9 772369 043004 ISSN 2369-0437 00114 HANSIK STORY MIYEOK GUK COVER STORY HWAJEON HEALTH GUIDE DIABETES & BALANCED DIET SIGMA REHAB HOW IS YOUR POSTURE? 미역국 화전 온타리오 약 복지제도 당신의 자세는 어떠십니까? Vol. 114 March/April 2023
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4 March/April 2023
외부필자 원고는 편집부의 공식견해와 다 를 수 있습니다. 무단 복제와 전재를 금합니다. 92 93 TraditionalKoreanMed c ne 21 Tea Therapy 티테라피 INFORMATION +82-2-518-7506 (Haengnang Branch) +82-2-518-7507 (Seochon Tea Therapy Studio) 10:00~22:00 (closed on holidays) Reservations required (Tea Class) Local tea KRW 8,000, Omija tea KRW 6,000, Lunch set KRW 8,000 Foot bath KRW 5,000 (including foot bath products) Tea class KRW 50,000 (class available for two persons or more price per person) 74, Yunboseon-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul (Haengnang Branch) 58, Jahamunro, Jongno-gu, Seoul (Seochon Branch) www.teatherapy.com (ENG, JPN) Seoul 9772369043004 HANSIK STORY MIYEOK GUK COVER STORY HWAJEON HEALTH GUIDE DIABETES & BALANCED DIET SIGMA REHAB HOW IS YOUR POSTURE? 미역국 화전 온타리오 약 복지제도당신의 허리는 어떠십니까? Vol. 114 March/April 2023 5 The WITH MAGAZINE
6 March/April 2023
8 March/April 2023
10 March/April 2023
12 March/April 2023
14 March/April 2023
16 March/April 2023
18 March/April 2023
20 March/April 2023
화전으로 조상들의 봄 풍류를 느껴볼까?
화전에 올라가는 진달래는 척박한 환경에서도 자생하여 “절개 있는 꽃”
이라며 사람들의 칭송을 받아왔다. 감상하거나 장식하는 것에서 더 나
아가 음식에도 활용하는 조상들의 지혜를 엿볼 수 있다. 고소하고 달콤
화전으로 조상들의 봄 풍류를 느껴볼까?
한 화전으로 자연을 즐기고 꽃과 하나가 되었던 조상들의 풍류를 느껴
화전에 올라가는 진달래는 척박한 환경에서도 자생하여 “절개 있는 꽃”
이라며 사람들의 칭송을 받아왔다. 감상하거나 장식하는 것에서 더 나
아가 음식에도 활용하는 조상들의 지혜를 엿볼 수 있다. 고소하고 달콤
한 화전으로 자연을 즐기고 꽃과 하나가 되었던 조상들의 풍류를 느껴
보면 어떨까?
봄이 찾아오고, 꽃이 피면 조상들이 먼저 찾는 음식 중 하나는 화전
봄이 찾아오고, 꽃이 피면 조상들이 먼저 찾는 음식 중 하나는 화전
이었다. 조선시대 궁중에서는 삼짇날이 되면 중전을 모시고 비원에
이었다. 조선시대 궁중에서는 삼짇날이 되면 중전을 모시고 비원에
나가 화전을 부쳐 먹으며 화전놀이를 만끽했다고 한다. 그 당시 여성
나가 화전을 부쳐 먹으며 화전놀이를 만끽했다고 한다. 그 당시 여성
들이 봄을 즐기는 가장 큰 놀이였다. 화전가를 부르며 봄의 아름다움
을 묘사하기도 하고, 시집살이의 서러움과 애환을 풀어내기도 했다.
들이 봄을 즐기는 가장 큰 놀이였다. 화전가를 부르며 봄의 아름다움
을 묘사하기도 하고, 시집살이의 서러움과 애환을 풀어내기도 했다.
재료(16개 분량)
봄맛 가득한 화전 만들기
화전 만들기
재료(16개 분량)
습식 찹쌀가루 2컵(240g), 소금 ½작은술, 끓는 물 4큰술, 진달래꽃 적
당량, 설탕(또는 꿀) 약간, 식용유 적당량
습식 찹쌀가루 2컵(240g), 소금 ½작은술, 끓는 물 4큰술, 진달래꽃 적
1_ 소금을 탄 끓는 물을 찹쌀가루에 조금씩 넣고 고루 치대어 20분간
당량, 설탕(또는 꿀) 약간, 식용유 적당량
젖은 면포를 덮어둔다.
2_ 반죽을 조금씩 떼어내어 지름 5cm 크기로 둥글납작하게 빚는다.
3_ 진달래 꽃술을 떼어 물에 씻고 물기는 제거한다.
