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What else should I know?
Where do I find information online?
Wildcat Web is our password-protected portal on the Westminster website (westminster.net) where we store and communicate information intended only for current Westminster parents, students, faculty, and staff. You received your login information upon your child’s acceptance. If you forget your password, please click “Can’t access your account?” on the Wildcat Web login page and follow the prompts.
When are student health forms due?
All student health data must be completed and submitted through Magnus Health System by July 1. Parents can access Magnus Health in Wildcat Web by clicking the “Medical Profile” button under the “My Tools” sidebar.
Are there summer reading requirements for students?
Summer reading is required of all students in grades 1 through 12, and grade-specific lists will be shared in May. Summer reading books are available from online retailers, in many local bookstores, and from the Smythe Gambrell Library (Lower School), the George Woodruff Library (Middle School), and the Carlyle Fraser Library (Upper School). The Westminster Campus Store also carries most summer reading books for the Middle and Upper Schools.
What is the student dress code?
Students are expected to be well-groomed and appropriately dressed for school, at all on-campus school activities, and when representing the School off campus. Dress code policies for each academic division are outlined in the respective handbooks located in Wildcat Web.
When is the first day of school?
The first day of school for all students is Tuesday, August 15 Orientation for students in grades 6 through 12 and Wildcat Welcome for Lower School students are Monday, August 14. Parents of pre-first students will be invited to a parent orientation. In July, check out westminster.net/calendar for the first day of school schedule and special events planned that day.
When will class and homeroom assignments be available?
Lower School classroom assignments will be posted in Wildcat Web just before the start of school.
Middle School homeroom assignments and class schedules will be provided at student orientation and posted in Wildcat Web on the first day of school.
Upper School advisement assignments and student schedules will be available at student orientation and then posted in Wildcat Web.
How does my child become eligible to participate in athletics?
The Athletics Department will send an email in June with information about participation in athletics. All required forms for athletics must be uploaded to Magnus Health before Middle or Upper School students are allowed to participate in tryouts or practice for any sport.
All required athletics forms must be completed and submitted through Magnus Health by July 15. Parents can find these details in Wildcat Web under “Athletics.”