as inspiring and educational for me as (reportedly by the fifth-grade staff!) it was for the students. I’d also like to add a most gracious thanks to WOW: The Generosity Project, which paid for the printing costs to produce the special. WOW is an amazing local nonprofit that provides incredible opportunities to local students. I volunteered my time and produced the section at cost, but without WOW’s help, we wouldn’t have been able to publish the hard copies. For more information about WOW, visit wow-students.org or see their ad on the back cover of the insert. Thanks also to our awesome, hardworking and creative professional team here at The Weekly Sun for making this insert happen for the students and our community. The fifth-grade Bears and I hope you learn as much about spending the holidays in Blaine County as we did while producing our newspaper. Holiday cheers to you and yours and to all, and have fun enjoying our very special section, Brennan Rego Publisher & Editor The Weekly Sun

The Bellevue Bears Fifth-Grade

Holiday Guide

Interest In Solar Heats Up In Idaho

One hundred and nine families in southern Idaho installed rooftop solar panels in the last 18 months through the Solarize the Valley program, similar to a program held in 2016 in Blaine County. According to Snake River Alliance, that launched the program, this is a sign that interest in solar energy is growing quickly in the Gem State. Another is that, statewide, the number of solar installations has doubled. Snake River Alliance surpassed its goal and installed 730-kilowatt solar-energy-producing projects in Boise, Eagle, Meridian, Nampa, Caldwell, Twin Falls, Emmett, Fruitland, Middleton and Wilder. This represents a $2.3 million investment in clean energy. This also enabled two installation companies, AltEnergy and Bluebird Solar and Light, to hire several more workers. Despite this, solar adoption rates still lag behind most other Mountain West states. Still, Idaho Power wants to change the net metering program that allows homeowners to generate some of their own electricity and send excess power back to the grid as credits. Each customer has a special electric meter and is billed for their net energy use. The Snake River Alliance and other solar advocates have intervened in front of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission to support net metering. The commission is now accepting testimony and is expected to rule on any changes in March 2018. For more information, visit snakeriveralliance.org.

Swisher Schedules 2nd District Announcement Tour

Economist and businessman Aaron Swisher will host events to discuss his upcoming campaign for the 2nd Congressional District seat, currently held by Rep. Mike Simpson. The Democratic Primary is scheduled for May 15, 2018. Swisher will hold a kick-off event from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 16 at Black Owl Coffee, at 208 N. River Street in Hailey. “I’m running to create a better deal for working-class Americans,” Swisher said. “America needs members of Congress that will fight for the middle class. We don’t need a bigger bureaucracy to create better paying jobs, but we do need a government that acts in the best interest of American workers.” For more information, visit Swisherforidaho.com or follow Swisher for Idaho on Facebook.

Bellevue Elementary School fifth graders pose in front of a Christmas tree. For a complete list of names, see below. Photo courtesy of Blaine County School District




12/17/17: 8 days to Christmas Tell a joke to someone. Q: Who is Santa’s favorite singer? A: Elf-is Presley

12/22/17: 3 days to Christmas Share something with someone. Q: Why does Santa put a clock on his sleigh? A: He wants time to fly

12/13/17: 12 days to Christmas Open a door for someone. Q: What reindeer are dinosaurs afraid of? A: Comet

12/18/17: 7 days to Christmas Help someone in need. Q: Why does Santa have 3 gardens? A: So he can ho-ho-ho.

12/14/17: 11 days to Christmas Give a smile to someone. Q: What do you call an elf who sings? A: A wrapper

12/19/17: 6 days to Christmas Help someone get ready for Christmas if you can. Q: What do you get if you cross Santa and a detective? A: Santa Clues

12/23/17: 2 days to Christmas Donate a toy if possible. Q: What do you call a shark that delivers toys on Christmas? A: Santa jaws

12/15/17: 10 days to Christmas Help someone find something they’ve lost. Q: What is a bird’s favorite Christmas story? A: The flinch who stole Christmas

12/20/17: 5 days to Christmas Compliment someone. Q: When Santa goes to the beach what do the elves call him? A: Sandy Claus

e created a countdown to Christmas, including a nice thing you can do for someone else and a joke for each day.

12/16/17: 9 days to Christmas Say something nice to someone. Q: What do you say when Santa is taking attendance at school? A: Present.

