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Back-to-school communications
A couple of weeks before school begins, you’ll receive The Year Ahead, an e-newsletter that includes everything you need to know or do to prepare for the first week of school, including important event dates. You will also receive a special mailing from PAWS, which will include details on how to get involved in school life through our parent association as well as the coveted Westminster car decals!
Weekly Parent Update (WPU)
All parents receive the Weekly Parent Update email every Thursday during the school year except during Thanksgiving, Christmas, and spring breaks. Read the update every week for important announcements, a calendar of upcoming events, service opportunities, links to lunch menus, and other timely information.
Classroom communications
Lower School
Each week, teachers give you a peek at school life with photos, curriculum information, and classroom-specific announcements through the Seesaw app. Details will be provided at orientation meetings.
Middle School
Grade chairs play a primary role in communication between home and school. They are in regular contact with homeroom advisors and teachers and guide parents through the multiple layers of support available at Westminster. Contact information for grade chairs is available in the Middle School Parent Dashboard on Wildcat Web beginning in August. Each grade chair utilizes the class website in the Parent Portal to post information and parent communication. Students receive daily announcements with information about clubs, tryouts, service projects, and more!
Upper School
Students and parents are encouraged to reach out to classroom teachers with questions about specific classes. Advisors and grade chairs are also available to support parents and students with additional questions or concerns.
Students access assignments and other important academic information through Schoology, the Upper School learning management system. Students also get announcements about activities happening on campus on a weekly basis.
Westminster Magazine
Westminster Magazine includes feature stories, campus activities, sports roundups, and alumni news. You’ll receive one via mail in the fall and spring.
See recent issues online at westminster.net/magazine.
In the event of a weather-related closing, delayed opening, or other emergency, Westminster utilizes an automated rapid alert system to send voice, text, and email notifications to our community.
All new parents will be automatically enrolled in the system before the start of the school year. Parents of Upper School students will have the option to add their child’s cell phone number by updating their Wildcat Web profile. Go to the Parent Portal and select “Update My Profile.”