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mouthing off



his school year starts not only with that strange, like them? I asked this of Martin Culkin, the inspiring uncomfortable feeling of feet that have run bare principal of the reborn Hawthorn Secondary College all summer being slid into hard, leather shoes, but – now Auburn High – who has embarked on the most with an equally uncomfortable demographic reality. ambitious and admirable project: the re-creation of According to a recent Productivity Commission a failing state school as an aspirational, competitive, report, more Australian children than ever are first-class government school. The school was renamed, being educated in private schools, confirming a new uniform created, a new subject base the so-called “drift” away from government established, and all staff reapplied for their jobs. education. (The term public/private is, of Those teachers who could not get on board “you can course, misleading, as all schools in Australia with the ambitious new mission – to be every build the are publicly funded, so I shall use the terms bit as good as the highly regarded independent team you government/independent.) This significant schools in the suburb – were moved on. demographic change is important for many Culkin says he now has the teachers and need” reasons, but the age-old sectarian arguments the leadership team to provide local students don’t interest me: instead, I am concerned with with an excellent education. “You need highly the division that appears to be widening within the effective leadership, strong community engagement,” state-school sector itself between the preferred state says Culkin. “It is a highly competitive market [for schools and all the rest. education].” Culkin likens a school’s reputation to an While house prices rocket in the catchment areas for individual’s fitness: hard won and easily lost. With a exceptional government schools such as McKinnon new name and new uniform and an impressive staff – Secondary College, University High, Balwyn High Culkin says the amount of teaching talent available to and Canterbury Girls’, and as parents battle to get a schools right now “is just awesome” – his project starts first-class education for their children at state-school in earnest, and it is a thrilling thing to hear about. prices, many other government schools languish and I was lucky enough to be educated in a state school suffer by comparison. Here’s a question I have long just like this: a nondescript suburban school led by an wanted answered: what made these schools so good exceptional educator, who in turn inspired a youthful in the first place, and why don’t other schools try to be and enthusiastic staff. I loved my time there and I did

well. I don’t think the school, before or since, was ever as good. It wasn’t about the buildings: it was all about the people who ran it. David Gillespie, the author of Free Schools, a controversial new book that argues that you get no better education for your children by buying a private one than you do at a state school, insists school success is mostly all about the leadership team. He comes from the world of corporate law, so he is hardwired to admire leadership, but his argument is persuasive: an effective, committed principal, school council, senior teacher group and parent body can create a successful school. Culkin clearly agrees with this, and further argues that, despite being in the government sector, you can use the procedures available to you to move the bad teachers on and get the great ones in. It’s not easy, he says, but if you are unwavering, you can build the team you need. Why don’t more government schools do this? Clearly, it is hard work and takes the kind of dedication and ambition that, to continue our corporate parallel, only the best and most successful companies ever have. But when you are in receipt of so much taxpayer money and responsible for the future of so many young people, I wonder why any principal would not want to. \

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FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 3


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corpse with a nasty head wound is chasing peas around his plate with a fork. Sharing the table is actor Craig McLachlan, who has slipped out of character to consume a roast beef lunch with the cast and crew of The Doctor Blake Mysteries. McLachlan, as Ballarat GP Dr Lucien Blake, has had a busy night in forensics, judging by the running sheet for the day’s filming at a Port Melbourne warehouse. There are nine scenes to shoot resulting in just nine minutes of screen time for series two of the ABC TV drama. It’s a slow process to put together 10 episodes but director Pino Amenta seems pleased with the day’s progress. McLachlan slips away to the make-up department while the corpse finishes his meal. They’re scheduled to meet again at the morgue slab after the crew sets up cameras for the next scene. The doctor’s slab is about the only thing McLachlan’s latest work in TV has in common with his upcoming role in the cult stage musical The Rocky Horror Show. McLachlan’s blue eyes sparkle in anticipation of the time warp that is about to transport him from the morgue slab at Dr Blake’s respectable 1950s Ballarat surgery to the experimental science slab in the lab at Dr Frank N. Furter’s creepy castle. McLachlan is reprising the role of pansexual, cross-dressing mad scientist Frank in the 40th anniversary production of The Rocky Horror Show, a role he played in Melbourne 22 years ago. Richard O’Brien’s popular musical has been revamped by British director Christopher Luscombe and has just completed a successful British tour. It began its Australian capital city tour in Brisbane in January and arrives at Melbourne’s Comedy Theatre in April, with McLachlan starring alongside Christie Whelan Browne, Tim Maddren, Ashlea Pyke and Erika Heynatz. McLachlan was at primary school in Sydney, and just starting the guitar lessons that would take him all the way to a pop career, when he first encountered the sexually charged schlock-horror musical inspired by B-grade science fiction movies. “When I was a kid my cousin sneaked me in to see the show – I was way too young to go,” he says. “She was charged with babysitting duty but a girlfriend of hers got Rocky tickets so I saw Reg Livermore as Frank.” McLachlan, 48, last played Frank in 1992 in producer Paul Dainty’s The New Rocky Horror Show. Then in his mid-20s, he says he gleefully donned the stockings, lingerie, stilettos and heavy make-up of transvestite Frank to escape his “golden boy” image, a legacy of years of soapie drama in Neighbours, as gardener Henry Ramsay, and Home and Away as teacher Grant Mitchell. That golden status had been firmly cemented with a coveted gold Logie in 1990 for most popular personality on Australian television for his role in Neighbours. “For better or worse, starting out in this business in Australia in the ’80s – in the golden period of Kylie and Jason – I am living, breathing proof that it was a tough period to come out of and continue in the industry, and in the game of being taken seriously,” McLachlan says. “I thought if there’s any way I can take a step away from a neighbourhood like Erinsborough, there’s no better way to shake things off than to wear stilettos, stockings and little French knickers and be outrageous. I delighted in that.” In 1992, McLachlan shared the Rocky stage with Gina Riley, Peter Rowsthorn, Red Symons, Wilbur Wilde, Stephen Kearney, Linda Nagle, Christopher Kirby and Alyssa-Jane Cook. “We had a brilliant company and cast and it was a shared 6 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

education for us all. That group was very special,” McLachlan says. “It was all about the excitement of shaking things up – ‘Look at me! I’m in the gear, singing these great rock’n’roll tunes’.” McLachlan recalls a letter to a newspaper expressing outrage that Neighbours’ much-loved Henry had so dramatically switched persona to wear a scanty costume when he was “a role model for our kids”. But as Kerrie Theobald, his publicist of nearly 30 years (since Neighbours), points out, while Frank was certainly a switch in character, McLachlan often appeared shirtless in front of millions of soapie viewers. “He’d often be mowing the lawn shirtless and in his Speedos. He was a very fit young man, so why not?” Theobald says. “People remember Henry with the golden mullet lovingly. Neighbours had a nine million audience reach. It was an absolute phenomenon and top-rated overnight. It was a unique period of history.”


cLachlan is now enjoying his second wind as a TV star, thanks to the ratings success of The Doctor Blake Mysteries, which is in its second series. The show has been picked up by the BBC in Britain, where Blake’s co-creator, George Adams, was a drama production executive. McLachlan first read a draft script for Blake two years ago. “I connected with it on a few levels … I couldn’t get the damn thing out of my head … but I knew they were looking for a much older Dr Blake,” he says. “I completely got what George Adams was trying to create here, having worked for the BBC and knowing how they go about putting their productions together. I knew what he was doing and I wanted to be a part of it. I wanted the opportunity to age myself and be seen, certainly in Australia, in a more mature light.” McLachlan was in Los Angeles, completing immigration paperwork for a “green card” that would allow him to work in the United States, when his agent emailed him the Blake script and suggested he try for a role. “For years and years the US had been on my mind and friends had been saying to give it a crack while you’re still young enough and, dare I say it, pretty enough – kind of them to say it – and while you’ve still got gas in the tank. I always had a pretty pragmatic view that you couldn’t do that well unless you make a splash in the US market on the back of an Australian hit TV series or film, whether it’s a Muriel’s Wedding or a Priscilla, Queen of the Desert.” McLachlan worked for many years in England, where his 13-year-old son Jacob lives with his mother, actor Charlotte Avery. He had lead roles in West End musicals, including Robert Stigwood’s Grease, and varied TV and film work. He even ice-skated in the British reality celebrity show Dancing on Ice. When he did “give the US a crack” in 2011, he was instantly offered a guest role with NCIS: Los Angeles alongside Chris O’Donnell and LL Cool J. “It was just a wonderful experience,” he says. But he also spent that week of filming in a boat on the bay off Los Angeles squinting into the sun and growing whiskers in an effort to age himself. Then he asked a friend to film his Blake audition on a mobile phone and send it to Adams. McLachlan says he didn’t formally audition for Frank in The Rocky Horror Show. When he figured he could make the show dates work in with his Blake commitments, he met director Christopher Luscombe in Sydney last year.


Craig McLachlan shakes off his genial GP persona to reprise his most outrageous role as flirtatious Dr Frank N Furter. By LORETTA HALL


Cover Story

n k in gma re \ j u lia Pi c t u “Once frank is inside you, you never get him out”

“I wanted to go in and meet Chris. If I was going to revisit something very dear to me, I didn’t want to give my energy to it if I didn’t feel it was going to enhance the experience I had already had. “It’s interesting upon reflection; I was in my 20s the first time I did it. Then I approached it with a bucket-load of excitement. It was all about getting the gear on and singing the songs. I identified and nailed the laughs and gags, but beyond that I never examined the text. “I remember chatting to Richard O’Brien about the darker, more tortured side of Frank. He’s right in saying to go back and look at the text. There are things that I purely and simply didn’t get as a younger man … I didn’t have the life experience to know what the author was getting at.” It had been 22 years since McLachlan first read the Rocky script but he says he could instantly recall dialogue for Luscombe and Australian producer John Frost, and did a scene switching voices from Frank to Brad to Janet. “I barked out some tunes, too. It was just riotous, and I knew in my heart Chris and I are on the same page.” Right on cue, sitting at the Blake lunch table, McLachlan switches from genial GP to flirtatious Frank and delivers a dozen lines from Rocky. It’s disconcerting but delightful to hear Blake do Frank. He is always lurking, says McLachlan. “I remember Richard O’Brien saying years ago that once Frank is inside you, you never get him out.” \ » The Rocky Horror Show opens in Melbourne on April 24. » The Doctor Blake Mysteries airs on ABC1, Friday at 8.30pm.

We welcome your feedback @ FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 7



(iStockphoto / THINKSTOCK)

just managed to get through the whole school holidays without seeing a kids’ movie at the cinema. They went to see plenty. The other adult in this house loves kids’ movies. He loves anime, animation and animals who talk. He also loves having Maltesers and popcorn for lunch, so they caught up with all the new releases, paying outrageously for the privilege. It costs at least $100 to take a family of four to the pics, so I say no, no, no, you guys go, I’d rather save the dosh and fold the washing. And I would. A neat pile of folded washing is infinitely more satisfying for me than a singing Smurf or an animated meatball. I can’t bear the noise of kids’ movies, the roaring dragons and screaming kids with swords. I can’t do fairies or vampires or Scottish accents, and action movies just make me stressed. I can’t bear the other parents because, by week three of the holidays, we all have a whiff of desperation about us. Our faces worn down with requests, our eyes all needy and nap-ready, and we’re holding on to their hands for dear life because no one has the energy to take off after them if they escape. That day has passed. I avoided big days out these holidays as well, for reasons outlined above and because I’ve learnt the hard way. Too many times I’ve set off with high expectations and Vegemite sandwiches for a day at the zoo or museum, only to return home deflated, wretched, wondering why I bothered to explain the intricacies of etymology and the peculiar insides of Phar Lap when all they cared about was who got to sit in the front seat and could they have an icy pole. Multiple in-house play dates and sleepovers were off the list this year, too, despite regular texts from my seven-year-old’s best friend announcing she was

available for a play after 2pm and could she sleep at our house. She was texting from her mum’s phone, of course, because she’s seven, but sometimes I wonder if the texts might actually be from her mum, incognito, because we all need a break sometimes. But I’m not having sleepovers here and I’m not making pancakes at midnight for kids who can’t sleep, or calling parents to collect their sobbing offspring because they’re scared or over-sugared, and I’m sick of worrying about whether it’s OK for the host parent to go to sleep before the kids. In fact, I think sleepovers are outrageously overrated and, deep down, kids know this. It’s not easy trying to nod off in a wrinkled sleeping bag on someone else’s lounge room floor when the birthday kid passed out hours ago and you’re not sure where the loo is. But once you’re on the sleepover juggernaut it’s hard to get off. Sleepovers are like clubbing for primary-school kids and, just like clubbing, it sure can make them cranky and tired for days afterwards. What kids don’t know is that if the parents have been clever enough to organise simultaneous off-site sleepovers for all their kids, home is where the real party is. These holidays we put ambitious plans aside. We spent a lot of time with our legs up on the arms of the couch, eating nectarines, laughing at the dogs, swimming in the blow-up pool and watching whatever was on the TV, which was generally not much. And it wasn’t so bad, really. \

I think sleepovers are overrated

8 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

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Barista \ LEANNE TOLRA REVIEWS PLENTY OF WINDSOR Jason Chan has BARISTA worked in hospitality for 20 years, making coffee, tending bars

on behind the scenes. Lemonade and ginger and coming up with creative ideas. ale are being brewed, salmon and brisket are His first café, Batch, celebrates its 10th being smoked, cakes and cookies baked, and birthday in July. oats steel-cut to order to retain their nutrients. But in the 12 years this New ZealandOwner Jason Chan (Batch Espresso, born entrepreneur has lived in Australia Balaclava) has brought many of the (he spent his first 12 months at Ray’s Café sustainable principles behind the Greenhouse in Brunswick), he’s also been involved by Joost projects he has worked on with in city cocktail bar and restaurant environmentalist Joost Bakker to his Seamstress, won barista and cocktail second café. competitions, and established the ‘‘there’s “I hate to think how many milk West Winds Gin company with cartons were used at Batch over business partners. much to the years,” says Chan, now eager to You won’t find fancy filter brews like about embrace waste-reduction methods. or single-origin coffee at Plenty; plenty’’ Schulz milk is being delivered in Chan is sticking to what he does 25-litre stainless-steel tanks, Green best: espresso. Eggs and Lievito bread are on the menu, It is made with what he calls waste-recycling systems are in place and as “original-strain” coffee beans, roasted by much food as possible is prepared on site. Abbotsford-based Coffee Supreme. He helped The result is an extraordinary, short but develop the roaster’s South blend when he inventive menu that features the likes of opened Batch. smoked-brisket rolls, polenta-crusted sardines It’s a mellow brew with lingering notes and standout scrambled eggs, prepared with of dried fruits and a rich chocolate body, devotion in a kitchen run by Darren Daley a combination of beans from Kenya, Brazil (Livingroom, Malvern). and India. Coffee is extracted, mostly by Chan, with “I drink pour-over coffee at home and precision befitting the custom-designed and I’ll go to Dukes or Two Lost Boys if I techno-tweaked white American oak and want specialty coffee. I want to give people chrome Slayer espresso machine, and an something here that they can’t replicate on upstairs cocktail bar is on the agenda. their home espresso machines,” he says. \ There’s much to like about Plenty.

Plenty of Windsor, 78 Chapel Street, Windsor Phone \ 9529 7496 Barista \ Jason Chan Coffee \ Coffee Supreme Barista’s choice \ Magic Open \ Daily 7am-5pm; Wednesday to Saturday 6pm-late

Jason Chan

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(Chris Hopkins)

The mood is calm and relaxed CAFÉ in the public quarters of this quiet Windsor café, but there’s plenty going

Pale timbers and cohesive tones of grey and silver show there’s thought behind this restrained industrial-meets-recycledmaterials interior. A sliding door captures light from the garden; exposed copper pipes wrap around the wall below wire planter racks that rise to meet high ceilings, and concrete is used atop reclaimed chipboard counters. A pre-loved dresser holding serving equipment, subtle lighting and hanging greenery are mellow touches that will improve with age. \

FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 9

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(Hemera \ Thinkstock)


here’s something just lovely about enjoying a glass of wine outdoors. It’s not the sunshine and warm air at this time of year that make it so appealing to me, but the smell of the wine as a breeze blows over the glass, turbocharging the aromatics. We’ve been doing a load of outdoor eating this summer and, for most of 2013, all outdoor drinks were consumed out of plastic tumblers bought at the kids’ section of Ikea, chosen to survive all the bumps of the bike ride to and from home in Richmond. Late last year, I invested in a decent set of acrylic stemware from Plumm and have cursed not having bought a box long ago. Plumm has a range of locally designed glassware to suit all styles of wine – from aromatic whites to brooding reds – and there’s an acrylic version of each that matches those made from glass. Despite being a sucker for making sure the right glass is used to serve wine at home – pinot noir simply must be served in a pinot glass at our house – I went for a universal glass, the Plumm Outdoors red or white, which cost $40 for four. We’re not just using them for wine; they have become the go-to vessels for negronis and G&Ts. (See While I’m happy with my Plumms, there’s one thing missing in the range: a decanter. I like to decant every red wine and many whites that are bottled under screwcap, and found a decanter in the GoVino range of outdoor wine glasses. The GoVino glasses are all stemless, with a low centre of gravity. Just perfect for people like me who are prone to knocking tall glasses all over picnic rugs. (Check out I’m sure I’m not the only person who looks for convenience when drinking outdoors, especially at picnics. For me, convenience means bottles with screwcaps and casks – there’s

nothing more humiliating than trying to hack the cork out of a bottle because you forgot to pack the corkscrew – and cans of beer, which are lighter to lug around. One of the best innovations in wine recently is the sparkling screwcap. They come in particularly handy because they can lie flat on a picnic rug – no more searching for a stable surface. De Bortoli pioneered the invention a couple of years ago, launching it with its Willowglen sparkling range. Now, Australia’s biggest-selling sparkling wine, Yellow by Yellowglen, has adopted the closure. While screwcaps have all but replaced corks for still wines, there’s little chance of the same happening universally for sparkling. The pressure inside a bottle of traditional méthode champenoise sparkling, where a secondary fermentation adds the bubbles in the bottle, is too great for the screwcap. Most sub-$20 bottles of sparkling are made using a cheaper method, known as charmat, where the bubbles are naturally added in a tank before the wine is bottled. The pressure inside a bottle of charmat method sparkling is about half that of the méthode champenoise. The only thing missing with a sparkling screwcap is the pop. Craft beer in cans is another innovation we’ve seen in the past year. Richmond brewer Mountain Goat put its summer ale into cans and there are loads of canned imports around. Brooklyn Lager in a can is a current favourite. Remember where you heard this first – the cask might just be making a comeback. Yalumba has released a range of cask wines under the Winesmith label, and the chardonnay and tempranillo (there’s also a pinot grigio and shiraz) are smart wines at $19 for two litres. \

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12 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

Expect the Best



(images extracted from The Kinfolk Table by Nathan Williams, published by Workman RRP $55)



t’s only February and new cookbooks are a bit thin on the What connects these cooks? A natural, homespun kind ground. But we are going out early and making a bold of coolness. The book’s kinfolk range from Brooklyn florist prediction: 2014 will be the year of the food blogger. Ariel Dearie to Oregon singer-songwriter Alela Diane We mean no disrespect to the TV celebrity-chef-asMenig, Danish advertising executive Mikkel Lippmann, cookbook-author formula; Jamie, Nigella, Rick Stein, New York baking blogger Lillie Auld, and British Maggie Beer and the like still hold massive industry clout. restaurateur Sam Wylde. For recipes and for sheer reading But in recent months we have seen customers embrace enjoyment, The Kinfolk Table is already one of our favourite books that have emerged from little-known food cookbooks for 2014. bloggers, websites and online magazines. When it was first released in October 2012, The These are For the Instagram generation, these are the Smitten Kitchen shot to No. 2 on The New York culinary voices that matter. Many of the bloggers the culinary Times’ bestseller list. Its creator, Deb Perelman, are self-taught cooks. They are fearless when faced based the book around her thriving blog of the voices that with a duck that needs de-boning, or a pastry same name. matter that needs to be baked. Their tone is casual and Each month more than five million visitors log inclusive, and they are not afraid to admit when on to see what the author is cooking in her tiny New they muck up. York apartment kitchen. (Smitten Kitchen has 174,000 Because they are digitally savvy and understand the Facebook friends and is also on Instagram). power of the image, their books are often beautifully The book is now available in Australia and we highly produced. The Kinfolk Table is one such masterpiece. recommend it for people who prefer a more relaxed Compiled by online and print magazine Kinfolk, this stylish cooking approach. hardcover brings together food personalities from around As Perelman says in her introduction: “I hope we don’t let the world, then explores their individual food philosophies tiny kitchens, tight budgets, long days, fussy ingredients, or through interviews and photographs. people who tell you you’re less of a cook if you need to look

whAT TO READ … The Kinfolk Table \ by Nathan Williams » $55 (Workman) The Smitten Kitchen Cookbook \ by Deb Perelman » $49.95 (Square Peg) 66 Square Feet: A Delicious Life \ by Marie Viljoen » $39.95 (Abrams) What Katie Ate \ by Katie Quinn Davies » $49.99 (Penguin) The French Market Cookbook \ by Clotilde Dusoulier » $29.95 (Crown)

the kinfolk table


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MUSIC \ He’s made a living singing romantic songs, but this charming crooner is finding true love elusive, writes MYKE BARTLETT


or a celebrity, Italian singer and heartthrob Patrizio Buanne is refreshingly frank. Or at least he’s well-practised in giving that impression. We’ve been at a South Melbourne café for less than a minute before he confides he has trouble finding a girlfriend. “I’m single because it’s very hard,” he says. “I don’t want to be with a celebrity, but then the normal girl doesn’t really understand my world. They say when there’s real love, there’s a way around all of that, but it hasn’t happened yet to me.” This unlikely tale of romantic hardship is quickly compounded by the admission that he once made the mistake of dating a fan. “Everybody tells you: don’t get too close to a fan. I did. At some point, I fell in love with one,’’ he says. “But then I realised there was an agenda for her. Some people just want to be in the spotlight, they want to be the girlfriend of the famous singer and they think it’s all glamour. By the time you realise that, it’s painful.” When did he first realise the relationship was doomed? “There were little lies here and there. I’d tell her I was busy and she’d still turn up. At the end of the day, when the lights are off and I’ve taken off my fancy stage clothes, I’m just a simple person.” I’m not sure I entirely believe these claims of down-to-earth asceticism. Buanne, 35, has been in the

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sensation spotlight for some years and, for all his claims to the contrary, seems steeped in the fame industry. In the hour we spend together, he name-drops Tom Jones, Geri Halliwell, Gwen Stefani and Amy Winehouse as friends, neighbours and potential paramours. Born in Vienna to parents who were Italian restaurateurs, Buanne won fame singing for Pope John Paul II in front of 85,000 people. His debut album The Italian went straight to No. 1 in Britain and was triple platinum in Australia.

standards, what sort of song does he consider timeless? “Whitney Houston. I Will Always Love You, I Want to Dance With Somebody. In 20 years, that will still sound cool. Why? Because in 20 years, someone might say ‘I want to dance with you’. The story hits a nerve. The only thing that is important is to be credible. If you’re not credible, then you’re not going to go very far.” Buanne is certainly credible, in the sense that he seems aware of the importance of his image. More than once, he refers to himself in the third person, as

“I wanted to be a rock’n’roll singer, but my name is Patrizio Buanne” This is all the more remarkable as Buanne’s crooning style is more Dean Martin than Justin Bieber. I wonder what drives a handsome young man to sing such old-fashioned music. Shouldn’t he be singing something a bit, well, cooler? Buanne is far too charming to bristle at this jibe. “Allow myself to correct the idea that it’s old music,” he says. “I sing songs of the era of Tom Jones or Elvis Presley, but they’re timeless.” Given his second album featured a recording of Robbie Williams’ 1997 hit Angels alongside older

3 1 20 ER IA NN H I W

if identifying a brand. He’s aware of his unique selling points – European, crooner, multilinguist – and takes care to dismiss comparisons with Michael Bublé and Celine Dion before I’ve had a chance to raise them. Still, his professed desire to be himself helps explain his unusual choice of genre. “I wanted to be a rock’n’roll singer, but my name is Patrizio Buanne. I come from a proud Italian background,’’ he says. “My dad died when I was 17. I promised him I was going to make music my career, but my name doesn’t

sound very rock’n’roll. If I’d shortened it, I would have become Pat Boone.” Buanne’s Australian fan base has grown in recent years, leading to a series of return engagements. This month’s gig at Hamer Hall marks his second Melbourne appearance in six months. I’m curious to know what sort of punter he draws, given his unfashionable stylings. He says the audience has changed from an older generation of Italian immigrants to a younger crowd who watched him on Dancing With The Stars. “All the mums and grandmothers bought my record, but then the daughters and the nieces found it and saw a young chap and thought, ‘Oh, he’s cute and the music doesn’t sound as corny as I thought’,” he says. Do any men come to his shows? “Yes. Some of them have to, because they have no choice. I hate comparing myself with anybody, but I think I’ve reached a tipping point where guys want to be friends with me, like Frank Sinatra.” As comparisons go, Ol’ Blue Eyes is top of the heap. But there’s nothing wrong with indecent ambition, not when it’s delivered with such charming frankness. \ » Patrizio Buanne plays Hamer Hall on February 20.

