"Dance Up" Spring 2009 - The Newsletter of The Wooden Floor

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danceup spring 2009

providing Hope and Opportunity Through Dance, Academic and Family Programs

Saint Joseph Ballet melanie ríos glaser, executive and artistic director

in the first person “This is me. I don’t want to hide, and I don’t have to here, because I am safe. I have my haven, I have my refuge. I have my stage.” - Sara, Class of ‘08 “The dance floor represents a blank canvas, just waiting for someone to express himself or herself on.” - Maria, 13 “The best thing about Saint Joseph Ballet is dancing, because people see me.” - Ismael, 11 “When I dance in the studio, I feel if as I were in heaven, where nothing or no one can hurt me.” - Yesenia, 12

friday and saturday march 13 and 14, 8pm

New Dance at Saint Joseph Ballet Four choreographers present World Premieres at Orange County’s only annual contemporary dance festival. Details at www.SaintJosephBallet.org.

saturday may 16

Imagination Celebration Saint Joseph Ballet participates in Orange County’s family arts festival with an African dance class offered to the general public for youth 8 to 12 years old. Details and RSVP at www.SaintJosephBallet.org.

thursday through sunday may 28-31

“From Here …” 26th Annual Concert Jeff Slayton and Nami Yamamoto premiere new commissions and Mark Haim returns to reprise What Is Too Strong For Breaking. Details at www.SaintJosephBallet.org.

weathering the storm

In just a few short weeks with Saint Joseph Ballet, I have been caught up in the spirit and energy of this vibrant and special community of students, families, supporters and staff. In this uncertain and troubling economic time, it is reassuring that over Saint Joseph Ballet’s twenty six year history, it has weathered many financial cycles, continually being able to provide the vital services that our nearly 400 students rely on. Saint Joseph Ballet will be able to endure during this unprecedented period and help see the families we serve through this time because of an exceptional Board of Directors and staff, sound and prudent financial management, as well as an unwavering commitment from our supporters to sustain our mission: To empower low-income youth from diverse backgrounds to strengthen self-esteem, self-discipline and a sense of accomplishment through dance, academic and family programs. Our value is stewardship - we take good care of the precious resources entrusted to us. Stewardship is part of the fabric of the organization and helps us hold each other accountable to ensure that the ideals and purposes of the organization will stand the test of time. Never before has our commitment to the value of stewardship – of those who entrust their financial resources to us, and of those who depend on us to be a beacon of hope and opportunity in our community - been as important as it is now.

Dawn S. Reese General Manager and Chief Financial Officer

Dawn Reese joined the Saint Joseph Ballet team on January 5, 2009. She has over 22 years of business management, finance and organization development experience in both the commercial and nonprofit sectors.

supporter spotlight

Daphne Munzer

“I’m a firm believer in education, education, education,” Daphne Munzer says, with passion in her voice. She and her foundation, The Rudolph J. & Daphne A. Munzer Foundation have been fervent supporters of Saint Joseph Ballet since 1994. Back then, Saint Joseph Ballet resided in a donated space, with just one dance studio, on Santa Ana’s Fourth Street. She came to the organization when she and her friend, Dorothy Kennedy, were looking to support a cause that was making positive changes in the community. “We went over and visited the studio and talked with some of the children informally.” Daphne was immediately struck by the students who had been in the program for a number of years. She noticed they had an impressively different demeanor, “They were all so poised and confident. They really impressed me.” After that, Daphne supported the organization further by becoming a familiar face at Saint Joseph Ballet’s Annual Concert, stating that she has loved all the performances and thoroughly enjoys attending. To her, it is clear how much the students love being in the Annual Concert, “There are no problems, no tempers, no tears – and some of their lives are very challenging. The concerts give the students something positive to be a part of.” The energetic and passionate spirit of supporters, like Daphne Munzer, is palpable to all who enter Saint Joseph Ballet. “All the types of education, the tutoring, the computer exposure… I really feel these students are being offered so much.”

2 Saint Joseph Ballet | Spring 2009

from here…

“My favorite part of Saint Joseph Ballet is performing and the opportunities that we receive, because it is a once in a lifetime chance.” – Kenia Vicente, 15 This year 118 students have the “once in a lifetime” chance Kenia refers to… the chance to walk out on a stage and give their all, after six months of passionate determination and exposure to the insights of the nation’s most respected contemporary choreographers. Saint Joseph Ballet alumni often mention performance opportunities, like Annual Concert, as among the experiences that yielded the most personal transformation and growth. For many students, Annual Concert is their first time on stage, in front of an enthusiastic audience and in a professional theatre, supported by some of the most respected names in concert production. The student’s self-esteem is lifted by the sense of accomplishment that comes from standing before a cheering crowd, expressing themselves in a positive way with movement choreographed specifically for them. One student actually exclaimed in disbelief, “This costume was made especially for me?”

