2017 Pastoral Center Financial Report

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October 2018


2017 Financial Report

ARCHDIOCESAN PASTORAL CENTER FINANCIALS (2017 - 2018 Financials will be available in early 2019.) INCOME Taxa Contributions and Bequests Fees, Services and Other

2015 - 2016

2016 -2017

2,449,138 320,595 2,327,567

2,513,350 849,446 1,463,893



2015 - 2016

2016 -2017



Catholic Schools Division



Communications Division





Financial Services



Health and Human Services



Ministry and Worship








EXPENDITURES Archdiocesan Administration

Offices of: Archbishop, Vicar General / Moderator of the Curia, Chancellor,Archives, Metropolitan Tribunal, Stewardship, Development Offices of: Superintendent, Associate Directors of Education, International Students, STO Applications Offices of: Communications Director, Graphic Design and Printing, Emerging Media (Web Design & Social Media), Information Technology (IT), The Witness

Faith Formation

Offices of: Adolescent Faith Formation, Adult Faith Formation, Catechetical Services, Marriage and Family Life, Disability Inclusion, Education Resource Center (ERC) Offices of: Catholic Cemeteries, Finance Office, Maintenance Offices of: Pastoral Center Director, Health Care Ethics and Life Issues Consultant, Human Resources, Respect Life and Social Justice, Protection of Children Offices of: Continuing Formation of Priests, Leadership Development and Pastoral Planning, Recently Ordained, Permanent Diaconate, Vocations, Worship

TOTAL Seminarian Discernment and Education


for the following can be found online:

Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Dubuque:

Catholic Charities is the social service arm of the church. 90% of every donation to Catholic Charities directly serves individuals in need in the Archdiocese of Dubuque. Annual appeal donations comprise 54% of Catholic Charities’ annual budget and are vital to their ability to help families thrive. To learn more visit www.CatholicCharitiesDubuque.org.

Our Faith School Tuition Organization (STO)

Gifts to the Our Faith STO make it possible for more than 3,000 students to receive the financial aid necessary to make a Catholic school education a reality each year. More than $5.2 million was awarded for the 2018-19 school year. All eligible gifts receive a 65% Iowa income tax credit and qualify as a federal deduction as a charitable contribution. To learn more visit www.OurFaithSTO.org.

SPECIAL COLLECTIONS Religious Retirement

2015 - 2016

2016 -2017

57,072 80,043 25,411 34,601 36,965 51,660

54,026 104,774 34,248 47,005 16,784 61,215



OUR CALL TO SHARE Catholic Communications Catholic Relief Services Peter’s Pence Catholic University Human Development Mission Sunday

WHO WE ARE We, the Pastoral Center offices of the Archdiocese of Dubuque, partner with you, your parish/cluster and school to help others know, love, surrender to and share Jesus Christ. We do this through a variety of ministries. Though sometimes seen only in an administrative sense, the archdiocese is also pastoral, meaning we provide leadership through spiritual guidance, support and best-practices. This financial report shows how your generous gifts allow us to partner with others in our archdiocese to continue the mission of Jesus in the ministries of the Church.

COMMON METHODS FOR FUNDING (ARCH)DIOCESAN OPERATIONS There are two common methods in which the work of an (arch)diocese is financially supported. Many (arch)dioceses have an annual fundraising event, commonly called The Bishop’s Appeal. These appeals can be done in various ways, typically with the expectation that parishioners will give an annual gift through his/her parish to the central offices of the (arch)diocese. In the Archdiocese of Dubuque these central offices are referred to as the Pastoral Center.

The other common method in which (arch)diocesan operations are supported is through an annual tax based on a percentage of the local parish income. We refer to this as “taxa.” In the Archdiocese of Dubuque, the central offices and ministries are funded by taxa rather than annual appeals.

Taxa: An annual tax on the parishes for the operations of the Archdiocese of Dubuque.

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS HOW TAXA IS DETERMINED? Taxa is based on all income to the parish minus gifts for: • National campaigns (Our Call to Share, Religious Retirement, etc.), and local social concerns • Educational Endowment • Capital campaigns for education facilities Investment income from the Archdiocesan Deposit and Loan Fund, Educational Endowment invested in an Archdiocesan account, and the Catholic Foundation for the Archdiocese of Dubuque (CFAD) is exempt as well. Deductions from parish income include the following common parish expenses: • PreK-12 Faith Formation expenses • Catholic School subsidies • 15% of any parish debt After all those adjustments, the parish taxa obligation is 11.75% of the parish income.

HOW IS TAXA SPENT? Your parish’s taxa supports the work and ministries of the offices of the Pastoral Center. We seek to be good stewards of your generosity through the necessary administrative and pastoral work that must be done in order to care for our archdiocesan family. We partner with you and your parish/cluster/school staff to continue the mission of Jesus in the ministries of the Church. Learn more about the offices and ministries listed in the financial report on the previous page by visiting www.DBQArch.org.

DOES A PORTION OF TAXA SUPPORT CLERGY SEXUAL ABUSE SETTLEMENTS? No. As Archbishop Jackels explained in his September 13 public message, “a little over $25 million has been spent to investigate allegations of clergy sex abuse of minors, for lawyer’s fees, to offer counseling to victims, but most of it to pay settlements with victims. That money came from three sources: some of the guilty priests themselves; insurance policies that were in place at the time; and from our archdiocesan property and liability insurance program (DAPP).”

The entire September 13, 2018 message from Archbishop Jackels referenced here can be found at www.DBQArch.org.

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