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K I D S C A M P S & S U M M E R A C T I V I T I E S • P U B L I S H E D B Y T H E W E E K LY S U N • A P R I L 25, 2018
K I D S C A M P S & S U M M E R A C T I V I T I E S • P U B L I S H E D B Y T H E W E E K LY S U N • A P R I L 25, 2018
Contact us to register today! Sun Valley Center for the Arts
208.726.9491 • sunvalleycenter.org
JULY 9–13, 2018 * Mon–Fri, 9am–4pm
SUMMER ART CAMP with Susie Quinn Fortner & Erikka Gray For students entering 3rd–5th grades The Center, Hailey
$350 members / $400 nonmembers
LET’S GET CREATIVE! The Sun Valley Center for the Arts offers a week long camp for
3rd through 5th grade students in The Center’s Hailey classroom. At camp students will make original artwork, explore their creativity, and engage with peers and the local art community. Students will construct their own sketchbook and create unique art using a variety of 2D and 3D processes. The camp includes field trips to an art gallery and the opportunity to meet a local artist. The camp runs Monday July 9th through Friday July 13th from 9am until 4pm. The Center’s education staff, Susie Quinn Fortner and Erikka Gray are excited to help your child
FREE at the 50th Annual Sun Valley Center Arts & Crafts Festival August 10–12, Fri–Sun, 11am–2pm Atkinson Park, Ketchum
Kids can get their hands dirty by trying some of the techniques used by the artists in the Arts & Crafts Festival. IT’S FREE, IT’S FUN AND IT’S ALL FOR KIDS!
K I D S C A M P S & S U M M E R A C T I V I T I E S • P U B L I S H E D B Y T H E W E E K LY S U N • A P R I L 25, 2018
hen it comes to sending your precious seedlings off to camp this summer, there are a few things to keep in mind besides sunscreen and bug spray. The emotional and physical well-being of your child is always of concern, but, camp poses unique challenges. The bumps, physical or emotional, of the camp experience are worth it for the personal growth. In the burgeoning field of research on what makes people happy—not the usual suspects of depression or anxiety—many studies have shown positive impacts on development of the children who go to camp. Many summer-camp programs specifically focus on teaching, modeling and practicing the social skills that most schools don’t have the time or money to teach. So, parents, stop stressing. Although your kids might plead to go home with you or tell you the first week sucks, just like anything in life, there is an adjustment period. A recent study, conducted by the American Camp Association during the summer of 2014, investigated parents’ and children’s perceptions of the impact of a twoweek, overnight camp experience on their social skills and overall happiness. To assess these perceptions, information was gathered from a written survey that 167 campers completed at the end of their camp stay from six different two-week, residential summer-camp programs in Arizona, California and Colorado. Campers were a little more than half female and Caucasian (84.4 percent). The age range of campers was six to 15 years old, with the majority being between the ages of nine and 13. A little more than half of the participants were first-year campers. While some evidence exists that growth occurs in social skills in camps, changes in overall well-being have not been previously measured. The survey had 14 questions relating to social skills. Of the 147 children who answered all of the social-skills questions, two reported negative changes and five remaining 140 reported positive changes in social skills. As a former camp kid for 12 years, including a year as a counselor, I’ve seen all the ways kids react to being
Photo courtesy of Mountain Adventure Tours
away from home. The ones who have the best time take it for what it is, a bit of freedom. It also helps that the most confident and secure kids seemed to be having the best time. Though camp provides a platform to spread all these positive values, it can be a place where some fall through the cracks. Once, while at Space Camp in Alabama, I was bitten by something unknown. The bite grew and grew and spread across half my thigh. A visit to the overworked nurse resulted in a quick shoo-away with an antihistamine. Since my rearing was more of the figure-it-out-
yourself type, I didn’t push for more help. And it was okay. Teaching your child to be an advocate for their health, safety and enjoyment is important. If they don’t feel up to that soccer game, they should be able to articulate that they don’t want to. If their leg is about to fall off and burns like fire, make sure to let them know that they should speak up. Finally, camp should be liberating and fun, a place to make new friends and learn new skills, especially if one of those skills is self-reliance. tws
For ages 2-18, we offer a wide array of sports, camps, classes, programs, and adventures. We have something for kids of all ages! For full descriptions and details, visit www.communityschool.org/summer-program or contact Mike Wade, Summer Operations Director, mwade@communityschool.org • 208.622.3960 ext. 109.
Young Explorers’ Camp (Ages 2-3) June 11Aug 2 Mon-Thu 9 am-12:30 pm | This camp allows children to explore the world around them. Each day is filled with new adventures. Field trips every Wednesday | $175/wk
one.Soccer School (boys & girls, ages 3-18) July 23-27 Mon-Fri | Various times for several different camps. Price varies with camp. See our website for details.