Be a part of this memorable event for audiences and dancers alike by joining us as a 2009 Concert Underwriter. Concert Underwriters acknowledgment includes:

q Recognition in the concert program and on Irvine Barclay Theatre lobby signage

q Preferred seating for additional tickets purchased for the Annual Concert

q Invitation to a private pre-performance reception with the dancers and choreographers

Concert Underwriting Levels range from $2,500 to $25,000 For more information on Concert Underwriting please contact: Amy Larson, Director of Development at 714-541-8314 ext. 40 or amy@saintjosephballet.org Saint Joseph Ballet thanks our current Concert Sponsors: The Helen Sperry Lea Foundation

From Here…

Saint Joseph Ballet’s 26th Annual Concert May 28-31 Artists who are shaping contemporary dance today-Mark Haim, Jeff Slayton and Nami Yamamoto, choreograph for a cast of over 100. Performances are 8pm Thursday through Saturday with 2pm matinees Saturday and Sunday. Complete details are online at www.SaintJosephBallet.org

new dance at Saint Joseph Ballet

Exposure to new, experimental art can have a tremendous positive impact on the development of young minds – not to mention our community at large. That is why Saint Joseph Ballet once again hosts four modern dance choreographers to present World Premieres at its fourth annual New Dance production, March 13 and 14 at 8pm. New Dance is the only annual contemporary dance festival in Orange County. Its aim is to support and produce new work by local artists in Southern California. By doing this, nearly 400 students have the opportunity to be exposed to the various creative processes of the participating choreographers through master classes and other art-making opportunities. The line-up for New Dance features four distinct artistic personalities. Rae Shao-Lan Blum is an independent, interdisciplinary dance artist based in Los Angeles, making multi-media dance theater works. Collage Dance Theatre, founded and directed by Heidi Duckler, is a nonprofit, site-specific dance performance company also based in Los Angeles, which actively seeks to forge a link between professional performance, public space and audience. Long Beach based Keith Johnson/Dancers is a contemporary dance company that challenges and explores human connection through bodies moving through space. Kristen Smiarowski has dedicated the majority of her choreographic projects to investigating the relationship between accessibility and abstraction in contemporary dance, with a specific focus on how dances politically engage with world events through movement metaphors. New Dance is an exciting opportunity for Saint Joseph Ballet to live its vision of innovation, by contributing to the research and development of contemporary dance in Southern California. Don’t miss the chance to take part in a sampling of some of Southern California’s most innovative choreographic minds. More information on New Dance and Saint Joseph Ballet are online at SaintJosephBallet.org New Dance is supported in part by the Helen Sperry Lea Foundation and

N ew Dance at Sai nt Joseph Ballet Friday and Saturday, March 13 and 14, 8pm At Saint Joseph Ballet’s Studio Theatre

Free pre-performance lecture/demonstration March 14th at 6:30pm Tickets are only $15 and very limited Tickets and information online at www.SaintJosephBallet.org

Saint Joseph Ballet is a long-term program that fills the immediate needs of Orange County’s low income residents, and also thoroughly invests in each family to break the cycle of poverty permanently. did you know? q This year, Saint Joseph Ballet’s q Since 2005, 100% of Saint enrollment is 377 students q A typical Saint Joseph Ballet family is a household of five living on an annual income of $29,978. This is considered “very low income” according to 2008 HUD standards. q Fifty three weekly modern dance and ballet classes are offered at little to no cost. q Tutoring, family counseling, crisis intervention, college prep and wellness workshops are offered to families at no cost.