12/21/17: 4 days to Christmas Spend time with a best friend. Q: What is as big as Santa but weighs nothing? A: His shadow

PARTICIPATING STUDENTS AND TEACHERS Bellevue Elementary School Fifth-Grade Students: Nevaeh Barber, Kai Black, Johny Blacker, Raymond Boyd, Stephanie Carbajal, Manuel Chavez, Wyatt Crego, Keyera Cross, Eli Edwards, Francisco Ferrer, Winston Gallegos, Makiayah George, Owen Gingrich, Wylder Grafft, Noah Hawkins, Celene Hernandez, Evangeline Holden, Meredith Hoskins, Lennon Hunter, Eric Hurtado, Saul Hurtado, Ruby Lang, Maggie Madrigal, Mallory Livingston, Marlee McLean, Emmi Nilsen, Blake Nisson, Frances Perry, Molly Poderick, Luis Ramirez, Caitlyn Redfern, Zachary Reed, Sheldon Sali, Ximena Salinas, Barratt Showalter, Gauge Slatter, Jett Sluder, Talon Stanton, Maya Thompson, Ty Thornton, Alex Torres, Brandi Villegas-Hartley, Trevor Ward, Romina Zavala. FifthGrade Teachers: Alexis Duvall and Andrea Gallegos. Special Advisor: Brennan Rego, publisher of The Weekly Sun.

12/24/17: 1 day to Christmas If someone needs help with anything, go help! Q: What did Mrs. Claus say to Santa when she looked up into the sky? A: Looks like rain, dear. 12/25/17: CHRISTMAS!!! Brighten someone’s day who may need it. Q: Who does Santa know who is being good or bad all the time? We’ll give you a hint, it involves measurement. A: Pinocchio.

PUBLISHER’S NOTE: For a Publisher’s Note with more information about this project and how we produced it with the students, see page 9 in the main section of this week’s issue of The Weekly Sun. –Brennan Rego Publisher & Editor


See “The Bellevue Bears Fifth-Grade Holiday Guide” special section, inserted in this week’s issue of The Weekly Sun.

the weekly



T H E W E E K LY S U N •

Fishing R epoRt

DECEMBER 13 - 19, 2017



inter fishing in the Sun Valley/Picabo area is some of the finest of the year. Here’s a look at current conditions. Silver Creek upstream from Highway 20 is now closed; downstream, the Creek remains open through the end of February. Dry-fly action on Silver Creek at this time of year is limited and revolves around midge activity. Look for midges during the latter part of the day, and go long and light with leaders and tippets. When the Creek becomes a bit turbid, as it typically does each winter, small leeches and streamers fished slowly along undercut banks and through deeper troughs will produce fish. Waterfowl hunting season remains open until Jan. 26, so be aware of hunting activity along Silver Creek. Fishing on the Big Wood remains productive during the warmest part of the day; no need to get on the water early! Concentrate on river sections that receive a fair amount of sunlight, and as a rule, fish softer seams and slower buckets and pools. Double nymph rigs are effective. Try a larger nymph such as a big Stonefly, Hare’s Ear, or Copper John as the point fly, and trail a smaller Zebra Midge or tiny Pheasant Tail. Fishing a darkbrown or olive streamer through deeper water will result in some larger fish. Some dry-fly fishing can be had on midges; foam lines and eddies will concentrate bugs and fish! The flow on the Big Lost below the dam has been unusually high this winter. As of today, the flow is at roughly 400 cfs. This level makes for challenging wading in some sections, and tougher fishing, as well. Keep an eye on flows, and, as they drop, nymphing with typical Big Wood patterns will produce fish. Remember, a touch of red or orange on your flies for this river never hurts. The South Fork below the dam has been running at a consistent flow of around 300 cfs. This makes for excellent fishing conditions for both dry-fly fishing and nymphing. Baetis and Midges will show up at select times, and standard nymph rigs are always a good bet. Large streamers fished in the deepest water can yield some trophy fish. The canyon road into the river can be treacherous, so take your 4-wheel-drive vehicle, tire chains, and winter vehicle survival kit, just in case! Happy fishing, everyone!

Hwy 20 in Picabo info@picaboangler.com (208)788.3536 www.picaboangler.com




very day I am approached by dog owners whose dogs have practically pulled their arm out of the socket, or jumped on them and knocked them down, or stolen an expensive turkey off the counter. In one incident, years ago, I had a client whose dog actually pulled him over and broke his face, requiring three reconstructive surgeries. Then the dog pulled over his wife, who ended up having to go to physical therapy for six months for her back. This was the epitome of the worst case I have ever seen. Usually, we think of a dangerous dog as one that might bite or that might otherwise threaten someone. But, a dangerous dog is also one that threatens someone’s health or is a danger to the dog itself. Yes, this, too, is a dangerous dog. When I see these things happening, I have to make it perfectly clear to the owner that this is not acceptable and can be changed. The answers are not always simple, but one of the first answers is that dog owners must believe that these behaviors are indeed dangerous to themselves and to the dog. There are many ways to approach dangerous behaviors. Prevention is always the best cure, in my book. That means, when you bring a puppy home, you start training the minute the

