14 minute read
Family Crisis Network: From Grass Roots to a Valuable Community Asset
Family Crisis Network
From Grass Roots to a Valuable Community Asset
by Sarah Kramer, Program Manager, and Cody Francis, Assistant Director
Most people who encounter Family Crisis Network for the first-time state, “I never knew you existed!” and we reply, “Most don’t… unless they find themselves needing our services.” Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault are not usually a part of everyone’s daily vocabulary but unfortunately it is a part of several family’s silent struggles. FCN has been serving many of these families in this community since 1982. As a grass roots advocacy agency in a time when people wanted to help abused woman and children but did not have the legislation, support, or resources, volunteers answered a domestic violence hotline in the basement of the United Church of Christ while a few community members opened their homes to provide a safe haven for families fleeing from abuse. Since the beginning, the agency has moved locations several times but has been in its current location since 1990. As the years passed, advocates and lobbyist made great strides in providing laws and resources for Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault victims and the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) was finally passed in 1994. The agency began to grow as resources became available to support a proper working staff and more resources became available in the community.
Flash forward to 2021 and Family Crisis Network has become a multiple service agency providing advocacy, case management, shelter, crisis intervention, trauma therapy, and financial resources for victims of domestic violence, victims of sexual assault, victims of all other crimes, and the homeless. FCN also provides food, personal care items, winter clothing, tents, sleeping bags, shuttle passes to Spokane, prescription vouchers and emergency financial assistance to persons in need. FCN provides a confidential environment with trained advocates who are there to listen and support while empowering survivors to make their own educated choices. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, FCN was recently given funding to maintain units to be used for isolation and quarantine for the duration of the pandemic. We work closely with the medical community and emergency management team to help fill this need.
In July of 2019 FCN expanded by opening a Child Advocacy Center (CAC) for Pend Oreille County. Before this was available, child victims of sexual assault, abuse and neglect in Pend Oreille County had to wait for an appointment in Spokane to be interviewed and at times that could take weeks. This was not only inconvenient and stressful, but the process jeopardized the prosecution in their effort to hold the abuser accountable. Today, at the CAC, a child is interviewed in a timely manner by a trained, experienced forensic interviewer in a child friendly environment. The family can access resources from the CAC and receive support from the Care Coordinator. Resources include medical advocacy, legal advocacy, and professional therapy. Children are interviewed in a soundproof room with audio visual equipment, while law enforcement and related legal professionals observe in a nearby watch room. The team, then can follow up with any needs and concerns and provide a cohesive process throughout the case and beyond. We hope that having this process available in our community will encourage
families, agencies, and community members to feel more comfortable in reporting abuse of children.
Family Crisis Network agency has come from a place of scarcity and grass roots efforts to a place where valuable community change can be pursued. At Family Crisis Network, above and beyond the level of crisis, we wish to help people understand the dynamics behind abuse and shift the cultural norms surrounding violence to families. We do this by providing outreach and education to the community in the form of events, trainings, and media outreach. One such event is the annual Child Abuse Awareness Walk. This year’s walk, themed Choose Kindness, was held virtually from April 22-24th. The walk is to bring community together, not to point fingers, but to raise awareness for Child Abuse Awareness Month by promoting happy, healthy, and safe families. If you missed this year’s virtual walk, we plan to walk in person approximately the same time next year. Please join us!
As an agency we provide services but as a community member you can also contribute. Here are four ways you can support victims of abuse and the homeless: 1. Seek to understand, not judge: Arm yourself with knowledge about the dynamics of abuse and the effects of trauma so you can provide empathy and support instead of advice. 2. Guide to resources: Have a list of resources available for people you may encounter that may need some help. 3. See something, say something: Report abusive behavior.
Your voice can count when others are forced to remain silent. 4. Call us: Give our agency a call and find out what needs you may be able to help fill.
The quote by Dr. Sukhraj Dhillon that states “Maybe I can’t stop the downpour, but I will always join you for a walk in the rain,” provides an accurate description of how Family Crisis Network provides services. An advocate may not be able to change the trauma that has been done to another, but they can stand by their side and walk through the journey with them by providing a shoulder to lean on and a voice when they feel like they have none. If you need someone to walk that journey with you or you would like to find out how to support the cause, please contact our agency at 509-447-2274.