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CV \ Actor

CV \ Lawyer

Always creative and making short films for school projects, Greenwood was a junior vice-captain and year 12 house captain. While at school she appeared on TV shows Noah and Saskia, High Flyers, Horace and Tina, Legacy of the Silver Shadow, Stingers, State Coroner, Blue Heelers and Short Cuts. Greenwood studied at the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts and acted in Neighbours and the stage productions of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and A Midsummer Night’s Dream. In 2013 she performed in Simon Stephens’ Pornography, a play about the London bombings. \

Spottiswood was a school prefect and swimming, hockey and athletics captain. She studied law and arts at Monash University, majoring in Japanese and politics, before working at a law firm in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre and the Women’s Aid Organisation in Malaysia. Now part of the federal government’s legal team, she joined the Australian delegation to the Japanese government’s Ship for World Youth Program and has won several legal awards: “Fintona encouraged me to broaden my world view and to give back to the community”. \

In 2012 Stoyles circumnavigated the world by yacht. Her sailing career began after working for 10 years in health administration. After a two-year Pacific-circle sailing adventure, Stoyles and her husband took up a new career living and working on privately owned yachts all over the world. Their role involves navigating, sailing, cooking, yacht management and watchkeeping. Stoyles’ 21 years at sea have taken her to 53 countries on 17 yachts; she has sailed 114,000 nautical miles. Despite months at sea, she still has a fantastic group of school friends who remain her best friends. \

Morrison is one of four Fintonian generations including her grandmother, mother and her daughter. Morrison was a house captain, and studied physiotherapy at La Trobe University. She is a fellow of the Australian College of Physiotherapists. Morrison is director at Women’s and Men’s Health Physiotherapy at Cabrini Health, clinical consultant, lecturer and conference presenter. “I left Fintona feeling like I could achieve anything I dreamed of. I feel so fortunate to have a career that I love and three wonderful children.” \


2014 Twilight Open Evening

Non-selective School in Victoria for 2013 VCE Results*

Wednesday 5 March 6.30pm to 8.30pm

*The Age 18/12/2013

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Median ATAR of 95.1 68% of students achieved an ATAR of 90+ Median VCE study score of 38 36% of students achieved a study score of 40+

Academic and Music Scholarships are available for 2015 entry. Apply on-line. Applications close Friday 21 February.

Tuesday 18 February 9.15am to 11.00am Book on-line.

28 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

Developing our city \ The 2013 ArchiTeam Awards showcased a diverse mix of commercial, residential and community designs, writes Sarah Marinos


he ArchiTeam Awards raise the profile of small-to-medium-sized architecture firms and recognise their contributions to the state’s architectural landscape. The 2013 winners, announced late last year, include a cardboard stool, a home renovation in semi-industrial Brunswick East, a design studio and an eco cubby in a childcare centre. Here we highlight a few of the innovative designs.

can also be connected to other stools to form larger pieces of furniture. “I use 3D modelling and then send the flat cutting file to a computer cutter,” Horrocks says. “My file is fed into the computer, is cut out and comes back to me for assembling. So I can be designer, engineer, builder and have complete control over the project.” Horrocks began designing his folding furniture using lightweight plywood before discovering the economies and durability of cardboard. So far the Freefold Stool has provided quick bench seating at an art exhibition in Canberra, and participants in an architectural workshop were also recently presented with a flat-packed stool on arrival. They had to assemble it as an “ice-breaker” and it helped start a conversation about design, Horrocks says. He is expanding his furniture range while continuing his architectural work. “I just enjoy doing novel things with cardboard,” he says. \

The Freefold Stool \ Unbuilt architecture award (joint winner)


fter 14 years of working as a professional architect, Tobias Horrocks has turned his attention to sustainable furniture design. Horrocks’ signature piece so far is the Freefold Stool (pictured)– a pop-out stool that takes two minutes to construct, folds into three identical flat-packed pieces and is easily portable. The stool’s sturdiness is due to its double corrugation and multiple folds, and it uses 100 per cent recycled cardboard. The Freefold Stool



Residential award (alterations)

» 34 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

(Peter Bennetts)


ough-sawn Victorian ash cladding emphasises the intricate profile of this renovated and extended Californian bungalow in Brunswick East. The brief for architect Anthony Clarke of BLOXAS was to create a sustainable family home with a liveable interior and an interesting façade. The front three rooms and central bathroom were retained and a reworked kitchen, dining area, children’s retreat and new living space were added. “A lot of warehouses in the area are being turned into apartments and the owners were adamant that they wanted to keep this a single-storey project,” says Clarke. “But they’d been living in quite a small space for a while and they wanted somewhere with more internal and external space, with lots of light and a home that allowed everyone privacy but offered visual connection between the spaces.” Clarke says the timber façade is one of the highlights of the Profile House: “But it had to be subtle and so we used materials that are suburban and of that semi-industrial area.” It incorporates cross-flow ventilation, solar hot water, water harvesting, low-volatile organic compound paints and bamboo floors. “The family is happy to have an airy home with more space and the neighbours are relieved.” \


“working with children was interesting … if they get bored they just get up and walk away.” – Ben Statkus

is that it will gradually biodegrade and the kids will be able to learn about that,” says Statkus. “Around the base we also planted bamboo to grow up the walls. We didn’t want a traditional cubby with a triangular roof and windows.” The roof uses recycled form-ply, and a small water tank has been installed to teach children the importance of conserving water. “Working with the children was interesting. At that age, if they get bored they just get up and walk away,” says Statkus. “It wasn’t a traditional client/architect renovation, extension, new-house project. It was very different and very enjoyable.”

The Eco-Cubby \ Community architecture award (Joint winner)

» »

The Studio \ Commercial architecture award



(Ellen Dewar)


series of workshops with children at Swinburne Prahran Community Children’s Centre helped finalise the design of a modern cubby. Three- and four-year-old children worked alongside Ben Statkus of Statkus Architecture as part of the Regional Arts Victoria Eco-Cubby project. Together they produced drawings and models that evolved into a cubby with a curved-steel frame, bamboo cladding and a water tank that serves as a picnic table. “Once the steel frame was established, we organised a working bee and parents, staff and kids came along to help tie bamboo cladding to the frame using the rubber inner-tubes of bike tyres. The idea behind the bamboo

hen Brad Wray and Nicholas Russo of Branch Studio opened their architect practice, they established their office midway between their two homes – in an apple orchard. They designed and built an open, flexible, light-filled space that takes advantage of the views. The studio is a “glass box” with a thin window-glazing system that creates a minimum threshold between their workspace and the outside. With the architects on a tight budget, recycled materials were used where possible. Sheets of old corrugated iron were foraged from nearby paddocks and the glazing was rescued from a commercial project. Inside are untreated plywood floors and ceilings, white walls and layered plywood boxes for storage. “We were going to clad the office with timber batons but decided to do something more interesting with the corrugated iron. It had become rusted and weathered and evokes memories of a rural shack,” says Wray. “But when you get close you can see the studio is quite crafted, with laser-cut joinery that is curved and organic – like the apple trees. The orchard is an amazing environment and we wanted to engage with the views.” \

» FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 35

IRONIC ICONIC \ RACHEL BERGER is on track for love


y New Year’s resolution of recommencing yoga classes has already improved my life. A recent pose required that I arch my back while extending my hindquarters like a female baboon in heat. I mastered the posture pretty well, but I’d also created my own version of “reverse thrust” or “negative g”. That’s airplane speak for when the doors at the back of the engines open up and hot gases are expelled at great velocity and directed forward so the aircraft slows down, or, in other words, is put into reverse. The technical term is “eyeballs out” and that’s how I probably looked when I spotted “an average build, genuine, very fit, does salsa, open-minded, explorer” (his description). It’s Valentine’s Day this week and there’s something about sultry nights, pollen and a dozen red roses that makes me want to scratch and burrow into someone else’s armpit. Just before Valentine’s Day I start scrutinising the robustness, tail feathers and hardiness of any male that crosses my path. Thus I found myself across a table from the “explorer”, who never ventured beyond the boundaries of his own ego for however long it took me to eat my lasagna, expel a few hot gases and reverse out of there. He was the sort of guy that hands you the menu with one hand and slips his phone number to the waitress with the other. It was no surprise to discover that in 2013 Australians spent about $300 million on confectionery on Valentine’s Day. But it was gobsmacking to learn that

my suggested route du break-up is 96



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36 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

secret places of the heart

according to a Galaxy Research survey commissioned by the National Australia Bank in 2011, almost a million people ended their relationship on this day. I guess if you think your partner is cheating or you break out in a rash whenever they’re in the room, this is the perfect opportunity to re-evaluate your relationship and if necessary find the “good” in goodbye. But where’s the best location to end your relationship? In Melbourne it has to be on a tram. You say what you need to say and jump off at the next stop. Job done. My suggested route du break-up is Melbourne’s busiest tram line, route number 96. It’s a famous ride, listed as one of the world’s “top 10 trolley car rides” in National Geographic’s Journeys of a Lifetime book (2008). A ride that takes you from East Brunswick through Carlton, the CBD, then past Albert Park before finishing in Acland Street in St Kilda. Almost 40,000 passengers travel daily on route 96, which is 13.9 kilometres long and takes about 50 minutes; a good amount of time to break up and make-up again if you want to. Or, you could choose your moment depending on the passengers; cool Brunswick hipsters and trolley-pushing nonnas replaced by slick city accountants, themselves replaced by St Kilda backpackers. Fortunately, the new French C2 class trams are sleek and minimal with low floors, all the better for leaping out of and disappearing. There’s a kind of sweet melancholy on route 96, where you can feel the tramp of the people who have jumped on board – in and out of your life. \ Follow Rachel on Twitter @boom_berger

If your soon-to-be-ex is cold-blooded, slimy, efficient and brutal in love, take them to the Reptile House at Melbourne Zoo. Here – adopting a David Attenborough-style sotto voce – you can point out the similarities between him/her and the slithery inhabitants. It’s important to remember that these often-loathed creatures are vital to a healthy environment. Everything from highly venomous snakes to fresh-water crocodiles can be closely and safely observed behind glass enclosures. You can get close enough to see each animal’s intricate designs and gorgeous skin patterns, like the beautifully coloured eyelash viper. Remember, there’s always beauty in the beastly. \

The Phoenix For the ancient Egyptians, the phoenix represented longing for immortality. In Christianity it’s linked to the notion of rebirth after death because the phoenix always rises from its own ashes. It’s a metaphor for a new beginning and a useful message when you’re feeling heartbroken. Yrsa Von Leister sculpted this bronze-and-sheet-copper-winged phoenix for the Roman Catholic archdiocese of Melbourne after the 40th International Eucharistic Congress in 1973. Archbishop Knox donated the work to Melbourne City Council, and in 1976 the Most Reverend T.F. Little donated The Phoenix to the citizens of Melbourne. It sits in the gardens opposite the Arts Centre. \

The Separation Tree (Nicholas McConnell)

(Mal Fairclough)

The Reptile House at the Melbourne Zoo

This tree marks the spot in the Royal Botanic Gardens where the citizens of Victoria gathered on November 15, 1850 to celebrate the separation of Victoria from New South Wales. The news reached Melbourne on November 11, but the official proclamation of the new colony of Victoria came on July 1, 1851. The Separation Tree, a eucalyptus camaldulensis or river red gum, predates the gardens; at an estimated 400 years of age, it’s older than Melbourne (although based on diameter growth it could be about 260 years old). Like all old trees, you can feel its magic and majesty – an ideal spot to say “ciao” to the petty aggravations of another love-bungle. \

We welcome your feedback @

FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 37

high-tech, high flyers

Developing our city \ Camberwell Girls Grammar School strides ahead, writes liz mclachlan


port and science are exploring new dimensions basketball courts with spectator seating; natural grass at Camberwell Girls Grammar School thanks for athletics field events and an outdoor amphitheatre to the cutting-edge technology employed in for up to 250 people. The senior school’s Torrington the school’s just-completed sports academy and Street entrance has also been enhanced with a natural amphitheatre development. bluestone water feature and spotted-gum timberwork. Students at the leading independent school will Sam Harding Architects designed and managed the be able to analyse sporting performance in intricate project, with work starting in late 2012 and completed detail for science and physical education studies using in January 2014. The 3000-square-metre natural grass GPS, speed radar, automated pitching equipment and sports field is irrigated by an underground 200,000-litre visual networking facilities enabled by new Cisco water tank and uses a rain detection system to conserve infrastructure. Monitoring, recording and tracking water. student performance will be directly networked and Since 2006, master-plan works have included uploaded to the school’s server for instant review. developing new junior and middle schools, a new Principal Anne Feehan says the new development canteen and classroom refurbishments, as well as the offers students outstanding opportunities, not only sports academy and field project. helping them develop individual performance in The school’s new junior campus received a wide range of sports but also providing a international recognition in 2008 when the practical science laboratory. USA-based Council of Educational Facilities “we are a “We are a very strong science school and Planners International honoured it with very strong the ‘Project of Distinction’ award. The we will use this technology throughout our science curriculum. It gives teachers the opportunity Woodstock Building, the new middle school, to draw on practical applications across a wide also received accolades when it was named school” range of subjects,’’ she says. the best institutional development at the 2012 “We are using technology to deliver Boroondara Urban Design Awards. exceptional opportunities. Our students need to CGGS is implementing a Cisco virtual network be part of this next generation in learning. We are throughout the junior and senior schools during on the cusp of a revolution driven by technology and 2014 and is one of a small number of Australian as educators we have to think about how the world Cisco “Exemplar” schools aiming to address the next is changing so we can give our students the best generation of education enabled by advancements in preparation for success.” information and communication technology. Physical education head Kath Woolcock says The new network will give students the opportunity the sports-science facilities will benefit students by to take classes with international experts, experience providing video analysis for performance review, and a virtual excursions and collaborate with students and variety of spaces that will enable more classes and teams teachers around Australia and internationally. to train at the same time. It also supports the school’s “Our students will be learning to work alongside growing Saturday netball program. students from other countries and cultures. It is vitally The project was the final piece of the school’s current important for students in today’s connected world to master plan and incorporates a professional 100-metre learn how to collaborate across cultures,’’ Feehan says. running track constructed in the material used at “This is the world our students are going to work and the London Olympics; Plexipave tennis, netball and live in.” 38 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

On the ball: Camberwell Girls Grammar students using the school’s new facilities. (Michael Kai photography)

Feehan says the decision to introduce the technology was made after extensive investigations into technology developments in education, including a visit to Stanford University in the United States. “At Camberwell Girls, education is world-class. This is because we scan the international scene for best practice, have a pragmatic approach to innovation and because we are excited about investing in the future. Our approach is seen in the caring environment, in the use of new technology and in the way our built environment influences learning. Our willingness to be part of the transformation that is occurring will ensure that Camberwell remains at the forefront.” CGGS is one of Victoria’s leading independent girls’ schools; 2013 saw 66 per cent of year 12 students achieve an ATAR score of 90 or above with a median score of 92.75. However, Feehan says that while students at CGGS achieve exceptional academic results, the school places an emphasis on developing students who participate in and give back to the community. “Students here are involved in a lot of activities including our social justice and leadership programs. For us it is not just about ATAR scores.” \ Camberwell Girls Grammar School 2 Torrington Street, Canterbury, 3126 9813 1166 » »

FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 41

ARMADALE \ 38 Lambeth Avenue The introduction of public transport to Armadale in the 1880s set off the suburb’s first sustained period of growth. Property prices soared as blocks near the tram route along High Street were snapped up. Some of the most ornate houses were built just before 1900. This house on the corner of Lambeth Avenue and Willis Street – metres from High Street – is typical of the boom period, when decorative flourishes such as lace ironwork and tessellated tiled verandahs were the norm. All bedrooms have their original iron fireplaces in as-new condition. All but one have marble mantelpieces. Slate-coloured walls in the hallway play up the beautiful old decorative archways and cornices. A sympathetic renovation a few years ago added modern luxuries such as an en suite for the main bedroom, new bathrooms, a new kitchen and communal area, and an azure-tiled swimming pool. European oak floorboards also replaced the old hardwood floors. There’s a study with a built-in desk that runs the width of the room, and a huge laundry that has Caesarstone benchtops and lots of cupboard space. The stone-topped kitchen has a suite of Miele appliances including a double oven and stovetop, a concealed dishwasher and a deep double sink. \ LEXI COTTEE






we love it

Kay and Burton \ 9820 1111

Price \ $2.4 million +


Auction \ February 22 at 12pm

agents’ cho i ce POSTCODE


Buxton \ 9536 7222

Price \ $2.1 million +

Jellis Craig 9831 2800 5





Marshall White Hawthorn 9822 9999 4



168 Mont Albert Road, Canterbury ................................................................. Price: $4.2 million + ................................................................. Auction Saturday February 22 at 3pm ................................................................. OFI Thur 1-1.30pm; Sat 12.30-1pm .................................................................

47 Fitzgerald Street, Balwyn ................................................................. Price: $1.8 million + ................................................................. Auction Saturday February 22 at 3.30pm ................................................................. OFI Thur 1.15-1.45pm; Sat 12.30-1pm .................................................................

This house is designed to cater for a range of ages, stages and occasions with a series of spaces for refined entertaining, including tennis court and pool/spa.

A commitment to quality and superb presentation defines this double-storey residence offering a superior family lifestyle.

Let's eat lunch @ Café Eden, 78 Maling Road Let's eat dinner @ The Wildflower Restaurant, 1 Theatre Pl Let's drink coffee @ Café 88, 88 Maling Road

Let's eat lunch @ Snowy Pony, 95 Whitehorse Rd Let's eat dinner @ Stefan's Charcoal Grill, 305 Whitehorse Rd Let's drink coffee @ Pure Italian, 249b Belmore Rd

Auction \ March 1 at 3pm

Winter Street really gets the best of both worlds. This house is tucked just off Glenferrie Road, so it enjoys the peace and quiet of the back streets, but has the sort of easy access to amenities of which many would dream. With a regular tram service just minutes away, you could easily go without a car, but a garage with a sink, bathroom and workspace at its rear will suit those with two or more cars (there is plenty of room to park in tandem down the driveway). The three-bedroom house is shielded from view by a brick fence and thick row of trees. It’s ’70s-style façade is dominated by Mediterranean-inspired brick archways. The main bedroom at the front of the house has a wall of cupboards and shutter-clad windows and an en suite. Polished floorboards, cornices and ceiling roses add a polished look to the house, which has been kept in immaculate condition by its owners of 15 years. The huge kitchen has timber cupboards, a big double sink and stainless-steel appliances. \ LEXI COTTEE






42 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

TOORAK \ 65 Heyington Place This is a house recreated from a 1930s residence. Its architectural style is the builder’s free adaption of neo-Georgian: note the placing of the upper central window. The generous central entrance hall is flanked by a sitting room and study and, with the original geometric stair, gives a dramatic double-height space. The family living area that takes up the rear half of the ground floor strikes a contrasting architectural mood: walls of glass and high ceilings. To the right is a kitchen with a central workbench that has deprived cemeteries of an (almost) two-metre-square slab of exotic marble. The family sitting area gives on to a terrace, shielded by a canopy. The barbecue equipment would be at home in any four-star restaurant. A lap pool, served by a shower room completes the rear garden. The upper floor has three bedrooms and two bathrooms. Both children’s bedrooms have built-in wardrobes and share the marble bathroom and a study area. The main bedroom has about 10 metres of fitted wardrobes and an even more luxurious bathroom. The double garage is a rarity: a glass wall in the study gives a full view of three cars (a car hoist provides the third space). The property is close to Heyington Station and two private schools. \ NEIL CLEREHAN






Abercromby’s \ 9864 5300

Price \ $3.2 million +

Auction \ February 22 at 12.30pm



RT Edgar Toorak 9826 1000 2




104/101 River Street, South Yarra ................................................................. Price: $700,000 - $770,000 ................................................................. Auction Saturday February 22 at 2pm ................................................................. OFI Wed noon-12.30pm; Sat 1-1.30pm .................................................................


Noel Jones Camberwell 9809 2000 2



2/38 Donna Buang Street, Camberwell ................................................................. Price: $550,000 - $600,000 ................................................................. Auction Saturday February 22 at 11am ................................................................. OFI Thur 1-1.30pm; Sat 10-10.30am .................................................................

Christopher Russell \ 9817 0123

Price \ $1.4 million +

Auction \ February 22 at 12.30pm

If ever we had a summer when a walk-in coolroom at home made perfect sense, it’s this one – but the owners of this house didn’t install it to combat the heat. “We have a big family, lots of friends, and we like parties,” they said. That explains the plentiful storage, second kitchen, cellar, pool and expansive entertaining spaces inside and out. The 1950s cream-brick veneer on a large, sloping block was extended with split levels many years ago. The vendors’ more recent work includes rendering, painting and modernising, and reinventing the wet areas and kitchen. Formal rooms with bay windows face a neat front garden and join the central kitchen, which opens to a sunny terrace. The family room, upstairs at the back, has a balcony with spiral-staircase access to the garden. Four bedrooms run alongside the driveway that leads to a vast under-house garage. The home feels spacious and comfortable, with a neutral palette and touches of elegance – as well as a very cool coolroom. \ JACQUI HAMMERTON


This inviting, modern ground-floor apartment has a spacious living/dining room overlooking a private north-facing terrace and security entrance.

This renovated villa offers an excellent low-maintenance lifestyle in a peaceful tree-lined setting with immediate access to local amenities and public transport.

Let's eat lunch @ Kanteen, 150 Alexandra Avenue Let's eat dinner @ A La Bouffe, 268 Toorak Road Let's drink coffee @ Envogue Café, 670 Chapel Street

Let's eat lunch @ Rama Thai, 495 Burke Road Let's eat dinner @ Fiorelli, 209 Camberwell Road Let's drink coffee @ Santucci's, 1392 Toorak Road




2 FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 43

MALVERN EAST \ 62 Alma Street

Noel Jones \ 9885 3333

Price \ $1 million – $1.1 million

Ashburton \ 15 Welfare Parade

Auction \ February 15 at 1pm

RT Edgar \ 9826 1000

Price \ About $1.5 million

Auction \ February 22 at 2pm

With Malvern East joining the $1 million median price list last month, this house is ready to celebrate. Equal parts family home and entertainer’s delight with a pool and extensive decking, it boasts 540 square metres of land in an area that buyers increasingly value. The house retains its 1940s clinker-brick charm with stained timber trims, a fireplace with a timber mantel in the lounge room, timber floors and sash windows. A 2004 extension carries the brick and timber theme into a family room and adjoining dining space – both with bifold doors to the outdoors – plus a kitchen with stainless-steel appliances and island bench. Of the four bedrooms, one at the front serves as a study, one nestles into the rear garden, and the main has an en suite. Alma Street is dominated by similar single-storey houses and a sprinkling of new double-storey houses. Within a kilometre are parks, Gardiners Creek, Malvern Valley Golf Course and Waverley Oval. Balancing that, shopaholics can walk to Chadstone Shopping Centre in 10 minutes. \ JACQUI HAMMERTON

This new house is in an up-and-coming pocket of Ashburton. You can walk to the train, the High Street shopping strip, and Toorak Road at the other end of Welfare Parade. The stylish exterior and the beautifully finished interior will not disappoint. Parquetry floors gleam throughout the ground level. Off the entrance is a formal living room with the plantation shutters that feature throughout. Opposite here is the main bedroom, with a fitted walk-in wardrobe and a luxurious cream-coloured travertine en suite. The gallery-like, open-plan entertainment hub begins with the kitchen, where drop lights illuminate the granite island bench. Glass splashbacks reflect light, while Miele appliances complete the chic design. The lounge and meals areas open to an outdoor dining room and the low-maintenance garden. Stairs lead directly into a huge kids’ lounge-cum-study. Three double bedrooms have wardrobes and a peaceful feel. The sumptuous travertine bathroom has a freestanding bath. \ MICHELLE OSTROW ZUKERMAN







BALWYN NORTH \ 98 Bulleen Road




Price \ $1.15 million – $1.25 million


agents’ cho i ce POSTCODE

Fletchers \ 9859 9561


Marshall White Armadale 9822 9999 4





Jellis Craig 9810 5000 4


116-118 Great Valley Road, Glen Iris ................................................................. Price: About $2 million ................................................................. Auction Saturday February 22 at 11.30am ................................................................. OFI Thur 11-11.30am; Sat 3.15-3.45pm .................................................................

23 Selwyn Street, Canterbury ................................................................. Price: $1.7 million + ................................................................. Auction Saturday February 22 at 1pm ................................................................. OFI Thur 1.15-1.45pm; Sat 2.45-3.15pm .................................................................

This sensational architect-designed residence's abundant family and entertainment spaces provide resort-style living.

This sensational Edwardian residence has four bedrooms, entertainer's kitchen, retreat/informal living, rear deck, private garden and possible off-street parking.

Let's eat lunch @ He Says, She Says, 1101 Toorak Rd Let's eat dinner @ Squire's Loft, 766 Toorak Rd Let's drink coffee @ Glen Iris Pantry, 106 Glen Iris Rd

Let's eat lunch @ The Maling Room, 206 Canterbury Rd Let's eat dinner @ The Wildflower Restaurant, 1 Theatre Pl Let's drink coffee @ Café Eden, 78 Maling Rd

Auction \ February 22 at 2pm

The big feature of this handsome house is certainly size – a family and dining room across its rear, more than 10 metres wide, looks out through huge picture windows to a secluded, manicured garden of lawn, hedges, paving and a solar-heated pool. The generous casual area, and laundry with storage, is in a single-storey addition that matches the clinker brick-and-terracotta-tiled roof of this 1950s double-fronted, double-storey property. Downstairs at the front are a fitted study and lounge room with Baltic pine floors and a fireplace. A granite kitchen and central bathroom complete the uncomplicated, balanced downstairs floor plan. Upstairs are three bedrooms and two bathrooms plus space for a study area. The bedrooms have the same white plantation shutters as the study and lounge. The house is set back from the street behind a high brick fence and security gates. The city-bound bus stops out the front and Bellevue shops are close. The property is in Balwyn High School zone and near Yarra River parklands. \ JACQUI HAMMERTON






44 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

Hawthorn \ 80 Kooyongkoot Road

we love it Architect Tom Novak was commissioned to build this single-level residence about 15 years ago. The current owners have put their souls into further enhancing Novak’s masterpiece. It is not often a house like this comes along; it’s much like a living piece of art. The exterior features interlocking, diamond-shaped

tiles for an effect reminiscent of the Sydney Opera House. Rick Eckersley, along with one of the owners, designed the sumptuous tiered gardens that surround the house. There are cool polished-concrete floors and crisp white walls throughout the residence, forming a spectacular environment where walls and ceilings curve into waves, save for the window and door frames.


Sotheby’s \ 9825 0555





Price \ $3.2 million +

The light-filled entrance hall leads into the open-plan entertainment hub. The angled kitchen has stainless-steel benchtops and a superb butler’s kitchen, and the lounge room has a curved ceiling. Angled-glass doors reveal a decked oasis with an owner-designed steel pergola and Mexican-themed barbecue area. Nearby is the futuristic, capsule-like, indoor pool and spa

with blue night-lighting. A full bathroom and laundry service this area. The main bedroom has built-in wardrobes, a circular walk-in wardrobe and a pod-shaped en suite with a bath. The second bedroom is as impressive, while the third overlooks the HA Smith Reserve next door and has built-in desks, a bookcase and an en suite. \ MICHELLE OSTROW ZUKERMAN

Expressions of interest closing \ February 25 at 2pm



Abercromby´s Real Estate Pty Ltd 9864 5300 5



2a Redcourt Avenue, Armadale ................................................................. Price: $2.2 million + ................................................................. Auction Saturday February 22 at 11.30am ................................................................. OFI Thur, Sat 11-11.30am .................................................................



