Western Courier | October 2, 2017

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Opinions: Ruder — Gun control advocates should rethink their position.

Edge: Hohman — Young Sheldon and Big Bang Theory continue to impress.

Monday, October 2, 2017 - Vol. 118 Issue 18

Sports: Leatherneck comeback cut short in final quarter

Necks fall short in top-10 match up By Devon Greene assistant sports editor

The Western Illinois University Leathernecks lost their homecoming game 38-33 against the tenth ranked team in the FCS, the University of South Dakota Cougars on Saturday afternoon. The loss, however, did not come without plenty of drama. Three Leathernecks put on historic performances in the showdown on Hanson Field.  The Cougars opened the game with a long 9- play 75-yard scoring drive that showed how aggressive they were from the start. South Dakota went for it on the first two fourth downs of the game. The first fourth down they looked to convert was a fourth and two on Western’s 28 yard line. A 12-yard completion led to a first down and an early touchdown to put them up 7-0 in the first quarter.  After three straight games of scoring at least 38 points per game, Western’s offense had finally encountered some formidable opposition in the Cougar ’s defense. The Leathernecks had problems running the ball all night and only finished with 33 yards rushing. They had to punt on their first

three drives of the game and had trouble getting anything past the stifling South Dakota defensive unit.  The Cougars closed out the first quarter with a long drive that resulted in a 23-yard field goal from senior kicker, Ryan Weese to push the score to 10-0.  Western’s first scoring drive came to open their first drive of the second quarter. Senior wide-receiver Jaelon Acklin began to show a glimpse of what type of game he was going to have with a big drive to get Western back in the game. Acklin caught a 31yard pass to open the drive and later pulled in a 28-yard pass on a crucial third down for the Leathernecks. This catch placed the Leathernecks on the Cougars’ 17-yard line, placing them in the red zone for the first time in the game.   They were able to capitalize one play later as junior quarterback, Sean McGuire hit senior, tight end Tony Harper on a 17 yard pass up the middle. Sophomore kicker Sam Crosa missed the point and left the score at 10-6.

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Receiver Jaelon Acklin fights for his second touchdown in a record-breaking performance Saturday against the Coyotes.

Hanson memorial statue revealed Friday

Western Illinois University reveals the Colonel Ray “Rock” Hanson statue Friday afternoon as former Interim President David Taylor addresses the crowd.



Monday, October 2, 2017




Tabi Jozwick

courier staff

On Thursday, award winning writer Riad Ismat presented Living Dangerously as part of Western Illinois University’s International Day of Peace celebration at the Lamoine Room in the University Union.  “Each year, the International Day of Peace is celebrated around the world on Sept. 21,” said Julia Albarracin, professor of political science. “This year, we’re one week late celebrating it, but we thought it would be better to do it as soon as possible. The United Nations General Assembly has declared this day as a day to strengthen the ideals of peace both within nations and among the nations for all

peoples around the world.”  Ismat, a visiting scholar at the Buffett Institute for Global Studies at Northwestern University who once served as the Minister of Culture of Syria, read a collection of his writings as part of his presentation.  “I read excerpts on many things,” Ismat said. “I read from old works and from recent works. The recent works that I have been working on were those stories. I mean, I could have read from plays, but plays are difficult to read in a short reading, so short stories would be the best I think.”  Ismat said that his short stories were inspired by the Arabic language book “Kalia wa Dimna,” which has fables like Aesop’s Fables.  “(Fables) have a sort of ini-

tiative wisdom,” Ismat said. “They are like anecdotes from which can derive a message, so I wrote parables, stories of course, from my creation to echo that book in modern times.”   In addition to getting his inspiration from “Kalia wa Dimna” and Aesop’s Fables, Ismat also got inspiration from the fables of Jean de La Fontaine for his short story collection.   “Those are the three books that are really inspirational in that sense because they have that type of a symbolic stories about animals,” Ismat said. “They have a sort of implicant messages that has lots of wisdom for all generations. That’s why they lived throughout centuries.”  As a writer, Ismat believed that peace is very important and he

would want to achieve peace.  “It is important to save human life from dangers,” Ismat said. “Human life is very precious, you can’t sacrifice it for nothing, just for vanity or for war. I am for humanitarian rights always write for love and peace and tolerance, that’s my message in life as a writer.”  Ismat hoped that his writings would carry the message of peace within them.  “I think that one can conclude from the stories of war and violence does not stand,” Ismat said. “All of the peace is an illusion of harmony, they stand for the future. I mean, the messages are different in each story, there’s a different message, but also in my play Shahryar and Scheherazade, it has a new inter-

pretation about the relationship, which is not in the original book, but it is something that I have invented in the play about sexual politics between Shahryar and Scheherazade. All those concepts, they would work for peace and harmony and love and human life. I started by talking about the paradoxes in human existence and there are paradoxes, but I wrote for the positive concepts, not the negative ones.”   Ismat shared his thoughts about how anyone can promote peace, regardless of what they do in life.  “To promote peace, you must compromise,” Ismat said. “You have to comply with the demands of the majority. You must not to be selfish, but to work for the interests of most people for their well-being and happiness.”

Homecoming parade concludes week





The Macomb community gathers to conclude Homecoming weekend with the annual parade passing, in front of Sherman Hall and the Alumni House and ending in front of Corbin-Olson Residence Hall.