puppy comes in the door. Thinking a puppy should be given special privileges because they are young is very old-school thinking. We know that puppies are learning machines and that there is a critical imprinting period up to 16 weeks old. What you allow is teaching them behavior they can do the rest of their lives. In most cases, allowing or encouraging jumping and pulling on the leash at this age is a life sentence to living with a disrespectful, dangerous dog as that dog gets older, bigger and stronger. When trying to work with an older dog that is unruly, it is imperative to try different methods of training to determine which one works best for that dog and for you. One training method, as you might find on the Internet, may not fit your dog and stop unruly behaviors. One of my most disliked training recommendations online is to see jumping as “attention seeking,” then turning your back to the dog to ignore it. It is not attention seeking—it is the dog or puppy exploring to see who you are as a leader. In the dog world, the higher you are, the higher you are in social status. Turning your back on the dog is actually you submitting to the dog, when the dog is actually seeking to know social status. Walking into the dog reclaims your personal space and is usually much more effective. The point here is that, first, you must see unruly behaviors

It is such a delight to live with a well-behaved dog! Photo by Fran Jewell

as dangerous to your own health, especially when winter comes and you add ice to the mix. It is dangerous for the dog that might get pancreatitis from eating inappropriate food or running into the street in front of a car. Focus on prevention early on if you have a puppy. If you have an older rescue, explore all the training methods or a trainer experienced in many methods to help determine what will work best to help

everyone stay happy and healthy. It is such a delight to live with a well-behaved dog! Fran Jewell is an Idaho Press Club award-winning columnist, IAABC-certified dog behavior consultant, NADOI-certified instructor #1096 and the owner of Positive Puppy Dog Training, LLC, in Sun Valley. For more information, visit positivepuppy. com or call (208) 578-1565.





n the third of December I observed two very distinct moon events. One was around nine in the evening. The dark sky redefined itself many times, transmuting back and forth from clear to overcast to cloudy. The constant evolution cast an eerie ambiance to the atmosphere, with the full moon making brief appearances through the cloud cover. As my husband and I drove home, traveling south on Highway 75, the snow and wind cavorted together. Willow branches swayed back and forth. Whirlwinds formed around the aspens. The snow scuttled across the road, looking like a flock of starlings flying first one way and then quickly changing to make a hairpin curve in the other direction. The pace looked like a wild dervish dance, the skirts or, in this case, the snow, swirling rapidly across the highway. At times the flurry became more staccato-like, reminiscent of a flamenco dance. Along with the snow scurries, the cloud cover changed. The cumulus masses were in constant motion, from slow and stately to fast and furious. One moment the clouds were floating across the moon; the next

Leslie Rego, “Clouds and Moon,” black and white charcoal on toned laid paper.

moment the moon was sheltered behind dense, overlapping buildups with ragged undersides. The moon was so bright that even behind a thick cloud layer, the snow glowed over the mountaintops. The snowstorm and the moon did their own dervish dance. Cumulus formations came together and broke apart, from calm to frenzy,

allowing for glimpses of the luminescent disc. The second moon event was at midnight, when the skies were bright and clear, allowing the moon to show herself in full glory. The atmosphere was so transparent that I could see the valleys across the moon’s surface. It was as if the brilliant orb had fought a

battle earlier in the evening, had won, and was now taking sovereignty over the sky. Calmness and composure reigned supreme. Leslie Rego is an Idaho Press Club award-winning columnist, artist and Blaine County resident. To view more of Rego’s art, visit leslierego.com

T H E W E E K LY S U N •

DECEMBER 13 - 19, 2017



ments even if they are not necessarily fresh or novel. ithout checking any sources, please I would like here to urge some reconsideration consider who gave the following ad- of authors and pundits from earlier times. Selfvice: “Finish each day and be done with help books, when compared to each other, often it. You have done what you could. Some blunders repeat the same advice or platitudes, although in and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as different styles. Sometimes I wonder if authors soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day: begin it of such books, while counting their money at the well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be bank, stop to think about the wisdom that has encumbered with your old nonsense.” preceded them, often given without the rewards Before I reveal the author, I must of huge book contracts. say that this quote resides on my reRead or reread Thoreau to find frigerator along with silly cartoons the gems that apply to our hectic from The New Yorker and pictures lives. Take time to glance at some of my family and dogs, so I deem other sayings by Emerson; or try it to be very important. It is clear looking at the “difficult” stories by in style and voice as most thoughts Nathaniel Hawthorne, for example, from respected guides, and it conwhose ideas about the way we hide cerns a very modern problem, that our true selves from each other is of just not getting on with life in singularly evident in “The Ministhe midst of self-recrimination and ter’s Black Veil.” guilt. One reason that I keep books in To read this and then see that my home is so that I can find a tanit was written by one of the most gible reminder of wisdom in wellintelligent and honored men in JoEllen Collins—a longtime worn pages, from essays, stories American literature, Ralph Wal- resident of the Wood River or poems that, while unique, still do Emerson, was a surprise to me Valley— is an Idaho Press reflect the commonality of human Club award-winning columwhen I first encountered it. Now I nist, a teacher, writer, fabric experience. I can instantly cherish am examining it to ponder the rel- artist, choir member and the feel of a page, see the notes I evancy of “old” thought to today’s unabashedly proud grandma have scribbled in the margins, perrealities. I think we admire too known as “Bibi Jo.” haps more years ago that I can bemany current gurus because they lieve, and then confirm that people are “hip” or young or highly celebrated contem- have always faced similar conundrums and have poraries. Many of them do not really open our been advised by sagacious men of ways to coneyes to serious ways of thinking about our values front them. I am also reminded that often we do and conduct, but because the words are part of the not heed or may forget those tidbits of wisdom. barrage of facile information we encounter, and I wish for everyone a cherished book that can because people we know for their fame or cred- be revisited no matter when it is needed. ibility speak them, we accept their pronouncetws









