Western Courier| August 20th, 2018

Page 1

Opinions: Western welcomes back all students

Sports: Favoritism in the UFC

Sports: Soccer looks to take on Cougars

Monday, August 20, 2018 - Vol. 119 Issue 1


By Marc Ramirez news editor

Western Illinois University will be making $453,920 in cuts specifically to WIUM Tri States Public Radio, a university radio station at 91.3 FM. Personnel expenditures including payroll are provided by these state appropriated funds, but will no longer be provided as of March 1, 2019.  Darcie Shinberger, assistant vice president for advancement and public services, sent out an email late Friday stating the plan for eliminating funding. Next year, TSPR will become a self-supported organization similar to that of WQPT,

a Quad Cities Public Broadcasting station in Moline, IL.  Other than money provided by Western, the station is supported by grants, Western Foundation funds and local revenue sources like advertising. However, money currently being provided by the university is the largest source of income for TSPR.  “When WQPT transferred to WIU from Black Hawk College in 2010, WQPT was required to identify and obtain operating funds for the station, including personnel expenditures,” Shinberger said. “Similar to the WQPT partnership with the University, the WIU Foundation will provide

nonprofit status for Tri States Public Radio. The radio station will become a self-funded department within the University structure and will be responsible for generating its revenue needs, including personnel expenditures, effective March 1, 2019.“ Tri State has taken cuts in the past but has been able to conform to minimal impact on listeners; however, TSPR General Manager Jonathan Ahl thinks this will.  This portion of the radios revenue goes towards providing nine of the 12 full-time salaries for staff. Unlike that of faculty, TSPR staff does not have the same contrac-

tual obligation on the notice of unemployment.  “The timeframe was not explained to us.” Ahl said when speaking with The McDonough County Voice.  When asked by The Voice what would happen if the university had any contractual, funding, or other obligations with TSPR past their current March 1 deadline, Shinberger explained all obligation such as payroll would not be met through the end of the fiscal year.   Ahl and his supervisor Dean Billy Clow have been creating a cost saving proposal over the course of a few weeks to present what would have al-

lowed TSPR to continue functioning while still taking cuts but were unable to present it to administration.   “I was not invited to, or allowed to, attend any meeting concerning Tri States Public Radio other than individual meetings with Dean Clow. So I don’t know what happened," Ahl said. "We had that ready to go, and my understanding is that it was not considered, nor was it allowed to be presented.”  TSPR has been in service for more than 50 years at Western. The station has expanded tremendously serving over 20 counties in western Illinois, southeast Iowa and northeast Missouri.

Mosquitos in McDonough County test positive for West Nile Virus By Steven Barnum assistant news editor

Between the dates of Aug. 6-14, an unspecified amount of mosquitoes tested positive for the West Nile Virus in McDonough County.   Since May, the McDonough County Health Department and Western Illinois University’s Miller-Hunt virology lab have been examining mosquitoes throughout the county. The groups discovered the West Nile Virus in those in Macomb and its surrounding area.   According to www.mosquitomagnet.com, prime mos-

quito season begins in April for the Macomb region, and they are typically active until the temperature consistently drops below 50 degrees.   Avoiding contact with mosquitoes in the thick of the summer can be difficult, which is why the McDonough County Health Department reminds the public to practice the three “R’s”: reduce, repel and report.  The first step, reduce, involves reducing your chances of being bitten by limiting your time spent outside between dusk and dawn, where mosquitoes are most active.  The second step, repel, is best done by wearing socks,

shoes, pants and a longsleeve shirt while outdoors when mosquitoes are most active. It is recommended to use an insect repellent that contains DEET, an ingredient especially helpful in fighting off mosquitoes and ticks; however, certain repellents should not be used on infants. Additionally, doors and windows should have tight-fitting screens and should be closed at night. Standing water, often seen in birdbaths and flowerpots, are breeding grounds for mosquitoes and should be emptied regularly.  The third step, report, encourages residents to report any dead birds found to your

local health department. The West Nile Virus can be found often in many deceased birds, like crows, robins, and blue jays, and mosquitoes can contract the virus by feeding off of said birds. It is also encouraged to contact your local government if you notice floods or stagnant water in yards or roadside ditches, which could also act as a breeding ground for mosquitoes.   The West Nile Virus has been a problem in Illinois. According to the Illinois Department of Public Heath, the West Nile virus was first discovered in two dead crows in 2001. One year later,

the virus spread to 100 of the state’s 102 counties, infecting 884 people and killing 64. The virus can cause a fever or headache in mild cases and disorientation, tremors, paralysis and possibly death in severe cases. It could take up to 14 days for symptoms to occur and those over 60 years old are at the highest risk.  For more information on the West Nile Virus or mosquitoes in general, visit The Illinois Department of Health website. You can also contact the Miller-Hunt Lab at 309-298-1294 or the Environmental Health Division at 309-837-9951.


