Westminster Magazine Fall 2016

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Supporting Healthy Minds:

Nurturing the High-Achieving Brain 4 Running Through History 10 Will Benson ’16 Signs with Indians 14

For Wildcats,

anything is possible.


Executive Editors Liz Ball Emilie Henry Managing Editor Erin Dentmon Editorial Staff Justin Abraham Jennifer Liu David Long Stacie Davis Rapson ’83 Via Varnell


Contributors Jane Lauderdale Armstrong ’74 Jordan Bastian Scoot Dimon ’70 Keith Evans Ali Gray Prickett ’05 Katie Long Laney ’03 Kim Nogi Pamela Nye Gevin Reynolds ’15 Court Thomas ’90 Jim Weathersby ’78 Art Direction & Design Ridge Creative, Inc.

The challenge of researching problems and discovering solutions. The joy of playing an instrument in the orchestra for the first time. The love of world cultures developed through global programs. Through these experiences and more, Westminster students build the foundation for who they are and how they will navigate the many opportunities that lie ahead.

And it can’t happen without your support.



2 From the President 4 Cover Story 10 Feature Stories


19 Faculty and Staff News

Ria Parikh ’17 Vicky Zhang ’17

40 Commencement 2016


50 Wildcat Den

Clyde Click P ’12, P ’14 Jeffrey Folinus P ’16 Gemshots Lauren Gildea Student and parent photographers Lynx staff The Westminster Schools Archives

54 Wildcat Tracks 59 Alumni News 101 The Last Look

Printing Perfect Image

Gifts to The Westminster Fund change lives. Show your support today at westminster.net/giving. COMMENTS TO THE EDITOR: Please address postal correspondence to Director of Marketing and Communications Liz Ball, The Westminster Schools, 1424 West Paces Ferry Road, NW, Atlanta, Georgia 30327. Email: LizBall@westminster.net | Phone: 404-609-6259


Dear Friends, We have become pretty familiar, even comfortable, with revolutions. The digital revolution that brought us everything from Big Data to online shopping to keeping up with old friends on social media is part of the fabric of our lives now. A globalized economy that offers products from around the world at our fingertips, as well as the opportunity to understand the richness of human cultures near and far, is likewise what we have come to expect. The revolution in how we approach innovation has created a national conversation about the integration of science, technology, engineering, and math. STEM is

changing everything from the devices in our pockets to the job marketplace for college graduates to the design of spaces from office buildings to school classrooms. At Westminster, we add in the arts to make STEAM even more revolutionary! Indeed, all of these revolutions feel pretty normal now—still exciting, but not quite as extraordinary as they might have felt a decade or two ago. There is another revolution that may be a half step behind these familiar movements but is coming on strong. Neuroscience—the study of the neural mechanisms undergirding thought, feeling, and behavior—is being applied to fields as diverse as performance management, the justice system, and parenting. Before our students are too far along into adulthood, they will likely see discoveries about the human brain transform their workplaces and family lives in significant ways. This edition of Westminster Magazine tells the story of how this scientific revolution is changing the way we think about supporting all our students across the many dimensions of their experiences here. Among the numerous shifts and lessons from this emerging field, the following are particularly important to our work now and in the future:

• Greater understanding of the mysteries of the human mind has decreased the stigma of mental health issues and increased willingness to seek— or suggest—help. • Deeper insight into the uniqueness of each person’s cognitive and emotional profile has caused us to expect diversity rather uniformity in learning styles. • More effective programs and interventions have enabled us to think beyond “fixing problems” for some students to realizing potential for all students. Of course, there is much more to this story, both as it is unfolding today and will continue to challenge us in the future. Our cover story will give you a sense of our progress and especially the collaboration of Westminster students who have stepped forward to provide leadership. We have greater insight than ever before toward supporting the wellness of all our students. And with a determined effort, Westminster will become an even healthier and more vibrant community.




Keith A. Evans President

Michael J. Egan ’74, Chair B. Clayton Rolader ’72, Vice Chair Lisa Borders ’75, Secretary Claire “Yum” Arnold Elizabeth Kilcullen Blake Samuel G. Candler Harold A. Dawson Jr. ’82 W. Stephen Floyd Jason Fritz Rebecca Olson Gupta Rand Glenn Hagen Scott D. Hawkins Katharine W. Kelley ’82 David M. Love ’90 Lisa Olivetti McGahan Allison Bolch Moran ’86 R. Brand Morgan ’94 Joel T. Murphy ’76 Usha C. Nair-Reichert Thomas E. Noonan John F. Oglesby ’79 Rahul Patel William T. Plybon Kelly A. Regal S. Stephen Selig Jeffrey P. Small, Jr. ’85 Steven D. Smith Charles Austin Stephens ’93 D. Scott Weimer Charles W. Wickliffe III ’85

James S. Balloun Betsy Barge Birkholz ’69 James E. Bostic Jr. David E. Boyd Peter M. Candler ’60 Richard W. Courts II ’55 Ann Draughon Cousins Suzanne LeCraw Cox ’71 Joseph M. Craver F. T. Davis Jr. ’56 Virginia Gaines Dearborn ’56 W. Douglas Ellis Jr. Joseph W. Hamilton Jr. Allen S. Hardin Thomas D. Hills ’62 Ronald P. Hogan Barbara Benson Howell W. Stell Huie L. Phillip Humann M. Hill Jeffries, Jr. ’73 E. Cody Laird Jr. George H. Lane III J. Hicks Lanier ’58 Julian LeCraw Sr. Dennis M. Love ’74 Gay McLawhorn Love Margaret Sheffield Martin WS ’44 Carolyn Cody McClatchey ’65 Terence F. McGuirk William A. Parker Jr. Larry L. Prince M. Edward Ralston Olga Goizueta Rawls ’73 Margaret Conant Reiser ’73 John W. Rooker ’56 Kenneth S. Taratus L. Barry Teague John A. Wallace William C. Warren III James B. Williams George B. Wirth

Wendy Barnhart Director of Business and Finance Scoot Dimon ’70 Assistant Headmaster for Student Life Tim Downes Director of Athletics Colleen Glaude Dean of Instructional Technology Emilie Henry Vice President for Institutional Advancement Jim Justice Dean of Academics and Curriculum Whit McKnight Head of Lower School Marjorie Mitchell ’82 Director of Admissions and Enrollment Services Danette Morton Head of Middle School Thad Persons ’88 Dean of Faculty Bob Ryshke Executive Director, Center for Teaching


Cindy Trask Head of Upper School

Best Wishes,

Keith Evans President

2 | Fall 2016


Supporting Healthy Minds

Westminster innovates to help students reach their full potential by Erin Dentmon | Creative Services and Publications Manager

“We are just at the threshold of our understanding about the human brain. This rapidly developing field—and the promise it holds for effectively supporting all of our students—means that we will have to continue growing and adapting in the years ahead.” – Keith Evans, President 4 | Fall 2016

For generations, mental health was not openly discussed anywhere. But the tides are turning toward a more healthy dialogue, both nationally and at Westminster. And here, students are leading the way. “There’s a lot of evidence that kids— not just ours—are experiencing some higher rates of issues in mental and emotional wellness,” says President Keith Evans. “We are making sure we

neuropsychologist. “That means we want to have that research influence how we teach, how we interact with our students, how we want them to interact with the world.” Advanced Placement classes. Soccer games. Ensemble concerts. College applications. When you’re involved all over campus, you can get burned out. It can lead to stress and anxiety, the main mental health struggles Director of Counseling Rose Harper sees in students. “Students are over-scheduled, because they are always willing and eager to take on something more. That takes a toll—there are only 24 hours in day,” she says.

What happens when students get caught up in that mindset? They worry more. They sleep less. They even get sick more often. Then their academic performance suffers, leading to more anxiety. “If your stressors are to constantly achieve and you don’t have enough time, if you don’t sleep enough, then you can’t retain information; you can’t problem-solve,” Rose explains. THE YOUNG BRAIN IS ALWAYS CHANGING

In case you don’t remember, being a teenager is hard. And the adolescent brain is still rapidly growing. The frontal lobe of the brain, in charge of decision-making, doesn’t fully develop until age 25. Even when teenagers want

Upper School counselors Morgan Shaw DiOrio ’03, Rose Harper, and Ben Merrill ’01 discuss programming in the new counseling space.

are doing everything we can to stay in front of this. Our kids are giving us that message, and that’s pretty persuasive.” Also persuasive? The science linking learning and mental well being. “Westminster is committed to considering recent advances in neuroscience in light of the everyday lives of our students,” says Dr. Anna Bacon Moore ’89, Director of Student Support and a

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Westminster’s achievement-oriented atmosphere often pushes students to set and reach higher goals. But, students say, it can also make them feel the need to be at the top of their game all the time. “Everybody’s comparing themselves to everybody else and trying to be the best. There can be a mindset of ‘I have to be number one,’” Sarah Lock ’16 says.

to make the best decisions, their brains aren’t always able to. “The brain is very busy growing new brain cells and building connections between cells. Then, very quickly, the brain starts pruning away cells that aren’t being used,” Anna says. “The whole time students are on our campus, their brains are in their greatest moments of plasticity and change.”

In the midst of rigorous and challenging schedules and demands, teenagers are also trying to shape and understand their own identities. “They’re in the midst of this intense questioning about themselves, their values, and their worldview—that is really hard work,” Anna says. Each phase of childhood brings its own challenges that help children grow but can be a struggle. In middle school, students undergo several intense transitions. “You have the transition from fifth to sixth grade, then again from eighth to ninth. You couple that with the basic transition into adolescence and puberty, and these kids never really have a solid period of downtime with a sense of normalcy. They’re constantly in flux,” says Middle School counselor Tray Malloy. For younger children, the lower school years are when they experience many of their struggles for the first time, and many of their everyday stresses concern friendships and social situations. Former Lower School counselor Kate Strother ’99 says mental illness is usually diagnosed in later years, but some Westminster Lower School students have been diagnosed with anxiety. Early intervention is important— about half of adults with mental illness showed signs or symptoms of a mental health issue before age 14.

ACTIVE MINDS One significant way students are making space for mental-health conversations is Westminster’s newly minted chapter of Active Minds, a student-run organization that empowers students to speak openly about mental health on college and high school campuses across the country. Upper School students in grades 9-12 gather once a week to talk about issues ranging from depression and panic attacks to day-to-day coping. “It’s a place people can accept what’s happening on the inside and accept that everyone else is dealing with things as well. I hope people see it as a place with no judgment,” says Molly Wright ’16, who was one of three founders of Westminster’s chapter in spring 2016. Molly joined with Benton Wood ’16 and Keller Harper ’16 to start the chapter to benefit students who had struggled with mental health as well as those who had not. “I’ve known that there are a lot of people who have struggled with mental health, and I’ve struggled with it as well, and I’ve always wanted to have a place where people can talk about it,” she says. And with enthusiastic student response and faculty support, our Active Minds chapter was born. The group meets every Tuesday afternoon in The Well and has sponsored educational events, assemblies, and student gatherings. Perhaps most importantly of all, it has become a place where students feel comfortable with themselves. “Active Minds has been one of the greatest things I’ve seen come out of [the focus on mental health]—there is a safe space to talk about these things and a place people don’t feel like they have to put on a facade,” says Morgan Rimmer ’16. In addition to learning more about and accepting themselves, students are connecting with people across barriers like class year, activities, and interests through Active Minds. For Sarah Lock ’16, being part of Active Minds opened her eyes to the fact that all kinds of students at Westminster experience mental health difficulties: “I thought no one else here had thoughts and feelings like mine,” she says. Active Minds is helping our community normalize the conversation around mental health.



But in the midst of their challenges and stresses, our students aren’t content to be quiet or let their peers feel alone. Last school year, students started a chapter of Active Minds, an organization that empowers students to speak openly about mental health on college and high school campuses across the country. About 30 Upper School students are active in Westminster’s chapter. One of the founding members spoke about his

Director of Student Support Dr. Anna Bacon Moore ’89, WABE host Lois Reitzes, and instrumental music teacher Dr. Scott Stewart

Interested in what music can do for the developing teenage brain? Westminster faculty members Dr. Anna Moore ’89 and Dr. Scott Stewart explored the topic on 90.1 WABE’s “City Lights with Lois Reitzes.” Listen online at news.wabe.org/post/ westminster-teachers-explore-music-andteenage-brain and at news.wabe.org/post/ city-lights-music-and-brain-hip-hop-learningand-more. WESTMINSTER | 7

mental health journey during the fall 2015 National Honor Society and Cum Laude induction—the type of action that can have enormous influence on other students. “Having our students get on stage saying, ‘I have an eating disorder,’ or ‘I’ve been depressed,’ that is huge,” Rose says. The stigma surrounding mental health is breaking down across campus in other ways, too. A COMMITMENT TO STUDENT SUPPORT

On an institutional level, Westminster is engaged in a multi-year effort to evaluate student support from pre-first through 12th grade in all areas, including wellness, counseling, chaplaincy, and learning support. Anna Moore has transitioned into the role of Director of Student Support to guide this effort, serving as a bridge between the worlds of research and school life. WELLNESS FOR ALL

The goal of the new mental health focus is not to “fix” students, Keith notes, but to help all students realize


8 | Fall 2016

their potential through a wellnessoriented approach. Part of this approach includes seeing the entire student body as the target audience for wellness services. “Research into how the brain works has revealed a very dynamic organ. It has changed the way we think about it from ‘either you are okay or you have a mental health problem’ to more of a continuum,” he says. So, how does a school evolve in response to this body of research? One way is visible—our Upper School counseling office has moved to a new space in the center of campus, just steps from Malone Dining Hall on the first floor of Pressly Hall. For 15 years, the counseling suite was tucked away in a corner of Scott Hall, so hidden that some students didn’t even know Westminster had counselors. As thinking around mental health changed during those 15 years, the need emerged for a central space where students can benefit from all kinds of wellness support.

“It’s so important,” says Molly Wright ’16, a founding member of Active Minds. “It’s symbolic of how mental health is in the middle of everybody’s life. It needs to be in the center of school.” The Well, as the counseling suite is now called, still has private offices for confidential sessions but adds a welcoming and comfortable waiting area and a multipurpose room used for yoga classes, meditation sessions, and other wellness-related activities. The spaces reflect the idea that physical, mental, and emotional health are all linked. “The move was philosophical and practical at the same time,” Keith says. “We’ve put it in a place that everyone bumps into.” But the office suite isn’t the only thing new in counseling. With the addition of extra staff and new thinking about mental health services, the counselors have taken on new initiatives, like meeting with every single freshman advisement group during the 2015-16 school year.

That’s how long it takes the part of the brain in charge of decision-making (a.k.a., the frontal lobe) to fully develop.

The Upper School has added a third counselor, Morgan Shaw DiOrio ’03, who works part-time in addition to full-time counselors Rose Harper and Ben Merrill ’01. In Middle School, a second counselor, Saundria Zomalt, joined Tray Malloy at the beginning of the 2016-17 school year. “In terms of being able to provide services to students and parents, we’re about to springboard into an era where we’re able to meet those needs on a wider, more consistent basis,” Tray says. “There’s a new emphasis on social-emotional needs, and to meet those needs, we as counselors have to be more present in the direct services we provide.” Counselors’ duties in recent years have included academic and administrative responsibilities like standardized testing, and additional staffing across campus is designed to shift some of that burden. ALL IN: A TEAM EFFORT

Our counselors aren’t the only ones responsible for fostering wellness on campus. It’s a team effort. In grades 6-11, every student meets regularly with an advisor in a small group of eight to 12 students. Advisors stay in regular contact with grade chairs, deans, teachers, and administrators on campus. Counselors work in concert with all these faculty members to ensure students’ needs are met. “We have a really good system. There’s an advisor. There’s a grade chair. These people see a child every day,” Rose says. “If a grade chair says a child is struggling academically and perhaps may have some family issues and probably needs to see a counselor, then we are looped in.” Tim Downes, Director of Athletics, has worked with Anna to create opportunities for coaches to be part of the mental health conversation. All Middle School and Upper School

coaches have spent time on campus with outside experts learning about suicide warning signs and how to support students.

Topics include harassment, technology usage, substance abuse, driving safety, dating violence, and transitioning to college.


Academic support and emotional support often go hand-in-hand— building strategies for success benefits a student’s mental health and academic performance, as well as easing anxiety, Rose notes.

Social-emotional learning is woven into the curriculum at every stage of a student’s time here, beginning in Lower School. Love Hall students develop empathy, learn to recognize their emotions, and begin to define their values. They also learn about asking their peers or adults for help. One of the most important ways social-emotional learning shows up all over Love Hall is in morning meeting, a 30-minute block of time for all students to greet their classmates by name and practice skills like talking about their emotions and listening to their peers talk about theirs. “It’s a safe place where everyone belongs,” Lower School Director of Student Life Becky McKnight explains. Morning Meeting is also a time for students to practice emotional literacy—the ability to articulate a feeling, one of the building blocks of learning how to handle emotions. In Middle School, much of the social-emotional curriculum is taught in advisement. Relationships of all sorts are an oft-discussed topic. LEAP, the Leadership Engagement Advisement Program, includes many social-emotional aspects, as do health classes. “We’re fortunate to have health classes in sixth, seventh, and eighth grades, so we spent a year developing a curriculum that covers different aspects: physical, social, and emotional,” Tray says. In Upper School, mental and emotional health topics are discussed in advisement groups and assemblies.

“Student learning happens in the full context of who a child is—socially, emotionally, physically. Westminster has really committed itself to leveraging that. If we can leverage that, we can better educate our students and better equip them to go out into the world,” Anna says. Ultimately, caring for our students’ mental and emotional health leads them to greater success and fulfillment in all areas. It’s all about helping students reach their potential. “A sense of wellness and balance in their lives enhances what they can achieve,” Keith says. Molly says she is encouraged by a shift she’s seen in how the School approaches academic stress. “We’ve had a lot of how-to-study seminars, but it’s great to have teachers now focusing on why kids are still coming in with panic attacks. Why are they still so stressed out? I think we are getting deeper into the issue of what competitiveness—and high school—can do to you,” she says. As knowledge about mental health evolves, so will Westminster. “We are just at the threshold of our understanding about the human brain. This rapidly developing field—and the promise it holds for effectively supporting all of our students—means that we will have to continue growing and adapting in the years ahead,” Keith says.





An Unforgettable Westminster Experience by Erin Dentmon | Creative Services and Publications Manager

There was this one part of the path where there was a grassy clearing and you could see the surrounding mountains and the city down below and I just remember thinking, “I would have never found a place like this if not for RTH. I am going to bring my family back here some day.” – Mary Zack H’Doubler ’11

10 | Fall 2016

Westminster’s Running Through History takes students from the classroom to the places most people only ever read about in books. Pompeii. London. Austria. It’s 28 days to make a once-in-alifetime amazing journey. WESTMINSTER | 11

For 600-plus Wildcats, Running Through History has been more than a class and more than a trip to Europe. Many alumni count it as one of the most formative experiences of their young lives. Upper School history teacher and cross-country coach Joe Tribble has led this amazing journey for rising seniors for the last 21 years. While RTH has evolved in that time from a 15-day trip for a group of 13 boys cross country runners to a 28-day adventure for more than 50 boys and girls with all levels of running experience, the lessons—both about history and life— are timeless and universal.

The 1999 Running Through History group hikes Hadrian’s Wall, a favorite destination for many who have taken the course.

Running Through History takes students from the classroom to the places they’ve learned about for years, playing a major role in turning students into citizens of the world. “It was the first time global perspective and engagement became real,” says Geoffrey Sudderth ’97, an alumnus of the first Running Through History course. Whether a student has traveled extensively or not at all before embarking on RTH, the course is the first time most have been asked to travel like an adult. “The trip is a course in street smarts as much as it is one in European history. For Tribble, five minutes early is on time, and

you are constantly expected to figure out where you need to be, when you need to be there,” says Mary Zack H’Doubler ’11. And learning to take on that responsibility isn’t always easy, as Cole Egan ’09 recalls: I remember getting off of the plane in London on the first day of our trip and seeing Mr. Tribble speed-walking way ahead of everyone else. He wanted us to find our train to York on our own. A bunch of us almost missed the train, but luckily Mr. Tribble convinced the conductor to wait a few minutes. Mr. Tribble looked at us as we ran onto the train out of breath, and he said, “That’s the last time you will ever be late to anything for the rest of this trip.” He was right. None of us had ever had so much responsibility, especially in a foreign country, and we all learned to confidently navigate new cities and became more independent. Beyond learning to read maps, stay on a schedule, and navigate around differences in language and culture, RTH-ers learn that they are responsible for making the most of their time. “Due to the jam-packed schedule, there were days when I was exhausted and had a difficult time paying attention,” says Charlotte Folinus ’16. “On these days, I had to take responsibility for my experience and make myself focus so that I could learn as much as possible from the course.” Discovering memorable sites off the beaten path—those the typical traveler wouldn’t necessarily see—is a signature part of Running Through History. Of course, many alumni, given the opportunity, make such experiences twice-in-a-lifetime

adventures, bringing family along on future trips. “It’s extremely gratifying to get an email from a former student who says, ‘I just took my parents to Italy, and we revisited all the sites I saw on RTH,’” Joe says. Far from an average sightseeing trip, Running Through History is also a serious academic experience, starting with the application process. The college-style application, with shortessay questions about the impact of historical events and how to navigate in a foreign city, is only the first in a series of challenging steps designed to prepare students for the trip. Monday morning meetings begin in October, and assigned readings and quizzes align with the English and history curriculum students study during the regular school day. Far from a burden, the readings and discussions add immense value to the trip itself. Students who complete RTH earn one history credit. “Seeing for yourself the ancient French cathedrals and the ruins of Pompeii, Bletchley Park, and the Holocaust museum—these are experiences that are worth more than hundreds of books. That being said, without the classroom preparation that we did prior, they would have been far less valuable,” says Tucker Hartley ’08. Elizabeth Ezzell Perry ’04 recalls reading the writing of a Nazi prisoner and meeting him the next day in an underground cavern where he was forced to work during World War II. “Some of the prisoners’ tools were still on the ground in the cave; they dropped them when the war was over. You can’t teach that level of appreciation and understanding in any classroom,” she says. With an itinerary ranging from the Louvre in Paris to the Buchenwald

Stats on the latest Running Through History trip Graphic/Vicky Zhang ’17

concentration camp, students’ understanding of history comes alive during the European adventure every June. Alumnus Joe Sheehan ’13 says the trip enabled him to grow his circle of empathy: “It made history feel real and made you think about what it would be like to live through it. It gave me a much greater appreciation for what people would have felt.” The itinerary for Running Through History doesn’t change much from year to year, but every student’s experience is unique, Joe Tribble notes. “It’s beyond academics. It’s beyond travel. It’s deeply personal for each one of the kids. They experience it in such different ways,” he says. You might think that, after 21 years, the trip would have lost some of the magic for its leader. But as a true lover of history, each one helps him appreciate the subject even more. “It deepens my understanding, and I can be a better teacher. I come back revitalized each year,” Joe says. Despite the hours and hours of planning, research, and teaching Joe puts into the trip, he’s quick to say that RTH is what it is because many of the students are equally willing to pour themselves into the course. “At the very least, I try to make it rich enough that they’ll never forget doing it,” he says. “If they really put themselves into it, really research, really do the readings, really try to use every moment of time they have, that’s when it becomes this incredible experience.” The first Running Through History group, all boys cross country runners, pauses for a photo as the Matterhorn looms in the distance.