ne of the mountain rituals I picked up along the way is to rub the bear’s nose at the base of River Run. Not a real bear, of course, but the big Michael Coleman bronze sculpture of the bear perched atop the beaver dam. My other River Run ritual is as simple— look downriver when I cross the bridge. Picking up my pass before Thanksgiving, I looked left and was rewarded—with the distinctive bobbing of that sooty gray mountain bird known as the American dipper. They are also called water ouzels, a name that somehow evokes the Aztecs to me (I think it’s due to the z) and makes me wonder what these cultures thought of this beast, whose range extends to the mountains of Mexico and Central America. These robin-sized birds thrive in clear, cold, alpine streams—where they buzz along the river’s edge, hopping up and down on rocks, “fishing” below the surface, and, in general, “dippering.” One of the things I love about the intermittent glimpses of dippers (aside from the fact that they are intermittent, so a constant surprise) is that they invariably contrast my state with theirs. I am usually shuffling toward the mountain or away from it, stuffed into layers of clothes once borne by other animals— wool, down, exotic Himalayan nylon—covered in a hat, gloves, and with garments now marketed to highlight how technical and extreme they are. And there is the dipper—chest deep in the water, head completely submerged, moving easily between

American Dipper. Photo by Dominic Sherony, accessed via wikimedia.

snow and stream bed, snacking on caddisflies, mayflies, snails, and other macroinvertebrates it hunts from the rocks and the river. The dipper will disappear. Reemerge. Jump up on a rock. Tail snap and body bob. Then disappear downstream in a flurry of wingbeats, seemingly oblivious to the cold and even that the seasons have changed. In fact, it’s much more than oblivion; dippers seem to revel in winter, the embodiment of energy as they unceasingly flit about. And, as John Muir noted, in regard to dippers and water, “bird and stream are inseparable.” In these moments, I marvel at the simple and the obvious— this bird thrives here. And to do so, it has the ability to stay outside all day, to find food in even the leanest times, and to otherwise be comfortable, to be fully at home, by seasonal adjustments in things like body fat,

and feather density, and physical activity. So, dippering for me has taken on another created definition; it is looking for these iconic birds. This means standing near streams, taking one or two moments before or after a day on the mountain, and surveying the shores and the rocks and the water for a flash of movement. And on those rare days when dippering yields a bird, there is a minute, maybe two, of awe and envy. A bird plugging along, living its life, fully immersed and engaged in a teeming world that is always just out of reach to me. And there is something, too, in the fact that the bird doesn’t seem to care about me at all. Harry Weekes is the founder and Head of School at The Sage School in Hailey. He has lived in the Wood River Valley and within five miles of the same mountain for the last 46 years.

Sydney Roberts. Courtesy photo by Ashley Carter




ydney Roberts, a senior at Wood River High School with a 3.9 GPA, is a member of National Honor Society. Her favorite academic classes are in history. “I have enjoyed all my history classes because of the teachers in that department,” Roberts said. “I especially appreciated my A.P. classes in U.S. History and U.S. Government. However, probably the most interesting subject was the class ‘War in the Modern World,’ which teaches how the lessons of history influence us even today. “One of the best programs in our school are the classes in nonacademic but useful subjects, such as the construction program for students who might enter that profession,” Roberts continued. “In my case, I have learned to love cooking, starting in the seventh grade when we practiced the basics of sewing and cooking. I then started baking at home. Now I have continued by being in Miss Pratt’s nutrition and cooking classes and have acquired some professional skills and a passion for the culinary arts.” Roberts is a member of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America, a culinary program designed to advance an interest in professional cooking. She also plays the violin in the school orchestra. A native of the Wood River Valley, Roberts has always attended Blaine County schools. Her younger brother is a sixth-grader at Wood River Middle School; her sister, a sophomore at WRHS. Since she was a child, Roberts has played team sports. Currently, she plays soccer, softball and ice hockey—the latter her