Monday, Augst 20, 2018


WC Located on the third floor of the Heating Plant Annex on the south end of campus across from Sherman Hall. Mail: 1 University Circle, WIU, Macomb, IL 61455 Phone: 309-298-1876 Fax: 309-298-2309 Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays E-mail: micour@wiu.edu Member: Illinois College Press Association, National Association College Press

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Monday, August 20, 2018


Western announces faculty layoffs By Steven Barnum assistant news editor

A decline in student enrollment and state funding continue to be areas of concern for Western Illinois University. In June, Western announced that two dozen faculty members would be laid off, while 62 additional positions will be eliminated. Western stated that the layoffs are part of a strategy to save money, backed up by the fiscal year 2018 budget, which indicates that they will save north of $4.5 million. Tri States Public Radio learned from Interim Academic Provost Dr. Kathy Neumann that the layoffs will affect all five of Western’s academic colleges. Regarding the elimination of the 62 positions, Western points out that as many as 57 of those are currently occupied by someone who plans to retire or leave for another job at the end of the school year. The layoffs, approved by the Western Illinois University Board of Trustees, gives impacted employees a one-year notice, which means those employees will keep their jobs until June 30, 2019. BOT Chair Cathy Early offered an explanation on the strategy. “Throughout the institution’s history, Western has re-adjusted according to the times. The current realities facing public higher education call for realignment,” Early said. Also commenting on the decision is President Jack Thomas. “Western is adapting to the changes facing public higher education. Changing the University’s personnel structure is a dif-

ficult decision, and adapting to the new higher education landscape means making difficult decisions,” Thomas said. Financial issues will continue to force the administration to make difficult decisions with the continuous decline in student enrollment. The Director of Admissions, Seth Miner, expects a decline of around 14 percent from last fall to this fall. The current fiscal year, which began on July 1, includes $47.2 million in state funding for Western, which is significantly less than what was requested. Al Bowman, executive director of the Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) and IBHE Chair Tom Cross believe that Western’s plan for future growth matches up with the statewide plan. “We are pleased to see that Western Illinois University, under the leadership of President Jack Thomas, continues to exercise mission-driven strategic planning, while remaining good fiscal stewards,” Cross said. Some departments, like the Department of Art and the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, will each lose four positions. The Department of Computer Science and the Department of Education and Human Services will each lose three positions. Elsewhere, an assistant vice president in the provost’s office, three employees in University Technology and two academic advisors will be laid off. A specific list of positions eliminated and departments impacted can be found at www.tspr.org.


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assistant news editor & news writers if interested please contact

Devon Greene


Monday, August 20, 2018



Welcome back to Western

With welcoming faces and new possibilities to come throughout this school year, it’s important to find what works best for you and not what the crowd is into.  As a freshman, I remember how anxious I was to join a new club, meet new friends, or what activities and events to attend each week or weekend. I was trying so hard to keep up with my peers that I began to lose sight of what would truly bring me comfortability. No, I wasn’t worried about

fitting in necessarily, but I did want the full college experience of true campus involvement. I found myself joining any and everything, and showing up to the meetings only to never go back. What I thought would interest me proved to be the complete opposite. So, I thought why waste time hoping to later become enthused when I can find things on campus that not only interest me but things that also keep my interest year-round.   Whether this is your first

year or your last year, do what makes you honestly happy. With this being the first week back there are going to be clubs, organizations, fraternities and sororities looking to reel you in with their charm which is not a bad thing by the way. However, what you choose to do with your time each day or week is solely dependent on you. It’s fine to try out an interest meeting or two, or 30, but try not to make any final decisions until you’re ready to make the commitment. Make sure whatever you join, you are open to it and it fits your character. Aside from clubs and activities, academic decisions can make or break the semester as well. Ear-

ly classes may seem all fun and games now, but when you’re waking up five minutes before class knowing that’s it’s across campus careful reconsiderations may need to take place. What you plan on accmplishing you will definitely be able to accomplish it, so choose your class times wisely if possible.    Also, if you believe that you can take on six classes a semester then make it happen. Taking on more classes than recommended may not be for everyone but that doesn’t necessarily mean that applies to you. Only you know what you can handle and what you can tolerate. Just be smart about your decisions because some

of them can’t be changed once finalized. Make your college experience something worth remembering. By that I am not referring to getting arrested or ending up on the front page of the next edition of The Western Courier for doing something the opposite of positive. Live your best life to the fullest with positive vibes only in mind. Make the most of each day and don’t be afraid to switch it up every now and then. Living the same life every day can get boring sometimes, trust me. So, join a club, meet new people, and attend as many campus events as possible. Just remember it’s not how you start but how you finish.