Technology Camps (Ages 10-13) Mon-Thu 8:30 am-noon | Robots July 16-19 | Chess/LEGO/Minecraft/Game Making (Ages 4-12) Six different weeks of camps Computers July 23-26 | Challenging, and one-of-a-kind camps designed to Jun-Aug! Chess, 9 am-noon; LEGO/Minecraft/Game Making, noon-3 pm Mon-Thur advance critical thinking skills and problem solving. | $375/wk | Half days: $375/wk Full days: $600/wk First in Math (Rising grades 1-6) July 23-27 Mon-Fri | Grades 4-6: 9-10:15 am | 5B Lacrosse Camps for Boys & Girls (Rising grades 6-10) June 25-28 & July 9-12 Grades 1-3: 10:30-11:45 am | Brush up on your math before school starts! $115/wk Mon-Thu 8:30 am-noon | Take it to the next level in “the fastest game on two Mandarin for Kids (Rising grades 1-6) July 23-27 Mon-Fri | Grades 1-3: 9-10:15 feet.” Separate instruction for boys & girls. | $165 am | Grades 4-6: 10:30-11:45 am | Learn basic Mandarin vocabulary through Reading and Writing Camps (Rising grades 1-3) Mon-Thu 1-4 pm | July 9-12 cooking, games & FUN! Course times coordinate with the “First in Math” course, Animals! July 16-19 Around the world! | Develop, enhance skills in reading/writing so students can easily do both. | $125/wk through interesting literature, and fun writing. | $180/wk Mad Scientist Chemistry Camp (Rising grades 5-9) July 23-26 Mon-Thu 12:30-3 Creative Writing Camp (Rising grades 6-8) July 9-13 Mon-Fri 9:30-11:30 am | Like pm | Join the Mad Scientist herself in our state-of-the-art lab doing real chemistry to write? Make your stories more descriptive, engaging, and interesting. Get those experiments in a real chemistry lab. | $295 creative juices flowing! | $220 SwiftWater Rescue, Level IV Certification (Ages 16 & up) July 27-28 | Offered in Makers’ Lab Experience (Grades 6-9) July 9-13 Mon-Fri noon-2 pm | Use an array partnership with White Otter Adventures. | $195 of materials to make stuff that does stuff! | $260/wk Study Skills for Middle School & Transition to High School (Rising grades 6-9) Rock Climbing Craft (Ages 12-18) July 9-12 Mon-Thu | Learn the skills necessary Aug 6-10 Mon-Fri 10:30 am-12:30 pm | Improve your study skills and enhance your to go beyond top-roping to lead climbing. Four days at City of Rocks. | $550 opportunities for academic success. | $230 Basic Alpine Movement (Ages 14-18) July 16-19 | Learn the mountaineering skills needed to climb in challenging, high alpine terrain. Operated out of the Pioneer yurt. | $900 (includes yurt rental, food, transportation, and climbing gear)
PSAT/SAT & ACT Prep Classes (grades 10-12) ACT, Aug 6-10 10:30 am- 2:30 pm | PSAT/SAT, Aug 13-17 9:30-11:30 am | Get help from an expert and maximize your scores on these important national tests. | $325/class
5B Middle School Volleyball Camp (Rising grades 6-8) July 16-19 Mon-Thu 9 am -12:30 pm | Focuses on player development, teamwork, and fundamental skills. Lots of individual instruction. | $170
College Essay Writing Workshop (grade 12) Aug 13-16 Mon-Thu noon-3 pm | Jump-start your college application and make this critical piece of the college admissions process the best it can be. | $300
Learn to Kayak Camp (Ages 12-18) July 23-26 Mon-Thu | Offered in partnership with White Otter Adventures. Four days on the Salmon. | $550
Plus a full slate of for-credit, high school courses, June 18-July 6.
K I D S C A M P S & S U M M E R A C T I V I T I E S • P U B L I S H E D B Y T H E W E E K LY S U N • A P R I L 25, 2018
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics are on the rise
eneration Z, those currently between the ages of 2-19, are the future, and the future is techy. These kids were born into the digital age. Faced with a technological issue, parents have been known to hand over devices to their children for the problem solving. In response to this technological generation, STEMschool camps, such as Hemingway in Ketchum, have popped up all over the United States. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Kids are learning advanced technological systems through STEM camps and are excelling in coding, robotics and game development. The Smithsonian reports that by the end of this year, there will be 2.4 million STEM jobs, many of which will go unfulfilled, making this the perfect time to prepare youth for the future of STEM careers. STEM and science summer camps bridge the gap between spring and fall by offering summer courses. Summer courses are offered at prestigious colleges such as Stanford and Harvard. These courses are meant for kids ages 16-19 who are serious about diving into long-term skill development. iD Tech, in the Silicon Valley, was founded in 1991 and was the first developer of STEM summer classes. From 280 students, iD Tech has grown to some 60,000 kids between the ages of 7-19 years old. Like all good start-ups, iD Tech was first housed in a garage above the home of Kathryn and Alexa Ingram-Cauchi, a mother/ daughter co-founder duo. Their mission is simple: to create life-changing tech experiences that embolden students to shape the future. And they are well on their way and also working to bridge the gender gap in STEM. In 2012, just 12 percent of camp attendees were female. Today, with the development of a special program called Alexa Café, more than 50,000 girls have graduated from the co-ed tech camps and academics offered. iD Tech also offers 7,000 scholarships for underprivileged students, which is 10 percent of their student attendance at summer camps. With programs like iD Tech, the future is more di-
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verse, innovative and simplified. Kids as young as 7 years old learn how to build robots, design games using coding from scratch, understanding and navigating visual programming. Ten-year-olds are learning 3D printing, creating laptops, learning basic engineering and JavaScript coding. Games are projected to make a comeback with the iPhone and Android, with these kids spending weeklong development periods on the creation of new entertainment.
