Western Courier | September 24th, 2018

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Opinions: Taking a deep dive into religion.

Sports: Potential landing spots for Jimmy Butler.

Sports: Tennis heats up in Bradley invitational

Monday, September 24, 2018 - Vol. 119 Issue 16

Homecoming is officially upon us


By Marc Ramirez news editor




Students at Western Illinois University welcome Homecoming as it started this weekend. The week is comprised of many events students participate in for points, to see who will come out on top and win the title of the 2018 Homecoming champions.  The week started Friday when Western students gathered around University Drive and Western Avenue to Paint the Paws. The paws are symbolic to a Leathernecks path, no matter where students are, when they see those bright gold paws, they’ll know they’re home. Greek life, residence halls and on-campus organizations teamed up and painted over 250 paws lining the streets of Western.  “I love Paint the Paws because it is something unique to Western,” Sara Remar, Delta Zeta member said. “No other college or university does something like this and it’s a great way to get students involved and ready for an exciting week.”   Saturday marked the second

day of what will be a long exciting week for students. Everyone participating in the Homecoming festivities met in the Macomb Square to Paint the Town. Each team was assigned a business and painted the windows of the building to not only showcase Western’s Homecoming, but to show off their Greek team theme as well.   “It is a way for all the different organizations on campus to show off their artistic skills,” Allison Young, Sigma Sigma Sigma member said. “It is also a great bonding experience for everyone involved.”   Sunday participants got up bright and early once again to meet over at Everly Park Lake for the Boat Regatta. Teams are tasked with creating a boat made entirely out of cardboard and must race it across the lake in numerous heats to see who will win. Some boats immediately get immersed with water and others make it across with flying colors.


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Western Illinois University students get excited as they participate in numerous Homecoming festivities such as Paint the Paws, Paint the Town and the Boat Regatta.




Monday, September 24, 2018



from front page

After each heat winners are allowed to fix their boat only using duct tape. “The excitement and the uncertainty if a boat will make it three feet or if it’ll make it four races is amazing,” Brady

Smith, Homecoming Royalty candidate and Pi Kappa Phi member said. “Everyone gets so into it and it’s a great way to kickoff the week.” Even though the week has just begun, people are looking forward to big events that are traditions at Western. The Variety Show, a five minute

routine showing off peoples different skill sets in dancing, singing and anything else they wish to bring to the stage is set to take place at Western Hall Tuesday at 6 p.m. Yell Like Hell, a cheerleading styled routine serves as a pep rally to get everyone excited for the big

WesternCourier.com game Saturday. Participants will show off their tumbling, stunting, jumping and cheering abilities in front of everyone as they take the purple mats in Western Hall at 7 p.m. The Spirit Women’s Soccer game is scheduled for Friday at 3 p.m., it is encouraged that all Leathernecks

going to support wear Western purple at John Mackenzie Alumni Field.  Students then will prepare themselves to participate in the parade and tailgate the game as the Fighting Leathernecks take on the Youngstown State Penguins at Hanson Field at 3 p.m.



Participants team up to take on Homecoming challenges to see who will win at the end of the week.

WC Located on the third floor of the Heating Plant Annex on the south end of campus across from Sherman Hall. Mail: 1 University Circle, WIU, Macomb, IL 61455 Phone: 309-298-1876 Fax: 309-298-2309 Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays E-mail: micour@wiu.edu Member: Illinois College Press Association, National Association College Press

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Monday, September 24, 2018


Student and professors partner for Children’s book jimmy pierson/production manager

By Steven Barnum assistant news editor

A former student at Western Illinois University is on his way to becoming a published author. Jeremy McCool, 2015 Western alumni, has recently announced a partnership to write a children’s book with Dr. Anthony McBride. McBride is an Associate Professor of Law Enforcement and Justice Administration at Western, and saw the opportunity to work with a fellow Western team member as a no-brainer. “Any student that knows me knows I have always been about building on their strengths and this partnership only made sense,” McBride said. McCool didn’t waste any time accomplishing his goals. Looking to conquer the media and business world, the Chicago native took his talent and ambition downstate when he joined Western’s broadcasting program. He was heavily involved in the department, leaving a lasting entertainment impact after his time as the music director for the radio station, 88.3 The Dog. He was even recognized as a winner of the President’s Innovation Award from the National Association of Music Merchants Foundation. After earning a bachelor’s degree, he received a master’s degree in communica-

tion in 2017. When his days in Macomb came to an end, he headed east, making his way to the doctoral program at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. McCool’s area of interest includes all aspects of art. In true wonderkind fashion, he jumpstarted his music career in 2015 when he released a song on iTunes. For McCool, conquering the media and business world could have no better start than by partnering with McBride, given the latter’s experience in both penning and publishing books. McBride has been the mastermind behind books like “The Lost Cat," “The Fish That Was Afraid to Swim” and “Shaheana," which can all be found on paperback on Amazon. McBride will prove to be a valuable business partner because of his track record of delivering books with strong messages. For example, “Shaheana” is designed to provide inspiration, especially to young, African American girls. Additionally, his books commonly introduce characters that are relatable and altruistic. McBride offers in-depth descriptions of his books and intent on his personal website, anthonymcbride.com. For the duo’s upcoming book, “Princess and the Power of Melanin,” McBride and McCool hope to impact and uplift readers in ways they will not forget. “This will be one book