STAFF MEMBERS editor-in-chief Nicholas Ebelhack NA-Ebelhack@wiu.edu news editor Isaiah Herard IA-Herard@wiu.edu opinions editor Shannon Norris SA-Norris@wiu.edu sports editor Mat McClanahan MD-McClanahanw@wiu.edu

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Monday, October 2, 2017


INTERNATIONAL FALLS, Minn. — U.S. borders and customs seized $85,824 worth of counterfeit Barbie dolls. The 3,004 dolls were seized were found to be piractical of Mattel’s CEO Barbie.


Daytona Beach, Fla. — Surfer Raymond Davidson losthis prosthetic eye on the beach, to which his wife started a campaign to “keep an eye out for it.” A GoFundMe page has already raised enough money for a new eye.

NEW YORK, N.Y. — Four-time Grammy Award nominee Marilyn Manson was injured at the Hammerstein Ballroom on Saturday, after a set piece fell on him during a performance.

NEWS 3 SWITZERLAND — An amateur buyer purchased a vase worth less than 1,000 Swiss francs for 5,000,000 at an auction in Geneva. While the item wasn’t worth what the buyer paid, it was the largest non-jewelry bid in Geneva history.

MEXICO — A team of 1,000 people gathered in Jalisco on Sunday to break the record for the world’s largest guacamole. Over 3 tons (6,600 lbs) were produced from over 25,000 avocados. The display was a statement in support of the North American Free Trade agreement, as 80 percent of America’s avocados come from Mexico.

CANADA — An Alberta police dog accidentally fired a handgun while tracking two suspects. The dog had found the gun behind a bushy area and inadvertently bit down on the trigger, no civilians nor the dog were injured.

Monday, October 2, 2017



Find your study group WIKIMEDIA.com

Here you are, it’s the night before the big exam and you haven’t studied enough, you think you have a grasp on the information but the feeling of dread still lingers. Or maybe you’ve been studying all the time, drudging through pages of notes and flipping around your textbook. Studying isn’t always very fun, most of the time it feels tedious and boring, and sometimes quite redundant. If you are one of the many people who feel this way, there is but one solution to your dilemma: study in a group.   Find a few people in your class, maybe those who sit closest to you, or those with whom you are

already comfortable and set up time to study together. One of the best benefits of studying with partners is the structure and agenda of the meeting time(s). It doesn’t matter if you procrastinate the weeks away leading up to the exam, you will still meet with them.  Perhaps the best benefit of studying in a group is the lack of monotony and drudgery. It is a whole lot more fun sitting and talking with other students than flipping through pages for hours on end. You can form practice tests on free quiz forming applications like Quizlet that make the experience much more engaging.

Sometimes, I’ll be studying in the library thinking, “There has got to be something better I could be doing...”, when you are with a group of people, those thoughts go right out of the window.  When you set up a group of study buddies, you are going to want to come prepared. The very nature of the meeting gives you more incentives to organize the information that will be the exam before you meet. You may find that you meet with your partners and already have a better understanding of the information.   Studying with a group allows you to obtain anything you may have missed from class and gain new perspective on the information. These fresh perspectives make it much easier for you to notice areas that you need to improve upon, and help others with their blind spots as well.

The social qualities of the study group cannot be ignored, and making new friends is always fun. You will always have each other’s backs.   The study group will improve as the year goes on, you will all become more comfortable with the professors’ testing style and each other, and you’ll presumably have a better idea of what you need to focus on more for the next exams.   We are much stronger together than we are alone. When you study together, you face that exam together. You will walk into that classroom, shoulders back, eager to put another A in that gradebook.   Meeting with your study partners breaks that monotonous grind that is studying and prevents you from cramming the night before a test and stressing yourself out. Say

goodbye to baggy eyes and a brain that’s fried from studying alone on the note flipping grind; say hello to a fun and engaging way to prepare. Find yourself some study partners.

Introverts are not weaklings   Extraversion and introversions are probably the oldest notions pertaining to personality theories. Experts have long observed that some people are more expressive, outgoing and comfortable in interacting socially, like a social butterfly. Others, like myself, are more reserved, quiet and comfortable isolated within their own solitude. Basically, extroverts sincerely enjoy engaging with the outside world to increase their energy and their aura by communicating with people, while the latter prefer to depend on themselves and their own inner

realm instead of seeking mental and spiritual stimulation from the outside world.   Although introverts and extroverts are equally acceptable personalities, the norms of society view the two theories as a balance act similar to Yin and Yang. The quiet nature of the introverted individuals has too often been misunderstood for weakness. In a world that is over capacitated with judgements, people quickly judge someone who is quiet, as having low self-esteem, being insecure, or even assuming a tragic event happened sometime

in their adolescence. People that don’t understand introversion might get the mistaken idea that introverts are antisocial, reclusive, and rude, but extroverts are perceived as the out-going life of the party that are presumed to be the next presidents, CEOs and highly successful people.   For the majority of my life, I contemplated my personality and pondered why I desired to be alone and reserved…well it’s because I’m an introvert. Growing up, I heard phrases like, “Why are you so quiet?” and, “You won’t be successful if you don’t step outside your solitary state of mind,” so many times it feels like infinity.   According to the Huffington Post, nearly half the populations is introverted. So, does that mean