The older kids, ages 17-19, are developing video productions, learning artificial intelligence and coding, as well as practicing things the younger kids do on a higher level. American opinions on a technologically-driven world is split, but that doesn’t mean it changes whether or not these things will happen. They are likely to happen, and very soon.
University of Idaho
Extension Blaine County
2018 ACTIVITIES leaderShip/counSelor Training May 5 Shoshone
Junior maSTer gardener Tuesdays, June 12-26 Sawtooth Botanical Garden Participants earn a Junior Master Gardener Certificate
advenTure QueST
healThy handS for healThy living May 19 Shoshone Teens will receive training and inspiration to reach others in the community about Healthy Living
go & grow campS Club Openings Archery • Horse • Quilting • Cake Decorating
moTion commoTion 4-h camp
June 25-28 Sawtooth Camp Grounds
June 18-21 Central Idaho 4-H Camp Overnight
all ThingS wild camp July 9-12 Central Idaho 4-H Camp
Dicovering Your Wild Side
The arT of fun
regiSTer online
4honline.com Offering AffOrdAble OppOrtunities fOr Kids 8 tO 18
ScholarShipS available
Blaine County 4-H, 302 1st ave. s. Hailey • 208-788-5585
Thursdays at 4:00 June 14August 2
K I D S C A M P S & S U M M E R A C T I V I T I E S • P U B L I S H E D B Y T H E W E E K LY S U N • A P R I L 25, 2018
UNLEASHING CREATIVITY Arts camps help kids grow
ummer is approaching. For some kids, this means the dawning of the long-awaited break from school they have waited all year for. For others, it means the end of access to recreational and educational activities that help their young minds learn, grow and develop. “Studies show that children can experience learning loss and even gain weight twice as fast than during the school year,” writes Molly Yatso Butz, a reporter for the USA Today Network. Summer arts camps can help keep young minds sharp and provide adventure, fun, friendship, personal growth and memories. A study commissioned by the National Assembly of States Arts Agencies found that students who are exposed to and who participate in arts programming show greater proficiency in academics, achieving overall higher scores on the verbal and math portions of the S.A.T. “The reason for these increases is that certain forms of arts instruction enhance basic reading skills, language development and writing skills,” says ABC News’s Angela Ardolino. “For example, numerous data show the use of dramatic enactment can make a measurable difference in helping students achieve goals such as story understanding, reading comprehension and writing skills.” The best arts programs help build community, self-esteem and an environment in which kids can feel comfortable taking risks. “Camps encourage the kind of collaboration, innovation, and problem-solving that you don’t get in school anymore,” says Bette Bussel, executive director of
Arts camps deliver lifelong lessons in a largely noncompetitive environment that focuses on process over product. Photo courtesy of St. Thomas Playhouse
the American Camp Association’s New England chapter. “That goes for arts camps especially, which allow kids to make mistakes and build resilience.” Arts camps deliver lifelong lessons in a largely noncompetitive environment that focuses on process over product. “Making things, interacting with adults who have a passion for creation, and collaborating on a project that’s bigger than oneself—a band, a theater production, et cetera—are critical experiences for kids,”
says Brian Cohen, who co-founded Beam Camp, in Strafford, N.H. “Arts camps are also great opportunities for kids to appreciate that learning, and hard, focused work, can be fun and satisfying.” Through arts camps, kids can learn to love the act of making art, to become critical thinkers and how to accept—and give—friendly criticism. To do that successfully, campers must learn to trust and rely on one another—especially at a sleepaway arts camp.
Many leading national psychiatrists, such as clinical psychologist Maureen Monaghan, of Children’s National Medical Center, in Washington, D.C., endorse sleepaway summer camps. “I think it is a great idea to give kids an experience of being on their own in a structured, supportive, supervised enviContinued ARTS CAMPS Next Page
JUNE 11–14 JULY 9–12 AUGUST 6–9 Ages: 8–10 & 10–12* Time: 9am–2pm
Level 1: Skills Group
(Ages 8-10) Learn the FUNdamentals! Kids will learn skills and gain confidence as they go through our mountain bike skills progression. Participants must be 8 at time of camp. Some dirt experience required.
Level 2: Adventure Group
(Ages 10-12*) Kids will focus on strengthening technical skills and become self reliant on the trail. Some dirt experience required.
OUR COACHES ARE: • Trained Instructors • First Aid Certified • Friendly and Fun Cost: $300/week Drop-ins welcome: $75/day Subject to availability Junior Bike Rentals (includes helmet) $15/day or $60/week
Meet at Sturtevants in Ketchum at 9am. Return at 2pm. Bring plenty of food (lunch + snack), water and sunscreen. Full Camp Registration (subject to availability) due the Friday before camp begins. Daily drop-ins (subject to availability) must register by 5 pm the day before. *Possibly some 13 year olds.
sturtevants-sv.com Downtown Ketchum | Downtown Hailey | Hotel Ketchum
K I D S C A M P S & S U M M E R A C T I V I T I E S • P U B L I S H E D B Y T H E W E E K LY S U N • A P R I L 25, 2018
Let Us Protect You
Like We Protect Our Own Family
The best arts programs help build community, self-esteem and an environment in which kids can feel comfortable taking risks. Photo courtesy of Laughing Stock Theatre Company
Arts camps
Continued from Previous Page
ronment,” Monaghan says. “The time away from parents provides an excellent opportunity for even young children to take initiative, exercise their autonomy and develop leadership, problem-solving and social skills, which often builds self-esteem. Even just one night away from parents can be valuable.” Arts-specific camps are about acquiring new skills, but, more importantly, they can foster personal growth. “It’s not about finding out who you are as an artist,” says
Noah Salzman of Buck’s Rock Performing and Creative Arts Camp, in New Milford, Conn., “but who you are as a human being.” Whether a day camp or sleepaway camp, summer arts camps can give children crucial experiences that prepare them for life and keep their brains well-oiled during the much-needed break from school. Many opportunities exist for artistically inclined children to thrive during the summer months within the Wood River Valley. Explore the options in this week’s special section to find the perfect match.