of many delivering educational, social and inspiring messages to promote growth and promising future leaders,” McBride said. The name of the book stems from the authors’ passion for showing that skin color should never play a factor in how others are treated. “Sometimes kids can be mean to each other and we want this book to serve as a tool to give young girls so much confidence that no bully can faze them,” as read in the book’s synopsis. When the book makes its way into the hands of its desired audience, McCool and McBride hope to spread a message that discourages discriminating and bullying tendencies. Their vision doesn’t come to a close after the book completes publication; to further spread their messages, they are striving to turn the book into a series and even a cartoon on television. McCool will always remember his time at Western and how it helped him grow into the person he is today. “Attending WIU helped me step outside of my comfort zone and forced me to figure out who I was, who I wanted to be and what my talents were,” McCool said. Once publication is complete, “Princess and the Power of Melanin” will be released before the year ends. If all goes according to plan, the book will be available for sale on Amazon, among other websites.

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Devon Greene



Monday, September 24, 2018


Is it okay to



Since the dawn of humanity there has always been one question that has haunted our species since we first discovered the wheel, is there a God? Last night professor of philosophy at university of Indiana, Tim O’Conner, attempted to give his own answer and he did not disappoint. According to O’Connor, it is reasonable and morally acceptable to hold onto your own religious beliefs, as long as you respect that others may not share your opinion. Indeed, it is refreshing to see and hear a presentation of why it is okay to reject strict pluralism. Religion and philosophy date back even before the time of Christ. Yet, the theory of strict pluralism is relatively new. Strict pluralism is

the belief that each major religion, from Christianity to Hinduism, is all pieces of a larger puzzle. Each religion is only a small glimpse of the truth, the “Ultimate Truth” or the “Divine Plan.” There has been growing acceptance of this doctrine by the public, since about three to four decades ago. It is easy to see how this idea can be appealing to people who want an unbiased look on religion. It is easy to accept because on the surface it appears to be unique, in that it attempts to bring into a collective or otherwise competitive theologies of the time, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and many more. Strict pluralism is based on two primary principles. First, that if you cannot convince

others who are debating in good will and who are rational and relatively well informed about your own opinions or religious beliefs, then to maintain your beliefs after this is arrogant. Yet, O’Conner explained that this principle must also be applicable to strict pluralism, and if it is then it quickly becomes self-evident that strict pluralism can’t stand against its own founding principle. For example, if pluralists can’t convince traditionalists that pluralism is correct, which they cannot, then by its own parameters based on its founding principle, it would be arrogant for pluralists to exist after failing to convince traditionalists. Second, strict pluralism holds that it is not only arrogant to retain your beliefs after failing to convince others but it is also irrational. Once again, strict pluralism is snagged in its own web. If pluralists cannot convince traditionalist Christians that all religion is interconnected then to continue to be

pluralistic is by default irrational. O’Conner uses a well-known parable about three blind men and an elephant to clearly indicate how pluralistic ideology can falter under proper scrutiny. The idea goes as follows, three blind men are touching different parts of an elephant, one holds the trunk, the other the foot, and the last one holds on to the beast’s stomach. Each blind man swears up and down that they know what they are holding, one says a snake, another says a tree, and the last one says a large painters canvass. As illustrated, it is easy to see how pluralists can feel they are correct, the problem with this is that the pluralists hold themselves to be the only person in the room who can see the elephant, and that is how they know that the Christian, Muslim and Hindus are only holding onto parts of the Ultimate Truth. This belief is contradictory because pluralism in itself admits that no one can know the entire truth, thus in the

parable of the three blind men and the elephant, the pluralist would just be another blind man guessing what they are all touching. Hence, without the overall knowledge of the truth it is by default incorrect. Another reason why O’Conner argues against strict pluralism is its limited view of the world. Traditionalists like Christians and Muslim use their religion to shed light on the universe, they have a very ample understanding why things happen, albeit one based on faith. For example, Christians believe that if you follow Christ you will enter heaven, while other cultures believe in something similar. While pluralists simply admit they do not know what happens, this then creates a theory that doesn’t really help explain anything relative to the questions that religion aims to understand. Finally, the main reason strict pluralism is faulty is because it is logically unsound, contradictory in nature and overall obscure.

Time for off-campus meal plan options Am I the only person that is tired of only having a few select places to eat on campus? Do not get me wrong, there are some days that I really like some of the dining hall food; other days I am really craving food that is off campus. Imagine how nice it would be to use your student account off campus! Several students refer to their ID as swipes because it is a

lifeline on campus. Students use their ID’s for library books, dorm room keys, and most importantly their meal plans. Different dining halls offer several options for lunch and dinner everyday, but what about those days when you are so busy that you do not have the time to stop at the dining hall and it is already closed? This has been the case for me recently and I keep having to spend

the money I earn, on food that is not on campus. It get’s very frustrating but it is the only option I have sometimes. Some issues with this might be that the school loses out on money from people not eating in the dining hall. But I think a good solution to that problem would be to offer a meal plan that cost more money and allows those students who would be interested in this option to purchase it. We all chose what meal plan we want when we sign up anyway, so if there was a set amount of how much off campus money we could spend on our account it would

