1 minute read


Saturday, July 22



Beat the heat and come shop at the Museum as many of the region’s most talented craftspeople present their outstanding examples of artisanship at the Summer Artisan Market.

Spend a summer day exploring The Westmoreland while shopping for unique, handmade items including jewelry, ceramics, home décor, children’s books and more. While here, enjoy a bite to eat or a refreshing beverage on the Museum’s Swank Terrace under the shade of the umbrellas and sample whiskey from the West Overton Distillery.

For a complete list of artisans, visit thewestmoreland.org/summerartisanmarket.

Stephen Towns: Declaration & Resistance Catalog Now Available in the Museum Shop and Online

The catalog for the powerful exhibition Stephen Towns: Declaration & Resistance, which debuted at The Westmoreland last year before traveling to two other museums across the country, is now available for purchase both in person at the Museum Shop or online at thewestmoreland.org/shop.

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