"Dance Up" Fall 2009 - The Newsletter of The Wooden Floor

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danceup Providing Hope and Opportunity Through Dance, Academic and Family Programs

fall 2009


Previously known as Saint Joseph Ballet

in the first person

The following are a series of messages from alumni about what the new name, The Wooden Floor, means to them. “The cracking of the wood under our feet and bodies was a magnificent feeling, knowing that the floor would never let you down. Then, after class, when the jumping stopped and the music ceased, the wood would still crack as if the building continued to breathe on its own, impatiently waiting to embrace us in its crackling magic once again.” - Fabiola Ortiz, Alumna ‘05 “When we dance we become one with the wooden floor, it is the foundation for us as dancers to grow. It was like a stepping stone for me where I learned self confidence, commitment, discipline and where I found strength within myself. Although the name has been changed, the organization will always be a part of me. The experiences I gained will remain a positive and permanent stamp in my life.” – Debra Benavente-Barrett, Alumna ‘86 “I miss the floor so much! I remember dancing on it, feeling it under my feet, and the sun piercing through the high ceiling windows. Those are some of my best memories.” - Sara Arvizu, Alumna ‘07 Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to share your thoughts.


December 10 The young people of The Wooden Floor would be delighted to have you celebrate the season of caring with them at our Annual Holiday Party. Please RSVP at 714.541.8314 x 40



From The Wooden Floor to Walt Disney Hall. Witness a monumental experience as students take the stage at REDCAT, CalArts’ downtown Los Angeles center for innovative art.

The Wooden Floor’s Annual Concert returns to the Irvine Barclay Theatre with favorite choreographers Nami Yamamoto, Mark Haim and Melanie Ríos Glaser.

January 15-16

June 3-5, 2010

Complete information on all events featuring The Wooden Floor are available by calling Ellen at 714.541.8314 x24 or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.


St. Joseph Health System Since its inception, The Wooden Floor has had an ally, mentor and supporter in the St. Joseph Health System. With aligned missions to build healthy communities – our combination is a natural fit. St. Joseph Health System has a long history of providing healthcare and wellness throughout Orange County. The system was incorporated in 1982 by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange, who founded their first hospital in 1920. From that goal emerged the St. Joseph Health System Foundation. The Foundation took a lead role in the 1999 capital campaign to help build The Wooden Floor’s permanent home on Main Street. Each fall, St. Joseph Health System’s We Care Committee, lovingly donates backpacks to the neediest families. In addition, We Care Committee volunteers participate in fundraisers and holiday events for the organization. This past fall, over 25 members of the St. Joseph Health System volunteered their time to the Keep the Promise Wine Tasting Benefit. Their enthusiasm for the mission of The Wooden Floor fills the building each holiday season as they donate and decorate Christmas trees to be given to families. “With a special focus on improving the lives of children in Orange County, We Care is proud to support The Wooden Floor. At its core, the We Care Committee is dedicated to furthering the values and ministry of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange by encouraging participation of employees, associates, and their families to get actively involved in the local community,” said Veronica Gutierrez, St. Joseph Health System Manager of Wellness & Health Improvement and a member of the We Care Committee. The St. Joseph Health System’s Employee Giving Campaign contributed more than $10,000 last year. The Wooden Floor has benefited from the expertise provided by St. Joseph Health System employees, such as Jack Glaser, Steve Gleicher, Frank Hall, Richard Statuto, Larry Stofko, Susan Whittaker and Ben Williams, who have dedicated themselves to serving on our Board of Directors, providing guidance in areas such as law, finance, technology, human resources and fundraising. As The Wooden Floor helps nearly 400 students break the cycle of poverty, the loving support of St. Joseph Health System is also behind them.

2 The Wooden Floor | fall 2009

The Wooden Floor is a place that inspires and nurtures youth to thrive. It helps them strip away the labels that other people put on them until all that’s left is an individual brimming with potential. It is a safe place. The Wooden Floor is a national model and a jewel of the community. It is a solid foundation from where kids can step absolutely anywhere they want. Because in this place, they find their confidence. They learn excellence. And they learn how to move. Forward.