Community. Compassion. Commitment.
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AUG. 17 Monday - Friday 8:00am - 6:00pm Ages 5-9 June 11-15 June 18-22 June 25-29 July 2-6 July 9-13 July 16-20 July 23-27 July 30-3 Aug. 6-10 Aug. 13-17
Y We Matter Week How to Train Your Dragon Week Nickelodeon Week Stars and Stripes (Off Wednesday) Down The Rabbit Hole Jurassic Park Week Shipwrecked Week Space Jam Week Rainforest Adventures Week YMCA Rock Stars Week
• $210/Y member $300/non-Y member • 10% discount for signing up for all 10 weeks
• $55/Y member $80/non-Y member $20 late fee will be added for registration less than 24hr. in advance Stop by the Y, or call (208)727-9622 to register. More info and registration form on our website at www.woodriverymca.org. Wood River Community YMCA, 101 Saddle Rd., Ketchum Photo courtesy of Mountain Adventure Tours
K I D S C A M P S & S U M M E R A C T I V I T I E S • P U B L I S H E D B Y T H E W E E K LY S U N • A P R I L 25, 2018
Art in the Garden Great American West
Wednesday OVERNIGHT June 25-28 (Rising 7-9th Grade)
Myth and Magic
July 24-27 Tu-Fri this week (age 7-11)
For growing explorers. Mountains, horses, a wolf, and Georgia O’Keefe. Sacred leather pouches. Sleep in a tipi, native story- telling and song. $265
Unicorns, dragon eggs, a magic amulet, castles, and potions. Art that sparkles and may glow in the dark. $265
A Mermaid’s Life
July 30-Aug 2 or Aug 6-9 (age 6-10)
July 9-12 (age 6-10)
Under the sea art pieces. Come paint your mermaid tail and swim! $285.
Viva L’Arte July 16-19 (age 9-12)
Picasso, Miro, and Dali. Make a Gaudi sculpture anda colorful Frida Kahlo floral crown. $285.
Fairies in the Garden Come to a fairy enchanted garden. Plant and create a take-home garden. Fill your fairy journal. Join a delightful tea-party, wings included! $285 Girl Power Wednesday OVERNIGHT Aug 13-17 (Rising 7-9th Grade)
Dream boxes, handmade journals, “Me” boards. Making art that inspires you! $265
All camps run Mon-Thurs 9:30-4:00 Hailey Gardens Call Cara 208-788-1118 Facebook.com/svkidsart
June 25-29, 2018 • 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. For incoming 3rd-5th graders - $130 (scholarships available) Full-day opportunity available in partnership with BCRD SPACE IS LIMITED - Register: girlsontherunwrv.org/camp
K I D S C A M P S & S U M M E R A C T I V I T I E S • P U B L I S H E D B Y T H E W E E K LY S U N • A P R I L 25, 2018
Boulder Mountain Clayworks
Super Hero Summer ~ Children ages 6-12 will explore the super fantastical world of the heroes we all love and want to be. They will create their own original super hero, accessories and all, shadow boxes with heroes vs. villains, and ZING! BAM! POW! Bowls for their anti-kryptonite ice cream.
All classes 9:30-12:00. Tuition $148 June 18-22, July 9-13, July 16-20, July 23-27, July 30-Aug 3, Aug 6-10, Aug 13-17
Teens, ages middle school and older, will learn the basics of pottery throwing while making mugs, ice cream bowls and all things round. The potters with more experience will design their own projects and try a set of mugs, bowls, etc. All classes 1:30-4:00, glaze days 9:30. Tuition $165 June 18-22 ~ Glaze Day: June 29 July 16-20 ~ Glaze Day: July 27 July 30-Aug 3 ~ Glaze Day: Aug 10 Aug 6-10 ~ Glaze Day: Aug 17
Families enjoy creating together. Fun for all ages. Tuition $45 for 1 adult and 1 child, $10 for each additional person in your party. 1:30-3:00 July 11 Bird Baths Aug 1 Spaghetti Bowls (or even a colander) Boulder Mountain Clayworks: A 501©3 nonprofit organization *partial scholarships available 208-726-4484 • www.bouldermtnclay.org • bouldermtclay@gmail.com
20126018 2016
Camp A: June 11 - 14 ................ 9 a.m. - Noon "%'+ + (&#+ + + + + +" % + + OO&+ Camp "%'+ + (&#+ + + + + +" % + + OO&+ B: July 9 - 12 ................... 9 a.m. - Noon "%'+ + ($)+ + + + + +" % + + OO&+ "%'+ + ($)+ + + + + +" % + + OO&+
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Photos courtesy of Mountain Adventure Tours
K I D S C A M P S & S U M M E R A C T I V I T I E S • P U B L I S H E D B Y T H E W E E K LY S U N • A P R I L 25, 2018
In addition to camps, SMAS offers gymnastics classes for ages baby-adult, open gyms, ninja kids, tumbling & tramp, cheer & fabulous birthday parties!!
