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Libby's Latest - News from Ryan
Libby’s Latest
Dear Ryanites,
Being your MP for Ryan makes me so grateful for the incredible work done by community groups and volunteers. Every week I gain more appreciation of how so many of you involved in these groups help enrich our lives. I can’t imagine what sort of place Ryan would be without the voluntary effort of community members. Meeting you all is what keeps me going when I encounter the worst of the Canberra bubble!
One of my goals is to foster this amazing energy and community spirit. A practical way I can help is by providing groups access to the resources of my office, like the gorgeous new marquees you might have seen on display at school fetes around the electorate recently! We can also help you with photocopying, provide assistance with grant applications and provide raffle prizes. Please let my office know if you are organising in the community: we would love to help.
At the time of writing, we were all glued to weather alerts as we faced the chance of more flooding. We’ve recently learned the previous government undermined our ability to respond to these crises by making cuts to departments like BOM (sorry ‘The Bureau’) that provide critical information. As I said in Parliament recently, the Labor government’s new $200 million ‘Disaster Ready Fund’ is a start, but seems woefully inadequate for the crises we face.
I have also spoken in parliament about housing stress. The recent interest rate rises mean that the median home owner in Ryan is in financial stress, paying an extra $700 or more a month in mortgage repayments. All this money is going to the banks, while families are struggling to put food on the table. Likewise renters across Ryan are struggling with skyrocketing rents.
Be sure to RSVP if you plan to come to our forum on The Future Of Moggill-Bellbowrie. You can also find me at our next pop-up offices in Kenmore and Bardon, at community events and perhaps even on your doorstep, because my team and I have been doorknocking again to make sure I don’t get too wrapped up in the goings-on in Canberra
Do reach out to me and the Ryan office team: we are here to serve you, and we can’t do it without you.
All the best
Phone: 3378 1599

Email: elizabeth.watson-brown.mp@aph.gov.au Ryan Electorate Office: 188 Moggill Rd, Taringa