Contact Allison Young

be beneficial. Now, I am not saying that every restaurant in the town of Macomb needs to have this option because I understand that some of them are small businesses and they would lose out on income. But chain restaurants such as McDonalds, Wendy’s, Taco Bell, Jimmy Johns and Dunkin Donuts are bigger and make thousands of dollars a year. It would be worth the universities time to look into a partnership with some of these bigger restaurant chains for the benefit of their students. I know several bigger universities such as ISU, Mizzou, and University

of Iowa have options like this. Granted, they have a higher enrollment than we do. But I do not think that it should matter. Several students would use their student ID’s off campus if it was an option. Students at Western would be appreciative if their swipes were allowed to be used for off campus dining. I know that there would take some work to get all the kinks of this figured out, but doing it would add several more food options for students who do not prefer to always eat in the dining centers. And who doesn’t like to change it up every once in awhile?


revives Avatar: The LAst Airbender Written by: Evan Williamson

Layout by: jimmy Pierson

It was announced last week that the creators of “Avatar: The Last Airbender” are teaming up with Netflix to remake the “Last Airbender” as a live action series. This has fans both excited and worried and rightfully so. Cont. Egde 2



Monday, September 24, 2018





from E1

“Avatar: The Last Airbender” was released on Nickelodeon in 2005 and is considered by fans to be part of the Nicktoons brand. The entire premise of the show is given in the opening of each show. “Water. Earth. Fire. Air. Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them. But when the world needed him most, he vanished. A hundred years passed and my brother and I discovered the new Avatar, an airbender named Aang, and although his airbending skills are great, he still has a lot to learn before he's ready to save anyone. But I believe Aang can save the world.” The show was made up of three seasons “Book One: Water,” where Aang learned how to waterbend, “Book Two: Earth,” where he learns earthbending

and “Book Three: Fire,” you get the idea. The show was so popular that a live-action motion picture was made based on the first season which is main source of apprehension from the fan base when it comes to remaking the beloved series. The general opinion is that “The Last Airbender” was a terrible movie, I appreciated it because they took season one's 23 episodes and put them in a less than two-hour movie. I loved the ending because it ended just like season one. Of course, there were a few things that I didn't like but still, I hoped that they would make the other two. Now it looks like they will never be released due to this, probably for the best. This series is one of those things that will either do very well or go very poorly. Either way, I have my doubts that the new series will be as good as the original, but low expectations have made for more enjoyable movies. The creators said that they are going to use a more diverse

cast (the movie was accused of being whitewashed). There are definitely a lot of things that fans will be looking for. I do have one request, and this is what I wanted for the second movie, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson has to play the character that he was based on in the second season. Johnson is a bonafide star and would dramatically benefit the show in the long run. It should automatically have three seasons and an exciting prospect is what happens if it succeeds. They could continue the story by adapting the sequel graphic novels and create new content. They could even continue with the “Legend of Korra” the sequel series to the “Last Airbender.” There is still very little information about it so we are going to have to wait. It is scheduled to begin production in 2019, but shows like this who knows, I'm still waiting for the “Legend of Zelda” Netflix series that was announced a while ago.


COFAC Theatre Schedule sept. 28 & 29 - Showcase: new friends v - hellcab 7:30 P.m. - simpkins theatre

Oct. 3 thru 6 & 7 - one man, two guvnors 7:30 p.m. from Oct. 3 thru 6 and 2 p.m. on oct. 7 - harline theatre JIMMY PIERSON/PRODUCTION MANAGER

Fans eagerly await IT sequel  Mind tricks and a horrifying clown targeting children, what could be worse? The sequel, of course. In 2017 the remake of the iconic “IT” by Stephen King was released in theaters. “IT,” originally filmed in 1990, became reconstructed in this 2017 adaptation. The adaptation caught a lot of criticism, which is expected when a beloved movie undergoes a reboot. Though, there was also a great deal of praise surrounding this film, receiving a rating of 85 percent from the wellknown movie critic site, Rotten Tomatoes. Rotten Tomatoes gave the original version a whopping 57 percent rating. So many could say the remake was quite the

improvement for viewers and critics alike. A large portion of the original 1990 film neglected to exist in its remake. This being the entire section where the “Loser Squad” comes back 27 years later. It was revealed that “IT: Chapter 2” would be released in September of 2019. This film is anticipated to focus on the section of the original “IT” that was left out in the remake. “IT” fans from across the globe have continued to wait for “IT: Chapter 2,” and have been playing close attention to find hints as to what may be set to happen in this sequel. “IT: Chapter 2” has been on site in Canada, and fans have had their eyes

out on the lookout. A photo has been released of Pennywise talking to adult Richie, before Richie runs away in terror. Pennywise has always enjoyed these kinds of interactions with Richie, as seen in the previous “IT,” where Richie is lured into a room full of clown dolls and then harassed by Pennywise himself. This being noted, it is of no surprise to fans that Pennywise would continue this relationship with Richie. Additionally, recently released photos of Pennywise with Bill have also been leaked to the public. Obviously, this isn’t much of a surprise as Bill and Pennywise are meant to interact at some point, since Pennywise did kill Bill’s younger brother some 27 years ago. It is needless to say that all horror fans, Stephen King fans, and Clown-Lovers alike are both anticipating and dreading the release of “IT: Chapter 2.”