4_ 뜨겁게 달군 팬에 식용유를 두르고, 약불 상태에서 둥글납작하게 빚
1_ 소금을 탄 끓는 물을 찹쌀가루에 조금씩 넣고 고루 치대어 20분간
젖은 면포를 덮어둔다.
은 반죽을 서로 붙지 않게 올린다. 아랫부분이 익으면 뒤집어준다.
5_ 익은 면에 준비해둔 진달래를 붙여 모양을 내고 살짝 더 익힌다.
2_ 반죽을 조금씩 떼어내어 지름 5cm 크기로 둥글납작하게 빚는다.
6_ 양면이 다 익으면 꺼내어 설탕이나 꿀을 고루 묻힌다.
3_ 진달래 꽃술을 떼어 물에 씻고 물기는 제거한다.
4_ 뜨겁게 달군 팬에 식용유를 두르고, 약불 상태에서 둥글납작하게 빚
은 반죽을 서로 붙지 않게 올린다. 아랫부분이 익으면 뒤집어준다.
5_ 익은 면에 준비해둔 진달래를 붙여 모양을 내고 살짝 더 익힌다.
화전에 얽힌 조상들의 이야기
_ 양면이 다 익으면 꺼내어 설탕이나 꿀을 고루 묻힌다. 고명으로 얹어 기름에 음식이다.
아카이브 참고 한식 아카이브 15
한식을 들려줄게
화전에 얽힌 조상들의 이야기
22 March/April 2023
24 March/April 2023
26 March/April 2023
28 March/April 2023
7040 Yonge St 905-889-0009
| galleria7040@gmail.com
갤러리아 약국
30 March/April 2023
32 March/April 2023
34 March/April 2023
Poor habitual posture leads to a change in the spinal curvatures and body appearance. This can increase unwanted muscle tension putting your body at risk for developing pain and more serious condition in the future. You can improve your posture and spinal health by making a few lifestyle changes. Remember, your posture has an impact not only on your spine, but also on your overall health.
안좋은 자세와 생활습관은 척추 변형을 초래하여 체형을 변화시킬 뿐만 아니라 통증이나 다른 질환을 초래할 수 있습니다. 평소 자세만 바르게해도 여러 척추 질환을 예방해 건강해질 수 있 다는걸 명심하시길 바랍니다. DR. HYEMI MA 시그마 척추관절 클리닉 tel. 647·349·9355 www.sigmarehab.com 36 March/April 2023
38 March/April 2023
글·사진┃이화신 대표 Tel. 647-998-5476 hwashinee@hotmail.com 인스타그램 instargram @lovelyashleyhome 40 March/April 2023
42 March/April 2023
44 March/April 2023
세터스어학원 원장 / 강사 cyoono@hanmail.net
본 칼럼의 저자는 프랑스 인터내셔널 스쿨에 10년 이상 봉직한 국제 교육 전문 교육가로 배움에 관하
여 10,000건 이상의 상담을 직접 진행하였다.
현재는 한국에서 국제 교육 증진을 위하여 노력하고 있다. 국제 교육 컨텐츠 계발 사업 및 다문화 자녀
를 위한 성요셉 장학 사업을 하고 있으며 현재에도 연 평균 1,000건 이상의 교육관련 상담을 하고 있다.
또한 현대문학에 문화 평론을 연재하였으며 다수의 교육 관련 논문과 번역서를 출간하였다.
92 46 March/April 2023
ine 21 Tea Therapy
+82-2-518-7506 (Haengnang Branch)
+82-2-518-7507 (Seochon Tea Therapy Studio)
10:00~22:00 (closed on holidays)
Reservations required (Tea Class)
Local tea KRW 8,000, Omija tea KRW 6,000, Lunch set KRW 8,000
Foot bath KRW 5,000 (including foot bath products)
Tea class KRW 50,000 (class available for two persons or more / price per person)
74, Yunboseon-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul (Haengnang Branch)
58, Jahamunro, Jongno-gu, Seoul (Seochon Branch) www.teatherapy.com (ENG, JPN)
93 TraditionalKoreanMedic
Koreans have enjoyed herbal tea for a long time, from barley to corn and boxthorn and solomon's seal. At Tea Therapy you get to comfortably try traditional teas that need only hot water and three minutes of time. All the ingredients that go into the teas are prepared in-house.
Koreans have enjoyed herbal tea for a long time, from barley to corn and boxthorn and solomon's seal. At Tea Therapy you get to comfortably try traditional teas that need only hot water and three minutes of time. All the ingredients that go into the teas are prepared in-house.
Find a tea that suits you
Find a tea that suits you
If you don't know which of the various tea flavors to choose, try the simple test at Tea Therapy. There are different tea types that will suit you depending on whether you are a heavy person, how you walk or what
If you don't know which of the various tea flavors to choose, try the simple test at Tea Therapy. There are different tea types that will suit you depending on whether you are a heavy person, how you walk or what
your digestion is like. Every tea has its own description.
