The Windward School Summer Program Course Catalog 2021

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COVID-19 CONSIDERATIONS AT-A-GLANCE Health Office Protocols • The Windward School Summer Program will be following the CDC guidelines of conducting daily health checks (e.g., temperature screening and/or symptom checking of faculty and students). •R egular COVID-19 testing will be provided for all students, faculty, and staff participating in the Summer Program. •C loth face coverings are required for faculty and students and must be a 2-ply minimum without valves. Students will have socially distanced mask breaks intermittently and when needed throughout the day. •H and hygiene and respiratory etiquette will be taught and reinforced.

Social Distancing •S tudents will remain in fixed instructional groupings, or pods, during the morning session in order to minimize exposure. Students participating in the full day program will change pods for the afternoon session. • Desks will be spaced 6 feet apart in all classrooms. • Foot traffic patterns will be indicated by markers on the hallways.

Campus Disinfection • The Facilities team will continue to clean, disinfect, and sanitize high-touch areas such as bathrooms, door handles, and desks on an increased schedule throughout the day. Cleaning and disinfection will be completed using approved antiviral cleaning agents. • Maintenance staff will use hydro-static sprayers on all indoor and outdoor PE and recess equipment after use. •C lassroom kits of cleaning supplies will be provided to each classroom. • To minimize the sharing of high-touch materials, Windward will provide adequate supplies.

Community Accountability Community accountability will play a critical role in helping the Summer Program operate safely, and we will rely on our participating families to do the following: • Follow CDC guidelines at home and Windward’s protocols on campus. • Identify all personal items with student’s name and grade. • Utilize health tracking applications daily prior to arriving at school. •S tay home if you are sick or have recently had close contact with a person who tested positive for COVID-19. More information regarding COVID-19 protocols can be found at

2  The Windward School 2021 Summer Program

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