Western Courier| October 15th, 2018

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Opinions: Parental Guidance must be strictly enforced.

Sports: MLB Playoffs advance to the

Sports: Football steamrolled by North Dakota State.

Sunday, October 15, 2018 - Vol. 119 Issue 23


Voter Registration open through

ELECTION DAY By Emily Boyer courier staff

Despite what you might have seen online via social media earlier this week, the deadline to register to vote in Illinois has not passed. In fact, you can register all the way through Election Day, which is Tuesday, Nov. 6.   Before casting a ballot in this year’s midterm elections, college students must first decide whether they’re going to vote back home or switch over their voter registration to Macomb.  “For me, it makes sense to have students register here,”

By Chance Darby

Dr. Keith Bockelman, the Chair of Western’s Political Science Department said.  He said students spend the majority of the year away at school and should have a say in what happens in their college’s community.   “Voting is a chance to make a difference in local politics which affects them and how they live their lives in Macomb,” Bockelman said.   Local voters this fall will have the opportunity to choose the makeup of the county board as well as who will represent this area it the statehouse and in Congress. There are also a variety of statewide offices up for grabs including

governor, comptroller, and attorney general.  Additionally, Bockelman said students who are registered to vote in Macomb will have the opportunity next spring to have their voices heard in city elections where turnout is much lower and single votes can make a difference in the mayoral race and city council elections.  McDonough County Clerk Gretchen DeJaynes said ultimately, it’s a personal decision as to whether a student decides to vote in their hometown or in Macomb.  “A lot of times they will have ties to home, or someone they know is run-

Gaven, Levi and Lily here.  “I am seeking re-election for the County Board because I care about the county’s success and the people who live here,” Oster said via email. “I grew up here, met my wife here and am raising my three children here. Simply put, this is a great opportunity to give back to the community for all of the great things it’s done for me.”  Oster brings several unique skills to the table when it comes to running for the position.  “I have several years of administrative experience, including creating budgets, drafting and implementing policy, managing personnel and serving as an advocate for various groups. I am currently the youngest member of the board. This allows me to bring

a completely different perspective and voice to the table.” Oster said.  Being the Director of Insurance, Risk Management, and Compliance while also being an Instructor gives him interactions with a diverse group of individuals, across campus, which provides a foundation for the understanding of individual needs.   The County Board meets the third Wednesday of every month unless announced at the meeting prior that it is changing. Next meeting will be held on Wednesday, at the County Courthouse. The meetings are also open for the general public.

ning for elected office,” DeJaynes said.  Ultimately, if a student decides to vote back home, DeJaynes said they need to be planning a trip back to Macomb to cast their ballot or they can go ahead and request an absentee ballot online, print it off and mail it back in.   If a student decides to vote locally, DeJaynes cautions against waiting until Election Day to register and cast your ballot. She says those who put it off should expect to have to wait in a long line on Nov. 6 at the McDonough County Courthouse.  Students can register to vote online at the Illinois State Board of Election’s website through

Oct. 21. Alternatively, they can register to vote at the McDonough County Courthouse, but be prepared to cast a ballot immediately after registering in person. You’ll need two forms of ID to register. One of them must show a local address that can be a piece of mail, university housing contract, or pay stub.  DeJaynes said her office will also set up a make-shift polling station in the University Union the week of Oct. 29 – Nov. 2. She said the voting machines will be set up in front of the bookstore and student can register to vote and also cast a ballot between 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. each day.

Oster looks for re-election to County Board

courier staff

Western Illinois University Instructor, Alumni, Director of Insurance, Risk Management, and Compliance, Digger Oster is looking for re-election for County Board on Tuesday, Nov. 6.   The McDonough County Board consists of 21 members currently, which are elected from three County Board Districts in McDonough County. Oster currently is a member of the County Board District 1 and would love the chance to continue this amazing opportunity.   Oster was born and raised in McDonough County, Met his wife Sarah here, and is currently raising his three children:

Digger Oster page 2


Digger Oster, Director of Insurance, Risk Management and Compliance looks for re-election to the County Board for District One.


Monday, October 15, 2018


Digger Oster

from front page

The business of the County Board is conducted through the committee system. The Committee systems are smaller subdivisions inside of the County Board, so people can concentrate on specific area and develop specialized knowledge of that area. Oster serves are the Vice-Chairman of HR and Planning and serves as a member of Elms Building and Grounds committee. There are six standing committees for the oversight and budgetary control over their assigned areas, committees report their activities and requests for action to the full

County Board on a monthly basis. The committees are Law and Legal who oversees the use of County resources in the following areas: the Sheriff ’s Department, Supervisor of Assessments and GIS, Veterans Assistance Commission, Landfill/TriCounty Waste Management and other environmental issues. Other legal matters needing a committee hearing are also brought forth to them. The Road and Bridges committee oversees the McDonough County Highway Department’s resources. They can also oversee items referred from other Committees as assigned by County Board Chairman.

HR and Planning is responsible for overseeing the use of County resources in the following areas: Personnel Policy and Personnel Issues, Safety Committee, Animal Shelter and Animal Control Officer. They are the committee that handles new Board Member orientations. This is also where Oster serves as the Vice-Chairman along side the Chairman Dixon. The finance committee oversees the use of County resources in the following areas: County budget and financial resources as well as the use of County resources by the Coroner, YMCA Senior Meals, and McDonough County Public Transportation. They also

WesternCourier.com serve on the Insurance Committee and, if needed, as an Executive Committee of the County Board. SDA and Claims oversees the use of the County resources for Emergency services and disaster assistance. The final committee is Elms/Building and Grounds, which is where Oster serves as a member. This committee oversees the use of County resources in the following areas: the County Maintenance Department; maintenance of the following facilities: County Courthouse, Elms Nursing Home, County Highway Building, County West Building; repairs and changes recommended by the Safety Committee. “Anyone who is interested

5 Day Weather Forecast sourced by MONDAY


Partly Cloudly


49 / 29

WC Located on the third floor of the Heating Plant Annex on the south end of campus across from Sherman Hall. Mail: 1 University Circle, WIU, Macomb, IL 61455 Phone: 309-298-1876 Fax: 309-298-2309 Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays E-mail: micour@wiu.edu Member: Illinois College Press Association, National Association College Press