nearly half are unsuccessful? Over the last few years I’ve come to know a lot of introverts, individuals masquerading as extroverts but are introverts at heart.   Like myself, their regret is trying to be an extrovert all their life when they knew it was overwhelming.   To further understand the bias associated with introversion and extroversion, people need to thoroughly understand what introversion is. Introverts are not shy or antisocial individuals who hate human interaction; however, it’s about social stimulation, or lack thereof, and keeping the spirit refreshed.   Personally, I always gained energy by being alone, in solitude, or in more low-key environments where I am free to think, read, listen to music, write,

etcetera. Introverts prefer deep, meaningful conversations over small talk. They would rather have a few valuable friendships than hundreds of acquaintances. Too much and too frequent social interaction is overwhelming and exhausting to an introvert. We are more fascinated with their inner spirit and worlds rather than the temporary external world.   Lastly, to all parents, guardians, teachers, and friends of an introverted individual, encourage them to follow their passions and be themselves. And as for the introverted individual that may be reading this, be the best person you desire to be. While you might feel invisible in a highly productive, interactive, and communicative outside world, know that you’re not invisible – your interminable.

October 2, 2017

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Monday, October 2, 2017



If there is one thing most Red Hot Chili Peppers fans know, it’s that John Frusciante never disappoints in his musical experimentation. Recently, Trickfinger (John Frusciante’s alias) debuted “Trickfinger II,” a continuation from “Trickfinger,” from 2015. The album’s sound is electronic house music with a little bit of acid rock. “Trickfinger II,” is a short album at only 26 minutes long, but it is worth a listen. The album consists of Frusciante as a one-man band playing all the in-

struments including guitar, drums and synthesizer. He also wrote and recorded all his content through AcidTest, an electronic house music-based label. Though Frusciante states that his new music has no audience base, the album is picking up popularity from all fans. Many fans make the argument that his electronic records are much better then his previous solo work. Other fans however think his guitar playing and lullaby music was more of his sound.

Prior to his electronic experimentation, Frusciante began his solo career in 1994, when he was taking time off from the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Before the Trickfinger alias, he had recorded ten solo albums. Most of his content before Trickfinger was euphoric, with a lot of vocals and guitar solos. Frusciante began his musical career at the age of 18 when he first joined Red Hot Chili Peppers after the passing of their former guitarist, Hillel Slovak in 1988. The first four years were great for Red Hot Chili Pepper. Albums like “ Mothers Milk” (1989), and “Blood Sugar Sex Magik,” (1991) increased the popularity of the band. It would not be long

until the pressure of fame would get to Frusciante, and cause for his first departure in 1992. Many factors contributed to Frusciante’s first departure. The biggest issue was the band’s rise to fame. As told by his former band mates, Frusciante preferred to make music, not money. He preferred playing at shows that they played prior to the success. Not only was the rise to fame an issue, so was his drug addiction. Frusciante struggled with drugs for a long time prior to his joining Red Hot Chili Peppers. After self-reflection and help, Frusciante was clean and ready to return to the Red Hot Chili Peppers in 1998. He came back

and made some of his best work off albums like “Californication” (1999), “By the Way” (2002), and “Stadium Arcadium” (2006). Frusciante was recognized at this time as the modern day Jimi Hendrix. His guitar technique excelled throughout the years with the Red Hot Chili Peppers and no one has been able to replicate it since. In 2009, Frusciante officially left the band, deciding to focus on his experimental music. Though his legacy continues on within his solo work, there is one thing that remains the same, his musicianship. Frusciante’s kills go above and beyond what is expectedof any musician and it shows. “Trickfinger II,” is available online and in stores now.

Edge 3

Monday, October 2, 2017


Linkin Park and friends to pay tribute to Chester Benington On Friday, October 27, the remaining members of Linkin Park will put on a concert in honor of vocalist Chester Bennington, who took his life in July. The sold-out event will take place at the Hollywood Bowl in California. Not only will Linkin Park be the headlining band to pay homage to their late band member, but many other bands will perform for the event as well. Some of those bands include Avenged Sevenfold, Bring Me The Horizon, Blink-182, Korn, Machine Gun Kelly and Sys-

tem of a Down. Prior to the benefit concert, rapper Mike Shinoda of Linkin Park was hesitant to keep the band performing after Bennington’s passing. Shinoda stated in an interview with KROQ radio in Los Angeles, that he didn’t think Linkin Park would continue making music. “When the glue to your foundation crumbles, how do you go forward? Chester was the glue to our band. His voice impacted the people,” Shinoda said. “We as a band can’t hold a candle to that,” states Shinoda.

With the guidance of legendary music producer Rick Rubin, Shinoda came to the conclusion that the fans want to see Linkin Park one more time. Chester Bennington passed away on July 20, by taking his own life. The shock spread like wildfire amongst fans and the music community. No one thought Bennington’s life would end so suddenly. Bennington began his career with Linkin Park in 2000 when the bands first album “Hybrid Theory” gained popularity. He would continue singing with the band up until his passing this year. Bennington was also a vocalist for groups such as Stone Temple Pilots and Dead by Sunrise. For many years, Bennington struggled with mental

illness. His traumas including sexual abuse, depression and drug usage affected the late singer in many ways. Prior to his death Bennington told Rolling Stone magazine that his mind was a “bad neighborhood, which he was afraid to walk alone in.” In many of his songs such as “In the End,” “Breaking the Habit,” “Crawling,” and “Heavy,” Bennington was conveying his personal struggles in his music. In the end he was looking for guidance and for someone to understand him. When his passing made news, many musicians came forth to be a part of the movement devoted to suicide prevention. Musicians created the You Rock Foundation, as a platform to speak out about their strug-

gles to their fans. The goal of the foundation is to inform people that mental illness can occur to anyone. Bennington’s legacy gave a voice to fans and musicians to not be afraid to speak out about their mental health. As of now, there are no plans in the near future for Linkin Park to make any more performances/albums after this tribute concert. This event in itself will be a great way for the band along with many others to give their condolences to the late singer and his family. If there is one thing this concert is promoting, it is to never be afraid to speak up about mental health. Many people struggle to find help, but there is always a resource for those in need.