Censorship through social media   Conservative radio host Alex Jones was cleansed from several media outlets last week, after spewing his hateful speech for what seemed like centuries.   During the first week of August, Jones’ show, “InfoWars” was pulled from YouTube, Spotify, Apple Music and Facebook. Jones is a far-right conservative who has been on the airwaves since 1999. He is known for spewing

conspiracy theories and promoting fake news.  After the Sandy Hook shooting that occurred in 2012, Jones has consistently promoted the asinine idea that the national tragedy was “completely fake” and “manufactured.”   Jones’ has been spewing hateful rhetoric for decades and I’m glad he finally has to face the consequences of his actions. Jones’ show

was removed from all platforms for violating terms of service policies with Apple, Spotify and Facebook all citing their rules against hate speech. The “InfoWars” channel on YouTube had 2.4 million subscribers before it was removed. Jones still has his Twitter and Instagram accounts where he has been extremely outspoken against his ban from the media. He went on a four-hour rant responding to the Internet and the “censorship” of his show. Conservatives are rallying around the host including the President

Donald Trump.   Trump released a series of tweets on Saturday morning claiming discrimination against republican and conservative voices.  “Censorship is a very dangerous thing and absolutely impossible to police.” Trump said. “If you are weeding out Fake News, there is nothing so Fake as CNN and MSNBC, and yet I do not ask that their sick behavior be removed.”  With Trump’s as our leader and his behavior, it is easy to see how people like Jones have a voice and how

their behavior has been deemed acceptable.    Trump needs to see that Jones and others that continue to damage relations in this country should be banned from the media. Free speech is obviously a very important right that we have as Americans, but there is a line that must not be crossed. Jones has been warned on multiple occasions for his hate speech against Muslims and transgendered people.   Jones brought this ban on himself and all Americans are better off now that his show is off the air.

Monday, August 20, 2018

By: Zack Young



Monday, August 20, 2018




from E1

Most films, even very poorquality ones, generally fare better than this in their opening night. However, this is no average film. This film in particular stars Kevin Spacey, the now disgraced Hollywood actor that was accused of sexual harassment by, then 14-yearold, Anthony Rapp on Oct. 29, 2017. Rapp, who most notably starred in Star Trek: Discovery, accused Spacey of unwanted sexual advances dating back to 1989. After Rapp’s accusations came to light in his Oct. 29 Buzz Feed interview he was quickly followed-up by a dozen more accusers, including some from the hit TV se-

ries, “House of Cards”, which also starred Kevin Spacey but quickly separated from him following the accusations last year. In response to Rapp’s accusations, Spacey quickly released a statement that, in part, stated he did not remember the 1989 encounter but that he was “deeply horrified” and apologized for his actions. In the same apology Spacey also came out as gay for the first time, infuriating gay-rights activists who viewed his coming out as an attempt to hide from the underlying accusations. After the release of “Billionaire Boys Club,” Vertical Entertainment released this statement, “This is neither an easy nor insensitive decision to release this film in theaters,

but we believe in giving the cast, as well as hundreds of crew members who worked hard on the film, the chance to see their final product reach audiences.” Vertical also noted that they knew releasing the film in the U.S. was a gamble and in response decided to do a limited- release in 10 select theaters, rather than release it across the U.S. The Billionaire Boys Club is a drama that takes place in 1980’s Los Angeles and is based on the real-life story following a group of young investors that were led by Joe Hunt, played by Ansel Elgort, to get-rich quick with a Ponzi scheme. This led to Joe Hunt and Tim Pratt, Bokeem Woodbine who played the role of the club bouncer and had become involved in the group’s

scheme, killing fellow investor, and con-man, Ron Levin, which was played by Spacey and who’s character was a Beverly Hills high-roller. So far, the film has received a 13 percent approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes with an average rating of 4.1/10 from eight reviews, which is a far cry from average ratings on films starring Spacey before these allegations came to light. In fact, this is the worst opening day box-office performance of his career. The question now is: will these allegations and his handling of them immediately after and since, be the end of his acting career or will he get a second chance? Only time will tell if movie-goers return to the box-office as they once did.


Monday, August 20, 2018



The Midnight is an electronic music duo consisting of Tyler Lyle, a songwriter from the Deep South, and Tim McEwan, a producer from Denmark. The sub genre of electronic music they create is called synthwave. Synthwave is 80s electronic music made today with analog synthesizers and drum machines. The group announced a new album that will release on Sept. 21. The new album is going to be called “Kids,” which is the same name

as a track from the original soundtrack of Stranger Things. The music for Stranger Things was synthwave as well. It was composed by Kyle Dixon and Michael Stein from the synth band S U R V I V E. The Midnight’s sound is very nostalgic. Lyle’s voice can be heard on many of their tracks. Their debut album was called “Days of Thunder” and one of the best tracks on it is “Los Angeles.” The song is about a night you’ll never forget. One