12 | Fall 2016


Indians Sign Will Benson ’16 Outfielder drafted in first round By Jordan Bastian | MLB.com

“It’s a blessing. It’s almost a feeling of, okay, now you’re here. Now, it’s time to put your words into action.” – Will Benson

Will Benson celebrates his selection by the Cleveland Indians the night of the 2016 MLB draft.


This story is adapted from one originally published June 17, 2016, on MLB.com. Will Benson has a few plans for the signing bonus he received from the Cleveland Indians in June. The young outfielder wants to get something for his parents. He will tithe to his church. Will wants to help fund a project for building a baseball facility for kids. Will does not plan on buying a new car. He said his 2001 Ford Explorer runs just fine. “It works,” Will said with a laugh. “It gets me from Point A to Point B. I’ll take that.”

Before the June 17 game against the White Sox, Will—an outfielder who graduated from Westminster in May—and a handful of other signees from the June 9-11 MLB Draft were on hand at Progressive Field. Will, who was taken with the 14th overall pick in the first round, received a $2.5 million bonus, according to MLBPipeline.com’s Jonathan Mayo. One day after turning 18, Will stole the show in his first professional news conference. He quipped that he tried to do too much as a high school hitter, because “the girls want to see the long ball.” He wore socks with Mickey Mouse all over them. (“That’s just me,” he said.) He spoke about

how he wants the Indians’ outfield to someday become the “No-Fly Zone.” “As you guys will hear,” said Brad Grant, the Indians’ director of amateur scouting, “we’ve got a tremendous person. On top of a tremendous person, though, we’re really excited about the baseball skills he brings to the table as well. He’s a guy who’s got a chance to be a fivetool player, a guy who’s got a chance to hit the ball a long way.” In 35 games during his senior year, Will hit .454 with eight home runs, 11 doubles, 41 RBIs and a 1.380 OPS. He led the Wildcats to their first state title since 1975, and he Will Benson shakes hands with Rob Manfred, Commissioner of Major League Baseball.

Will Benson was a standout baseball and basketball player during his time at Westminster. “Will’s journey continues to be an inspirational one where jawdropping talent meets a relentless work ethic and a strong desire to be the best at his craft. With his rare combination of attributes on and off the field, the future surely is bright for Will,” says Westminster baseball coach Chad Laney ’95.

was named to the 2016 RawlingsPerfect Game All-American First Team. Will also appeared in the 2015 Team USA Baseball Tournament of Stars summer showcase, as well as the Under Armour All-American Game in August 2015 at Wrigley Field. Jim Rickon, Cleveland’s minor league hitting coordinator, visited with Will in May and asked the young hitter to test out a few adjustments during a workout. “The amazing thing was Will felt it right away,” Grant said. “Balls were going 450 feet away and going up over trees. I hadn’t ever seen anything like that before.” “I had never done anything like that before,” Will chimed in. Will has also worked with Carter Hawkins ’03, an Assistant General Manager for the Indians. After doing extensive work behind the scenes to get to know Will and

16 | Fall 2016

his family, Cleveland was hoping the right fielder would be on the board when the 14th pick came around. Will, meanwhile, was also praying that the Indians would be the team to take him, too. “There was a connection,” Will said. “I wanted to be with the Cleveland Indians, just because of the connection we had and the kind of people they are. They are very family oriented...I was hoping I made it to 14. Not many kids are saying, ‘I want to make it to 14.’ But, I made it to14, and I’m very thankful.”

BENSON ON BEING A FIRST-ROUND PICK Will Benson discusses being selected 14th overall by the Indians in the 2016 Draft and representing the city of Cleveland. Watch the video at http://goo.gl/TLMKRU or scan the QR code to watch on your mobile device. This story was originally published on MLB.com on June 10, 2016.

Will’s thoughts on walking through the Indians’ clubhouse, up the dugout steps and gazing out at the ballpark he hopes to call home someday? “It’s a blessing,” he said. “It’s almost a feeling of, okay, now you’re here. Now, it’s time to put your words into action.”


Friendship and the Braves

Hamilton and Steve had their third voice, and the men agreed to call the new venture Atlanta Baseball Talk.

“You’re listening to Atlanta Baseball Talk—your weekly podcast for all things Atlanta Braves.” This sentence begins the podcast devoted to a threeman discussion of Georgia’s major league team. The Braves talk began at Westminster.

Curt, Hamilton, and Steve discuss subjects such as player performance, the weekly team record, possible trades, and predictions for the upcoming week in each 35-to-40minute episode. They frequently welcome guests to the show, including current or former players, front office personnel, and members of the media.

by Jim Weathersby ’78

Two of the three hosts—Curt Gill and Hamilton Ray—come from Westminster’s Class of 1988. Curt entered Westminster in pre-first grade as a second-generation Wildcat. His mother, Joan Summers Gill, graduated in 1960. Hamilton came to Westminster as a sixth grader in 1981. Both men remember meeting that year and becoming fast friends. A common interest in Atlanta sports led to countless discussions about the plights of the Braves, Hawks, and Falcons throughout their time as Wildcats. After graduating from Westminster, Curt and Hamilton pursued academic and career interests in different parts of the country, but the two remained close friends and always found time to talk about Atlanta sports, especially the Braves. The conversation took a different turn at the their 20th reunion in 2008, when Curt agreed to join a Braves podcast Hamilton hosted with Steve Epstein. With Curt aboard,

Hamilton Ray, left, and Curt Gill during their Westminster days.

Twenty years and 350 shows after ABT grew out of that conversation at Curt and Hamilton’s 20-year reunion, its audience has grown to more than 6,000 dedicated listeners—with little marketing. The two men believe their audience will grow to 10,000 listeners in the near future thanks to a new partnership with media giant Blog Talk Radio. However, ABT remains a fun hobby for Curt and Hamilton, a way to maintain their friendship while talking about one of their

Faculty and Staff

Farewells child’s parents were standing behind the child, holding his or her shoulders. She recognized each of her students as someone truly special who deserved her full attention and devotion. One beneficiary of her passion for each child as an individual, Sam Barkin ’14, puts it this way: “My first grade experience with Mrs. Anderson was one of my favorite years in elementary school. As a first grader new to the school, Mrs. Anderson helped me fall in love with Westminster. Her kindness, teaching ability, and understanding still resonate with me 14 years later.”

Curt Gill and Hamilton Ray now make up 2/3 of the hosting team of podcast Atlanta Baseball Talk.

passions. Both have families, careers, and other interests that receive higher priority, so putting in the time and money to further grow the venture does not interest them, although they may listen if someone offers them a chance to host a radio show. Hamilton lives in Boston with his wife Kelley and their two children, Charlotte and Wyatt, and works as a business management consultant. Curt works in public relations and resides in Atlanta with wife Wendy and their two sons, Jack and Charlie. Jack is a seventh grader at Westminster. Friendships developed at Westminster often last long after graduation. Curt and Hamilton have maintained theirs with the help of Atlanta Baseball Talk, and Braves fans couldn’t be happier. Jim Weathersby ’78 writes sports history stories on “The Sports Historian” blog at www.thesportshistorian.com.

Atlanta Baseball Talk is available at www.atlantabaseballtalk.com or on iTunes.

Karen Anderson First Grade Teacher 2000-2016

First grade is a magical time for children—especially those fortunate enough to spend it in the classroom of Karen Anderson. For 40 years, 16 of those at Westminster, Karen shared her enthusiasm, creativity, and warmth with young students who delight in such activities as “Read the Day Away” (picture PJs, blankets, flashlights, and books), pumpkin carving, learning to tell time and count money, and field trips to the zoo. And the delight goes both ways. “Every day is special when you have six-year-olds greeting you with big smiles and hugs,” Karen shares. Karen, who holds a BS, ME, and Administrator’s Certificate from the University of Evansville, excelled in giving her students a great start in school and instilling in them an early love of learning. Her ability to individualize curriculum for each student gave her young charges the confidence to stretch themselves, take risks, and embrace challenges. It has been said of Karen that whenever she spoke to a child, she imagined that the

Also still resonating at Westminster is Karen’s legacy of selfless collaboration with her colleagues. She was a leader among her fellow Westminster faculty members and in her Center For Teaching cohort group and moved us forward on many fronts, especially in math instruction, technology, and integrated studies. Karen’s co-teacher, Leigh Anne Schlafly, holds great admiration for her and echoes the sentiments of many others when she says, “Karen’s knowledge and dedication to first graders and their families made a difference in the lives of many children, and she will be dearly missed.” It is not just the Westminster community who values Karen, however. Her family, including husband Rick, children Sarah and Brad, and grandchildren Julia, Wesley, Lindsey, and Isaiah, have long been clamoring for more time with her. Karen confides: “My family has wanted me to retire for a number of years, and I finally decided that I was ready. It was a huge decision, as I truly loved being a part of the Westminster family. I realized that my grandchildren were so much fun that I needed to spend more time with them. I am grateful to be healthy enough to try to keep up with them!” And we are grateful for the many lives Karen impacted during her years as an extraordinary teacher who truly put the “love” in Love Hall. -Stacie Rapson



FACULTY AND STAFF As chaplain, Woodrow provided spiritual support and guidance wherever it was needed, from praying with students to officiating weddings for alumni and faculty members—many of his best memories are of one-on-one conversations with students about Jesus. He was also the faculty advisor for the student-led Christian Life Committee (CLC), Friday Morning Fellowship, and Fellowship of Christian Athletes, roles he found deeply fulfilling.

“Wade was so funny. He said, ‘You’re the only person on campus who could do this,’ and I said, ‘Okay.’ So, I got here in 1999, through Wade Boggs and his faith in me,” she remembers. Since then, Donna has been the first responder to anxious students and their parents, as well as travel-weary college reps, while keeping an ever-expanding team of counselors in order. She has managed this workload with remarkable grace and good humor that will be missed. Donna’s warmth was a steadying force for many students and parents during an undeniably stressful time.

“When these kids come together for worship, there’s a sense that they are trying to experience something beyond themselves and have a sense that the spirit of the living God is present with and through them,” he says. “Their insights and observations are just phenomenal.”

Rev. Dr. Woodrow Barnes Chaplain, Upper School Bible Teacher 1977-2016

Above all else in his life, recently retired chaplain Rev. Dr. Woodrow Barnes has sought to follow the Lord. As an Upper School Bible teacher since 1977 and the School’s first chaplain, he has guided countless students along their faith journeys. A mentor to many and an encourager to all, Woodrow selflessly devoted himself to the spiritual lives of Wildcats for 39 years, leaning on the words of Vernon Broyles: “The purpose of Westminster is to honor Jesus Christ and provide the best education possible for young people.” Woodrow first committed to following Christ while working in a legal position for the U.S. Army in Vietnam. “It was not a ‘foxhole experience’—I was working in an office—but I realized there had to be more to life than what I was pursuing, which was a legal career,” he says. Feeling the call to make a fuller commitment, Woodrow left his legal career and his home in Alabama to enroll at Emory’s Candler School of Theology. As is befitting someone whose impact has been greatest through quiet conversation and mentorship, Woodrow began his Westminster career unassumingly: after finishing his PhD, he taught Bible classes part-time to fill in while George Yacoubian finished his own PhD work. Woodrow soon became a permanent and valued faculty member, and Donn Gaebelein named him Westminster’s first chaplain in 1985. Woodrow counts himself as fortunate to have begun his career here under the leadership and direction of Donn Gaebelein as president, Merrilyn Eastham as head of the Bible department, and principals Ellen Fleming and Charlie Breithaupt. 20 | Fall 2016

Whether it was in class or through planning Bible studies and retreats, Woodrow had a unique gift for encouraging students to become leaders. “I encourage the students to take more and more leadership roles as they grow older,” he explains. “It helps them develop their talents and Godgiven abilities, and hopefully what they learn will transfer into their later lives.” But Woodrow’s encouragement wasn’t only felt by students. He provided spiritual guidance for many alumni, parents, and faculty members over the years, including Middle School teacher Jan Allen, who worked closely with him as a co-sponsor of CLC. “Woodrow’s upbeat personality, his unwavering devotion to his purpose, and his ability to listen deeply impress me and encouraged me daily,” she says. As Westminster’s student body has become more diverse, Woodrow’s job expanded to help students of all faiths be more spiritually attuned and involved in service and worship. He even brought interfaith dialogue into his classroom by inviting rabbi Bill Rothschild to co-teach his Old Testament classes. As a Bible teacher, Woodrow enjoyed helping students deepen their biblical knowledge and insight. “It’s wonderful to see their enthusiasm, joy, and commitment to study and to reflection,” he says. “The interaction they have with each other and with me is very encouraging. You want them to go deep, to ask more difficult questions. Some of the questions aren’t answerable, but there’s a real sense of examination.” Sue Davenport, Lower School teacher and co-sponsor of CLC, sums it up: “Woody is leaving a wonderful legacy of Christian service and love for all students, and we will long remember his great smile and ‘Lord Bless!’” -Erin Dentmon

Donna Burbank

College Counseling Administrative Assistant 1992-2016 With an artist’s touch, a true zest for learning, and a warm, inviting personality, retiring administrative assistant Donna Burbank has been a beacon of light on Westminster’s campus for 24 years. Donna, an interior designer in her earlier career, found her way to Westminster in 1992 when she was seeking a job that would allow her to balance work and raising her children. Close family friend and Westminster staff member Jack Shields recommended she come to Westminster, and she began working here as the administrative assistant in Turner Gym when Mary DuPriest left that position to become President Bill Clarkson’s assistant.


Donna later became the manager of Broyles Arts Center, then made her way to the college counseling office when Wade Boggs hand-picked her to take over as that office’s administrative assistant.

Beyond her regular job duties, Donna always made time to be a friend and supporter for students and her colleagues. “Donna is one of the most loving, supportive, giving, loyal people I have known. I will miss her; Westminster will miss her,” Wade says. Always a team player, Donna is grateful for the intelligent and caring colleagues who surrounded her at Westminster—many times, she worked with multiple departments to pull off events like College Day, which required hours of tearing down a volleyball tournament on a Sunday to be ready for the event on Monday. “It was a team effort. Everybody worked together,” she reminisces. Another thing Donna loved about working at Westminster was being able to lead. Because Westminster was one of the first schools to adopt Naviance for college admissions management, Donna was able to guide colleagues from several other schools as they learned to use the software. As is Donna’s way, she became close friends with several of the people she helped. Ever the Renaissance woman, Donna has used her other talents—like scuba diving—on the job. Every summer since 1993, Donna chaperoned the Marine Biology class, first with Reggie Ramsey, and then with Jason Vuckovic, who became a “second son” to Donna during their time working together. Of course, Donna’s spirit proved just as important as her expertise on those trips. “She was the one always picking things up that none of the kids would touch and always seemed to have a knack for seeing the most interesting critters,” Jason says. “She was always there to help the students like she was their mother, finding critters in the ocean and sharing her joy and excitement of even the smallest find.” Donna and her husband, Doug, are moving to Grayton Beach, Florida, where she plans to spend plenty of time volunteering, kayaking, and scuba diving. And rest assured that Donna will never be bored! -Erin Dentmon WESTMINSTER | 21



The American Apollo and the Russian Soyuz left Earth for a space connection in 1975, and Dave became a grade chair. Amnesty International won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1977, the same year the Lynx was dedicated to Dave for the first time.

Her co-teacher, Millie Pryles, recalls Virginia’s enthusiasm about new math teaching methods and her ability to pass that enthusiasm on to her students. Westminster’s co-teaching model fostered Virginia’s growth as a teacher—even in light of the Alabama-Georgia classroom rivalry she and Millie maintained.

In the late 1980s and early ’90s, Dave was dean of boys. Ruth Bader Ginsburg secured her appointment to the Supreme Court in 1993 while Dave settled in as a 12th grade advisor and never looked back.

Dave Drake ’61

In the first few years of the new century, Dave was honored as the region coach of the year three times, received the Emmett Wright Professorship for Excellence in Teaching of History, and was inducted into the Westminster Athletics Hall of Fame after a distinguished three-sport coaching career.

In 1961, the Berlin Wall was completed, Robert Frost recited “The Gift Outright” at JFK’s presidential inauguration, our world’s population included three billion people, and Dave Drake graduated from Westminster.

In 2010, with U.S. unemployment falling from 10 percent on New Year’s Day to 9.7 percent a short time later, Dave tried some new employment of his own as the interim head of the Upper School. After a year of shepherding the Upper School, he returned to history and to the classroom.

Upper School History Teacher 1968-2016

He returned in 1968 to teach junior high social studies during a troubled time in our country and a world that witnessed the assassinations of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Bobby Kennedy as well as the Soviet-led invasion of Czechoslovakia.


As federal spending topped $195 billion in 1970, Dave moved to the Boys School. In 1974, American life expectancy crested 74 years, a first-class stamp hit 8 cents, and he transitioned from social studies to history.

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Dave has not slowed down, but he retired from full-time teaching at the end of last school year. Dave taught history, lived history, and made history at Westminster. His association with the school spans its years as a fledgling institution through the era of widely recognized excellence we enjoy today. Dave was not only a part of building that reputation but, time and again, when Westminster needed him to take on something new or glue something together, he stepped up, made it happen, and thereby earned the profound respect and affection of countless students, colleagues, alumni, and parents. For that spirit of willingness and care for this school and its people—and for nurturing our historic values that will continue to serve us well into the future—we say, “Thank you and congratulations!” Fortunately, Dave is not finished with us. He has volunteered to work on a campus history research project this year, so we will not have to say “goodbye” just yet. -Keith Evans

Of her partnership with Millie, Virginia shares: “I felt like I’d died and gone to teacher heaven! (Co-teaching) allows us to really meet the children’s needs in a way you can’t do by yourself.” After nearly a decade of teaching together, Millie describes herself and Virginia as “almost like an old married couple.”

Virginia Gilbert Third Grade Teacher 2007-2016

Virginia Gilbert was already a master teacher when she came to Westminster in 2007 having retired from a 30year teaching career in public schools. But as a lifelong learner, she embraced every opportunity for growth over her nine years as a Wildcat. After graduating from college with a teaching degree, Virginia found herself working as a typist. Unsatisfied and frustrated, she recalls praying out loud at work that God would lead her into a teaching position. That same day, she was laid off from the typing job. Virginia didn’t envision a layoff as her springboard to a teaching career, but she began substitute teaching and landed a full-time position within a year. And her time in the classroom was anything but boring. “You never have a dull moment!” she says. “And you’re always growing in this profession. You grow, or you’re left in the dust.” Virginia’s teaching expertise benefited her students and fellow teachers alike. When Lower School faculty set out to change the school’s math curriculum, she played an important role on the math committee. “That was a time in my career here where I think I made a difference, outside of teaching the children in my class,” she says.

“Virginia has such a great heart and a wonderful sense of humor. She’s a great teacher and a dear friend of mine,” Millie says. Partnering with other teachers outside her classroom was also gratifying for Virginia. “It makes a huge difference for teachers to have that time to work together. It makes the curriculum and our teaching so much stronger,” she says, noting that she never taught anywhere else with teams that worked so closely together.

“YOU NEVER HAVE A DULL MOMENT! AND YOU’RE ALWAYS GROWING IN THIS PROFESSION. YOU GROW, OR YOU’RE LEFT IN THE DUST.” With her love for music and for children, it’s no wonder that all-school assemblies were some of Virginia’s favorite times—and among the things she’ll miss most. “The sweetest sound in the world is all those voices singing together,” she says. Another favorite time for Virginia was starting the day off right every day with morning meeting. As she retires, Virginia hopes to pour her energy into volunteer work and traveling. But there’s one big change that will take some getting used to: “I won’t be on the school schedule—I’ve been on that schedule since I was six years old!” -Erin Dentmon




Elizabeth was essentially the school’s first human resources director, and perhaps was the first dedicated independent school HR officer in the Southeast. Ken saw the need for this professional role as schools in general and Westminster in particular faced an increasingly complex set of legal issues for personnel.

Prior to teaching at Westminster, Marta was an adjunct professor at Georgia Perimeter College and an English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) teacher with Cobb County Schools. She also previously worked with nonprofit organizations dedicated to the Hispanic community. Marta holds a bachelor’s degree in Spanish from the University of Indiana, a master’s degree in Spanish literature from Georgia State University, and a doctorate in romance languages from the University of Georgia. Throughout her career, she received numerous teaching awards, served as an Advanced Placement reader and table leader, and presented at multiple international conferences.

In her years at Westminster, Elizabeth not only oversaw all employee benefits and compensation; she also coordinated the School’s compliance with numerous new workplace laws from the Americans with Disabilities Act to the Family Medical Leave Act to, most recently, the Affordable Care Act. “It is a totally different workplace for schools today,” Elizabeth acknowledges. Elizabeth responded to that changing environment with her own professional growth by becoming certified as a Professional in Human Resources (PHR) by the Human Resources Certification Institute and taking leadership among the emerging body of HR professionals in regional independent schools.