Kay & Burton South Yarra 9820 1111 2



19/12 Copelen Street, South Yarra ................................................................. Price: $750,000 + ................................................................. Auction Saturday February 22 at 2pm ................................................................. OFI As advertised .................................................................

Jellis Craig Bennison Mackinnon \ 9864 5000 Auction \ February 22 at 1pm

Tudor-influenced five-bedroom family residence with art deco-era details and elegance in a prime position close to High Street and Armadale station.

Prestigious Copelen two-bedroom apartment set among beautiful manicured grounds. It has a huge entertainer's terrace, secure carpark and storage cage.

Let's eat lunch @ 8 Days Café, 1184 High Street Let's eat dinner @ The Malvern Hotel, 1117 Malvern Road Let's drink coffee @ Le Petit Prince, 1a Mercer Road

Let's eat lunch @ Bacash, 175 Domain Road Let's eat dinner @ Caffé E Cucina, 581 Chapel Street Let's drink coffee @ Two Birds, One Stone 12 Clarement Street

Price \ $1.2 million +

A block of this size is something of a rarity in Prahran. This Californian bungalow built c1927 sits on approximately 354 square metres of land, affording the buyer endless opportunities to extend, renovate or add their touch to the garden. The house itself has all the heritage-style cues of the interwar era, such as its sloping roof, stucco façade and shingles. Step inside and the theme continues with picture rails, high ceilings, the original hardwood floors and walls of timber panelling. The main bedroom at the front has a wall of cupboards and a bathroom next door. A new fireplace has replaced the old in the sitting room, which has built-in shelving, a desk and storage space. The property is blessed with a west-facing backyard. No wonder the deck is so big. Of the three bedrooms upstairs, two have built-in desks while the middle one has a full wall of beautiful timber shelves, drawers and cupboards decorated with leadlight panels. \ LEXI COTTEE





2 FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 45

CANTERBURY \ 106 Mont Albert Road It takes something special to stand out on Canterbury’s golden mile, but grand interwar architecture and resort-style grounds ensure that this house holds its own among some far newer neighbours. Silchester (c1920) is large but simple in form, with exterior ornamentation confined to the front porch and horizontal embellishments on windows and terraces. Interiors are lavish but warm, with original art deco ceilings complementing luxurious wall coverings, a different print for each room. Formal entertainment spaces – a lounge, dining room and library – are off the wide entrance hall, as is a wing dedicated to the main bedroom, marble en suite, walk-in wardrobe and parents’ retreat. The kitchen and casual living areas form an L shape around the north-facing tennis court; french doors in the sunroom offer direct access to a terrace shaded by a thick grapevine. The 2161-square-metre block also allows space for a croquet lawn on the other side of the house, an outdoor kitchen and a huge front garden. Four large bedrooms and a terrace are arranged off the second-storey landing. But the self-contained apartment above the rear extension houses the bedroom all the kids will be fighting over. \ JO DAVY






we love it

Jellis Craig \ 9810 5000

Price \ $6 million +

Auction \ March 1 at 3pm

agents’ cho i ce POSTCODE


Fletchers 9836 2222 5




Marshall White Armadale 9822 9999 3





Kay & Burton Hawthorn 9820 1111 4





Williams Batters 9866 4411 3



10 Leura Street, Surrey Hills ................................................................. Price: $1.5 million + ................................................................. Auction Saturday February 15 at 11am ................................................................. OFI Thur 11-11.30am; Sat 10.30-11am .................................................................

10 Ralston Street, South Yarra ................................................................. Price: $1.8million + ................................................................. Auction Saturday 22nd February at 3.30pm ................................................................. OFI Thursday 11-11.30am & Saturday 4.15-4.45pm .................................................................

59 Stroud Street, Balwyn ................................................................. Price: $1.05 million + ................................................................. Auction Saturday February 22 at 11am ................................................................. OFI As advertised .................................................................

4 Trinian Street, Prahran ................................................................. Price: $1.1 million + ................................................................. Auction Saturday February 22 at noon ................................................................. OFI Thurs noon-12.30pm; Sat 11-11.30am .................................................................

This architect-designed residence is a unique sanctuary, seamlessly integrating native gardens with free-flowing interiors in a highly sought-after location.

This solid brick c1895 Victorian residence´s generously proportioned dimensions create a unique sanctuary near Toorak Road and Fawkner Park.

Gorgeous two-storey modern brick residence with generous living spaces in a prime location.

An imaginative design has transformed this Victorian terrace into a sophisticated house, setting a new benchmark in contemporary low-maintenance living.

Let's eat lunch @ Between Us, 141 Maling Road Let's eat dinner @ Squisito, 1 Theatre Place Let's drink coffee @ Weatherson Foods, 133 Maling Road

Let's eat lunch @ Lux Bite - 38 Toorak Rd Let's eat dinner @ France Soir - 11 Toorak Rd Let's drink coffee @ French Fantasies - 15-17 Toorak Rd

46 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

Let's eat lunch @ Arthur Radley, 237 Whitehorse Road Let's eat dinner @ Stefan's Charcoal Grill, 305 Whitehorse Road Let's drink coffee @ Snow Pony, 95 Whitehorse Road

Let's eat lunch @ Hanoi Hannah, 180 High Street Let's eat dinner @ The Smith, 213 High Street Let's drink coffee @ Dukes, 169 Chapel Street



Albert Park

138 Beaconsfield Pde

Marshall White 157


38 Lambeth Ave Kay & Burton 17 Murray St Jellis Craig Bennison Mackinnon 3a Northcote Rd Jellis Craig Bennison Mackinnon 9 Alleyne Ave Marshall White 10 Elm Gve Marshall White 44 Stuart St Marshall White 2a Redcourt Ave Abercromby’s

Arthurs Seat

60 128 131 168 184 198 217

655 Arthurs Seat Rd

Kay & Burton 71


16 Dunlop St Jellis Craig 115 29a St Georges Cres Jellis Craig 115 23 Oliver St Marshall White 185 20 Lexia St Marshall White 191 9a Glen Rd Marshall White 192 7 Sky Ln Marshall White 198 358 Warrigal Rd Marshall White One 209

Balwyn 4/2 Knutsford St 1 Henley St 47 Fitzgerald St 2 Terry St 72a Yerrin St 8 Walsh St

Jellis Craig 90 Jellis Craig 116 Marshall White 183 Marshall White 193 Marshall White 201 Christopher Russell 220

8 Moody St Fletchers 82 3 Maylands Ave Fletchers 87 98 Bulleen Rd Fletchers 87 9 Lansdown St Jellis Craig 91 3 Mountain View Rd Jellis Craig 92 31 Willis St Jellis Craig 93 49 Greythorn Rd Jellis Craig 116 9 Jocelyn Ave Marshall White 206 44 Aquila St Christopher Russell 220 1/9 Moody St Christopher Russell 221

121 Central Rd

Fletchers 85

Blackburn South 52-54 Fulton Rd

Brighton 36 Cochrane St

Camberwell 20 Moorhouse St 1a Westbourne Gve 6 Callanish Rd 1 Christowel St 151 Wattle Valley Rd 9 Glen Iris Rd 1297 Toorak Rd 37 Glencairn Ave 47 Lynden St 27 Lynden St 7/31 Cookson St 2/884 Riversdale Rd 30a Allambee Ave 18 Kintore St 7 Sycamore St 7 Tyrone St 50 Rowell Ave 3/2 Garden Rd 6 Morey St

Canterbury 1 Dryden St 3 View St

Barry Plant 77

Marshall White 181

Kay & Burton Kay & Burton Kay & Burton Noel Jones Noel Jones Fletchers Fletchers Jellis Craig Jellis Craig Jellis Craig Jellis Craig Woodards Woodards Marshall White Marshall White Marshall White Marshall White Marshall White Marshall White

11 Holywood Gve 26 Belsize Ave

Caulfield 1-3/2 Stephens St

Deepdene 2 Angle Rd

Doncaster East Melbourne

48 68 69 72 73 80 84 94 95 117 117 138 138 163 171 177 189 199 201

Kay & Burton 50 Kay & Burton 62

Kay & Burton Kay & Burton Jellis Craig Jellis Craig Jellis Craig Jellis Craig Jellis Craig Jellis Craig Jellis Craig RT Edgar Marshall White Marshall White Marshall White Marshall White Marshall White

63 69 88 96 97 98 99 100 118 142 148 153 187 189 197

Marshall White 193 Marshall White 197

Gary Peer 225

Jellis Craig 101

Jellis Craig 118

90 Gipps St Kay & Burton 61 77 Grey St Kay & Burton 68 36/211 Wellington Pde South Marshall White 202




2 Iskandar Plc

Balwyn North

67 Maling Rd 17 Boronia St 106 Mont Albert Rd 12 Alexandra Ave 3 Dryden St 122 Mont Albert Rd 168 Mont Albert Rd 23 Selwyn St 101/220 Canterbury Rd 21 Alta St 29 Maling Rd 7 Victoria Ave 6 Rubens Gve 15 Griotte St 5a Compton St

8 Byron St

Fitzroy North

RT Edgar 146

222-224 McKean St Nelson Alexander 139

Glen Iris

63 Florizel St Fletchers 84 40 Alfred Rd Jellis Craig 102 20 Bertram St Jellis Craig 119 50 Brandon St Jellis Craig 119 1 Charles St Jellis Craig 120 60 Brandon St Jellis Craig 120 132 Glen Iris Rd Jellis Craig 121 63 Staughton Rd Jellis Craig 121 16 Payne St Jellis Craig Bennison Mackinnon 129 6/1541 Malvern Rd Jellis Craig Bennison Mackinnon 131 41 Osborne Ave Jellis Craig Bennison Mackinnon 132 3 Iris Rd Marshall White 175 116-118 Great Valley Rd Marshall White 182 176 Finch St Marshall White 182 26 Alfred Rd Marshall White 188 34 Flowerdale Rd Marshall White 190 5 Ferndale Rd Marshall White 194 8 Mons St Marshall White 194 30 Vears Rd Marshall White 207 46a Park Rd Gary Peer 225

Hawthorn 16 Muir St 8 Callantina Rd 80 Rathmines Rd 553 Glenferrie Rd 80 Kooyongkoot Rd 20 Robinson Rd 26 Elphin Gve 149 Riversdale Rd 10a Lawes St 3/9 Glenroy Rd 1-8/8-10 Simpson Plc 3/5 Spencer St 3/39 Wattle Rd 47 Auburn Rd

Kay & Burton 64 Kay & Burton 65 Kay & Burton 70 Kay & Burton 71 Sotheby’s 78 Fletchers 81 Jellis Craig 103 Jellis Craig 104 Jellis Craig 122 Jellis Craig 122 Jellis Craig 123 Jellis Craig 123 Jellis Craig 124 Marshall White 158

2b Fordholm Rd Marshall White 185 88 Illawarra Rd Marshall White 191 11 Grattan St Marshall White 195 7/127-129 Power St Marshall White 199 154 Power St Marshall White 202 19/1 Domville Ave Marshall White One 212 33 Lisson Gve Williams Batters 223 10 Carson Cres Williams Batters 224

Hawthorn East

1304/489 Riversdale Rd Kay & Burton 70 453 Tooronga Rd Noel Jones 75 1/714 Burwood Rd Woodards 138 47 Campbell Rd RT Edgar 143 23 Cole St Marshall White 170 4 Ryeburne Ave Marshall White 174 35 Rathmines Rd Marshall White 178 28 Rosslyn St Marshall White 203


22 Rowland St Kay & Burton 52 47 Stawell St Noel Jones 74 4/1287 Burke Rd Fletchers 86 1 Fellows St Jellis Craig 105 23 Fitzwilliam St Jellis Craig 106 29 Grandview Tce Jellis Craig 107 16 Lytton St Jellis Craig 108 5a Macartney Ave Jellis Craig 109 4 Majella Crt Jellis Craig 110 6/1 Marshall Ave Jellis Craig 111 111 Pakington St Jellis Craig 112 1/7 Gellibrand St Jellis Craig 124 14 Mount St Marshall White 154 6 St Johns Pde Marshall White 165 51 Davis St Marshall White 167 3 Milfay Ave Marshall White 172 23 Raheen Dve Marshall White 184 65 Wills St Marshall White 188 23 Lower Dve Marshall White 192 74 Malin St Marshall White 200 3/11-13 Weir St Marshall White 203 1289 Burke Rd Megadu 212 308/1 Derby St McLaren 212 2/58 Fellows St McLaren 213 8 Kitchener St McLaren 213 176-178 Peel St Christopher Russell 221

Kew East 25 Elm Gve 105 Kilby Rd 3 Violet Gve 29 Munro St 45 Ramsay Ave


Jellis Craig Jellis Craig Jellis Craig RT Edgar McLaren

113 125 125 141 213

15 Bruce St 7/70-74 Finch St 67 Beaver St 37 Darling Rd

Melbourne 601/2 Slater St

1308 Mornington Flinders Rd Bowman & Co 228

4 Pine Gve Jellis Craig Bennison Mackinnon 133 16 Winter St Buxton St Kilda 137 50 McKinley Ave Marshall White 155 39-41 Wheatland Rd Marshall White 183 30 Shaftesbury Ave Marshall White 204

Malvern East

24 Ash Gve Noel Jones 12 Findon St Noel Jones 35a Emo Rd Noel Jones 2/2 Tollington Ave Noel Jones 50 Clarence St Jellis Craig Bennison Mackinnon 28 Turner St Marshall White 86 Burke Rd Marshall White 14 The Grange Marshall White 9 Kerferd St Marshall White

Hodges 79

Middle Park

287b Beaconsfield Pde RT Edgar 144 45 Wright St Marshall White 187 201 Ashworth St Marshall White 205

Mont Albert

12 Gawler Crt Noel Jones 76 1 Kinloch Ave Jellis Craig 114 10 Hotham Crt Jellis Craig 126 7 Ston Crt Marshall White 190 38 Victoria Cres Marshall White 204 3/24 St Johns Ave Marshall White One 209 7/42 Zetland Rd Marshall White One 211

Mont Albert North 3/29 Orchard Cres 1/40 Bundoran Pde 6 Melrose St

Fletchers 86 Jellis Craig 126 Marshall White 205

75 76 76 77 133 169 180 181 186

South Melbourne 34-36 Palmer St


South Yarra

2/31 Rockley Rd Kay & Burton 58 2-12 Oban St Kay & Burton 59 2/47 Wilson St Kay & Burton 66 1604/12 Claremont St Luxe 87 106 Surrey Rd North Jellis Craig Bennison Mackinnon 136 3/6 Marne St Jellis Craig Bennison Mackinnon 136 104/101 River St RT Edgar 146 21-23 Millswyn St Marshall White 150 3/44 Murphy St Marshall White 161 17 Hawksburn Rd Marshall White 164 6/128 Toorak Rd West Marshall White 196 78 Cromwell Rd Marshall White 208 8/4 Rockley Rd Marshall White One 211 33 Rockley Rd Abercromby’s 215 62 Park St Abercromby’s 218 1/29 Tivoli Plc Gary Peer 225

St Kilda West

Jellis Craig 127

Port Melbourne Portsea 12 Royal Ave 3789 Point Nepean Rd


Marshall White 207

RT Edgar 147 RT Edgar 147

10 Robinson St Jellis Craig Bennison Mackinnon 134 17 Lewisham Rd Jellis Craig Bennison Mackinnon 134 42 Murray St Marshall White 200 84 Commercial Rd Marshall White One 210 19/58 The Avenue Marshall White One 211 62b Murray St Abercromby’s 218 141 Peel St Biggin & Scott 219 32 Gladstone St Biggin & Scott 219 8 Bowen St Biggin & Scott 219 4 Trinian St Williams Batters 224 25a Murray St Hocking Stuart 227

Prahran East

Red Hill Richmond

Paton 229

13 Bendigo St Jellis Craig Bennison Mackinnon 135 6 Park Ave Jellis Craig Bennison Mackinnon 135 38 Elm Gve Marshall White 179

Somers 1 Kelburn Crt

Marshall White 151

63 Kangaroo Rd

31 Stokes St

Marshall White 176

61 York St

50 Sheehans Road


34 Closeburn Ave Jellis Craig Bennison Mackinnon 130

77 Talbot Cres Jellis Craig Bennison Mackinnon 132

Main Ridge

Marshall White 195 Marshall White 206 Abercromby’s 214 Biggin & Scott 219

RT Edgar 228

Surrey Hills

107 Broughton Rd Fletchers 83 2 Newton St Fletchers 85 5 James St Jellis Craig 127 9 Bristol St Marshall White 166 13 Lille St Marshall White 173 11 Thornton Ave Marshall White 186 3/6 Park Rd Christopher Russell 221 102 Guildford Rd Hocking Stuart 227


220 Kooyong Rd Kay & Burton 54 12 Macquarie Rd Kay & Burton 55 663 Toorak Rd Kay & Burton 56 9 Stradbroke Ave Kay & Burton 57 13/48 Lansell Rd Kay & Burton 66 206 Kooyong Rd Kay & Burton 67 3/48 Albany Rd Kay & Burton 67 6 Duffryn Plc RT Edgar 140 1/703 Orrong Rd RT Edgar 145 16/30 Lansell Rd RT Edgar 145 16 Winifred Cres Marshall White 152 1/25 Tintern Ave Marshall White 156 32 Sargood St Marshall White 159 27 Balmerino Ave Marshall White 160 5/7 Grange Rd Marshall White 162 2/62 Mathoura Rd Marshall White 196 4/35 Ross St Marshall White 208 7/413 Toorak Rd Marshall White One 210 218 Kooyong Rd Abercromby’s 216 65 Heyington Plc Abercromby’s 217 1 Gahan Crt Williams Batters 222 4/159 Alexandra Ave Williams Batters 224

West Melbourne 464 William St

Nelson Alexander 139

listings provided by campaigntrack


FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 47

20 Moorhouse Street Camberwell

AUCTION Saturday 1st March at 1.30pm 48 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

Exquisite Edwardian on Magnificent Allotment Situated in one of Camberwell’s most desired locations, this magnificent five bedroom Edwardian epitomises all that is required of family living in a spacious and elegant environment. Set over an impressive 1410sqm (approx.) the distinctive home is an appealing marriage of classic and contemporary. Stunning period detail is evident through – leadlight windows, soaring ceilings, marble fireplaces and the grand entrance hall, which provides a fitting introduction to the home’s magnificent formal living and dining rooms. The ground floor accommodation includes three generous bedrooms (main with en suite and BIRs), a smaller bedroom or nursery, formal study, and second bathroom with spa.

Upstairs a further fifth bedroom offers scope for use as a teenage retreat. The casual living areas are awash with space and light, the spacious open plan family, meals and kitchen area combining to create a relaxed and welcoming look and feel. Outside awaits a superb alfresco entertaining zone, complete with fully tiled 50sqm pool and surrounded by wellestablished private gardens and expansive lawn. Generous two car garaging and all the amenities associated with upscale living ensure this home will provide a wonderful platform for modern family life. A stunning residential locality only moments from nearby trams, trains, parklands and Burke Road shopping. VIEW Thursday 12 - 12.30pm & 6 - 6.30pm, Saturday 12 - 12.30pm

CALL Sam Wilkinson Scott Patterson Richard Spratt

0400 169 148 0417 581 074 0412 493 189 FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 49

1 Dryden Street Canterbury

AUCTION Saturday 22nd February at 3pm 50 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

Flawless Contemporary Design in Coveted Maling Road Precinct Built by Canny Builders to provide resort style living, this 4 year old award winning contemporary residence exhibits cutting edge design perfectly integrated with high end streamlined finishes.Drive into the 4 car basement garage , load your groceries into the dumb waiter, walk past the 80 dozen capacity cellar to the vast family spaces and relax in the fabulous indoor/ outdoor entertainment hub. Entertain friends as you soak in the ambience on the spotted gum floating deck surrounded by the 15 metre solar heated lap and wading pool. If it’s too hot extend the remote controlled patio awning with its own wind and rain sensors. If it’s too cold retire to the in-floor heated alfresco with its gas fireplace and retractable glass bi-fold

doors, or through to one of the other two family / sitting rooms with their full height glazing. Accommodation comprises 3 exquisite bedrooms, each with stunning limestone en-suites (main with fitted dressing room) and an executive study/4th bedroom supported by a fourth bathroom. This easy living haven enjoys lush low maintenance landscaped gardens with extensive water features and 44,000 litre water tanks. The large gourmet kitchen features Caesarstone and Calacatta marble benches, induction cooktops, two Miele ovens and Zip tap. Features include the Bose surround sound system & alarm, floor pool cleaning, and video intercom. Excellent proximity to shops, cafes and public transport, and numerous private schools. VIEW Thursday 1 - 1.30pm & 8 - 8.30pm, Saturday 3 - 3.30pm

CALL Scott Patterson 0417 581 074 Conjunctional Agent Jellis Craig Paul Williamson 0418 509 472 FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 51

22 Rowland Street Kew

EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST Closing Monday 3rd March at 5pm 52 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

Unrivalled Contemporary Styling in Prestigious Sackville Ward A stunning contemporary masterpiece presented in one of Sackville Ward’s finest avenues, this painstakingly crafted 4 bedroom/5 bathroom residence delivers perfect family proportions amidst Melbourne’s most prestigious schools. Designed by acclaimed architect Nic Bochsler, unsurpassed contemporary styling with trademark use of voids, glazing, and changing volumes, showcases artistic vision with modern functionality. Enveloped by majestic water canals and featuring a full width lap pool, 360 degree garden views harmonise luxurious environs both inside and out. Providing a versatile multilevel layout, spacious light-filled living areas open to extensive garden-set entertaining patios and are complemented by a

fitted front conference room and large downstairs rumpus/media room. A chef’s kitchen includes exquisite corian benches, pantry and numerous built-in Miele appliances, including dual ovens, microwave and coffee machine; while casual dining spaces flow through to a separate television room. A beautifully presented and flawlessly designed home with 4 bedrooms, each with balcony access, fitted robes and en suites; main enjoys a dressing room, office/retreat and private terrace, laundry with stone benches, extensive control centre, security system, in-floor heating, gas fireplaces, ducted refrigerated airconditioning, automated driveway, 4 car basement garage. VIEW Thursday 2 - 2.30pm, Saturday 1 - 1.30pm

CALL Scott Patterson Ross Savas Daniel Bradd

0417 581 074 0418 322 994 0411 347 511 FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 53

220 Kooyong Road Toorak

EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST Closing Friday 7th March at 5pm 54 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

Spacious and Rejuvenated with Style, Elegance and Sophistication This recently renovated three storey home features kitchen with marble table and Miele appliances, light filled and elegant open living area, and intimate and sophisticated dining room. All bedrooms offer Walk in Robes and En Suite, with the master bedroom featuring balcony views of the Dandenong Ranges. Further highlights of this exceptional home include outdoor pool, home gymnasium, Sonos wireless music system, and a 700 bottle wine cellar. VIEW By Appointment, Wednesday 12 - 12.30pm & 5 - 5.30pm

CALL Ross Savas Andrew Sahhar

0418 322 994 0417 363 358

12 Macquarie Road Toorak

EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST Closing Tuesday 25th February at 5pm

The Epitome of Family Living Situated on approximately 1,238sq m. /13,325sq ft. is this impeccable and private family residence. The gracious marble entrance melds seamlessly into the formal sitting room, dining room and light-filled and open-plan family zone. This residence boasts an elegant master suite with en-suite and the luxury of two private dressing rooms and three further bedrooms with BIRs. A self-contained retreat completes the ground floor. The lush landscaped serenity is the ultimate backdrop to the heated swimming pool. VIEW By Appointment, Wednesday & Saturday 12 - 12.30pm

CALL Michael Gibson Andrew Smith

0418 530 392 0413 309 605 FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 55

663 Toorak Road Toorak

EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST Closing Tuesday 25th February at 5pm 56 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

“Malmaison” Paris meets New York A seemless blend of classic elegance with contemporary finishes in the Manhattan style. This architecturally designed residence offers extraordinary space. Set on some 11,300 sq ft (approx) comprises 5 bedrooms (4 with ensuite), light filled formal & informal rooms, home theatre, study, pool & double garage. This is an outstanding opportunity to acquire an exquisite Toorak residence. VIEW Wednesday 12 - 12.30pm & Saturday 12 - 12.30pm

CALL Gowan Stubbings Emma Bloom

0412 269 999 0419 330 968

9 Stradbroke Avenue Toorak

EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST Closing Wednesday 5th March at 5pm

Benchmark Toorak Luxury This luxurious French-inspired north-facing property by architect Robert Schulberg has been implemented to the highest standards with state-of-the art entertaining, a rooftop terrace with city views, two studies, exceptional four bedroom 4.5 bathroom accommodation and a five car basement garage with a gymnasium and workshop. Sophisticated and refined, the perfect balance of formal, casual and entertainment areas are achieved across the three levels. Set on 6500sq.ft. (approx.), the notable residence is close to leading schools, Toorak Village and freeway access to the CBD. VIEW Wednesday 1 - 1.30pm & 6 - 6.30pm, Saturday 2 - 2.30pm

CALL Gowan Stubbings Emma Bloom Michael Gibson

0412 269 999 0419 330 968 0418 530 392 FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 57

2/31 Rockley Road South Yarra

AUCTION Saturday 22nd February at 12noon 58 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

Town Residence Two An outstanding, bright and spacious Wayne Gillespie designed town residence (1 of 3) highlighted by gracious rooms, northern terrace and private garden. Featuring spacious entrance gallery, delightful living room with adjoining informal dining/ kitchen, both opening to terrace, formal dining room and powder room. Upstairs charming main bedroom suite with large bathroom, three further double bedrooms and bathroom. Also double garage with direct entry, heating and cooling. VIEW Wednesday 11 - 11.30am & 6 - 6.30pm, Saturday 11 - 11.30am

CALL Clive Nettlefold Nathan Verwoert

0418 338 459 0413 599 111

2-12 Oban Street South Yarra


A Sophisticated Fusion of Modern Luxury with Historical Charm Modern luxury meets historical charm at Oban South Yarra, a boutique development of 6 sophisticated apartments, located in the stylish and sought after Hawksburn pocket of South Yarra. Designed by award winning architects Jackson Burrows Clements, Oban presents generous designer living that’s elegant, timeless and finished with the finest fixtures and fittings. A quick stroll to Hawksburn and Toorak villages, Oban is just moments away from the alluring charms, cafÊ culture and boutique shopping this exclusive area has to offer. Construction commencing March 2014. VIEW Thursday 5 - 5.45pm, Saturday 12 - 12.45pm, Sunday 1 - 1.30pm

CALL Andrew Sahhar Peter Kudelka

0417 363 358 0418 319 439 FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 59

38 Lambeth Avenue Armadale

AUCTION Saturday 22nd February at 12noon 60 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

Armadale Excellence, Family Dimensions This picturesque Victorian residence set on a prominent corner with an in-ground pool has been intelligently renovated to offer spacious living and four bedroom, two bathroom plus a study accommodation. In an address that epitomises Armadale’s lifestyle appeal on the edge of High Street and Glenferrie Road’s boutiques and café culture. The inviting interior responds to every family requirement from natural light to indoor-outdoor living, timeless modern finishes, generously proportioned living spaces and secure off-street parking. VIEW Thursday 1 -1.30pm & 6 - 6.30pm

CALL Darren Lewenberg 0412 555 556 Mark Williams 0417 189 377 Gabby Krayz 0449 899 700

90 Gipps Street East Melbourne

EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST Closing Wednesday 5th March at 5pm

The Art of Perfection This superb 3 bedroom Victorian residence situated in the heart of East Melbourne has been meticulously renovated by Sue Carr reflecting a perfectionists approach to exquisite design. Featuring an abundance of natural light over 2 levels and a tranquil fusion between indoor and outdoor living the residence comprises; expansive main bedroom suite with en-suite and WIR, 2 additional bedrooms, study, cellar, 2 powder rooms and 2 car garage. VIEW Wednesday 1 - 1.30pm & 6 - 6.30pm

CALL Gerald Delany Matt Davis

0418 355 337 0412 466 858 FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 61

3 View Street Canterbury

AUCTION Saturday 22nd February at 12noon 62 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

Executive Living in Prized Position Superbly positioned within the acclaimed environs of Canterbury’s Golden Mile, this stylish 4 BR plus study family residence boasts 4 separate formal and informal entertaining expanses together with luxurious furnishings and a light-filled flowing layout. A stunning granite kitchen with Miele appliances opens to substantial family and casual dining areas featuring parquetry flooring and numerous French windows delivering alfresco entertaining. Includes heating/cooling, alarm, auto gates, double garage, cellar/storeroom, under-house storage, watering system and 10,000lt bladder. VIEW Thursday & Saturday 12 - 12.30pm

CALL Daniel Bradd Richard Spratt

0411 347 511 0412 493 189

67 Maling Road Canterbury

AUCTION Saturday 1st March at 12.30pm

Impeccable Renovations and Extensions in prized position Perfectly positioned within an easy stroll of Maling Road’s iconic shopping village, this thoroughly renovated and extended Edwardian weatherboard residence successfully merges modern spaces and styling with a rich tapestry of understated heritage adornments. Advantaged by a sunny northerly rear orientation, impressive formal and informal living rooms, hostess ‘granite’ kitchen, 3 bedrooms plus study, 2 exquisite bathrooms, together with an expansive alfresco entertaining deck and off street parking, confirm its family credentials. VIEW Thursday 12 - 12.30pm, Saturday 12 - 12.30pm

CALL Judy Balloch Scott Patterson

0408 753 877 0417 581 074 FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 63

16 Muir Street Hawthorn

AUCTION Saturday 1st March at 3.30pm 64 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

New York Style Living Inspired Architect designed 3 level residence with lift & stunning City skyline views. Comprising 3 bedrooms (all with ensuite bathrooms), beautiful powder room, laundry, study, state-of-the-art kitchen overlooking informal living & dining with north facing private balcony. Includes imported tiling/lighting, hydronic heating, air conditioning, remote double garage with internal access plus storeroom. Enviably located only 150m from the Yarra River and parkland.