of their best albums is called Endless Summer. The first four tracks are amazing. So is the rest of the album. The duo’s slogan is the Japanese term “Mono no aware.” On their Spotify profile, they say, “It means basically, the sad beauty of seeing time pass - the aching awareness of impermanence. These are the days that we will return to one day in the future only in memories.” They probably chose this slogan because of the nostalgic aspect of their sound, which is vocals over heavy synthesizer usage and saxophones. They have a trailer out for their new album, “Kids,” on YouTube already. The trailer shows the camera zooming through a mall arcade

made of laser grids and vector graphics, while one of the songs is teased. The lyrics are nostalgic. The song seems to be about kids growing up, moving away and becoming adults. One line from the song is, “we grow up and move away. Seasons pass but the monsters stay.” Two songs from the upcoming album are out now as singles. “Lost Boy” and “America 2.” Lost boy is a song about how the singer was lost before he met the girl in the song. America 2 is about searching for America while you’re already living in it. “Nocturnal” is their latest album and is a powerful one. It begins with a song called “Shadows,” which

is about a guy who walks the streets at night feeling emptiness inside. Out of all the hundreds of synthwave artists making 80s techno in the 2010s, The Midnight probably makes some of the best. Their lyrics are intelligently written and if you’ve been through some of the things they have in the lyrics, the songs will leave you emotionally wrought. The lyrics in the “Kids” trailer alone gave me feelings as a listener. A lot of synthwave artists sell their records on vinyl and cassette tape in the 21st century. This is cool because the music itself is nostalgic. I own “Endless Summer” by The Midnight on cassette. “Kids” is going to be a great album, I can feel it.


Evan Williamson

staff writer

Music is very important to the structure of video games, from the 8-bit era to the almost cinematic masterpieces of today, video game soundtracks can make or break a game. I grew up on Nintendo making up words to Mario songs on the Super Nintendo, and falling in love with one of the greatest video game soundtracks in the 90’s “Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time” both composed by Koji Kondo. But there are a lot of other great video game soundtracks out there. One particular one I’m going to talk about is the soundtrack for “Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire.” This game was released during the last week of the spring 2018 semes-

ter, so of course I spent half of my summer vacation playing through it a couple times. In my opinion, it has one of the greatest soundtracks I’ve ever heard. Justin E. Bell returned to compose the music for the sequel leaving where the beauty of the original “Pillars of Eternity” soundtrack left off. He teamed up with the Budapest Art Orchestra who brought the music to life. The soundtrack could definitely be in movies like the Lord of the Rings, because it gives off that cinematic feel. I originally discovered the first “Pillars of Eternity” soundtrack after watching “Critical Role,” a show where voice actors play

Dungeons and Dragons as Dungeon Master Matthew Mercer (who voices a couple characters in the game) would use some of the music for the show, and with all members of “Critical Role” doing voice over for the sequel he uses “Pillars of Eternity 2” now as well. The thing about the soundtrack is it’s just well written. Some of the songs are a little longer, but have three different unique portions. An example of this is the fourth song called “All Gods.” The first portion of the song is nice and relaxing, the second portion takes a more mysterious turn while still keeping you relaxed, but a feeling of uneasiness creeps in. The final portion sounds scary, and is played when you are talking to Berath, the god of death, doors and the wheel of reincarnation. The music just sounds like this deity could strike you down at any mo-

ment and you can feel that tension. One of my favorites is the third song called “ The Fate of Caed Nua.” It goes from peaceful to “uh-oh something is happening,” to all hell breaking lose, to devastation and finally almost a feeling of hope at the end. There are four factions in the game and each one has unique music based on who is in charge of the territory. One thing I didn’t like about the soundtrack is that it’s missing the tavern songs, which are just as good as the rest. I could talk about all the great music from “Twin Elms” to the “Sea Shanties” that almost sound like “Assassins Creed Black Flag.” It is truly a masterpiece. “The Majesty” of the soundtrack begins as soon as you opewn the file. I highly recommend staying on the title screen for three minutes. The rest of the soundtrack can be found on YouTube.


Fallout 76 is an upcoming video game set in post-apocalyptic West Virginia. The game is being published by Bethesda, a video game company in Maryland. The Fallout series has always been about single player RPGs. This time however, the new iteration will feature online multiplayer.. This is a big change for the series. Many are excited, and many are skeptical about this upcoming game. The people who are skeptical are saying that this game will ruin Fallout because the developers decided not to have any NPCs. The way they explain the game is, everyone you interact with will be a real person. The haters have spawned the hashtag #NotMyFallout. This hashtag is just filled with hate for a video game

