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State Update - Jonty Bush - Member for Cooper

State Update Jonty Bush MP Member for Cooper

Celebrating our Senior Students

Last week, I had the pleasure of presenting the Learners Who Flourish Award to Peta Kioupelis at The Gap State High School, and it got me thinking. Our Year 12 Seniors are – right now – heading into their final exams and I cannot help but reflect on my own excitement and fears heading into exam week all those years ago. While that feeling may not have changed, so many other things about Senior School have. Where I barely knew how to turn on a PC (the things we had before laptops), students now are digital beings and can access global information within seconds. That opportunity also comes with additional stress, and I’m proud to be part of a government that has delivered supports to help our children navigate their final months at school, like accessing chaplaincy services and GPs. This year, the Queensland Government introduced a 50-school pilot programme to support the delivery of GP services in schools. The Gap State High School is one of these schools and students now have access to a free GP clinic at school, every Thursday. Staffed by a designated GP and Nurse, students have access to most services available in the community, including management of physical, mental and sexual and reproductive health issues. I believe this is a significant step towards supporting our young people navigate their incredibly busy lives. Congratulations and good luck to our wonderful Year Twelves! Learners Who Flourish Award Winner - Peta Kioupelis, The Gap State High School

Queensland Housing Summit

Last week, I was invited along with a small number of other Government members to attend the Premier’s Housing Summit. It was great to see local organisations such as Communify there as well. Some interesting facts came from the day, including how the increased number of residents renovating their homes has impacted the availability of ‘tradies’ and how mediumdensity development approvals have almost halved in the past decade – both significantly reducing the availability of homes. Positively, the Premier started the day with the announcement of an additional $1b towards social and affordable housing – doubling the State’s investment. If you have an interest in housing issues, please let me know as we will have a lot occurring in this area over the next two years.

Inspector-General of Emergency Management (IGEM)

The February flooding event that occurred in South-East Queensland resulted in approximately 20,000 homes being damaged and caused distress to many. The Premier requested that the Office of the IGEM undertake a review of the event to amongst other things, assess the effectiveness of preparedness activities of Queensland Government agencies and relevant local governments. The Review Report was released on 31 August and contained 19 recommendations for State and Local governments. These will help drive improvements for severe weather preparedness, response and recovery in the future. The Queensland Fire and Emergency Services have already made this work a priority, with the implementation of all recommendations already underway and some on track for completion by 1 November 2022.

Christmas is around the Corner

Calling all Prep to Year 3 students in Cooper! I would love to have one of your amazing works of art on the front of my Christmas Card this year. Finalists will have their artwork featured on my Facebook page and the people of Cooper can cast their votes for their favourite. The lucky winner will receive a gift card for $100 and two runners up will each receive a gift card for $50. Please drop your entries off to my Electorate Office or post to 230 Waterworks Road, Ashgrove QLD 4060. Entries must be received by Monday 14 November 2022.

Shop 2/230 Waterworks Road, Ashgrove Q 4060 t 3554 9100 e cooper@parliament.qld.gov.au f www.facebook.com/jontyforcooper Jonty Bush - working hard for us

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