Mostly Sunny





56 / 37



55 / 30

STAFF MEMBERS editor-in-chief Devon Greene DJ-Greene@wiu.edu news editor Marc Ramirez MA-Ramirez3@wiu.edu assistant news editor Steven Barnum SS-Barnum@wiu.edu opinions editor Allison Young AN-Young@wiu.edu sports editor Haley Richards H-Richards@wiu.edu assistant sports editor Bradley Piros BJ-Piros@wiu.edu edge editor Jonathan Lynch JJ-Lynch@wiu.edu copy editor Brie Coder B-Coder@wiu.edu

proofreader Amanda Wandachowicz a-wandachowicz@wiu.edu proofreader Chance Darby ca-darby@wiu.edu photo editor Becca Langys RE-Langys@wiu.edu assistant photo editor Sara Remar SE-Remar@wiu.edu production manager Jimmy Pierson JM-Pierson@wiu.edu business manager Faith Rucker F-Rucker@wiu.edu advertising manager Jacob Day JD-Day@wiu.edu adviser Will Buss WJ-Buss@wiu.edu



Partly Cloudy


The Western Courier is published Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays during the regular school year, excluding holidays, finals week and semester breaks. The WC updates the website weekly during the summer. All content reflects the editorial discretion of the students operating the newspaper and must be interpreted as unofficial university communication. While every attempt is made to determine the validity of advertising contained herein, the advertising in the WC is not to be construed as endorsements of any specific products or services. The WC assumes no responsibility or liability resulting from the content of paid advertisements. Subscription price is $36 per year mailed third-class bulk rate from Macomb. The WC is printed by The Galesburg Register-Mail in Galesburg, Ill.


No reproduction or reuse of material is permitted without written consent of the WC. All rights reserved. To request permission to reprint any material from this publication, please contact Devon Greene or Willl Buss at 309-298-1876.

in running for public office should visit the Courthouse,” Oster said. “They will fully explain the petition/signature requirements, deadlines and processes. I would also encourage anyone who is interested to simply get involved. Some may be interested in serving as a county board member while others may be interested in serving on a different community board or committee. There are plenty of opportunities to serve. Western students make up a significant portion of the county’s population. This population is also quite diverse which is why it is important for this very significant group to be represented well.”

FRIDAY Chance of shower


Partly Clouly

60 / 38


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CORRECTIONS AND CLARIFICATIONS The WC needs your help to maintain accuracy. If you find a factual error, call the WC office at 309-298-1876 between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. weekdays. Please ask to speak to an editor to ensure the inaccurate information can be corrected as quickly as possible.


Monday, October 15, 2018


Interested in writing

NEWS? contact Marc Ramirez News Editor

jimmy pierson/production manager

By Steven Barnum assistant news editor

The Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) gave students and faculty at Western Illinois University the chance to rappel. The ROTC program was created in 1916 in order to better prepare students to become future members of the United States military. The program is now available to students in more than 1,700 colleges and universities in the country. Hundreds participated in the exercise, which took place on the side of Sallee Hall last week. With the assistance of a sergeant on the roof of the building, participants were strapped to ropes to ensure they were safe and secure. They were then given instructions on how to properly travel down the exterior of the building with the rappelling process. Reaching the ground requires users to bounce their feet off of the wall to create momentum on their way down. According

to MS3 Jason Lunstrum, the ultimate goal is to bounce just once. Lunstrum says that this ROTC campus event serves two purposes. “This is not for us to practice our skills, but to open it up to the public and get a reaction from students and everyone else on campus,” he said. For Paige Rohrback, the exercise could offer a chance to step outside of your comfort zone. “It was a really cool experience, definitely not something I ever saw myself doing, but I’m really glad I did it,” Rohrback said. “Initially, going over the edge was terrifying but once I went over it was totally worth it.” Rappelling is a skill that could be useful in several situations: traveling down paths with loose rocks; as a safer method of climbing for those with less experience; and if there is an injured climber who needs assistance. According to climbing.com, rappelling is often a dangerous practice, but there are simple steps to ensure it is done safe-

ly and correctly. The acronym “BRAKES” is common knowledge in the rappelling community. Each letter stands for a step to make it easier to remember. In order, the steps are buckles, ropes, anchor, knots, ends and safety backup. For Preston Bubb, rappelling was something that was hard to pass up. “It was an experience that I’ve never gotten the chance to have before, let alone for free,” Bubb said. “It’s really nice that Western has opportunities like that for their students to participate in.” Lunstrum estimates that roughly 400 members of the Western community rappelled while the ROTC was on campus. For those who didn’t get a chance to rappel this time around, the ROTC holds this opportunity every semester. Although it’s designed to recruit and train, Lunstrum says everyone is welcome. “This is just something we do to interact with everyone else on campus,” he said. “We can still have a fun time together.”

@ ma-ramirez3@wiu.edu


Monday, October 15, 2018



The next time you go out to eat with your friends, family, or roommates, pay extra attention to the people around you. Most importantly pay attention to the children with their families. One thing I noticed when I am in a family setting and see children of all ages, is that they always have one specific thing in front of them and that is a phone. It’s either a phone or even an iPad. You may be thinking that phones aren’t such a bad thing, so why am I even writing about

this? Phones aren’t necessarily the bad thing, it’s the age of the child holding and playing with the phone that is the bad part. I have gone out to see children who are inaudible holding and controlling a phone before. So, the question is how young is too young to have and be able to use technology? Growing up, my parents wanted me to have the best childhood I could have, and everyday I’m thankful for what I had. I didn’t have a phone or cool videos

games before I could even talk and I am okay with that. Instead, I had an entire block full of kids that I played with every day. At least three parks were walking distance from my house. I would go there with all the kids in my neighborhood with just a ball and a bat. With those two things, we would have the most fun and stay there for hours just playing at the park. These simple memories as a child has helped me build long lasting friendships, helped me stay active, and healthy. From my experiences from babysitting or just trying to play with my younger nieces and nephews, all they really want to do is play video games and stay inside. What I learned was

due to the social isolation and constant need to be using technologies these kids didn’t have much social skills or energy. Things like this can definitely be avoided but you must start at an early age. Parents use their iPhones or iPads as a way to calm down their children starting from an early age. So when a child starts throwing a fit or running around the store, the parents hand over some sort of technology in hopes that that will calm down their child and save them from humiliation. When children do something negative, they are rewarded with a positive thing, and parents should change their expectations. If a child can barely talk but they are

able to navigate a phone, then that is an issue. Obviously not all technology is bad. Using technology to help children learn to read or write is completely acceptable; or even using technology as a form of reward when a child has completed their homework. With all that comes restrictions of how long the child has to use their technology. With that being said, I do not think children under the age of 11 should have their own phone. There is so much to do at that young age that doesn’t involve technology that kids don’t know about. Encouraging them to go outside to play and put down technology will help them create better social skills and a healthy lifestyle.