Monday, August 20, 2018



nobody has played yet. I find this irrational. Fallout fans that live in West Virginia are excited because a video game has never taken place in their state. This is probably the first time a modern video game is going to take place in West Virginia. This makes me excited too because I grew up in Virginia as a young kid, and have been through West Virginia on car trips. The state is beautiful and I can’t wait to explore the post-nuclear version of it. There are a lot of nuclear secrets in West Virginia. One of the most notable is a hotel by the name of The Greenbrier. During the Cold War, they used to plan on taking the president and other top government officials there, to a bunker underneath the hotel,

in case nuclear war broke out. This was so that the government could function during a nuclear winter. In Fallout 76 you will be able to visit this location to unlock its secrets. Another huge feature of Fallout 76 is the ability to team up with other players to find pieces of launch codes for nuclear missile silos. Once you and your friends find these launch codes, you must travel to a hidden missile launch center. Then, you can launch a missile and obliterate a part of the game’s map. Critics of this feature ask, what if you are a level one player and someone nukes you? That seems unfair. However, Bethesda has said that they have taken measures to stop bullies in the game. I hope this game is good. Multiplayer is a new direction for Fallout. Of course there are going to be critics and skeptics. The game launches on Nov. 14 on PS4, Xbox One, and PC. The game’s predecessor,

Fallout 4 was released in 2015 and there were some things they didn’t get right when making a Fallout game. The voiced protagonist was, in my opinion, a mistake that sort of ruined role-play. In Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas, you had many dialog options. You could be nice, mean and persuasive among other things. In Fallout 4 they dumbed it down to four buttons for four dialog options. You could either say “yes,” a sarcastic “yes,” or “no”, or a sarcastic “no.” That’s what it really boiled down to, to be honest. Don’t get me wrong; Fallout 4 was a decent openworld shooter. However, there were a lot of locations in the game that felt empty. I liked Fallout 4 but it had its flaws. I just hope that Fallout 76 will get it right in the way they made it. The fact that there will be no NPCs, only players, worries me a little but Bethesda could be on to something amazing.

Monday, August 20, 2018


Is a college degree needed

With another school year upon us, it is important that we understand a college education is extremely vital. Mastering a college degree is everyone’s top goal and a great milestone that many want to achieve. Yet, the rising tuition and fees for colleges and universities makes the goal of a college education a luxury instead of a necessity. Having a college education is very important and it shows your qualifications to do a job. With a degree, you have the final credentials that legally certify someone who have specific knowledge and skills and to potentially receive a job in that industry. Being able to obtain that dream of a college degree is a goal to many and that brings satisfaction and comfort. You also gain a sense of maturity and accomplishment. Now the question to pose, is a college degree necessary? Many have debated this idea and are torn between this idea. A college degree is exceptionally beneficial for a job placement. Having a degree will help you land a solid position at a job. College degrees

for employers are ‘stamps of approval’ that you are fit for the job. Job are becoming increasingly more competitive with their education requirements which makes having a college degree a necessity. If you are able to adequately finish college and receive recognition with a diploma you are fit for the job. There are many employers who are looking for exceptional degree seekers and there are even some who are so competitive that the higher and the more degrees you have, the better chance you are to landing a specific job. Some may counter argue this position with the price of college and the skillset colleges provide. College is becoming more and more expensive and is driving many people away from obtaining their dreams. Also in college, when majoring in a specific program of study, you are limiting yourself to a specific industry of work. When some attend trade or vocational school they are receiving skills that are useful for any job. College is a great experience and having a college degree is extremely useful.

Editorial Policy The editoral views of the Western Courier shall be confined to this editorial and are to be separate from news coverage otherwise noted. The editoral presented is based on the ideas and views of the WC editoral board.Columns are the opinions of the columnists alone and should not be construed as the opinions and beliefs of the WC staff as a whole.

Letters & Local Forum Policies E-mail letters to the Editor and Local Forum messages to micour@wiu.edu. Letters should not be more than 350 words in length. The author’s name and phone number must be included for verification purposes. Failure to include such information will lead to the letter being discarded. The WC staff will edit letters in cases of timeliness, obscenity length and grammer, and we do not guarantee publication of all letters.

2018 Fall Semester Editorial Board Edge Editor - Jonathan Lynch Editor-in-Chief - Devon Greene Opinions Editor - Markayle Tolliver


Monday, August 20, 2018



from back page

With a spark of hope, the leathernecks look to turn it into a wildfire of success. For this season my goals for the team are to end right at .500

Emily Bollman midstride in breakaway.


from back page

Their final home game will be against defending Summit League champions, University of Denver at home. This game will of course be senior night for the Leathernecks, as they would love to upset the Pioneers on home field, after a rather embarrassing 5-0 loss on the road against them. Western will finish their season off on the road as they take on the University of Purdue Fort Wayne Mastodons, the only other team they beat last season. Their final


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his incredible winning record looks to lead Western to the top and this young core can help build a solid foundation here in Macomb that could last a few years. As a new year begins so does a new reign in men’s soccer.


Paul Kirdorf dribbling at speed as UIC opponent chases him.