CALL Sam Wilkinson 0400 169 148 Steve Kavakos 0419 470 998 Conjunctional Agent Marshall White Duane Wolowiec 0418 567 581 Tori McGregor 0400 633 992

VIEW Wednesday 12 - 12.30pm, Saturday 1 - 1.30pm

8 Callantina Road Hawthorn

AUCTION Saturday 1st March at 2.30pm

Beautifully Established Family Comforts Inside and Out A deceptively spacious 1920’s home in an exclusive Scotch Hill position revealing beautifully balanced living spaces, ample 5/6 bedroom/4 bathroom accommodation and sky-high city views amidst an entertainer’s pool/garden setting. Comprising superb fireside living and dining, king-sized kitchen and glass-flanked open-plan casual areas spilling onto tiered night-lit decks for pool and spa-side relaxing, dining or just enjoying the treetop views. A timeless home appointed for family excellence near some of Melbourne’s finest schools and boutiques. Land: 780sqm VIEW Thursday 2 - 2.30pm, Saturday 2 - 2.30pm

CALL Rebecca Edwards Tim Picken

0423 759 481 0419 305 802 FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 65

Apartment 2, 47 Wilson Street South Yarra AUCTION Saturday 1st March at 1pm

13/48 Lansell Road Toorak

AUCTION Saturday 22nd February at 11am 66 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

Boutique Living Spacious living areas, smart finishes and floor to ceiling windows complete this 1st floor two bedroom two bathroom apartment only moments from the delights of Chapel St & Hawksburn Station. Light filled open plan living/dining area with gas fireplace, adjoining sunny terrace, study nook and granite kitchen equipped with Gaggenau appliances. European laundry, heating/cooling, video security intercom, lift access and secure basement car parking complete this fine residence. VIEW Thursday & Saturday 12 - 12.30pm

Single Level Living This spacious renovated single level villa, is beautifully located within an exclusive garden development. With a private entrance from Lansell Road, this north facing home has two spacious bedrooms, both with ensuites, powder room, a study area, gas heating and airconditioning, large open plan living/dining, opening on to a private north facing courtyard. A fully renovated gourmet kitchen with eating area, and 2 secure undercover car parks with storage. A lovely home for living and entertaining. VIEW Thursday 11 - 11.30am & 5 - 5.30pm

CALL Tom Staughton Jacqui Ralph

0411 554 850 0418 106 068

CALL Jacqui Ralph 0418 106 068 Darren Lewenberg 0412 555 556

206 Kooyong Road Toorak

EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST Closing Thursday 27th February at 5pm

Apartment 3, 48 Albany Road Toorak

AUCTION Saturday 1st March at 11am

The Finest Family Living at Straffan House Situated on some 2,124sqm/22,862sq.ft (approx.) is this renovated period home boasting expansive manicured garden surrounds that provide for the ultimate in outdoor recreation and family entertaining; featuring North/South floodlit tennis court and heated pool/spa. The main bedroom suite resembles its own private wing with en-suite and WIR. An additional five bedrooms completes the upstairs living area. Features include; three car garage and security system. VIEW By Appointment, Wednesday & Saturday 1 - 1.30pm

“Renee� Space and Position Superbly located in the heart of Toorak is this exceptionally spacious, first floor apartment with west facing balcony and winter garden, offering excellent potential to further improve in boutique block of only four. Comprising two bedrooms including master en suite, open plan living and dining, study, kitchen with meals area, powder room, separate laundry and double car port.

VIEW Wednesday 1 - 1.30pm, Thursday 6 - 6.30pm, Saturday 2 - 2.30pm, Sunday 12 - 12.30pm

CALL Michael Gibson Ross Savas

0418 530 392 0418 322 994

CALL Peter Kudelka Robyn Feigen

0418 319 439 0490 059 653 FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 67

77 Grey Street East Melbourne

AUCTION Saturday 1st March at 2pm

1A Westbourne Grove Camberwell

AUCTION Saturday 1st March at 10.30am 68 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

Plans and Permits Approved This charming double fronted Victorian home perfectly positioned opposite Powlett Reserve has approved plans and permits for an extensive 2 storey renovation with lift. Currently comprising entrance hall, study/bedroom, lounge, kitchen/meals area and laundry/bathroom. Upstairs 2 further bedrooms and family bathroom. Self-contained apartment and double garage at rear via very wide ROW. Land size 384sqm (approx).

VIEW Wednesday & Saturday 2 - 2.30pm

Renovated Art Deco Brick Maisonette in Convenient Central Location Enchanting period allure, lush leafy environs and a central location close to a raft of amenities including zoning for Camberwell High School & Canterbury Girls’ Secondary, showcase the delights of this renovated and fully independent 3 bedroom art deco maisonette. A character-filled two storey brick and stucco residence with easily maintained private gardens, this captivating home includes elegant front sitting room with fireplace, large modern kitchen and adjoining casual dining, alfresco entertaining deck, ducted heating, evaporative cooling and secure off street parking. VIEW Thursday 2.15 - 2.45pm, Saturday 12.45 - 1.15pm

CALL Andrew Smith Gowan Stubbings

0413 309 605 0412 269 999

CALL Walter Dodich Judy Balloch

0413 262 655 0408 753 877

6 Callanish Road Camberwell

AUCTION Saturday 1st March at 11.30am

17 Boronia Street Canterbury

AUCTION Saturday 22nd February at 11am

New Executive Town Residence in Leafy, Sought-after Position This brand new 4 bedroom executive residence presents multiple relaxed family spaces over two levels. Includes kitchen with Caesar stone benches, double garage, main bedroom with balcony, living area showcasing glass sliding doors that flow out to the entertaining patio, ducted heating, vacuum and refrigerated ducted air-conditioning, Jetmaster fireplace, alarm, internet and Foxtel, colour video intercom, plantation shutters, drip system sprinklers, Tasmanian Oak hardwood floors and automated front driveway gates. VIEW Thursday 12.30 - 1pm & 6 - 6.30pm, Saturday 12 - 12.30pm

Secure, Single-Storey Success Enviably positioned in a prized lifestyle pocket near historic Maling Rd village, Canterbury Gardens, private schools and trains, this outstanding contemporary residence offers secure, single-storey living and alfresco entertaining. Opening to a leafy north-facing courtyard garden featuring retractable automatic awning, comprises 3 BRs (BIRs) including master with ensuite, main bathroom, living/dining, European kitchen, ducted heat, air-cond, Jetmaster gas fireplace and remote control gates to OSP. VIEW Thursday 12 - 12.30pm, Saturday 12 - 12.30pm

CALL Walter Dodich Gary Jan

0413 262 655 0418 117 272

CALL Tim Picken Rebecca Edwards

0419 305 802 0423 759 481 FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 69

80 Rathmines Road Hawthorn

AUCTION Saturday 1st March at 12noon

1304/480 Riversdale Road Hawthorn East

EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST Closing Thursday 13th March at 5pm 70 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

Unique Townhouse Living This Frank Lloyd inspired town residence situated in this highly sought after locale offers light filled living and dining zones, generous kitchen and expansive outdoor entertaining areas, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and off street parking. Investors and home buyers take note: An opportunity exists to enjoy the residence as is or cosmetically update.

VIEW Thursday 1 - 1.30pm, Saturday 1 - 1.30pm

Stunning Complex, Majestic Views, Brilliant Amenities Enveloped by dramatic full-height glazing in the striking Aerial elliptical glass building, this 2 bedroom/2 bathroom contemporary apartment offers a sublime turnkey lifestyle in the heart of Camberwell Junction. A luxurious layout featuring majestic 180 degree views perfectly integrates open living spaces with a gorgeous garden terrace. Includes hostess kitchen with marble benches, exquisite bathrooms, ducted heating, air-conditioning, 2 basement car spaces, storage cage, video intercom. Other facilities include rooftop pool, sundeck, cinema. VIEW Thursday 1.15 - 1.45pm, Saturday 1 - 1.30pm

CALL Rebecca Edwards Matt Davis

0423 759 481 0412 466 858

CALL Judy Balloch Scott Patterson Gary Jan

0408 753 877 0417 581 074 0418 117 272

655 Arthurs Seat Road Arthurs Seat


Versatile 6.5 Acres Set amongst tailored grounds is this attractive, newly renovated, four bedroom home situated on a manageable 6.5 acres approx. The property is ideal for equestrian enthusiasts comprising a well-drained riding mĂŠnage, covered feed & saddle yard, round pen with timber detailed roof, horse wash bays with access to hot water, barn, stables, storage mezzanine, tack room & workshop. Also features a small orchard, established vegie garden, five 22,500 litre water tanks to form a total of 112,500 litres, four well fenced paddocks, a dam, chicken coup & run & a pirate tree house. VIEW Saturday & Sunday 11 - 11.30am

CALL Tom Barr Smith Prue McLaughlin

0438 368 020 0417 389 006

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RENTALSy compan




2 0 1









BlackBurn South 52-54 Fulton road a Field of Dreams on a 2,425sqm corner Block! As far as fields of dreams go, they don’t come any better than this. Occupying a coveted 2,425sqm (approx.) corner allotment across the road from Orchard Grove Reserve, it’s very much the opportunity of a lifetime. The large allotment currently accommodates a church that could be transformed into a youth centre, however it’s the destiny of this potential-rich property to be developed into something special — and that something special could be a multi-development site in a desirable Blackburn South setting (STCA).

BLACKBURN 9878 0222 88 South Parade, Blackburn

Saturday 1st March at 1pm PRICE GUIDE

Contact Agent for Price


Thur 3-3.30pm & Sat 11-11.30am Photo ID required


Terry Burgoyne 0404 842 771 Adam Harris 0433 521 380 Blackburn 9878 0222

1300 REAL ESTATE FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 77

HAWTHORN | 80 Kooyongkoot Road The ultimate in international architectural style and undoubtedly one of Melbourne´s most recognisable and iconic homes. This single level residence provides seamless indoor/outdoor living enhanced by a spectacular Rick Eckersley designed garden. The work of renowned architect Tom Kovak, 80 Kooyongkoot Road is a dramatic sensuous space. Inside there is a sense of a private inner sanctum with its white walls and curving lines offering exceptional levels of light and space flowing through to a striking outdoor entertaining area with indoor lap pool and spa. Situated in a superb park side location in Hawthorn´s exclusive Scotch Hill precinct with its tree lined streets and only moments from Kooyong Lawn Tennis club, this residence offers a unique lifestyle close to all of Melbourne´s finest facilities.


EOI View

14 Wallace Avenue, Toorak

Closing 25th February 2014 at 2pm Inspect by appointment only Wednesday 6- 6.30pm Thursday and Saturday 1- 1.30pm

David Colbran Greg Herman

0418 348 481 0411 473 307

9825 0555

PROPERTIES WANTED Due to our highly successful spring sales, we currently have a number of well qualified buyers with the following requirements 1. Investor seeking 2 bedroom apartment in the Botanical Gardens precinct up to $1.5 million. 2. Client just sold looking for a terrace on north side of Toorak Road in South Yarra. 3. Executive from UK urgently looking for a 4-5 bedroom family home in Toorak, up to $8 million. 4. Toorak resident wishing to downsize, requires new or as new 300sqm + (30 Squares) apartment close to village. 5. Business executive with young children looking for a family home, walking distance to Glamorgan $6- $8 million. 6. Melbourne surgeon looking for a new or renovated family home on a good size land close to Scotch College. $10- $12 million. 7. Local family looking for 4-bedroom home in Toorak, Armadale or Malvern with low maintenance garden. $8- $10 million. 8. Director looking for large family home with 4 car garage on good size land in Toorak or South Yarra $10- $12 million. 9. Established clients seeks substantial allotment in Toorak/ South Yarra for new family residence up to $5 million. 14 WALLACE AVENUE TOORAK, VIC | 03 9825 0555 SOTHEBYSREALTY.COM

Melbourne 601/2 Slater Street Auction Inspect Office Contact

Sat 1st March at 1.30pm Wed 6.00-6.30, Sat 12.15-12.45pm, Wed 6.00-6.30pm 2 Chatham Street Prahran 9529 1100 David Lowenstein 0418 551 559 Lee Pellizzer 0419 513 153

3 Penthouse Paradise on the Park Sweeping views of Fawkner Park are just the beginning. With expansive use of glass & space and immaculate specification, the iconic Parklane apartments offers an exceptional lifestyle. 3 large sized bedrooms, all leading onto private terrace, master bedroom with ensuite & dressing room, enormous open living/



dining area leading onto separate large semi enclosed terrace, kitchen with stone bench tops & imported appliances, T.V room/ library, central bathroom, powder room, laundry, heat/cool, pool, gym, sauna. Register with Agent for inspection 9529 1100

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CANTERBURY 106 Mont Albert Road 6







'Silchester' c1920 is one of the greats on the Golden Mile. Framed by magnificent gardens lending a spectacular resort feel with N/S tennis court, croquet lawn and self-cleaning pool/spa; this luxury 6 Bedroom and Study residence is a substantial family sanctuary on a 2161 sq. metre corner allotment (approx.). Grand reception and formal rooms highlight refined heritage splendour, versatile accommodations include a self-contained apartment and outdoor entertaining is absolutely five-star. Prestigiously positioned among many of Melbourne's finest schools.

AUCTION Saturday 1st March at 3pm ____________________________________________________ INSPECT Thursday 12.30-1pm & Saturday 1.15-1.45pm ____________________________________________________ LAND 2161 sq. metres approx. ____________________________________________________ CONTACT

Tom Ryan 0413 872 550 Richard Earle 0418 564 168 Geordie Dixon 0418 588 399 ____________________________________________________

OFFICE Hawthorn 9810 5000 ____________________________________________________ WEB ____________________________________________________

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Malvern 16 Winter Street


Modern, Memorable, Malvern

Auction Saturday 1 March - 3.00pm

Elegantly landscaped, this spacious three bedroom, two bathroom residence´s inviting and impressive formal and informal spaces with high ceilings and separate study make the Malvern decision simple. So does the address - only moments from several schools and Glenferrie Road´s great mix of restaurants and retail. Automatic gates, huge garage.




Thursday 1.45 - 2.15pm Saturday 2.30 - 3.00pm


St Kilda 9536 7222

Contact David Seeber 0421 796 350 Rohan White 0408 504 448

FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 137

think results


CAMBERWELL 30A Allambee Avenue



Inviting single level warmth opposite the park First time offered since built 35 years ago, this lovingly maintained 3 bedroom 2 bathroom single level home is surrounded by tranquil leafy gardens you can call your own. Big on living, this private sanctuary enjoys 2 superb living areas (marble OFP), limed timber kitchen, main bedroom (ensuite & WIR), spa bathroom, glorious gardens & double auto garage. Opposite parkland, moments to the tram, train, shops, leading schools & parkland.

HAWTHORN EAST 1/714 Burwood Road



A prized find of garden glory Peaceful and private, this renovated ground floor apartment has its own piece of paradise with its enormous courtyard garden (82 sqm app.). This Art Deco charmer features a formal lounge, casual living & meals & granite kitchen/aulndry.

CAMBERWELL 2/884 Riversdale Road



Located on Moorhead St with elevated views Auction Sat 22 Feb, 12.30 View Thu & Sat 11.00 - 11.30 Helena Chow 0407 226 828 Caroline Hammill 0418 334 561

Camberwell 277 Camberwell Road 9805 1111

138 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014


Auction Sat 22 Feb, 11.00 View Thu 5.00 5.30 & Sat 11.00 - 11.30 Tony Nathan 0412 285 066 Jason Hearn 0409 828 590

Elevated to capture beautiful leafy views, this engaging front townhouse blends older style warmth with welcoming light.Entrance via Moorhead St, this spacious retreat features lving & dining room sparkling kitchen & lock up garage.

Auction Sat 22 Feb, 2.00 View Thu 5.30 - 6.00 & Sat 11.45 - 12.15 Jason Hearn 0409 828 590 Ian Riley 0438 065 666


FITZROY NORTH 222 - 224 McKean Street




´HATHERLIE´: HISTORIC GRANDEUR ON A HUGE BLOCK This imposing property with a wealth of exceptional 1880s architectural detail is undoubtedly one of the inner north´s finest residences. Its versatile floorplan includes a magnificent ´Great Room´ drawing and dining room, grand bedrooms, contemporary kitchen/informal living opening through wide doors to swimming pool, entertaining terrace and garden, 2 bathrooms and laundry. Set to the rear are 2 self-contained dwellings, converted from the original stables and carriage house; this area offers potential for redevelopment (STCA).

WEST MELBOURNE 464 William Street




Sat 1 March at 1pm Thu 6:30 - 7:00pm & Sat 2:00 - 2:30pm Fitzroy | 9417 1956 Arch Staver 0417 515 802 Rick Daniel 0409 737 985


Sat 1 March at 3pm Thu 12.30-1 & Thu 7-7.30 & Sat 2.30-3 Carlton North | 9347 4322 Peter Stephens 0418 104 214 Sonya Laferla 0419 230 985


LUXURY OF SPACE A discrete street entry ushers you to a residence of substance, beautiful proportion and a sophisticated style. With serious architectural heritage this stunning town residence offers ample space with two brilliant living areas, massive master suite, 2 further bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 secure car spaces and dramatic skyline views.

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1/703 Orrong Road

Stunning beautifully renovated ground floor apartment in the renowned "Kilpara" building with a very large wrap-around private courtyard garden. Features: Security entrance, generous living/dining room, sunroom/ TV room, modern kitchen with breakfast bar, main bedroom with walk in robe and vogue ensuite, 2nd bedroom with built in robes, family bathroom. Other features include Toshiba reverse cycle heating/cooling, secure basement parking for 2 cars, lock up storage room and communal facilities include beautiful gardens with an outdoor pool.


Mon 24th February at 5.00pm (Unless Sold Prior) Wednesday 12.00-12.30pm & Saturday 11.00-11.30am Michael Ebeling 0418 338 811 Matt Carver 0422 800 600 10 Wallace Avenue, Toorak 9826 1000

16/30 Lansell Road

Expect to be impressed by this substantial apartment which has undergone a 5-star renovation. European Oak parquetry and high ceilings flow to the open-plan lounge, dining and study (or potential 3rd bedroom). Full-length glazing draws the eye past the balcony to views of the landscaped common garden and the city skyline. Calacatta marble adorns the Miele/Qasair kitchen/meals. Features master bedroom (marble ensuite, WIR), 2nd bedroom (semi-ensuite, WIR), powder room, heating, cooling and double auto garage. Stroll to exclusive shops, restaurants, train, tram and schools.

Saturday 1st March at 1.30pm (Unless Sold Prior) Thursday 5.30-6.00pm & Saturday 12.00-12.30pm Eva Gyorodi 0411 850 171 Glen Coutinho 0409 779 399 1153-1157 Burke Road, Kew 8888 2000

FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 145


104/101 River Street

This inviting modern ground floor apartment enjoys a spacious living/dining room overlooking a private Northern terrace, modern granite kitchen with casual meals area, main bedroom with walk in robe and ensuite, 2nd double bedroom with built in robes, main bathroom with separate W/C and separate laundry. Other features include security entrance, heating/cooling and basement tandem parking.


Sat 22nd February at 2.00pm (Unless Sold Prior) Wednesday 12.00-12.30pm & Saturday 1.00-1.30pm Tim Wilson 0419 726 769 Michael Ebeling 0418 338 811 10 Wallace Avenue, Toorak 9826 1000

8 Byron Street

Perfectly positioned one block from the beach and walking distance to Ormond Rd, this period residence provides instant lifestyle appeal. Behind the gorgeous facade, Baltic pine floors and high ceilings continue the period allure through the entrance hall to a bedroom with open fireplace and bay window, 2 further bedrooms both with built in robes and modern bathroom with separate shower and bath, and additional 2nd powder room. The living with built in entertainment unit and separate dining served by renovated kitchen opens out to a landscaped north facing garden. Also features ducted heating/cooling, staired attic storage, tessellated tile secure porch and leadlight windows, all behind a picket fence with off street parking. 146 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

Saturday 1st March at 11.00am (Unless Sold Prior) Thursday & Saturday 11.00-11.30am Sarah Sharp 0411 750 700 Jeremy Fox 0418 339 650 10 Wallace Avenue, Toorak 9826 1000


3789 Point Nepean Road

Original Victorian villa situated on superb corner site of 25,000 square feet (2,323 m2 approx.) and 2 titles with en tout cas N/S tennis court, presenting numerous options for development. House comprises; formal living room and dining room. Kitchen with large family room and additional meals area. Master bedroom with ensuite, plus 3 more bedrooms, family bathroom, laundry, outdoor "alfresco" deck area off kitchen and adjoining tennis court. Tranquil established gardens, immediate access to Portsea Village, Pier and The Cutting, all with the added bonus of 2 street frontages.


Monday 17 February at 5.00pm (Unless Sold Prior) Saturday & Sunday 11.00-11.30am Warwick Anderson 0418 320 873 Ilze Moran 0439 840 550 3743 Point Nepean Road, Portsea 5984 4500

12 Royal Avenue

Position Perfect; Ideal low maintenance Portsea lifestyle property with expansive north facing living area opening to large entertaining deck. Comprising master bedroom with parents retreat, ensuite and walk in robe. Three further spacious bedrooms all with built in robes, one with ensuite, family bathroom, separate laundry and kids T.V. room. Double garage with internal access, open fire place, central heating and evaporative cooling. Easy stroll to Portsea Village, Point Franklin and Weeroona Beach

Sunday 16th February at 12.00pm (Unless Sold Prior) Saturday 12.00-12.30pm & Sunday from 11.30am Ilze Moran 0439 840 550 Warwick Anderson 0418 320 873 3743 Point Nepean Road, Portsea 5984 4500

FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 147

CANTERBURY 29 Maling Road Meticulously constructed to exacting standards by Stonehaven Homes, this absolutely stunning brand new residence´s unexpectedly generous dimensions establish a new benchmark in designer style and luxury in a blue chip location near leading schools, Canterbury station and Maling Rd Village. Unforgettable spaces finished with American oak floors, imported marble, custom joinery and 3 metre ceilings are set against the tranquil backdrop of a leafy reserve and bike path. The exceptionally wide hallway leads to a spectacular living and dining room beneath a soaring vaulted timber lined ceiling and featuring a gas fireplace and sublime travertine kitchen complete with premium Miele appliances and butler´s pantry. Vast expanses of glass open out to an expansive northwest elevated deck overlooking the parkland and incorporating a large covered area with state of the art BBQ. The lavish main bedroom with fitted walk in robes and opulent marble en-suite and a superbly appointed study enjoy their own space while on the level below a sensational children´s zone comprises three spacious bedrooms with walk in robes, a stylish bathroom and huge retreat opening to the northwest garden with gate through to the reserve. Finished to the very highest standards, it also features ducted heating and cooling, alarm, video intercom, wine cupboard, powder-room, laundry, irrigation, watertanks, lift shaft and triple garage with provision for mezzanine storage or 4th car.