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They All Seem Alike! How Do I Choose?
by Carey Spears, RHU, Spears Insurance, Inc.

It isn’t just procrastination when it comes to not being prepared for Medicare. Life has been busy, even during the pandemic. Sometimes just trying to get information or a call back during this time has been more frustrating than a year ago. It seems so much harder to simply pick up the phone and call someone!
It is with mixed feelings that I admit that I am only a short 6 months away from eligibility for Medicare. With all my preaching on being prepared…I have fallen short. I’ve been told that people will take more time planning their vacation than for Medicare and retirement. We drag our feet for things we don’t want to outright acknowledge; turning 65 and Medicare!
You are, for the most part, on your own when choosing health care coverage. Should you stay on an employer plan? When, where and how do you enroll in the Basic Medicare Benefit? The Human Resources (HR) department of your employer can discuss your group benefits, but they do not have the information about what to do when turning 65, or if you decide to retire early. The Medicare world is complicated; the alphabet soup of enrollment periods…ICEP, IEP, AEP, SEP, OEP…which one applies to you? At one point, they all can!
Destination Medicare may take everyone to the same location, but the choices and route getting there may be very different. Just like using a travel agency to plan your trip, or a Financial Planner to set up your retirement plan, working with a Health Insurance Professional is like having your own, personal HR department when it comes to getting started and evaluating your coverage needs.
Our services don’t stop once you are enrolled in a plan. We are here to review your coverage every year because not only will your needs change, but the plans themselves change too — especially Prescription Coverage. Maybe the premium doesn’t change much but prescription drugs could change in tier level or be removed altogether. Evaluating Part D benefits can’t be done based solely on the cheapest premium.
We can help you every year to evaluate the best options for you, based on prescriptions, how often they are filled, which pharmacy you use. Part D is just one segment of coverage to review. We will review your options between Medicare Supplements and Medicare Advantage Plans based on your needs. Factors to be considered are choice of doctors, lifestyle and travel, ongoing health issues, options for more preventive care, fitness center benefits, extra benefits not included in basic Medicare coverage like vision, hearing and dental. These things should not be overlooked.
Have You Noticed?
Television commercials for Medicare Benefits and Options have been running 90 miles per hour for months now, even after the close of the Annual Enrollment Period on Dec 7th, 2020! And to what purpose? Are they really legitimate? I’ve been asked that question a thousand times at least! My answer to you is, as the saying goes, “It’s 5 o’clock somewhere!” The information is legitimate, for some people, somewhere!
Most of those products advertised are Medicare Advantage plans which combine your Medicare Part A and B, and most times the prescription Part D, into one single plan, managed by the insurance company. You are still required to have Medicare Part A, pay your Medicare Part B premium, and to live in the area the plans are offered in order to enroll in these plans. Medicare Advantage plans often add extra benefits that Medicare does not cover such as routine vision, hearing and sometimes dental. These types of plans are legitimate and are available here in our counties.
The problem with those commercials is they entice you with zero premiums, no copays to doctors and hospitals, and some even say they will give back a portion of your Part B premium. I will caution you, it is not as it seems!
Those types of plans are not necessarily available here, they may be somewhere, but not here! Some plans are available only if you meet income guidelines. Please know that “One Call” does not stop there. You have now opened a Pandora’s Box. That “one call” is to a call center that now has the ability to call you back. If you do talk to a call center agent, remember — they DO NOT work for Medicare! Those call centers most likely are not located in our local area, or even our country, and only represent the insurance plans offered by National companies. Will they do a full evaluation of your needs by reviewing the network to make sure your doctors are part of the network? Do they compare prescription cost overall to see that you are getting the best savings? Is our local hospital included in the network? You might be surprised. How do you know if the local Idaho companies can give you better coverage in benefits and doctors? Is the customer service here in Idaho? ‘Yes’ for our local Idaho companies, ‘No’ for the national companies.
I’m just saying, as wonderful as it is to call a celebrity like Joe, you may be getting more than you bargain for with all the extra calls hitting your phone! I advocate for the local insurance agent right here! Using an agent doesn’t make your premium cost more — it may actually save you money in the long run because you have benefits that you need and use. We have local resources at our fingertips to assist you in almost any situation.
Whether you are turning 65, leaving employment to go to Medicare or even just retiring early. We advocate for you. We can help you review qualifications on limited income. The conversation with your local insurance professional is truly Free, No risk, No obligation. So, save yourself the headache, don’t call Joe! Stop in, have a cup of coffee and tell us what’s on your mind about your health insurance coverage.
Carey Spears, RHU, is a licensed Life/Health insurance agent with over 26 years experience with Senior products such as Medicare Supplements, Part D Prescription plans and Medicare Advantage Plans. With offices in Sandpoint and Coeur d’Alene, she offers ‘no obligation’ consultations for individuals as well as providing group presentations on the Beginners Guide into Medicare! If you are considering a retirement date or turning 65 in the next year, call Carey at 208-265-2026 to learn the right steps in securing your Health Care options.

