Sohan is the first solar term which literally Cold’ but in Korea, Sohan marks the
restorative tonics and some people take a trip to enjoy winter dishes because those treats are only available in winter. These dishes include treats made up of dried radish greens, half-dried herring, dried persimmon, burdock, pollack, and herring.
People crave for particular food when it is severally cold. Some winter delicacies keep you warm like restorative tonics and some people take a trip to enjoy winter dishes because those treats are only available in winter. These dishes include treats made up of dried radish greens, half-dried herring, dried persimmon, burdock, pollack, and herring.
1. ‘Siraegi’ dried radish leaves’, the best winter recovery ingredient
1. ‘Siraegi’ dried radish leaves’, the best winter recovery ingredient
As the proverb says, ‘winter radish cannot be exchanged even with wild ginseng’, radish had been referred as ‘ginseng grown in the field’. Dried radish greens are rich in vitamin, mineral, and dietary fiber. Soybean paste soup with well-steamed dried radish greens makes your body warm and seasoned dried radish greens brightens your appetite.
As the proverb says, ‘winter radish cannot be exchanged even with wild ginseng’, radish had been referred as ‘ginseng grown in the field’. Dried radish greens are rich in vitamin, mineral, and dietary fiber. Soybean paste soup with well-steamed dried radish greens makes your body warm and seasoned dried radish greens brightens your appetite.
2. ‘Gwamegi (Half-dried herring)’, the number one winter delicacy
Gwamegi is a Korean half-dried herring whose name was derived from ‘gwanmok’ which refers to the drying of herring. ‘Mok’ is the local dialect of Guryongpo in Pohang which is pronounced as ‘megi’ and that was how the name originated from: ‘Gwanmok’ → ‘Gwanmegi’ → ‘Gwamegi’. To make the highest quality gwamegi, fresh herring or saury is repeatedly frozen and thawed in shade. These days, saury has become the major source of gwamegi. Gwamegi tastes best in winter especially when it is served with seaweed, sea mustard, chili, and vinegar chili paste.
Gwamegi is a Korean half-dried herring whose name was derived from ‘gwanmok’ which refers to the drying of herring. ‘Mok’ is the local dialect of Guryongpo in Pohang which is pronounced as ‘megi’ and that was how the name originated from: ‘Gwanmok’ → ‘Gwanmegi’ → ‘Gwamegi’. To make the highest quality gwamegi, fresh herring or saury is repeatedly frozen and thawed in shade. These days, saury has become the major source of gwamegi. Gwamegi tastes best in winter especially when it is served with seaweed, sea mustard, chili, and vinegar chili paste.
3. Must-try winter snack, ‘Gotgam (Dried persimmon)’
From old times, persimmons were hung and weeks in preparation for winter. Partly ripe persimmons peeled, skewered and then hung in threads. They at the edge of the eaves with exposure to the sunlight candy-like sweet flavor of the best winter snack. tastes great when served as it is but it is also enjoyed wrapping walnut in it or by putting it in Sujeonggwa cinnamon punch) giving sweet-bitter taste. As the folk tale tells that soft gotgam can make a baby stop it is truly the number one winter snack in Korea.
From old times, persimmons were hung weeks in preparation for winter. Partly ripe persimmons peeled, skewered and then hung in threads. at the edge of the eaves with exposure to the candy-like sweet flavor of the best winter snack. tastes great when served as it is but it is also wrapping walnut in it or by putting it in Sujeonggwa cinnamon punch) giving sweet-bitter taste. folk tale tells that soft gotgam can make a baby it is truly the number one winter snack in Korea.
4. ‘Wooeong (Burdock)’, a food that will decorate your winter dining table
Winter is a prime season for burdock and it is ingredient for many dishes with its fragrance and taste. It is one of the best winter delicacies burdock stir-fry, braised burdock, deep-fried and burdock salad. It not only prevents diabetes, chronic disease of modern-day society, but also diet as it is rich is dietary fiber. Besides, it is ingredient for gimbap (Korean roll).