Saturday 1st March at 10.30am


Thursday 1-1.30pm & Saturday 12-12.30pm




Nicholas Franzmann 0412 247 175 Nikki Van Gulick 0419 325 911



266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999



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SOUTH YARRA 7-23 Millswyn Street The Millswyn is the epitome of luxury & sophistication located in South Yarra´s most prestigious & sought after location. A professional collaboration between Carr Design & international award winning architect, Denton Corker Marshall. There are only 8 residences in The Millswyn, each enjoying the finest appointments & world class finishes, with generous layouts. All located in this premium pocket flanked by the Royal Botanic Gardens & Fawkner Park, further enhanced by some of Melbourne´s finest lifestyle amenities. Each residence ranges from 303sqm up to 565sqm (approx)

Now Selling ----------------------------------------

Register your interest



Marcus Chiminello 0411 411 271 Richard Mackinnon 0414 822 579



1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999



150 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

ST KILDA WEST 61 York Street This substantial Victorian residence has been comprehensively renovated to provide a balance of indoor luxury & outdoor allure. Refined period rooms & contemporary dimensions are complemented by a Miele kitchen, 4 bedrooms & 2 bathrooms, including an upstairs master suite. A solar/gas heated pool & landscaped garden form a beautiful backdrop that leads to a 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom apartment above the triple garage. Only occasionally is such sophistication offered so close to the bay. In all, a rare 6 bedroom residence. Land 481sqm approx.


Saturday 22nd February at 3.30pm


Thursday 5-5.30pm & Saturday 4-4.30pm




James Redfern 0412 360 667 Michael Paproth 0488 300 800



1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999



FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 151

TOORAK 16 Winifred Crescent In an iconic location opposite the Yarra, this breathtaking contemporary domain designed by Karl Fender is as unforgettably beautiful as it is impressively functional. Water outlooks to the pool, river and pond are enjoyed throughout the expansive living/dining with premium Miele kitchen and play-room with study area opening to a wonderful north terrace with pool. Stunning main bedroom with lavish en-suite is complemented by three bedrooms, bathroom and retreat. An expansive gym/living room opens to a huge roof top terrace enjoying views of the Yarra.


Saturday 1st March at 2.30pm


Thursday 12-12.30pm & Saturday 2.45-3.15pm




Marcus Chiminello 0411 411 271 Peter Kakos 0418 123 993



1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999



152 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

CANTERBURY 7 Victoria Avenue This landmark family residence "Gooloowan" c1890 exemplifies the elegance of the Victorian era with a perfect combination of period features & gracious interior, arched hallways, formal sitting room & dining room, 4 bedrooms main/WIR/ensuite, study or 5th bedroom, 2 bathrooms & laundry. An all white family area features a granite kitchen, dining with pavilion sky windows plus 2 living areas opening to an alfresco terrace, I/G pool/spa & private north-facing Paul Bangay garden. Incls d/heating/cooling/vacuum, cellar, w/tanks, rem/gates OSP x 4. Land Size 925sqm (approx)


Saturday 1st March at 2.30pm


Thursday 2.45-3.15pm & Saturday 3.30-4pm




Kathy Malcolm 0416 279 966 James Tostevin 0417 003 333



266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999

FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 153

KEW 14 Mount Street This elegant & luxurious 57 square Architect designed family residence in the Sackville Ward comprises wide entrance hall 6 bedrooms, (main with dressing, ensuite & balcony), 3 family bathrooms, upstairs retreat & roof access to City views; generous formal/informal living, state-of-the-art Miele/stone kitchen, butler´s pantry & laundry. Concertina doors open to a fabulous outdoor entertaining precinct with Gasmate kitchen/barbeque and solar/gas heated in-ground pool. Incls. v/intercom, alarm, heating/cooling, d/vacuum, rem/gates, dble garage+storage.


Saturday 1st March at 2.30pm


Thursday 11.45-12.15pm & Saturday 2.30-3pm




Andrew Gibbons 0407 577 007 Hamish Tostevin 0408 004 766



266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999



154 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

MALVERN 50 McKinley Avenue The spectacular transformation of this beautiful Victorian residence has created a remarkable family home that is breathtakingly beautiful and eminently functional, near schools, Glenferrie Rd and trains. Glorious high ceilings define magnificent formal rooms, study and main bedroom with designer en-suite. Dark oak floors flow through state of the art Miele kitchen and impressive living/dining areas opening to north-facing landscaped garden. A children´s zone includes 3 bedrooms, 3rd bathroom and study area. Comprehensively appointed with every luxury.


Saturday 1st March at 11.30am


Thursday 12.15-12.45pm & Saturday 10-10.30am




Madeline Kennedy 0411 873 913 Andrew Hayne 0418 395 349



1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999



FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 155

TOORAK 1/25 Tintern Avenue In a premier boutique development, this exceptional ground level residence´s absolutely captivating light-filled dimensions reflect refined European designer style and luxury only metres from Toorak Village. European oak parquetry floors, high ceilings and opulent finishes are highlighted through 3 lavish bedrooms with en-suites, beautifully proportioned living and dining spaces, a refined library and state of the art marble Miele kitchen opening to private landscaped north and west facing terraces. Appointed to an incomparable level throughout.

Expressions of Interest Close Tuesday 4th March at 5pm



Thursday 11-11.30am & Saturday 12.15-12.45pm



Marcus Chiminello 0411 411 271 Nicole French 0417 571 505



1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999



156 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

ALBERT PARK 138 Beaconsfield Parade The renovation of this charismatic three bedroom, two bathroom Victorian achieves spectacular results throughout a floor-plan in which traditional roles have been reversed as principal living/dining areas accompanied by dual balconies occupy the upstairs level to take maximum advantage of endless views across the bay and city. Downstairs, a light filled family room links seamlessly to courtyard entertaining and off street parking for two cars that contributes exceptional convenience to a location of complete desirability.


Saturday 1st March at 12.30pm


Thursday & Saturday 1-1.30pm


Kaine Lanyon 0411 875 478 Fiona Ansell-Jones 0410 325 240




101 Dundas Place Albert Park 9822 9999



FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 157

HAWTHORN 47 Auburn Road This magnificent 2-storey Victorian residence features classic period attributes matched perfectly to a superbly renovated interior with contemporary living areas and resort-like family outdoor living/entertaining spaces with s/ heated I/G pool. The interior comprises arched hallway, sitting & dining rooms both with marbleOFPs, powder room & informal living/rumpus; plus stunning family domain with stone/Euro S/S kitchen+butler´s pantry & deck. Upstairs has 4 bedrooms, main/WIR/ensuite & 2 family bathrooms. Rem/ dble garage (ROW)+OSP. Land: 1,053sqm approx.


Saturday 1st March at 12.30pm


Thursday 12.30-1pm & Saturday 2-2.30pm




James Tostevin 0417 003 333 Mark Sutherland 0418 691 585



266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999



158 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

TOORAK 32 Sargood Street Impressively framed by a lush established north-facing garden, this imposing c1930´s solid brick 4-bedroom residence´s gracious proportions and timeless elegance provide the perfect foundations near Hawksburn and Toorak Villages, Beatty Ave, Toorak station and leading schools (STCA). Immaculately presented for immediate enjoyment through inviting library and sitting room both with marble OFPs, superbly equipped European kitchen, breakfast room, light-filled dining, spacious living room and studio/ recreation room. Land size 784 sqm approx.


Saturday 1st March at 10.30am


Thursday 1-1.30pm & Saturday 2-2.30pm




Mark Harris 0414 799 343 Richard Mackinnon 0414 822 579



1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999



FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 159

TOORAK 27 Balmerino Avenue Luxurious proportions, lavish finishes and designer style define every dimension of this beautiful architect designed residence exclusively situated near Toorak Village, the Yarra and Como Park. Parquetry floors flow through entry hall to the gracious sitting room and expansive living/dining room with premium Miele kitchen opening to northwest courtyard. The main bedroom with designer ensuite, two double bedrooms, study/4th bedroom and stylish bathroom are accompanied by a sensational fully appointed home cinema. Finished with every luxury including lift.


Saturday 1st March at 12.30pm


Thursday & Saturday 12-12.30pm


Peter Bennison 0418 332 864 Justin Long 0418 537 973




1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999



160 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

SOUTH YARRA 3/44 Murphy Street Enhanced by its own street frontage and magical garden surrounds, this evocative English style c1932 residence´s impressively refurbished and exceptionally spacious dimensions create an idyllic sanctuary near Botanic Gardens, leading schools and Toorak Rd. A refined contemporary ambience is revealed through generous sitting and formal dining rooms (OFPs), gourmet Smeg kitchen and casual dining opening to picturesque garden and courtyard. On the levels above, 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms are complemented by a private retreat.


Saturday 22nd February at 2.30pm


Thursday 2-2.30pm & Saturday 12.15-12.45pm




David Volpato 0414 701 983 James Redfern 0412 360 667



1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999



FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 161

TOORAK 5/7 Grange Road In a blue chip location on the verge of Toorak Village, this luxurious boutique apartment showcases refined European elegance through beautifully proportioned dimensions that provide a serene and secure low maintenance lifestyle. The marble foyer introduces an evocative library and exceptionally generous living and dining spaces opening to a north-facing balcony. The gourmet kitchen includes stone benches and a light-filled living/dining area with fitted study. The main bedroom with lavish en-suite is matched by a second bedroom with en-suite.

Expressions of Interest Close Monday 3rd March at 5pm



Wednesday 12.45-1.15pm & Saturday 3.30-4pm



Marcus Chiminello 0411 411 271 Nicole French 0417 571 505



1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999



162 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

CAMBERWELL 18 Kintore Street This beautiful Edwardian residence in the Tara Estate showcases classic period features comprising double-arched hallway formal sitting/dining room, 5 bdrms, 2 with box bay windows, period-style bathroom & sky lit study area. A rear extension includes a laundry/2nd bath, generously proportioned light-filled Smeg appointed kitchen & family living with floor-to-ceiling windows & surround verandah leading to brick paved entertaining area & pavilion with BBQ, sink & garden storage. Includes d/heating, OFPs, double carport (ROW), attic storage. Land size: 802sqm approx.


Saturday 22nd February at 12.30pm


Thursday 12.30-1pm & Saturday 1.45-2.15pm




Hamish Tostevin 0408 004 766 Andrew Gibbons 0407 577 007



266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999



FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 163

SOUTH YARRA 17 Hawksburn Road Totally alluring inside and out, the sublime elegance displayed by this beautiful 2-storey Victorian residence has been brilliantly blended with sophisticated design to create a stunning oasis near Toorak Rd and Hawksburn Village. The Baltic pine arched hallway introduces study (marble OFP) and living room (marble gas fire). Brimming with natural light, the dining room and gourmet kitchen opens to the deep landscaped northwest garden. The main bedroom with spacious custom fitted robes, en-suite and marble OFP is accompanied by two bedrooms and bathroom.


Saturday 1st March at 11.30am


Wednesday 12-12.30pm & Saturday 2.45-3.15pm




James McCormack 0410 503 389 Heather Elder 0413 273 079



1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999



164 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

KEW 6 St Johns Parade Historically significant, this rare and illustrious early Victorian residence ´CARLINGTON´ has been superbly restored and previously extended to provide an exceptional family environment without sacrificing its exquisite period character. A magnificent Hawthorn brick facade introduces inviting interiors including grand formal lounge and dining rooms with open fireplaces, central kitchen with butler´s pantry, scullery and informal living and dining overlooking the rear garden. 5 spacious bedrooms plus study, 2 bathrooms and powder room. Land size 904sqm approx.


Saturday 22nd February at 12.30pm


Thursday 4-4.30pm & Saturday 1.15-1.45pm




David Volpato 0414 701 983 James Redfern 0412 360 667



1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999



FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 165

SURREY HILLS 9 Bristol Street Renovations plus a 2-storey extension to this classic Edwardian (c1910) timber home have created a totally liveable environment matching today´s family lifestyles comprising dark stained floors, arched hallway, 5 bedrooms, 3 upstairs, main WIR/ensuite, 2 stylish family bathrooms play area/retreat, generous formal living & dining plus expansive informal family domain incorporating a laundry+ chute, superbly appointed timber/stone/Euro S/S kitchen opening to a verandah, paved alfresco area & private garden. Incls heating/cooling, rem/carport+OSP.


Saturday 1st March at 2.30pm


Thursday 2.45-3.15pm & Saturday 3.30-4pm




Duane Wolowiec 0418 567 581 Stuart Evans 0402 067 710



266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999



166 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

KEW 51 Davis Street This beautiful slate roofed brick Victorian residence built in the late 1880s enjoys a desirable position in the Sackville Ward. Showcasing ornate period features it comprises wide arched hallway, formal living room, 4 bedrooms or 3+study, main+ensuite, family bathroom, stylish contemporary stone/ Euro S/S kitchen & dining/living area flowing to a wide deck with water feature overlooking a generous private rear garden. Also includes alarm, marbleOFPs, d/heating, cellar+ extensive u/house storage, external WC, garden storage, carport+OSP. Land: 840sqm approx.


Saturday 22nd February at 1.30pm


Thursday 11-11.30am & Saturday 1.15-1.45pm




James Tostevin 0417 003 333 Hamish Tostevin 0408 004 766



266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999



FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 167

ARMADALE 9 Alleyne Avenue The irresistible elegance and impressive proportions displayed by this captivating Edwardian residence are brilliantly enhanced by spectacular landscaped garden and pool surrounds and a desirable address near Glenferrie Rd, High St, Union St Park and good schools. Baltic pine floors and ornate ceilings define the exquisite sitting room with marble fireplace, formal dining (OFP), four double bedrooms and two bright bathrooms. Bathed in northern light, the spacious living/dining room and European kitchen open to a picturesque garden and heated pool.


Saturday 22nd February at 1.30pm


Thursday 10.45-11.15am & Saturday 2-2.30pm




Andrew Hayne 0418 395 349 John Manton 0411 444 930



1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999



168 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

MALVERN EAST 28 Turner Street Presented with incomparable designer flair, this totally captivating c1905 Edwardian residence merges exquisite elegance with the finest contemporary style and luxury in the Gascoigne Estate near Central Park, schools, trams and shops. Impressive proportions, high ceilings and Baltic pine floors define L-shaped hallway, glorious sitting room (OFP), three beautiful bedrooms (BIRs) and marble bathroom. Messmate floors flow through expansive living/dining room with sublime marble and Gaggenau kitchen opening to a private landscaped northeast garden.


Saturday 22nd February at 2.30pm


Thursday 1-1.30pm & Saturday 12-12.30pm




Rae Tomlinson 0418 336 234 James Tomlinson 0408 350 684



1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999



FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 169

HAWTHORN EAST 23 Cole Street An attractive faรงade introduces this superb 2 storey contemporary family residence in the Anderson Park precinct; offering abundant accommodation comprising study, p/room, formal sitting/dining flowing to a Stone/Euro S/S kitchen & laundry plus expansive family living/dining with floor-to-ceiling glass opening to a covered alfresco area & deep garden. Whilst upstairs has a balcony, retreat, 4 bedrooms, main/WIR/ensuite & family bathroom. Incls alarm, ducted heating & R/C air-conditioners, studio/home office with dual access & remote garage/storage.


Saturday 22nd February at 11.30am


Thursday 10.15-10.45am & Saturday 11.45-12.15pm




Chris Barrett 0412 927 409 James Tostevin 0417 003 333



266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999



170 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

CAMBERWELL 7 Sycamore Street Incorporating both timeless architecture and contemporary luxury, this beautiful timber residence´s impressive proportions deliver an exceptional family lifestyle near Highfield Park, schools, shops, trams and trains. Period elegance defines the arched hallway, study and captivating sitting room. The expansive living/dining room with gourmet kitchen opens to a picturesque garden with large northfacing deck and spa. Main bedroom with designer en-suite is accompanied by a children´s zone upstairs comprising three generous bedrooms, retreat and bathroom. Land size: 615sqm approx


Saturday 1st March at 1:30pm


Thursday 2-2.30pm & Saturday 12.45-1.15pm




Désirée Wakim 0412 336 266 Hamish Tostevin 0408 004 766



266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999



FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 171

KEW 3 Milfay Avenue Commanding a spectacular elevated Studley Park location near leading schools and Kew Junction, the substantial dimensions and stylish presentation showcased by this classic 5 bedroom, 3 bathroom English-style solid brick residence deliver significant family appeal. Timber floors flow through study, inviting lounge (OFP), bathroom, dining, gourmet kitchen and generous living opening to gardens and a fabulous entertaining terrace offering panoramic views. The main bedroom with en-suite is complemented by three further bedrooms, two bathrooms and retreat/5th bedroom.


Saturday 1st March at 10.30am


Thursday 12.15-12.45pm & Saturday 12-12.30pm




Robert Ding 0418 858 393 Shamit Verma 0401 137 597



266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999



172 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

SURREY HILLS 13 Lille Street Expect the unexpected in this superbly renovated 2-storey family home on a stunning landscape abutting Back Creek. A stylish all-white/charcoal dĂŠcor comprises utility & powder room, living room, study & laundry. An extensive northfacing family living/entertaining domain with stone/euro S/S kitchen and island bench flows to a paved alfresco area with awning, built-in gas BBQ & s/htd in-ground pool. Whilst upstairs has 3 bedrooms, 1 with rear terrace plus a large main with dressing room, ensuite & fully-tiled family bathroom. Land size: 775sqm/ 8,342sqft approx


Saturday 22nd February at 9.30am


Thursday 11.45-12.15pm & Saturday 10-10.30am




Mark Sutherland 0418 691 585 James Tostevin 0417 003 333



266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999



FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 173

HAWTHORN EAST 4 Ryeburne Avenue It is easy to be captivated by this appealing slate roofed Edwardian home with its attractive faรงade, leafy garden setting framed by Silver Birch trees & sought-after location. It features beautiful period attributes merging with spacious contemporary family zones & a 2-storey extension with 4 bedrooms (downstairs main+WIR), 2 bathrooms, laundry, formal/informal living & dining+stylish granite kitchen flowing to a leafy private garden & BBQ area. Incls. d/ heating, split-system air-conditioners, roof+shed storage & carport.


Saturday 1st March at 9.30am


Thursday 11-11.30am & Saturday 10-10.30am




Stephen Gough 0439 844 855 Nick Ptak 0413 370 442



266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999



174 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

GLEN IRIS 3 Iris Road This delightful solid brick Californian Bungalow seamlessly blends period charm with modern comfort delivering plenty of family living & entertaining space comprising sitting room, 2 downstairs bedrooms, period-style bathroom plus a light-filled rear extension incorporating a laundry, study/4th bedroom, stylish timber/granite/euro kitchen, north-east facing family living room with void and restful garden vistas to a partially covered paved alfresco area and private rear garden. A generous upstairs main bedroom with WIR/ensuite & balcony with valley views.


Saturday 1st March at 11.30am


Thursday 2.45-3.15pm & Saturday 3.30-4pm




Zali Booker 0422 576 049 Cameron Edgoose 0438 064 212



266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999



FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 175

SOUTH MELBOURNE 34-36 Palmer Street This stunning renovated double fronted brick Victorian home enviably situated in a quiet pocket yet only moments from Clarendon St, Albert Park Lake and the CBD. Double width timber hallway introduces two bedrooms (OFP/BIRs) and designer bathroom with freestanding bath while upstairs the master bedroom includes stylish ensuite, BIR & balcony. Impressively proportioned light-filled living & dining rooms with stainless steel Ilve kitchen opens to beautiful private northwest courtyard garden.


Saturday 1st March at 11.30am


Thursday 12-12.30pm & Saturday 11.45-12.15pm




Oliver Bruce 0409 856 599 Lisa Jarrett 0408 053 623



101 Dundas Place Albert Park 9822 9999



176 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

CAMBERWELL 7 Tyrone Street Impressively proportioned, this immaculately presented brick residence provides an idyllic family lifestyle near parks, schools, shops, trams and cafes. Expansive formal rooms are complemented by living/dining and gourmet kitchen opening to north garden and indoor pool. Main bedroom (en-suite) is matched by 3 further bedrooms (BIRs), bathroom, study and huge retreat. Land size: 696sqm approx


Saturday 1st March at 11.30am


Thursday 10.15-10.45am & Saturday 10.45-11.15am




DĂŠsirĂŠe Wakim 0412 336 266 Hamish Tostevin 0408 004 766



266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999



FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 177

HAWTHORN EAST 35 Rathmines Road This classic slate-roofed Victorian family residence c1890 features a beautiful interior with a double arched hallway, lovely formal sitting room, 3 bedrooms, generous airconditioned main with WIR plus period-styled ensuite & family bathroom; flowing through to a superb light-filled north-facing family living area with adjacent study & cellar beneath, contemporary timber+Euro S/S kitchen and laundry leading to a terraced rear garden with a magnificent mature eucalypt tree gently shading the alfresco area. Incls period attributes, garage plus off-street parking.


Saturday 1st March at 1.30pm


Thursday 11-11.30am & Saturday 2.45-3.15pm




Stuart Evans 0402 067 710 Duane Wolowiec 0418 567 581



266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999



178 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

RICHMOND 38 Elm Grove An evocative setting on Richmond Hill renowned for its leafy streetscapes and vibrant inner urban lifestyle brilliantly enhances the irresistible appeal of this absolutely stunning solid brick freestanding Victorian residence´s spectacular architect designed dimensions. Spotted Gum floors flow through the arched hallway to two beautiful bedrooms, sublime bathroom and upstairs main bedroom with designer en-suite. Sensational living/dining room, study and sleek gourmet kitchen open to a private landscaped blue stone courtyard oasis.


Saturday 1st March at 11.30am


Thursday 6-6.30pm & Saturday 2-2.30pm




Daniel Wheeler 0411 676 058 Marcus Chiminello 0411 411 271



1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999



FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 179

MALVERN EAST 86 Burke Road Impressively situated opposite Central Park and close to excellent schools, cafes, shops and trams, this gracious 4bedroom Edwardian residence represents an outstanding opportunity to create a sensational family domain or alternatively to develop the substantial 1241sqm/13,358sqft (approx.) site with rear access (STCA). Elegance and comfort define sitting and formal dining rooms, four bedrooms, two bathrooms and study. Informal living/dining with adjacent kitchen opens to a verandah overlooking deep north-east gardens.


Saturday 22nd February at 12.30pm


Thursday 12-12.30pm & Saturday 10-10.30am




James Tomlinson 0408 350 684 Rae Tomlinson 0418 336 234



1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999



180 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

MALVERN EAST 14 The Grange This superb Californian Bungalow exudes classic & renovated contemporary style enhanced by sublime indoor/outdoor living/entertaining areas comp wide oak hallway, sitting room, 4 bdrms, main/WIR/ensuite, pristine family bath+p/ room & laundry/butler´s pantry. An expansive family domain incorporating living/dining plus sleek gourmet stone & Euro S/S kitchen flowing to a wide deck & easy care garden with s/heated I/G pool - perfect for year round enjoyment with family & friends. Incls alarm, OFPs, plantation shutters, d/ heating, roof storage, carport+OSP. Land size 743sqm approx


Saturday 22nd February at 10am


Thursday 11-11.30am & Saturday 12-12.30pm




Hamish Tostevin 0408 004 766 Heather Elder 0413 273 079



266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999



BRIGHTON 36 Cochrane Street Beautifully restored Loloma reveals today´s spaciousness and Victorian beauty on 1008 sqm (approx). An exceptional home of grand proportions, it features 5 bedrooms, a ballroom-size lounge-dining room with removable paneling to create separate rooms, a family room, granite kitchen, and 2 bathrooms. The 3.8-metre ceilings and Hawthorn brick construction offer year-round comfort, there´s a cellar, butler´s pantry, swimming pool and potential access from Rooding St (STCA). A remarkable home close to Bay St, Firbank, Brighton Grammar and the beach.


Saturday 1st March at 12.30pm


Thursday 11.30-12pm & Saturday 2.30-3pm




Kate Strickland 0400 125 946 Barb Gregory 0419 568 370



312 New Street Brighton 9822 9999



FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 181

GLEN IRIS 116-118 Great Valley Road Enjoyed by the one family for 42 years, this sensational architect designed residence´s abundant family and entertaining spaces, mod grass tennis court and heated pool provides resort style family living directly on Ferndale Trail Reserve. Superbly presented, it provides instant family appeal with potential to further improve, rebuild or develop (STCA). Beautiful formal sitting/dining room is complemented by exceedingly spacious family/entertaining areas, gourmet kitchen, 4 versatile bedrooms, 4 bathrooms and home office. Land size approximately 1200sqm.


Saturday 22nd February at 11.30am


Thursday 11-11.30am & Saturday 3.15-3.45pm




James Redfern 0412 360 667 David Volpato 0414 701 983



1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999



GLEN IRIS 176 Finch Street Period elegance and contemporary style are brought together with exquisite flair in this enchanting 1920s solid brick family residence brilliantly situated within picturesque garden and pool surrounds near Harold Holt Pool, High St trams and shops and schools. Ornate ceilings preside over formal rooms and study while four spacious bedrooms are accompanied by two stylish bathrooms. Boasting a sensational solid recycled oak bench, the gourmet Miele kitchen and light-filled living and dining room open to the landscaped north-east garden with heated pool.


Saturday 22nd February at 11.30am


Thursday 6-6.30pm & Saturday 11-11.30am




Heather Elder 0413 273 079 Rae Tomlinson 0418 336 234



1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999



182 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

MALVERN 39-41 Wheatland Road Set within glorious gardens with floodlit north south tennis court & pool, this illustrious c1900 Victorian residence´s impressive dimensions deliver a superlative family lifestyle near Glenferrie Rd, Malvern station & schools. Magnificent proportions define arched hallway, sitting & formal dining rooms & main bedroom with marble en-suite. 4 further double bedrooms are accompanied by 2 bathrooms. Generous living/dining with gourmet Miele kitchen opens to a picturesque north garden with heated pool & mod grass tennis court. Land size 1106sqm/11,916sqft approx.