favorite sport. “I met Hilary Knight, my role model in hockey, when she came to our meet in Sun Valley,” Roberts said. “Being in these sports has made my life so rich. Most importantly, I grew up with many of the same girls as teammates. We are such close friends that we have bonded like sisters.” Roberts hopes to study in Montana at the University of Montana or Montana State. “I fell in love with Missoula when I was there for hockey,” she said. “Sports gives me the chance to travel to new places and find those I enjoy the most. Missoula reminds me of a larger Sun Valley; I feel comfortable there. I do hope any school that accepts me has an ice rink so I can continue to play hockey.” District IV coaches named Roberts on the second all-district girls’ soccer team and, in softball, bestowed upon her an honorable mention. “Sarah Benson, who runs the Campion Ice House, coached our softball team in middle school,” Roberts said. “Her guidance influenced me an so many ways, especially in my love for sports and the outdoors. I adore skiing as well. I am lucky I live in a place that gives me the opportunity to experience its challenges and beauty firsthand.” Roberts’ viewpoint on life, gained through living and studying here, is clear. “I am a realist,” she said. “I believe there are many opportunities but also realize that I must work hard to take advantage of them.” Editor’s Note: Anyone who would like to recommend a Blaine County School District student for The Weekly Sun’s “Student Spotlight” feature should contact JoEllen Collins at joellencollins1@gmail.com.

This Student Spotlight brought to you by the Blaine County School District

Our mission is to inspire, engage, educate, and empower every student.



T H E W E E K LY S U N •

DECEMBER 13 - 19, 2017




Two volunteers, Leslie Silva and Marie Gallo, choose kind daily—for the Senior Connection as well as many other remarkable nonprofits in the Valley. Photo courtesy of Senior Connection



hristmas and Hanukkah are almost here. Have you been thinking about making New Year’s resolutions? Here is one sentiment that is staying with me: choose kind. Simply put, if you need to choose between being right and being kind, always choose kind. It’s a powerful message, and an idea that each of us can aspire to embrace. We are raised to be polite and considerate, and to put ourselves in someone else’s shoes. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Treat others as you would like to be treated. These words still resonate through any age group or religion. As we get older (and grumpier), we sometimes lose sight of the grace of overlooking flaws and accepting imperfection. The holiday season is a perfect time for a little introspection in this regard. Are you still the kind and forgiving person you once were? Maybe it’s time to re-evaluate how you may have changed in recent years as others have changed around you. You may be the ideal person to help bring your friends and family back to choosing kind. Have you had a chance to see the movie, “Wonder”? It’s the story of a bright but disfigured boy, his loving family, and his peers, who come to accept him for the wonder that he is. It’s an excellent example of how, while it may not be easy at first, we can look past the differences in others and find joy in the kindness and friendship we

share. Many children have benefited from reading the book on which the movie is based. I recommend it for families of all ages. It’s a great holiday activity for grandparents and grandchildren to enjoy together. Share your feelings about it with each other. “One: How many people does it take to make a difference?” is a collection of inspirational quotations from thinkers great and ordinary. A book about significance, contribution and service, it can help you find your answer to “What can I give?” It urges us to see our own possibilities in the light of mutual compassion. We’re fortunate to live in a community filled with generous and thoughtful people. We have many residents who support the many nonprofits in our Valley. We also have many citizens who, wealthy or not, give of their time and energy. These volunteers take on some of the roles for organizations that need help but can’t afford to hire people to do the work. We wouldn’t succeed without them. Teresa Beahen Lipman, our executive director, says that the Senior Connection relies on the efforts of 37 volunteers to keep our operation running smoothly. We have greeters, classroom assistants, Meals on Wheels drivers and many others, and we need the services of every one of them. If you feel that you can devote some time to the Senior Connection, please come and see us. You’ll leave with the feeling that you have chosen kind.

Steve D’Smith returns to play the protagonist, Scrooge. “Steve is able to embody the character’s complete arc, starting as a crusty, bitter man, having his eyes opened and transforming into the appreciative, loving soul we see in the final scenes,” said director Patsy Wygle. Courtesy photo by Amanda René Photography