A place to find joy in movement
Camps have all sorts of themes: Summer Fun Kick Off Week, Nature Week, Under the Ocean, Science Camp, Around the World, Circus, Super Heroes, Space Camp, Camping/Outdoor Adventures, SMAS has talent Per week-$245 | Sibling discount-$215 Full summer-$2,000
9-10 ................................ Open Gym And Games 10-11 ..................................... Gymnastics Class 11-12 ...........................Art Project /Theme Time 12-3:45 ................. Lunch/Hike/Park/Pool/River 3:45-4:00 .............Gather belongings/open gym
For 2018/19 competitive gymnastics & all-star cheerleading teams beginning May 1
smascheer@hotmail.com • 208-720-4306 Mon-Sat 10-7 • 3950 and 3960 Woodside Blvd. (across from Power Engineers)
See the annual spring performance, “The Message of the Rose,” May 11-12-13 at the Wood River High School Performing Arts Theater at the Community Campus in Hailey. Then plan to dance during the summer at one of the many workshops. DANCEcamp, June 25-29 or July 9-13, is a one-week camp for students entering grades 2-4 in the fall. Cecchetti Ballet, for serious ballet dancers 9 years and older, is June 18-22 or July 30-August 3. Dance Tapestry, for serious Intermediate and Advanced dancers, with special classes for Juniors in 5th-6th grade, is August 1417, with guest artists from Boise and including a performance in Ketchum on Friday, August 17, with our master juggler, Michael Marlin, who will also be teaching and choreographing the dancers. We are in for some great fun, adventure and work on performing through the circus arts. Direct from Vegas, Sept. 7-8, for middle and high school students, will bring to us an experience with Alex Stabler, WRHS graduate, who performs with Cirque du Soleil’s “Le Reve” production. This workshop is being offered by a grant from The Papoose Club. Footlight Dance is under the direction of Hilarie Neely. Since the 1980s, Footlight has provided classes, summer workshops, a performance company and guest instructors from outside the area. The Footlight staff comes from professional performing backgrounds and bring the finest in training for dancers of all ages. Call 208-578-5462 for information and registration, footlightdance@ gmail.com, www.footlightdancecentre.com
jane’s artifacts arts / / crafts / / papers / / office / / party
Summer Activities at the Fabric Granary
SEWING CAMPS & WORKSHOPS “Bobbin Winders” (Beginners) ages 9 or older June 18, 19, 20 & 21 or July 16, 17, 18, & 19 • 10:30am-1:30pm Monday-Thursday Cost: $125 +includes supplies • Instructor: Lori Stroebel Learn Sewing Skills with Sewing Machine - Bring home 2-3 finished projects
“Logic Will Take You From A to B. Imagination Will Take You Everywhere.” --Albert Einstein
My First Quilt Camp (Intermediate sewing skills) ages 9 or older 4-day workshop • July 23, 24, 25, & 26 • 10:30am-1:30pm Monday-Thursday Cost: $125 +supplies • Instructor: Lori Stroebel Use pre-cut fabric to make your first quilt
Zig-Zaggers (Intermediate sewing skills) ages 9 or older Aug 13, 14, 15, & 16 • 10:30am-1:30pm Monday-Thursday Cost: $125 +includes supplies • Instructor: Lori Stroebel Improve sewing skills and bring home finished projects
Adult & Child, Make-A-Skirt (Must have sewing & sewing machine skills) Wednesday August 22 • 10:30am-2:30pm Cost $45/student +supplies • Instructor: Cathy Allen
Call or stop by to register
122 S Main St, Hailey • 208-788-1331
Looking for “Things To Do?” Get Artsy! Visit us at Jane’s Artifacts for inspiration and to pick up some art and craft supplies! 106 S. Main, Hailey 208.788.0848 j a n e S a r t i fa c t S @ c o x . n e t
K I D S C A M P S & S U M M E R A C T I V I T I E S • P U B L I S H E D B Y T H E W E E K LY S U N • A P R I L 25, 2018
Summer Day Camp
BCRD Day Camp is an 11-week-long,Register recreation-based program offered to at rising first Register on-line through sixth graders that runs on-line at BCRD.org weekdays, June 11–August 24. In BCRD.org age-appropriate groups, campers will participate in sports, outdoor adventures, swimming, cooperative games, and STEAM-based projects in an encouraging environment. Cost 13 Weeks of for the full summer BCRD Day Camp celebrating 20 years of Age Groups camp program is $1350, or a weekly session is $130. Summer Fun! AgeField Groups serving Blaine County’s youth. Offering a full Kinder Camp • Kindergarten trips offered every Friday are filled with hiking, fishing, June 8 to swimming and exploring. Children will venture to places such as camp experience geared toward your child’s Explorers • 1st & 2nd grade Kinder Camp • Kindergarten