Veterans Service Officers (VSOs) are trained, certified and accredited to be ADVOCATES FOR YOU! They are NOT VA employees. Assistance is FREE. Contact them BEFORE you call the VA. It will save you a lot of grief.
These Veterans Service Officers are here for you:
Idaho State VSOs

Scott A. Thorsness, Director 208-446-1092 120 E. Railroad Ave., Post Falls M-F 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM email: scott.thorsness@veterans.idaho.gov
Bonner County
Bryan Hult 208-255-5291 1500 Hwy 2, Ste. 122, Sandpoint M-TH 8-5 (call/email for appointment) email: bhult@bonnercountyid.gov
Boundary County
Ronald Self 208-255-8882 6635 Lincoln St., Bonners Ferry Wed & Thur 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM email: veterans@boundarycountyid.org
Kootenai County
Shoshone County
Mac Gibler 208-752-1264 700 Bank St., Suite 120, Wallace M-F 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM email: mgibler@co.shoshone.id.us
Montana State VSOs
Carolyn Collins Ryan Keeler Bryan T. Zipp National Guard Armory 406-755-3795 2989 Hwy. 93 North, Kalispell Appts. M & F, walk-ins welcome Wed., Tues. is outreach, Thurs. closed.
Washington State VSO
Idaho Department of Labor - Veterans Reps. Benewah/Kootenai/Shoshone Counties
Robert Shoeman
Spokane County Regional Veterans Service Center 509-477-3690 1117 N. Evergreen, STE 2, Spokane M-F 8-4
208-457-8789 Ext. 3993 600 N. Thornton St., Post Falls email: robert.shoeman@labor.idaho.gov
Bonner/Boundary Counties
Justin Offerman 208-263-7544 Ext. 3713 613 Ridley Village Road, Ste. C Sandpoint email: justin.offerman@labor.idaho.gov
Need ANYTHING from the VA? Call 800-698-2411 regardless of what questions or services you are calling for (benefit or medical) there is now a NEW Single Access
Point to all VA contact centers.

The 2021 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) has been approved, which included the
addition of three new conditions to be added to the approved herbicide
exposure conditions associated with Vietnam service, service on ship within 12 nautical miles of the Vietnam coastline, service on the Korean DMZ from 1968-1971, served along the perimeters of an airbase in Thailand during the Vietnam War or served on a flight/ground crew for C-123 Aircraft until 1986. The three
new conditions are Bladder Cancer, Hypothyroidism, and Parkinsonism/Parkinson-like
symptoms. The VA still has to release the rules of how and when they will adjudicate claims (to include survivor benefits) similar to how the Blue Water Agent Orange claims were handled. If a veteran previously filed for one of these conditions and was denied, do not do anything else until the rules have been released. At that time, we can file a VA Form 21-0995 (Supplemental Claim) for those previously denied issues. If a veteran has never filed for those conditions, you should file an Intent to File to protect the earliest possible date of claim. Please note Hypertension (high blood pressure) was not included as an herbicide presumptive condition on the NDAA.
Contact your VSO for more details and help filing! www.ShopMyExchange.com

ALL honorably discharged
veterans are now permitted
to use the Online Military
Exchange to purchase items
with no taxes charged and free
shipping. Log into
for more information

Vietnam War Commemorative Books
The State of Idaho had Vietnam War Commemorative Books created to distribute to all Vietnam veterans within the State of Idaho. If you have not received one, please contact one of our State Service Officer locations and we will assist in providing the book to you.