Season 11 of “The Big Bang Theory” premiered last week and honestly I was a little nervous about whether or not this season would hold up to the others. Very often the last few seasons of comedies wind up being not all that funny, and so far it looks like “The Big Bang Theory” season 11 will be hilarious. Season 10 ended with Shel-

don Cooper (Jim Parsons) getting kissed by a colleague and then flying out to New Jersey to propose to long-time girlfriend, Amy Farrah Fowler (Mayim Bialik). The season left off without an answer from Amy, leaving fans wondering what would happen. Unsurprisingly, Amy says yes, but before she got the chance, Sheldon gets a

phone call from Leonard (Johny Galecki). He doesn’t want to be rude and answers the call, after filling Leonard and Penny (Kaley Cuoco) in, he hangs up and then almost immediately calls back to announce the engagement. Hilarity follows as Sheldon and Amy call friends and family to share the big news and Sheldon explains how another woman kissed him and that that moment is when he decided Amy was the one for him. We also see how each character reacts, which is amusing in itself.

Over the summer, Melissa Rauch, who plays Bernadette, announced that after a long-time struggle with infertility that she is pregnant. Her character just had a baby about halfway through season 10 and fans have wondered how the pregnancy would be handled on the show. Turns out, they wrote it in and now the Wolowitz family is expecting baby number 2. Bernadette first tells Penny about her pregnancy and at first Penny is supportive telling her what a blessing this new little one will be, and then

joins the freak out. Throughout the episode, the audience see’s much of the old casts feature character traits, but we also see some growth in all of them. We also still have yet to see Halley, Bernadette and Howard’s daughter, but there are fan theories that say her character is a tribute to Howard’s mother, who was also never seen on screen but was heard, as we hear Halley’s cry. The whole episode had me laughing out loud and I can’t wait for the rest of season 11. “The Big Bang Theory” airs Mondays at 7 p.m. on CBS.

Want to write for EDGE? Contact am-hohman@wiu.edu


Monday, October 2, 2017


“American Horror Story: Cult” shows character’s dark sides


Another week has passed in the fall and that means another episode of “American Horror Story: Cult” aired on FX. This week’s episode, titled “11/9,”shows our assumed antagonist Kai Anderson, played by Evan Peters, in his darkest episode of not just Cult but of the entire series.  “11/9” opens with all the major characters in line at their nondescript Michigan polling station. We see Sarah Paulson’s and Allison Pill’s respective Ally and Ivy Mayfair-Richards standing and giggling about the hopefully next, madam, president. We see Billie Lourd’s Winter Anderson complaining about the latest Donald trump fiasco. At the polls, Kai hobbles in with Gary Longstreet — played by Chaz Bono

— a seemingly-misogynist Trump supporter. Longstreet, for some reason, has lost his hand, the audience does not know why, though.   Cutting forward a day, Kai Anderson joins a gym with a specific person in mind. He seeks out trainer Harrison Wilton, played by a superb Billy Eichner. Eichner is mostly known for his comedic roles, specifically his confrontationallyhumored “Billy on the Street,” where he approaches random street-goers — with the occasional celebrity — and yells at them seemingly absurd questions like, “Bro, for a dollar, masculinity is a prison, true or false?” and, “For a dollar, which would you rather have: Netflix, Hulu, or people who love you?”  Fortunately — or unfortu-

nately, depending on which flavor of Eicher you prefer; I’m partial to him yelling about Chelsea Handler to the people of New York City or Los Angeles — Eichner ’s Wilton is deep, brooding and easily manipulated. Anderson trains with Wilton for several weeks while also noticing that Wilton’s boss degrades him with menial labor. Under the influence of Anderson, Wilton murders his boss in the most gym-like way possible: a dumbbell to the head.   Anderson continues his manipulative streak with Beverly Hope, played by series regular Adina Porter, a local news reporter hoping to make it big. Unfortunately, though, she’s usually relegated to reporting unimportant stories. Eventually it’s shown through a highlight reel of news footage that Hope’s career spiraled out of control after several Trump-supporters pranked her on air. She was committed to a psychiatric hospital and, after returning to work,

frustrated with her boss’ contempt, slashes her boss’ tires. Now comes Anderson with a proposal of “equal power” in his scheme for supposed “world domination.”   In both these series of scenes, Anderson uses his menacing power of manipulation to convince Wilton and Hope to join him. This mirrors the power of President Trump’s campaign. He used racially charged rhetoric, obscene language and unconventional political posturing to attract not only the core Republican base but the white working classes as well. Anderson is just the natural progression, branching out for the support of gays and AfricanAmericans. He even spells out the common arguments Hope faces on the job.   “On the one side you have people saying, ‘diversity hire, affirmative action, she doesn’t deserve that,’” Anderson says to Hope quite openly, “And on the other side they say, ‘well she’s just as good as we are,

she just got a raw deal.’ But then they don’t do (expletive) to square it.”   Anderson’s true form shows with a confrontation with Longstreet, who was handcuffed to a pipe by Winter and Ivy after he assaulted Ivy. Convincing Longstreet that he’s a regular, hardworking white man who just feels abandoned by liberal policies, Anderson gives him a saw to cut off his own hand to free himself to vote, coming full circle to one of the very first scenes.  We now know how all of the major characters are connected except for Ally’s therapist, Dr. Rudy Vincent, played by Cheyenne Jackson. I have a theory that Vincent is somehow involved with everyone, acting as a puppet master of sorts.   It is hard to imagine Cult getting darker or scarier than “11/9.” But if series creators Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk have taughtus anything, it is that we have to expect the unexpected.