Finish senior year stronger than ever   Senior year of college is supposed to be exciting, which it is. Yet, the motivation that I’m supposed to have in hopes of graduating soon is slowly fading away. I often find myself just wanting to sleep all day. The energy I once had to complete assignments weeks in advance, and the study habits that used to occupy my time are almost non-existent at this point in my college experience. I keep hearing how close I am to gradu-

ation, but I still find myself not caring. Not because I don’t want to graduate, but because I’m literally just tired. The agendas that I set prior to returning home at the end of the day rarely ever get completed before I go to sleep, or should I say before I fall asleep. There have been numerous times where I wake up with papers scattered everywhere and my laptop slightly open and hanging off my bed. It feels as though I’m sprinting

in a race, and right before I can get to the finish line, I stop. Then, professors are requesting completed assignments that they’re barely teaching us how to do. With the amount of money that I pay each year, I shouldn’t be having to teach myself material that professors get paid to teach. there have been complaints about students not paying attention during their lectures because of technology. However, the real reason is not only being most of my classmates are seniors and lack the needed energy to do anything, we are just simply annoyed with the idea of having to continually teach ourselves. I have gotten all the way to my senior year of col-

lege, only to be taking classes that I have a fear of failing, because my experiences don’t match my teachings. I am being told to do things that I have no knowledge nor experience in, yet my peers wonder how I’m able to sleep with my eyes open. I am physically and mentally drained, and I’m in need of fuel because like a gas tank, I’m empty. I don’t know where I’m going to find the need energy to finish out the year, but I know that I need find it soon. I am going to finish, because at this point I don’t necessarily have much of a choice. I have come this far and worked too hard to get left behind for actions that I have control over. My

motivation should be graduating, however, not knowing my plans after graduation could be hindering my desire to finish strong. I shouldn’t be letting my fear of the unknown limit my ability to complete what I started. So, if you’re like me and are also struggling to find the motivation and having a hard putting down the procrastination, then maybe it’s time to get out of that bed and just do it. Enough is enough, and it’s time that we take back our lives and start utilizing the time that we won’t ever get back. When we put our mind to it, there’s nothing we can’t do, hopefully.

Written by: Evan Williams

Layout by: jimmy Pierson

The Lion King Broadway Show made its way to Peoria, IL for the first time as part of Peoria Civic Centers Ameren Illinois Broadway Series. The Lion King movie was released in 1994 and was very successful (one of the more popular Disney movies). In 1997 a musical based on the film debuted in Minnesota on July 8, 1997. An instant success, the show made its way to Broadway officially opening November 13, 1997 and is now the third longest-running Broadway show. Like the original film, the Broadway show has been very successful winning many awards including six Tony Awards in 1998 (including Best Musical), eight Drama Desk Awards in 1998, Grammy Award for Best Musical Show Album in 1999, and is currently the highest-grossing Broadway show in history.

Cont. Egde 2


Monday, October 15, 2018



Lion King

from E1

Now I will say I am biased in two ways towards this production, I grew up with the Lion King (came out the same year I was born) so when the voices are not what I'm used to it's not as good, however, on the other hand with it being The Lion King and having listened to the Broadway soundtrack for a few years I had other expectations. When the show opened with the start of the Circle of Life I got a little choked up. Not only was it so beautiful, but I've been wanting to see this show for 20 years ever since I saw a preview of it on the Lion King 2: Simba's Pride VHS tape. The choreography is incredible, and the costumes are unlike any other, most

of them including some type of puppetry element. I love different cultures and languages, the costumes, designs and even a lot of the dancing are heavily influenced by African culture. As far as the languages go like the film the Broadway show has a number of African languages in it. According to the Behind the Scenes of The Lion King on Broadway article six indigenous African languages are spoken throughout the musical, these include Swahili, Zulu, Sotho, Tswana, Congolese, and Xhosa, also called the "click language". The music is arranged and performed by the South African composer Lebo M who was involved in the film series. It also features music and lyrics from the film written by Sir. Elton John and Tim Rice, as

well as Score by Hans Zimmer. The show includes all your favorite songs and a few new ones as well including He Lives in You which becomes the Circle of Life type opening for the second film. Two of these new songs have words added to some of the original score “Endless Night” comes from some of the music in Under the Stars (song eight of the original film soundtrack) and my personal favorite “Shadowland” which comes from “Lea Halalela” (Holy Lands) from the1995 Rhythm of the Pride lands soundtrack.   There is a deleted scene in the original film that had been added to the Broadway show where basically Nala tries to reason with Scar because the overhunting is killing the Pride lands, Scar at this point is going mad

as the tile of the scene/song is the Madness of King Scar. Scar tries to make Nala his queen, but she refuses, unable to reason with Scar she runs away to get help. This is where Shadowland comes in and its such a powerful song I get goosebumps just thinking about this song, it is basically a prayer and a promise. The song is a song of lament and hope. Nala is leaving to get help so she is asking for prayer “And where the journey may lead me. Let your prayers be my guide. I cannot stay here my family. But I'll remember my pride.” The lionesses end up returning words to her as a prayer. In the middle of the song, Rafiki prays with Nala before she leaves. as Nala leaves the lionesses continue to pray and Nala makes a promise “I will return... Giza

Buyabo". If this song or at least scene isn't in the 2019 Lion King live-action remake I will be upset. There were a couple things I didn't care about during the show, a few years back they took out the song Morning Report to make the show shorter and flow better. The other thing I didn't like and I'm going to give them the benefit of doubt for this one, some of the songs seemed either just a little shorter or some of the dialogue was cut from what the soundtrack has, but for now I put that blame directly on the Peoria Civic Center who scheduled Keith Urban at the same time resulting in traffic problems and confusion which resulted in the show starting late. But other than that, it was a great show and I will definitely go see it again if given a chance.