September 4 and others 1,000 Springs Resort, Craters of the Moon, Redfish Lake age. Our quality staff make sure each day is Discovery • 3rd & 4th grade Explorers • 1st &all2nd to experience thatgrade our region has to offer. Field trips are included Monday-Friday jam packed with healthy, active fun. Challenger • 5th - 7th grade with enrollment in the full summer program or pm can be added onto 8:00 am - 6:00 Discovery • 3rd & 4th grade the daily/weekly session rate for an additional $20. The BCRD’s Camp will take place July 9–August 2, from Challenger • 5thTheater - 7th grade 12-4 p.m. each day. Kids will have the opportunity to express themselves and make new friends in this JUNE 4TH – LABOR DAY JUNE 4TH – LABOR DAY program that culminates in a performance of “Journey to Oz.” TheThis program for youngsters includes Our childcare professionals will lead ater Camp costs $175 or can be addexciting weekly themes and activities. you on unforgettable explorations. ed on to the full summer or weekly session rate for an additional $100. AGES 6–10 AGES 2–5 The BCRD Aquatic Center offers Information or reservations: Information or reservations: a 25-yard, six-lane pool and is home call (208) 622-2133 call (208) 622-2288 to a variety of youth programs, inemail svadventurecamp@sunvalley.com email playschool@sunvalley.com cluding swim lessons, swim team and open recreational swimming. Signups for lessons begin on May 14Pool at the Aquatic Center. Friday Season Field Trips Bike Rides Rock Climbing For schedules and Time Tennis BIKE & GOLF DISCOUNTED PASSES ON SALE information go to: passes are on sale now with early JUNIOR BLAINE COUNTY STUDENTS Fishing Archery Arts & Crafts Theater Rafting Pump Track bird pricing available through May www.bcrd.org 31. STUDENT BIKE PASS $199 STUDENT GOLF PASS $500 For more information or to regFor more details on passes: call (208) 622-2135 | email recreation@sunvalley.com ister, please visit www.bcrd.org or call the BCRD at 208.578.2273.
playschool summer camp
mbing For schedules and information go to: fting www.bcrd.org
• •
CLIMBING DAY CAMP Ages: 5-12 Dates: June 11 - August 17, no camp 7/2-6 Monday - Thursday, 9:00am - 11:00am $130/Y member $180/non-Y member
ADVANCED CLIMBING DAY CAMP Ages: 12-18 Dates: June 25-28 and July 16-19 Monday-Thursday, 1:00pm-3:00pm $130/Y member $180/non-Y member
FRIDAY OUTDOOR CLIMBING DAY CAMP Ages: 5-18 Dates: July 11 - August 3 Fridays, 9:00am - 3:00pm $105/Y member $125/non-Y member
COMBINATION CLIMBING DAY CAMP AND FRIDAY OUTDOOR CLIMBING DAY Stop by the Y, or call (208)727-9622 to register. $225/Y member $275/Non=Y member
More info and registration form on our website at www.woodriverymca.org. MORE INFO: www.woodriverymca.org/climbing/climbing-camps/ Wood River Community YMCA, 101 Saddle Rd., Ketchum kberman@woodriverymca.org
Wood River Community YMCA 101 Saddle Road Ketchum ID 83340 208-727-9622 www.woodriverymca.org
K I D S C A M P S & S U M M E R A C T I V I T I E S • P U B L I S H E D B Y T H E W E E K LY S U N • A P R I L 25, 2018
POSITIVE ADVANTAGE YOUTH 1/2-DAY CAMPS June 19-22 July 9-12 +/or 23-26 This Learning Workshop is designed to clarify life direction and social skills through communication, leadership, self-mastery, and resiliency building founded upon principles of excellence. The secrets of personal success are applied to real life! Contact: Christina Tindle LPC 208-315-3075 christina.tindle.ma@gmail.com $475/Section BEFORE May 31, 2018 $575/Section AFTER May 31, 2018 Daily Schedule Four 1/2 Days 9-12:30/Session 9-11 Drop off: 101 E Bullion Suite 3J Hailey 83333
Make friends with your fellow campers fast with an array of lightning-fast jokes. What did the ocean say to the sailboat? Nothing. It just waved. What does the sun drink out of? Sunglasses. Why do bananas use sunscreen? Because they peel. What animal is always at a baseball game? A bat. Why was the baby strawberry crying? Because Mom and Dad were in a jam. What did the little corn say to the mama corn? Where is pop corn? How much does it cost a pirate to get his ears pierced? About a buck an ear. Where would you find an elephant? The same place as you lost it.
11-Noon Capoeira, archery, or hiking
How do you talk to a giant? With big words.
Noon-12:30 Picnic lunch debrief
Which letter is the coolest? Iced T.
12:30 Pick up TBD Each Day
Christina Tindle, LPC Camp Guide Counselor, Life Coach, Author, Backcountry Pilot
What did one tide pool say to the other tide pool? Show me your mussels. What do you call a fish with no eyes? A fsh. What does a bee do when it is hot? He takes off his yellow jacket.