Elizabeth Lunsford Human Resources Director 1988-2016

For 28 years, Human Resources Director Elizabeth Goodman Lunsford was the one person on the Westminster campus that literally every employee knew. Elizabeth took a much-deserved retirement from Westminster, and she and her husband Jimmy look forward to moving to the North Georgia mountains. In many ways, longevity of connection came naturally to Elizabeth, a native of Marietta who has long lived on the property of the Goodman family’s home, Oakton, the oldest house in Cobb County (dating back to 1838). An engineer’s daughter, Elizabeth had worked in banks and the family engineering company before being hired by business manager Ken White to run Westminster’s bookstore. Ken quickly recognized Elizabeth’s organizational talent, and within just a few years, he promoted her to manager of personnel and other services, a role that included oversight of not only the business office, but also the bookstore and the service center.

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But at the heart of what Elizabeth did for Westminster was to provide an open door and a calm, caring presence for faculty members and staff who came in with a wide variety of needs and concerns. In appreciation for her skills and personal attention that have helped make Westminster a great place to work, Elizabeth was recognized with the Schoen Staff Excellence Award in 2008. We wish her all the best in the next phase of her life and extend our heartfelt thanks for her many years of service to Westminster. -Keith Evans

In retirement, Marta plans to volunteer in the Hispanic community and teach part-time at a college or university. She also looks forward to having more time to watch foreign movies and read.

Dr. Marta Miller

Upper School Spanish Teacher 1990-2016 After more than 25 years of teaching Spanish at Westminster, Marta Miller recently said, “Adios, mis amigos.” She joined Westminster’s faculty in February of 1990 and retired at the end of the 2015-16 school year. Marta was excited to teach at an independent school, especially because of the number of opportunities for students and faculty and the excellent quality of her colleagues and students. For more than 20 years, she chaired the modern and classical languages department while still finding time to help with international exchange programs, travel abroad, and present at international conferences. Teaching JanTerm has also been a personal highlight for her.


Marta will miss the intellect and creativity of her students and colleagues at Westminster but is ready to embrace the new adventures that await her beyond our campus. Congratulations, Marta! -Kim Nogi



FACULTY AND STAFF Gaebelein to serve as the advisor to the Boys Community Service Club, where he oversaw on-site charity drives such as the annual Toys for Tots collection and the 24-hour dance for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. When Dr. Bill Clarkson took over as Westminster’s president in 1991, he brought with him a belief that hands-on service in the community is a vital component of an excellent education. Bill created the position of community service coordinator, and thenprincipal of the High School Charlie Breithaupt tapped Stan to fill the role. “At the time, and even still today, it was highly unusual for a school to invest in a full-time staff member in a non-required job for a non-curricular position,” notes Stan. “Westminster dedicated resources, an office, and a budget to the community service program.”

Stan Moor

Upper School Spanish Teacher Community Service Coordinator 1981-2016 July 20, 1969. All across America, people gathered around their televisions to watch the first steps of a man on the moon. At the same time, an 18-year-old Stan Moor sat by a campfire in a Bolivian jungle trying to convince hysterically laughing locals whose village did not even have electricity that there was actually an American astronaut stepping on to the surface of that far-away orb. It was the first time Stan had ever been out of the country; in fact, it was the first time he had ever flown on an airplane. Stan remembers that time as the moment he first realized and appreciated how expansive and diverse the world is, and how much we, as first-world citizens, could do to enhance and impact the lives of others. After that trip, Stan changed his college major to Spanish and went on to earn a master’s degree in Spanish education. The call to service he felt in Bolivia eventually became the main focus of his career and life, and his passion for helping others inspired generations of Westminster students during his 35year tenure here. As he retired at the end of last school year, our beloved Señor Moor was overcome with gratitude and nostalgia for the people and experiences that shaped his life and enriched our community. Stan came to Westminster to teach Upper School Spanish in the fall of 1981 after stints at LaGrange High School and Walton High School. He recalls being so impressed by the caliber of the faculty, students, and facilities at Westminster that it struck him as “more like a college than a high school.” Stan enjoyed being one of three Spanish teachers in what was then the Boys School. He was selected by President Donn

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And Stan took it from there. He made connections with community agencies, selected programs that would engage our students, and encouraged students to find an area of service that was meaningful to them. In addition to working with the service prefects and members of the Community Service Club on weekly service initiatives, Stan made sure his office became a home where students felt welcome, accepted, and appreciated. For 25 years, his office was a popular and comfortable hangout for students of various ages and interests, and Señor was always there to provide a warm greeting and possibly a corny joke. In 2000, with funding and assistance from the Glenn Family Foundation, Stan pioneered Westminster’s summer philanthropy institute for rising seniors, Philanthropy 101, which brings the principles of philanthropy to life through classroom learning and hands-on experiences. Former head service prefect and Philanthropy 101 student, Rohan Kohli ’04, appreciates the fact that the program taught him to research and focus his giving where it can be most effective, skills that have given him peace of mind when making charitable donations. Rohan praises Stan as “the embodiment of selflessness and humility” and cites him as a mentor and role model. In fact, Rohan and his wife, Brittany, think so highly of him that they bestowed what Stan calls “the highest honor of (his) life” when they asked him to become an ordained minister so he could perform their wedding ceremony in 2015. Stan’s impact on Westminster students cannot be overstated. Many credit him with inspiring a lifelong commitment to service. Thomas Morse ’93, who motivates current students as a coach and staffer in Westminster’s athletics department, puts it this way: “I can remember being a self-absorbed 16-year-old boy who felt the world owed me something. Then, I took a community

service tour around the city of Atlanta with Señor Moor. He helped me recognize, as a student of Westminster, there are experiences and privileges I have been afforded that obligate me to take a stronger role as a servant leader in our global community. As a result of his influence, I have been an active community leader in Atlanta, as well as at Westminster, where I continue to stress the importance of servant leadership to our students.” Westminster owes a debt of gratitude to Stan for implementing meaningful and successful community service programs that motivate students, parents, and faculty alike to spend their free time helping others. From the Alternative Gift Fair to the blood drives, to building Habitat for Humanity homes, Westminster’s community voluntarily comes together to better our community and our world.

For his second act, Stan plans to rest and relax for a few months and then spend his time traveling and volunteering with organizations he feels passionate about, including the Latin American Association and Global Health Action, where he serves on the board of directors. We deeply miss his smile, his kindness, his generosity of spirit, and his impeccable comedic timing. Here’s one last joke in his honor… Teacher: You missed school yesterday, didn’t you? Student: Not very much! Señor Moor, we assure you that you will indeed be missed very much. -Stacie Rapson

The span and reach of Jim’s career has been remarkable, including more than two decades in higher education at three universities, service as the music director for two orchestras, and grants for study at the National Gallery of Art and Oxford University. At Westminster, Jim was one of the rare teachers who worked with students in every division. Imagine the dedication of a professional of Jim’s caliber who is as devoted to young musicians just starting out as he is to accomplished performers.

Dr. Jim Plondke

Middle School Orchestra Director Orchestra Teacher, Grades 3-12 2008-2016 Jim Plondke, who retired at the end of last school year after eight years at Westminster and a total of 45 years as a teacher, came to us in a rather serendipitous way. As Jim puts it: “Following retirement from higher education, I took the Westminster position occupied by one of my prize students at Lawrence University, Steve Hancock, who went on to be a private school administrator in Princeton, New Jersey, and Memphis, Tennessee. Talk about ‘fate’ or ‘coincidence!’”

Revealing his fun-loving side, Jim was thrilled when his colleagues good-naturedly roasted him upon his retirement with a rendition of “All About that Bass,” a nod to his primary instrument, the double bass. Another fun fact: Jim, who is lovingly referred to as “The Professor,” served as coach of the 2016 Middle School Faculty WhirlyBall Tournament and was selected as MVP. He is obviously a man of diverse talents both in and out of the orchestra pit! Perhaps as inspirational as Jim’s passion for teaching musicians of all skill levels is the fact that his interest in his students has not flagged after more than four decades. By his own report, Jim enjoyed teaching as much in his last year as in his first. In his retirement, he plans to travel, spend time with his grandchildren, and dedicate more time to writing musical scores. We are grateful to have benefited from his expertise and friendship and thank him for his impact on generations of musicians over the course of his long and fruitful career. -Stacie Rapson




especially valued afternoon times spent brainstorming with Beth and recalls with pleasure the way Beth’s face lit up whenever she came across an activity she thought would challenge the students. Jennifer and many others in Love Hall credit Beth with raising the bar for other teachers and inspiring them to continually improve.

Beth Plunkett Fifth Grade Teacher 1991-2016

For a quarter of a century, Beth Plunkett inspired Lower School students to develop a love for learning, and for learning math in particular. It was a tribute to her skill as a teacher and mentor that nearly half of last year’s fifth grade students voluntarily and enthusiastically attended Morning Math Mania at 7:30 a.m., a program Beth piloted to provide math enrichment opportunities. A master teacher and recipient of both the Merrill Award and the LeoDelle Lassiter Jolley Professorship, Beth remained committed to professional development throughout her career, never shying away from new ideas or challenges. When Beth applied for a teaching position at Westminster in 1991, her daughter, Mary Catherine ’98, was also an applicant to sixth grade. Fortunately, they were both accepted and became Wildcats together! Her sons, Patrick ’00 and Michael ’04, followed suit not long after, making life at Westminster truly a family affair for the Plunketts. Beth was at the forefront of the development of the Lower School’s math curriculum, visiting schools around the country and attending conferences searching for stateof-the-art math instruction methods to implement at Westminster. Her colleagues knew her as a thoughtful, generous, and creative collaborator. Fellow fifth-grade teacher Jennifer Villasana appreciated Beth as a great source of ideas and inspiration and says: “I treasure the wisdom I gained from Beth and the lessons she shared.” Jennifer

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Always striving to bring excitement to the study of math, Beth cites flying student-constructed tetrahedral kites on Broyles field as a favorite activity and proudly notes that there was never a kite that could not fly. Her love for and devotion to her students was enthusiastically reciprocated. Helping students experience “breakthrough moments” was a hallmark of Beth’s career. Beth recalls a handmade valentine from a student that read, “You helped me find that I like math and you helped me when I didn’t understand,” a sentiment echoed by many of Beth’s students over the years.

BETH WAS AT THE FOREFRONT OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE LOWER SCHOOL’S MATH CURRICULUM, VISITING SCHOOLS AROUND THE COUNTRY AND ATTENDING CONFERENCES SEARCHING FOR STATE-OF-THE-ART MATH INSTRUCTION METHODS TO IMPLEMENT AT WESTMINSTER. Beth has joined her husband, Luther, in retirement. He has a five-year head start on her, but she doesn’t foresee any problem catching up with him, noting, “I am looking forward to daily 3-mile walks with my husband, spending time with my family, watching Alabama football, and traveling.” Her first adventure was a summer trip to Hawaii to commemorate both her retirement and Luther’s 75th birthday. Also high on her priority list is spending time with her grandchildren who live in California: Duncan, 5, and Georgia, 2. Her classroom motto, “connect and stretch your brain,” will continue to inform her daily life in retirement. One thing she won’t miss? Getting out of bed at 5:00 a.m. during the week. Enjoy a well-earned rest, Beth, and Roll Tide! -Stacie Rapson

“I’ll also never forget feeling the same sadness as the student who hugs you at the end of the year because they are going to miss you. I even had one student tell me I changed his life because I called his bluff on something. Go figure!”

Stan Tucker

Middle School Spanish Teacher 1990-2016 Stan Tucker was drawn to Westminster 26 years ago because of the School’s outstanding reputation. Stan valued the opportunity to teach in a school where academics are highly valued and educating the whole child is emphasized, and he lived out those values during his tenure here. Now that he has retired, Stan plans to move to Argentina, where he’s looking forward to reading, volunteering, speaking Spanish, eating great beef, and sampling different Malbec wines. While Stan is excited about this next chapter, there are many things he misses about Westminster, including his wonderful colleagues and the students who work hard to achieve their goals. “Students here truly enjoy learning. I’ll never forget those moments when students saw a connection that I’d never seen myself or when a light bulb came on for them and I knew they understood,” he says.


Personal highlights of his Westminster career include meeting his wife, Sydney Anderson Tucker ’73, chaperoning a group of Upper School students on a trip to Argentina for last year’s Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) celebration, and getting to know his students and watching them grow intellectually. In addition to being a Middle School teacher for 26 years, Stan spent five years as co-director of the language lab and served as the Spanish coordinator and a member of the language department curriculum committee. He was also very engaged in school life beyond the classroom as coach of the Middle School boys tennis team for seven years, coach of the academic team for 15 years, and a Bible study leader. “I can’t even fathom what Westminster will be like without my colleague and dear friend,” says Spanish teacher Zeke Hoyos. “Stan is one of the most loyal, dependable, and helpful people I have ever met.” -Kim Nogi




Board of Trustees member Clay Rolader ’72, who has known Jere since they were in elementary school, has seen his classmate’s impact up close. “Throughout the time I have been on the board, the school has turned to Jere time and again at major transformational moments to articulate the direction in which the school needed to go,” he says. “I think his greatest legacy will be the amazing strategic plans that he had such a hand in crafting over the years. I watched him herd cats until consensus arrived, wordsmith complicated concepts until they became the ideals we strive for, and sell ideas to our community until they came into our daily conversations. That’s what great leaders do.”

Jere Wells ’72

Assistant Headmaster, Director of The Glenn Institute for Philanthropy and Service Learning 1983-2016 On a warm morning in early September 1959, Westminster’s newest Wildcats arrived at Scott Hall eager to meet their pre-first teachers. Jere Wells was among those students, and that day launched an extraordinary, nearly six-decade-long relationship marked by his devotion and service. An Alpha Omega, Jere graduated from Westminster in 1972 and went on to attend Washington and Lee and the University of Georgia, receiving his bachelor’s and master’s degrees as a Bulldog. His first teaching position was at Woodberry Forest School in Virginia under the legendary former Westminster faculty member Emmett Wright. When Jere’s wife, Della, was accepted to Emory Law School in 1983, the Wells family returned to Atlanta, and Jere returned to his alma mater. Over the ensuing 33 years, Jere served Westminster in myriad capacities including college counselor, assistant principal, director of studies, admissions director, interim principal, assistant headmaster, and director of the Glenn Institute. Former Westminster President Bill Clarkson calls Jere one of the most gifted educators there is. “His extraordinary and singular contributions to the life and excellence of the School are unparalleled,” he says. “Jere’s impact cannot be overestimated. What an amazing ‘school man’!”

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As deeply as Jere invested in Westminster as an institution, he has given much of himself to the heart of Westminster— the students. One of Jere’s former students, Dean of Faculty Thad Persons ’88, describes his relationship with Jere, which began in 11th grade English, this way: Jere was my teacher. Thirty years later, Jere remains my teacher. He gave me the scholarship to understand Shakespeare, the courage to attend graduate school, and the wisdom to value the essential over the immediate. Jere taught me Hamlet, a play that has profoundly shaped my life, and Hamlet’s words about his father mirror my reverence for my teacher, my mentor, and my friend: “I shall not look upon his like again.”

the world needs skilled and creative problem-solvers and that their habits for learning developed at Westminster can prepare them for that work.” The school has also grown in the richness of its diversity, in every sense of the word. “The Westminster of today values inclusion and cultural curiosity in ways we were only beginning to conceive in the 1960s,” he continues. When invited to offer his aspirations for Westminster’s future, Jere expressed his hope that the school will continue on its current arc. “The world we prepare our students for today is ever more complex and challenging, and the school must evolve if the academic skills and the personal habits and values developed here are to prepare them to be effective leaders and citizens,” he says. Service, of course, remains close to Jere’s heart as he thinks about the future. “Westminster students are blessed with extraordinary opportunities for growth, and our mission as a Christian school should continue focusing on the ways we can apply those abundant gifts for the betterment of our communities, whether local or global,” he says.

FORMER WESTMINSTER PRESIDENT BILL CLARKSON CALLS JERE ONE OF THE MOST GIFTED EDUCATORS THERE IS. “HIS EXTRAORDINARY AND SINGULAR CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE LIFE AND EXCELLENCE OF THE SCHOOL ARE UNPARALLELED,” HE SAYS. Jere Wells is indeed an amazing “school man.” He has been part of Westminster for almost 60 years as a student, alumnus, teacher, and leader. He inspired his students. He helped shape our school’s values. He gave voice to our vision. As he looks ahead to his next adventure, we wish him Godspeed—until we meet again. -Jane Lauderdale Armstrong ’74

At the end of last school year, the Wells family again made a move. Jere received a two-year appointment as director of the Educational Leadership and Ministry Program at Yale Divinity School, where Della is enrolled as a seminary student. Jere, a consummate educator with teaching in his marrow, will help equip future educators in his new role preparing seminarians to apply their training in a school or college setting. During his tenure as a faculty member, Jere says he saw the school develop a broader, more comprehensive understanding of excellent education. “Without abandoning our commitment to discipline-based expertise, we have developed interdisciplinary curricula such as our STEAM work, experiential education strategies such as project-based learning, and a wealth of travel-oriented programs and exchanges. The successful JanTerm is a fulfillment of the school’s steady growth in all these areas,” he says. “Westminster’s students are increasingly aware that

Jere shares a laugh with his longtime friend and colleague Scoot Dimon ‘70 during this spring’s commencement ceremony.




Catching Up with Retired Faculty by Jane Lauderdale Armstrong ’74

Harry Lloyd It was the spring of 1960, and Tar Heel Harry Lloyd was completing his master’s degree in physical education at Chapel Hill. Harry was a graduate assistant coach for the Tar Heels baseball team, but with graduation looming, he knew he needed to find a full-time position. A fellow graduate student named Pete Higgins had been to Atlanta to interview at the still-young Westminster Schools and suggested Harry give them a call. Westminster was looking for a baseball coach and history teacher, and Harry fit the bill. Within a week of his interview with Dr. Pressly and Emmett Wright, Harry “committed” to Westminster. He describes his first days at the School this way: “It didn’t take long to realize that I liked Westminster. I decided I’d stay.” During the early years, Harry taught history and coached girls basketball and varsity baseball. In 1965, Harry assumed the role of athletic director. With the opening of Turner Gym and the proliferation of girls’ team sports, Westminster’s athletic program expanded rapidly in scope and depth under Harry’s leadership. During his years as athletic director, Westminster captured 53 state championships. In 1983, Bob Ward assumed athletic director responsibilities, and Harry continued as physical education department chair. For 37 classes of Westminster graduates, Harry is primarily known as Coach Lloyd. His varsity baseball teams consistently achieved winning seasons, including three state championships. In 2002, Harry was inducted into the Georgia Athletic Coaches Association Hall of Fame along with fellow Westminster coaches Paul Koshewa and Wayman Creel. Current faculty member and baseball coach Chad Laney ’95 described Coach Lloyd’s influence this way:

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I have never met anyone who is as knowledgeable and passionate about the game of baseball as Coach Lloyd. He has, as they say, given his life to the game, and no one is a better ambassador for baseball than Coach Lloyd. I had the pleasure of both playing for him and coaching alongside him, and I am a much better person for it. Coach Lloyd is a master of positive thought, simplicity, and purpose, but his teachings go beyond the diamond and deep into his players’ lives. Two of my favorite examples include: “Follow your passions and do them to the best of your ability,” and “Control what you can control and do not worry about what you cannot.” Harry coached many young people through the summer baseball camp he began with three other coaches in 1975 and continued to run through 2008. The camps regularly attracted pro scouts. Harry is not the only Wildcat in the Lloyd family. His wife, Carolyn, also worked at the School for many years, and his sons, Brad ’75, Pat ’77, and Russell ’82, are Westminster alumni. Coach Lloyd retired from Westminster in 1997. Sadly, several years later, Mrs. Lloyd passed away from cancer. Harry remained active with the baseball camps and regular golf games with friends, including Rankin Cooter and Eddie DuPriest. In 2009, Harry remarried; he and his wife Joanne share a passion for golfing and fishing. They divide their time between their home in Johns Creek and their cottage at Lake Chatuge. From their back deck, they look across the lake to a panoramic view of the Blue Ridge Mountains, a view Harry describes as spectacular. However, what the Lloyds enjoy most is spending time with their combined 12 grandchildren and one great-grandchild.