“This is Us” Returns for emotional second season


If you have a Hulu subscription and you do not recognize the title, “This is Us,” you are missing a rollercoaster ride of emotions. NBC fans have been craving a second season

and season 2 is up and running on Hulu as of September 26. “This is Us” stars some hot commodities including Mandy Moore and Milo Ventimiglia. Moore and Ventimi-

glia play parents raising triplets (Kate, Kevin, and Randall) in the 1980s.  This show is unique compared to other television shows because it shows the kids’ childhoods in the form of flashbacks from the 80s but it also shows them in the present, as adults. The show regularly brings it back to current day to show the three different lifestyles that the

now-adult triplets currently hold. Each person of the family line has a different story and it shows how the littlest of things can impact on someone’s whole life.  I just watched the first episode of the second season and words cannot describe how excited I am for this show to be back on. This show can be related to a wide range

of viewers due to the varied nature, plot and cast of the show. “This is Us” deals with issues such as adoption, divorce, conflict with siblings, trying to find love, etc. The show airs every Tuesday on NBC at 8:00 pm and don’t worry if this time does not work for you,it is available to watch on Hulu the very next day.

Monday, October 2, 2017



Let people bear arms WIKIPEDIA.com

Some of the hottest issues people have been talking about — especially with former President Barack Obama’s plan for gun laws while he was in office — have been about gun control. There are those who argue for strict gun control laws, and I strongly disagree. People should be able to own guns if they choose to, especially if they pass the mandatory wait-time and background checks.   I am lucky enough to say that I grew up in an area with relatively little crime. I not only come from an extremely small town, but I was raised in the rural part of that town. Although I have luckily never fallen victim myself, I have heard plenty of stories of friends and neigh-

bors being robbed of things like musical equipment and thousands of dollars worth of lumber outside their home. The idea of a person creeping around inside or outside my home with malicious intentions thoroughly creeps me out, and it does make me feel safer knowing there were guns in the house that could protect us if something went wrong. That being said, the guns were locked away in a safe that only my parents could access.  Guns also played a role in one of the most common past times where I grew up: hunting. And before you try to get after me about how terrible hunting is, in my area, at least, white-tailed deer populations

were very high to the point of overpopulation. Hunting was encouraged. (Also, in order to hunt in Illinois, it is necessary to complete a hunter safety course).  Moving back to the more serious issue, allowing people to have guns in their homes serves as a form of protection. Although gun control laws seem to have good intentions, like keeping guns away from criminals, I don’t foresee them having that effect. Criminals with illegal firearms don’t tend to care what the law says. I have to doubt that those who plan to commit a crime are going to walk in a gun store and legally purchase a firearm.   The gun cartels are such a big business for a reason. Since many criminals acquire guns illegally, strict guns laws would prevent law-abiding citizens from obtaining guns, leaving them without protection from those who got their firearms

another way.   The gun-buying process now is much more strict than it used to be, which I do think is a good thing. Although I believe people should have access to guns to protect themselves, you obviously don’t want to give a gun to just anyone. In Illinois, the process of buying a gun includes providing a valid ID, a Firearms Owners Identification (FOID) card — which comes with a separate application process in itself — a waiting period and a detailed background check. One also needs to apply for a concealed carry

license if they wish to carry a concealed firearm.   Guns should always be used responsibly. They should not be operated by someone who has not had training on how to properly use them. Guns kept in homes should always be stored unloaded and separate from ammunition, away from children. The road to owning a gun is a complicated one, but one that is worth it if a person wants to protect themselves or their family. Most of the people who own guns do not have bad intentions, and I believe it is a person’s right to be able to


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Monday, October 2, 2017


Men’s Soccer from back page

Western Illinois will get a break from conference games for the next few weeks. They will not face a Summit League opponent again until Saturday, October 21. Next weekend, Western will take on Lincoln Land

Volleyball from back page

This was a Western best. Sophomore defensive specialist/libero Claire Grove added to her season total with 31 digs. Norris followed with 31 digs, along with junior right side hitter, Shiah Sanders

College. The community college is 0-9 this season and will travel to Macomb for a nonconference game. Looking into the upcoming week, Western’s men’s soccer program will celebrate their 50th Anniversary this weekend. Alumni from the past 50 years will be coming to Macomb to be honored. On

Friday, there will be a welcome social for all past and present players. Saturday, after the Leathernecks face Lincoln Land, there will be an alumni match also on John Mackenzie Alumni Field. The players will follow the match with a reunion dinner at the university. Twitter: @hayfourrr

with 11 digs. Omaha’s leaders in the game began with junior outside hitter, Mackenzie Horkey. Horkey recorded her sixth double-double of the season with a match high of 16 kills. She continued adding on 12 digs, two blocks, and hitting a .302. Senior setter Sydney

O’Shaughnessy added 53 assists, 11 digs, five blocks, and four kills to her eighth double-double match high. Freshman middle blockers Bella Sade and Anna Blaschko both tallied seven blocks. Sade added 15 kills on a .370 hitting, with two aces. Blaschko chipped in five more kills.



