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A Look Back at the Opening Preview for Action/Abstraction Redefined and Bidding a Fond Farewell to Long-time Museum Staff Member Ginnie Leiner
On February 25, The Westmoreland welcomed Westmoreland Society, Patron and Best Friend members along with Museum Trustees, staff, and special guests for the opening reception of Action/Abstraction Redefined: Modern Native Art, 1945-1975 .

During the evening, over 100 guests enjoyed a first look at the exhibition in the Cantilever Gallery and an opportunity to experience the newly installed modern and contemporary galleries. After opening remarks from Interim Director/CEO Suzanne Wright, Chief Curator Jeremiah William McCarthy, Director of Learning, Engagement and Partnerships Erica Nuckles. and Director of Collections and Exhibition Management Doug Evans were on hand to tour the galleries with guests and provide behind-the-scenes exhibition details.
The evening also marked the final opening as a staff member for Membership & Development Coordinator Ginnie Leiner, who announced her retirement starting June 2. Ginnie has been a well-known friendly voice on the other end of the phone line, and during her 16 years with The Westmoreland, she responded to countless calls and emails from Museum members and supporters. She showed us by example the meaning of excellence in customer service and a commitment to being patient and kind. Ginnie relayed that, “Being a member of The Westmoreland staff has been a wonderful experience, and it has been my pleasure to build so many important relationships with our members and supporters.”
Fortunately, for the Museum, Ginnie will remain a valued member of The Westmoreland, and we look forward to seeing her and her husband George at many future events. We know you join us in thanking Ginnie for her many years of service to making the arts accessible to so many. We look forward to introducing Ginnie's successor Miranda Harkins who will be working with Ginnie in May and the new voice you hear to answer any questions. Please extend a warm welcome to Miranda at mharkins@thewestmoreland.org or 724.837.1500 x127.