Monday, October 15, 2018

music viedo released

Do you ever drive around blasting the High School Musical soundtrack, singing every word? Or watch the old movies only to be just as surprised by every dramatic turn? Don’t worry, you aren’t alone. We all love reliving our childhood every now and again, and we are no different from the stars we admired growing up. As seen in Vanessa Hudgens’ new music video for her song “Lay with Me” – the past Disney star misses it just as much as all of us. Hudgens’ music video for “Lay

with Me” pays tribute to her iconic childhood role as Gabriella in High School Musical. The video opens to Hudgens standing on what appears to be the exact stage from High School Musical, during the performance of “Breaking Free”, though this time there is no Troy to stand beside her. Hudgens is wearing the same white lab coat and iconic red bow in her long dark hair as she did in the movie. The camera pans from right to left to show DJs dressed as Wildcat Basketball players and a man dressed as Kelsi the piano player.

As the song progresses, one of the apparent basketball players dances closer, beginning to interact and dance with Hudgens. Hudgens then takes off her white lab coat, revealing a long fitted gold gown with a lowcut neck line. Hudgens is then joined on stage by two couples of cheerleaders and basketball players. As the two couples dance behind Hudgens, the camera pans back to the basketball players who are DJing and to the piano player, who all appear to be having a great time. The crowd is also shown, everyone is very engaged with the performance as they are all clapping their hands and jumping up and down. The focus then turns back to the basketball players, who have received a warning on their old Apple

laptop reading “Warning! The_ drop.mp3 OFFLINE”. As the song slows down, Hudgens is lifted and spun in the air on her back. The focus of the film then dances between Hudgens and the other dancers and the basketball players trying to fix the .mpg file. When the file has finally been downloaded, the focus is back to Hudgens who is now wearing black lingerie and a choker, and her hair is now short. The video then becomes a full-blown celebration of sorts, with confetti and lots of dancing, while the members of the audience are dancing and making out. The video then takes an odd turn when everyone on stage begins breaking things. The video ends with the iconic red curtain closing as the audi-

Twenty One Pilots Release new album On Oct. 5, Twenty One Pilots released their highly anticipated fifth studio album “Trench,” after the two man group, Tyler Joseph and Josh Dun, stepped away from the limelight once their fourth album “Blurryface” debuted in 2015. Fans along with critics were concerned as to what happened to this highly successful duo. After three long years, the two men broke their silence and gave the world the best surprise they could, a new concept album that would knock fan’s socks off. Like the previous albums released by Joseph and Dun,

“Trench” is a concept album, that takes listeners on a journey into a fictional city named Dema and the surrounding valley known as Trench. In “Blurryface” we were introduced to a character with the same name as the album. Each song on that record discussed Blurryface’s insecurities. The more we learned about Blurryface and its insecurities, the more information we got about the character. In “Trench,” we finally get to know the real identity of Blurryface, his name is Nicolas Bourbaki. Bourbaki and nine others are

bishops who rule over Dema. They control the city through a religion called Vialism. Even though they think everyone is under their religious control, a group called “Banditos” (also a song off the album), have come together to liberate the people of Dema. Joseph and Dun’s idea spawned off the concept of how religion and other ideologies have always put people in fear, especially if they disobeyed these principles. “Trench” focuses on those who decide to break away from those ideas and find their true selves. This album has broken a lot of barriers, especially with the different sounds they’ve created. In the first song “Jumpsuit,” Joseph’s bass playing sounds identical to what you’d hear off a Pink Floyd album, specifically “Another

Brick in the Wall.” The groove is fast paced, and lasts all the way until the 2:30 mark of the song, and then things start to slow down with a lot more keyboard focus in the 2:35-3:30 mark. The lyrics to the song are hypnotizing, “I can't believe how much I hate, pressures of a new place roll my way... I'll be right there, but you'll have to grab my throat and lift me in the air, if you need anyone, I'll stop my plans, but you'll have to tie me down and then break both my hands.” The next song that I really enjoyed off this album was “My Blood.” The music video for the song is very easy to understand at first, but very puzzling at the end. It has a disco-instrumentation background to it. “Neon Gravestones” is a slower song with a haunting piano background



ence waves glow sticks. This video pays tribute to how Hudgens’ career began, which was with High School Musical. It is apparent that she has not forgotten where her career began and that she is still grateful for it. Though, as shown through the gold gown and black lingerie, Hudgens is no longer that same girl she was when she was a Disney actress. She has grown, matured, and broken free from who she once was; and has reclaimed her own identity as the adult artist she now embodies. Next time you listen to that High School Musical soundtrack or re-watch the movies, know that you are not alone. Because although we have all grown and matured from that time, it is still nice to visit every once in a while, even Hudgens does it.


and rap lyrics to accompany it. This song is about how the media glorifies suicide and how it’s sickening. The last one I’ll talk about is “Chlorine.” The drum tracks on this piece outshine the instrumentation on the song and Joseph’s falsetto leaves someone like me with chills up and down my arms. “Chlorine” is about the cleansing power music has on people and how it can get rid of unwanted things in our lives. This album will change the way you listen to music. It takes you on a roller coaster of emotions and really makes you stop and think about life and how your pursuing it. “Trench” is probably the best album that Twenty One Pilots has created, and the three year wait for it was worth it.