If you feel pain behind your eyes or in your shoulders from stress, then you might want to try the local “Hyangtong” tea. If you're tense all the time and can't sleep well, maybe try the “Anshim” tea with jujubes. Tea Therapy offers a special lunch menu alongside their tea. It is a healthy meal, available from 12:30 to 14:00. The menu includes tofu salad and flying fish roe, mushroom taco rice, salmon top rice, beef and bean curry. And all menus include side dishes, soup, tea and a small salad.
your digestion is like. Every tea has its own description. If you feel pain behind your eyes or in your shoulders from stress, then you might want to try the local “Hyangtong” tea. If you're tense all the time and can't sleep well, maybe try the “Anshim” tea with jujubes. Tea Therapy offers a special lunch menu alongside their tea. It is a healthy meal, available from 12:30 to 14:00. The menu includes tofu salad and flying fish roe, mushroom taco rice, salmon top rice, beef and bean curry. And all menus include side dishes, soup, tea and a small salad.
Tea Therapy's Two Branches
Tea Therapy's
Two Branches
Tea Therapy has two branches: Seochon Tea Therapy Studio and Bukchon Haengnang Branch. Always filled with tea fragrances, Seochon Tea Therapy Studio offers tea brewing classes. Upon reservation, visitors may participate in different tea classes. Meanwhile, Bukchon Haengnang Branch is located at Yun Posuns restored house with a classic, old-school atmosphere.
Tea Therapy has two branches: Seochon Tea Therapy Studio and Bukchon Haengnang Branch. Always filled with tea fragrances, Seochon Tea Therapy Studio offers tea brewing classes. Upon reservation, visitors may participate in different tea classes. Meanwhile, Bukchon Haengnang Branch is located at Yun Posuns restored house with a classic, old-school atmosphere.
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48 March/April 2023
Tea class, foot bath and other programs
Tea class, foot bath and other programs
The Haengnang Branch is in part of the restored house of Yun Posun, which has been selected as a cultural asset. Therefore, the facility is situated in the midst of a classic atmosphere. In one corner near the entrance you can find the foot bath zone. It's a cozy healing space where you can enjoy tea during the foot bath. It is great to relax over a cup of aromatic tea or a book. The foot baths are available to anybody who orders tea, but foot bath products come with an extra cost of 5,000 won. The Type A foot bath products are effective for
The Haengnang Branch is in part of the restored house of Yun Posun, which has been selected as a cultural asset. Therefore, the facility is situated in the midst of a classic atmosphere. In one corner near the entrance you can find the foot bath zone. It's a cozy healing space where you can enjoy tea during the foot bath. It is great to relax over a cup of aromatic tea or a book. The foot baths are available to anybody who orders tea, but foot bath products come with an extra cost of 5,000 won. The Type A foot bath products are effective for
Tea class, foot bath and other programs
The Haengnang Branch is in part of the restored house of Yun Posun, which has been selected as a cultural asset. Therefore, the facility is situated in the midst of a classic atmosphere. In one corner near the entrance you can find the foot bath zone. It's a cozy healing space where you can enjoy tea during the foot bath. It is great to relax over a cup of aromatic tea or a book. The foot baths are available to anybody who orders tea, but foot bath products come with an extra cost of 5,000 won. The Type A foot bath products are effective for
stressed eyes and headaches, and the Type B foot bath products are for if you feel heavy and poor circulation.
stressed eyes and headaches, and the Type B foot bath products are for if you feel heavy and poor circulation. Tea Therapy also offers a tea class to those interested. The topics include “tea therapy for stress” or “tea good for women” and are easy to comprehend. They include informative stories and tea tasting. For example, “tea therapy for stress” talks about 10 different ingredients that reduce stress, such as mint, betony, tangerine peel and chrysanthemum. The class ends with a tea tasting. It is an opportunity to approach tea more easily and in a fun way.
Tea Therapy also offers a tea class to those interested. The topics include “tea therapy for stress” or “tea good for women” and are easy to comprehend. They include informative stories and tea tasting. For example, “tea therapy for stress” talks about 10 different ingredients that reduce stress, such as mint, betony, tangerine peel and chrysanthemum. The class ends with a tea tasting. It is an opportunity to approach tea more easily and in a fun way.
stressed eyes and headaches, and the Type B foot bath products are for if you feel heavy and poor circulation.
Tea Therapy also offers a tea class to those interested. The topics include “tea therapy for stress” or “tea good for women” and are easy to comprehend. They include informative stories and tea tasting. For example, “tea therapy for stress” talks about 10 different ingredients that reduce stress, such as mint, betony, tangerine peel and chrysanthemum. The class ends with a tea tasting. It is an opportunity to approach tea more easily and in a fun way.
50 March/April 2023
52 March/April 2023