#1 They Do!

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1st issue; June/July; o nine; English/Bahasa; Right To Fame; www.theydo.com;

artwork by Stasia Yukika Burrington

Right To Fame Creative Director : Dwi Perkasa Great Friends on Issue : Andriash Olga (Frida) Elif Sanem Karakoรง Tiarma Sirait - POLENG STUDIOCharlotte Wosiek Farah Mustafa Aref Mustafa Camelia Dobrin Nirrimi Hakanson Paolo Bordino Stasia Yukika Burrington Jess Bradley Albina Terentjeva Artemis Ryn Thorburn Gregory Mann MNCO DeathRockStar.info Main Cover : Patchwork Tattoo Stasia Yukika Burrington This Cover : Semen Penutup Lubang do-we-perth-case Back Cover : Slowly Upward Elif Sanem Karakoรง

All arts are reserved by the Artists

Contact : +62 856 890 6972 (dwi) /+ theydomagz@gmail.com /+ theydo.com

www.do-we-perth-case.deviantart.com www.olga-andriash.ru ww.flickr.com/photos/elifkarakoc www.tiarma.multiply.com www.harlotvoncharlotte.deviantart.com www.bookworm-87.deviantart.com www.camellie.com www.nirrimiphotography.carbonmade.com www.paopao.it www.stasiab.wordpress.com www.jessbradley.com www.distorted-time.deviantart.com www.flickr.com/photos/93826148@N00 www.gregfox.deviantart.com www.deathrockstar.info

Andriash Olga (Frida) Russia www.olga-andriash.ru http://www.flickr.com/photos/33152349@N06/

Andriash Olga (Frida) Russia www.olga-andriash.ru http://www.flickr.com/photos/33152349@N06/

Andriash Olga (Frida) Russia www.olga-andriash.ru http://www.flickr.com/photos/33152349@N06/

Andriash Olga (Frida) Russia www.olga-andriash.ru http://www.flickr.com/photos/33152349@N06/

Andriash Olga (Frida) Russia www.olga-andriash.ru http://www.flickr.com/photos/33152349@N06/


Elif Sanem Karakoรง Turkey


Living Behind The Sun

Elif Sanem Karakoรง Turkey


New Heart Shadow

Elif Sanem Karakoรง Turkey


Slowly Upward

Elif Sanem Karakoรง Turkey


by Tiarma Sirait

- POLENG STUDIO FASHIONVAGANZA is a Unique Ethnic Fashion Show, part of the event: Community Youthfest 2009 with rhythm ‘n movements: ‘SAY YES to CREATIVITY - SAY NO to DRUGS’, Organized by Jendela Ide Sabuga in cooperation with Badan Narkotika Propinsi (BNP)/ West Java Province Narcotics Board Location: Sasana Budaya Ganesha (SABUGA) - ITB @23 May 2009

Photographer: Krisna Satmoko N'CHEESE /+ Model: Maranatha's students /+ Make up & Hairdo: Wunga Wuliana, Elfrida Huang n Lina Nata Kurnia


She began to study painting when she was in Junior High School from the senior artist Barli Sastrawinata. In 1994, she graduated from Faculty of Art & Design Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). In 1997, she started her own Private studio for fashion and Design; POLENG STUDIO. Her performance in design and fashion has been acknowledged by many international art institutions and done intensively participated in many domestics and overseas exhibitions. Recently, she started painting again and participated in many exhibitions, in Jakarta (Galeri Nasional). The fabulous artworks of ”2008 Won’t Ever Be “ have been chosen as the permanent collection of the Olympic Fine Arts Museum, CHINA. Tiarma Sirait is an exciting Bandung-based fashion artist whom is not fearful about presenting visually provocative and thought provoking installations, performances, textiles and fashions that question all the conventional wisdoms both of the East and West.

Model: 1 -Audi Gentana- 2 -Chintya Hamdani-



Most recently she has employed pink plastics and synthetic fur to highlight the fickleness, volatility and falsehood that permeate our dearly held beliefs, influences and lifestyles. Through her bold conceptual approaches to art, fashion design and pop culture, Tiarma has explored themes such as love and lust, foreign influences on Indonesian culture and mass consumerism to name but a few. Tiarma was educated in the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) and the University of Bor책s, Sweden (Master in Fashion & Textile Design). She has exhibited extensively throughout Indonesia and in countries around the world such as the UK, France, Japan, Sweden, Germany, Poland, Australia, Canada, Cuba and Malaysia, among others. She is a fashion artist, which aims to support diversity in Indonesian fashion through active participation in the local and international fashion scenes. Tiarma is passionate about developing the creativity of young Indonesian designers through workshops and internship programs and events. She sees her key role in the facilitation of fashion at Poleng Studio as a medium of expression and communication through various exhibitions, lectures, writing, performances and forums.

Model: 1 -Daniel Leonard- 2 -Dika, Clarista-



NAME: TIARMA DAME RUTH SIRAIT, S.Sn, B.A., M.A. DATE & PLACE OF BIRTH: Oct. 14. 1968 - Bandung, Indonesia http://tiarma.multiply.com/ Tiarma Sirait / tiarma@gmail.com / +62 81931413838 (idn) / Tiarma Sirait (skype) / polengstudio (ym) / Tiarma Sirait (facebook) /


Model: 1 -Ian Mintaraga, Debby Debora- 2 -Ika Alvina-



Komp. PPR - ITB Blok F no.10 Dago Bengkok Bandung 40135 INDONESIA POLENG STUDIO Tel: +62 22 91760013 / Fax: +62 22 2504013

Model: 1 -Ika Alvina- 2 -Jeny Zhou, Audi Gentiana-


S k i n D o l l s 2



Charlotte Wosiek


M i n a H a r k e r



Charlotte Wosiek


G o d f r e y a n d E l i n o r e 2



Charlotte Wosiek

G u l a o r G l u t t o n y



Charlotte Wosiek

i dont think i want to be famous! If i had it my way, and i usually do, i would be truely content with a fond following! Nobody has the ability to appeal to everybody, so for those who like my work i will be thankful. HarlotVonCharlotte isn’t exactly a family name anyway!