Kick-off spooky movie season right


From snap-chat filters, to pumpkin spice everything, fall is finally upon us! Tis’ the season to carve pumpkins, play in giant leave piles and watch movies. Speaking of movies, here are three Halloween-favorites that you need to watch this spooky season. To start us off is a family-favorite from 1966, “It’s the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown!” This movie, while not scary by any means, is a classic movie to watch this time of year. Many remember watching it in school or with their families in the days leading up to Halloween. This movie focuses on Charlie Brown and the other Peanuts, who plan to go Trick or Treating and then to Violet’s Halloween party. Though, one Peanut is missing, Linus, who is awaiting the Great Pumpkin, which is a grand

pumpkin believed to fly around on Halloween and brings gifts to children around the world. What will occur on this magical night? Will the Great Pumpkin return? “Hocus Pocus,” is high on the priority list because of its popularity, though if you want something that will rattle you to the core this probably isn’t it. Another family favorite, by Walt Disney Pictures, “Hocus Pocus” came out in 1993 but still captures the hearts (and TV screens) of many. “Hocus Pocus” tells the story of Max & Dani Dennison, who have recently moved to Salem, Mass. There are many superstitious stories surrounding the Sanderson House. The legends surrounding the house are about three sisters, who were believed by the town to be witches while they were

alive and continue to live on in the stories told about them. After trick-or-treating and a turn of events, Max, Dani and Max’s new friend Allison, arrive at the Old Sanderson House. From there, the adventure unfolds. The final movie on the list is “Halloween,” an all-time favorite from 1978. A classic in the hearts of horror fans everywhere. This movie is about the notorious Michael Myers, who seems to be indestructible. Fifteen years after being institutionalized for murdering his sister, Myers escapes two days before Halloween. From there, Myers heads to his hometown of Haddonfield, Ill. When Halloween night falls, Myers’ murderous rampage begins. After the first Halloween, there are currently eight films following; and a new one to be released on Oct. 19, 2018. From rated G family-favorites to rated R horror films, these Halloween films will keep you entertained and on-edge all season long!

Horror Movie Trivia 1. Who attacked people in their dreams? A. Michael Myers

B. Ghost Face C. Leatherface D. Freddy Krueger

2. Which movie has the quote “Here’s Johnny?” A. Scream

B. The Conjuring C. The Shining D. Child’s Play

3. What is Michael Myers middle name? A. John


1. D

2. C

3. B

B. Audrey C. Marcus D. Jack


Monday, September 24, 2018



With America being in an uproar of controversy from politics to the entertainment business, what better time for creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker to replicate, and mimic all this chaos than with the 22nd season of “South Park” that premieres this Wednesday. Fans of the longtime running (21 years) show have long awaited for this season to arrive. We were all left with a cliffhanger last season, and if we’re lucky, we’ll get the answers to our questions this season. Last year, viewers were taken down some very dark yet hilarious roads. Majority of the episodes focused on relation-

ships and the character’s beliefs whether they were good or bad. Eric Cartman’s relationship with Heidi Turner starts becoming vicious; as he starts to realize that he created a monster when Heidi starts becoming more like him physically and verbally. Mr. Garrison finds his inner Donald Trump and leads America as the new president, causing for more disruption than before. Kyle Broflovski realizes his once favorite cartoon duo; Terrance and Phillip, are not funny and are quite wrong about a lot of things. And to top it all off, Randy and Sharon Marsh start a home renovation show, poking fun of all the flipping houses sitcoms

on the HGTV channel. “Splatty Tomato” was the last episode of season 21, which made fans quite jittery as to what’s to come for this new season. President Garrison is reported numerous times for frightening kids by holding red balloons and saying “Make America Great Again,” which gets Randy and the boys thinking that Garrison is trying to use gimmicks from “Stranger Things” and “IT.” Meanwhile after a horrocious bombing in Canada that was requested by Garrison, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau calls for Garrison to be handed over to Canada, which leads the town of South Park on a search to find Garrison. During the search, Kyle confronts Heidi for her abusive tendencies and basically tells her she is not the girl he once knew, which humbles Heidi. Ike Broflovski finds Garrison

and drags him into town. Bob White, a man who supports Garrison and his ideas and is quite hated in the town for doing so, pulls a gun out and realizes that Garrison is not a good man. Heidi takes the gun and then decides to aim it at Cartman. After some thought, Heidi comes to the conclusion that she wasn’t the bad guy in the relationship and states that she wants to officially break up with Cartman. While all this is going on, Garrison quietly sneaks away, causing for the ending to become a what is going to happen next year scene. The buildup to the 22nd season has left some fans scratching their heads, because the commercials promoting the new season keep saying “#cancelsouthpark.” You might be thinking, is this true? Is this the last season? According to tvline.com,

the new ads are making fun of all the recent shows that have been cancelled, due to the main actors/actresses destroying their own careers recently. The two Parker and Stone are joking about are Roseanne Barr and her hit show “Roseanne.” She destroyed her career by displaying racist messages on her Twitter account about former advisor to Obama Valerie Jarrett. The second actor is “House of Cards” star, Kevin Spacey, who's been outed for making sexual advances towards Anthony Rapp when he was 14 at the time. But don’t worry. “South Park” has already negotiated a contract with Comedy Central to make another season of the show for next year. Until then let’s enjoy the raunchy comedy. The 10 episode season will begin on Wednesday at 9 p.m. on Comedy Central.