Ginny Lovern Alumni Fellows Award

Chuck Breithaupt ’82 Alumni Fellows Award

Roy Lovell Alumni Fellows Award

Huma Ishaqui Alumni Fellows Award

Shazeen Porbandarwala Goizueta Foundation Faculty of Distinction

Walter DuPriest ’99 The O. Wayne Rollins Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching

Kelly Weininger The O. Wayne Rollins Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching

Heather Widness The O. Wayne Rollins Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching

Ivy Carroll The O. Wayne Rollins Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching

Stephanie Frame The O. Wayne Rollins Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching

Brent McGuire Goizueta Foundation Professorship

Ben Steele Goizueta Foundation Professorship

Zeke Hoyos Goizueta Foundation Professorship in Spanish

Adrian Dingle The Alan Ashley Lewis Endowed Chair of Science

Angela Jones The Alex P. Gaines Professorship

Ann Tedesco The Schoen Faculty Excellence Award

Mark Cutbirth The Schoen Faculty Excellence Award

Gerry Romberg The Schoen Faculty Excellence Award

Michael Carroll ’96 The Schoen Staff Excellence Award

Bill Mosley The William A. Parker, Sr. Exceptional Service Award

Brett Alberty The Bobo Family Award

Tina McCormick The David, Helen, and Marian Woodward Professorship

Eric Combest The Emmett Wright, Jr. Professorship

Mary Heald The Gwen Cleghorn Distinguished Chair

Julia Singer Myrick ’75 The LeCraw Family Professorship

Scottie Jackson The William A. Parker, Sr. Exceptional Service Award

Colin Mackey ’87 The William A. Parker, Sr. Exceptional Service Award

Amy Eubanks The William A. Parker, Sr. Exceptional Service Award

Jen Marie Wentzel The William A. Parker, Sr. Mentoring Faculty Award (10th Grade Student)

Sandi Penn-White The William A. Parker, Sr. Mentoring Faculty Award (11th Grade Student)

Marlene Getzendanner The LeoDelle Lassiter Jolley Professorship

Leah Roberts The Math and Science Faculty of Excellence Professorship

Maury Hitchcock The Merrill Award

Vielka Reina The Merrill Award

Meg Hayes-Golding The Merrill Award

Mecia Israel The William A. Parker, Sr. Mentoring Faculty Award (7th Grade Student)

Leslie Ann Little The William A. Parker, Sr. Mentoring Faculty Award (8th Grade Student)

Lina Ellis The William A. Parker, Sr. Mentoring Faculty Award (9th Grade Student)

Clark Meyer Bob Ward Catbackers Award

Kevin Webster Exceptional Staff Service Award

Tiffany Norman Boozer ’85 The Merrill Award

Doug Boomer The O. Wayne Rollins Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching

Mark Labouchere The O. Wayne Rollins Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching

Miranda Wilson The O. Wayne Rollins Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching

Catherine Zidow The O. Wayne Rollins Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching

Rob Kimbrel Exceptional Staff Service Award

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Claire Barsky Second Grade

Liza Farley Literacy Specialist

Allison Hudak Second Grade

Judith Maisonneuve French

Matt Myers Theater/Drama

Deborah Peart Third Grade

Hannah Rogers Learning Specialist

Taylor Trepte Fifth Grade

Katie Argall Math

Gary Brown Math

May Engelhardt Visual Art

Camille May Counselor

Juan Acosta College Counseling

Stephen Addcox English

David Charney Chaplain/Bible

Aaron “Red” Dobbins Permanent Substitute

David Dwyer Spanish

Laura Drewicz Ewing ’00 History

Jason Maynard Choral Music

Chad Savage Environmental Science

Matt Spaulding Discovery

Ana Maria Szolodko History

Michael Reese Visual Art

Cindy Trask Head of Upper School

Chris Walters Director of Choral Music

Nathan Vigil History

John Wellford Spanish


Danny Alexander English

Zac Ferguson-Cogdill Band

Not Pictured Raynard Oliver Math

Jennifer Fuller Finlayson Theater/Drama

Jon Hathorn Spanish

Bo Na Orchestra Director

Matt Pelot Permanent Substitute

Jorge Perez-Cisneros Spanish

Not Pictured Addie Matteson Librarian

Leonor Taylor Spanish

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Saundria Zomalt Counselor


Faculty Summer Adventures Mario Chard

Upper School English 18 U.S. states 6,110-mile road trip In addition to developing a JanTerm course on documentary poetry, Mario worked on his own creative endeavors, including revisiting places crucial to one of his long documentary poems—such as the site of a car crash in the Four Corners region of Utah, Arizona, Colorado, and New Mexico. “One important question was whether a horse was involved in the early-morning accident along a deserted Utah road. I was shocked and amazed, then, just after passing where the crash occurred, to find three horses running beside the road along the shoulder. I took it as a sign! That moment made every mile worth it,” he says.

Brenda Cobler

Middle School Science The Everglades and Florida Keys Study of coastal ecosystems Brenda studied wetlands, marshes, mangroves, and coral reefs—all vital environments threatened by climate change and human intrusion. The highlight of her trip was visiting and snorkeling in Dry Tortugas National Park. “This park is one of the least

visited national parks due to its remote location and the fact that it’s 98 percent water,” Brenda says. “It is only accessible by ferry or seaplane, and I was able to fly in, which provided me with the beautiful view of Key West’s backcountry, mangrove islands, and the coral atoll known as Margueses Islands.”

Sam Gough

Upper School Math Honolulu, Hawaii Global education workshop at The Punahou School Sam and teachers from seven nations discussed, explored, and designed globally focused curricula. “I was surprised by the similarities the educators present and their schools had in common with Westminster. In addition to the workshop, my family and I enjoyed the sights of Oahu, which included the North Shore, snorkeling at Hanauma Bay, climbing Diamond Head, and visiting Pearl Harbor,” Sam says.

Daniel Searl

Upper School Spanish, WCAT Spain Interviews of immigrants

Callie Crabb

Director, The Glenn Institute Kathmandu, Nepal Training for service-based global programs with Where There Be Dragons Callie and 10 other educators spent 15 days in the Kathmandu Valley and rural villages in Nepal learning best practices for designing global programs with a service focus. “Aside from being an amazing professional growth experience, the Dragons course transformed my personal perspective on spirituality, community, and the importance of being vulnerable. Learn to ‘be a traveler, not a tourist.’ It will change your entire world!” Callie says

To reconnect with his own experience as the son of immigrants to Spain, Daniel interviewed current immigrants (recent arrivals and longtime residents) about their experiences. “More than anything else, I learned that everyone has a story, and they want to tell it. All you have to do is ask,” he says.

English teacher Mario Chard surveys the landscape during his 18-state summer road trip.




Congratulations, Class of 2016!

Class of 2016 Senior Honors Charlotte Folinus, Pranav Rekapalli............................................................................................................ Valedictorians Ariana Mao, Josh Doman..................................................................................................................................Salutatorians Jamie Pastan.................................................................................................................................. Service to School Award Catherine Christopher, Evelyn Gould, Rahil Kamath, Samantha Long, Patrick Lopez, Luis Padilla, Laura Street, Haley Vincent, Charlotte Warren, Steven Yang................................................................The President’s Volunteer Service Award Rahil Kamath................................................................................................................................ Service Above Self Award Evelyn Gould.............................................................................................................................. Community Service Award Cameron Crawford, Clare Draper........................................... Vernon S. Broyles Jr. Christian Leadership Award Alex Kong........................................................................................................................................................Forensics Award Logue Shamburger, Beth Huang, Zack Saffran............................................................................. Visual Arts Awards Ariana Mao.................................................................................................................... Performing Arts-Orchestra Award Daniel Geisler.........................................................................................................................Performing Arts-Band Award Molly Wright, Jake Smith......................................................................................Performing Arts-Theatre Arts Award Ruben Roy..................................................................................................................Performing Arts-Vocal Music Award Rankin Woley, Hannah Morgan............................................................................................................... Athletics Awards Faith Cho......................................................................................................... Gwendolyn M. Cleghorn Memorial Award

Will Benson and Philip Jones pose before the ceremony.

Philip Stith looks up as he waits to receive his diploma.

Robbie Chambliss........................................................................................... David T. Lauderdale Jr. Memorial Award Colesy Cotter, Andrew Shackelford............................................Leila Mason Venable Eldridge Memorial Award Morgan Rimmer.........................................................George R. Lamplugh Excellence in American History Award Katie McGahan............................................................................................. The Goizueta Foundation Chinese Award Alex Walker.......................................................................................................The Goizueta Foundation French Award Katie Goldsmith................................................................................................... The Goizueta Foundation Latin Award Tate Burwell..................................................................... The Goizueta Foundation Lazaro Herrera Spanish Award Josh Doman, Rebecca Shin................................................................................Robert M. Sims Math/Science Award Emma Scott.................................................................................................. The Branham Award for Greatest Progress Kush Bansal.............................................................................................................................................. Berry Senior Award Eliza Namnoum.........................................................................................................................................Dean’s Award - Girl Daniel Eisenhauer................................................................................................................................... Dean’s Award - Boy Benton Wood.........................................................................................................................Head of Upper School Award

Mary Lawson Burrows waits to cross the stage.

Berhan Getachew, Annabel Farley, Mia Patillo, Maggie O’Connor, Colesy Cotter, Katie Zhu, and Emily Bassett enjoy a moment together before graduation.

Clark Conrad listens to the commencement speeches.

Kevin O’Gara, Catherine Christopher.............................................................................................................Spirit Award Kenneth Hartzfeld, Ellie Hansen.......................................................... Croft Family Service and Fellowship Award Laura Street....................................................................................................................Atlanta Journal-Constitution Cup Berhan Getachew...........................................................................................................Thyrza S. Askew Nobility Award Katie Carithers............................................................................................................. Judith A. Smith Citizenship Award Will Benson.................................................................................................................James G. Patton Citizenship Award Kensey Cochran............................................................................................. Frances Isabelle Outler Memorial Award Cage Reeder.....................................................................................................................Richard L. Hull Memorial Award

Evelyn Gould receives her diploma from President Keith Evans.

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Shelvis Smith-Mather ’97 addresses the class as commencement speaker.

Joe King celebrates with classmates at the end of the ceremony.

Robbie Chambliss, Justin Tice, and Jason Ceto await the cermeony.



Mapping the























Seventy-eight colleges and universities across the United States welcomed at least one Westminster graduate this fall. The 208 members of the Class of 2016 take the spirit of the Wildcat Nation with them as they continue their educational journeys.






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Ties That Bind

Following the Commencement ceremony each year, new graduates gather with their family members who are also graduates of Westminster, NAPS, or Washington Seminary. These “Ties That Bind” are strong and far-reaching.

Virginia Catherine Cushing ’13, Debbie McCurdy Cushing ’83, Robert Cushing ’16, Erica Kranz McCurdy ’86, Phil McCurdy ’79

Ashley Daniels ’16, Chelsea Daniels ’10

Julia Doherty ’16, Caroline Brantley Doherty ’85

Mary Elizabeth Warren Stone ’01, Bill Warren ’72, Jimmy Warren ’83, Rebekah McClatchey Warren ’86, Charlotte Warren ’16, Carolyn Cody McClatchey ’65, Bill McClatchey ’66, Joseph Allan ’16, Ruth McClatchey Cline ’83, Juliet McClatchey Allan ’81

Gabi Barros ’16, Paulino Barros ’07

Robert Beauchamp ’16, Marian Leslie Evatt ’81, Thomas Beauchamp ’16

Laura Whitner Dorsey ’62, Laura Rains Draper ’86, Clare Draper ’16, Margaret Draper ’14, Margaret Rains Howell ’60, Henry Howell ’56

Annabel Farley ’16, Charlotte Farley ’14

Cammy Bethea ’85, Patton Bethea Fowler ’83, J.T. Fowler ’16, Jim Bethea ’89

Gabriel Bellott-McGrath ’14, Isabelle BellottMcGrath ’16

Charlie Benedict Jr. ’84, Catherine Benedict ’16, Charlie Benedict Sr. ’59

Billy Borders ’77, Taylor Borders ’11, Julie Borders ’79, Heather Benson ’05, Will Benson ’16, Elinor Benson ’83, Drew Borders ’16, Teddy Benson ’79, Erin Borders ’13, Eric Borders ’81

Emily Fuqua ’13, Leila Fuqua ’16, Martha Stewart Fuqua ’13

Jessica Gaudiosi ’11, Matthew Gaudiosi ’16

Daniel Geisler ’16, Nancy Carlson Geisler ’72

Alli Capper ’11, Andy Capper ’16, Chip Capper ’13

Charlie Christopher ’14, Catherine Christopher ’16

Déja Clay ’15, Kiana Clay ’16

Daniel Getachew-Smith ’09, Berhan Getachew ’16, David Getachew-Smith ’06

Bennett Gillogly ’10, Trevor Gillogly ’16, Allison Gillogly Reid ’06, Danny Reid ’06

Kim Gartrell Goldsmith ’92, Glenn Goldsmith ’92, Katie Goldsmith ’16, Jere Goldsmith ’77

Davis Conway ’16, Caroline Conway ’13

Matt Tarkenton ’88, Caroline Cordle ’08, Kate Cordle ’16, Angela Tarkenton Cordle ’82, Melissa Tarkenton Allen ’89, Hayley Tarkenton ’06 (not pictured: Sarah Cordle ’12)

Ed Croft ’60, Addie Croft ’16, Stockton Croft ’87

Walker Green ’13, Mattie Green ’16, Hix Green ’75

Laura Turman Newton ’65, Ned Hansen ’86, Ellie Hansen ’16, Lydia Turman Hansen ’87, John Hansen ’87

Kel Harper ’75, Keller Harper ’16, Holly Oglesby ’11, Stuart Oglesby ’08

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Amy Redmond Harralson ’85, Ansley Harralson ’16

Jillian Hartzfeld ’12, Kenneth Hartzfeld ’16

Nick Harvey ’82, Dana Harvey ’16

Sarah Mosso ’13, Sebastian Mosso ’16

Spencer Namnoum ’09, Hannah Namnoum ’16, Reed Namnoum ’13, Eliza Namnoum ’16, Anne Brawner Namnoum ’78, Caitlin Paulette Namnoum ’09, Addie Namnoum ’10

Tripp O’Connor ’87, Maggie O’Connor ’16, Katie O’Connor Herzfeld ’89

Claire Hogan ’06, Elizabeth Hogan ’10, Robert Hogan ’16, Ellie Hogan ’14, Will Hogan ’03, Jep Hogan ’67

Merritt Huber ’77, Blake Huber ’16, Frances Robinson Huber ’55, Phred Huber ’80

Connor Hutchins ’15, Maddie Hutchins ’16

Mary Shivers O’Gara ’82, Julia O’Gara ’14, Kevin O’Gara ’16, Julia Shivers ’78, Kevin O’Gara ’79

Andrew Owens ’08, Tommy O’Neal ’16, Kristen O’Neal ’15

Alexandra Oliver ’12, Joseph Oliver ’16

Clint Kibler ’65, Brad Kibler ’69, John Kibler ’16, Bryan Kibler ’79, Will Kibler ’13

Bill McGinnis ’78, Augusta King ’16

Pam Meeks Kuester ’80, Margaret Kuester ’14, Brooks Kuester ’12, Virginia Kuester ’16, Ford Lindsay ’12, Mary Catherine Lindsay ’07, Jack Lindsay ’16

Christy Ostrowski Wulz ’02, Andy Ostrowski ’04, John Ostrowski ’16, Robby Ostrowski ’08, Shelley Ostrowski ’06, Mary Ostrowski ’11

Stephen Pastan ’08, James Pastan ’16, Daniel Pastan ’09

Gigi Pavur ’16, James Pavur ’13

Mary Craig Lindgren ’15, Chapman Lindgren ’16

Christina Lopez ’15, Patrick Lopez ’16, Michael Lopez ’11

Payton Mast ’16, Mary Carson Dobbs ’13

Caroline Reed ’11, Vivienne Reed ’16

Parker Rhodes ’11, John Rhodes ’16

Kimberly Booth Rimmer ’87, Morgan Rimmer ’16

Katie McGahan ’16, Martin McGahan ’84, Sara McGahan ’13, Bill McGahan ’80, Billy McGahan ’16

Missy McGrew Kaish ’78, Dan McGrew ’76, Sydney McGrew ’16, Mac McGrew ’83

Caroline Midis ’14, Marisa Midis ’16, Susan DuPre Midis ’82, Ann DuPre ’14

Ethan Roback ’16, Evan Roback ’13

Sela Sarkisian ’13, Leila Sarkisian ’16

Leon Scott (Retired Faculty), Mary Ann Flowers Scott ’13, Emma Scott ’16, Michael Scott ’77, Lynn Scott Fowler ’74

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Jamye Selby ’16, Doug Selby ’82

Matthew Shackelford ’11, Andrew Shackelford ’16

Denton Shamburger ’88, Logue Shamburger ’16, Raines Shamburger ’16, Bucky Shamburger ’75

Elizabeth Spencer ’14, Frances Spencer ’16

Aliya Sultan ’16, Aazam Sultan ’12

Kenji Tanaka ’14, Yoko Tanaka ’16

Claudia Ziegler ’16, Read Ziegler ’14

Class of 2016 graduates with their alumni parents

Luke Tassopoulos ’14, Nicholas Tassopoulos ’16

Michael Taylor ’14, Andrew Taylor ’16

Mayla McDonough Thom ’83, Virginia Thom ’16

Class of 2016, welcome to the Alumni Association! Keep your Wildcat pride alive! It’s easy!

Bucky Byerly ’86, Thomas Watkins ’16, Pamela Byerly Watkins ’83

Susan Ayres Watson ’83, Elisabeth Ayres ’88, Gail Minnich Watson, Buck Rogers ’86, T Watson ’16, Ryan Watson ’13, Max Rogers ’16, David Watson ’82, Patricia Ayres ’81, Lyn Rogers Knapp ’83, Eve Knapp ’12

Rankin Woley ’16, Rena Carragher Woley ’80

Connect on social media. By following our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram feeds and joining our LinkedIn group, you’ll always know what’s happening in the Wildcat Nation. Download EverTrue. Use this alumni-only app to connect with classmates, network, and keep up with Westminster news. Attend alumni events. Mark your calendar for this year’s College Holiday Luncheon on Monday, December 19.

Molly Wright ’16, Gail Sims Furniss ’60

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Shota Yasuda ’16, Kenta Yasuda ’14

Ned Zakas ’12, Page Zakas ’08, Cabell Zakas ’16, Virginia Zakas ’08, Dennis Zakas ’74


Wildcat Den


Winter/Spring 2016

By Scoot Dimon ’70 | The Voice of the Wildcats

National Signing Day February 3 was a big day for 26 Westminster student-athletes. WCAT covered the action in Turner Gym as students signed letters of intent to play college sports at 16 different institutions. Division I destination schools include Duke, Harvard, Columbia, Davidson, Princeton, Cornell, Penn State, and the University of Alabama. Other schools include Washington and Lee and Wellesley. Another seven athletes signed with colleges at a spring ceremony.

Girls Squash

Boys Swimming and Diving

The girls are Division III national champions! They defeated Potomac School 6-1 to capture their first division crown in program history. It was a great team effort with every girl playing her best squash of the winter to win the title!

There has never been a season like this one in Pete Higgins’s 54-year career! Led by twin brothers Erek and Derek Cox, the CatFish broke almost every school individual and relay record and set several state records. At the state meet, our swimmers dominated the opposition, and our divers accumulated critical points to earn the state title.

Boys Basketball

Girls Basketball



The boys won 21 games in a row, including their own Christmas holiday tournament, but came up short in the region tournament. Coach Tray Malloy had some talented seniors, tenacious defense, and great outside shooting.

Coach Heather Karvis led the girls to the state tournament for the second year in a row. They had a fantastic regular season, finishing 21-8.

Great senior leadership led the team to several second and third place finishes in local and weekend tournaments. New mats made possible by Catbackers not only looked great, but are 400 lbs. lighter than the older iteration.

It’s hard to have more fun than the baseball team did this spring in coach Russell Wrenn’s final season! Led by seniors Rankin Woley and Will Benson, the boys earned Westminster’s first GHSA state championship since 1978. The Cats finished the year with a dramatic 7-6, 2-1 series sweep of nationally ranked Blessed Trinity to clinch the title.


Boys Squash

Girls Soccer

Boys Soccer

Under the able leadership of coaches Amy Eubanks and Kaci Roberts, the CheerCats got everyone on their feet all season long. They had several dances at halftime that both thrilled and amazed.

The boys played well in the regular season, in two tournaments in the Northeast, and in the national championships, where they qualified to play in the very demanding third division. Coach Rick Byrd was proud of all six lines.

The KickCats defeated all comers from March to May and beat a tough Blessed Trinity team 4-0 to win the state championship. In recognition of their amazing talent, the Wildcats finished 12th in the final USA Today spring national poll.

The boys had a great season against tough competition in Region 4-AAA but fell in the playoffs on penalty kicks to a tough Oconee County team.

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Girls Lacrosse

Boys Lacrosse

Girls Golf

Boys Golf

The girls used great defense and goaltending to defeat defending state champion Kell and a traditional powerhouse from New York, Baldwinsville. They also won their annual Dogwood Classic with a one-goal victory over North Gwinnett. They had a tough draw in the state playoffs and lost to Blessed Trinity in the quarterfinals.

The boys beat Lovett, Walton, and McCallie en route to an area championship season. Unfortunately, the Cats came up two goals short in the state championship game against a talented Allatoona squad.

The girls had a very good season under the leadership of coach Sam Gough. They played in eight tournaments and finished strong in every one of them.

New coach Andy Dunn led the boys to the AAA state championship. The Cats hit fairways all season long and used skillful short games to put the ball in the hole. Keller Harper ’16 was AAA low medalist.

Girls Tennis

Boys Tennis



The girls made it all the way to the state championship with young players on the roster. They have a lot to look forward to in 2017.

In his rookie year as head coach, Ralph Geeza seized the reins from Wade Boggs, the legend, and led the boys to another state championship, going undefeated all the way. Included in the 2016 season is an always impressive Buckhead Rotary title against some of the best teams in the state in any classification.

The team of young gymnasts worked hard all season long and impressed their coaches, Sandi Penn and Bill Caldwell. They came close to qualifying for the state tournament, and their goal is to go all the way in spring 2017.

The CrewCats continued to dominate their competition and turn in impressive performances all around the Southeast. Coach Kasia Kauffman was very proud of the effort she saw in the 4’s and 8’s.

Girls Track and Field

Boys Track and Field

Girls Swimming and Diving

The girls held their own against strong competition all season long and were very strong in the distance events. Claire Cotton ’17 was state champion in pole vault.

The boys had another strong season in Region 4-AAA, the toughest in the state. Jack Cahillane ’17 took first place in pole vault at the state meet.

The girls team swam great all season long. The team has a lot of talented underclassmen and looks forward to breaking the waves in 2017.

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Wildcat Tracks

Flavors of the South celebrates food heritage

One class, 10,000 meals

The Glenn Institute’s yearlong “Our Daily Bread” initiative engaged the campus community in learning more about the intersecting worlds of food and philanthropy. The study culminated in Flavors of the South, a Southern food festival during Reunion Weekend.

The Class of 2017 packed more than 10,000 meals during one advisement period with Stop Hunger Now in February. For the second year in a row, their teamwork produced amazing results!

When is a bowl more than just a bowl? Led by the Glenn Institute and inspired by the Empty Bowls Project, an array of students and faculty created handmade bowls, which were sold to benefit the Atlanta Community Food Bank and other agencies fighting food insecurity in the city. This creative initiative raised more than $2,000.