Winter is a prime season for burdock and ingredient for many dishes with its fragrance taste. It is one of the best winter delicacies burdock stir-fry, braised burdock, deep-fried and burdock salad. It not only prevents chronic disease of modern-day society, but diet as it is rich is dietary fiber. Besides, ingredient for gimbap (Korean roll).
5. ‘Kodari (Pollack)’ to keep you warm windy day
Kodari (Pollack) is the ‘nosed’ variant which is gutting young pollack and ‘half-drying’ them that are tied through their noses. It is softer tender than Bugeo (dried pollack) and it is used
Kodari (Pollack) is the ‘nosed’ variant which gutting young pollack and ‘half-drying’
3. Must-try winter snack, ‘Gotgam persimmon)’
a food that decorate your winter dining table
‘Kodari (Pollack)’ to keep you warm windy day
burdock stir-fry, braised burdock, and burdock salad. It not only chronic disease of modern-day society, diet as it is rich is dietary fiber. ingredient for gimbap (Korean roll).
ingredient for many dishes with its fragrance taste. It is one of the best winter delicacies burdock stir-fry, braised burdock, deep-fried and burdock salad. It not only prevents chronic disease of modern-day society, but diet as it is rich is dietary fiber. Besides, ingredient for gimbap (Korean roll).
5. ‘Kodari (Pollack)’ to keep windy day
5. ‘Kodari (Pollack)’ to keep you windy day
Kodari (Pollack) is the ‘nosed’ variant gutting young pollack and ‘half-drying’ that are tied through their noses. tender than Bugeo (dried pollack) dishes from side dishes to main Kodari on a cold windy day which as seasoned grilled pollack or cutting the pollack into thin slices. that even children who hate eating Kodari!
Kodari (Pollack) is the ‘nosed’ variant which gutting young pollack and ‘half-drying’ that are tied through their noses. It is tender than Bugeo (dried pollack) and it dishes from side dishes to main dishes. Kodari on a cold windy day which can as seasoned grilled pollack or as braised cutting the pollack into thin slices. You that even children who hate eating fish Kodari!
6. ‘Cheongeo (Herring)’, a precious food ingredient
6. ‘Cheongeo (Herring)’, a food ingredient
Herring was the original source of gwamegi. the 1960s, herring has drastically decreased was used as an alternative to make gwamegi. it became one of the precious ingredients. be enjoyed not only as seasoned, grilled, dishes, but also as herring porridge by from the bone. Besides, Cheongeo al herring roe), Cheongeo al ssamjang (special herring roe), cheongeo al jeon (pancake and al-tang (herring roe stew) are also popular
Herring was the original source the 1960s, herring has drastically was used as an alternative to make it became one of the precious be enjoyed not only as seasoned, dishes, but also as herring porridge from the bone. Besides, Cheongeo herring roe), Cheongeo al ssamjang herring roe), cheongeo al jeon (pancake and al-tang (herring roe stew) are
Siraegi Doenjangguk (Soybean Paste Soup with Dried Radish Leaves) to chase the cold away
Soybean paste soup with dried radish leaves has variety of names such as siraegiguk, doejigogi siraegiguk (pork soybean paste soup with dried radish greens) and siraegi doenjangguk. But siraegi doenjangguk with seasoned dried radish greens cooked for a long time presents the taste of winter warmer. Siraegi doenjangguk is the most common soup made with cooked dried radish greens seasoned with soybean paste, anchovy broth and variety of seasonings. It is popular to deliver meat aroma flavor with braised pork in Gyeongsangnam-do.
Kodari Jjim (Braised Half-dried Pollack)_appetite stimulating winter delicacy!
If you are craving for a flavorful and spicy food in winter, kodari jjim (braised half-dried pollack) is the best to stimulate your appetite. It is made with a semi-dried pollack braised with big chunks of radish seasoned with chili paste and soy sauce, covered and cooked for 20 minutes over medium heat. Kodari simmered in sweet and salty seasoning will keep pollack from falling apart. Add more spice to suit your taste and this would be the perfect delicious dish to bring your appetite back.
