9 minute read
Newmarket VIEW Club
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Anne-Marie Menzel, Ros Arden and June Sakzewski awaiting the arrival of lunch
Meeting Venue - Gaythorne RSL Club
Lunch is still being enjoyed by Newmarket VIEW Club members at the Gaythorne RSL Club even though meetings in the upstairs function rooms have been put in abeyance because of the COVID19 restrictions. Members at least can get-together and use raffles and donations to raise funds to continue to sponsor the six students following The Smith Family’s Learning for Life Program.
The Newmarket VIEW Club, Brisbane, is a small. friendly club with members coming from all walks of life, and we would be delighted if you could join us in our mission to provide better educational opportunities for young Australians.
If you wish to know more about the Newmarket VIEW Club, email us on newmarketview@gmail.com, or ring our president, Heather, on 0437 343 163 or vice-president, Jean, on 0438 177 176.
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.....Principal's Points.......Principal's Points......
Hilder Road State School
In a year that has been unpredictable and, at times, demanding, I would like to celebrate the students at HRSS. Our students continue to amaze me with the level of confidence, flexibility, and creativity they display in the face of uncertainty and change. Last night, we acknowledged some of our senior students who exemplify these attributes, as we presented them with the Rotary Junior Community Award. The program requires a significant commitment over 6 months to complete four different criteria. We welcomed President, Mitch Koroloff from the Rotary Club of Ashgrove/The Gap, and his colleagues Russ O’Malley and Tim Boyd, to present the students with their Awards. Congratulations to the Year 6 students who successfully completed the RJCA program. It is a great accomplishment!(Photo below)
In the spirit of ‘the show must go on’, we are excited to announce that our 2020 school musical ‘Porridge’ is proceeding with performances scheduled for November 7th and 8th at Ferny Grove State High School. We are very appreciative of FGSHS’s willingness to host our performances within appropriate COVIDsafe guidelines. A huge thank you to our Performing Arts Coordinator, Kathryn Harrison, for her talent, energy and commitment in enabling such a wonderful opportunity for our students as part of HRSS’s growing Performing Arts Program. If you would like to tune in and watch our amazing students, you are welcome to purchase a live stream link at: www. trybooking.com/bmdzq
Kind regards, Jodie Watts - Principal
Payne Road
State School
‘ZONES OF REGULATION’ PARENT DISCUSSION GROUPS – Proactive Wellbeing Strategy at Payne Road SS
The P&C Wellbeing team, in conjunction with the School, are running a series of Parent Discussion Groups and have invited parents/carers to come together to explore a range of wellbeing topics relevant to the wellbeing of their children! These groups will assist the development of a common language between home and school!
The discussion groups aim to be friendly and informal, inviting community and connection with other parents navigating the same challenges and asking the same questions! By sharing a cuppa and a chat, together we can explore creative ways to support our children to flourish and thrive.
The very first of our Parent Discussion Groups is focussed on ‘The Zones of Regulation’!
In support of the wellbeing of every child, it has been a great achievement that every classroom is now espousing the ‘Zones of Regulation’ – a proactive program that teaches selfregulation and emotional control. Some of our students are also accessing this as an intervention through our ‘Calm Zones’ program.
‘Zones’ is a systematic, cognitive behavioural approach used to teachothers to self-regulate their needs as well as their emotions and impulses in order to meet the demands of the environment and be successful socially. It offers a framework with a common language and visuals that can be used in the classroom, in the playground and in the home! It offers regulation ‘tools’ that can be
Congratulations to the Year 6 HRSS students who successfully completed the RJCA program learned and personalised as needed.
Zones is an evidencebased wellbeing program that we are very proud to be part of!!
Nicky Brazzale - Principal St Peter Chanel Primary School
Congratulations to our Teacher Librarian, Mrs Angela Callins, and to our talented and creative students on our 2020 publication, ‘Hidden Talents’. The book was written and illustrated by our students during their time with this year’s Authorin-Residence, Mr David Lowe. Already proving to be a hot seller, the book makes a lovely keepsake and gift for the extended family.