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Everybody Cooks Rice celebrates a decade of community

Christine Liu wins international science award

The Lower School celebrated 10 years of the Everybody Cooks Rice dinner this year with improv comedy, friends, and, of course, delicious rice-based dishes from around the world.

Christine Liu ’17 won the second place Grand Award in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics in the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair in May for her work using machine-learning algorithms in seizure prediction. She took home numerous honors from the Georgia Science and Engineering Fair.

What’s On Our Plate? Delicious recipes!

Nilai Sarda named an Intel semifinalist

Middle schoolers take first at state science fair

Students and faculty from across divisions collaborated throughout the year to create “What’s On Our Plate? A Slice of Life at Westminster,” a cookbook celebrating diverse cuisine.

Nilai Sarda ’16 was a semifinalist in the Intel Science Talent Search. Nilai’s project attempts to understand the dynamics of inter-particle interactions through computational simulations. The studied particles have applications including stabilization of oil spills and potentially delivering targeted doses of nanomedicine.

Ananya Ganesh ’20 and Daven Yadav ’20 teamed up to win Overall First Honors in the junior division at the Georgia Science and Engineering Fair. Their project on using myoelectric signals to treat bruxism (the repeated clenching of the jaw) garnered several other accolades at the state level.




Shark Tank comes to Middle School

Love Hall welcomes new chickens

Greek Parade makes its way through Love Hall

Girls + Education = ?

Eighth grade entrepreneurs in the making researched and developed innovative products in economics classes and pitched their business ideas to alumni, faculty, and friends during Shark Tank-style presentations in the Innovation Space.

Cheeping chicks were born in Love Hall in May! First graders loved learning about life cycles, watching the chickens hatch, and nurturing them. The chickens now live in Cluck Hall, where they enjoy a breathtaking view of the playground and science classrooms.

This event is always a classic. Fifth graders capped off their Greek mythology study with the Greek parade.

What does education for girls around the globe mean to you? Our Circle of Women chapter, the first at a high school, asked that question all over campus in April and found insightful answers everywhere.

3-D fashion exhibit inspires wearable design by students

School celebrates Christian Emphasis Week

Middle School chess team wins state title

Academic Quiz Team rises to the top

Each division celebrated Christian Emphasis Week with its own twist this year. The Lower School celebrated with the theme of “Our Daily Bread,” tying in with the Glenn Institute’s yearlong theme. Upper Schoolers explored worship as a Christian school with “We Gather Together: Worship at Westminster.” The Middle School’s study of the Fruits of the Spirit included an all-division service day when every Middle Schooler put love into action in the community.

Checkmate! The Middle School ChessCats—Albert Liang, Anand Srinivasan, Ashwin Pillai, Rachel Doman, Sara Kapasi, Gavin Zhou, Christopher Huang, and Daniel Wood—won the 2016 Georgia K-8 State Team Championship in March. Three Westminster Lower School teams also qualified for and competed in the state tournament.

After going undefeated in the state tournament, the Upper School Academic Quiz Team was crowned state champs in March. Congrats to team members Daniel Eisenhauer ’16 (captain), Nilai Sarda ’16, Devan Sube ’16, Jack Amerson ’17, and Faizan Boghani ’17.

Combining art, math, and language, sixth and seventh graders made wearable structures after taking inspiration from the Iris Van Herpen 3-D fashion exhibit at the High Museum of Art.

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Alumni News


From the President of the Alumni Board

Dear Alumni, Last spring, President Keith Evans sent an alumni survey to every single available alumni email address. We were excited that 1,185 of you, representing all generations and 42 states, took time to share your thoughts. As the survey results show, the ties that bind Wildcats together are stronger than ever. Here are a few highlights:

Debaters win prestigious tournament Debaters Harrison Hall ’17 and Anish Dayal ’16 won the Barkley Forum at Emory—one of the country’s most prestigious tournaments—in February.

Animals from Down Under visit pre-first grade

WCAT takes home Emmy awards WCAT won two first-place Student Production Awards from the Southeast Emmys this spring. A crew of more than 15 led by student directors Andrew Shackelford ’16 and Bennett Porson ’17 won the award for the Live Sports category for their broadcast of the varsity football semifinals against Cedar Grove High School. Alex Bean ’16 won in the Audio/Sound category for his work on a piece in last summer’s SoundStage series created and produced by Nathaniel Gibson ’15. Two WCAT-ers earned honorable mentions in the student awards competition: Bennett Porson for sports and on-air talent, and Andrew Shackelford in the editor and director categories.

Special visitors came to Love Hall to help pre-first graders learn about Australia…you could say it was a wild day!

• More than than 98 percent of respondents said that Westminster was excellent or good preparation for college/graduate education. • Maintaining friendships and networks built at Westminster is very important to many of us, as was reflected by the 89 percent of respondents who are still in contact with fellow alumni. • The survey affirmed that Westminster has been a positive force in the lives of many, with more than 90 percent of respondents saying their Westminster education has proven to be a quality investment. • 91 percent of alumni noted that their educational experience at Westminster is a key factor in their continuing connection to the School. • Academic programs and fellow students ranked as the top two most important things about the Westminster experience.

The vision and mission statements we developed last year will guide us as we move forward with some exciting new initiatives. Our newly formed National Presence Committee is focusing on engaging alumni who live outside the metro Atlanta area, helping to ensure that Wildcats near and far can stay connected to Westminster and to each other in meaningful ways. This year, the Alumni Board is concentrating on the development of a strategic plan for our work in the future. Your responses to the alumni survey are helping shape this plan in many ways. Our hope is that, through this strategic plan, we are able to enhance the alumni experience for all and connect and engage alumni in fulfilling ways. Thinking differently and being able to respond to a changing world with agility are part of Westminster’s DNA. Just as our students are nurtured by challenge, the alumni board is embracing the charge to catalyze a more rewarding alumni experience. I look forward to connecting with many of you throughout the year. Sincerely, Court Thomas ’90 Alumni Board President

• 77 percent of us shared that our alumni experience is positive, and while the Alumni Board looks forward to continuing to actively engage with this group, we also look forward to developing deeper relationships with the 40 percent of alumni respondents who noted they would like a stronger connection to the School. We greatly appreciate the time, effort, and candor of those who responded. Going forward, we’ll share more about the survey as the alumni board uses your input to enhance the alumni experience.

Sixteen students earn all-state honors Sixteen Upper School musicians earned all-state honors in spring 2016 in band, orchestra, and chorus. Bravo!

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The alumni survey is only one example of the energizing work the Alumni Board has engaged in over the last year. This group has been busy thinking about how to best serve the more than 11,000 alumni of the Wildcat Nation. WESTMINSTER | 59



From the Director of Alumni and Parent Engagement


Dear Alumni, I am filled with excitement, gratitude, and awe as I reflect on our 2015-16 school year together! Our alumni body welcomed the Class of 2016 in May, taking our active alumni community to more than 11,000 strong. We traveled the country visiting with alumni from coast to coast and are thrilled to announce the launch of our first alumni chapter in New York City. Harnessing the power of technology and looking for new ways to bring the learning experience you so valued during your time as a student to you today, the Alumni Board hosted our first ever CATtalks event highlighting our talented alumni and faculty! In addition, the Alumni Board worked tirelessly last year and adopted a new vision and mission. We are excited to present the following as we look to best serve all of you: Vision: An inspired community of Westminster alumni and friends whose lives are enriched through shared passion for learning, fellowship, and the Green and White. Mission: To serve Westminster alumni around the globe and to foster lifelong relationships within the Wildcat community through engagement in the life of our School and support for Westminster’s goals and aspirations. I am also overwhelmed by the level of engagement and feedback we received in response to our alumni survey. Thanks to those of you who participated and shared your honest thoughts regarding your comprehensive Westminster experience. As Court mentions, we will use your helpful feedback as we look to better align Westminster’s strategic priorities with the needs and desires of our alumni community. As always, we are indebted to our many volunteers who continue to give so much each and every day to our School. Thank you to our 2015-16 Westminster Fund Class Agents, Reunion Committees, Host Committees, Panelists, NYC

Chapter Council, Young Alumni Council, and Alumni Board members! We especially want to thank the following volunteers who rotated out of their leadership positions last year: John Montag ’86, Dwan Henderson Simmons ’89, Hayward McEver ’99, Charlotte Marie DuPre Sturtz ’02, Scotty Candler ’01, John Thornton ’01, Morgan Shaw DiOrio ’03, Brent Ellis Fraim ’05, Steven Menendez ’07, and Tindall Sewell ’11. Thank you for your commitment to our School. I look forward to connecting with you and continuing to build on the great accomplishments of last year! All the best, Katie Long Laney ’03 Director of Alumni and Parent Engagement



Court Thomas ’90 President

Alex Kaufman ’02 Catherine Humann Callaway ’03 John Wilson ’03* Mark Olsen ’04 Mary Lauren Schoen Garrison ’05 Lindsay McGhee Kaufman ’06 Dorothy Padgett ’07 Hannah Grady ’08* Adlai Pappy ’08 Tom Moak ’09 Carolyn Candler ’10 Ross Erskine ’10 Ginger Abblitt ’11 Charlie Sherman ’11 Matt Tyler ’12

Susan Ayres Watson ’83 President-Elect Matt Tarkenton ’88 Alumni Giving Chair Wimberly Shinall McPhail ’91 Recording Secretary Alan Elsas ’58 Martha Garrett Massey ’65 Bruce Bryant ’72 Patty Hertz Reid ’73 Ellen Hale Jones ’81 Karen O’Leary Taylor ’85 Wab Kadaba ’87 Billy Levine ’88 Anna Driver Wick ’95 Wes Vaughan ’96 Wade Rakes ’98 Sarah Hawkins Warren ’00 John Wilson ’03 Hannah Grady ’08

*Denotes Co-Chair and Alumni Board Member

The Thompson Science and Technology Hall of Fame is an opportunity for Westminster to recognize alumni who have made significant contributions to a professional field related to the sciences, medicine, and/or engineering. One individual will be eligible to receive this honor annually provided individuals nominated meet and/or exceed the criteria upon which the honor is based. The awards will be on display in the Warren Lecture Room, Robinson Hall. The criteria by which nominees will be considered for this recognition will be based on accomplishments achieved during his/her professional career. Qualified recipients will be individuals who have:

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ALUMNI SERVICE AWARD This award honors an alumnus who has consistently provided exemplary service to Westminster enhancing the mission, success, stature, and well-being of the School. Each recipient must be able to accept the award in person at commencement. DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI AWARD This award honors two alumni who have provided extraordinary service to the community or who have achieved outstanding personal, business, or professional success. Each recipient must be able to accept the award in person at commencement. Send nominations to: Office of Alumni Engagement The Westminster Schools 1424 West Paces Ferry Road, NW Atlanta, GA 30327 alumni@westminster.net

John R. Jones Jr. ’74 Honorary Member and Board Historian


Each year during commencement ceremonies, the Westminster Alumni Association presents two awards to outstanding alumni: the Alumni Service Award and the Distinguished Alumni Award. Graduates of North Avenue Presbyterian School, Washington Seminary, and Westminster are eligible to receive the awards. Traditionally, current members of Westminster’s Board of Trustees, faculty, and staff, as well as members of The Westminster Schools Alumni Association Governing Board, are not eligible.

• Earned national and/or international recognition for his/ her professional contribution to science, medicine, and/or engineering. • Demonstrated values pertaining to the philosophy statement of Westminster namely “…personal excellence, responsible citizenship…and lifelong learners caring for and serving the world.” Send nominations to: Office of Alumni Engagement The Westminster Schools 1424 West Paces Ferry Road, NW Atlanta, GA 30327 alumni@westminster.net




Reunion Committees Thank you to our 2015-16 Reunion Committees! Reunions provide an exciting opportunity for alumni to reconnect with old friends and the Westminster community. We look forward to welcoming our alumni to campus each April and are grateful to you for your choice to honor your alma mater through increased support for the School. Reunion Giving Chair Kenneth Franklin ’00 Class of 1966 – 50th Reunion Betsy Akers Crawford (Co-Chair) J. Rucker McCarty (Co-Chair) Paul H. Anderson Jr. Abigail Wilkins Babcock Anne McCary Ballard Kelly S. Barge Ann Gordon Jones Bonner J. Reid Conyers Jane R. Davenport Mynel Yates DuBose Katherine Sterne Dunlevie Constance Wright Howell Richard S. Howell Curt B. Jamison Rebecca Mitchell Keister William M. McClatchey Katherine Lewis McClelland T. Randolph Merrill Aubrey Shepherd Munford Nancy Matthews Musarra L. Trammell Newton Jr. Ann James Offen Mark H. Pendergrast William D. Perreault Jr. Ann Martin Ridley Lindsey Ison Sones Andrea D. Towers Sherry Fitzgerald Wade Margaret Londeau Woods Charles R. Yates Jr. Class of 1971 – 45th Reunion Donna Gude Barwick (Co-Chair) Suzanne LeCraw Cox (Co-Chair) Joseph H. Hodges III (Co-Chair) Patrick M. Battey

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Cissy Fowler Benedict Russell D. Carter O. Anderson Currie Jr. Ann Ambrose Dilts Janette Black Gilbert Angela A. Giometti Peggy Rayle Hines William H. Izlar III Cordelia Brumby Jernigan Suzanne Reynaud King Millie Avery Lochridge Nancy Reeves Mansfield Clare Ridley Ranney R. Tyler Spratlin Guy H. Tuttle Daniel R. White C. Berkeley Wilson II Margie West Wynne

Ellen Upshaw Allison Javan T. Bunch Kathryn C. Davis Leigh Roddy Eigel Susan Woody Greco Holly House Hailey David S. Hamilton Sister F. Hood John J. McIlvaine III David L. Perdue Henry M. Quillian III C. Quillian Reeves Helen Margeson Rossetti Margot Tingue Shuford Ellen Tippett Snyder Brent A. Tozzer David H. Woodham Jr. Margaret Chambers Young

Class of 1976 – 40th Reunion Sara Shadburn Chapman (Chair) Betty Ann Henderson Abblitt William R. Bridges III Glo Leonaistis Carlisle Martha Fleetwood Christopher Bruce R. Cohen James P. G. Dalton Jr. Caroline Howell Benjamin F. Joel Elizabeth Wallace Miller Godfrey H. Newton Nina Broome Schwartz

Class of 1986 – 30th Reunion G. Kirk Domescik (Event Co-Chair) Stacy Wells O’Neill (Event Co-Chair) Sallie Bellows Rothschild (Fundraising Co-Chair) Mindy Cates Weston (Fundraising Co-Chair) Curtis A. Baker James G. Baker Lisa Martin Fearon Julia Fowler Heiner Erica Kranz McCurdy John L. Montag Jennifer Koets Nance J. Mac Sams III Gregory V. Sgrosso Mindy Duncan Shafer Edmund J. Solomon III C. Hamilton Williams

Class of 1981 – 35th Reunion Ellen Hale Jones (Event Chair) Robyn Rieser Barkin (Fundraising Co-Chair) John D. Dolan (Fundraising Co-Chair) Juliet McClatchey Allan

Class of 1991 – 25th Reunion Betty Barge Coy (Event Co-Chair) M. Meaghan Flood (Event Co-Chair) Derek C. Kahn (Fundraising Co-Chair) Jennifer Pocalyko Latz (Fundraising Co-Chair) Christopher W. Astley W. McKinley Boomershine III Jean S. Cho Emanuel Citron R. Charles Henn Jr. T. Teague Hunter Joanna Wedge Irwin Elizabeth Lanier Jancik William A. Lundstrom Wimberly Shinall McPhail Jared M. Ripps Elizabeth Houk Sedgwick Julia Gray Smith Cameron Butler St. Clair Nancy Edge Talero John L. Tye II Michael T. Wallace Christy Cook Ziglar Class of 1996 – 20th Reunion Amy Sibley Underwood (Event Chair) Elizabeth Davies Chiaffredo (Fundraising Co-Chair) William T. McLarty III (Fundraising Co-Chair) Lilly Miller Armstrong Wilson G. Barmeyer Richard J. Davis Sara Siegel Eden Dana Massih Giacone Justin G. Grant Cole Churchill Harris Jeffrey M. Hindman

Stephen S. Lanier Chesley Garrett Matthews Alix Wilcox Nadi Jeffrey H. Perry Allison Riepenhoff Ratajczak Somer Rochow Ruggles Michael W. Scaljon B. Wesley Scott Cate Candler Singerman W. Wesley Vaughan Jr. Class of 2001 – 15th Reunion John P. Thornton Jr. (Event Chair) Alexandra L. Baxter (Fundraising Chair) Sarah Allen Blais Sydney Mathis Bullock Kate Nellis Burns G. Scott Candler IV W. Reid Childers II Paxton W. Griffin Azita M. Habibi Michael J. Hertz J. Kennedy Hicks James H. Hobart Jennifer White Hocutt William M. Kilpatrick Charles R. Mason II Natalie Bolch Morhous Kathleen Poe Ross Christopher C. Rollins Margaret M. Tawes Barclay R. Taylor Zachary J. Usilton E. Marks Woodward

Class of 2006 – 10th Reunion Mark H. Shaw Jr. (Event Chair) Mary Lowell Downing (Fundraising Chair) Margaret Mansfield Ale James M. Brigman Kathryn Andrews Burruss Joseph C. Gibson Rachel Hobgood Grantham Thomas P. Grantham Alexander G. Gray John H. Hobart Hastings T. Hunt Lindsay McGhee Kaufman David C. Perrin James M. Purvis Sarah Hamilton Seaborn Katharine S. Spratlin Daniel N. Stevenson J. Palmer Thomas Class of 2010 – 5th Reunion Hollis M. Hart (Event Chair) Amanda W. Newton (Fundraising Chair) Hillary A. Bridges Davis S. Butner Ann C. Giornelli Carolyn S. Harris Marjorie M. Johnson John J. Kelley IV Alison Y. Leung Madison E. Pumphrey Tindall R. Sewell Salem M. Vance Hannah W. Woodward




Westminster Fund Class Agents Many thanks to our 2015-16 Westminster Fund Class Agents! Each year, the annual fund achieves great success because of the leadership and dedication from these alumni volunteers. We are extraordinarily appreciative for their commitment to Westminster. Alumni Giving Chair Matt Tarkenton ’88 1972 Betty Fuller Case Robert H. McEver 1978 Hollis Rawson Hawkins Paul M. Hawkins Jr. 1979 Jane Marsden Willis 1980 E. Ladd Jones III 1982 Angela Tarkenton Cordle Robert S. Grady Jr. 1983 William P. Adams Jr. David Tingue 1985 Ann Stuart Pearce David W. Quillian 1987 Gerry H. Carson Allen S. Moseley 1988 Jason P. Foss Stewart S. Lathan C. Preston Stewart III Helen Wilson Stewart 1989 Ekpedeme M. Bassey Millar Effinger Freeman Boyd B. Newton 1990 Harrison J. Roberts John D. Wheeler 64 | Fall 2016

1992 Jessica Dobresk Bradley Rushton D. Bradley Sarah Brannon Dozier Mary Beth Farr Hutchison Melanie Ripps McKnight G. David Overend Todd M. Stein 1993 Kelly S. Black-Holmes Dr. Rachel Derr Dickert 1994 Laura Pennington Fletcher John G. Nastopoulos

2002 Taylor Hudson Butkus Lib Gray Constantine Ginny Branch Stelling 2003 Emily Balentine Barbour Catherine Humann Callaway Morgan Shaw DiOrio Elizabeth A. Oswald

2005 Marjorie Schwahn Armstrong 2007 Caroline Warren Montgomery Jill F. Reid Kathryn L. Sturniolo

1997 Christopher B. Freeman Walter B. McClelland Jr. Alden Rivers Potts Whitney Walters Woodward

2008 M. Laughlin Kane John F. Sacha Jr.

1999 Edward J. Bauer Allison Strueber Dyer Lindsey Wong Webb 2000 Jeffrey D. Gordon Shelley Spring Williams

Homecoming Friday, October 9, 2015 The fried chicken was delicious, and the Wildcats came away with a 49-16 win over Decatur High School. Go Cats!

2004 Mark D. Kaufman Jr. Michael H. Plunkett

1995 Anne Park Amann Hopkins Marian Hall Justice Mary Dickinson Trammell

1998 Nancy Paek Glover Wade A. Rakes II Ernest L. Wetzler II Anna Margaret Griffin Woods

2015-16 Events

2009 Cameron L. Egan Christopher H. Faux Dorothy J. Longley Robert G. Ottley Jr.

Alumni Habitat Build Saturday, October 10, 2015 The Wildcat tradition of service is alive and well. Alumni put on their work boots and pitched in to help build a house.

Fall Beyond the Gates Thursday, November 5, 2015 With beer tastings, delicious grub, and panel moderated by chemistry teacher and brewing enthusiast Adrian Dingle and featuring brewing experts Crawford Moran ’86, owner of 5 Seasons, and Joel Iverson of Monday Night Brewing, this well-attended event was immensely enjoyed by all.

2011 Richard W. Hendrix III If you are interested in serving as a Class Agent for your class, please email Emily Baselt Steiger, Assistant Director of The Westminster Fund – Alumni Giving, at emilysteiger@westminster.net.

College Holiday Lunch Friday, December 18, 2015 Almost 200 college-age alumni came back to campus to kick off the holiday season and catch up with friends and faculty.

Class of 2010’s 5 Year Reunion Saturday, December 26, 2015 This event at 5 Seasons Brewing Westside was a BLAST thanks to the 5th Reunion Committee!



CATtalks Wednesday, February 17, 2016 If you missed this informative evening of talks from Westminster’s Director of Theatre Arts Kate Guyton Morgens ’91, political analyst Patricia Murphy ’89, and our head football coach Gerry Romberg, watch it on WCAT!


Nashville Happy Hour Monday, February 15, 2016 Wildcats in the Nashville area enjoyed cocktails and conversation at this happy hour gathering.

Out-of-Town Receptions President Keith Evans, Emilie Evans, and the Office for Alumni Engagement loved visiting with friends from around the country in the winter months!