The Midnight releases “Kids”   The Midnight, an electronic music duo from Los Angeles, have a new album out called “Kids.” This is a nine-track synthwave album released on Sept. 21, 2018. The Midnight described this album with a tweet on Aug. 20, 2018. “‘KIDS’ is never wanting to grow up. It’s Peter Pan. It’s adventures on your bikes. It’s Saturday morning cartoons. It’s afternoons at the arcade while your parents are busy working two jobs to keep up with the empty promise of 80s capitalism. But you. You’re young. You’re free.” Here’s my review of “Kids,” a heavy nostalgia trip synth album that makes you want to be a kid again. The first track is called “Youth.” The beginning synth sounds remind me of “Lucky Star” by Madonna. The song is like a digital sunrise, and is full of clips from people on the news talking about the future of computers. The next

song is called “Wave” and is fast paced, with voices from a TV news segment talking about the latest video game craze. Then, the lyrics begin with “We are not a sentimental age…” The song continues The Midnight’s style of having that indie vibe, but with synths. The next song is “Kids (Prelude)” and features the singer, Tyler Lyle, singing, “Kids are sad. The sky is Blue. There are monsters in a spare bedroom. Kids grow up, and move away, they close the plant in the mall arcade. Kids are sad, their parents too. Kids get high in the spare bedroom. We grow up, and move away, the seasons pass but the monsters stay.” He sings this verse about two or three times. The synths behind his voice are very dreamy. “Lost Boy” is next, and is a song about how the singer was a Lost Boy before he met a girl. This was one of

the duo’s singles that came out before the album. My favorite lyric from this song is “Hold me! ‘Til I’m not lonely anymore.” This song makes me feel strong emotions. It’s about love. The next song is called “Saturday Mornings” it starts with the sound of a kid pouring cereal into a bowl. The whole track is different sound clips of 80’s kids shows and commercials. The end of the song is a sound clip of an announcer talking about Atari, and a synth that leads into the next song, “Explorers.” “Explorers” is a really good song. I see it as a kid wondering what he’ll be when he or she grows up. “He who is free is never alone” is my favorite line in the song. The next track is “America 2” and it’s about how we are all searching for America, too. It’s about how American dreams can be fulfilled or broken. One of the lyrics is “all I ever wanted was a spot in the mountains with an A-Frame cabin and nobody counting our days. Or cursing or praising our name. But the best we could do is to enter the void

like a wild eyed child waking up to the noise of East Harlem.” This track was one of the singles released before the album came out as well. “Arcade Dreams” is a sign that the album is almost over. It begins with arcade machine noises, like Space Invaders and Pac-Man, and then an arpeggiator synth plays. The song is very dreamy, and there is an 8-bit noise in the middle of the song that reminds me of when I used to play Game Boy Advance as a kid. The album finisher is called “Kids (Reprise).” It has the same lyrics as “Kids (Prelude)” but this time, Lyle’s voice is accompanied by the Los Angeles Children’s choir. They sing over the verse about kids being sad, and the arcade closing and monsters in the spare bedroom. Halfway through the song, an electric guitar catches you by surprise. This album is awesome. It captures the feeling of being a kid in a wonderful, nostalgic way. Its as if a lot of us never grew up. We’re still kids inside. I want to go on a bicycle adventure now.

Write For EDGE Contact


Monday, September 24, 2018



Legalizing drugs would have benefits

 There have been recent articles floating around social media talking about the steps being made towards the decriminalization of drugs. I believe this would be a great change in our society. People who start doing drugs like Molly, Mushrooms, LSD, etc. could likely experiment with harder drugs like cocaine or methamphetamine. The problem is that some drugs are gateway drugs, which will always be an issue, but sometimes we need to think about how much good it can do rather than focus on the bad.

Legalizing drugs in all aspects can help in the following situations: fewer deaths due to drugs, cleaner facilities for users to take drugs, lower addiction and the money goes back into society. There are other countries that have decriminalized drugs and all in all it has made a positive impact on their societies. If drugs were legal people that use them would be more likely go somewhere they can get clean access to the drugs they want to take. These people would also have access to the pure drug that they are

wanting, rather than having drugs cut with toxic add-ons. The people that are addicted to drugs would be more likely seek help if they knew they could not get in trouble. The legalization would also help put money back into society. These drugs can cost a lot of money, therefore, if they are legal and are allowed to be sold anywhere, the money can be put into education, rehabilitation and infrastructure for the country. Another plus to legalizing these kinds of drugs is the research that can come out of it. If these are legal we will be able to research what kinds of positive effects the drugs can have on mental health patients, for example. All in all, the decriminalization of drugs could be a great benefit to our society in many aspects.