Monday, October 15, 2018


Anime Series Captures


In Japan, you have your usual popular anime shows that last a long time like Fairy Tail, Pokémon, One Piece, etc. But there is also no shortage of short-lived anime series released often and one of my favorites is Wanna Be the Strongest in the World. It is based on a short 5 volume Manga series. I normally don't do this in my reviews, but this is such a great story, so this is your spoiler alert warning. The series revolves around Sakura Hagiwara a member of the Japanese Idol Group Sweet Diva. One day the group was offered a little reality TV show spot where they would train as wrestlers for a day. While doing this one of the wrestlers Rio Kazama got upset that Sakura and Elena Miyazawa

(another member of Sweet Diva) were taking what she does for a living lightly, saying pro wrestling isn't as tough after all. This results in a dissection of the sport as Rio showed Elena just how tough wrestling is. Sakura tried to defend Idols by standing up for them, this results in Rio challenging her to a real match Hair vs Hair. Sakura lost the match resulting in her hair being cut (a humiliating thing for an Idol). Sakura challenged Rio again, but she doesn't want to face an amateur. So, she announced that she would go pro. She began training and made her pro debut after facing the "Hellish 100 throws" test which meant she had to take 100 suplexes in a row. After her pro debut, she went

on to lose her first 50 matches by submission to the Boston Crab hold. During a training session veteran, Misaki Toyoda (based on famous Japanese wrestler Manami Toyota) put Sakura in the Boston Crab and would not let up until she learned how to get out of it in my favorite scene of the whole series. She learned how to handle the move and never submitted to it the rest of the series. However, despite the heart and the fight she had gained she lost her next 15 matches. Sakura found out she needed a finishing move to win. She came up with one and ended up winning her rematch against Rio for her first win. She opted to stay a professional wrestler much to Sweet Diva's disappointment. The series continued with the Japan return of pro wrestler Jackal Tojo who was Toyoda's mentor. Circumstances resulted in Toyoda not being able to compete so

Jackal challenges Sakura. Sakura lost this match, but Jackal made her look like a superstar. The next few episodes built to the final. There was a mysterious masked wrestler that keeps interrupting matches, and a newcomer who is basically taken under Sakura's wing. After being teased in the previous episode the masked wrestler revealed her true identity, Elena. Elena was Sakura's friend and member of Sweet Diva. Elena challenged her to a match with the stipulation if Sakura loses she has to retire from pro wrestling and return to Sweet Diva. Sakura won, and a decision has to be made would she return to Sweet Diva or continue to be a pro wrestler. Jackal comes in the ring and said “I think if you take a step back and look at things with a little more confidence you'll see that the answer was obvious from the start. In other words,

just do both of them.” In the end, both Sakura and Elena decide to do both. This is such a good series just story wise and it could be because I understand pro wrestling and I researched Japanese Joshi Puroresu from this series so I have an advantage. Even so, I think this is a very good show even if you don't understand the subject matter you really don't need to. A word of warning this show is for mature audiences there is some language but it is not worse than any of the other shows you’ll find out there. The show features two topless scenes but they aren’t very sexualized. A problem I do have with the show is way too much fan service, so many unnecessary close-ups in wrestling holds that serve no point but to I guess attract guys. If you can get past this though it is worth a look it is both Subbed and Dubbed and I highly recommend it.


Doctor Who fans met the 13th Doctor in the premier episode last week. Jodie Whittaker made her debut in grand fashion as the first woman to play the beloved character. This hour-long premier began with a guy in his 20s who still lives with his mom and stepdad admits he never learned how to ride a bike. His mom and step-dad help him practice on top of a scenic overlook. He falls over a bunch of times,

gets frustrated, and throws his bike off the cliff. His parents tell him to go get his bike, and he wanders through the forest trying to find it. It turns out the bike got stuck in a tree but we soon found out that the bike is the least of his problems. A holographic display of lines appeared in the shape of a diamond in front of him. He touched it, and a giant blue object appeared on the ground. He touched it and it felt like

ice. Later, a bundle of electric wires from outer space attacked a train. The new Doctor fell through a hole in the train’s ceiling that the electric wire alien made and saved the day. They return to where the blue object appeared, and find that it had been taken away. After the mysterious disappearance, they decided to investigate. If that sounds weird, I understand. Doctor Who is full of weird stuff that only makes sense if you watch the show. Writing an article about the first episode of Jodie Whittaker’s debut in the school newspaper won’t do it justice. Go watch the episode yourself, its free for 90 or so

days after writing this on the website for BBC America. If you’ve seen David Tennant’s seasons, when he played the Doctor, this new Doctor is a lot like him. In the sense that she is quirky, upbeat, and goofy makes her a lot like Tennant in my opinion. If you liked Tennant, I recommend watching the Whittaker seasons. They are looking promising and it is nice to see females starring in lead roles. We’re seeing it more and more now, in Mad Max, in Star Wars, and now in Doctor Who. The next episode after “The Woman Who Fell to Earth” is going to be called “The Ghost Monument” and I can’t wait.

At the end of the first episode, the Doctor and the other characters were stranded in deep space without space suits. How will they be able to survive in space? Are they near the TARDIS? That’s the Doctor’s time machine space ship. I also can’t believe that we’re three Doctors since Tennant. After Tennant, we got Matt Smith, and then we got Peter Capaldi. I stopped watching when Capaldi came on, but now that there’s a female doctor I am interested in watching again. They took Doctor Who off Netflix, which made a lot of people frustrated but it is now available to watch on BBC America.

Monday, October 15, 2018



Parental education is a necessity human rights, a time before social welfare programs and before contemporary luxuries like cars, television and the internet. Yet, ever since the industrial revolution and perhaps even farther back, communal parenting has all but disappeared. The decrease in the communal parenting model can be explained by various causes. For example, an increase in the divorce rate that has hovered at around one half of all marriages has not helped bring families together. Also, an unfortunate large portion of households are now single parent, which in turn, leaves less family members to turn to for aid. Another leading cause for the decrease of use of the communal model of parenting is what I believe to be the changing economy. For decades if not centuries, fathers could work and maintain their family without financial support from their wives or family. Yet, in today’s economy that is now not true. In today’s economy, both parents have to work full-time to be able to maintain themselves. This

the war on poverty ushered in a wave of reforms and financed programs that aimed at curtailing the rising poverty rate. Programs like parental education was offered and paid for by the federal government, this aimed to reduce the risk of families separating into single parent households while simultaneously providing much needed informational aid to a new generation. Since the beginning of the 21st century, these programs have all but disappeared. It is true that you can find similar programs, but they are usually expensive and not very well managed and available. So, I recommend federally funded parental educational programs, ones that have a high availability and a high success rate, with the goal of keeping families together while promoting the well-being of the children. These programs should be a decades long system of informational forums. For example, expecting parents and new parents should be grouped together with the educational forum being aimed at assessing the needs and wants of newborn babies, the things that should be covered are how to make the formula for the babies' milk, or how to properly breastfeed or use a breast pump. These first programs should last about three to six

months and should be done during the first 12 months of the child's life or prior to the baby's birth. This should then greatly reduce newborn mortality rates. Next, you would have a second session of programs, aimed at helping parents understand the changing dynamics of parenting that comes with the child learning to walk, talk and change in the child's diet. This program should last about three to six months for children ages of 16-24 months. This stage can be called the “terrible twos”. Followed by another set of programs from the child's age of 3 to 5 aimed at helping parents cope with their child going off to preschool and kindergarten. This stage can cover how to mentally, emotionally and physically prepare children and their parents to the drastic change of attending public education. The programs can continue on and off until the child reaches college, maybe even after that. Overall, I am convinced that the parenting of children is not just a family issue but a communal one. That together, we as a society can create a world that is safer, and easier to maneuver. A world that is brighter, and better.