Middle School Shark Tank Serving as “sharks” for the eighth grade entrepreneurship class in the new Middle School Innovation Space, alumni shared their business expertise while encouraging students to innovate.

Washington, D.C. Host Committee: Catherine Smith ’11, Will Miller ’08, Amanda Pearson ’03, Katie Plomgren Lavelle ’99, Hayden Smith Temin ’95, Kate Howell Klitenic ’88 New York City Host Committee: Tommy Reid ’11, Alison Beskin ’09, Carsen Cook ’09, Abraham Insler ’07, Charles Wilson ’06, Nellie Black Brewer ’04, Patrick Forquer ’04, Elinor Cowan ’02, Qahir Madhany ’02, Imran Javaid ’96, Jiyon Lee, MD ’87, Bram Frankel ’83, Jason Gold ’77

Washington, D.C. Thursday, October 22, 2015

New York City Monday, February 1, 2016

Los Angeles Tuesday, February 23, 2016

San Francisco Thursday, February 25, 2016

Alumni Panels for Seniors A great group of alumni served as panelists and moderators on several occasions to teach seniors about interviewing, law careers, and transitioning to college while also introducing them to the Alumni Association.

Los Angeles Host Committee: Holly Joel ’11, Helen Joel ’07, Cara Sanders ’06, Kate Strickland Driver ’03, Walter Driver ’00, Rachael Felker Brittingham ’99, Keleigh Thomas Morgan ’93, Tracy Effinger Upton ’87, Van Dauray ’86, Bill Nuss ’72 San Francisco Host Committee: Katie Strickland ’11, Hayden Gray ’08, Julia Greenberg French ’07, Jason Robinson ’04, Julia Hamilton Trost ’01, Spence Green ’00, Hilary Robbins Thomas ’97, Rob Crea ’94, Spalding Rooker Ashley ’82

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Alumni Basketball November-April The auxiliary gym is the place to be Monday nights from November through April as Wildcats and friends reconnect while shooting hoops.

Basketball Alumni Night Tuesday, January 5, 2016 An all-star group of alumni and coaches cheered on the Cats as the boys and girls varsity basketball teams played Washington High School.



ALUMNI NEWS Reunion Weekend Friday and Saturday, April 29 and 30, 2016 Friday’s outdoor dinner for reunion alumni and Atlanta-area alumni was a great way to start the weekend. The fun continued Saturday night as all nine reunion classes held their class parties—despite downed trees and power outages, alumni celebrated in style!

Young Alumni Happy Hour Thursday, March 31, 2016 Around 70 young alumni from the classes of 2001 through 2011 (and a few faculty members) gathered at Smokebelly for our annual spring alumni happy hour.

Spring Beyond the Gates Monday, April 18, 2016 The Alumni Board hosted Beyond the Gates at the Atlanta History Center, where Billy Payne, Charlie Battle, and AD Frazier looked back on their time leading the charge to bring the Olympics to Atlanta in a panel discussion moderated by Susan Ayres Watson ’83, who served as Director of Event and Hospitality Services for Atlanta’s successful Olympic bid as well as on the Organizing Committee. Special thanks to Sheffield Hale ’78 for hosting us at the Atlanta History Center and letting alumni explore the Olympics exhibit.

Class of 1966

Golden Wildcats Cocktail Reception Friday, April 8, 2016 Golden Wildcats, those who graduated from Westminster more than 50 years ago, partied at their annual gathering at the Capital City Club in Brookhaven.

NAPS and Washington Seminary Lunch Wednesday, May 4, 2016 North Avenue Presbyterian School and Washington Seminary alumnae enjoyed catching up and sharing memories over lunch.

Alpha Omega Party and Lower School Reunion Wednesday, May 11, 2016 Class of 2016 Wildcats who attended Westminster in Lower School had a ball seeing their teachers and playing the classic P.E. game of Star Wars.

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Senior Luncheon Tuesday, May 10, 2016 The Alumni Board welcomed the Class of 2016 into the Alumni Association with a luncheon that included ice cream sundaes, class trivia, and laundry hampers for their college dorms.

Class of 1971

Class of 1976

Class of 1981

Class of 1986

Class of 1991

Class of 1996

Class of 2001

Class of 2006

Young Alumni Flag Football Tournament Tuesday, May 24, 2016 The Class of 2009 came out on top at the end of the fifth annual tournament, which had a great turnout from the classes of 2001 through 2011.




Alumni Service Award The Alumni Service Award is presented annually to an alumnus who has given exceptional service to the School.

Robyn Rieser Barkin ’81

Linton Hopkins ’85, Rear Admiral Martha Gray Herb ’73, and Robyn Rieser Barkin ’81

2016 Award Winners Each year at Commencement, Westminster recognizes outstanding alumni. The following awards were presented by Court Thomas ’90, President of the Alumni Board, on May 14, 2016.

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Robyn has been a tireless leader involved in all aspects of the School. As the proud mother of Sam, who graduated in 2014, and Katie, who is a member of the class of 2018, she has volunteered as a Class Agent, Reunion Committee Member and Co-Chair, and as a leader for both PAWS and PAWS in the Lower School. She served as the first solo Alumni Board President and was instrumental in transitioning the Alumni Board’s strategies. She also led as a School Trustee from 2011 to 2015, serving on numerous committees, including the Strategic Planning Committee, Executive Committee, Christian Mission Committee, Board Representative to PAWS, Personnel and Compensation Committee, and Education and Student Life Committee. Robyn also graciously led a schoolwide communications task force as a member of the Student Life Sub-Committee.

Distinguished Alumni Awards Each year at commencement, Westminster recognizes and honors outstanding personal, business, or professional achievement by one alumnus and one alumna.

Rear Admiral Martha Gray Herb ’73 Martha is a proud member of the class of 1973. She received her BA at Lake Forest College and earned both an MA in Education and Human Development and a Doctor of

Education, specializing in counseling, from George Washington University. Martha was one of the first three female officers to graduate from the Naval School of Diving and Salvage in Washington, D.C. While on active duty, she served in various diving commands and on the USS Samuel Gompers. Transitioning to the Reserve Component in 1983, she completed numerous assignments, including five command tours. She also worked in NATO as the officer in charge of a joint cadre supporting the U.S. Military Delegation to the Military Committee. Selected for flag rank in 2010, Martha served as the Chief, Military Technical Agreement Branch on the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan. Staff assignments included Deputy, Navy Personnel Command and Director for Personnel Readiness and Community Support; and Reserve Deputy Commander Naval Installations Command. Currently, Martha is the Director of the Inter-American Defense College, an international college under the auspices of the Organization of American States hosted at Fort McNair in D.C. She is the recipient of numerous personal decorations and campaign medals, including selection to the Women Divers Hall of Fame.

Linton Hopkins ’85 As an internationally acclaimed chef and restaurateur, Linton Hopkins is known for celebrating local produce and community-driven cuisine. He comes from a family of Westminster graduates: his father, Linton, graduated in 1957, and his sister, Laura, is a member of the class of ’86. His grandmother was a graduate of Washington Seminary.

Linton graduated from Emory University and the Culinary Institute of America. In 2004, he and his wife, Gina, opened their flagship Restaurant Eugene on Peachtree Road, followed by Holeman and Finch Public House in 2008, H&F Bottle Shop in 2011, H&F Burger at Ponce City Market and Turner Field, Hop’s Chicken, and their most recent venture, Linton’s at the Atlanta Botanical Garden. In 2007 Linton earned the silver medal on Iron Chef: America. He was named the James Beard Foundation’s Best Chef Southeast in 2012. Linton and Gina have built many partnerships with local institutions. They co-founded the Peachtree Road Farmers Market with Sam Candler of The Cathedral of St. Philip, transforming six vendors in a parking lot into an enterprise of local farmers and artisans accounting for more than $12 million in economic impact. He launched a fresh bread delivery program at Westminster and worked hand-in-hand with Delta Air Lines to build the first locally sourced, seasonal menu in aviation history. Chef Hopkins, Gina, and their children, Linton and Avery, are committed to the ongoing good-food movement and dedicated to making Atlanta a better place for food and experiences. Linton has served as President of the Southern Foodways Alliance and partnered with Michelle Obama to celebrate the First Lady’s Chef’s Move to Schools Initiative, and the Hopkinses work closely with environmental organization Captain Planet Foundation. He insists that making mayonnaise from scratch and teaching others to do the same can change the world.


Necessary Trouble Reflections on the

House Gun Reform Sit-in “Now is the time to get in the way. The time to act is now. We will be silent no more. The time for silence is over.” – Congressman John Lewis Story by Gevin Reynolds ’15 This article was originally published on IOP Now, the online newsletter of the Institute of Politics at Harvard University.

I also knew that he was a seasoned politician, a congressman respected by his colleagues on both sides of the aisle.

On Wednesday, June 22, 2016, the world took notice. Congressman John Lewis, my boss for the summer, led a “sit-in” on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives to demand that the Republican majority allow proposed gun control measures to be considered and voted upon.

With all of that in mind, leading up to the start of my internship in Congressman Lewis’s office, I envisioned a summer spent working in the presence of the master activistpolitician, perhaps being able to spend an occasional moment soaking up wisdom from my boss. I had no idea that I would actually end up witnessing firsthand—much less playing a role in—one of John Lewis’s peaceful demonstrations, one that involved the marriage of civil rights leader John Lewis and congressman John Lewis.

I first met Congressman Lewis when I was in fifth grade, and over the next eight years, I visited with him in his office several times and heard from him all about his marches and his demonstrations during the civil rights movement, as well as his speeches and, of course, his sit-ins. I came to know him as the greatest living champion of civil rights, on whose shoulders I stood.

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So, on the morning of June 22, most of us in the office were expecting a typical in-session workday. However, at around 11:00 a.m., our legislative director


big was happening. They had chosen to break the rules in order to get into, as Congressman Lewis often says, “good trouble, necessary trouble.” The Speaker, in response to this, chose to send the House into recess, since order had been lost. Thus began the sit-in. The C-SPAN cameras were then turned off, as is customary when the House is in recess, so we in the office could not even see what was transpiring on the House floor! We would not have had much time to watch the feed anyway, because as the sit-in got under way, the office phones began to ring. Though answering phones is generally a task delegated to us interns, every staff member in the office pitched in due to the extraordinarily high volume of calls. We were tasked with noting each caller as either “in favor of” or “not in favor of” the sit-in, and noting where each caller was calling from. I personally answered more than 150 calls that

afternoon and, fortunately, most— but not all—were quick offerings of support. Others, on the other hand, were quick bursts of racist rhetoric. Feeling particularly heavy at the conclusion of many of the phone calls, I would attempt an exhale after hanging up the phone, only to find that another call was coming through, with all of my fellow interns already speaking with callers! A call I will never forget came from a mother who lost her daughter in the Sandy Hook massacre. She nearly moved me to tears as she tearfully expressed gratitude and admiration for Congressman Lewis and his efforts to curb gun violence in this country. As my cell phone began vibrating with texts from friends in Atlanta, I began to realize just how far-reaching the effects of the sit-in were. I eventually stepped away from the office that afternoon to

visit the House chamber for about a half-hour, and I felt overwhelmed as I sat there watching Congressman Lewis, who had led civil rights sit-ins with Dr. King fifty years ago, standing up by sitting down on the floor of the House. The sit-in continued until around noon the following day, and when Congressman Lewis finally returned to the office, electricity filled the air as we snapped pictures and greeted our rock-star representative with applause, handshakes, and pats on the back. Though the fight was not over, after nearly 2,000 phone calls to the office in the span of two days, the sit-in was. How honored and grateful I am to have been a part of Team Lewis during such a truly historic moment. Not only was I able to witness up-close history in the making, but I also was able to play my own role, no matter how small it may be, in making that history.

informed us that something out of the ordinary was about to happen: a sit-in on the floor of the United States House of Representatives, led by John Lewis. We in the office were watching with eyes glued to the C-SPAN broadcast as Congressman Lewis began his fiery speech, the speech that introduced the impending demonstration. “Give us a vote,” he demanded, urging his colleagues in the House to be “headlights and not taillights.” The final words of his speech truly set the tone: “Now is the time to get in the way. The time to act is now. We will be silent no more. The time for silence is over.” As his Democratic colleagues began to join Congressman Lewis on the floor moments after the end of his speech, it was clear that something

Gevin Reynolds ’15 is a sophomore at Harvard University majoring in neurobiology. He is interning at the Harvard Law Review during the 2016-17 school year and plans to pursue a career in law and to eventually run for elected office. Congressman John Lewis is a personal hero of his.


School Days:



Community Service

Service has been part of Westminster’s fabric since the days of its founding schools. Washington Seminary’s 1950 Facts and Fancies yearbook noted that “Seminary girls do these things, not because they have to, but because they want to.” This statement is also true for the North Avenue Presbyterian School students. The students and faculty at both Washington Seminary and NAPS seem to have always been civic-minded. The students, teachers, and families made clothes to donate, learned how to make bandages, knitted squares for blankets, held charitable basketball games, plays, and fashion shows to raise money, and orchestrated gift drives for children at Christmastime. If you have stories or photos of service projects at NAPS or Washington Seminary, please contact school archivist Pamela Nye at pamelanye@westminster.net or 404-609-6110.

1942: A photo of the newly formed Junior American Women’s Volunteer Service.

1945: The 1944-45 Needlework Guild students surrounded by clothing they had created. It was a record year with 405 garments produced for local families.

– Pamela Nye NAPS

1934: “The Girl Reserves at North Avenue, a part of the National Y.W.C.A. organization, varies its program of meetings and of service by study of civil development through visits to the large plants and factories of which Atlanta has so many,” reads this page from the 1934 Napsonian.

1941: The Junior Red Cross existed at North Avenue since World War I, but an organized council within the school began in 1928.

1949: The annual Rabun Gap Fashion Show raised money for the Rabun Gap-Nacoochee School in northern Georgia. Senior Reader, May 5, 1949

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1947: The February 7, 1947, issue of Senior Reader describes the “adoption” of two French war orphans.

1951: The members of the Rabun Gap Nacoochee Guild in 1951.

1937: An article in The Missemma in December 1937 describes the work of the Needlework Guild.

1949: Seminary students packed more than 100 Christmas stockings and raised $70 in cash for the Salvation Army and other agencies, as seen in the 1950 Facts and Fancies yearbook.

1953: The Junior Red Cross is featured in the 1953 Facts and Fancies yearbook.


Class News Washington Seminary


1943 Marion “Mo” Moise Bierwirth enjoyed a wonderful Christmas in 2015 in the Canadian Rockies with her oldest son, his wife, and three of her grandchildren.

1952 Upon retiring from the Atlanta Community Symphony, Patricia Griffin Emerson, PhD, was honored at the orchestra’s concert on January 24, 2016.


1958 Patricia Ballance Mandes is delighted that her husband Evans has finally retired from George Mason University after 45 years. She is also pleased to announce the birth of their great-granddaughter, Evie, and their granddaughter Haley’s graduation from James Madison University. Patricia and Evans traveled to Greece in the fall and to Ireland in the spring. A trip to China is next on their agenda.

1950 Carole Lita Keith Cantrell writes, “We have enjoyed living on the island of Nevis for 11 years now, and have decided it is time for us to sell our wonderful house and move back to be closer to family and friends. It may take quite some time for it to sell, so we will continue to enjoy life here until it does. My email address is catsinnevis@hotmail.com, and I would love to hear from my schoolmates or welcome a visit in our guest quarters. Phone is 869-668-4608.”


1959 Tom Fraser writes, “The Last Man Standing...I believe that I may be last of the full-time working guys left, still enjoy running Fraser Dante Ltd.— builder, restorer, and sales of classic cars—have a complete restoration facility and staff, and am very involved with my wife, Tevie.” In May, Janet Cameron Turner became the first woman elected to the Hohenwald, Tennessee, city council.

Virgil Shutze, Linda Johnston Strickland ’62, Sue Tucker ’63, Jim Strickland

Harry Thompson ’56, Charles Tuller, Mason Lowance ’56

Jack Rooker ’56, Tread Davis ’56, Mason Lowance ’56

Suzanne Foster McGough ’59 and Angela Allan Stanley ’59 in Charlotte, North Carolina, at Suzanne’s granddaughter’s horse show

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Henry Howell ’56, Fay Pearce ’56, Mason Lowance ’56, John Cooledge ’56

1960 Carole Brannon Mason writes, “Our three children are doing well. Ross (46) is in healthcare; Robert (44) is in commercial real estate; Hally (37) is with a spinal cord equipment company. Bob is on the board of United Bank, and I enjoy bridge, gardening, reading, and our home at Reynolds Landing.”

Jane Gurganus Rainey writes, “I retired this summer from Eastern Kentucky University, where my teaching and research emphases were Russian, Canadian, and U.S. politics, and politics and religion. I continue to be employed as organist and choir director at the Episcopal Church of Our Saviour in Richmond, Kentucky.” 1961 Annette Allyn Aguilar-Gómez writes, “I continue to care for my husband, Roger, knit baby caps for the ‘preemies’ at Grady, talk to my three dogs, and be proud of my grandchildren, and I do hope to rejoin the choir at First Presbyterian soon.” Betsy Primm writes: “Lucy Carpenter Vance was honored at the National Philanthropy Day luncheon on November 1 as the volunteer fundraiser of the year! Since she graduated from Westminster, Lucy has raised many millions of dollars for numerous Atlanta and Georgia

organizations, including her high school alma mater. Recently, she headed up the highly successful, multi-million-dollar capital campaign for Families First. It is rumored by one of her high school classmates that Lucy got her start in volunteer fundraising from her involvement in collecting toys and other Christmas items for the Empty Stocking Fund as an eighth grader at Westminster!” Landi Branham Voigt writes, “Norman and I enjoy winter in the Arizona desert, Jeeping and RVing to places like Bisbee and Camp Verde, photographing, and exploring mining and other area history. Summer is spent in Port Townsend, Washington, where we bicycle, hike, and RV, always delighted by the grandeur of oceans, mountains, and monumental pines.” Grigsby Wotton writes, “After years of living in some distant places (California, China), I’ve settled down in Asheville, North Carolina. My interests include inner explorations (depth psychology, shamanism, etc.), exploring family history, English country dancing, landscaping, and working with plants around my new home. I’d love to hear from any former classmates.”

1963 Margaret Hyman Cohen writes, “I rarely get to Atlanta, but I did come for a cousin’s wedding in April and got to visit the botanical gardens, which are a true gift. Retirement is great. Mostly, I get to do things I truly enjoy: yoga, gardening, painting in pastels, and auditing courses at Rutgers. Carpe diem!” Like aging alumni everywhere, Eaton Merritt reminisces a lot about the times when he wasn’t so old. Since he’s already had a couple of books published, he thought he might get away with putting those memories into a book. The result came out in July as Crackers: A Southern Memoir, which struck him as a fitting title for a memoir about growing up in Atlanta during the fifties and sixties. Crackers won the Will D. Campbell Prize for Creative Nonfiction and is available on Amazon under Eaton’s pen name, Bill Merritt.

Charlie Hurt ’55, Tread Davis ’56, Mason Lowance ’56

Mary Collins, Barksdale Collins ’56, Mary Wayne Dixon ’57, and Bill Dixon while cruising on the Irrawaddy River in Myanmar during their three-week tour of Southeast Asia




CORRECTION: We apologize for the misprint in the Fall/Winter 2015 magazine. Martha Thwaite Weeks shares her lifelong love of Georgia’s golden coast in Tidewater Rip, a suspense novel available for purchase on Amazon.com. She lives in Beaufort, South Carolina, with her husband, Steve Weeks.

1964 Cindy Perryman was in Ireland in July to sketch and find new inspirations for her impressionistic oil paintings of people and places. Susie Soper writes, “In 2009, I created the ObitKit workbook to help families with end-of-life wishes, legacies, and life stories. I’m happy to report that, with a business partner, ObitKit gave birth this summer to an app: The Memory Kit—Collect. Save. Share. We are initially targeting Alzheimer’s families to engage and connect the person, caregiver, and friends through photos and memories, but it’s really a fun and useful tool for us all, from cradle to grave! Visit www.thememorykit.com or download the free app and give it a test drive!”

Pete Bentley ’67 produced his first solo CD in 2015, Songs I’ve Been Playing Forever.

1967 Pete Bentley writes, “We love living in St. Augustine! I am involved in the local live music scene and play frequently. I produced my first solo CD in 2015, Songs I’ve Been Playing Forever.” 1968 Mary Helen Akers Abbott writes, “This has been a difficult year having lost my husband, John, and having a heart attack one day before his funeral. All is well now. Making a new life for myself: went to the Arctic and saw polar bears in their natural habitat. I spent a wonderful week at Canyon Ranch with my daughters.”

Dan Aldridge ’68 recently published the book, To Lasso the Clouds: The Beginning of Aviation in Georgia. After 100 years, the book corrects the historical record of the first airplane flight in Georgia and reveals that this flight, by two young men from Athens, was the first flight of a monoplane in the United States.

Cathy Rudder ’65 hiking in the Pocono Mountains in July

1965 Cathy Rudder recently published a new book with co-authors A. Lee Fritschler and Yon Jung Choi, Public Policymaking by Private Organizations: Challenges to Democratic Governance (Brookings Institution Press). For details, visit http://www.brookings. edu/research/books/2016/publicpolicy-private-organizations.

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Zach Young retired in 2014 after 18 years as headmaster of Wesleyan School in Peachtree Corners. He was Westminster’s first development director and served the School for 16 years, lastly as vice president and assistant headmaster, prior to working at Wesleyan.

Mary Helen Akers Abbott ’68 during her trip to the Arctic

1969 Wade Lnenicka writes, “Following an unsuccessful run for mayor, I stepped down in January 2016 from the Smyrna City Council. I served 28 consecutive years, the most in Smyrna’s history.” Floyd Martin is the co-editor of a new publication about landscape and political meaning, Formations of Identity: Society, Politics, and Landscape (Cambridge Scholars Publishing). Learn more at www.cambridgescholars.com/ formations-of-identity. 1970 Julia LeCraw Mikell writes, “When my late husband was sick, I retired from active practice to take care of him. A couple of months after he died, I realized I needed structure and returned to the medical arena, this time as quality director of my hospital system. It is changing very rapidly, and this is an interesting and challenging job.” 1971 Eliot Moss writes, “Sorry to miss the 45th reunion, but I plan to be there for the 50th. Celebrated 40 years married to Hannah Abbott and her 40th college reunion at Wellesley last month (mine from MIT a year ago), as well as 12 years ordained in the Episcopal Church. Looking forward to children’s graduations next year— we’ll see how soon they actually leave the nest! Blessings to you all.”