Saturday 22nd February at 11.30am


Thursday 11.30-12pm & Saturday 12.30-1pm




Andrew Hayne 0418 395 349 Fiona Ansell-Jones 0410 325 240



1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999



BALWYN 47 Fitzgerald Street This distinctive double-storey residence offers a superior family lifestyle with an elegant interior featuring wide dark stained American oak floors, formal sitting & dining rooms, state-of-the-art stone/Smeg kitchen adjoins an expansive family domain opening to an alfresco area and solar-heated in-ground pool and p/room. Upstairs has a large retreat/ study area, 4 bedrooms all with WIRs, sumptuous main with ensuite and a family bathroom. Includes alarm, ducted heating/cooling/vacuum, abundant storage, remote/double garage.


Saturday 22nd February at 3.30pm


Thursday 1.15-1.45pm & Saturday 12.30-1pm




Kathy Malcolm 0416 279 966 James Tostevin 0417 003 333



266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999



FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 183

KEW 23 Raheen Drive Exclusivity, tranquility and privacy converge at the northern head of a prestigious cul-de-sac where this substantial four bedroom, three bathroom residence stands peacefully in an established treed setting. Enjoyed by the one family for over 40 years, this rare opening on 809 sqm (approx) in the Raheen Estate offers complete current-day comfort, lifestyle flexibility and further scope. Comprises executive study, lounge/dining, family living, games room, granite kitchen, cellar, hydronic heating, a/c, massive north-facing terrace and double carport.


Saturday 22nd February at 1.30pm


Thursday 2-2.30pm & Saturday 2.30-3pm




Antony Woodley 0421 286 741 Kathy Malcolm 0416 279 966



266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999



ARMADALE 10 Elm Grove A true classic, this beautiful solid brick Victorian residence in a deep garden with ROW provides wonderful lifestyle enjoyment plus scope to update or extend (STCA) in a prized Munro Estate address near Beatty Ave, leading schools and Toorak station. Baltic pine floors and high ceilings characterise the period allure through arched hallway, generous sitting and dining room and light-filled living/ dining with well-planned kitchen opening to the garden. The main bedroom with ensuite is accompanied by two further bedrooms and a bright bathroom. Land: 535sqm approx.


Saturday 1st March at 1.30pm


Thursday & Saturday 11-11.30am


Justin Long 0418 537 973 Peter Bennison 0418 332 864




1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999



184 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

ASHBURTON 23 Oliver Street Brilliantly transformed, this solid brick period residence´s exceptional indoor spaces and spectacular garden and pool surrounds provide enviable family lifestyle appeal near Ashburton Village, trains, parks and good schools. Contemporary style enhanced by timber floors and expanses of glass define the exceptionally spacious living and dining room (gas log fire) with stylish European kitchen opening to a spectacular northeast landscaped garden with heated pool. Four spacious bedrooms, retreat and study are accompanied by three modern bathrooms.


Saturday 1st March at 2.30pm


Thursday 2.45-3.15pm & Saturday 11.30-12pm




John Manton 0411 444 930 Fiona Ansell-Jones 0410 325 240



1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999



HAWTHORN 2B Fordholm Road Designed by Sol Sapir, this immaculate 1970´s residence occupy´s a commanding 708sqm (approx) allotment on the top of the highly desired Scotch Hill and offers numerous options including, extension or opportunity for new home site (STCA). Only minutes to Scotch College, trams and parks, accommodation includes 5 spacious bedrooms, master with ensuite, family bathroom plus pwdr, formal dining room with cathedral style ceilings, fully equipped kitchen overlooking family meals area, living room which opens onto a covered patio and a study/home office with its own external entry.


Saturday 22nd February at 12.30pm


Thursday 2-2.30pm & Saturday 1-1.30pm




Ross Stryker 0401 318 772 Doug McLauchlan 0418 377 718



266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999



FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 185

MALVERN EAST 9 Kerferd Street Enjoying a prime Gascoigne Estate location near Central Park, Malvern Primary, shops, cafes and trams, the gracious proportions of this immaculately presented solid brick period residence deliver immediate family comfort with exciting potential to update or extend on a superb north-facing allotment (STCA). High ceilings define the elegant sitting room (OFP), generous formal dining, 4 large bedrooms, stylish bathroom, bright well equipped kitchen with meals area and light-filled living/dining room opening to the private garden.


Saturday 22nd February at 2.30pm


Thursday 1-1.30pm & Saturday 3-3.30pm




John Manton 0411 444 930 Fiona Ansell-Jones 0410 325 240



1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999



SURREY HILLS 11 Thornton Avenue This elegant & immaculately presented 5 bedrm, 3 bathrm family home comprises downstairs entry, formal lounge (gas FP), dining & guest bedrm with pwdr-rm/semi-ensuite. An expansive open plan family/meals, rumpus & gourmet Euro kitchen open out to tranquil paved entertaining area, low maint garden & heated IG pool+spa. Upstairs offers 4 further bedrms (master WIR/spa ensuite), main bathrm & teen retreat. With ducted htg/cooling, ducted vac, storage, secure auto-gates & double garage. Walk to 109 tram, Canterbury & Chatham stations, shops & Chatham Primary.


Saturday 22nd February at 10.30am


Thursday 2.30-3pm & Saturday 11-11.30am




Robert Ding 0418 858 393 Shamit Verma 0401 137 597



266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999



186 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

MIDDLE PARK 45 Wright Street Idyllically situated near the beach, Albert Park Lake, Middle Park Village & schools, this stunning extra wide Victorian residence reveals unexpected dimensions that impress in terms of designer style & space. Hardwood floors flow through the hallway to a sublime sitting room, downstairs bedroom or over sized study, beautifully proportioned light filled entertaining zones with Smeg kitchen opening to a private landscaped courtyard with water feature as well as rear BBQ courtyard. Three upstairs bedrooms include master with designer ensuite & further family bathroom.


Saturday 22nd February at 10.30am


Thursday 6-6.30pm & Saturday 3.15-3.45pm




Oliver Bruce 0409 856 599 Lisa Jarrett 0408 053 623



101 Dundas Place Albert Park 9822 9999



CANTERBURY 6 Rubens Grove This generously proportioned period family home c1926 enjoys a wide frontage and leafy gardens in the Golden Mile precinct. A tessellated tile verandah leads to an interior featuring traditional leadlight glass windows, Baltic Pine floors and original fireplaces, wide entrance hall, sitting room, dining room, 4 bedrooms (BIRs), 2 bathrooms, study and laundry; plus family living incorporating a sleek Bosch/ stone kitchen opening to the deck and garden with rear access to Boroondara Park. Includes d/heating, R/C airconditioners (2), dual carport+OSP.


Saturday 22nd February at 2.30pm


Thursday 1.15-1.45pm & Saturday 10.45-11.15am




Andrew Gibbons 0407 577 007 James Tostevin 0417 003 333



266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999



FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 187

KEW 65 Wills Street A masterful combination of space, light and attention to detail dominates this new state-of-the-art Architect designed 2-storey residence featuring expansive windows, cutting edge design & luxurious appointments comprising distressed French oak floors, p/room, flowing living area with void & Miele kitchen & laundry+butlers pantry all opening to an alfresco area with built-in BBQ & vibrant deck with bar; 4 bedrooms, 2+ensuites/WIRs, bathroom, retreat & balcony with City views. Incls v/intercom, alarm, zoned d/heating/ cooling, remote 2.5 car garage (ROW).


Saturday 22nd February at 11.30am


Thursday 1.15-1.45pm & Saturday 12.15-12.45pm




Duane Wolowiec 0418 567 581 Antony Woodley 0421 286 741



266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999



GLEN IRIS 26 Alfred Road A picket fence and leafy gardens with established trees forms the backdrop for this picture perfect Californian Bungalow highlighted by magnificent City Skyline views. Renovated/extended it comprises Blackbutt floors, formal sitting & dining rooms, 3 bedrooms, main upstairs with study alcove, views, WIR/ensuite, plus a family bathroom & laundry. Complemented by a light-filled family domain with granite/Euro kitchen opening to a deck overlooking a lush private garden. Includes period attributes, gasFP, d/heating, R/C airconditioner, shed, tandemOSP.


Saturday 22nd February at 10.30am


Thursday 2-2.30pm & Saturday 4.15-4.45pm




Zali Booker 0422 576 049 James Redfern 0412 360 667



266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999



188 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

CAMBERWELL 50 Rowell Avenue This stylish low maintenance 2-storey town residence is desirably located in the Sunnyside Estate environs and features polished Sydney Blue Gum timber floors flowing to a downstairs bedroom, adjacent bathroom and generous open-plan living area incorporating high ceilings and a smart Granite/Miele kitchen opening to a deck & courtyard garden. Whilst upstairs has a study plus two further double bedrooms both with balconies & ensuite bathrooms. Includes alarm, ducted heating, split-system R/C air-conditioners, remote double garage/storage with secure internal access.


Saturday 15th February at 3.30pm


Thursday 10-10.30am & Saturday 3-3.30pm




Stephen Gough 0439 844 855 Nick Ptak 0413 370 442



266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999



CANTERBURY 15 Griotte Street This attractive late 1920s family home in the leafy Hassett Estate has been meticulously renovated and extended to retain period attributes including leadlight windows matched to contemporary family living and entertaining areas. Featuring European Oak parquetry floors throughout, formal sitting room, 3 bedrooms main with WIR and sleek ensuite, family bathroom, laundry & study alcove plus expansive family room with a stylish Miele/CaesarStone kitchen opening through full-height doors to a deck & private sandstone alfresco area; also double carport+OSP.


Saturday 22nd February at 10.30am


Thursday 2-2.30pm & Saturday 11-11.30am




James Tostevin 0417 003 333 Mark Sutherland 0418 691 585



266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999



FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 189

GLEN IRIS 34 Flowerdale Road Behind this picture perfect façade, a stunning blend of original elegance & designer style has created an unforgettable family domain near Hill ´n´ Dale Park, shops, schools & transport. Ornate ceilings & timber floors convey period charm through beautiful sitting & formal dining rooms while the light-filled contemporary living/dining space with study area & sublime Bosch kitchen opens to a sensational outdoor precinct with a covered terrace & spectacular heated pool/spa. 4 captivating bedrooms include main with WIR & designer en-suite. Land: 696sqm approx.


Saturday 22nd February at 12.30pm


Thursday 12.30-1pm & Saturday 12.15-12.45pm




Jason Brinkworth 0416 006 282 James Tostevin 0417 003 333



1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999



MONT ALBERT 7 Streeton Court Enviably situated at the end of a cul de sac near shops, station, parks & schools, this award-winning 1966 single level residence in a deep northeast garden with pool remains just as stylish & impressively functional today. Full height doors & windows are highlighted through sitting/dining (OFP), living room/study, light-filled dining & fully-appointed kitchen. Main bedroom (en-suite) is accompanied by 2 further bedrooms, bathroom & freestanding studio with kitchenette & bathroom. Offers scope to extend & update (STCA). Land in excess of 1000sqm approx.


Saturday 1st March at 3.30pm


Thursday 3.30-4pm & Saturday 1.30-2pm




James Redfern 0412 360 667 Stuart Evans 0402 067 710



1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999



190 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

HAWTHORN 88 Illawarra Road Exclusively situated in a highly sought after tree-lined Scotch Hill street just metres from parks, leading schools, trams and Kooyong station, this much loved single level family residence set within a deep northwest garden represents an exceptional opportunity to modernize, extend or rebuild (STCA). Generous proportions define the spacious sitting room (OFP), formal dining, well equipped kitchen and light-filled family living room opening to the picturesque garden. The bedroom wing comprises main bedroom with en-suite, three further bedrooms and bathroom.


Saturday 22nd February at 10.30am


Thursday 2.15-2.45pm & Saturday 11.30-12pm




James Scarff 0419 233 377 Davide Lettieri 0414 018 707



1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999



ASHBURTON 20 Lexia Street Superbly situated just a short stroll to vibrant Ashburton Village, station and schools, this delightful solid brick period residence with family focused dimensions, displays a captivating blend of original charm and contemporary style. Highlighting dark timber floors and ornate ceilings, the central hallway introduces an inviting sitting room (OFP), three gorgeous bedrooms (BIRs), a versatile 4th bedroom/ playroom and stylish bathroom´s. The sleek contemporary kitchen and generous living/dining room open through bifold doors to a very deep northwest garden.


Saturday 22nd February at 2.30pm


Thursday 11-11.30am & Saturday 11.30-12pm




Jason Brinkworth 0416 006 282 Duane Wolowiec 0418 567 581



1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999



FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 191

KEW 23 Lower Drive This exceptional four bedroom, three bathroom residence adopts a contemporary approach to meeting every family need close to shopping, parkland, prestigious schools and city access. A central living/dining domain is the focal point for a light filled formal entertaining area, a huge, sun drenched deck and a Miele kitchen with integrated coffee machine and beautifully appointed butler´s pantry. Alternative upstairs and downstairs main suites, dedicated study zone. All the expected luxuries - and some that take this home to the next level.


Saturday 15th February at 12.30pm


Thursday 12-12.30pm & Saturday from 12noon




Cameron Edgoose 0438 064 212 Doug McLauchlan 0418 377 718



266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999



ASHBURTON 9a Glen Road In a style reminiscent of Frank Lloyd Wright, this imposing brand new Stonehaven designed executive residence´s impressive dimensions brilliantly showcase the latest contemporary style and luxury near Gardiners Creek, East Malvern station and schools. Dark oak floors feature through light-filled living and dining space with gourmet Miele kitchen opening to two landscaped courtyards. The main bedroom with designer en-suite/WIR is complemented upstairs by three further bedrooms (BIRs), a retreat with balcony and stylish bathroom. Lavishly finished.


Saturday 22nd February at 11.30am


Thursday 11.45-12.15pm & Saturday 10-10.30am




Daniel Wheeler 0411 676 058 Jason Brinkworth 0416 006 282



1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999



192 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

BALWYN 2 Terry Street This contemporary brick family residence in the Balwyn High Zone offers scope to update or extend (STCA); with a zoned interior featuring exposed brick, natural timber surfaces, cathedral ceilings and entrance foyer opening to a main bedroom (WIR/ensuite), study/4th bedroom, large living/ dining flowing to a modern kitchen (WIP), family living/ dining plus 2 further bedrooms, family bathroom & laundry. A deep rear garden includes paved alfresco area, mature trees & large bungalow/workshop/storage. Also incls d/ heating, air-conditioners, dble carport.


Saturday 15th February at 9.30am


Thursday 10.15-10.45am & Saturday 9-9.30am




Jack Stean 0434 588 664 James Tostevin 0417 003 333



266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999



CARNEGIE 11 Holywood Grove Entirely captivating inside and out, this exquisite c1906 timber Edwardian residence´s impressive dimensions brilliantly respond to every family requirement near Koornang Rd shops and cafes, good schools and Carnegie station. High ornate ceilings and timber floors define the central hallway leading to stunning sitting room (OFP), main bedroom with en-suite/BIR, three further bedrooms (BIRs) and bathroom. The light-filled living/dining room with sublime marble kitchen opens to a picturesque private north-facing garden with freestanding studio.


Saturday 1st March at 10.30am


Thursday 2.15-2.45pm & Saturday 10-10.30am




Fiona Ansell-Jones 0410 325 240 Ian Whiteside 0419 591 761



1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999



FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 193

GLEN IRIS 5 Ferndale Road A great balance of period and previously renovated proportions, four bedroom, two bathroom accommodation and a north facing rear garden with a pool and pavilion convey the family friendliness of ROSEVIEW. Perhaps even better, this outstanding home´s generous allotment concludes with direct access to Ferndale Park. Elegant formal living and dining rooms are matched by light filled informal counterparts and a granite kitchen overlooking an elevated deck with views over the pool. Carport plus parking. Options for further updating/enhancing. Land 670sqm approx.


Saturday 1st March at 12.30pm


Thursday 3-3.30pm & Saturday 12.45-1.15pm




James Redfern 0412 360 667 Madeline Kennedy 0411 873 913



1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999



GLEN IRIS 8 Mons Street This conveniently located, stylish contemporary family home features an eye-catching rendered façade and preferred north-facing rear aspect comprising tiled entrance, 4 zoned bedrooms (main/WIR+ensuite/spa), family bathroom, laundry & study plus generous family domain with smartly appointed granite & Euro S/S kitchen, dining/living & 2nd living room flowing to a large covered outdoor alfresco area & leafy private garden - providing super year round indoor/outdoor entertaining options. Also includes d/heating & cooling, remote double garage. Land Size 693sqm (approx.)


Saturday 15th February at 2.30pm


Thursday 11.45-12.15pm & Saturday 2-2.30pm




Zali Booker 0422 576 049 James Redfern 0412 360 667



266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999



194 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

HAWTHORN 11 Grattan Street In a highly prized pocket of Hawthorn West near the Yarra, St James Park, leading schools, trams, trains & shops, this c1940´s residence offers an exceptional opportunity to renovate & extend or alternatively to build a new luxury home on the premium deep north-facing garden allotment (STCA). Immediately comfortable dimensions exude period charm through timber hallway, delightful sitting room, dining room, 2 spacious bedrooms and a study/3rd bedroom. The large kitchen & light-filled living room open to the beautifully landscaped gardens. Land: 530sqm approx.


Saturday 1st March at 2.30pm


Thursday 2-2.30pm & Saturday 10.45-11.15am




Daniel Wheeler 0411 676 058 Stuart Evans 0402 067 710



1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999



MALVERN EAST 15 Bruce Street Enchanting period allure, modern comfort and an abundance of space highlight the enormous family appeal of this captivating Art Deco residence superbly situated near the Urban Forest, Chadstone, East Malvern station and good schools. Generous proportions and ornate ceilings define the elegant sitting and formal dining rooms (OFPs), beautiful main bedroom with en-suite, 4 further bedrooms and a stylish bathroom. The light-filled open plan living/dining room with pristine Smeg kitchen open to a covered deck and picturesque private northwest garden. Land 558sqm approx.


Saturday 22nd February at 10.30am


Wednesday 2-2.30pm & Saturday 10-10.30am




Daniel Wheeler 0411 676 058 Madeline Kennedy 0411 873 913



1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999



FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 195

SOUTH YARRA 6/128 Toorak Road West In an evocative c1936 Art Deco boutique block of 6 designed by Edward Billson, this totally captivating house-sized apartment enjoys a spectacular location opposite Fawkner Park and near the Botanic Gardens, shops and restaurants. Wonderful period elegance is conveyed through the exceptionally spacious living room (OFP), glamourous dining, study and sublime gourmet kitchen. Versatile accommodation includes a beautiful main bedroom with stunning en-suite, 2nd bedroom, 3rd bedroom or living room and stylish bathroom. Impeccably finished and appointed.


Saturday 22nd February at 9.30am


Thursday 2-2.30pm & Saturday 1-1.30pm




Mark Harris 0414 799 343 Susan McGlashan 0417 554 224



1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999



TOORAK 2/62 Mathoura Road Exclusively situated near Toorak and Hawksburn Villages and Brookville Park, this stunning ground level boutique apartment´s serenely private and generous dimensions deliver timeless contemporary elegance and luxury in an idyllic low maintenance setting. Designed to maximize northern light through all living spaces, the inviting study, spacious living and dining room (gas log fire) and gourmet Smeg kitchen with dining area all open to a private landscaped north-facing courtyard. The two beautifully proportioned bedrooms each include an en-suite.


Saturday 1st March at 1.30pm


Wednesday 12-12.30pm & Saturday 11.45-12.15pm




Marcus Chiminello 0411 411 271 Nicole French 0417 571 505



1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999



196 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

CANTERBURY 5a Compton Street All the advantages associated with single level spaces - and all the luxury expected in such a sought after location form the desirable combination that defines this three bedroom two bathroom contemporary property, set to the rear so that privacy maximized and north easterly aspects are enjoyed close to Highfield Park. Light filled living/dining areas accompanied by an open plan kitchen complement a separate entertaining space that overlooks one of the two rear courtyards. Heating/cooling in every room, ducted vacuum, surround sound and double garage.


Saturday 15th February at 2.30pm


Thursday 1-1.30pm & Saturday from 2pm




Cameron Edgoose 0438 064 212 Doug McLauchlan 0418 377 718



266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999



CARNEGIE 26 Belsize Avenue This immaculately appointed Edwardian c1910, superbly renovated and extended, is combined with a single-level independent residence with private entrance. Framed by established gardens, the main residence offers beautifully presented interiors of generous proportions including formal living, study/library, 3 delightful bedrooms, bright bathroom, well-equipped kitchen and open-plan living/dining. The rear residence offers light-filled living/dining, Blanco kitchen, spacious double bedroom & ensuite. Land 679sqm approx.


Saturday 1st March at 12.30pm


Thursday 11-11.30am & Saturday 10-10.30am




Anthony Reis 0417 352 774 David Volpato 0414 701 983



1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999



FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 197

ARMADALE 44 Stuart Street The irresistible appeal of this classic freestanding Victorian residence´s period elegance is more than matched by its highly prized location between Union St Park and High St. Beautifully presented, it offers scope to update or extend within a deep northeast garden and pool allotment with ROW and OSP. The arched hallway introduces three double bedrooms and a bright bathroom. Vaulted ceilings accentuate the scale of the light-filled living/dining room with well equipped kitchen and OFP. Living opens out to the sunny private garden with pool and spa.


Saturday 22nd February at 9.30am


Thursday 10-10.30am & Saturday 2.45-3.15pm




John Manton 0411 444 930 Justin Krongold 0403 163 355



1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999



ASHBURTON 7 Sky Lane In a quiet cul de sac, this superbly presented contemporary residence´s considerable family appeal is brilliantly enhanced by a fabulous family location backing onto Warner Reserve and Ashburton Pool and moments to Ashburton Village, station and primary. Defined by contemporary elegance through formal sitting and dining room and living/dining with modern kitchen opening to northeast garden with Vergola covered terrace and gate to the park. The main bedroom (en-suite) is complemented by three further bedrooms, retreat and stylish bathroom.


Saturday 1st March at 10.30am


Thursday 2.15-2.45pm & Saturday 10.45-11.15am




Jason Brinkworth 0416 006 282 Andrew Gibbons 0407 577 007



1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999



198 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

CAMBERWELL 3/2 Garden Road Designed with impeccable flair and attention to detail, this luxurious brand new 7-star energy rated residence blends designer style with timeless elegance to create a totally captivating low maintenance domain near Lynden Park, shops, cafes, trams, train and schools. Wide oak floors and plantation shutters distinguish the generous living/dining space with state of the art kitchen opening to a covered terrace and north-facing garden. Beautiful downstairs main bedroom with lavish en-suite is accompanied by two further bedrooms, study, retreat and stylish bathroom.


Saturday 22nd February at 3.30pm


Thursday 11.45 - 12.15pm & Saturday 4.14-4.45pm




Duane Wolowiec 0418 567 581 Marcus Chiminello 0411 411 271



266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999



HAWTHORN 7/127-129 Power Street This exclusive Architect designed tri level town residence in an inner urban living Hawthorn location comprises a study/ office or 4th bedroom, powder room, laundry, 3 bedrooms (BIRs) main/ensuite & a pristine bathroom. An upper level living/dining area and sleek CaesarStone/Miele S/S appointed kitchen with floor-to-ceiling glass flows to a north-facing balcony with City views - perfect for outdoor relaxation & entertaining. Features include v/intercom, alarm, Nobo electric heaters, R/C air-conditioners, visitor parking, internal access to rem/dble garage/rear entry.


Saturday 22nd February at 12.30pm


Thursday 1.15-1.45pm & Saturday 10-10.30am




Stuart Evans 0402 067 710 Tori McGregor 0400 633 992



266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999



FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 199

KEW 74 Malin Street Elevated renovated single fronted Edwardian created to capture and benefit from its north facing light, detailed with high pitched cathedral ceilings, open space living capitalizing on its "inside/outside´ design. Positioned in the heart of prestigious school precinct, this stylish home includes 3 bedrooms, 2/BIRs, main/WIR/ensuite, bathroom & study; plus a open-plan living/dining room & streamlined kitchen with euro appliances flowing out to an alfresco deck & elevated garden. Incls period features, OFPs, d/heating, split system cooling/heating & attic storage.


Saturday 22nd February at 1.30pm


Thursday 12.30-1pm & Saturday 1.45-2.15pm




Duane Wolowiec 0418 567 581 Stuart Evans 0402 067 710



266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999



PRAHRAN 42 Murray Street The exceptional proportions and captivating elegance displayed by this charming c1900 solid brick Edwardian residence provide immediate lifestyle appeal in a sought after tree-lined street near Victoria Gardens, Hawksburn Village and Chapel St. Soaring ceilings and gracious proportions are highlighted through three beautiful bedrooms with OFPs accompanied by a bright bathroom. The light-filled living room (OFP) is adjacent to a spacious well equipped kitchen with dining area opening to a west oriented courtyard with ROW offering potential OSP (STCA).


Saturday 15th February at 11.30am


Thursday 1-1.30pm & Saturday from 11am




David Volpato 0414 701 983 James Redfern 0412 360 667



1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999



200 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

BALWYN 72a Yerrin Street The clean lines, striking half brick faรงade and quality finishes defines this attractive 2-storey town residence in the Balwyn High zone featuring a spacious, flowing & light-filled interior, parquetry floors, formal living & dining room, superb family domain incorporating a laundry, stylish granite & S/S kitchen opening to a leafy northern courtyard with water feature. Whilst upstairs has a balcony, 3 double bedrooms with R/C air-conditioners, main/WIR & ensuite plus a family bathroom. Incls alarm, d/heating & evap cooling, rem/dble garage (I/A).


Saturday 15th February at 11.30am


Thursday 11.45-12.15pm & Saturday from 11am




Hamish Tostevin 0408 004 766 Andrew Gibbons 0407 577 007



266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999



CAMBERWELL 6 Morey Street This attractive brick family home enjoys a wide frontage and private position in the Wattle Park precinct. The renovated interior features polished timber hallway, 3 bedrooms (BIRs), stylish fully-tiled bathroom, laundry+WC, sitting room (OFP) plus a sleek CaesarStone kitchen with Smeg S/S stove & generous informal family living/dining opening through double doors to a north facing deck and gardens with ample room to further extend in the future if desired (STCA). Incls plantation shutters, d/heating, R/C air-conditioner, garage/ storage+tandemOSP. Land: 646sqm approx


Saturday 15th February at 10.30am


Thursday 11.45-12.15pm & Saturday 10-10.30am




Michael Wood 0425 280 191 James Tostevin 0417 003 333



266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999



FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 201

EAST MELBOURNE 36/211 Wellington Parade South Nestled within an English mews style development designed around glorious leafy common gardens, the classic styling and generous proportions that define this 2-storey apartment deliver an idyllic lifestyle near the CBD, Fitzroy Gardens and the MCG. Overlooking beautiful gardens, the spacious north-facing living/dining room featuring timber floors and a Juliet balcony is served by a pristine modern kitchen. The main bedroom with smart en-suite is accompanied by a second large bedroom, stylish bathroom and huge mezzanine living room/3rd bedroom. 2xOSP.