Laughing Stock to stage ‘Christmas Carol’



he return of the holiday season marks the arrival of “A Christmas Carol the Musical,” presented by Laughing Stock Theatre Company and Sun Valley Performing Arts. This Wood River Valley tradition, wrought with song, humor and suspense, warms the coldest Scrooge’s heart and brings smiles to the smallest of faces. Performances run Dec. 19-20 and 22-23 at 7 p.m., and Dec. 24 at 2 p.m. Because of the new performance space being built on Main Street in Ketchum, this year’s show will take place at the Community School Theatre in Sun Valley. Originally published by Charles Dickens in 1843, “A Christmas Carol” follows a greedy miser’s redemption through the intervention of several suspicious spirits. The classic holiday tale has since become the most adapted Christmas story of all time. “I’ve always been a huge fan of Charles Dickens,” said director Patsy Wygle. “And in my opinion, there is no better way to get into the holiday spirit than experiencing the joy of this timeless tale of despair, hope and redemption; Scrooge has to journey through his past, present and future to discover the importance of friendship, family and love… something we all could be reminded of during the holidays.” Steve D’Smith returns to play the protagonist, Scrooge. “Steve is able to embody the character’s complete arc, starting as a crusty, bitter man, having his eyes opened and transforming into the appreciative, loving soul we

The cast of “A Christmas Carol the Musical” rehearses to bring a beautiful, heartwarming night of theatre to the community. Photo by Yanna Lantz

see in the final scenes,” Wygle said. “We are very grateful to have such a consummate actor because Scrooge really carries the show.” This cast includes 32 children and 15 adults, several of whom are professional actors. “Some of the kids in the show have been in every production,” Wygle said. “It’s so fun to watch them grow from Tiny Tim to Young Scrooge over the years.” Several group numbers promise to rock the house. “Guess Who Kicked the Bucket Last Night” occurs when everyone finds out that Scrooge is dead. With playful choreography by Megan Mahoney, the number promises to stop the show. Another standout is “Fezziwig’s Annual Christmas Ball.” “This is a number for the whole cast to shine, particularly the kids,” said Wygle. “They get to sing, dance and act up a storm.” In the season of giving, Wygle hopes that audiences come away with a gift of their own. “I hope the audience walks

away realizing that happiness has very little to do with wealth,” she said. “Happiness is about the love you give and get in return; it’s about friends and family. We love every moment of working on this play. In the classic Dickens’ sense, the gift we receive from the cast and community is beyond any amount of Scrooge’s gold.” Experience “A Christmas Carol the Musical” with Laughing Stock Theatre Company and Sun Valley Performing Arts at Community School Theatre and enjoy a beautiful, heartwarming night of theatre with the community. General admission tickets are $25 for adults and $15 for students. Reserved seating is $35. Traditionally, the event is a sellout. To reserve or purchase tickets, visit laughingstocktheater.com or call (208) 726-9124.


T H E W E E K LY S U N •

DECEMBER 13 - 19, 2017



5:30PM / ST. THOMAS CHURCH / SUN VALLEY A Taizé worship service consists of quiet prayer and simple chants. It is a candlelight service that begins and ends in silence. The service lasts about 35 minutes and all are welcome. Call (208) 309-5075 to learn more.

OUTSIDER CORPS WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 13 5:30-7:30PM / WHISKEY JACQUES’ / KETCHUM Join friends and neighbors for the Outsider Corps meeting, upstairs at Whiskey Jacques’, for “Boats, Bikes and the Big Blackwater—Exploring Georgia.” Seventh Generation Institute is the host of this new, free monthly program that celebrates journeys, adventure and nature— and connecting them to conservation. Learn about upcoming fun programs as well as conservation projects from local to global. This program is by locals, for locals and about locals. The December presentation will be from the staff of the Institute and will feature kayaking “the Big Blackwater” (Okefenokee Swamp), mountain biking Cumberland Island, and more. For more information visit seventh-generation.org.

KETCHUM COMMUNITY DINNERS WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 13 6-7PM / CHURCH OF THE BIG WOOD / KETCHUM Weekly free hot dinners are provided to anyone who wishes to join. Find Ketchum Community Dinners on Facebook for more information and weekly menu updates.

NAMI-WRV PUBLIC FORUM THURSDAY DECEMBER 14 9-10:30AM / 201 2ND AVE. N. / HAILEY The Wood River Valley chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness is hosting a public forum with mental health practitioners and others concerned about mental health, at the Blaine County Probation Office at the County Probation Office facilities. NAMI-WRV is a nonprofit community organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for people with mental illness and their families through support, education and advocacy, and bridging the gap between urban and rural mental health services. For additional information about this event, e-mail info@nami-wrv.com or call (208) 481-0686. To learn more about NAMI-WRV go to nami-wrv.com.

HOLIDAY STORYTELLING THURSDAY DECEMBER 14 3:30-5:30PM / SUNROOM / SUN VALLEY LODGE Sun Valley Resort and The Community Library have teamed up to bring holiday storytelling for children to Sun Valley. Several different stories will be read over the two hours, so children can drop in at their leisure. Each child will receive a little holiday treat bag when they leave. All are welcome. Visit comlib.org to learn more.

TNT THURSDAYS – AGES 10+ THURSDAY DECEMBER 14 4-5PM / HAILEY PUBLIC LIBRARY TNT for teens happens every Thursday from 4-5 p.m. Here, kids ages 10 and up meet to play video games. Visit haileypubliclibrary.org to learn more.