이준영 약사 갤러리아 욕밀점 647-350-5555
Sciatica is not a condition or disease, but a term to describe the symptoms. If you suffer from sciatica, it’s important to find out the cause and receive treatment accordingly. Be mindful of your posture, maintain a proper neutral posture, watch your weight, and perform regular exercises. Stay healthy!
Built on the area between two islands, filling in 4,620,000㎡, Taepyung Salt Farm looks like an airport with a runaway when seen from the sky. Taepyung Salt Farm Maritime Healing Spa was built by expanding the Salt Cave Healing Center that was launched in 2010. It offers a wide range of alternative salt therapy programs, including Salt Cave Healing Room made with sun-dried salt, and Mineral Floating Therapy designed to experience what it would be like floating in the Dead Sea, which helps you achieve health and comfort.
The Mystery of Salt Cave Salt has been playing a pivotal role in preventing diseases and improving health since old times. The European methods of healing using salt have been popular among salt mine workers particularly in Eastern Europe, which has a number of halite mines. It was even proven by Polish doctor Felix Boczkowski that salt is effective in treating respiratory diseases. The most popular form of salt therapy in the world is the salt cave-shaped healing room. Among six salt cave healing rooms available in South Korea, Taepyung Salt Farm Maritime Healing Spa has the biggest one in terms of size and range of programs. This salt cave, built with the highest-quality edible sun-dried salt, is filled with ultra-fine nano particles of salt. That is why it is possible to absorb 88 minerals and iodines, which is good for your health. It is convenient because you do not have to get changed. Unlike a sauna, it is not too hot, which means you can stay longer inside the salt cave. Taepyung Salt Farm Maritime Healing Spa offers three types of the salt cave: a room with beds placed in a u-shape, a family room perfect for those accompanying kids, and a room with a zero gravity recliner.
If you have enough time to spare, a 90-minute course would be a better fit. This program allows you to take
a rest in the Salt Cave Healing Room after getting the Mineral Floating Therapy. The Mineral Floating Therapy involves slipping into a separate individual bathtub and experiencing a state of nongravitation that comes from balance between gravity and buoyancy. The light will go out after a set period of time in the room, and you will be thrown into complete darkness. The water used for Mineral Floating Therapy has a composition similar to the amniotic fluid, which will make you feel light as a baby in a mother's womb.
The spa, also known as “jjimjil” in Korean, is an alternative form of remedy that our ancestors developed a long time ago. Enjoying the spa by using sun-dried salt heated to 40~50°C, the optimal temperature, that can cleanse your body of harmful toxins, can naturally speed up recovery. Heated sun-dried salt can help widen your blood vessels, improve blood circulation, relax your tired muscles, treat the symptoms of dermatitis, excrete bodily wastes causing fatigue, and relieve pain.
Taepyung Salt Farm Maritime Healing Spa provides a 50-minute thermal spa program that involves lying down and taking a rest in a small room with a thick layer of salt. You are highly encouraged to use a small shovel and cover your body with salt just as in sand spa. Once you are done with the spa, you can take a shower simply with water instead of using a body cleanser and then drink a cup of tea made with Angelica Utilis Makino, one of Sinan’s local specialities. Please feel free to benefit from a salt foot bath and a sitz bath provided near the information desk.
Near the spa, you can find a salt museum built from an old salt warehouse, and a souvenir shop selling Sinan’s local specialities. Right next to the souvenir shop there is a small ice cream shop that is famous for placing a small amount of salt mixed with Korean black raspberry, green tea, and blueberry power on top of delicious ice cream. From the salt museum to the sea farm, you can walk along the Heavenly Eco Path where you can observe halophytes such as Suaeda japonica Makino and Angelica Utilis Makino as well as birds including ducks, wild geese, and red-crowned cranes.
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