For Rent

For Rent

Submit a classifieds ad to Micour@wiu.edu

1 & 2 bedroom apartments, new $250 signing bonus on 10 and 12 month leases. Two blocks from campus. Bus stops nearby. Free water, garbage and parking. Laundry onsite. Clean, well maintained and secure. Call Ted 309-837-5600 or visit markertrental.com. Spacious 2-5 bedroom homes for rent. 10 month lease available. Great locations, close to bus stops, plenty off street parking, all new windows, AC, energy efficient furnace, hardwood and ceramic tile floors, free washer/dryer. Well maintained (24 hrs.) by local landlord. Call 309-255-1233. Houses for Rent 2016/2017: A&D Real Estate has several 3, 4 and 5 bedroom houses for rent, all with at least 2 bathrooms, recently rennovated and located close to campus. Call for a tour or visit our website at www.wiucollegerentals.com. Local landlord with a focus on clean and updated housing with personal service for your college housing needs. 309-313-1122. Charleston Blvd. Apartments is running a SPRING SPECIAL NOW THROUGH JUNE 2017! 1 BR for $500 and 2 BR for $600. Call 309.833.4545 or stop by the office at 209 Charleston Boulevard. NICE, CLEAN, WELL MAINTAINED 1 TO 6 BEDROOM HOUSES FOR 2016-2017 Our houses have hard wood floors, ceramic tile, central air, washer and dryer and are close to campus with plenty of parking. We offer a ten month lease so you don’t pay for the months you aren’t here. Please call 309-255-1959 for a showing. Now showing for 2017 & 2018 year 2, 3, and 5 bedrooms homes all close to campus. Call 309-331-4565. Short Term or 12 Month lease ISS Building, across from Linc-Wash and Sherman Hall. Still Brand NEW, BEAUTIFUL, and very NEAT. 1 and 2 Bedroom, NO SMOKING and NO PETS of any kind. Sign in February or in March and Get The LOWEST rate. �Call (309) 333-7072. ASPEN COURT APARTMENTS REDUCED PRICING!!! The nicest and cleanest apartment complex in Macomb now has the lowest pricing in town! Call for pricing 309-833-3600 or stop in our office at 1507 W. Jackson (across from EL Ranch & Casey’s) NOW! LOW LOW LOW LOW ASPEN COURT PRICING!!! Westen Investments has only two 4-Bedroom brich houses available. Call our office at 309-833-5995 to schedule a showing! We will show to 2-3 person groups as well!



Junior outside hitter Abby Bergsten had 12 kills and a hit at a .370 clip, along with two blocks. Freshman libero Claire Mountjoy held a team high with 21 digs. Sophomore outside hitter Gessica Gdowski followed in digs with 18. Sophomore right side hitter

LARGE STUDENT RENTALS 5 and 6 Bedroom Homes are still available!! Ask for our $1000.00 Discount program! Firsrt come first serve for the last large homes that are open for the fall. NICE, CLEAN, WELL MAINTAINED 1 TO 6 BEDROOM HOUSES FOR 2017-2018 Our houses have wood floors, ceramic tile, W/D, central air, and are close to campus with plentry of parking. We offer low rent and a 10 month lease to save you money! Call 309-255-1959 for a showing. Small 1BR apt near campus and downtown. All utilities included. (Electric, Water, DISH, Garbage) $500/month, $300 deposit. Available immediately. Also have 2BR, you pay electric. $600/month, $350 deposit available September 1st. Please contact 309-255-4367 for a showing. Nice apartments, excellent service-24 hour emergency maintenance. 1-4 bedrooms, on/off campus available ‘16-’17 school year. Check us out at www.macomb4rent.com. If interested, please call F & H Rentals 309/837-1705. CLEAN, REMODELED, AND WELL MAINTAINED HOUSES AND APTS FOR RENT IN GREAT LOCATIONS. UTILITIES PAID FOR APARTMENTS. RENTING NOW FOR FALL 2017. ALSO RENTING TWO APTS FOR SPRING 2016. CALL JASON AT 309-221-3985. Timbercrest Apartments 1587 Riverview Drive Now showing 1 & 2 Bedroom Units. Very clean, close to WIU campus with bus stop in front of building. Washer/dryer available in most units, all other appliances included, FREE INTERNET, ceiling fans in every room, pet friendly. All units have off street parking and private decks overlooking campus. Both 10- and 12-month leases are available. Openings for Summer 2017 and school year 2017/2018. Deposit required. Phone (309)833-3192 and leave message. For Rent: The perfect country rustic barn venue seats up to 250. The Old Homestead Event Barn located only 30 miles south of Macomb. Our venue is available for outdoor weddings, barn receptions, formals, reunions, etc. Visit our website at rushvillebarn.com or email lisa@rushvillebarn.com - WIU Alumni ‘85 Westen Investments has just one 3-Bedroom ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED (Water, Sewer, Trash, Gas, Electric, and Internet) Apartment left! That’s right you just pay for rent, and the rest of it is on us! Call our office at 309-833-5995 to check it out. APARTMENT FOR RENT: FOR QUIET PERSON. ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT FOR RENT LOCATED AT 314 West Carroll ST Macomb, Ill 61455. Available end of August 2017-new carpeting yearly lease SMALEST FURNISHED IN MACOMB $345.00/month - HEAT & AC INCLUDED private entrance, off-street parking included call for appointment309-837-4748 or 255-5075 woodburning fireplace, ask for Paul.