Saturday 1st March at 10am


Thursday 5-5.30pm & Saturday 2.15-2.45pm




James Redfern 0412 360 667 David Volpato 0414 701 983



1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999



HAWTHORN 154 Power Street This attractive Edwardian brick home showcases classic period features enhanced by contemporary renovations comprising sitting room, 4 bedrooms, main with ensuite or 3+study, euro laundry & sleek bathroom with claw-foot bath. Complemented by a stylish open-plan kitchen with Ilve S/S stove plus dining and informal living area flowing to a rear timber deck & leafy courtyard size garden - ideal for entertaining or relaxed indoor/outdoor living. Includes intercom, alarm, double glazing, OFPs, R/C airconditioner, d/ heating, roof storage, remoteOSP.


Saturday 22nd February at 11.30am


Thursday 1.15-1.45pm & Saturday 10-10.30am




Hamish Tostevin 0408 004 766 Davide Lettieri 0414 018 707



266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999



202 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

HAWTHORN EAST 28 Rosslyn Street This 1920s brick home presents an exceptional opportunity for imaginative renovators to renovate/extend the home or a luxurious new home site (STCA). Currently in comfortable order it comprises entrance hall, air-conditioned living room/ third bedroom, two bedrooms, main with WIR & ensuite access to the bathroom plus a laundry. A central modern kitchen overlooks a generous dining/living room with cathedral ceilings & floor-to-ceiling glass plus warm exposed brick & timber surfaces opening to a deck and leafy rear garden. Includes ducted heating & double carport.


Saturday 22nd February at 2.30pm


Thursday 11.45-12.15pm & Saturday 2-2.30pm




Davide Lettieri 0414 018 707 Hamish Tostevin 0408 004 766



266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999



KEW 3/11-13 Weir Street At the end of a leafy cul de sac near Victoria Park, leading schools, trams and Kew Junction, this superbly presented 2storey residence delivers contemporary luxury in an inviting low maintenance context. Generous proportions and classic elegance define gracious sitting and formal dining rooms, downstairs main bedroom with en-suite, three further bedrooms and bright bathroom. Light-filled living and dining room with a gourmet European kitchen featuring stone benches opens to landscaped northfacing garden courtyard.


Saturday 1st March at 1.30pm


Thursday 12-12.30pm & Saturday 11-11.30am




Nicholas Franzmann 0412 247 175 Wayne Tyson 0409 864 814



266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999



FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 203

MALVERN 30 Shaftesbury Avenue Desirably situated in a sought after precinct near Malvern Village, Gardens and Central School, this enchanting c1920´s solid brick Edwardian residence´s immaculately presented spaces are perfect for now while offering scope to update or extend into the deep private leafy northeast garden (STCA). Kauri pine floors and high ceilings are highlighted through arched hallway, 2 spacious bedrooms, sitting room/3rd bedroom (OFP) and bright bathroom. The well-equipped kitchen and light-filled living/dining room open to the glorious garden with heated spa.


Saturday 1st March at 1.30pm


Thursday 10.45-11.15am & Saturday 2-2.30pm




John Manton 0411 444 930 Justin Krongold 0403 163 355



1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999



MONT ALBERT 38 Victoria Crescent This beautifully renovated & presented Californian has an instantly appealing interior & ambience comprising wide polished timber hallway opening to a sitting room (GLF), 3 bedrooms, main with sparkling ensuite, family bathroom & laundry. An expansive family living room includes a work station and smart kitchen with stone bench-tops, Euro stainless steel appliances, full height windows and sliding doors opening to a sunny deck and private rear garden. Other features include R/C airconditioner (living area), ducted heating/cooling, remote gate+OSP.


Saturday 22nd February at 11.30am


Thursday 11.45-12.15pm & Saturday 1.30-2pm




Stuart Evans 0402 067 710 Duane Wolowiec 0418 567 581



266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999



204 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

MONT ALBERT NORTH 6 Melrose Street Directly opposite Mont Albert Reserve and close to transport, schools and shops, this delightful solid brick 1920´s residence offers immediate family appeal with enormous potential to further update, extend or rebuild on an exceptionally deep 960sqm (approx) garden and pool allotment (STCA). A parquetry hallway introduces sitting room, 4 spacious bedroom and bathroom. Soaring vaulted ceilings preside over the superb Ilve kitchen and bright living/dining room opening out to the deep garden with BBQ terrace and large pool. Ample off street parking.


Saturday 1st March at 12.30pm


Thursday 1.15-1.45pm & Saturday 1-1.30pm




Shamit Verma 0401 137 597 Michael Ryan 0400 676 403



266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999



MIDDLE PARK 201 Ashworth Street In a premier position approx 150 metres from the beach, this ultra stylish residence offers the best in sophisticated Bayside living with interiors by The Carr Design Group & just a short stroll to Armstrong Street Village. High ceilings & wide Royal Oak timber flooring creates instant appeal through the open plan ground floor with a Smeg kitchen & generous living & dining spaces opening to a private courtyard. 3 bedrooms, central bathroom, ducted heating, RC/air-conditioning, alarm & security intercom. NOTE: Enter via Langridge Street.


Saturday 22nd February at 2.30pm


Saturday 11.30-12pm & Tuesday 6-6.30pm




Justin Holod 0411 669 161 Damian O'Sullivan 0418 566 916



101 Dundas Place Albert Park 9822 9999



FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 205

MALVERN EAST 7/70-74 Finch Street Enjoying one of the best addresses in the Gascoigne Estate near Central Park and Village, trams and schools, this pristine sun-drenched single level residence quietly set at the rear of the development offers immediate lifestyle and investment appeal with scope to easily update if and so when. Natural light streams through the immaculately presented living and dining rooms served by a well-equipped kitchen with meals area. Three spacious bedrooms share a bright bathroom and laundry opening to a desired private west-facing garden. Single garage.


Saturday 1st March at 3.30pm


Thursday 1.15-1.45pm & Saturday 3-3.30pm




Daniel Wheeler 0411 676 058 Stuart Evans 0402 067 710



1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999



BALWYN NORTH 9 Jocelyn Avenue Offered for the first time since it was built, this charming and interesting architect designed split level home provides and excellent base for a contemporary makeover. Enjoying sweeping district views from its lofty position, it includes two large living rooms with room for dining, kitchen with garden views, three good sized bedrooms and a study, modernised bathroom and double garage. Quietly located near the Koonung Creek parklands and bike trail to the City, with easy access to Doncaster Shoppingtown, the Eastern freeway and a range of primary and secondary schools


Saturday 15th February at 11.30am


Thursday 12-12.30pm & Saturday 11-11.30am




Stephen Gough 0439 844 855 Tori McGregor 0400 633 992



266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999



206 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

GLEN IRIS 30 Vears Road Enjoying a corner position near Ashburton Village, station, schools and parks, this classic solid brick residence combines delightful period charm with stylish modern comfort in an inviting low maintenance context. Superbly refurbished, polished timber floors add a contemporary flavour to the wide entrance hall, charming living room (OFP), separate dining room and well equipped modern kitchen opening to surrounding courtyard garden. Two generous bedrooms are accompanied by a smart bathroom with separate toilet. Includes ducted htg, air-con, laundry & 2nd toilet.


Saturday 1st March at 12.30pm


Thursday 11-11.30am & Saturday 10-10.30am




Robert Ding 0418 858 393 Andrew Gibbons 0407 577 007



266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999



PORT MELBOURNE 31 Stokes Street Only 20 metres from Port Melbourne beach within the historic Swallow & Ariell biscuit factory, this striking 3-level warehouse conversion delivers sensational Bayside lifestyle appeal located near Bay Street, the light rail and CBD. Character rich charm & industrial chic define a wellproportioned living room, light-filled dining & commercial style kitchen opening to north-facing terrace, common garden, gym & pool. Also featuring vaulted timber ceilings, 2 spacious bedrooms, 2nd living area, 3 secure car parks & storage room.


Saturday 1st March at 12.30pm


Thursday 1-1.30pm & Saturday 12.15-12.45pm




Justin Holod 0411 669 161 Oliver Bruce 0409 856 599



101 Dundas Place Albert Park 9822 9999



FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 207

SOUTH YARRA 78 Cromwell Road Behind a classically inspired façade, this 2.y.o. residence´s exceptionally spacious dimensions exude refined European designer style to create a sophisticated sanctuary near Toorak Rd, Chapel St, Prahran Market and parks. Limestone floors flow inside and out adding a luxurious ambience to substantial living/dining areas and impressive European kitchen opening to a landscaped northeast courtyard. Generous main bedroom with designer en-suite and balcony is complemented by two double bedrooms, lavish bathroom and spacious living room/study. Secure OSP.


Saturday 1st March at 10am


Thursday 1-1.30pm & Saturday 10-10.30am




James McCormack 0410 503 389 Peter Bennison 0418 332 864



1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999



TOORAK 4/35 Ross Street A hidden gem tranquilly situated at the rear of a boutique 1970´s development by Gabor Hubay, this stylishly refurbished 2-storey residence´s light-filled dimensions are brilliantly enhanced by an absolutely stunning landscaped northwest garden and a coveted location near Toorak and Hawksburn Villages. Filled with natural light, the inviting living and dining rooms with a stylish European kitchen open to the spectacular private northwest garden. The main bedroom with stylish en-suite is accompanied by a 2nd bedroom (BIR), 2nd bathroom and study or 3rd bedroom.


Saturday 1st March at 1pm


Thursday 11-11.30am & Saturday 12-12.30pm




Mark Harris 0414 799 343 Joanna Nairn 0419 994 664



1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999



208 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

Specialising in property up to $1million

ASHBURTON 358 Warrigal Road

Meticulously maintained both inside and out, this classically appealing c1950´s brick veneer residence set within a deep north-facing garden offers immediate family comfort with potential to update. Large corner windows contribute a light-filled ambience through the formal living and dining rooms, immaculate kitchen and spacious family room opening to the private garden. Three bright bedrooms share a large bathroom. Near Ashwood Village, schools and transport, it also features ducted heating and double garage.

INSPECT Thu 2-2.30pm & Sat 11-11.30am AUCTION Saturday 15th February at 11.30am

Luke Saville 0437 720 806 Joe Falzon 0406 114 811

3 1 2

MONT ALBERT 3/24 St Johns Avenue

Displaying irresistible contemporary style and elegance inside and out, this stunning single level residence, at the rear of only four, is superbly situated near Hamilton St Village, Mont Albert station and parks. Stylishly refurbished throughout, timber floors flow through generous living room with fireplace. The gourmet kitchen boasting stone benches, premium appliances and meals area opens to a large landscaped wrap around courtyard. Two bright double bedrooms (BIRs) share a sleek modern bathroom. Includes a garage.

INSPECT Thu 12-12.30pm & Sat 2-2.30pm AUCTION Saturday 1st March at 10am

Ben Kenyon 0413 697 203 Joe Falzon 0406 114 811

2 1 1 FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 209

Specialising in property up to $1million

PRAHRAN 84 Commercial Road

Perfectly situated to enjoy all of Prahran´s many attractions, this charming solid brick period residence´s generous dimensions offer enormous appeal for first home buyers and investors alike. Behind an evocative brick façade, ornate high ceilings add charm to the living and dining room with original brick fireplace, a spacious main bedroom also with brick fireplace, two further bedrooms and a bathroom. The stylish kitchen with meals area opens to a private garden with paved terrace. Ideal for now but offering scope to further update, its also features gas heater, laundry and garage. INSPECT Thu 1.30-2pm & Sat 2.15-2.45pm AUCTION Saturday 22nd February at 3.30pm

Michael Derham 0425 790 233 Kate Muller 0438 744 257

3 1 1

TOORAK 7/413 Toorak Road

Within walking distance to Toorak Village, Como Park and Chapel Street, this premier boutique apartment showcases generous proportions and classic elegance through every light-filled dimension. Oriented to the northwest, the exceptionally spacious living/dining room with balcony is served by a well equipped kitchen with meals area. The beautiful main bedroom with en-suite and WIR is accompanied by a second bedroom and large central bathroom. One of only ten, features include ducted heating/cooling, security intercom, laundry and two garage car spaces. INSPECT Thu 1.45-2.15pm & Sat 12.45-1.15pm AUCTION Saturday 1st March at 11.30am

Kate Muller 0438 744 257 Michael Derham 0425 790 233 210 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

2 2 2

Specialising in property up to $1million

PRAHRAN 19/58 The Avenue

On the ground level of a boutique development, this apartment’s spaces are matched by stunning landscaped gardens. Walking distance to Chapel St, Victoria Gardens and High St. Polished concrete floors add a sleek finish to the open plan living and dining room with stylish kitchen featuring stone benches. The private, north-facing landscaped gardens and deck are the perfect venue for al fresco dining. Also opening to the garden, the spacious and bright bedroom includes a spacious WIR. Separate bathroom with Euro-laundry. Features security entrance, heating and carport. INSPECT Thu 11-11.30am, 5.30-6pm & Sat 11-11.30am AUCTION Saturday 15th February at 11.30am

Todd Braggins 0424 552 238 Daniel Bustin 0410 550 811

MONT ALBERT NORTH 7/42 Zetland Road

2 1 1 The instant appeal of this stylishly presented single level two bedroom residence is further enhanced by its desirable location near Mont Albert station and Box Hill Central. Northern light streams through living/ dining and modern kitchen opening to courtyard.

SOUTH YARRA 8/4 Rockley Road

INSPECT Thu 2.30-3pm & Sat 3-3.30pm

INSPECT Thu 11.30-12pm, 5.30-6pm & Sat 11-11.30am

AUCTION Saturday 22nd February at 9.30am

Todd Braggins 0424 552 238 Ben Kenyon 0413 697 203

1 1 1

2 1 1 Reflecting an exceptional flair for design, the total transformation of this superbly proportioned and stylish two bedroom apartment has created a refined inner urban domain. Stunning living/dining room is accompanied by a balcony and sublime kitchen. Moments from Rockley Rd Reserve, Toorak Rd and Chapel St.

AUCTION Saturday 15th February at 11.30am

Michael Derham 0425 790 233 Kate Muller 0438 744 257 FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 211

Specialising in property up to $1million

HAWTHORN 19/1 Domville Avenue

2 2 2

Impressive first level apartment in prime location. Generously proportioned living and dining room with gourmet kitchen opening out to an exceptionally large private terrace. The main bedroom (BIRs) includes an en-suite, while the equally spacious second bedroom (BIRs) is adjacent to a sleek bathroom. Features 2 basement car-spaces. INSPECT Thu 12.30-1pm & Sat 1-1.30pm AUCTION Saturday 15th February at 1.30pm

Todd Braggins 0424 552 238 Jack Moss 0439 378 954

KEW 308/1 Derby Street This elegant and exceptionally spacious one bedroom apartment in a luxury development close to High Street shops, cafes and transport offers expansive living/dining flowing to wide balcony with north-easterly views, stylish kitchen, large bedroom and bathroom/ laundry, plus garaging, lift entry, premium appointments and ample storage.

278 High Street, Kew


Saturday 1 March at 12:30 pm


Thursday 1-1:30 pm &


Bruce Bonnett 0418 333 042 & John Cokalis 0411 184 124

Saturday 2-2:30 pm

9854 8888

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9831 3000 212 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

KEW EAST 45 Ramsay Avenue Accommodation for All, In One of East Kew’s Favoured Tree-lined Avenues


Saturday 22 February at 11 am

This 9 room home combines original 1920’s character with more recent extensions & comforts. A flexible layout allows for multi-zoned extend family living. Comprises: front main bedroom with ensuite & WIR; self-contained area with bedroom, living room, bathroom & study; formal lounge opens to verandah, formal dining, kitchen with granite benchtops & s/s appliances, family room, laundry, semi-covered timber deck / bbq area. Detached self-contained bungalow with living room, bedroom & bathroom. Upstairs: two additional bedrooms, BIRs, bathroom & study area.


Thursday & Saturday 11-11:30 am


17.4 m x 42.7 m (741 sq m approx.)

CONTACT John Cokalis 0411 184 124 &


Bruce Bonnett 0418 333 042

KEW 2/58 Fellows Street Single level villa, one of only four, walking distance to bus & Yarra River parklands. Comprising spacious living area, stunning kitchen, sunny courtyard, two bedrooms & two bathrooms. Also features polished timber floors, heating & cooling, double tandem garage & an extra car space. All the comforts of a home in a light & bright villa.

KEW EAST 8 Kitchener Street AUCTION

This Saturday at 11 am


Thursday 12-12:30 pm & Saturday 10:30-11 am

CONTACT Bruce Bonnett 0418 333 042 &

278 High Street, Kew

John Cokalis 0411 184 124

This appealing home close to Village shops, cafes, schools and parkland offers 4 BRs, charming formal sitting and dining rooms, expansive family room, kitchen, 2 bathrooms and fitted laundry. Including a carport, covered outdoor living, workshop/storage and family-friendly backyard, this fine property features period detail and solar power.

9854 8888


Saturday 1 March at 2 pm


Thursday 5:30-6 pm & Saturday 1-1:30 pm


697 sq m

CONTACT Bruce Bonnett 0418 333 042 &

Nick Whyte 0417 131 153 FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 213

A5 | B4 | C4 | D

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Contact: Rob Vickers-Willis 0412 210 066 Jeff Gole 0419 401 677 Office 9864 5300 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Auction: Saturday 1st March at 11.30am ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------View: Thursday & Saturday 12.00-12.30pm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24/7 View:


| 67 Beaver Street

The Acknowledged Allure Of The Gascoigne


This majestic Federation era residence´s significantly extended spaces are enhanced by an exceptional allotment of 1127sqm (approx.) with northerly rear aspects in one of the Gascoigne Estate´s finest addresses. Superb pressed metal ceilings, lead-light windows and open fire places reflect the romance of the era throughout refined formal sitting and dining rooms and a study/library that lead to light filled modern family living, granite and AGA equipped kitchen and conservatory style meals. Six bedrooms, study and huge upstairs children´s lounge. Landscaped gardens, inviting pool and return drive. 214 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

A3 | B4 | C2 | D

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Contact: Jock Langley 0419 530 008 Tim Derham 0438 332 844 Office 9864 5300 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Auction: Saturday 1st March at 12.30pm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------View: Wednesday 12.00-12.30pm Saturday 2.00-2.30pm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24/7 View:


| 33 Rockley Road

Designer Spaces In A Desirable Address


Nic Bochsler´s dramatic dimensions and deft details define this brilliant three bedroom, three bathroom residence amidst Rockley Road´s leafy streetscape. Beneath soaring 7m ceilings, a central living area is surrounded by a bright separate dining domain, a refined sitting room and a kitchen in which granite surfaces, Gaggenau and Miele appliances match quality to capability. Outdoors, a north facing terrace and swim spa pool enjoy leafy privacy. A double garage ensures convenience and complements sublime comfort. FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 215

A4 | B5 | C4 | D

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Contact: Hugh Hardy 0407 339 807 Jock Langley 0419 530 008 Office 9864 5300 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Auction: Saturday 1st March at 10.30am ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------View: Thursday & Saturday 12.00-12.30pm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24/7 View:


| 218 Kooyong Road

Stunning Toorak Residence


This double storey residence´s refined formal entertaining domains and impressively appointed living and dining areas reflect a commitment to first class quality, complemented by a faultless contemporary kitchen. Upstairs four bedrooms, each with ensuite, convey the comfort levels of a superbly designed home, enhanced further by a brilliantly versatile lounge/cinema overlooking a landscaped backdrop and swim spa pool. Lift access to 3 floors, hydronic heating, air-conditioning, CBUS and four car garage with cellar/storage spaces each enhance elite environs in one of Melbourne´s most prestigious pockets. 216 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

A5 | B3 | C2 | D


| 2a Redcourt Avenue


Tim Derham 0438 332 844 Kate Cusack 0438 334 374 Office 9864 5300


Saturday 22nd February at 11.30am


Thursday & Saturday 11.00-11.30am

24/7 View:


A Distinctive, Distinguished Armadale Address

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This substantial Tudor influenced five bedroom residence´s elegance matches the effectiveness with which it meets family needs in a pivotal position from which High Street, Armadale station, trams and schools are all easily reached. Separate grand formal living and dining rooms and a large study/library lead to light filled family spaces and an open plan kitchen with walk in pantry. Classically comfortable, complemented by double garage.

A3 | B3 | C3 | D


| 65 Heyington Place


Jock Langley 0419 530 008 Hugh Hardy 0407 339 807 Office 9864 5300


Saturday 22nd February at 12.30pm


Thursday & Saturday 11.00-11.30am

24/7 View:


The Art Of Renovation

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Beautifully renovated, close to prestigious schools and Heyington station, this elegant city residence´s impressively appointed spaces surround a central kitchen where marble and stainless steel surfaces, Miele appliances and a butler´s pantry balance form and function. Beyond, paved entertaining areas, wind sensor awning, solar heated pool, bathers´ bathroom and alfresco outdoor style matches indoor sophistication. Home office. Three car garaging. Nothing but the best. FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 217


A5 | B6 | C5 | D

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This landmark residence´s refined living, dining and entertaining spaces and superb open plan kitchen lead to a private garden, seductive swim spa pool and a self contained apartment. Sublime upstairs surroundings include four bedrooms, four bathrooms, versatile lounge and a stunning terrace. Surround sound cinema, wine room, five car garage and lift access to each level lead a long list of additional assets, enhanced by an environmental edge, between Fawkner Park and the Royal Botanic Gardens.


| 62 Park Street

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The attraction of this engaging two bedroom home is immediately evident throughout renovated, extended spaces. To the rear, the depth of the garden distinguishes this delightful freestanding residence even further. The combination works beautifully and the location plays its part too acknowledged as one of Prahran´s premier streets, accompanied by Victoria Gardens and Hawksburn Village. Bright central living room and separate kitchen/dining spaces open to the garden´s memorable dimensions. Designer bathroom. Garage & dual storage sheds. Land size 316 sqm approx.


Hugh Hardy 0407 339 807 Jock Langley 0419 530 008 Office 9864 5300


Closing Tuesday 25th February at 5.00pm


By appointment Thursday & Saturday 1.00-1.30pm


The Askew House

| 62b Murray Street

A2 | B1 | C1


Hugh Hardy 0407 339 807 Sam Goddard 0448 870 454 Office 9864 5300


Saturday 1st March at 2.00pm


Thursday & Saturday 2.00-2.30pm

24/7 View:


One Of Prahran´s Premium Positions 218 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014



MALVERN EAST 37 DARLING ROAD CLASSIC 100 YEAR OLD EDWARDIAN Set on approximately 740 sqm, this home offers the opportunity to renovate, extend or rebuild (STCA). • A traditional porched entry • Formal & informal lounge and dining rooms • Galley style kitchen • Covered rear patio • High ceilings, box bay windows, extensive lead lighting, open fire places and more. Set in sought after Malvern East, with station, tram, shops & supermarkets all within a short stroll.





Saturday 22nd February at 1:00pm Contact Agent Thursday 5.00 - 5.30pm, Saturday & Sunday 1.00 - 1.30pm Graeme Callen 0412 651 528 42 Koornang Road, Carnegie 9563 1666

PARKSIDE DUPLEX APARTMENTS TO BE SOLD AS 1 Classic older style deco duplex with northern orientation, offering a wealth of potential as a blue chip investment, or to renovate, or sub-divide, or a prime location to re-develop (S.T.C.A.). Land size approx. 330 sq.m. Each apartment comprises: • 2 double bedrooms •Light-filled living/dining • Functional well appointed kitchen • Central bathroom •Laundry facilities • North facing rear garden •Possible OSP available • Near shops & cafes, transport & Albert Park Lake


Saturday 22nd February at 1:00pm Thu 2.30-3, Sat 2-2:30, Sun 12.30-1 Philip Moore 0410 493 441 Tom McCarthy 0418 326 897 305 High Street, Prahran 9520 9020


PRAHRAN/WINDSOR 32 GLADSTONE STREET ENCHANTING VICTORIAN - COURTYARD APPEAL Contemporary Victorian residence showcasing period details with the ease of modern living. • 2 double bedrooms both with BIRs & ornate OFPs • Well appointed modern kitchen with s/s appliances • Substantial open plan living/dining combined • French doors open to paved courtyard plus shed • Spacious sparkling bathroom - conc. euro laundry • Includes polished jarra floorboards, high ceilings, ducted heating - reverse cycle heating/cooling • Near Chapel St, train, Albert Park Lake, Fitzroy St



ID and contact details are required at all open for inspections


Saturday 22nd February at 11:00am Thu 6-6:30, Sat 1-1:30, Sun 11-11:30 Philip Moore 0410 493 441 Guy St Leger 0411 861 666 305 High Street, Prahran 9520 9020

CHARMING SINGLE FRONTED VICTORIAN Extremely well maintained and picturesque single fronted Victorian home offering surprisingly spacious accommodation. • 3 large beds, 1 with BIR’s, 2 with period fire places • Kitchen opens to generous living/dining space • Large central bathroom & European laundry • Paved courtyard garden with rear car access An exceptional home in a privileged Prahran pocket offering space, comfort & old world charm. Stroll to Lumley Park, Chapel & High St & Hawksburn Village.





Saturday 1st March at 11:00am Thu 12-12:30 Elizabeth Lopez 0423 240 730 305 High Street, Prahran 9520 9000 FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 219

BALWYN 8 Walsh Street Art Deco - Easy Living - Reid Estate

Auction: Saturday 22nd February at 11.00am Open: Thursday & Saturday 1.00-1.30pm Contact: Andrew Maung 0410 233 787 Chris Ewart 0419 897 979

Accommodating 4 bedroom single level 1930’s solid brick family home located in leafy Deepdene. Walk to Whitehorse Road Tram, shops, schools & parks. Excellent floor plan and extension offering entrance hall, formal lounge, separate dining room, fitted study, 2 bathrooms, family room and modern kitchen with S/S appliances, overlooking sunny north orientation and alfresco decking. Features include ducted heating, OFP’s & period stained timber work. Land: 755sqm approx.