For the majority of recorded history, prospective and new parents have learned how to be good parents from the elders of their communities. For thousands of years, expecting mothers learned how to raise their daughters by following the example set by their mothers, grandmothers and aunts. While expecting fathers learned how to raise their sons by following the example of their fathers, grandfathers and uncles. While simultaneously, newborn babies and growing children learned that all the adult men and women were their family. Hence, they felt a sense of belonging and as if they were well protected because of the added safety of having more family to fall back on in case tragedies struck them. For example, if a mother died giving birth, then the newborn baby would be raised by their aunts, grandmothers and so on. This system of communal parenting helped protect, develop and maintain a civilized society in an uncivilized time, a time before

then leads to their children being raised by the public education system which is underfunded, overcrowded and inadequate for the task of raising children. Therefore, you have a higher rate of teen pregnancy and with it, children being born out of wedlock which in turn adds fuel to the already blazing fire. Children who are raised without one or both of their parents are much more likely to abuse drugs, alcohol and are more prone to a life of crime and violence. For example, a girl who is raised without her father will not know how it feels to be loved in a respectful manner by her opposite sex. While boy who is raised without a father, does not learn how to be a respectful, responsible man. In conclusion, children raised in a single parent household, or in a household where both parents work and cannot give the attention and resources that a child needs and this then in turn leads to a vicious cycle of broken homes; where children grow up unloved, neglected and overall in a standard of living that is not acceptable. My solution to the issue that plagues contemporary society is that parental education should be brought back and well-funded and enforced. Since the Johnson era,


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2018 Fall Semester Editorial Board

Edge Editor - Jonathan Lynch Editor-in-Chief - Devon Greene Opinions Editor - Allison Young





Monday, October 15, 2018




from back page

Sean McGuire prepares to throw a pass against Youngstown State at a home game.

Football from back page

The touchdown catch, on another jump ball, gave the Leathernecks the lead early in the second quarter 7-3. The Bison answered on the next drive with a score of its own, driving 75 yards, capping the drive with a one-yard touchdown run for running back Lance Dunn. The next score was a result of the first of five turnovers for the Necks. On first and 10 from their own 42 yard line, McGuire was hit from his blind side. The ball popped free and a Bison defender took it the rest of the way and gave them a 17-7 lead with 6:06 remaining in the

first half. North Dakota State opened the second half with their second 75-yard drive of the day, Easton Stick threw his only touchdown pass of the day. A 22-yard fade to the corner of the end zone put the Bison up 24-7 early in the third. The Necks would never respond. Five of their six second half possessions ended with a turnover, including four interceptions and one turnover on downs. The Bison defense smothered the Necks whenever the offense seemed to gain momentum. NDSU scored their last 10 points off Leatherneck turnovers, adding a field goal with 11:47 left to play and then a


touchdown with 7:18 left in the game. Both scores were set up by interceptions on the plus side of the field, the Bison only had to drive 21 yards for the field goal and 15 yards for the touchdown. Turnovers were the story of the game. The Necks defense was solid all day as NDSU only gained 276 total yards compared to the 296 by Western. LeSure set career highs in receptions (12) and yards (170) but his solo efforts weren’t nearly enough. The Leathernecks will play next week at the Missouri State University Bears (4-2, 2-1 MVFC) with hopes of getting a bounce back victory after dropping two in a row.



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For Rent

Submit a classifieds ad to Micour@wiu.edu

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Rounding out men’s competition was a couple of third place finishes from Owens in the 100-breast (1:00.94) and Almhiemid in the 100-free (48.76). The women also had individual success but were unable to find that first place finish. Freshman Laramie Reed was the closest to touching first, missing out by only .16 in the 200-IM. Senior Erica Hagen took charge in her events picking up second and a pair of third place finishes. She kicked things off in the 100-breast with a time of (1:06.29) for second and followed it up with third in the 200-breast (2:33.44) and the 200IM (2:17.73). Things finished with a couple more third place finishes, this time from junior Miranda Mathus and freshman Alexis Dreyer. Mathus took third in

the 100-back (1:01.60) and in her first collegiate swim meet, Dreyer finished third in the 500free (5:22.02). Overall, it was a good individual day, but Western also showed some good relay competition. The men had a pair of relay wins in the already mentioned 200-medley and the 200-free relay while both of the women’s relays finished second. It was a good second meet, improving upon opening weekend for sure, and they’ll all only look to get better. As the season goes on, swimmers will be trying to reach new PR’s and hopefully put a few more in the win column, because they absolutely have the talent to do those things this year. Both the men’s and women’s teams will continue their season this weekend when they take on the Indiana UniversityPurdue University Indianapolis on the road in a dual meet. Twitter: bradjp08

Brennan Bladel swims the freestyle event.