OPEN HOUSE Wedensday, Sept. 26

Located in the Heating Annex 3 P.M. to 5 P.M *Free Food and Refreshments*

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2018 Fall Semester Editorial Board

Edge Editor - Jonathan Lynch Editor-in-Chief - Devon Greene Opinions Editor - Allison Young

Monday, September 24, 2018



Volleyball from back page

After falling behind 17-14, the Leathernecks scored three points to tie the set and force a Fighting Hawk timeout. North Dakota recovered and won the set, 25-22. The Leathernecks fought back in the second set and took another 6-3 lead to begin the set. Western came out on top this time. North Dakota climbed within three points at 22-19 to force a Western timeout but the Leathernecks closed out the set to win 25-19. Mitchell recorded six second set kills to lead WIU. North Dakota took a 4-1 lead to begin the third set and kept the advantage until the Leathernecks secured the set up at 11. Once they tied up the

Mary Bjelica captured in the middle of a forehand at a home match in Macomb.


from back page

Starting things off was the pairing of Ballesteros and Tagaloa. They managed to bounce back and won two of their matches, securing them fifth place. In the same bracket were the Bjelica sisters, who won their match 8-2. Transitioning back into singles competition, Mary Bjelica

won her semifinal match in the red bracket. She won in two sets (7-5, 6-4) to move her into the championship on Sunday. Ana Bjelica and Maajong both fell in two sets in their Ana Bjelica semifinal matches, scheduling them for third place games the next day.


Western ended day two with two victories to continue their momentum. Ballesteros won her match 6-1, 6-3 and Malone won 6-1, 6-0. After a successful weekend in Peoria, the Leathernecks will continue their season next week when they take part in the Olivet Nazarene University Invitational. It is a two-day invite that will begin this Friday. twitter: bradjp08



For Rent

For Rent

Submit a classifieds ad to Micour@wiu.edu

1 & 2 bedroom apartments, new $250 signing bonus on 10 and 12 month leases. Two blocks from campus. Bus stops nearby. Free water, garbage and parking. Laundry onsite. Clean, well maintained and secure. Call Ted 309-837-5600 or visit markertrental.com. Spacious 2-5 bedroom homes for rent. 10 month lease available. Great locations, close to bus stops, plenty off street parking, all new windows, AC, energy efficient furnace, hardwood and ceramic tile floors, free washer/dryer. Well maintained (24 hrs.) by local landlord. Call 309-255-1233. Houses for Rent 2016/2017: A&D Real Estate has several 3, 4 and 5 bedroom houses for rent, all with at least 2 bathrooms, recently rennovated and located close to campus. Call for a tour or visit our website at www.wiucollegerentals.com. Local landlord with a focus on clean and updated housing with personal service for your college housing needs. 309-313-1122. FALL INTO SAVINGS with Charleston Boulevard Apartments! Now offering SPECIAL RATES through Dec. 2017! Call for specific details 309-833-4545!. NICE, CLEAN, WELL MAINTAINED 1 TO 6 BEDROOM HOUSES FOR 2016-2017 Our houses have hard wood floors, ceramic tile, central air, washer and dryer and are close to campus with plenty of parking. We offer a ten month lease so you don’t pay for the months you aren’t here. Please call 309-255-1959 for a showing. Now showing for 2017 & 2018 year 2, 3, and 5 bedrooms homes all close to campus. Call 309-331-4565. Westen Investments has only two 4-Bedroom brich houses available. Call our office at 309-833-5995 to schedule a showing! We will show to 2-3 person groups as well! STC Investments now leasing for the 18/19 school year. We have 1-6 bedroom apartments/houses ready for you to call home! Check out our selection at www.stcinvestments.com. You can also find us on Facebook to see daily posts!


set again at 17, the Leathernecks fell 25-20. Western Illinois showed flexibility after falling behind 2-1 and forced a fifth set. After North Dakota took a 4-1 lead in the fourth set, Western scored six-straight points to take a 7-4 advantage. Western Illinois pushed its lead to four points at 18-14 after Steckler scored. The Leathernecks held on and clinched the set, 25-18. In a conclusive fifth set, the Fighting Hawks came out and took an 8-4 advantage at the break in the final frame. The Leathernecks scored the first point after switching sides, but couldn’t hold on and fell 15-8. Western Illinois will travel to Fort Wayne, Ind. for a game against Purdue Fort Wayne this Wednesday.


Mariah Mitchell gets some air on the court as she spikes the ball.

LARGE STUDENT RENTALS 5 and 6 Bedroom Homes are still available!! Ask for our $1000.00 Discount program! Firsrt come first serve for the last large homes that are open for the fall. NICE, CLEAN, WELL MAINTAINED 1 TO 6 BEDROOM HOUSES FOR 2017-2018 Our houses have wood floors, ceramic tile, W/D, central air, and are close to campus with plentry of parking. We offer low rent and a 10 month lease to save you money! Call 309-255-1959 for a showing. Small 1BR apt near campus and downtown. All utilities included. (Electric, Water, DISH, Garbage) $500/month, $300 deposit. Available immediately. Also have 2BR, you pay electric. $600/month, $350 deposit available September 1st. Please contact 309-255-4367 for a showing. CLEAN, REMODELED, AND WELL MAINTAINED HOUSES AND APTS FOR RENT IN GREAT LOCATIONS. UTILITIES PAID FOR APARTMENTS. RENTING NOW FOR FALL 2017. ALSO RENTING TWO APTS FOR SPRING 2016. CALL JASON AT 309-221-3985. Timbercrest Apartments 1587 Riverview Drive Now showing 1 & 2 Bedroom Units. Very clean, close to WIU campus with bus stop in front of building. Washer/dryer available in most units, all other appliances included, FREE INTERNET, ceiling fans in every room, pet friendly. All units have off street parking and private decks overlooking campus. Both 10- and 12-month leases are available. Openings for Summer 2017 and school year 2017/2018. Deposit required. Phone (309)833-3192 and leave message. Westen Investments has just one 3-Bedroom ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED (Water, Sewer, Trash, Gas, Electric, and Internet) Apartment left! That’s right you just pay for rent, and the rest of it is on us! Call our office at 309-833-5995 to check it out. Looking for 2 roommates to share a 3-bedroom furnished house beginning in August for 2018-19. 10- to 12-month contract. New carpet, air, garage w/ storage, laundry. $300 each per month, plus utilities. Call Sharon at 309-338-3888. The nicer apartments are going fast, excellent service- 24 hour emergency maintenance. Reasonable prices. Studio, 1-3 bedrooms, locations on/off campus available ‘18-’19 school year. Check us out at rentcollegepads.com. If interested, please call F & H Rentals 309/837-1705.