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and improve their conference record from 3-2 to 4-1. Finally, the team needs to look for a win in The Summit League Conference tournament. This would help solidify Western’s place in conference as a top dog. Dr. Eric Johnson with


game of the season will be against the University of Omaha- Nebraska. Things didn’t end well for the Leathernecks last season, but they are looking to have a bounce back season. They showed their skills in their pre-season matchups and will need to carry those things into the regular season. Their next game will be against the University of Northern Illinois this Thursday. Their first home match however, won’t be until Sunday Aug. 26 against UMKC at 1 p.m. twitter: bradjp08

Submit a classifieds ad to Micour@wiu.edu


LARGE STUDENT RENTALS 5 and 6 Bedroom Homes are still available!! Ask for our $1000.00 Discount program! Firsrt come first serve for the last large homes that are open for the fall. NICE, CLEAN, WELL MAINTAINED 1 TO 6 BEDROOM HOUSES FOR 2017-2018 Our houses have wood floors, ceramic tile, W/D, central air, and are close to campus with plentry of parking. We offer low rent and a 10 month lease to save you money! Call 309-255-1959 for a showing. Small 1BR apt near campus and downtown. All utilities included. (Electric, Water, DISH, Garbage) $500/month, $300 deposit. Available immediately. Also have 2BR, you pay electric. $600/month, $350 deposit available September 1st. Please contact 309-255-4367 for a showing. CLEAN, REMODELED, AND WELL MAINTAINED HOUSES AND APTS FOR RENT IN GREAT LOCATIONS. UTILITIES PAID FOR APARTMENTS. RENTING NOW FOR FALL 2017. ALSO RENTING TWO APTS FOR SPRING 2016. CALL JASON AT 309-221-3985. Timbercrest Apartments 1587 Riverview Drive Now showing 1 & 2 Bedroom Units. Very clean, close to WIU campus with bus stop in front of building. Washer/dryer available in most units, all other appliances included, FREE INTERNET, ceiling fans in every room, pet friendly. All units have off street parking and private decks overlooking campus. Both 10- and 12-month leases are available. Openings for Summer 2017 and school year 2017/2018. Deposit required. Phone (309)833-3192 and leave message. Westen Investments has just one 3-Bedroom ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED (Water, Sewer, Trash, Gas, Electric, and Internet) Apartment left! That’s right you just pay for rent, and the rest of it is on us! Call our office at 309-833-5995 to check it out. Looking for 2 roommates to share a 3-bedroom furnished house beginning in August for 2018-19. 10- to 12-month contract. New carpet, air, garage w/ storage, laundry. $300 each per month, plus utilities. Call Sharon at 309-338-3888. The nicer apartments are going fast, excellent service- 24 hour emergency maintenance. Reasonable prices. Studio, 1-3 bedrooms, locations on/off campus available ‘18-’19 school year. Check us out at rentcollegepads.com. If interested, please call F & H Rentals 309/837-1705.

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For Rent Available now: Close to campus, clean studio apartments, excellent condition, reasonable rent, and partly furnished. Ceiling fans and a/c. Professionally maintained. No pets. Semester leases offered. Call 309 837 4369 and leave your phone number if not there. Email: MandKhousing@gmail.com ALL APARTMENTS - ALL INCLUSIVE Get control of your budget. Know exactly what you are spending each month. Each apartment includes free a/c, free heat, free electricity, free water, free cable tv, free hi speed internet, and free off street parking. Laundry on site. No noise policy. Bus stop across the street. Close to campus. Well maintained. Studios are $460/mo, One bedrooms are $620/mo. Call Doug at 309-255-8179 for an appointment. Westen Investments still has affordable 1-4 Bedroom Apartment/Houses available. Be sure to check out our website (www.westeninvest.com) to see our available listings, and call our office at 309-833-5995 to schedule a showing. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to win prize giveaways! APARTMENT FOR RENT: FOR QUIET PERSON. ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT FOR RENT LOCATED AT 314 West Carroll ST Macomb, Ill 61455. Available end of August 2017-new carpeting yearly lease SMALEST FURNISHED IN MACOMB $345.00/month - HEAT & AC INCLUDED private entrance, off-street parking included call for appointment309-837-4748 or 255-5075 woodburning fireplace, ask for Paul. For Rent: Little Swan Lake, 30 min from campus. 2br, 2bth, heated double car garage with work area. $600 per mo. (309) 335-2206 after 6:00 pm, may leave message anytime. Spacious 3 Bedroom Upper in Duplex close to campus and Jackson St. All utilities furnished and appliances Includes cable and internet 18/19 school year $375.00 per Br Ph 309 255 8086 Please leave message Still have some nice large locations available at reasonable prices. Excellent service- 24 hour emergency maintenance. 1-8 bedrooms, locations on/off campus available ‘18-’19 school year. Pets at some locations. Check us out at rentcollegepads.com. If interested, please call F & H Rentals 309/837-1705.