LARGE STUDENT RENTALS 5 and 6 Bedroom Homes are still available!! Ask for our $1000.00 Discount program! Firsrt come first serve for the last large homes that are open for the fall. NICE, CLEAN, WELL MAINTAINED 1 TO 6 BEDROOM HOUSES FOR 2017-2018 Our houses have wood floors, ceramic tile, W/D, central air, and are close to campus with plentry of parking. We offer low rent and a 10 month lease to save you money! Call 309-255-1959 for a showing. Small 1BR apt near campus and downtown. All utilities included. (Electric, Water, DISH, Garbage) $500/month, $300 deposit. Available immediately. Also have 2BR, you pay electric. $600/month, $350 deposit available September 1st. Please contact 309-255-4367 for a showing. CLEAN, REMODELED, AND WELL MAINTAINED HOUSES AND APTS FOR RENT IN GREAT LOCATIONS. UTILITIES PAID FOR APARTMENTS. RENTING NOW FOR FALL 2017. ALSO RENTING TWO APTS FOR SPRING 2016. CALL JASON AT 309-221-3985. Timbercrest Apartments 1587 Riverview Drive Now showing 1 & 2 Bedroom Units. Very clean, close to WIU campus with bus stop in front of building. Washer/dryer available in most units, all other appliances included, FREE INTERNET, ceiling fans in every room, pet friendly. All units have off street parking and private decks overlooking campus. Both 10- and 12-month leases are available. Openings for Summer 2017 and school year 2017/2018. Deposit required. Phone (309)833-3192 and leave message. Westen Investments has just one 3-Bedroom ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED (Water, Sewer, Trash, Gas, Electric, and Internet) Apartment left! That’s right you just pay for rent, and the rest of it is on us! Call our office at 309-833-5995 to check it out. Looking for 2 roommates to share a 3-bedroom furnished house beginning in August for 2018-19. 10- to 12-month contract. New carpet, air, garage w/ storage, laundry. $300 each per month, plus utilities. Call Sharon at 309-338-3888. The nicer apartments are going fast, excellent service- 24 hour emergency maintenance. Reasonable prices. Studio, 1-3 bedrooms, locations on/off campus available ‘18-’19 school year. Check us out at rentcollegepads.com. If interested, please call F & H Rentals 309/837-1705.


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Sports 7

Monday, October 15, 2018


Golf teams to turn season around

By Jacob VanZuiden courier staff

As the latter portion of the season rolls around, the Leathernecks’ golf program looks to set the bar high in hopes of a late-season surge. Both the men’s and women’s golf team are set to compete in their respective contests, opening play on Monday. For the Western Illinois men’s golf team, last time out in the Zach Johnson Invitational surely has them pointed in the right direction as senior Jackson Wetherbee took a score of 219 (+6) in the contest and notched his second top-10 finish of the season individually. Fellow senior golfer John Duggan III placed second on the team with a score of 225 (+12), finishing in 27th place individually. For the men’s team, they know that they need to perform well in the remaining action left in the season as it draws near its conclusion. The team is set to tee off today at the Herb Wimberly Intercollegiate hosted by New Mexico State in Las Cruces, N.M. So far this season, the Purple and Gold have yet to make a trip as far as this, but have no doubt: this team is ready for a change of scenery and looks to string together their best performance of the season. They have had ample time to prepare for the contest, as it’s been nearly two weeks

since their last game action. Leading the charge for the Leathernecks should one again be standout senior Jackson Wetherbee. All year long, Wetherbee has continued to impress in his last season as a collegiate golfer. Dugan III, another player whose time is nearing an end as a senior, will aim at producing for this team at a high level in his remaining varsity action. Talented freshman Cameron Karney, a player who has turned heads in his first collegiate season, looks to keep the momentum rolling at the Invitational. For the women’s team, they look to improve upon their last outing where the team finished dead last in the Creighton Classic hosted at Oak Hills Country Club in Omaha, Nebraska. Freshman Emily Marrs and sophomore Katy Schmitt were the bright spots for this team in the matchup, accruing score of 162 (+16) and 164 (+18). While the team has struggled to an extent, that has not deterred the mindset of these golfers or surrounding members of the program. Head coach Lia Biehl Lukkarinen has remained optimistic and has been quick to point out the positive aspects of their game. “It was great to have everyone playing today,” Lukkarinen said. “It was even better that we were able to improve our

team score.” This was a statement made after a knee injury hampered the availability of junior Cassidy Jurkaites, who was unable to compete in the first round of play but was cleared to return in the following rounds. In the second, Jurkaites hit the ground running and was able to muster a team-low 78. The team’s health will be a key component to their success as they prepare for their last outing of the season. The Purple and Gold will come into action on Monday for one last time in the 2018 season. They head to Kettering, Ohio in hopes of stealing a team victory at the Dayton Invitational. Like the men’s team, they haven’t seen any live action in quite some time (Oct. 2), giving them sufficient time to prepare for their last hoorah. While this season hasn’t gone exactly the way either team had envisioned, there have been plenty of positives to take away. Both teams should be in high spirits while looking to show how they’ve improved their game when they step foot on the course Monday. While it’s been a long, bumpy road for these teams, their resilience remains in peak form and their confidence should not be swayed as they wrap up the 2018 campaign.

Jackson Wetherbe prepares for his chip shot.

took game 6-2 as the series then headed to New York. Yankees fans could not wait for game three of the series to start. The Red Sox have had some bad playoff luck while facing the Yankees at Yankee Stadium in October. Little did Yankees fans know that their cockiness would be their downfall. Game three was one of the most single-sided, offensively dominant playoff games that I have seen in my lifetime. The Red Sox bats came alive against Yankee pitching as the Sox crushed the Bronx Bombers 16-1. By the fourth inning, not only had every Red Sox player had an at bat, but each player had recorded some form of a hit. Highlighting the offensive crusade for the Red Sox was second baseman Brock Holt. In game three Holt made history as he hit the first cycle in playoff history. If that doesn’t show offensive dominance I don’t what does. Game four also saw the Red Sox take an early lead, but the Yankees wouldn’t let up without a fight. The bottom of the ninth inning saw the Yanks

score two runs and almost tie it up. To the dismay of fans, they just couldn’t get it done as the Red Sox took game four and the series heading to their first ALCS since they won the World Series back in 2013. Both series kicked off this past weekend. The Brewers, who ended the regular season with the best record in the National League, played host to the Dodgers in games one and two this past Friday and Saturday respectively. Game one at Miller Park in Milwaukee saw former Cy Young award winner Clayton Kershaw face off on the mound against Brewers 2018 trade acquisition Gio Gonzalez. The Dodgers struck first as shortstop Manny Machado, who the Dodgers picked up midseason in a trade with the Baltimore Orioles, hit a screaming liner to left center field for a solo home run in the bottom of the second. Gonzalez was replaced in the top of the third inning by relief pitcher Brandon Woodruff. Woodruff played in 19 games this season, pitching in a total of 42.1 innings earning him a 3.61 ERA in the process. Little did the Dodgers know, this would only be the begining of the end. In the bottom of the third inning, Woodruff led off for the Brew Crew. Kershaw got the count to 2-2 before he threw