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Sports 7

Monday, September 24, 2018


Three teams that can sign Jimmy Butler There is only 23 days until the opening tip in the NBA, but the drama is already heating up. The biggest news at the moment is Jimmy Butler. The shooting guard for the Minnesota Timberwolves has demanded a trade. Over the summer he declined a contract extension and has made it clear he will not resign with the team. However, it's the request for a trade complicates matters. The Timberwolves made the playoffs last year as the eighth seed. They made it in by one game alone. They have veteran leaders with Taj Gibson and Jeff Teague, along with young explosive talent like Karl-Anthonly Towns and Andrew Wiggons. With Butler as their star guard, this team is looking to compete for a title right now. You cannot compete in the NBA without a star. Any trade that includes Butler would not include top

tier talent that would help the team win right now, but rather a package that has young talent and draft picks. The decision to have Butler as a trade comes with little surprise. After denying a contract extension he seemed upset with Minnesota. Only more rumors will circulate about how the relationship with Towns truly is and if that is the reason for the final decision. Head coach for the T-Wolves Tom Thibodaux has denied hearing any trade request and has shot down the numerous offers they have received for him. What will Butler do? He is following the footsteps of Kawahi Leonard who last year demanded a trade, then had an existing injury rehab, despite being cleared by the team’s doctors. The belief is that Leonard was healthy enough to play, but

By Jacob VanZuiden

for their contest this week, he will look to put together yet another brilliant performance. While Wetherbee may be the team’s most accomplished individual, this Leatherneck squad still contains other promising talents, such as freshman Cameron Karney, who has done nothing but impress since he’s arrived in Macomb. In the team’s last contest at the Crusader Collegiate in Chesterton, Ind., Karney led the Leathernecks with a combined score off 225 (+9) as they tied for ninth place out of the qualifying teams. The young golfer from Crystal Lake, Ill., will once again be apart of the staring lineup in the upcoming matchup. Junior Kyle Irlbacker came into the season as the team’s second most experienced golfer behind Wetherbee, playing in 22 rounds on the varsity squad as a sophomore. While he has not quite played up to his expectations early in the season, he saw himself improve from a last place finish on the team in their first contest, to winding up with the third best score on the Leathernecks starting lineup in their last outing. He will look to continue his improved game this week. Rounding out the starting lineup for Western Illinois with be senior John Duggan III and junior Joe Burke. Duggan has impressed early on this season and will try to remain hot in the contest held in Madison. Burke has seen himself get off to a slower start than he had likely pictured for himself, but after seeing limited varsity action a season ago, it is no fault of his own. He should continue to show growth in his game as he gets acclimated to the competition seen at the varsity level.

wouldn’t play for the Spurs and wanted to be traded. He got his trade request finalized and moved to Toronto. If Butler decides to hold out and not play for the team, they will look to move him before the season starts or by the latest the trade deadline in December. Butler has placed three priorities for being traded. The first team is the Los Angeles Clippers. Why? Two reasons. First Butler has made it clear he wants to play with another superstar. The talks of the impressive 2019 free agency class is exciting news for any team with cap space. The Clippers can sign two max deals at the end of the season and Butler would be one of them. Leonard expressed interest in any Los Angeles teams, along with Kyrie Irving, who has stated he would like to play with long-time friend Butler. The Clippers being in Los Angeles and having cap space has made Leonard choose this franchise as his top priority. Second is the New York Knicks. The Knicks have a top talent player and room to sign more.

Kristops Porzingis a.k.a. The Unicorn, has created an interesting environment in New York. His talent is undeniable and players like Butler, and Irving want to play with him. They could run the east with little competition and try and beat the Warriors. Finally, the third team on Butler’s list is Brooklyn Nets. This team has no stars and only cap space. This is the worst team to trade with due to the lack of talent on the organization. This team will not land a trade with the T-Wolves but could sign Butler in free agency. There are realistic trade opportunities for other teams to trade for Butler. First, the Denver Nuggets. They got rid of large contract players and have room to absorb his current contract. They would offer Gary Harris and Trey Lyles a protected pick for Butler. Harris is a starting level shooting guard and Lyles a young 3 and D stretch big. Along with a pick or two this package is the best the team could get. Other teams may have assists and space, but nothing the

Timberwolves seemed interested in. Time will tell if this team decides to trade their star or not. This drama is only within positioning, but center for Philadelphia 76ers Joel Embiid is calling out rookie Deandre Ayton. Ayton comes into the draft with comparisons to Embiid for size, strength and speed. Ayton took this like it was a compliment, and Embiid thought it was an insult. On social media he calls out any reporter comparing the young talent to him. He believes it is wrong and Ayton is nowhere near his talent rank. Recently his thoughts on Ayton were that someone is going to kick his butt., literally. The tweet has circulated all around the NBA, and it is clear we cannot wait to watch Embiid go all out against the Suns Nov. 19. The drama showcases why people love the NBA and hope it will continue to grow. As feuds grow and grow so does my need for the return of the NBA. The preseason begins this Saturday with the Trailblazers versus the Raptors at 6:00 p.m.