Office: 72A Doncaster Road, Balwyn North 9859 9517

BALWYN NORTH 44 Aquila Street Elegant Modern Living in a Privileged Position This spacious, family-oriented abode has undergone extensive renovation, providing an absolutely fabulous transformation. Comprising 4 bedrooms, 2 new bathrooms, 3 living zones, 2 kitchens and heated pool, an exciting lifestyle awaits. Some highlights: ducted heating, evaporative cooling, OFP, video intercom, alarm, auto garage, cool room and cellar, storage, ducted vacuum and a water tank. Land: approx. 806sqm

Office: 72A Doncaster Road, Balwyn North , Balwyn North 9859 9517 220 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

Auction: Price: Open: Contact:

Saturday 22nd February at 12.30pm $1.4 Million plus Thursday & Saturday 12:00- 12:30pm Andrew Maung 0410 233 787 Chris Ewart 0419 897 979

KEW 176-178 Peel Street

Auction: Saturday 1st March at 12.30pm Open: Thursday & Saturday 11.00-11.30am Contact: Andrew Maung 0410 233 787 Ivan Green 0418 326 483

When Only Kew Will Do Offering 3 ’site options’ or to renovate the existing residence. A real opportunity to acquire this rarely offered ’double allotment’ or to further enhance this solid brick renovated family home which offers 6 bedroom, 2 bathrooms & impressive entertaining areas. Open plan kitchen comp: stone bench tops, S/S appliances, extensive use of natural timbers, adjoining large meals area, family room & formal dining. Easy access to the large alfresco outdoor area with its northerly aspect. NB: Elevated Kew location & perfectly situated for all amenities, schools, transport, parks, restaurants & shops.


Office: 72a Doncaster Road, Balwyn North 9859 9517

BALWYN NORTH 1/9 Moody Street

SURREY HILLS 3/6 Park Road

Villa Unit With A Prized Balwyn High Zone Location

Entry Level Designer Living

Sitting proud to the front of the block is this wellbuilt & located unit in the Balwyn High Zone. Comp: Entrance hall, 2 bedrooms with BIR´s, bright lounge/dinning room leading to a kitchen with meals area; bathroom has both shower & bath & is in serviceable order. A single lock-up garage with internal access. Close to shops, schools, tram & buses.

Office: 72A Doncaster Road, Balwyn North 9859 9517

Auction: Open: Contact:

Saturday 1st March at 11.00am Thursday 1:00-1:30pm & Saturday 1:00 - 1:30pm Anthony Panayi 0402 911 117 Russell Turner 0419 955 655

As new townhouse offers light filled living in a green & leafy locale. Comp: spacious living & dining with 2 courtyards, kitchen with SS appliances & granite bench tops. 2 generous bedrooms, (BIR’s) 2 ensuites plus balcony to main. Internal access to secure car space. Feat: timber floors, security entry with intercom plus alarm, reverse cycle A/C, tram & shops at your door.

Office: 72ADoncaster Road, Balwyn North 9859 9517

Auction: Open: Contact:

Sat 15th February at 11.00am Thursday 11:00am - 11:30am & Saturday 10:30am - 11:00am Anthony Panayi 0402 911 117 Chris Ewart 0419 897 979 FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 221 | 159-161 Toorak Road, South Yarra | 9866 4411

222 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014 | 159-161 Toorak Road, South Yarra | 9866 4411

FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 223 | 159-161 Toorak Road, South Yarra | 9866 4411

224 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

348 Orrong Road Caulfield 9526 1999 55 Inkerman Street St Kilda 9066 4688

1-3/2 Stephens Street CAULFIELD

A New Benchmark In Luxury And Design Created with a definitive eye for detail, this choice of three aesthetically exciting homes presents a luxurious single-level experience. Finished to optimum standards, the synergy of quality & space makes them ever so desirable. Soaring voids above the entries create grand introductions to the incredibly proportioned interiors highlighted with epicurean kitchens, studies/sitting rooms or even third bedroom, designer ensuite bathrooms for each of the two bedrooms & streamlined expanses of space for living & dining spilling onto private entertaining terraces. Quiet position close to Caulfield Station, Park & transport.

46a Park Road GLEN IRIS A Secluded Single-Level Sanctuary By The Park With beautiful parkland next door as your playground, this single-level sanctuary is parkside paradise. Featuring formal & casual zones, well-equipped kitchen & courtyard with a gate to the park, once you see it you’ll want to make it yours.

Auction Saturday 22 Feb 1:30pm Inspect Sat 12:00-12:30 & Sun 10:30-11:00 Guide $790,000 - $860,000 03 A Contact Joseph Ben-Danan 0408 135 948 02 B Limor Herskovitz 0411 961 351 02


Private Sale Inspect Wed 4:00-4:30, Sat 12:45-1:15 & Sun 2:45-3:15 Contact Rafi Joffe 0419 387 006 Darren Krongold 0438 515 433 Sally Zelman 0412 294 488

1/29 Tivoli Place SOUTH YARRA Stunningly Luxurious With Urban Attitude (one of four only) Your first reaction will be ‘wow’ as you see the jaw-dropping quality of this stunning apartment. Flawlessly integrating light & urban luxury, the layout dazzles with living/dining, sensational kitchen, two courtyards & full-height windows.

2/30 A A 2.50 B B 02


Auction Saturday 1 Mar 2:30pm Inspect Wed 5:00-5:30, Thurs 6:30-7:00 & Sat 2:30-3:00 Guide $900,000 - $1,000,000 Contact Darren Krongold 0438 515 433 Sally Zelman 0412 294 488

02 A 02 B 02


FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 225


















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armaDaLE 835 high strEEt, armaDaLE t 03 9509 0411 BaLWYn/haWthorn 544 WhitEhorsE roaD (cnr union roaD), surrEY hiLLs t 03 9880 4800 gLEn iris 58 high strEEt, gLEn iris t 03 9885 9811 richmonD 515 BriDgE roaD, richmonD t 03 9421 7100 south Yarra 85 toorak roaD, south Yarra t 03 9868 5444

SURREY HILLS 102 GUILDFORD ROAD Family perfection with poolside allure Fully renovated to enhance its rich period features and extended to perfectly accommodate today’s family needs, this desirable Californian Bungalow is located in a premium tree-lined boulevard. With easy access to a wide choice of the finest private and public schools, walk to Union Road cafes and boutique shops, train, tram, Canterbury Oval, Chatham Primary School and Our Holy Redeemer Primary School. The charm of leadlighting, ornamental fireplaces, high ceilings and polished boards feature through the lounge and dining with under-floor cellar.




View Auction Mel Ref EPR Contact

Thurs 1.00 - 1.30pm & Sat 3.00 - 3.30pm Sat 1 March - 3.00pm 46 / F10 $1,400,000 - $1,500,000 Maurice Di Marzio 0419 182 276 David Oster 0418 800 120 Balwyn/Hawthorn 9830 7000






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PRAHRAN 25A MURRAY STREET From the northern aspect to the light-filled interior & tranquil Japanese courtyard garden, this stunning modern 2-storey 3-bedroom 2.5 bathroom residence with a garage makes serene everyday living a way of life.


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Thurs 12.00 - 12.30pm Sat 22nd February - 1.30pm 58 / F6 Please contact agent Andrew James 0411 420 788 Andrew Summons 0418 321 604 Alexandra Yaramanis 0411 876 156 Armadale 9509 0411


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FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ The weekly review 227

KYNETON \ 1060 KYNETON-METCALFE ROAD 197 Main Street Mornington VIC 3931 T. 03 5975 6888

Main Ridge


OUT OF TOWN McColl Property \ 5422 2617

Price \ $1.3 million

Private sale

Set on six hectares, this classic Victorian farmhouse has ceiling rosettes, a corbelled hallway arch, wide floorboards and four fireplaces. The property’s original shearing shed has been converted into an eco-designed two-bedroom house with spectacular rural vistas. The homestead has four bedrooms, a lounge and family/meals area, modern bathroom and kitchen, and a bluestone cellar. Established gardens with roses, annuals and bulbs, plus mulberry, apple and walnut trees, set the scene outside where there is plenty of room to entertain family and friends. The converted shearing shed has recycled timbers, double-glazed windows, central heating and cooling, wide verandahs and a permit for an extra studio. The grounds also include a historic barn, workshops and sheds, hayshed and chook house with a poultry run, 8000 square metres of viable vineyards, paddocks and a water supply that offers niche-market farming possibilities – all only an hour’s drive to Melbourne’s CBD. \ INFORMATION SUPPLIED BY McCOLL PROPERTY







1308 Mornington Flinders Road, Main Ridge This enchanting weatherboard residence is straight from the pages of a story book. This home evokes the tranquil ambience of the country while only minutes away from Red Hill Primary School. The multiple levels inspires relaxation both inside & out. A sitting room complements a gorgeous playroom & an open plan living & dining room with elevated views & a balcony. The contemporary kitchen combines space with quality appointments. A matching 2-storey studio awaits the final finishing touches. 1 acre approx. Auction 15th February 12.30pm Terms 10% deposit balance due 30-60 days Inspection Saturday, Sunday & Thursday 12.00 - 12.30pm Contact Lisa Fraser-Smith 0400 760 101 Robert Bowman 0417 173 103

A4 B2 C4

1 Kelburn Court

Beautifully designed to take full advantage of breathtaking views to Phillip Island, Seal Rocks, The Nobbies and West Head at Flinders, this commanding modern home is the pinnacle of seaside living just steps from the beach. Built to the highest standards, the stunning four or five bedroom residence combines walls of glass, sleek architectural lines, the latest in home automation and pure form and function to achieve an unparalleled lifestyle. Features four bathrooms, three living areas, entertaining terraces, an executive home office, chef´s kitchen, hydronic heating and airconditioning - all set behind remote entry gates.

228 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

Sunday 2nd March at 11.30am (Unless Sold Prior) Saturday & Sunday 11.00-11.30am Michael Phoenix 0408 675 361 Meg Pell 0403 161 105 43 Cook Street, Flinders 5989 0599

PATON RED HILL “WANNAEUE” 9 ACRES With spectacular views of Port Phillip Bay, the You Yangs and the City, this substantial property is in one of Red Hill’s prime locations. The sprawling four bedroom double brick home with cathedral ceilings, mezzanine levels and a galleried conservatory adds character and interest to its 1970s design. Features include open-plan living plus an enormous games/ rumpus room, spacious bunkroom loft, and mezzanine style master with ensuite and dressing room. Extras include tennis court, machinery room and double garage. EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST CLOSING: 17th FEBRUARY at 1PM 50 Sheehans Road Melway 190 G2 Blane Paton 0409 435 314 Howard Cleine 0419 559 042

Frankston-Flinders Rd, Balnarring BALNARRING BEACH

5931 4333





CALL NOW: 5931 4333

200 metres to sandy beach. 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, timber floors throughout. North facing alfresco deck, bore watered gardens.

Prized position with panoramic sea views. Contemporary 2 level home just metres from beach. Sunny north facing deck and 4 car garage and workshop.

Land: 780m2

Land: 1067m2

Howard Cleine 0419 559 042

Michael Parker 0428 540 500




Expressions of Interest Foreshore Frontage

25 Acres – 13 of vineyard with 5 mega litre irrigation dam The vineyard being Chardonnay and Pinot has consistently produced quality fruit. Vineyard consultants currently maintain the vineyard. Blane Paton 0409 435 314

“The Windmill Paddock” 14 Acres of vacant land with foreshore frontage. Same family ownership since 1845.

Blane Paton 0409 435 314 FEBRUARY 12, 2014 \ THE WEEKLY REVIEW 229

THE HOME DIRECTORY Shutters A/P Shutters & Blinds

Highest quality Timber Plantation Shutters at Melbourne’s best prices guaranteed. Also specialising in all other window furnishings including Awnings and Roller Blinds. For a free, no obligation quote: Contact: 9818 1133

Window Replacements WINDOWS 1

We specialise in the supply and installation of replacement windows and doors - timber, aluminium or PVC. Our staff are fully qualified ensuring quality work. No job too small or too big. Member of MBA and HIA. To replace your old, tired, rotting windows please call us for a free, no obligation measure and quote. Contact: 9794 7913

Painting Matt’s Painting & Decorating

Personalised, highly efficient and motivated team. Free quotes, prompt service and high quality paint finish. Period to contemporary. Experienced porters paint applicator and specialist in wall paper hanging. We don’t just paint, we create. Contact: Matt 0418 384 620 or 9803 5102

Tree Doctor Frank Duke Tree Services

Being a third generation owner, the key to our success is complete customer satisfaction. Every client is important no matter the size of the job. Phone us for an individual assessment. Contact: Paul 9509 4768


AIR CONDITIONING Air Perfect Specialists in service and installation of domestic and commercial heating and cooling equipment. We aim to provide you with the best possible indoor environment. Our team service the greater Melbourne area and beyond. Contact: Stuart 0499 999 872.

BATHROOMS Bathrooms ‘R’ Us

BATHROOM RENOVATIONS Pioneering Bathroom Designs Melbourne Design Awards 2011 Winner and 2012 Melbourne Design Awards Shortlisted. Let us transform your tired/outdated bathroom into a modern and innovative design. With over 20 years experience, we specialise in all aspects of bathroom renovations. HIA 984704. Email: Contact: Sam 0439 115 225.

Smarter Bathrooms

Escape to a beautiful bathroom with a complete design, build and project management from Melbourne’s smartest bathroom renovator. Guaranteed start and finish dates, or we pay you. Call for an award winning interior designer to visit you. 77 Salmon Street, Port Melbourne. Contact: 1300 662 838.

It’s time to get your garden in order. We deliver gardening jobs such as clean ups and mowing lawns to hedging, paving, planting, pruning, weeding, irrigation, laying lawns, waste removal and more. Enjoy a well-presented garden adapted to your style and taste. Contact: Jared 0414 303 557


Total-E-Tailer Sold your home, renovating or wanting to get rid of unwanted goods? Clean up with my help. Let me help you sell your unwanted goods and turn it into $$. We sell used furniture, kitchens, bathrooms and home decor. Contact: 0425 329 247.

Inlet Electrical Solutions

Pack & Send Hawthorn We provide total courier and freight delivery services and complete packaging solutions for customers in and around Hawthorn, Richmond. You can drop off your goods at our Service Centre or we can pick up from your door - it’s your choice. Our freight solutions include domestic, international and domestic deliveries. 469 Riversdale Road, Hawthorn East. Contact: 9813 4522.

BLINDS A/P Shutters & Blinds

Highest quality blinds and Timber Plantation Shutters at Melbourne’s best prices. Specialising in all other window furnishings including Holland Blinds, Sun Screens, Awnings, Venetians, Romans and Curtains. Contact: 9818 1133.

Bracken Blinds & Shutters

Specialises in designing quality window coverings for the home, office or builders/architects on time and within budget. Showroom: 391 Camberwell Road, Camberwell, or let us come to you. Contact: 1300 884 838 or 9882 3332.


We provide a professional cleaning and sealing service for all timber decking, screening, paved areas and hardwood timber infills using high pressure cleaning and minimising chemicals where possible. We will return your tired surface to a natural looking, hard wearing one. Suitable for all domestic areas including pool surrounds. Contact: Simon Watkins 0414 248 346.

Specialising in New Home Building, Extensions, Renovations, Decking and Pergolas. Also offering General Carpentry. We are experts in all aspects of home renovation and can create ‘new’ bathrooms, kitchens and other rooms and facilities for you. DBU-11103. Contact: Brad 0408 446 887

Whether it be a full residential re-design, new build or simply a room that needs to be loved again, Tennille makes each space uniquely you. Tennille specialises in spatial planning, colour consultancy, bespoke curtains, blinds & shutters and furniture packages. Contact: 0407 889 818.

Electrical Services J.L Hutt Electrical

Specialising in all electrical installations: Extensions/Refurbishments, Stove/Oven/Hot Water Repair, Switchboard upgrades, House Rewires, TV/Phone/Data, Safety switches. Free quotes. 24 hour service. Lic 17824. Contact: Jason 0411 300 772.

The Roof Dentist

Pain free roof repairs. Servicing all roof types. Fast leak detection. Free on-site quote. Contact us today. Contact: Andrew 0418 338 996 or Garry 0419 473 156

TO ADVERTISE CONTACT AMANDA ON 9238 7725 230 The weekly review \ FEBRUARY 12, 2014

FLOORING BA Floors Timber floor specialists. Sanding, polishing new/old timber floors, lay timber or floating boards, non toxic coating, re-coating and staining, dust free sanding repairs, master painting and tiling. Contact: Eric on 0402 691 089 or 9848 8712.

Paradise Gardening We offer maintenance programs that are tailored to your garden’s individual requirements. From initial consultation our team is focused on delivering the results that will make your garden stand out. If you want a gardener that arrives on time and cleans up after themselves look no further! Services include: Garden maintenance, full garden clean up, tree lopping and pruning, instant lawn and more. Contact: 0418 566 241. GARDEN CONSULTATIONS

Design & Renovations

Roofing BRAD

We do it all Local specialists for your lighting, LED, power, data, phone, TV, AV, switchboards, air-conditioning, supply and installation of solar systems and more. Free quotes. Guaranteed high quality service. No job too big or small. REC 23294. Contact: Patrick 0412 399 203.


Tennille Joy Interiors

RENOVATIONS Spruce Landscaping



We do it all, from renovations and remodelling to plumbing and electrical, plastering, waterproofing and tiling. Contact us 24 hours, 7 days a week and we will happily assist. Call us now for a quote. Contact: 0423 676 555 or 9530 0422.

Summer 2014

Gardens By Glen 30+ years experience in all aspects of Horticulture and Plants. All areas of gardens covered; New Gardens, Maintenance, Renovation and Design. I can supply you with a tailored Garden Calendar for the up coming season. Pinpointing the “Must Do” jobs to keep your Garden at its best. Contact: 0408 456 988. Town and Country Gardens

Personalised service including solving existing garden problems, plant health checks and revamping or establishing a new garden. Practical, professional advice and garden designs ensuring individual gardening needs are fulfilled. Call us, we come to you. Contact: 9822 9704.

Bathroom Renovations Pioneering Bathroom Designs

Melbourne Design Awards 2011 Winner and 2012 Melbourne Design Awards Shortlisted. Let us transform your tired/outdated bathroom into a modern and innovative design. With over 20 years experience, we specialise in all aspects of bathroom renovations. HIA 984704. Contact: Sam 0439 115 225

THE HOME DIRECTORY Glass Insulation Solartech Glass Tinting

A new cost effective solution to reduce energy consumption in your home and office. In Winter, it reduces heat loss up to 25 percent through your windows and in Summer it rejects up to 57 percent of sun’s heat. Frosted and etched films will give you day and night privacy. Call for a free onsite consultation. Contact: Kim 9521 1339.

KITCHEN RENOVATIONS Smarter Kitchens Live in the kitchen you love with a complete design, build and project management from Melbourne’s smartest kitchen renovator. Guaranteed start and finish dates, or we pay you. Call now for an award winning interior designer to visit you. Showroom: 77 Salmon Street, Port Melbourne. Contact: 1300 662 838.

KITCHEN SPECIALISTS Zesta Kitchens Your perfect kitchen can be easy and affordable. Professional In-home design with quick delivery. Made in Melbourne with a 10 year guarantee. See our style online. Contact Nunawading: 8878 9555 Mt Waverley: 9543 5755 Richmond: 9429 7616 Cheltenham: 9584 4491

LANDSCAPING Northcote Landscaping

Our services include complete landscape design and construction, renovate existing paving, decking, retaining walls, irrigation and planting. Call our qualified professionals, to receive personalised service and quality workmanship. For your free consultation and quotation Contact : Michael 0412 300 712.

Spruce Landscaping With the arrival of Spring it’s time to get your garden in order. We deliver gardening jobs such as clean ups and mowing lawns to hedging, paving, planting, pruning, weeding, irrigation, laying lawns, waste removal and more. Enjoy a well-presented garden adapted to your style and taste this season. Contact: Jared 0414 303 557.

Decking Deck Tech

We provide a professional cleaning and sealing service for all timber decking, screening, paved areas and hardwood timber infills using high pressure cleaning and minimising chemicals where possible. We’ll return your tired surface to a natural looking, hard wearing one. Suitable for all domestic areas. Contact: Simon Watkins: 0414 248 346

PAINTING Arthur Master Painting Service We specialise in: Interior and exterior, domestic and commercial, roof painting, small plastering, driveways and paving. All work guaranteed. No job too big or small. Free quotes. Contact: Arthur 8707 2376 or 0419 147 020.

Victorian Shutters & Shades Distributors of the Durafit® Shutter System. This premium product exceeds quality standards of most shutters available, providing peace of mind and a guarantee of quality. Also on offer an entire range of window furnishings. Showroom: 405 Canterbury Road, Surrey Hills. Contact: 9849 0355.

Matt’s Painting & Decorating Personalised, highly effcient & motivated team. Free quotes, prompt service & high quality paint finish. Experienced porters paint applicator & specialist in wall paper hanging. We don’t just paint, we create. Contact: Matt 0418 384 620.

RENOVATIONS Building Renovations and Design P/L We specialise in New Home Building, Extensions, Renovations, Decking and Pergolas and offer General Carpentry. Experts in all aspects of home renovation, we can create ‘new’ bathrooms, kitchens and other rooms and facilities for you. DBU-11103 Contact: Brad 0408 446 887.

ROOF REPAIRS The Roof Dentist Our business is about maintaining a durable, dry and safe roof over your head. Tile & metal roof maintenance & replacement, guttering repairs, replacement and cleaning. Call us for a high quality and professional service. Contact: 0418 338 996 or 0419 473 156.

ROOF REPLACEMENTS Camberwell Potteries Roofing Pty Ltd We specialise in roof replacement for residential, body corporate and community projects. Re-roofing provides a cost-effective way to transform any tiled roof with a 50 year guarantee. Call us to arrange a free no obligation quotation. Contact: 0418 321 886 or 9889 4222.

SHUTTERS A/P Shutters & Blind

Highest quality Timber Plantation Shutters at Melbourne’s best prices guaranteed. Also specialising in all other window furnishings including Awnings and Roller Blinds. Free, no obligation quotes: Contact: 9818 1133.

Garden Consultations Town and Country Gardens

Our personalised service includes solving existing garden problems, plant health checks and revamping or establishing a new garden. We offer professional and practical advice and garden designs to ensure your individual gardening needs are fulfilled. Call us, we come to you. Contact: 9822 9704


Total tree care, including reshaping or removals. Third-generation owner, 56 years experience. Complete customer satisfaction with individual assessment. Contact: Paul 9509 4768.

WARDROBES Almara Cabinets Winners of the Australian Achievers’ Award. Customer-designed wardrobes, wall units, bookshelves, guaranteed quality. Renovations, our specialty. Visit our showroom: 145-147 Williams Road, Dandenong. Contact: 9793 8233. WINDOW CLEANING Cam’s Window Cleaning Services Friendly reliable service. Obligation free quotes. Domestic and commercial. Cobwebs, screens and sills included. Over 15 years servicing Melbourne. All work guaranteed. All staff are police checked. Fully insured. Credit cards accepted. Contact: Cameron Freecall 1800 010 250 or 0419 501 025.

WINDOW REPLACEMENTS WINDOWS 1 We specialise in the supply and installation of replacement windows and doors timber, aluminium or PVC. Our staff are fully qualified ensuring you of quality work. No job too small or too big. Member of MBA and HIA. To replace your old, tired, rotting windows please call us for a free, no obligation measure and quote. Contact: 9794 7913. Electrical Services J.L Hutt Electrical

Specialising in all electrical installations: Extensions/ Refurbishments, Stove/ Oven/Hot water repair, Switchboard upgrades, House Rewires, TV/Phone/ Data and Safety switches. Free quotes. 24 hour

service. Lic 17824. Contact: Jason 0411 300 772


Summer 2014 Landscaping Northcote Landscaping

We are qualified professionals who provide quality workmanship, we design and construct new landscapes or renovate existing, we offer a free consultation and quote service, so for any paving, decking, retaining walls, irrigation or planting call us now! Contact: Michael 0412 300 712

Kitchen Renovations Smarter Kitchens

Live in the kitchen you love with a complete design, build and project management from Melbourne’s smartest kitchen renovator. Guaranteed start and finish dates, or we pay you. Call now for an award winning interior designer to visit you. Contact: 1300 662 838 Showroom 77 Salmon Street, Port Melbourne

Blinds Bracken Blinds & Shutters

Bracken Blinds specialises in designing quality window coverings for the home, office or builders/architects on time and within budget. Visit us at our showroom or let us come to you. Contact: 1300 884 838 or (03) 9882 3332 391 Camberwell Road, Camberwell


Sold your home, renovating or wanting to get rid of unwanted goods? Clean up with my help. Let me help you sell your unwanted goods and turn it into $$$$. We sell used furniture, kitchens, bathrooms and home decor. Contact me to give you a free appraisal. Contact: 0425 329 247

Glass Tinting Solartech Glass Tinting

A cost effective solution to insulate the windows in your home and office resulting in reducing solar heat in summer and reducing heat loss in winter. Reduces glare, fading and blocks 99% UV radiation. One-way films give you privacy to enjoy the open view and light. Call for FREE quotes. Contact Kim 9521 1339

The 3 Point Motors Sales Event. This Friday and Saturday.


To celebrate the opening of our new outdoor extended showroom, 3 Point Motors is offering complimentary on roads* and 2 years scheduled servicing^ across the range of new and demonstrator vehicles. Now with an additional 45 vehicles on display, 3 Point Motors provides more choice to help you find your next Mercedes-Benz.

• Stamp Duty, Dealer Delivery, Registration and Transfer Fees* • 2 years scheduled servicing^

Visit us this Friday and Saturday during our Sales Event at any of our three locations in Fairfield and Kew. Welcome to the new 3 Point Motors. /mb3point

3 point


*Complimentary on roads include free Stamp Duty, Dealer Delivery, CTP Insurance, Registration and Transfer Fees available on all new and demonstrator vehicles. Vehicles must be purchased at 3 Point Motors between 14 – 15 February 2014 and delivered by 31 March 2014. ^2 years/40,000km manufactures scheduled servicing. Offer excludes A-Class, CLA-Class and AMG vehicles.

128 Denmark Street, Kew 9853 6669 484 Heidelberg Road, Fairfield 9489 7777 469 Heidelberg Road, Fairfield 9488 7000

LMCT 433

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