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Men of the Trees
MOTT (QLD) 40 years old on 14th November 2020
In November this year the Queensland branch of the Internationalforest protection and tree planting organisation The Men of the Trees, (Qld Branch), turns 40 years old.
Who can believe it? To some of us oldies, 1980 seems only yesterday when the Brisbane Telegraph featured a front page article and photo of the renowned Man of the Trees, Richard St Barbe Baker, then in his nineties and founder of the organisation in Kenya 58 years before. The newspaper story included an invitation to the public to attend a meeting and talk to be given by St Barbe (as he ispopularly known), at the Relaxation Centre, then in Brooke Street,Fortitude Valley.
The meeting took place that evening to a tightly packed audience,half of whom were standing - a group of people who relished the privilege of hearing words of uncommon wisdom, in the form of lived experience, science and poetry, from this softly spoken, articulate and dedicated man.
A few weeks ago on September 5th 2020, a special tree, a Kauri Pine, was planted for St Barbe to celebrate his long life dedicated to his cause, and his continuing inspiration. This tree was planted in the Brisbane Botanic Gardens, Toowong, by the Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner - in the photo assisted by Councillor for The Gap Ward Steven Toomey, (President of MOTT Qld). Also in attendance were Cr Greg Adermann (Pullenvale), Curator of the Botanic gardens Dale Arvidsson, former long serving Curator of the gardens and previous long serving President of MOTT Qld Ross McKinnon, and Susie McKinnon, and members, volunteers and friends of MOTT.
As a point of interest, the tree was planted to replace a tree (Kauri) planted in the Botanic Gardens on 28th November1989 by the then Lord Mayor Sallyanne Atkinson to mark the 100th anniversary of the birth of Richard St Barbe Baker. Unfortunately, this earlier tree was removed together with a sizeable slice of the Gardens itself to make way for the Legacy Tunnel’s connection to the Western Freeway.
Talking about the planting singular special trees, what will MOTT be doing on 14th November to acknowledge its 40th? Well, planting a tree of course (leaving the larger planting down the line to when the rain turns on). And this tree will be planted in Paten Park, The Gap, the site of MOTT’s former
Valley Hockey Club Celebrating 100 Years in 2021
The Valley Hockey Club will be celebrating its 100 years in 2021. To commemorate its centenary the Club will be hosting a number of events throughout the year.
Any past players or supporters, both men and women,who would like to be advised of such events should contact the VHC Secretary at secretary@valleyhockey.com.au or contactAlex Granlund on 0404 463 733
Lord Mayor Schrinner planting the MOTT tree in the Brisbane Botanic Gardens, assisted by The Gap Councillor (and MOTT President) Steve Toomey.
Headquarters and Environmental Centre, and Nursery, to celebrate the outstanding contribution made by MOTT’s.first President (for 18 years) Ngairetta Brennan. This is another wonderful story. Watch this space.
If on the 14th November at 11am you are in the vicinity of Paten Park. or you would like to add your blessing to a special tree (aren’t they all special?), you are very welcome to join the group - even though regulations regarding gatherings are still in place to protect us all,while restricting MOTT’s usual style.
With Covid-19 restrictions now being relaxed, physical tournament and social play at The Gap Chess Club has recommenced with Covidsafe play rules in place. Game night starts 7.30 pm on Friday nights at Room B6, The Gap State High School. The club has a Facebook Page, “The Gap Chess Club”, with updates on club play, local chess news and puzzles.
Newcomer Harvey Zhu was the winner of the Stuart Wilson (hour) tournament, with an impressive 6 ½ points from 7 games played, in a field of 19 players. Tony Morris was 2nd on 5 ½ points, and Ian Li, Andrew Robinson and Cameron De Vere sharing 3rd place a point further behind. Ian Li was awarded the Maiden prize for the best performing participant not to have previously won a club event.
This month’s problem shows the current world champion, Magnus Carlsen’s nerves of steel. Magnus has the white pieces in what was the final move in the 2016 world championship against challenger Sergey Karjakin, who is threating checkmate in 1 move. How does the game end in spectacular fashion? Solution to last month’s puzzle. Solution: 1 … Qg4 2. Qxg4 hxg4 3. Kg3 Rh3 is checkmate
Solution: 1 Qh6 and if black plays Kxh6, 2. Rh8 is checkmate, or 1… gxh6, 2 Rxf7# ends the game