Meagen Roth concludes the highlights with 16 digs, eight kills, and two blocks. Western has a week off before their next match against the South Dakota State Jackrabbits. The Leathernecks will be hosting the event this Friday at Western Hall. The first serve will begin at 7p.m.

RATES $5.50 per issue (open rate) $4.00 per issue (campus rate)

For Rent 538 N. Randolph St. Macomb, IL One month minimum rent For professionals and graduate students Exceptional living space, furnished and clean Water, Electric, Furnace/AC, Garbage AND Internet included You bring your bed sheets and towels Email: inselhaus@macomb.com Tel: 312-885-2128 Available now: Close to campus, clean studio apartments, excellent condition, reasonable rent, and partly furnished. Ceiling fans and a/c. Professionally maintained. No pets. Semester leases offered. Call 309 837 4369 and leave your phone number if not there. Email: MandKhousing@gmail.com Nice houses, excellent service-24 hour emergency maintenance. 1-6 bedrooms, on/off campus available ‘16-’17 school year. Pets at some locations. Check us out at www.macomb4rent.com. If interested, please call F & H Rentals 309/837-1705. ALL APARTMENTS - ALL INCLUSIVE Get control of your budget. Know exactly what you are spending each month. Each apartment includes free a/c, free heat, free electricity, free water, free cable tv, free hi speed internet, and free off street parking. Laundry on site. No noise policy. Bus stop across the street. Close to campus. Well maintained. Studios are $460/mo, One bedrooms are $620/mo. Call Doug at 309-255-8179 for an appointment. Chandler Street Apartments 326 and 336 Chandler Street Now showing 1 or 2 Bedroom Townhouse Apartments. All units have appliances including washer/dryer, ceiling fans in every room, tile floors, kitchen/living room combination with bar islands, large closets in bedrooms. Located on a quiet street, all units have off street parking and are located close to campus and within walking distance to Macomb nightlife. Both 10- and 12-month leases are available. Openings for Summer 2017 and school year 2017/2018. Deposit required. Phone (309)833-3192 and leave message. $565/month, - 2 bedroom / 1 bath house for rent - 1/2 block from WIU Avail June 1. Has w/d in unit, detached garage. No dogs Contact 708-903-7971 or renders713@gmail.com Westen Investments still has affordable 1-4 Bedroom Apartment/Houses available. Be sure to check out our website (www.westeninvest.com) to see our available listings, and call our office at 309-833-5995 to schedule a showing. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to win prize giveaways!

Sports 7

Monday, October 2, 2017



Brett Taylor directs the defense against the University of South Dakota, during which he tied the Western Illinois University single-game record for tackles.

Football from page 1

The Cougars dominated the rest of the first half scoring two more touchdowns. The final touchdown came on a 10-play 74-yard drive to close the half. South Dakota senior quarterback Chris Streveler proved to be a problem for Western all afternoon. A 27-yard scramble from Streveler put the Cougars in scoring position with just under two minutes remaining in the half. South Dakota finished off the drive with a oneyard touchdown pass from Streveler to senior tight-end Josh Hale. Western head coach Charlie Fisher spoke to his team at halftime to find answers for their lackluster performance to start the game. “I think more than anything we started to play like we can play.” Fisher said. “We got some energy going, we started making plays and gained some confidence. I challenged our guys at halftime, I said ‘This isn't us. We need to answer the bell and represent this football organization the way we can

play.’ and we did that. We gave ourselves a chance at the end, as a head coach that's all you can ask.” The Leathernecks didn’t show any signs of life to open the second half and started with a quick three and out. South Dakota kept the momentum rolling with a scoring drive and further extended the lead to 31-6. The thrashing continued with their next drive as senior offensive lineman Stetson Dagel in the end zone for a touchdown, recovered a fumble and pushed their advantage to 38-6 with 5:44 remaining in the third quarter. Western’s following drive was the beginning of the comeback that revitalized the fans at Hansen field. A two-play drive led to a touchdown on a deep pass down the middle from McGuire to Acklin for a 62-yard touchdown. The momentum from this play alone sparked the entire team to get back into the game. Two punts later, one from each team, running back and punt returner Steve McShane posted the seventh longest return in Western’s history book at 77 yards. He was tackled at the Cougars’ 7-yard

line but an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty from sophomore wide receiver Brandon Gaston pushed them back to the 23-yard line. McShane had another big play for the Leathernecks as he caught a lob pass between two defenders and put Western on the 1-yard line. McShane finished off the drive with a one-yard touchdown run. Western showed signs of life as the lead was shrunk to 18 before start of the final quarter. The fourth quarter was all Acklin. He already broke his career receiving record with 109 yards receiving through three quarters but he wasn’t anywhere near finished with one quarter remaining and his team down 18 in their homecoming game. The Cougars opening drive of the fourth quarter was stifled by Western’s defense and a major player was senior linebacker Brett Taylor. Taylor put together a historic game and tied Rodney Harrison’s 28 tackles against Western Kentucky. Harrison’s record stood for 24 years before Taylor put together one of the best games of his career against South Dakota.