1974 Nancy Ager writes, “Made the big move outside the perimeter to Marietta. Enjoying more acreage and ‘country life’—certainly miss the old neighborhood and people!” Chris Schroder and Jan Richey Schroder ’76 publish and write weekly columns for The Atlanta 100, a weekly e-newsletter they launched with SPR Atlanta that features exactly 100-word articles and 100-second videos. Topics include history, music, travel, restaurants, and business. Westminster President Keith Evans and Board Chair Mike Egan ’74 were featured in its “100 Seconds” video series. In 2015, Chris Butsch ’09 joined the team, writing weekly columns on cars and happiness hacks. Subscribe at TheAtlanta100.com.

John Young ’70, Weston Croft ’70, Steve White ’70, and brides enjoying “lobstah” and cold ones in Stonington, Maine

1975 Jon Bryant’s new book, Dark Places of the Earth: The Voyage of the Slave Ship Antelope, is one of five finalists for the L.A. Times Book Prize in History. Athena Sotus-Nawar writes, “I am so happy to have returned to my hometown of Atlanta this year. This has allowed me to spend more time with dear friends, including my partner in mischief, Louella Randall ’75. We recently spent a few days at Universal Studios in Orlando riding the rides and playing at being 12 years old again! I have loved reconnecting with many of the wonderful women in my class, so proud to be included in their warmth, support, and fun. Proud to be part of this ‘family’.”

Jeff Lewis ’73 danced the rumba at the 7th Annual Dancing Stars of Atlanta benefit to help raise $800,000 for the Alzheimer’s Association.

Louella Randall ’75 and Athena Sotus-Nawar ’75 at Universal Studios pretending Hogwarts was their postWestminster college!

Alumni having a great time at the annual Golden Wildcat Reception



1976 Julie Cates Dudley writes, “Thanks to all who organized our 40th reunion. Such a special way to begin, by ringing the bell in the outdoor chapel in memory of those who are gone. Loved catching up with everyone, especially by candlelight after the storm!”


Bill Rogers writes, “I moved to Houston, Texas, in February 2015 to begin my new position as chief financial officer of Centerpoint Energy.”

Jennie Kaiser Reese writes, “Excited to begin a new life in San Diego near family. Seventy degrees, sunny, cool breezes, no bugs! Life is good.”

Catherine Dick Blake ’79 was named 2016 Outstanding Woman in Business by the New Hampshire Business Review.

Jeff Schermerhorn ’78 received a U.S. patent for a waterproof multisport audio system now available on Amazon and SwimOutlet.com. Learn more at multisportaudio.com.

1978 Valerie Ravan Andrews writes, “We have moved far north to Traverse City, Michigan. I am doing some medical consulting and am enjoying having four beautiful seasons. We have one seventh grader left at home, and all of our money currently goes to NYU!”

1983 James Davie writes, “Fifteen of us gathered at the Capital City Club to enjoy food, drinks, and the wit and wisdom of our Boys School English teacher, Eddie DuPriest. A fantastic time was had by all as Eddie took us back through Shakespeare, Mark Twain, and others, tying together plays, novels, and poems with the analogy of throwing a baseball. Eddie’s teaching and mentorship has deeply impacted so many of us, and needless to say, we are planning future events!”

Carter Petty writes, “For the past 15 years, I’ve been involved in the founding of Mountain Discovery Charter School in Bryson City, North Carolina. We’ve grown from a struggling startup into one of the best public schools in the state (if you’re curious, this is thoroughly documented on our website). I transitioned from board member to lead administrator in 2003 and have served in that position since. It’s been a wild ride, and nearly every step of the journey has reminded me of how incredibly privileged I was to attend Westminster. I’m finally compelled to overcome my Yeti-like tendencies (mountain-dwelling and reclusive) and reach out because, for the past few years, Charlie Breithaupt has served on our board. It’s been great to reconnect with Charlie after all these years. Working with him on a common cause makes it even better and, of course, his perspective is invaluable. It did take me a few months to stop calling him Mr. Breithaupt; old habits and all. If you’re ever in Bryson City, look us up.”

Twelve members of the Class of ’82 gathered in Healdsburg, California, for a weekend of fun in April. Lisa Harrison Meisner, Chrissy Rogers Hite, Katie Long, Connie Joel Jervey, Daniel Popky, Susan Stribling, Susan DuPre Midis, Cynthia Robinson Fox, Spalding Rooker Ashley, Julie Rees Kelly, Dede McCamy Houk, and Allen Thrasher (not pictured) had a great time at Passport to Dry Creek!

1988 BJ Winfrey writes, “It took a lot out of me, but as of June 2016, I have published my first novel, an epic fantasy/sci-fi/romance novel entitled The Final Lesson, which can be found on Amazon in paperback and e-book formats. Quite the adventure, but I couldn’t be prouder of the result.” 1989 Rich Simmons completed his PhD in mechanical engineering from Purdue University in 2015 and has returned to Atlanta as a senior research fellow with Georgia Tech’s Strategic Energy Institute.

front row: Kathleen Hanratty ’22 and Kelly Hanratty ’19, daughters of Gene and Christina Pak Hanratty ’85; back row: Amelia Pak, daughter of Dottie and Steve Pak ’87, Hana Chabinsky, daughter of Eric and Linda Pak Chabinsky ’81

Fifteen members of the Class of ’83 gathered at the Capital City Club to enjoy food, drinks, and the wit and wisdom of their Boys School English teacher, Eddie DuPriest.

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1986 Jennifer Levine Hartz reports that her firm, Corporate Hartz, is in its 16th year of corporate social responsibility, sustainability, and family philanthropy. This summer, she had the pleasure of guest lecturing in Westminster’s Philanthropy 101 class and lunching with former assistant headmaster Jere Wells ’72 before he left for New Haven, Connecticut.

Malcolm Turner ’89 and Nat Turner ’90. Malcolm is commissioner of the NBA Development League. Nat is a diplomat with the State Department on assignment in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, where he is economic counselor at the U.S. Embassy.

Lisa Howe is the co-founder of the startup Kitchen Table Passport, a subscription box enabling people to explore the world from their kitchen tables. She has visited 28 countries (so far!) and brings that cultural experience to others right in their homes, using all five senses to explore a different country each month. “It is quite a change from tech corporate executive life, and a lot of fun!” she writes. 1990 Nat Turner just completed three years of economic work at the U.S. embassy in Brasilia, Brazil. His current post is Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, where as economic counselor at the embassy he and his team promote trade and investment

opportunities for U.S. firms and prepare other economic assessments. Nat, with his wife and son, arrived in Malaysia in late July and will be posted there through 2019. He welcomes alumni from the Class of ’90 or otherwise to contact him at turner.nathaniel@gmail.com if they come to Malaysia. 1991 Libby Houk Sedgwick was named middle school Bible teacher at Wesleyan School. 1993 Robert Feagin taught standardized test preparation with Kaplan Inc. for three years and has tutored independently since 2013. Robert has launched a private tutoring company headquartered in Buckhead. It has grown to include several hundred students who have come to him for help, including a substantial number of Westminster pupils. Last summer, he led an intensive seminar for 60-plus underprivileged students on SAT preparation at Georgia State University. His work includes helping children with learning disabilities. The website for his company is www.SATtutors.net. 1994 Beth Holland Boardman writes, “Since February, I have been on the educational technology conference circuit, keynoting in San Diego and Johannesburg, South Africa, before ending up in Washington, D.C. While in D.C., I stayed with Hayden Smith Temin ’95 and her family on Capitol Hill. I also had a chance to reconnect with Hadley White ’94. She currently works as the seminars manager at the Aspen Institute and has met some fascinating people in this capacity.”



1995 Jennifer Moon recently co-authored the book Weill Cornell Medicine: A History of Cornell’s Medical School, which explores the history and transformation of the medical school in the context of the development of modern medicine and health care. Andrew Pacetti writes, “After a 20-year sojourn in Austin, returned to Atlanta with four kids: Nate, Emmy, Elly, and Charlie...officially marked the homecoming by running the Peachtree. It’s good to be back.” Hayden Smith Temin was awarded the Presidential Rank Award of Meritorious Executive from FBI Director James B. Comey on February 9, 2016. The Presidential Rank Awards are among the most prestigious in government and are conferred upon a small group of senior-level federal employees each year. Hayden has been with the FBI since 2006 and is a section chief in the Resource Planning Office, where she brings a focus on strategic planning, automation, program management, and business process reengineering. 1996 Courtney King writes, “I live in beautiful Sonoma County with my husband Ryan, son Ryder, and daughter McKinley. I practice integrative and family medicine. We just spent a week with Katie Stembler Bockstedt ’96 and her family in the Turks and Caicos.” 1997 Tait Davidson Flint writes, “My husband, two daughters, and I just moved back to the U.S. after living abroad in Tanzania, Africa, for 11 years. It feels great to be here, though we expect some challenges

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as we assimilate back into fast-paced USA. My husband started an MBA program at Vanderbilt this fall. Come and look us up in Nashville!” Maggie Gallant has been tapped to oversee the recent launch of APA PR, a division of the entertainment agency APA (Agency for the Performing Arts). This PR division will be headquartered in Buckhead, reaffirming the city’s growth in the entertainment and lifestyle division. Maggie’s 17-year career in publicity spans PR for television, celebrity, fashion, and beauty clients like HGTV, Bravo, Oxygen, Discovery Channel, DirecTV, Fremantle, Academy Award-winners Richard Gere and Susan Sarandon, Grammy Award winner Fergie, Bethenny Frankel and Skinnygirl Cocktails, Dylan’s Candy Bar, Who What Wear, and Spanx. 2000 Allison Holby Poole writes, “Jonathan and I welcomed our daughter, Hannah, in August 2015, and after seven wonderful years teaching at Episcopal High School in Alexandria, Virginia, we decided to move to Chattanooga, Tennessee, to be closer to family.”

Westminster alumni at the wedding of Emma Gardner ’02 and Nish Mani Allison Strueber Dyer ’99 and her family

2005 George Akers completed his JD/ MBA at the University of Virginia in 2015 and is currently working in Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP’s Atlanta office. Nenette Saetie Bradley and her husband, Nathan, moved from Atlanta to Chicago, where Nenette now attends the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. Children of Will and Ansley McCarty Craine ’02

2002 Kristie Day is beginning her fourth year of residency training in otolaryngology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. After 14 years away, Darcy Pottle Meals moved back to Atlanta, where her husband has started a job at Emory/Grady as a hand surgeon. Darcy looks forward to reconnecting with old friends and making new friends for her son Anderson, who turned two in August.

2004 Richard Simms has started another Atlanta-based technology company. Tyrannosaurus Tech specializes in mobile and web development services as well as startup consulting. Richard says, “Our goal is to help bring people’s ideas to life. Whether it’s a website, a mobile app, or large-scale enterprise software, our experienced team of developers and strategists can help make it a reality.” Three years ago, Richard cofounded Tech Talent South, an alternative education company that teaches people how to code and is still growing and adding locations throughout the country.

Richard Simms ‘04 and Carlos Gonzalez have launched an Atlanta-based technology company that builds web and mobile apps.

Howell Burke writes, “After several years of working in education in the United States and South Africa, I

began my medical education at the Tufts University School of Medicine this August.” Katie Grien Littman works in product development for CBS Sports Digital Media. Katie and her husband, Mark, live on the Upper West Side in New York. 2006 Casey Woodward Albin writes, “Fifteen years since meeting in Dr. Keeton’s eighth grade drama class in 2001, Bryce Albin and I finally tied the knot in Boston this spring! We were so excited that 25 Westminster Wildcats could make it, including 10 who were in the wedding party: Sarah Hamilton Seaborn ’06, Chrissy Booth ’06, Jensen Hart Hyde ’06, Toussaint McClure ’06, Danny Wolf ’06, Rishav Kohli ’06, Andrew Tague ’06, Margot Albin ’10, Hannah Woodward ’10, and Meredith Albin Eicken ’03. Nick Napolitano ’06, who passed away in 2011, was Bryce’s honorary best man.” Margaux Black Gray graduated from Stanford Medical School in June and started her residency in pediatrics at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford.

Eric Borders ’81, Will Benson ’16, Teddy Benson ’79, and Tim McCauley ’00 (Upper School Faculty) at the 2016 MLB Draft, where Will was drafted 14th overall by the Cleveland Indians!

Shelley Spring Williams ’00, Allison Riepenhoff Ratajczak ’96, Caroline Burns ’01, Spencer Boice ’00, Robbie Brown ’03, and Ty Moddelmog ’04 at the Boston Consulting Group’s Atlanta office holiday party, December 2015



Max McChesney ’06 and Jake Hadden, founders of DigitalCrafts

Max McChesney cofounded DigitalCrafts, an accelerated learning program with campuses in Atlanta and Houston. More commonly known as a coding boot camp, DigitalCrafts offers a 16-week intensive classroom experience that transforms beginners into entry-level software engineers with cutting-edge skillsets, polished portfolios, interview training, and ongoing career support. Their local campus is in Atlanta Tech Village and has graduated several Wildcat alumni already! You can stop by the campus anytime or visit www.DigitalCrafts.com.


Groomsmen at the wedding of Bryce Albin ’06 and Casey Woodward Albin ’06. Nick Napolitano ’06, who passed away in 2011, was Bryce’s honorary best man, and the alumni wore “No greater love” bracelets in Nick’s honor.

Eli Tedesco is the director of the Elevated Studio in Brooklyn, New York. She completed her master’s degree in architecture from the Pratt Institute and received a specialized master’s from Columbia University. 2007 Heather Karellas, CFRE is development director at the Center for Puppetry Arts in Atlanta, which inspires imagination and builds community through performances, programming for adults and children, a museum, and educational workshops. Heather oversees all

fundraising staff and initiatives, including an annual gala, birthday party and event rentals, in-kind support, and individual, corporate, foundation, and board philanthropy. 2008 Priyanka Anand writes, “I spent the summer at the Zoonotic Disease Research Center in Arequipa, Peru, studying epidemiology and spatial control of Chagas disease, a tropical parasitic disease. I’m excited to return to medical school at the University of Pennsylvania in the fall with a new skillset under my belt.”

Westminster alumni celebrate at the wedding reception of Ali Waldron White ’09 and Michael White ’08 at Cherokee Town Club.

Layne Brodie ’08, with University of North Carolina head swimming coach Rich DeSelm, was inducted into the UNC Swimming and Diving Champions Circle hall of fame.

Westminster alumni at the wedding of Hagan Ramsey ’07 and Jenna Smith Ramsey ’07

Maggie Allen writes, “In May 2016, I started a new job with Matchstic, a brand house in Atlanta that exists to ignite passionate brands. We do that by helping companies reimagine who they are and express their identities to the world. I’ve been developing a career in client management since graduation, and I’m really excited to be in this new position with a range of clients from Chick-fil-A and the WinShape Foundation to tech startups and new restaurants.”

2010 Thomas Brooke completed his first year in medical school at Johns Hopkins University. During the summer of 2016, he conducted research into the frailty phenotype and providers’ effectiveness at estimating frailty. He has also been commissioned into the U.S. Navy under the Health Professions Scholarship Program.

2012 In October 2015, Caroline James gave a TED talk via TEDxGeorgetown during which she discussed her experience being arrested for civil disobedience outside the White House in a protest against the Keystone XL pipeline. Watch her discussion on YouTube at https://youtu.be/tR-PS_Vllu4.

Nenette Saetie Bradley ’05 and her husband Nathan with their wedding party, including Mimi Skiles ’05, Tricia Clineburg Asbridge ’05, Chada Saetie Master ’03, and Nita Saetie Taylor ’01

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CLASS NEWS Sydney Laseter graduated from the University of Georgia magna cum laude with degrees in history and social studies education. She is spending the 2016-17 school year in Podgorica, Montenegro, working as a Fulbright English Teaching Assistant at a high school that is piloting an English language immersion program. In addition, she is working at the University of Montenegro and U.S. Embassy. When she returns to the U.S. next year, she hopes to continue her history teaching career at a high school a little closer to home! 2013 Sasheenie Moodley is among the students who received grants from the University of Virginia’s Center for Global Health to pursue projects around the world this past summer.

1960 Vivian Deems and Tarby Bryant, May 10, 2015

2005 Morgan Deakins and R.B. McCutcheon, November 21, 2015

2007 Jenna Smith and Hagan Ramsey, November 21, 2015

1980 Mimi Deaton and Marks Arnold, October 10, 2015

Katie Grien and Mark Littman, October 17, 2015

Kara Crowe and Ben Woodall, April 23, 2016

Libby Justice and Will DeCamps, March 7, 2015

2008 Sophie Newsom and Alec MacColl, June 25, 2016

1997 Maggie Gallant and Jason Isenberg, November 14, 2015

Alex Puskas ’10 and Ross Erskine ’10 in Malibu in December 2015

Hayden Pruett and Price Wilson, November 7, 2015

Lara Geraldes and Drew Vincent, June 6, 2015

1998 Katie Blaska and Billy Dodd, June 20, 2015

2006 Josie Farmer and Devin Fox, May 2, 2015

Jennie Lynn Rudder and Christopher Howell, March 12, 2016

Alison Love and John Gray Seiler, April 25, 2015

Karla Vogt and Teddy Schaffer, May 28, 2016

Casey Woodward and Bryce Albin, May 21, 2016

2000 Rachel Ferebee and John Puckett, May 29, 2016

2015 This past summer, Reach for Excellence program graduate Veronica Valencia participated in the Sutherland Scholars summer program for college students who are on track to becoming future lawyers. She attends Wellesley College.

Nenette Saetie and Nathan Bradley, August 8, 2015

Ali Waldron and Michael White, June 4, 2016 Dessie Woodall and Jordan Stowe, July 18, 2015 2009 Ali Waldron and Michael White, June 4, 2016 2010 Libby Greenberg and William Douglas Overton, June 20, 2015 2011 Jaris Turner and Luke Collins, August 8, 2015

Caroline Saudek and David Roland, May 7, 2016 2002 Emma Gardner and Nish Mani, September 12, 2015 Gevin Reynolds ’15 won an internship through the Harvard Institute of Politics and spent the summer of 2016 interning in the Capitol Hill office of Congressman John Lewis (D-Ga.).

SUBMIT YOUR CLASS NEWS The deadline for Class News for the spring 2017 issue of Westminster Magazine is February 15. Please submit Class News at westminster.net/classnews.

2003 Lauren Lanni and Fred Castellucci, March 5, 2016 2004 Lauren Milsteen and Henry Bowden, May 14, 2016

Emma Gardner ’02 and Nish Mani on their wedding day in Aspen, Colorado

You may also send class news to: The Westminster Schools Attention: Class News 1424 West Paces Ferry Road, NW Atlanta, GA 30327 or email: classnews@westminster.net

This issue reflects submissions received before July 8, 2016.

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Christopher Greenberg ’12, Julia Greenberg ’07, Libby Greenberg Overton ’10, Libby’s husband, William Douglas Overton, Lisa Sturkie Greenberg ’76, and Steve Greenberg on Libby and Will’s wedding day

Lara Geraldes and Drew Vincent ’05 on their wedding day in Sintra, Portugal

Libby Justice DeCamps ’05 and Will DeCamps on their wedding day

Alison Love Seiler ’06 and John Gray Seiler ’06 on their wedding day

Westminster alumni with their families at the wedding of Price Wilson ’97 and Hayden Pruett: L-R: Helen Wilson Stewart ’88, Preston Stewart ’88, David Morse ’97, John Houser ’97, Leslie Wilson Moye ’94, and John Moye ’94

Nenette Saetie Bradley ’05 and Nathan Bradley on their wedding day

Jaris Turner Collins ’11 and her husband, Luke Collins, met at Rhodes College and were married August 8, 2015, in Memphis, Tennessee.

Katie Blaska Dodd ’98 and Billy Dodd ’98 married on June 20, 2015, at the Atlanta Athletic Club. Billy took Katie to prom their junior year of high school, but they never dated. The couple reconnected at their 15-year reunion, and the rest is history. Katie and Billy live in Roswell.

Morgan Deakins McCutcheon ’05 and R.B. McCutcheon on their wedding day

Ali Waldron White ’09 and Michael White ’08 were married at Trinity Presbyterian Church on June 4, 2016.

Westminster alumni at the wedding of Lauren and Henry Bowden ’04

Hagan Ramsey ’07 and Jenna Smith Ramsey ’07 on their wedding day

Mimi Deaton Arnold ’80 and Marks Arnold on their wedding day, with Mimi’s three boys and Marks’s daughters and son-in-law

Sophie Newsom MacColl ’08 and Alec Kells MacColl on their wedding day

Dessie Woodall Stowe ’08 and Jordan Stowe on their wedding day

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Ben Woodall ’07 and Kara Crowe on their wedding day. They met at Auburn University and now work in real estate in Atlanta.

Katie Grien Littmann ’05 and Mark Littmann were married at the Ritz-Carlton in Atlanta on October 17, 2015. Alumni attendees included (L-R): John Dryman ’70, Taylor Dryman ’05, Allison Stalla ’05, Cecily Aleem Campbell ’05, Lauren Breach Dumont ’05, Emily Grien ’08, and Dylan Grien ’13. Doug Hertz ’70 (not pictured) also attended.