Monday, August 20, 2018

Whether we like it or not, favoritism will always prevail in any industry. In combat sports for example, if we want the underdog to win, most times as a fan we are faced with the disappointment that the bigger or the face of that business will win the fight. At the end of the day, the owners of the company will go with what will make them more money for the business, and what will increase their ratings if applicable. Unfortunately favoritism reared its ugly head at the 25th anniversary conference for the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) earlier this month. Instead of excitement towards new blockbuster matches that will happen this year and the next, the news caused more chaos to abrupt in the industry. The press and fans awaited for the exhilarating news that UFC owner Dana White was going to announce on Aug.

Diaz, who stormed off during the UFC 229 preview clip. It wasn’t long until Diaz voiced his frustration through Twitter using cryptic messages saying “I’m not fighting on that show F the UFC.” As of now no one has a clue whether or not Diaz will even compete in his upcoming match in November. All this commotion is causing fighters like Diaz to question if being in the UFC is really worth it. There are so many men and women in this business who have put their blood, sweat and tears into this company, only to be tossed aside because a bigger name wants to make a comeback. Take for example Georges St-Pierre. Recently St-Pierre was denied a championship match with whoever wins at UFC 229, because he is getting close to retirement age, and White doesn’t think it’s a good idea for St-Pierre to compete in a championship match. Up and coming fighters are tired of being second best to former or current MMA athletes who White has spotlighted for many years. Three of those spotlighted and compared to names are Ronda Rousey, Brock

Sports 7

Favoritism in the UFC 3 in Los Angeles. Several big matches were announced including Dustin Poirier (245) against Nate Diaz (19-11) at the biggest stage of them all, Madison Square Garden for UFC 230 in November. Since Diaz hasn’t stepped into the Octagon for two years, you’d think that would be the biggest match of the year? Well it’s one of them, but not the biggest match White has to offer. Towards the end of the conference White showed a trailer for an upcoming match that will happen at UFC 229 on Oct. 6, a month before Diaz’s match. After so much publicity and controversy White is giving “The Notorious” Conor McGregor (21-3), who's been absent from the company for three years, his dream match against Khabib “The Eagle” Nurmagomedov (260) for the UFC Lightweight Championship title. This did not settle well with

Lesnar and McGregor. Rousey began her career at the bottom like every other female fighter and rapidly rose to the top. She was the first female fighter to be inducted into the UFC Hall of Fame, and the first woman to represent the company by being promoted in the media. Let’s not forget that there are other women who have gone further than Rousey like Cris Cyborg and Holly Holm, but yet did not get the same recognition as Rousey did. Lesnar on the other hand has gone back and forth between MMA and professional wrestling. No matter how many times Lesnar would tell White he was done with the UFC, he was always welcomed back into the company with open arms, and had main event matches waiting for him. White has gone on the record to say that Lesnar is “special” to him, and he would not let any other fighter of his have the same opportunities that the Beast Incarnate is guaranteed to have when he comes back. With the bus incident McGregor caused in April, White seemed thrilled that

the UFC was getting more air time and popularity. There have been many real life fights outside of the ring by White’s fighters and many of them were suspended or let go. McGregor however was not suspended or let go, instead was granted a championship fight after the fiasco he caused. How does this make sense? For a long time now these three fighters have been what the UFC community has heard about. But what about all the other well established fighters? The problem that White is going to face sooner rather than later is losing great fighters like Diaz, Poirier and many others, because he puts too much emphasis on fighters who really don’t care to fight anymore. Now that they are rich and famous, to them fighting isn’t worth it. White should know by now that what makes a fighter liked is their relatability to fans. For a while now, the athletes he thinks are relatable are not. I hope that someday we can see less fighters walking away from their dreams, and more of them headlining the biggest matches in UFC history.

Football prepares for season opener By Haley Richards sports editor

Justin Fitzpatrck goes to take down Missouri State runner.


Macomb, Ill. — The Western Illinois football team is just 10 days away from their season opener against Montana State University. This is the first season for head coach Jared Elliot, who was named head coach last spring. Camp, or preseason, has just ended for the Leathernecks as they now look to prepare for their first game. “Camp has been really good. We've got a lot of work in, and we've had a lot of guys that are getting reps in, which is good," Elliott said. “Our effort and energy have been really good through the first eight days of practice. We're a long ways away execution wise; we've got to continue to clean up a lot of things on both sides of the ball, but that's what camp is for, we're seeing some of the guys make some major strides. And at this point, I'm encouraged, but we still have a lot of work to do.” Western is returning key players such as senior quarterback Sean McGuire, senior running back Steve McShane, senior defensive lineman Khalen Saunders, senior defensive back Justin Fitzpatrick and senior linebacker Quentin Moon. All five players were named to the Missouri Valley Football preseason all-conference selections. “There's been a lot of real-