Western’s next drive saw Acklin catch 8 passes for 96 yards that ended with him catching an 11-yard touchdown and further put the pressure on South Dakota, shrinking the lead to 38-29. The Leatherneck defense came up big holding the Cougars out of scoring position and giving the offense enough time to score again with 4:28 left in the game. A great punt from redshirt freshman punter, Brady Schutt pinned Western at their own three-yard line. Acklin kept dominating the secondary and opened the drive with a 34-yard catch over the middle. Four plays later, Acklin caught another big pass over the middle, he weaved through four Cougar defenders and broke loose for a 41-yard touchdown. Fisher watched in awe of his senior wide-reciever's recordbreaking performance. “He's certainly capable of it by the way he's performed since January.” Fisher said. “I've done this a long time, 37 years, and I've got a lot of games, and a lot of really good quarterbacks and receivers. The performance that Acklin had today was nothing short

of unbelievable. His effort and determination, I tip my hat and I told him that in the locker room,” said Fisher. “I haven't seen a performance like that since going back to what (former North Carolina State and NFL standout) Torry Holt did a number of times.” All Western’s hopes were placed on their defense, and they lived up to expectations. The Leatherneck defense held up on a four play drive and came up with what was the biggest stop of the game on a fourth and one with 41 seconds remaining before the next play. On the first play of the Leatherneck’s final drive, McGuire targeted junior receiver, Isaiah LeSure on the sideline. The pass flew past LeSure and was intercepted by junior defensive back Danny Rambo. The interception iced the game for the Cougars and gave them a 38-33 victory over Western. The Leathernecks are now 3-1 this season and are heading to Cedar Falls, Iowa next week for a matchup against the University of Northern Iowa Panthers. Twitter:devondeadlysins

Monday, August 21, 2017

Men’s soccer takes down in state foe By Haley Richards courier staff

The Western Illinois University men’s soccer team defeated the Eastern Illinois University Panthers this past Saturday. Two goals in the first half put the Leathernecks ahead for the rest of the game. With a final score of 2-0, Western moves onto 4-5-0 on the season. This was the Leathernecks second conference win of the season. The Panthers, now 2-4-5, saw their first conference loss. A goal from senior forward Armel Kouassi just seconds after the first whistle put the Purple and Gold at an advantage, which they used throughout the rest of the match. This was Kouassi’s first goal of the season. Averaging a shot per game, Kouassi was bound to put one in the back of the net. In the 2016 season, he led the team with a total of 36 shots on goal. Kouassi was the spark that Western needed to give the team the confidence necessary to win. Another goal by senior forward Drew Whalen gave the Leathernecks a safe lead just 33 minutes into the game. A pass from freshman midfielder Paul Kirdorf allowed Whalen the perfect opportunity in front of the goal. This was Whalen’s

sixth goal of the season and Kirdorf’s third assist of this season. Saturday’s goal put Whalen at 12 points on the season; he is now tied with senior forward Fernando Pacheco. Whalen and Pacheco, along with sophomore forward Elvir Ibisevic from the University of Nebraska-Omaha (Omaha) are leading the Summit League with six goals. However, Ibisevic leads the conference with 13 points this season. Kirdorf’s assist in todays’ match now puts him at second in conference in assists on the season. Offensively, the Leathernecks have been finishing the ball to give them the outcome necessary for post-season play. In today’s game, the defense stepped up which lead to the first shutout of the season. Sophomore goalkeeper Tim Trilk had a total of five saves throughout the match. We also saw a lot of action from Kirdorf as well as senior defender Ben Fiddes. The three of these players stopped the Panther’s offense entirely. The Leathernecks had a good crowd for their first home game of this season. After a win today, they remain at the top of the Summit

Men’s Soccer page 6

Fernando Pacheco dribbles up the field in a Leatherneck win over Eastern Illinois University.


Western volleyball falls in seventh straight game By Brie Coder courier staff

Jaime Johnson approaches the net in a home match.


The Western Illinois University Leathernecks (5-12), worked hard to bounce back against the University of Nebraska-Omaha Mavericks (5-10). Though things were picking up for the Purple and Gold during the second set, it wasn’t enough for an overall win. Western lost to the Mavericks 1-3 this past Friday. Head coach Kelly Richardson stated that the Leathernecks needed better execution during the match. “This match just comes down to ourselves. We talked tonight about the serve and pass game and we had to win that aspect of the match,” Richardson said. “When you are in a tight match like the one tonight, it comes down to unforced errors. Those are just things that we need to be able to clean up.” The first set did not go in Western’s favor, ending 15-25. During the second set, things changed that granted the Leathernecks an upper hand. In the second set, the Purple and Gold jumped out to a quick 7-0 start. Freshman outside hitter Emma Norris helped start

the set with three consecutive kills. The Leathernecks eventually pushed the lead to 195, but the Mavericks closed the gap to 23-18. Western put Omaha away with a kill by junior setter, Jaime Johnson. This concluded the second set, with a win for the Leathernecks, 25-21. Western continued the momentum in the third set, by winning the first three points and being ahead 6-3. Red shirt freshman outside hitter Mackenzie Steckler logged a kill to push the Leathernecks ahead. Omaha won four straight points later in the third set, to help secure the victory. The Mavericks continued carrying the momentum, and won the set 27-25. After two set wins, Omaha concluded the fourth set with a win 25-15, and an overall win 3-1. The leaders among the Leathernecks included Steckler with 12 kills while hitting at a .286 clip and Johnson, who logged 27 assists against the Mavericks.

Volleyball page 6

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