Men's golf set sight for SIU Invitational

courier staff When the SIU Derek Dolenc Invitational opens play on Monday, the men’s golf team will set their sights on a securing their first top-place finish of the season. While this team’s first two meets haven’t gone exactly as planned, the Purple and Gold will look to turn things around as they continue to get into the swing of things early on in the young season. The Leathernecks will face some stiff competition as they set to face off against 16 different schools in their largest meet of the year thus far. Eastern Illinois University, Loyola University Chicago, Bradley University and Northern Iowa University, are just a few of the teams that they will go headto-head with in their matchup. While besting 16 different schools in the competition may seem like a steep obstacle to climb, this team possess the talent to do so even if their golfers don’t have the experience that some of the other teams do. The invitational is set to begin on Monday at 8 a.m. in Madison, Ill. As the season began, one of the major areas of concern for this team was the departure of several key contributors from last year’s squad. Senior Jackson Wetherbee was one of the biggest bright spots for last year’s team, and his return will should continue to pay dividends for the Leathernecks. Coming into the season, Wetherbee knew he would have to shoulder a heavy load and take over as the team’s top performer. When the team heads to Madison

Kyle Irlbacker focuses on his put.

John Duggan III watches his ball after driving.



Tennis turns season around in Peoria By Bradley Piros

assistant sports editor

Ana Bjelica sets up to recieve a serve at a home match last season.


Peoria, Ill. — The Western Illinois women’s tennis team continued their fall slate over the weekend to participate in the three-day Bradley Invitational. Competition which began Friday afternoon, and continued until Sunday morning. The first day started off slow as Western couldn’t find a win in doubles, but they quickly turned themselves around during their singles matches. Starting things off was freshman Anouk Maajong. After dropping her first set 6-4, she Anouk was able to rally Maajong back in the final two sets (6-4, 6-1) to pick up her first collegiate win. This win moved her into the semifinals on day two. Sophomore Ana Bjelica followed in Maajong’s footsteps, dropping her first set as well, but coming back to win the match. This match win was

her first of the season, and also moved her into the semifinals. Her sister, Mary Bjelica, playing in the other bracket, was the first Leatherneck to win her match in only two sets (6-2, 6-1), moving her into the semifinal as well. Freshman Megan Tagaloa lost her first match (6-2, 6-1) but won her second after her opponent withdrew from the match. Her performance scheduled her to play in the fifth-place game the very next day. Freshman Natalie Malone got Western’s fifth and final win of the day, after her opponent withdrew as well. The day ended, however, with two Leatherneck loses, as both freshman Mia Melnizki and sophomore Laura Ballesteros fell in two sets. Day two saw the Leathernecks ride their momentum from the previous day and pick up some wins in both doubles and singles.

Tennis page 6

Necks drop first conference matchup By Taylor Jordan courier staff

MACOMB, Ill. — The Western Illinois volleyball team began Summit League play against the newest member of the league, North Dakota, inside Western Hall on Friday. The Leathernecks were hoping to bounce back after their performance at the Crusader Classic last weekend. The Leathernecks fell 0-3 in the tournament against Wright State (3-0), Valpo (3-0) and Cornell (3-0). Freshman Mariah Mitchell was named to the Crusader Classic AllTournament team. Mitchell put together her best two performances of the season in the last two matches of the Crusader Classic (12 kills, .422 hitting percentage). Senior Melanie Patenaude is dominating in kills for the Leathernecks leading with 110 kills. Patenaude also leads the team with 13 aces alongside sophomore Cassie Hunt. Western checks in at second in the Summit League in aces per set and is 119th out of 334 teams in total digs as a team. After concluding an eight match in a nine-day stretch,

The University of North Dakota volleyball team played for the first time as a member of the conference this weekend with a pair of road tilts. The Fighting Hawks ended its trip with a 3-1 victory over New Orleans to close the USF Classic on Saturday morning in Tampa. Kayla Williams led the Fighting Hawks offensively, matching a game-high 14 kills on just 43 attacks to hit .302 for the match. The junior also added 11 digs and a pair of block assists to record her 11th double-double of the season. Western Illinois volleyball was outlasted in a five-set match to open Summit League play against North Dakota. Mitchell put together another impressive performance as she led the team with 14 kills while hitting .258. Mitchell picked up where she left off from the weekend to help the Leathernecks take a quick 6-3 as she recorded two of the first three kills of the night for Western Illinois.

Volleyball page 6


Melanie Patenaude prepares for a ball coming off of Tennessee Tech inside Western Hall.

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