a curveball that Woodruff got a hold of and took over the right center field wall for a solo home run. I was in attendance for this game one and let me tell you something. I have attended many Brewers games and watched just as many on TV throughout my life. Never have I ever heard Miller Park erupt the way it did for this hit. The roof was nearly blown off as that ball traveled over the outfield wall and Woodruff, a relief pitcher mind you, trotted around the bases. That sparked an offensive burst for the Brewers as they held a 6-1 lead over the Dodgers until a four-run surge in the last two innings by LA. This surge wasn’t enough though as the Brewers won 6-5, earning themselves their 12th straight win, and free burgers for the state of Wisconsin. Game two saw dominant starting pitching from both sides, but the Brewers hit first scoring two in the bottom of the fifth. Another in the sixth made it appear the Brewers were about to take a 2-0 lead in the series, but Dodgers hitting stopped that celebration real quick. Back-to-back two-run innings saw the Dodgers take game two 4-3 and tie the series at one apiece. The series resumes on Tuesday in Los Angeles. In the ALCS, the red-hot


MLB Championship series heating up

It has been a very strange October for Major League Baseball this year, and it’s about to get even stranger. The National League Division Series saw the Milwaukee Brewers sweep the Colorado Rockies to earn their 11th straight win and their first trip back to the Championship Series since 2011. The Los Angeles Dodgers looked to sweep the Atlanta Braves, but the Braves gave the Dodgers a scare in game three earning a 6-5 win. The Dodgers didn’t let that loss phase them as they won game four 6-2 sending them to their third straight appearance in the Championship Series. In the American League we saw the reigning World Champion Houston Astros sweep the Cleveland Indians sending the champs to their second straight appearance in the series. The Boston Red Sox, who are the No. 1 overall seed in these MLB playoffs, faced off against their longtime rivals, the New York Yankees. The first two games held in Boston were pretty even. The Sox took game one 6-5 and the Yanks

Astros headed to Boston and showed the Red Sox who the best team in the American League really is. After five innings the score was all tied up at two a piece, but the ninth inning is where the magic started for the Astros. After taking the lead in the sixth, the Astros proceeded to pound the nail into the coffin after they scored four in the top of the ninth to take game one 7-2. The Brewers bullpen, which was the best in the MLB during the regular season, seems to be struggling this postseason. If the Crew wants to make their first World Series berth since 1982, the bullpen needs to get its act together. As we’ve seen in both games, the Dodgers and Astros hitting is a clutch as ever in the postseason. Keep that up and they’ll both see themselves make it to the World Series for the second straight year. The Red Sox pitching and hitting both struggled against the reigning champs. Keeping the Astros bats at bay is the most important thing for the Sox in this ALCS. The World Series is right around the corner and all these teams are playing to make history. Both of these series have the potential to go to Game 7, and I can’t wait to see what dramatic stories we see happen on the path to the October Classic.

Football falls to defending National Champs By Titus Perez courier staff


Isaiah (Zeke) LeSure runs the ball for more yards against North Dakota State University on Saturday.

MACOMB, Ill. — Saturday’s 34-7 defeat marked the first home lost this season for the Western Illinois University Leathernecks (2-4, 1-2 MVFC). Coming to town was their toughest competition they might face all season, the North Dakota State University Bison (6-0, 3-0 MVFC) entered the match-up ranked number one in the FCS. The winners of six of the last seven national titles, NDSU showed exactly why many believe they are on course to win another national title this year. The Leathernecks proved to be a worthy opponent early in the game. They fought tooth and nail with the No. 1 ranked Bison until the turnover bug showed its ugly face. Senior quarterback Sean McGuire had his worst game of the season tossing three interceptions in addition to losing a fumble that was returned for a touchdown. The lack of running game made it hard for the Necks offense to get anything going, which ultimately led to, too

much pressure on the defense. The scoring began with a 47-yard field goal by NDSU, this was set up because the drive started at mid-field. The Bison only had to drive 21 yards to set up the attempt. This would be a reoccurring trend in the first half. Western's offense continued to start drives backed-up inside their 15, which lead to punts and good field position for the defending National Champions. However, the Necks defense continued to stand tall and not allow the Bison to take control of the game early. After both teams traded punts, Western put together the longest drive of the day, driving 87 yards in eight plays for the touchdown. Senior wide receiver Isaiah LeSure dominated the drive with three catches for 50 yards and a touchdown. The most explosive catch came on a 30-yard jump ball. LeSure went over the top of the defender and wrestled the ball away.

Football page 6

Swim and dive sees individual success By Bradley Piros assistant sports editor CEDAR FALLS, Iowa — Both the Western Illinois men and women’s swim teams continued their season over the weekend when they traveled on over to the University of Northern Iowa. When they got there, they were set to face off against the University of Northern Iowa, Valparaiso University and South Dakota State University. While the Leathernecks didn’t exactly dominate, there were some individuals and relays that pleased head coach Greg Naumann. “For our first meet of the season we had a lot of great swims and dives,” Naumann said. “We had a lot of our freshman stepping up during their first meet, and our usual leaders from last year continued where they left off. We had great team energy getting behind our teammates and cheering each other on in their races. We did struggle with staying on top of our races as the meet went on, but that is something that will be fixed with our training.” Kicking things off, four Leathernecks earned individ-

ual first place finishes. That all started with junior Brennan Bladel as he swam his way to first in two events, the 200yard backstroke (1:55.64) and the 200-IM (1:57.87). He later got second place in the 200-free and was the only person to podium five times for Western. Along with him, was one of the team’s leaders, senior Samir Almhiemid. He won the 100-backstroke event with a time of 53.57. He finished first in another event later on, which was the 200-medley relay. He was teamed up with Bladel, junior Connor Owens and freshman Adam Peterson. Peterson won the 50-free with a fast time of 21.66 and rounding out the win column was sophomore Garret Kemp who touched first in the 200-fly with a time of (1:58.86). Along with the wins, Western’s male swimmers also had some close second place finishes. Junior Philip Kudela finished .03 too late in the 100-free while Owens missed first in the 200-breast by only .17 seconds.

Swim page 6

Erica Hagen comes up for a breath during her breast stroke event.


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