Photo courtesy of Mountain Adventure Tours
K I D S C A M P S & S U M M E R A C T I V I T I E S • P U B L I S H E D B Y T H E W E E K LY S U N • A P R I L 25, 2018
swim team, swim lessons & season passes
healthy, active fun for rising 1st - 6th graders
fun! bcrd.org
Friday adventures filled with hiking, fishing, swimming & more
Journey Back to Oz: July 9-Aug. 2 for rising 1st- 6th graders
Spirit n’ Motion Athletic School Spirit n’ Motion Athletic School, the Valley’s premier athletic school for gymnastics, is owned by Amanda Wilson. Amanda loves using her elementary-education degree to teach children a sport she grew up with and loves. She feels blessed and loves working with all her amazing coaches, athletes and families. This year, SMAS had 38 competitive team gymnasts that competed from November to April, traveling for meets all over Idaho and Utah. SMAS had many state champions, and was consistently one of the top-three Xcel teams in the state. The SMAS gymnastics team is finishing their season attending a regional competition this weekend in Everett, Wash. SMAS competitive athletes train from 4-16 hours per week, and are amazing at what they do. SMAS offers classes in competitive and recreational gymnastics to all ages, preschool and up, from beginning to advanced levels. SMAS also offers a Buddy and Me class for kiddos ages 1-3. SMAS offers a Ninja Kids program teaching a fantastic combination of gymnastics, martial arts, freeform, parkour, and strength and obstacle course training. It’s a super-fun, energetic and highly athletic program. SMAS has two buildings totaling over 8,000 square feet in South Woodside, full of awesome gymnastics equipment, trampolines and full spring floor. Open gym is every Saturday from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Anyone is welcome—at $10/hour! SMAS loves to host awesome, FUN birthday or private parties on the weekends. Call Amanda at (208) 720-4306 or visit www.spiritnmotion.com for more information and to register for classes or to book parties online.
Join the Environmental Resource Center (ERC) this summer for EcoCamp. The ERC will offer two weeklong overnight EcoCamps at the Galena Lodge yurts in the heart of the Boulder Mountains. Week one, July 9-13, 2018, is “Discovering Wild Idaho” EcoCamp for rising 5th-6th graders. This camp is full of adventure and creative explorations and includes an off-site camping trip. The second week, July 23-27, 2018, is “Environmental Leadership” EcoCamp for rising 7th-9th graders. This camp focuses on developing environmental and outdoor leadership skills and includes an overnight backpacking trip and service learning component. Both camps are designed to bring—and keep—our children outdoors, learning, exploring, and reveling in the natural world. The ERC’s EcoCamps are a unique opportunity for youth to spend a week immersed in the wilderness, developing an appreciation and understanding of nature. Campers will participate in games, explorations, crafts, hikes, and more, to familiarize them with the local ecology and natural history. While at EcoCamp, campers gain the confidence, skills and tools to become stewards of the environment while developing a passion for science. The ERC is a community-based environmental nonprofit organization with a mission of providing education and inspiring action to cultivate a healthy environment in the Wood River Valley. The ERC is committed to creating a healthier community and environment upon which our local heath, wellbeing and economy directly depend. Camps are $550/ERC member and $650/nonmember. Scholarships are available. For more information, visit www.ercsv.org or contact Alisa McGowan, ERC program director, at (208) 726-4333 or alisa@ercsv. org.
Valley of Peace
Lutheran Church Vacation Bible School
July 30 - August 3 • 8 a.m. - noon Bible Study, Music, Games, Water Day Call 928-0539 to reserve your spot!
Block Party
July 29 • 4 - 6 p.m. • Free food, games, fun Corner of Woodside and Wintergreen, Hailey • 208.788.3066
Bellevue Public Library Su mmer Pro gram s “Libraries Rock!” The Bellevue Public Library will be holding their 2018 summer reading program titled “Libraries Rock!” each Wednesday beginning June 20th –July 25th.
Age groups and times are as follows: • 0-5 years (pre-school, toddlers & kinders) .10-11am • 1st-3rd grades .......................................................11-12 pm www.theloudlibrary.org Get ready for an awesome time at Bellevue Public Library’s Summer Reading Program! Kids of any age are welcome to join us each week for FUN and EXCITEMENT! Weekly books, games, crafts and prizes for all!! Come and be a part of our amazing summer!