TWO GUN RIG & FRIENDS THURSDAY DECEMBER 14 7-9PM / SILVER DOLLAR / BELLEVUE Join the Silver Dollar Saloon for their customer appreciation party. Enjoy free appetizers, Jell-O shots and music by Two Gun Rig & Friends..





he Sun Valley Hallelujah Chorus, directed by Patty Parsons-Tewson, along with Hilarie Neely’s Footlight Dance Centre, will make up this year’s production of a longtime community favorite, “The Promise.” The 2017 Christmas show will also feature special guest Sara Gorby, singing “Children Will Listen” from Stephen Sondheim’s “Into the Woods.” Children from C’s Mountain School of Music will sing and play three little Christmas songs that they have written themselves. Also featured will be Paul Gregory on piano, Brad Hershey on bass and Jason Vontver on drums. From the gospel Christmas album of Kirk Franklin, the chorus songs will include “Joy To The World,” “Go Tell It” and “The Night That Christ Was Born.” They will also sing “Rise Up” from the video that went viral online of Baltimore’s Cardinal Shehan middle school. Soloists for the evening include Amy Nelson, Dean Cerutti, Sara Berquist, Heather Johnston, Sue Noel and Cody Parsons Strong. This popular Christmas program aims to open hearts and fill them with the spirit of peace, love and unspeakable

joy. It promises to be not only entertaining, but also deeply moving. “We wish for the audience to leave a little different than when they came in,” says Parsons-Tewson. “The listeners will be invited to sing along on some familiar carols and songs. It’s a time to celebrate with hearts filled with happiness as well as hearts that are broken. As Leonard Cohen so well expressed, ‘There’s a crack in everything—that’s how the light gets in.’” “The Promise” will be performed on Saturday, Dec. 16, at the Community Campus in Hailey and on Sunday, Dec. 17, at the Presbyterian Church of the Big Wood in Ketchum, both at 7 p.m. The concerts are free and open to the public, though donations are welcome.




nspire your loved ones with a locally made holiday gift this season. From edible delights to kitchen gadgets, our own businesses are certain to have something special for everyone on your list. Starting with the practical, Instant Pots, or multi-cookers, make a great gift for someone short on time who likes to cook from scratch. You can pick up an electric pressure cooker ($99$299) at the newly renovated Ketchum Kitchens. A local treasure, Cristina’s of Sun Valley Cookbook (Ketchum Kitchens, Atkinsons’) offers the authentic tastes of Italy. After perusing the renovated aisles at Giacobbi Square, cross 5th Street to Rasberrys for their new Matcha Chai mix, and grab a box of scratch-made baked goods to sweeten your holiday brunch. Newly available for lighter breakfast fare, try Toni’s Sun Valley Granola, available at NourishMe, Atkinsons’ Market and The Village Market.

Local libations are always a crowd pleaser, so present your favorite host with a sixpack from Warfield’s new bottle exchange program—a gift that keeps on giving, as bottles are refillable at Warfield Tasting Room or through Kraay’s Market & Garden (kraaysmarketgarden.com). Surprise your favorite canine with a stocking stuffed full of Idahound dog treats and raw bones. For the human companion’s stocking, add a pack of Double Springs 100 percent grass-fed beef jerky for an addictive protein snack. These items, along with custom gift baskets, are available through Kraay’s. On average, one dollar spent locally circulates seven times among community businesses. When you holiday shop where you live, you’re giving at least thrice over to the business, to the recipient and to the local economy. Get triple bang for your buck this season and shop in person or online at the Valley’s own businesses—a gift to us all.


T H E W E E K LY S U N •

DECEMBER 13 - 19, 2017



The Eugene Ballet Company will bring “The Nutcracker,” artistic director Toni Pimble’s holiday ballet extravaganza, to the Wood River Valley where young dancers see their dream come true—performing on stage with professional dancers. For more information, visit eugeneballet.org/about.html. Tickets are $25 general admission, $40 reserved seating, and are available online at offcampus.csi.edu/blaine/Nutcracker.

Sun Valley will present a European-style market, with vendors offering everything from traditional wreaths to roasted nuts. Stroll the booths while enjoying some spiced cider and linzer cookies.