Recently, our school community celebrated Book Week 2020. The theme this year was ‘Curious Creatures, Wild Minds’. We welcomed guest speaker Mr Lucas Proudfoot (indigenous performer and storyteller) who was both inspirational and entertaining. We also enjoyed a simple dress-up parade and hosted a Book Fair.
We enjoyed highly successful coaching sessions last term from AFL Queensland (Year 3), Cricket Australia (Year 4), Netball Australia (Year 5) and Touch Football Australia (Year 6). The children have since put their new skills into practice with each year level competing in a friendly school based round robin competition. Students were placed in teams within their cohort and played a number of mini matches under the guidance of class teachers and coaches from the different sporting codes. Both participation and enjoyment were high! I congratulate all
(Continued on page 23)
.....Principal's Points.......Principal's Points......
St Peter Chanel Primary School
(Continued from page 22) involved and thank our Sports Coordinator, Mrs Emma Wilson, for organising these events.
With COVID-19 forcing the cancellation of our school camps for Year 4 and 5 students, and our Year 6 visit Canberra, the children instead enjoyed a series of Day Camps. Each year level travelled to Camp Warrawee, a YMCA Outdoor Education facility, located in beautiful, natural bushland adjacent to North Pine Dam. The students enjoyed three outdoor pursuits over the day, including archery, survival skills, pool swim, canoeing, team initiatives, water-based trust initiatives, orienteering, obstacle course, indoor climbing and the catapult building challenge. Organising these Day Camps involved a considerable amount of thought and time and I am grateful to all staff involved as we continue our quest to try to establish a new normal and maintain a variety of exciting experiences for our students.
Currently we still have a limited number of vacancies in most year levels for 2021. If readers know of any families who may be interested in applying for these places, please invite them to contact the school ASAP. They could either phone 3300 1202, or email pthegap@bne.catholic. edu.au. Individual family tours are available.
Margo Carwardine – Principal
The Gap State
High School
Early in Term 4 Year 10 students attended their Year level camp at Emu Gully or did work experience. The camp is a leadership and team building program based on the character values of Courage, Mateship, Sacrifice and Perseverance. The camp challenges students to overcome obstacles, it enhances communication skills and team work. Activities include paintball, a low ropes course, the Kokoda Trail, underground tunnels, a truck pull and rock climbing. After three nights away all students and teachers returned home thoroughly exhausted although feeling very lucky that the camp actually went ahead after such a tumultuous year. For those that were able to attend work experience feedback from employers was positive, with students gaining job ready skills.
Our Year 12s commenced the first round of External exams as part of the QCE on Monday the 26th of October. Year 12 students will no longer sit the Queensland Core Skills (QCS) test, which has been in place since 1992. From 2020 the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) will replace the Overall Position as the way to rank Queensland school leavers for tertiary entrance.
Construction of our new four level building has begun. It will comprise of a carpark on the ground floor, an opencroft area, additional learning areas, two visual art rooms and a staff room. The build is expected to take at least twelve months.
Anne McLaughlan – Principal
The Gap State
On Wednesday 21 October, thirteen Year 6 students were presented with their certificates for participating in the Rotary Junior Community Awards. These awards recognise students for their active contribution to serving
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their local community. Our students participated in activities aimed at developing their understanding and appreciation of community service, physical recreation, social experiences and learning new skills. With restrictions in place this year and with the support from our school Chaplain, these students have been able to adapt their ways of working to be able to complete the required tasks. A special assembly was held for award recipients, their family members and invited guests from Ashgrove/The Gap Rotary Club, where our students spoke with pride, sharing their reflections and acknowledging their accomplishments and the perseverance required to gain their certificate. I commend our students for their commitment and determination to complete all tasks. Our school is very
proud of the community connection with Rotary and we have facilitated student participation in the Junior Community Awards for the past 11 years.
Weekly water safety and swimming education lessons, as part of the school Physical Education program commenced for all students at the start of Term 4. Students are participating in lessons in our school pool, with the aim to develop the knowledge, skills and dispositions to prioritise personal safety in, on and around water, including in survival and rescue situations, water safety, survival, dry land rescue and how to seek help. Led by our PE teacher with additional support from trained swim coaches, students will continue lessons through to the end of this term.
Warm regards,
Joanne Nicholls - Principal