Mon, Wed & Fri • 10-5 | Tues & Thurs • 11:30-6:30 Come join the summer fun at the Bellevue Public Library! 117 East Pine St, Bellevue • 788-4503 • Free of Charge, Donations Always Appreciated
18 8
K I D S C A M P S & S U M M E R A C T I V I T I E S • P U B L I S H E D B Y T H E W E E K LY S U N • A P R I L 25, 2018
Dance Camp 5 Days of Dancing FUN
June 25-29 or July 9-13 • Ages 7-9
Other Summer Camps: Dance Tapestry: August 14-17 Master Juggler Michael Marlin & other dance artists For Intermediate & Advanced dancers
Cecchetti Ballet & Character Dance: June 18-22 & July 30-August 3 Direct from Vegas Dance & Acting with Alex Stabler of Cirque du Soleil September 7-8
Footlight Dance Centre
Community Campus Studio
1050 Fox Acres, Rd., Hailey • 208-578-5462 www.footlightdancecentre.com
Fresh Ground Beef Burgers cooked when YOU order it! Home of the Roadkill Pattymelt
World Famous Burgers • • • •
Junior meals Cones Thick Shakes We Also Serve Chicken, Turkey, & Veggie burgers. • Hot Dogs • Corn Dogs • Polish Dogs
A Valley Favorite For 20 Years! Phone Orders To Go 7 Days A Week
801 S. Main Street • Hailey ID
K I D S C A M P S & S U M M E R A C T I V I T I E S • P U B L I S H E D B Y T H E W E E K LY S U N • A P R I L 25, 2018
SYMPHONY’S SUMMER MUSIC INSTITUTE Students Learn With World-Class Musicians
The Sun Valley Summer Symphony’s Summer Music Institute, held during the opening weeks of the Symphony season, enters its 21st year and will take place July 30 through August 11. The Institute is a multi-week summer music education program embracing students of all ages and abilities. Through Institute programs, students interact with Symphony musicians, guest artists and conductors while experiencing unique, high-level educational opportunities as they explore their love for music. In 2018, students will interact with Symphony guest artists Yefim Bronfman, David Fung, Celine Byrne and Hugh Russell. With two enrollment tiers defined by age and musical ability, the Institute provides opportunities for students of all types. Through the tier titled The Experience (August 6–10), students grade 2 through high school get to experience the fun of studying music for beginning-through-advanced piano, voice, string, woodwind, brass and percussion. In the other tier, titled The Encounter (July 30–August 11), college undergraduates and exceptional high school students in
ercsv.org| Facebo | Face ercsv.org ercsv.org | Facebo
ercsv.org | Facebook and Instagram: @ERCsunvalley | 471 Washington Ave. N., Ketchum | 208.726.4333
ercsv.org | Facebook and Instagram: @ERCsunvalley | 471 Washington Ave. N., Ketchum | 208.726.4333
ercsv.org | Facebook and Instagram: @ERCsunvalley | 471 Washington Ave. N., Ketchum | 208.72 ercsv.org | Facebook and Instagram: @ERCsunvalley | 471 Washington Ave. N., Ketchum | 208.726.4333 ercsv.org | Facebook and Instagram: @ERCsunvalley | 471 Washington Ave. N., Ketchum | 208.726.4333
2017 Summer Music Institute students pose with world-class violinist Gil Shaham (pictured front, center). In 2018, students will have learning opportunities with Yefim Bronfman and David Fung, among others.
strings, voice and piano get to encounter the thrill of learning with one of the most respected festival orchestras in the nation. Instruction platforms include small- and large-ensemble experiences, electives and classes focused on technique, master classes, discussions and live performances, among others. Private instruction is also available for additional fees. These programs are offered tuition-free due to the generosity of Sun Valley Summer Symphony supporters. Students pay only a nominal registration and materials fee. For more information, visit the Symphony website at svsummersymphony.org/education/.
Voted “Best Asian Cuisine” $12.95 Shrimp Vegetable Tempura / 2 Shrimp, Mixed Vegetables
Lunch Bento Boxes Served with Salad, California roll, and Garlic Rice
Lunch: 11am-3pm Monday-Friday | Dinner: 3-10pm 7 Days a Week NOW OPEN AT 310 MAIN STREET IN HAILEY Hailey: (208) 928-7111
The Wood River Community YMCA The Wood River Community YMCA offers a variety of activities to keep kids engaged and active all summer long! Summer Kids Day Camp Wide variety of indoor and outdoor activities, swimming, greenhouse and field trips. Three afternoons of swimming, a biking day and field trips on Thursdays. Field trips include: Craters of the Moon, Alturas Lake, Ice Caves and Jump Time. Climbing Camp can be combined with Kids Day Camp for a full day of fun! SUMMER CLIMBING CAMPS Climbing Day Camp Take your summer to new heights! Find your limits and climb past them with four days of instruction and skill development through climbing exercises and games. Advanced Climbing Day Camp, for the older kids, dives a bit deeper into the world of climbing, including knots, rope systems, and climbing movement. Friday Outdoor Climbing Day Camp Take skills you learned at Climbing Day Camp and put them to the test on some real rock at our local climbing areas! Runs July 11th through August 3rd. Swim Lessons & Swim Team Lessons run June 11–August 4 in three sessions. Swordfish Swim Team will meet Mon.–Fri., 7:30-8:30 a.m. More information and register at 208727-9622 or woodriverymca.org.
JIU-JITSU CLASSES at USA Grappling Academy!
Kids 6-7 p.m. | Adults 7-8 p.m.
USA Grappling Academy
(208) 720-3519 713 N Main St. Unit A, Bellevue
K I D S C A M P S & S U M M E R A C T I V I T I E S • P U B L I S H E D B Y T H E W E E K LY S U N • A P R I L 25, 2018
CELEBRATING OVER 20 YEARS OF ADVENTURE!!! www.mountainadventuretours.org · 208.309.1005
Camps for ages 4-16 Mighty and Mini Adventures for Kids 4-8 Now That’s What I Call Fun Camp • Mud Rompers and Dirt Diggers Fish, Bike and Hike • C.I.T. Training • Wild West Cowpokes • Float Camp River Rat Camp • Payette River School • Splash n’ Cave • Camping 101 Wild West Montana Road Trip • Sleepaway Camp • Bike, Raft, SUP Kayak Camp • Forts and Sorts • Bikes at Basecamp • AND MORE!
5B WEEK FOR BLAINE COUNTY RESIDENTS 50% off June 18-21 Mighty MAT South Valley 5-7 and Now That’s What I Call Fun Camp South Valley 9-11
More local discounts & scholarships available. We proudly embody the philosophy of Enviro-tainment in an effort to improve the quality of life for all who choose to live the Mountain Adventure. www.mountainadventuretours.org | 208-309-1005 email:joelle@mountainadventuretours.org