FROM HERE YOU CAN STEP ANYWHERE. Saint Joseph Ballet has officially become “The Wooden Floor”. This name-change evolved gradually from an in-depth, soul-searching process that the Board of Directors began in 2006. That year, as the Board started a new long range planning process, it wanted input from as many involved in the mission as possible. A wide-ranging survey was conducted of students, parents, donors, volunteers and staff on their hopes and concerns. For the first time, a question explored how people felt about the name of the organization. The results were remarkable, for their candor and breadth of vision. Many, even students, saw limits to the name, and the confusions it caused. Since then – over the last 3 years – the Board and I have pursued an intense and detailed exploration of ‘rebranding’ the organization. The Board – especially former Chair Frank Foster and current Chair Damien Jordan – led this process with sensitivity and courage, constantly honoring the original spirit of the mission. Key capacity building grants from The James Irvine Foundation and the Weingart Foundation supported this thorough, professional process. On October 22, 2009, The Wooden Floor was ceremoniously announced at an event sponsored by the Boeing Company. It was a touching evening with 180 supporters and new friends, youth dancing, and a palpable sense of how our community cherishes its youth and mission. Founder Beth Burns spoke. She connected the new name to the dance performed that evening, in which youth had just joyously banged on buckets. Beth said a name is a kind of bucket – or container – holding associations, memories and feelings that we attach to it. Our new name – or container – offers new resilience, suppleness and largess. Over all these years, this community has come to understand itself with deeper insight and nuance. It could name itself now, Beth continued. With this step, this community takes charge of its destiny. Of course, we hold our first name with warm sentiment, because it brought us to this point, coming as it did from the Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange. Since 1983 we have grown a long way from the pilot program that started in a church basement. We have matured into one of the nation’s most respected arts based youth organizations. “The Wooden Floor” confirms the strong foundation we offer thousands of very low-income youth. It honors their connection to the dance floor where, through daily practice, they become more self-aware, confident and disciplined. From here, young people can step anywhere.

With much gratitude to all of you!

Melanie Ríos Glaser Executive and Artistic Director

Bank of America has awarded the prestigious Neighborhood Builder’s Award to The Wooden Floor! The award recognizes, nurtures, and rewards community-based organizations working to improve their communities. Neighborhood Builders recipients receive $200,000 in general operating support over a two-year period, and together with Bank of America, aim to create healthy, vibrant neighborhoods where all of us can pursue our dreams.

Year-Round Programs Update Fall is a time of new beginnings at The Wooden Floor, as well as a time to look back and give thanks for all that our supporters helped us accomplish throughout the year. On audition day this October, a recordbreaking 285 youth lined up for a chance to participate in the comprehensive year-round programs at The Wooden Floor. Over 100 students have been accepted – a number which we hope will grow in future years. These new students excitedly started classes on November 2, at an organization that the OC Weekly recently named as Orange County’s “Best After-School Education Program for the College-Bound” in 2009.

IN 2009: Over 3,000 students participated in DanceFree Weeks, week-long introductory dance workshops held in schools throughout Santa Ana and neighboring cities. Over 30% more students were served by DanceFree Weeks in 2009!


45 students participated in the


Reading is Fun! Summer Program.

Juniors and Seniors participated in four weekly workshops dedicated to specific aspects of the college application process. Free of charge, workshop topics included College & Career Research, Financial Aid, Scholarships, and Resume Building.

students participated in college tours of UC Riverside, San Diego State University, University of San Diego, CSU Fullerton, and University of Redlands.

44 students from The Wooden

Floor attended sponsored summer camping trips at Kidder Creek Camp, Thousand Pines Christian Camp, and Yosemite Sierra Summer Camp, free of charge. These students have rarely been outside their cities.


Christmas presents will be donated and distributed this December to every single child at The Wooden Floor, including over 60 bicycles donated by Snyder Langston.

THIS FALL SAW THE ARRIVAL OF 100 new faces to The Wooden Floor. As they walked around the building and onto the dance floor, they looked giddy and full of wonder. Their inspiration to audition was the transformation seen in the lives of their siblings, neighbors and cousins, as well as the buzz in the community that coming here is a ticket to a better life. In the next few months, high expectations will be set as they embark on a schedule of dance classes, tutoring, and other activities. They will also experience joy – a break from the hardships of the outside world. They will make new friends, and at

our holiday celebration each one will receive a Christmas present. Most of all, they will feel supported, thanks to the financial contribution from individuals like you. In these times of economic uncertainty, it is ever more important that we keep the promise to our youth that our award-winning programs be sustained. This holiday season, please give what you can. Supporters of The Wooden Floor can contribute through a variety of giving opportunities, which help maintain our year-round programs. A gift in any amount will make an enormous impact.

Keep the Promise

Dance Partner


Keep The Promise Fund

Becoming a Dance Partner provides you with an excellent opportunity to become a mentor to one of our 388 students. We know that young people who have the encouragement of positive role models are more likely to achieve personal and academic success. For many children, this support is lacking at home and the Dance Partner program helps to bridge the gap.

Neighbors is a recently revived group with roots going back 14 years. It has evolved with the organization into a hands-on support program with optional activities such as chaperoning field trips, helping backstage at the Annual Concert, introducing new friends to The Wooden Floor, and hosting the annual Senior Brunch, where seniors share their experiences and their hopes for where they will go from here.