Joseph Ballet seniors have gone on to college, beating the national average for their peers three-fold. Saint Joseph Ballet distinguishes itself from many other youth organizations by making a nine year commitment to each child. Our year round program of dance, academic programs and family services are offered free of charge to those who otherwise would not have access

to these types of services. In these challenging times, Saint Joseph Ballet has seen an extraordinary demand for the assistance we provide. Your generous contributions allow for these life-transforming programs to continue. Please help provide a beacon of hope in our community. q q A gift of $500 provides weekly counseling sessions for 1 student and their family for six months.

q A gift of $1,000 will support dance q

classes, dancewear and supplies for one student for three months A gift of $2,500 will fund 80 tutoring hours for SJB students in math, science, reading or writing. Please contact Amy Larson, Director of Development, at 714-541-8314 x 40 amy@SaintJosephBallet.org or use the enclosed gift envelope. Thank you for your tax deductible contribution!

www.saintjosephballet.org 3

Saint Joseph Ballet 2008-2009 Board of Directors Ernesto Vasquez, Board Emeritus AIA and Vice President of McLarand, Vasquez, Emsiek & Partners Socorro Vasquez, Board Emerita Community Leader Damien Jordan, Chair Senior Vice President, General Manager The American Funds Service Company Jim Slaughter, Vice Chair Attorney at Law, Slaughter & Slaughter LLP Jacob Preus, Secretary President, Concordia University Richard C. Hunsaker, Treasurer President, Hunsaker Management Joan Beall Community Leader Beth Burns Saint Joseph Ballet Founder and Artistic Director (’83-’05) Catherine Chase Senior Vice President, Credit Suisse Arlene Craig President, The Betty L. Hutton Title Holding Co. Vice-President, The Hutton Foundation Jim Driscoll Community Leader Frank Foster Principal, Residential Strategies, LLC Jan Foster Community Leader Ginnie Hunsaker Community Leader Dina A. Hyde Vice President, Supply Chain Management Raytheon Space and Airborne Systems Yvonne M. Jordan Community Leader Juan Laguna Attorney at Law, Parent Representative Catherine MacIver Senior Vice President Bank of America Insurance Services Group Robert Mairena President, Office Solutions Donald McKayle Professor of Dance, University of California, Irvine Jacobé Murillo Parent Representative Cyrus Parker–Jeannette Chair, Dance Department California State University, Long Beach Larry Stofko Senior Vice President, Chief Information Officer Saint Joseph Health System Fernando Vivanco Director of International Communications Boeing IDS Support Systems Barbara Yingling Community Leader William Yingling III Community Leader Photos by: Kevin P. Casey, Simeon Den, Omar Galvez, and Sayeh Rad. Saint Joseph Ballet thanks Pickle Group and Omar Galvez for graciously underwriting a portion of the cost of this newsletter.

4 Saint Joseph Ballet | Spring 2009

in bloom

Spring at Saint Joseph Ballet is a particularly special period of growth. The newest students and parents have settled into their routines, and the more seasoned hit their stride as their established rituals gain momentum. Concert rehearsals are underway, and the new faces of concert choreographers add zest to familiar surroundings. This spring, Saint Joseph Ballet’s Hutton Education Center is filled with students at levels that are unprecedented. Seventy-one students are regulars in one-onone tutoring programs, and many others participate on a walk-in basis. Excitement fills the air as seniors start to receive acceptance letters from the colleges they’ve applied to, with 100% of Saint Joseph Ballet graduates going on to college for the fourth year in a row. Parents, also excited about their children’s college prospects, participated in Padres Promotores, a program in its second year, where parents, with the guidance of Saint Joseph Ballet Staff, gain insight into navigating the school system, finding scholarships and acquiring free community educational resources. “This is very parent driven – for the parents, by the

Saint Joseph Ballet 1810 North Main Street Santa Ana, CA 92706 (714) 541-8314 www.saintjosephballet.org RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED

parents,” states Nelie Ramirez, Saint Joseph Ballet’s Academic Advisor. “It is an exciting workshop that acts as a catalyst for individual meetings between parents and Saint Joseph Ballet staff.” Parents are also there for each other in regular meetings shepherded by Saint Joseph Ballet, designed to address issues such as promoting better nutrition for students, resolving transportation issues and setting protocols. According to Karla Rodriguez, Saint Joseph Ballet’s Parent Outreach Coordinator, “The meetings have been very dynamic, with a great response. In the first meeting, we had so many parents attend, we ran out of chairs!” Nutrition is a particular concern with Saint Joseph Ballet parents. A newly launched nutrition workshop aims at building a support system to combat stress and other factors that lead to poor family nutritional choices. Saint Joseph Ballet’s Family Services Manager, Teresa Farias says, “It’s not about losing weight, it’s about being healthy. If we can help parents change even small habits in how they view food, it can have a measurable impact on their children’s success in school today and lead to a better life in the long run.”

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