1992 Adelaide Lynn Solomon, August 19, 2015, daughter of Megan Lynn and Wade Solomon

2002 Bailey Barbara Butkus, June 11, 2016, daughter of Taylor Hudson Butkus and Michael Butkus

1995 Benjamin “Mack” Mackintosh Gandy, January 18, 2016, son of Laurie and Grant Gandy

Robert Hosea Craine, April 16, 2015, son of Ansley McCarty Craine and Will Craine

1999 Andrew “Andy” John Dyer, January 23, 2016, son of Allison Strueber Dyer and Jesse Dyer Keller James Greene and Reese Virginia Greene, March 23, 2015, children of Kelsey Stansbury Greene and Taylor Greene Katherine Hawk Healy, June 18, 2015, daughter of Julia Simmons Healy and Kyle Healy Virginia Rosalie Lavelle, January 28, 2016, daughter of Katie Plomgren Lavelle and Nate Lavelle

Josie Farmer Fox ’06 and Devin Fox on their wedding day

Westminster alumni at the wedding of Maggie Gallant ’97 and Jason Isenberg: Jay Ferebee ’97, Jacqulin Bennett Phillips ’97, Karen Black Avery ’97, Ged Avery ’97, Rob Hensen ’95, Lindsey Cloud Mervis ’97, Stephanie Wilson Kokabi ’97, Maggie Gallant ’97, and Ann Wrege Ferebee ’97

Meredith Bell McDonald, February 3, 2016, daughter of Mary Lorraine Stewart McDonald and Preston McDonald Frances “Winship” McEver, May 25, 2016, daughter of Elizabeth and Hayward McEver

Virginia Davis Spaht, June 12, 2016, daughter of Julia Woodward Spaht and Carlos Spaht Lily Clare Vavrichek, December 4, 2015, daughter of Emily Nolan Vavrichek and David Vavrichek Elizabeth Remley Wise, January 8, 2016, daughter of Leila Brumby Wise and Aaron Wise Morgan Malone Yates, April 18, 2016, daughter of Lane Yates and Charlie Yates 2003 Samuel “Anderson” Adams Jr., April 7, 2016, son of Leigh Baker Adams and Sam Adams Carter Kathryn Bryant, October 27, 2015, daughter of Laura Clappier Bryant and Watson Bryant Jane McKenzie Callaway, April 24, 2016, daughter of Catherine Humann Callaway and TJ Callaway

Sonoma Reynolds Scaife, July 26, 2015, daughter of Jillian Godfrey Scaife and Thomas Dale Scaife

Keller Anne Holby, November 27, 2015, daughter of Addie and Lane Holby

Coleman Brandon Summers, November 23, 2015, son of Laura and Trammell Summers

Georgia Elizabeth Lupton, November 26, 2015, daughter of Genevieve and Ryan Lupton

Lydia Grace Williams, April 11, 2016, daughter of Shelley Spring Williams and Ashton Williams

Louise Suzanne McEver, April 20, 2016, daughter of Courtney Van Winkle McEver and Taylor McEver

2001 Molly Callison Chorey, April 7, 2016, daughter of Mika and Hunter Chorey

Mary “Elise” McGanity, August 23, 2015, daughter of Elizabeth Chalmers McGanity and Chris McGanity

Catherine Cabyle Williams, December 18, 2015, daughter of Peyten Dobbs Williams and Bond Williams

90 | Fall 2016

Mary “Quinn” Macauley, May 25, 2016, daughter of Blayne Beacham Macauley and Jimmy Macauley

2000 Wesley Warren Goyarts, September 12, 2015, son of Ansley Warren Goyarts and Peter Goyarts

Wilson “Wills” Hunter Morhous, December 9, 2015, son of Natalie Bolch Morhous and Hunter Morhous

Casey Woodward ’06 and Bryce Albin ’06 on their wedding day

Eden Kathryn Langley, December 17, 2015, daughter of Rankin Miller Langley and Travis Langley

John Thomas “Jack” Parrish Jr., November 26, 2015, son of Frances Howell Parrish and Jack Parrish George Benjamin “Trey” Turnipseed III, October 12, 2015, son of Laura and Ben Turnipseed Kaison Robert Ward, April 12, 2016, son of Lauran and Wright Ward

Westminster alumni at the wedding of Caroline Saudek ’00 and David Roland (L-R): Kate Barney ’01, Carrie Ratliff ’00, Helen Wills ’00, Jacqueline Massey (Retired Faculty), David Saudek ’91, Virginia King McCune ’00, Mary Stuart Young Iverson ’00, Susannah Saudek Alberino ’93, Caroline Saudek ’00, David Roland, Morgan Wolbe ’99, Lindsey Cloud Mervis ’97, Cary Cloud ’91, Beth Greenblatt Sugarman ’61, and Jeff Sugarman ’91




2004 Carter Kathryn Bryant, October 27, 2015, daughter of Laura Clappier Bryant and Watson Bryant

2005 Berkeley Spina Given, October 22, 2015, daughter of Cason Wilson Given and Christian Given

Connor Matthew Hill, March 31, 2016, son of Katherine Bell Hill and Matt Hill

William “Duke” Leet, September 17, 2015, son of Elise and T.H. Leet

Wesley Denver King, January 9, 2016, son of Lauren Horton King and Denton King

John Colton McCorvey IV, May 16, 2016, son of Allison Bell McCorvey and John McCorvey

Mary “Elise” McGanity, August 23, 2015, daughter of Elizabeth Chalmers McGanity and Chris McGanity

2006 Amelia Corinne Nagle, September 14, 2015, daughter of Suzannah Yates Nagle and Chris Nagle

William Meade Webb, October 18, 2015, son of Molly White Webb and Lee J. Webb

Berkeley Spina Given was born in New York City on October 22, 2015, to Cason Wilson Given ’05 and Christian Given.

Keller Anne Holby, daughter of Addie and Lane Holby ’03

William Duke Leet, son of T.H. Leet ’05 and Elise Leet

Will and Ansley McCarty Craine ’02 welcomed their second child, Robert Hosea Craine, on April 16, 2015.

Genevieve and Ryan Lupton ’03 with their children, Georgia Elizabeth Lupton and Robert Trent Lupton

Trey Turnipseed, son of Laura and Ben Turnipseed ’03

Wesley Warren Goyarts, son of Peter and Ansley Warren Goyarts ’00

Katherine Hawk Healy, daughter of Julia Simmons Healy ’99 and Kyle Healy

John Thomas “Jack” Parrish Jr., son of Frances Howell Parrish ’03 and Jack Parrish

Community, Faculty, and Staff Emily Paige Boss, May 6, 2016, daughter of Megan and Joel Boss (Upper School Faculty)

Patrick Theodore James, February 3, 2016, son of Meghan James (Upper School Faculty) and Chris James

Liam Parks Brown, December 31, 2015, son Whitney and Chris Brown (Staff)

Owen Alexander Steele, February 18, 2016, son of Lee Steele (Lower School Faculty) and Ben Steele (Upper School Faculty)

August James Falcetti, December 18, 2015, daughter of Kiersten and Jim Falcetti (Middle School Faculty) Vlad Michael Good, April 22, 2016, son of Liesel Good (Upper School Faculty) and Michael Good Carolyn Aria Grace Smith-McGill, March 22, 2016, daughter of Robert McGill and Jason Smith (Upper School Faculty) Nathaniel Grant Hoyos, March 24, 2016, son of Brandi and Zeke Hoyos (Middle School Faculty)

Henry Linden Watson, May 29, 2016, son of Stephanie Watson (Staff) and Tyler Watson Catherine Cabyle Williams, December 18, 2015, daughter of Peyten Dobbs Williams ’01 (Middle School Faculty) and Stan Williams Morgan Malone Yates, April 18, 2016, daughter of Lane Yates (Staff) and Charlie Yates ’02

Elizabeth and Hayward McEver ’99 with their children Milly, Winship, and William




Patrick Theodore James, son of Meghan James (Upper School Faculty) and Chris James

Owen Alexander Steele, son of Ben Steele (Upper School Faculty) and Lee Steele (Lower School Faculty)

Elise McGanity, daughter of Elizabeth Chalmers McGanity ’03 and Chris McGanity ’04

Meredith Bell McDonald, daughter of Mary Lorraine Stewart McDonald ’99 and Preston McDonald

Elizabeth Remley Wise, daughter of Leila Brumby Wise ’02 and Aaron Wise

Jane McKenzie Callaway, daughter of Catherine Humann Callaway ’03 and TJ Callaway

Jillian Godfrey Scaife ’00 and her husband, Thomas Dale Scaife, are proud parents to their daughter, Sonoma Reynolds Scaife

Keller and Reese Greene, joined by big brother Beckett, children of Kelsey Stansbury Greene ’99 and Taylor Greene

William Meade Webb, son of Molly White Webb ’04 and Lee J. Webb

Eden Kathryn Langley, daughter of Rankin Miller Langley ’02 and Travis Langley ’02, with her older sister Lillian

Louise Suzanne McEver, daughter of Courtney Van Winkle McEver ’03 and Taylor McEver, with her older sister Anna Story

Morgan Malone Yates, daughter of Lane Yates (Staff) and Charlie Yates ’02

Liam Parks Brown, son of Whitney and Chris Brown (Staff)

Coleman Brandon Summers, son of Laura and Trammell Summers ’00

Wilson “Wills” Hunter Morhous, son of Natalie Bolch Morhous ’01 and Hunter Morhous

Samuel “Anderson” Adams Jr., son of Leigh Baker Adams ’03 and Sam Adams ’03

Lydia Grace Williams, daughter of Shelley Spring Williams ’00 and Ashton Williams, delivered by Dr. Adrian Poole Bennett ’93

Carter Kathryn Bryant, daughter of Laura Clappier Bryant ’04 and Watson Bryant ’03

94 | Fall 2016




Hunter Chorey ’01 and his family

Kaison Robert Ward, son of Lauran and Wright Ward ’03

Wesley Denver King, son of Lauren Horton King ’04 and Denton King ’04

Benjamin Mackintosh “Mack” Gandy, son of Laurie Gandy and Grant Gandy ’95

Mary “Quinn” Macauley, daughter of Blayne Beacham Macauley ’02 and Jimmy Macauley, with her older brother, Oliver

Emily Paige Boss, daughter of Megan and Joel Boss (Upper School Faculty)

Amelia Corinne Nagle, daughter of Suzannah Yates Nagle ’06 and Chris Nagle

Connor Matthew Hill, son of Katherine Bell Hill ’04 and Matt Hill

Lily Clare Vavrichek, daughter of Emily Nolan Vavrichek ’02 and David Vavrichek

Vlad Michael Good, son of Liesel Good (Upper School Faculty) and Michael Good

Bailey Barbara Butkus, second daughter of Taylor Hudson Butkus ’02 and Michael Butkus ’02

Nathaniel Grant Hoyos, son of Brandi and Zeke Hoyos (Middle School Faculty)

Andrew “Andy” John Dyer, son of Allison Strueber Dyer ’99 and Jesse Dyer

John Colton McCorvey IV, son of Allison Bell McCorvey ‘05 and John McCorvey

Henry Linden Watson, son of Stephanie Watson (Staff) and Tyler Watson

Virginia Rosalie Lavelle, daughter of Katie Plomgren Lavelle ’99 and Nate Lavelle

Carolyn Aria Grace Smith-McGill, daughter of Robert McGill and Jason Smith (Upper School Faculty)

96 | Fall 2016


In Memoriam NAPS 1930 Marjorie Tindall Clark, September 10, 2014 1931 Dorothea Blackshear Brady, April 26, 2013 1936 Charlotte Galbraith Ramage, June 16, 2016 1938 Bettye “Babba” Yancey Dobson, December 2, 2015 Dorothy Malone Yates, December 29, 2015 1942 Margarette Wilson Glover, October 31, 2010 Margaret Mizell Dean Lauderdale, February 26, 2016


1945 Emily Pruitt Jones, October 3, 2014

1979 Russell Boon Rhea, February 17, 2016

Jane Oglesby Caldwell, February 22, 2016, sister of Stuart Oglesby ’75 and Bill Oglesby ’78

1946 Mary Lee Higgins McDougall, May 15, 2016

1981 Jody Lynn Fine, October 20, 2015 Jane Oglesby Caldwell, February 22, 2016

Ann Elizabeth “Libby” Jones Calk, April 23, 2016, mother of Tom Calk ’74, Deenie Calk Poulson ’75, Olin Calk ’75, Barbara Calk Braswell ’79, Sara Calk Passarella ’79, and Laura Calk ’83

1947 Loraine Plant Williams, April 26, 2016 1948 Blanche Nelson Mallary Willingham, June 16, 2015

1985 Anne Lacy Churchill Thompson Gravette, March 27, 2016 Joella Hartness Hricik, December 11, 2015

1949 Mickey McQueen Loudermilk Webb, April 9, 2016

NAPS Families

1952 Laura Hailey Bowen, November 6, 2015 Margaret Gholston Griffin, December 14, 2015

1944 Mary Noras, February, 10, 2016


1945 Katherine Baker Blackshear Boardman, December 21, 2015

1952 Theodora “Dodie” Owens Black Stockton, July 1, 2016

1946 Betty Crosby Stilwell, June 17, 2015 Elinor Heyman Wittenstein, November 5, 2015

1954 Julia McCullough Shivers, May 28, 2016

William Cicero Shepherd, December 28, 2015, husband of Andrea Bethea Shepherd NAPS ’50

Washington Seminary Families Jane Oglesby Caldwell, February 22, 2016, daughter of Jane Martin Oglesby WS ’50

Rose Winfrey Dawson, April 10, 2016, mother of Harold Dawson ’82 and Cari Dawson ’86

Thomas Hal Clarke, November 1, 2015, husband of Mary Louise Hastings Clarke WS ’44

Joe H. DeLany Jr., November 12, 2015, father of Joe DeLany III ’81 and Jim DeLany ’82 Bettye “Babba” Yancey Dobson, December 2, 2015, mother of Jeff Yancey ’62, Bee Yancey DeLoach ’65, Missy Yancey Cahill ’68, and George B. Yancey ’73

1957 Howard Candler Warren, March 24, 2016

James Montgomery Walker, March 14, 2016, husband of Mildred Brown Walker WS ’47

1958 Arthur S. Booth Jr., June 18, 2016 Barbara Hitchcock Miller, January 1, 2016 Terrill Brooks Pearson Jr., January 9, 2016

Howard Candler Warren, March 24, 2016, brother of Kitty Warren Dukehart WS ’47

1935 Helen Bell Leverton, January 23, 2016 1940 Frances White Young, December 22, 2015 1941 Virginia Kirkland Blackwood, November 20, 2015 June Reynolds MacKay, April 9, 2016 1943 Charlotte Broyles Heinz, January 2, 2016 Louella Higgins Randall, March 2, 2016 1944 Ann Fontaine Weyman Brownlow, July 4, 2016 Teresa Tidmore Turner, May 10, 2016

98 | Fall 2016

1963 John Pollard Turman Jr., April 18, 2016 1964 Bruce Malcolm Grant, October 25, 2015 1966 James Murphy Everett, October 22, 2015 Janet Loyless Moore, March 20, 2015

Thomas Hal Clarke, November 1, 2015, father of Hal Clarke ’70, Katie Clarke Hamilton ’72 and Becky Clarke Morrison ’75

John Berry Chapman, March 8, 2016, husband of Dodie Owens Chapman WS ’49

1948 Jean Armstrong Smith, April 29, 2016 Jacqueline Oliver “Jackie” Spain, April 5, 2016

1959 Martin Daniel Alexander, March 6, 2016

Joy Howard Chase, June 5, 2016, mother of Gary Howard ’64 and Clark Howard ’73

Margaret “Peggy” Pippin Crawford, February 16, 2016, mother of Allan Crawford ’87 and Taylor Crawford Schwieger ’90

1956 Durand Williams Jones, December 28, 2015 Barbara Wiesen Parker, April 19, 2015

Washington Seminary

John Berry Chapman, March 8, 2016, father of Owens Chapman ’73 and John Chapman ’76

James Marvin Caswell Jr., January 12, 2016, husband of Carolyn Mann Caswell WS ’50

1947 Monte Paul Maddox McGehee Marchant, July 30, 2015

1951 Mary Brooke DeLoache, January 6, 2016

Martha Beverage Carmichael, March 4, 2016, mother of Mark Carmichael ’84, Laura Ann Carmichael Meadows ’88, and Sharon Carmichael Dotson ’89

Westminster Families

Bettie Willerson Driver, November 2, 2015, mother of Eleanor Driver Post ’93, Anna Driver Wick ’95, and Walter Driver III ’00

Ralph David Abernathy III, March 17, 2016, father of Ralph David Abernathy IV ’11

Michael J. Egan, January 7, 2016, father of Moira Egan ’72, Mike Egan ’74, Cole Egan ’79, Roby Egan ’80, and John Egan ’84

James Arthur Adams Sr., December 23, 2015, father of Jimmy Adams ’75

John Franklin Gelzer Jr., December 4, 2015, father of Erin Glezer ’95 and John Gelzer ’00

Weeta Lang Adams, May 12, 2016, mother of Jimmy Adams ’75

Olga Casteleiro de Goizueta, November 16, 2015, mother of Olga Goizueta Rawls ’73

Marion “Mern” Richards Atwater, May 29, 2016, wife of Spencer Atwater ’62

Barbara Butler Goldsmith, March 21, 2016, mother of Jere Goldsmith ’77, Elizabeth Goldsmith Musser ’78, and Glenn Goldsmith ’92

1972 Corinne “Connie” Moore Stoker, November 22, 2015

Arthur S. Booth Jr., June 18, 2016, father of Kimberly Booth Rimmer ’87

1975 Claudia Edwards Gordon, February 18, 2016

Laura Hailey Bowen, November 6, 2015, mother of Laurie Bowen Carmichael ’75, Cary Bowen Thorpe ’77, and Charles Bowen ’80

Claudia Edwards Gordon, February 18, 2016, sister of Kathy Edwards Volatile ’73



Anne Lacy Churchill Thompson Gravette, March 27, 2016, sister of Tyree Churchill ’92 and Laura Churchill Harris ’96 Randolph Page Griffin, January 26, 2016, father of Page Griffin Jr. ’74 and Neill Griffin Sites ’75 Charlotte Broyles Heinz, January 2, 2016, mother of Billy Heinz ’71, Charlie Heinz ’74, and Dr. Julia Heinz ’78 Miriam Waggoner Heiskell, January 21, 2016, mother of Andy Heiskell ’61, Jim Heiskell ’63, Sarah Heiskell Lassiter ’65, and Cyndie Heiskell ’70

Louella Higgins Randall, March 2, 2016, mother of Laura Randall ’68 and Louella Randall ’75 Russell Boon Rhea, February 17, 2016, brother of Wendy Rhea Whitacre ’73 Carmen Cox Robinson, March 14, 2016, mother of Eden White Rafshoon ’61 and Steven White ’70 Julia McCullough Shivers, May 28, 2016, mother of Julia Shivers ’78, Olin Shivers ’79, and Mary Shivers O’Gara ’82 Corinne “Connie” Moore Stoker, November 22, 2015, sister of Jim Moore ’80

Joella Hartness Hricik, December 11, 2015, sister of Gayle Hartness ’71, Ruthie Hartness ’75, Willie Hartness ’76, and Julian Hartness ’89

John Pollard Turman Jr., April 18, 2016, father of Lydia Turman Hansen ’87 and brother of Laura Turman Newton ’65

Legare Comer Jennings Jr., March 6, 2016, father of Comer Jennings ’78 and Ben Jennings ’80

Robert Lewis Weathers, March 12, 2016, father of Laura Weathers Brooks ’80

June Reynolds MacKay, April 9, 2016, mother of June Metzger Davis ’65, Dorothy Metzger Houser ’69, and Christienne MacKaye Budge ’86

Mickey McQueen Loudermilk Webb, April 9, 2016, mother of Lisa Loudermilk deGolian ’75

George William Mathews, January 2, 2016, husband of Jane Kerr Mathews ’62

Justin Latting Weimer, September 15, 2015, brother of Christen Sewell Weimer ’02 and James Weimer ’05

Mary Lee Higgins McDougall, May 15, 2016, mother of Mac McDougall ’78

Loraine Plant Williams, April 26, 2016, mother of Janet Williams ’73, Susan Williams Tinsley ’77, and Tom Williams ’79

Barbara Hitchcock Miller, January 1, 2016, sister of Buddy Hitchcock ’65

John “Jack” Page Wilson II, July 3, 2016, father of John Wilson ’70 and Bryant Wilson ’71

Phyllis Rivers Nygaard, January 25, 2016, mother of Alden Rivers Potts ’97 and Rafe Rivers ’01

Dorothy Malone Yates, December 29, 2015, mother of Dorothy Yates Kirkley ’64, Charlie Yates ’66, Sarah Yates Southerland ’68, and Comer Yates ’70

Scott Allan Pastor, November 9, 2015, father of Tommy Pastor ’13 and Sam Pastor ’15 Terrill Brooks Pearson Jr., January 9, 2016, brother of Dudley Pearson ’61 Phillip B. Peskin, January 31, 2015, father of Brenda Peskin Cox ’73, Jody Peskin ’76, Shelly Peskin Barton ’78, and Scott Peskin ’79 Frances Ramsey, May 1, 2016, mother of Buddy Ramsey ’75, Sissy Ramsey ’77, and Ann Ramsey Wilcox ’79

The Last Look

Frances White Young, December 22, 2015, mother of M.J. Young Thorne ’75 and Helen Young Savage ’71 Martha Dunson Latimer Young, July 1, 2016, mother of John Young ’70, Carlisle Young ’73, and Scott Young ’75

Community, Faculty, and Staff Arthur S. Booth Jr., June 18, 2016, father of Kimberly Booth Rimmer (Lower School Faculty) David Robert Cumming Jr., April 6, 2016, father of Mary Heald (Upper School Faculty)

Westminster legend Dave Drake retired from teaching in May after 48 years spent in our classrooms—not counting the years he spent in them as a student before graduating in 1961. A history teacher, a coach, a grade chair, an administrator, and so much more, Dave has left an indelible mark on our campus and community.

Diane Dayton (Retired Faculty), November 21, 2015 Paul Adolph Koshewa (Retired Faculty), April 14, 2016 Margaret Mizell Dean Lauderdale (Retired Faculty), February 26, 2016 Eugenia Kendall Pepper Wattles, November 15, 2015, mother of Eugenia Wattles (Retired Faculty) 100 | Fall 2016


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