‘STRIKING 12’ THURS DEC 14-SAT DEC 30 VARIOUS TIMES / LIBERTY THEATRE / HAILEY Company of Fools’ 22nd season continues with “Striking 12”—an un-holiday holiday musical by Brendan Millburn, Rachel Sheinkin and Valeria Vigoda. Directed by Company of Fools’ Interim Artistic Director Ilana Becker, with music direction by R.L. Rowsey and Grant Carey, this magical New Year’s-themed concert-theatre hybrid will run Dec. 14-30 at the Liberty Theatre in Hailey, followed by a special New Year’s Eve fundraiser performance and celebration on Dec. 31. Inspired in part by Hans Christian Andersen’s “The Little Match Girl,” “Striking 12” spins the story of a lovelorn New Yorker, The Man, who has resolved to spend New Year’s Eve alone, when an unexpected visitor brings much-needed hope and cheer. The cast features Chris Carwithen, Carey (piano), Samantha Blain (violin), DeAnne Stewart (piano and percussion) and Joel Oramas (drums) as rock-musician storytellers. The production features scenic design by resident designer Joe Lavigne, lighting design by Mike Inwood, sound design by Alex Dietz-Kest, costume design by Maria Gerhardt and stage management by K.O. Ogilvie. “Striking 12” is recommended for ages 10 and up. Tickets may be purchased online at sunvalleycenter.org, by phone at (208) 578-9122 or at the Liberty Theatre box office starting one hour before curtain. Company of Fools’ box office is located at the Liberty Theatre, 110 N. Main Street in Hailey, with hours from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. All seats are reserved, except for the “Pay What You Feel” preview.

The Tree-Lighting Ceremony in the Village will feature Santa, Sun Valley Carolers, live holiday music, an ice-carving demo, free cookies and hot cocoa, free “Wrapn-Run” gift wrapping at Signatures benefitting Girls on the Run of the Wood River Valley (1-6 p.m.) and a no-host outdoor bar. Festivities begin around 5:30 p.m. with the Tree Lighting to follow.

SLEIGH RIDES SAT DEC 16-SUN DEC 31 11AM TO 2PM / SUN VALLEY RESORT Experience serenity and sunny skies on a magical sleigh ride through the Sun Valley trails. The onehour sleigh ride passes by historic sites, such as the Hemingway Memorial and Trail Creek Cabin. All sleigh rides start and end at the Sun Valley Nordic Center. Tickets, $30 for adults and $15 for children 18 and under, may be purchased at the Sun Valley Nordic Center from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., with departures every half-hour.

APRÈS-SKI LIVE MUSIC FRIDAY DECEMBER 15 2:30-5:30PM / RIVER RUN / KETCHUM Hit the slopes and then decompress with live tunes from Something Like Seduction at River Run Lodge in Ketchum.



7:30PM / OPERA HOUSE / SUN VALLEY See local short films and support the friends of the Sawtooth Avalanche Center. Featured films will be presented by Spencer Cordovano, Yancy Caldwell, Wyatt Caldwell and Chase Cleveland, Banks Gilberti, Jake Strassman, Axel Peterson, McKenna Peterson, Collin Collins, Lexi duPont, Karl Fostvedt and Wing Tai Barrymore, a member of the U.S. Ski Team’s 2017 Men’s Half-Pipe Pro Team. Tickets are $15 plus taxes and fees. Call (208) 622-2135 to learn more.



Story Time is held every Monday at 10:30 a.m. in The Children’s Library. Lee Dabney is the Story Time host. This week’s theme is “Gifts.” Story Time is suitable for ages 3 and up and includes stories, songs and a fun craft or activity. Visit comlib.org/ kids for more information.

9:30PM / SILVER DOLLAR / BELLEVUE Enjoy live music this and every Friday night at the Silver Dollar Saloon in Bellevue. This week, groove to tunes by The Kim Stocking Band.





Weekly free hot dinners are provided to anyone who wishes to join. St. Charles Catholic Church is located at 313 1st Ave. N., Hailey.

In preparation for shredding massive powder this winter, skiers and snowboarders can enjoy Warren Miller Entertainment’s 68th film, “Line of Descent,” at the Sun Valley Opera House at 2:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 15 or Tuesday, Dec. 19. The newest installment in WME’s action sports cinematography pays homage to 68 years of mountain culture and adventure filmmaking. WME dates back to before skis had edges, and the company strives to concur every edge of winter wonderlands within and without of reach. This year, follow athletes Tommy Moe, Kalen Thorien, Collin Collins, Lexi duPont, Marcus Caston, Seth Wescott and more as they travel the globe, by land, air and sea, exploring the ties that bind ski culture. For more information about the film, visit warrenmiller.com.

‘CASABLANCA’ TUESDAY DECEMBER 19 6-7:30PM / COMMUNITY LIBRARY / KETCHUM During the holidays, The Community Library is offering a series of films in the evenings to help locals de-stress. The series will feature classics, cult classics and documentaries. In “Casablanca,” a cynical American expatriate encounters a former lover, with unforeseen complications in this classic film released 75 years ago this month. BYOS (bring your own snacks) and visit comlib.org to learn more.

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T H E W E E K LY S U N •

DECEMBER 13 - 19, 2017


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See answer on page 2

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