ly good give and take, and when I say that I mean there's been some good back and forth between our offense and defense which is what you want to see. It's been very competitive and that challenges each unit and each side of the ball to really respond,” Elliot said. “It hasn't been a lopsided camp where one unit has just outplayed the other.” Aside from the returners, Western will be adding 24 new freshman and transfer players; some of them coming from schools such as Ohio State University, Duke University and Coastal Carolina University. “It's always good to see the guys you recruit here in full pads and playing football. With the newcomers, it's been exciting to see how quickly some of these guys have improved as they start to learn our scheme and get comfortable with what we're doing. Over a week of time, a lot of guys are starting to make some really good jumps, some steps, in the right direction,” Elliot said. Last season, the Purple and Gold had an 8-4 overall record, putting them in the FCS Playoffs, where they fell to Weber State University by a close score of 21-19. This season, Western will face teams such as in-state rivals, University of Illinois and Illinois State University. twitter: hayfourrr

Soccer looks to stun Cougars By Bradley Piros

assistant sports editor

Madeline Edwards takes the ball down the field.


SPRINGFIELD, Mo. — The Western Illinois women’s soccer team has been back in action over the past two weeks, winning their first two matches. Those games were both exhibition on the road against the University of IllinoisChicago and the University of Wisconsin- Green Bay, meaning they didn’t boost the teams record. On the up and up, they are scoring goals, winning 1-0 and 3-2 respectively. They did however lose their first regular season game on the road at Missouri State to a score of 1-0. That game was unable to be finished though as lightning stopped the game in the 82nd minute. The Leathernecks’ next game will wrap up their four-game road trip against upstate rival, University of Northern Illinois Huskies. Last season Western was topped 1-0 in their home opener to NIU, so they will be seeking their revenge this year. After Western’s visit with the Huskies, they will open up a

four-game home stand against the University of Missouri Kansas City. Following that up they will play a new foe, in the Louisiana Tech Bulldogs. The Purple and Gold will finish their home stay against the University of Milwaukee Panthers and the Ball State University Cardinals; both being teams they have played before. Last year Western dropped both these games 3-0. Next, the Leathernecks go back on the road for three games, starting with Chicago State University. This was one of Western’s only two wins last season, and it came in spectacular fashion as they won 9-1, breaking their previous goals scored in one match record by one goal. It was one of the biggest wins in the school’s history and they will hope to try and do it all again. Western will continue that road trip to visit the Drake University Bulldogs and the Illinois State University Redbirds. They lost to both of these teams with scores of 1-0 and 2-1 respectively. From there on out, Western will be up against their eight

Summit League competitors. They’ll kick things off against the North Dakota State University Bison and the South Dakota State University Jackrabbits at home before visiting the Summit League’s newest member, the University of North Dakota Hawks. Last year UND finished with an 8-8-4 record, which by no means is a bad thing. Three games into this season and they have already scored 10 goals, winning 5-1, 2-1 and 3-0. The 2-1 victory was over their rivals, the University of South Dakota Coyotes in a pre-season exhibition match. Western lost 4-0 last season on the road to the Hawks. Western then comes back home for one game against the UND Coyotes, before taking a break from Summit League competition to play the University of Northern Iowa Panthers on the road. They’ll play one more on the road, against the Oral Roberts University Golden Eagles.

Women page 6

Necks off to a good start on the season By Michael Harms courier staff

MACOMB, Ill. — As a new semester dawns upon Western Illinois University a spark of hope rallies around the athletic fields. The men’s soccer team is hoping that spark ignites a fire of success in the upcoming season. After winning their last exhibition matches Western faces Quincy University Monday at 5:30 p.m. Last season ended in disappointment with a final record of 5-10-1 and losing in the first round The Summit League Tournament. Along with the losing record Western lost Ben Fiddes, Armel Kouassi, Alejandro and Fernando Pacheco. Fiddes and the Pacheco brothers won All Summit League team honors and were core offensive pieces for the Leathernecks. Along with Kouassi, the Leathernecks lost alot of other key players in their lineup. However, coach Eric Johnson continued to prove he can recruit overseas and brought in many promising recruits that will help fill the

leaving gaps. Cesar Cosio from Illinois was named All American two years in a row and athlete of the year his junior year. From Canada Johnson brought in Arian Mehrang who played for St. Edmund Campion and was the second highest goal scorer on the time. Along with new recruits the team must look to a load of sophomores to step up and become leaders for the leathernecks. Ben Marrett is a strong upcoming center back that started all 16 games last year. He hopes to have more than just three shutouts and help the backline be unstoppable. Another sophomore that needs to grab the torch and lead the team to victory is Paul Kirdoff. After having 20 shots and only 7 on target Kirdoff started the year right scoring one goal against Depaul University and hopes to gain a lot more this season. gold and help the leathernecks to a winning season.

Men page 6

Ben Marrett takes a touch into space on the pitch.


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