Dance Partner Level of Support: $2,500

Neighbor Levels of Support: Associates $125 Friends $250 Partners $500 Patrons $1,000

Despite earning a reputation for being a stable, fiscally responsible organization, The Wooden Floor has not been untouched by the economic climate at hand. In response, several members of the organization’s Board of Directors responded to this challenge by contributing leadership gifts to the newly established “Keep the Promise” fund. In taking this step, the Board hopes to inspire others to contribute, above and beyond their normal giving level, to ensure that The Wooden Floor will fulfill the promise made to each and every student. Thank you to those who have joined the fund: Ginnie and Rich Hunsaker, Yvonne and Damien Jordan, Jane and Jim Driscoll, Joan and Don Beall, and Barbara and Bill Yingling.

Please help us Keep the Promise of a bright future for the students of The Wooden Floor and make your generous donation today. To help us Keep the Promise, please use the enclosed reply envelope to contribute a gift. You may also contact Kelly E. Cornell, Director of Development at 714.541.8314 ext. 40. Thank you for your continued support of The Wooden Floor.

Keep The Promise Fund Levels of Support: $5,000 and above


Non Profit Org. US Postage


1810 North Main Street Santa Ana, CA 92706 714.541.8314 www.TheWoodenFloor.org

Orange, CA Permit No. 356



January 15-16, 2010 – The Wooden Floor will present three original works at Southern California’s leading theatre in new and innovative arts, REDCAT. Part of the Walt Disney Concert Hall, REDCAT has been influential in showcasing cutting-edge visual, media, and performance works from around the globe. January’s performances will be the second time that The Wooden Floor has been given the opportunity to perform its inspiring and transformative work at REDCAT, which is a result of collaboration between world-renown choreographers and The Wooden Floor students. During their REDCAT season in 2005, LA Times critic Lewis Segall wrote, “[The Wooden Floor] proves at REDCAT that there’s more to young dancers than the overdone Christmas staple (Nutcracker)…it’s nice to know that some young dancers in our midst are having their skills and perceptions shaped by contemporary work.”

Mark Haim, a veteran and favorite choreographer of The Wooden Floor’s Annual Concert, will re-stage his uplifting work Los Angelitos, which first debuted in 2002. Also on the program is Nami Yamamoto’s recent premiere of the lauded Flying with My Shooting Stars. Melanie Ríos Glaser, Executive and Artistic Director, will present a world premiere in which she intends to bring out and deconstruct the many nuances of the lives of these fascinating teenagers. The real work of self-actualization happens on the dance floor, in the art-making. Once-in-a-lifetime performance opportunities, like REDCAT, affirm the students’ achievements, help them build confidence and encourage them to rise to the occasion of being on a nationally renowned stage. Come and be moved by this unlikely and striking pairing of the nation’s most pioneering contemporary dance choreographers with the tenacious spirit of 74 Santa Ana youth.


The Wooden Floor 2009 – 2010 Board of Directors

ERNESTO VASQUEZ, Board Emeritus AIA and Vice President, McLarand, Vasquez, Emsiek & Partners SOCORRO VASQUEZ, Board Emerita Community Leader DAMIEN JORDAN, Chair Senior Vice President, General Manager The American Funds Service Company JIM SLAUGHTER, Vice Chair Attorney at Law, Slaughter & Slaughter LLP FRANK FOSTER, Secretary Principal, Residential Strategies, LLC

4 The Wooden Floor | fall 2009

RICHARD C. HUNSAKER, Treasurer President, Hunsaker Management


GLENNDA ADAIR Wellness Retreat Weekends/ Cordelia Knott Foundation

GINNIE HUNSAKER Community Leader

JOAN BEALL Community Leader BETH BURNS Saint Joseph Ballet Founder and Artistic Director (’83-’05) CATHERINE CHASE Senior Vice President, Credit Suisse ARLENE CRAIG President, The Betty L. Hutton Title Holding Co. Vice-President, The Hutton Foundation JIM DRISCOLL Community Leader JAN FOSTER Community Leader FRANK HALL Vice President, Resource Development St. Joseph Health System

YVONNE M. JORDAN Community Leader JUAN LAGUNA Attorney at Law, Parent Representative CATHERINE MACIVER Senior Vice President Bank of America Insurance Services Group ROBERT MAIRENA President, Office Solutions DONALD MCKAYLE Professor of Dance, University of California, Irvine YVONNE R. O’NEILL CPA, O’Neill Financial Management CYRUS PARKER–JEANNETTE Chair, Dance Department California State University, Long Beach

SAMUEL RUIZ Machine Maintenance Manager ERAN Engineering Parent Representative LARRY STOFKO Senior Vice President, Chief Information Officer St. Joseph Health System SUSAN WHITTAKER Senior Vice President, Chief Administrative Officer St. Joseph Health System FERNANDO VIVANCO Director of International Communications Boeing IDS Support Systems BARBARA YINGLING Community Leader WILLIAM YINGLING III Community Leader Photos by: Kevin P. Casey and Johnny Hernandez. The Wooden Floor thanks Pickle Group for graciously underwriting a portion of the cost of this newsletter.

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