3. important stuff in your life? The most important thing to me is the ability to create, i have worked in dead end jobs and felt myself mentally wasting away. If i hadnt done my degree then i would have never have realised my potential. I’m only three years into being a full time artist and everytime i make something i can see improvements in my skills. Ranting as well, i get annoyed very easily, so if i couldnt rant then i think i would have physically exploded by now!

5. What question do you hate?. and why? : D what music do i listen to? i HATE that question, for all of those who have asked that question and actually let the answers cloud your judgment as to weither you will like that person, may i ask you a question....what the hell does it matter?!

6. square / circle / triangle? me and my housemates debated this question for some time, in the end i decided circle...its the closest shape to an eye. i love eyes!



2. are you ready to being famous?

I would like to arrange an exhibition for me and some fellow doll/figurative artists, problem being i dont know many in England so i think the first step would be to find them. I also have to make a wedding dress in June for a friend, its the first time i will be making a full sized dress for a human as aposed to a doll...im petrified!


it depends on the talent, if the person is deserving of fame, if they have achieved something great or made something beautiful or thought provoking then a certain level of fame is due.

4. what do you want to achieve this year?

Charlotte Wosiek

1. famous, it's a must or not?


S e l f P o r t r a i t



Charlotte Wosiek

1. famous, it's a must or not? Not, it’s really not important if a person is famous or not it’s who they are that counts in the end.

2. are you ready to being famous?

3. important stuff in your life?

4. what do you want to achieve this year?

My family, friends, my books. To be healthier and be a better me

Not at all. Actually I’m very nervous about it

5. What question do you hate?. and why? : D

6. square / circle / triangle? triangle

there are a lot of questions I hate , but I can’t remember any now.

Farah Mustafa Aref Mustafa

Kuwait http://bookworm-87.deviantart.com/

she sits on the floor in the middle of the room. broken. everybody's pointing at her laughing. calling her an idiot, worthless, a failure, a bitch, stupid. no one helps her up. no one sees the real her. a broken down child who needs their love. more than her need to breathe. no one cares about her. they just stand there watching her. struggling to stand on her own. but they keep pushing back down. telling her it's no use. she's not strong enough to stand on her own. she crumbles down on the floor sobbing. begging them for help. but no one listens they just stand there. no one cares, she's alone. in her sad small world.

Farah Mustafa Aref Mustafa

Kuwait http://bookworm-87.deviantart.com/

mom and dad they're just words to me. meaningless. they used to represent the two most important people in my life but not anymore. i don't remember them but i miss them. i love them but they're just a vague memory to me. i hurt when i think of them because i feel empty without them. i lost everything when they died. it felt like my security was snatched from me. i wish i could see them again one more time, to tell them i love them & i'm sorry for everything i did to hurt them. i miss them but i don't remember them. i love them i wish they'd come back to tell me that they love & are proud of me. but i know it'll never happen.

Farah Mustafa Aref Mustafa

Kuwait http://bookworm-87.deviantart.com/

i love them.

she realized one day that she had no friends. the only friends she had were in her head. the people who called themselves her friends didn't love her didn't care about her didn't think about her the only people who did were in her head. she talked to them night and day they knew her deepest darkest secrets she gets hurt by people she thought she knew. people she thought loved her. she tries her best to please others. but nothing happens they don't notice her they just keep going on like she doesn't matter like she's not there like she doesn't exist but she knows that her true friends know she's there they know that she does exist because they're in her head.

Farah Mustafa Aref Mustafa

Kuwait http://bookworm-87.deviantart.com/

Falmouth, UK

Camelia Dobrin

1. famous, it's a must or not?

2. are you ready to being famous?

3. important stuff in your life? My pens, laptop and waffles.

It is a must, a wish, a dream. I guess, but I don't know if I have what it takes to be famous... I have my boots ready, nice and shinny, also my polka dot tail suit with a top hat. What else would one need?!

4. what do you want to achieve this year?

5. What question do you hate?. and why? : D

Oh, I have a big dream: to have my own studio where I could screen print on t-shirts, tote bags, cards, cheese, elephants and lots of other things. I also want a turtle and name him Tin-Tin.

Hmm... I don't know. I guess those I don't have an answer to, like this one.

6. square / circle / triangle? Circle.


Falmouth, UK

Camelia Dobrin

all i want 4 xmas http://www.camellie.com

Falmouth, UK

Camelia Dobrin

hi http://www.camellie.com

Falmouth, UK

Camelia Dobrin

On! Air! Library! http://www.camellie.com

Falmouth, UK

Camelia Dobrin

Power Number http://www.camellie.com

Falmouth, UK

Camelia Dobrin

Smile http://www.camellie.com

1. famous, it's a must or not?

4. what do you want to achieve this year?

it's not a must, but it'd certainly be wonderful.

front cover of a fashion magazine!

2. are you ready to being famous?

5. What question do you hate?. and why? : D

i was born ready.

because i don't think it matters as much as people think it does.

3. important stuff in your life?

6. square / circle / triangle?

my beautiful boyfriend who is my muse and my photography partner.

triangle. because i love the song 'triangle walks' by fever ray.

Nirrimi Joy Hakanson Australia



Nirrimi Joy Hakanson Australia



Nirrimi Joy Hakanson Australia



Nirrimi Joy Hakanson Australia



Nirrimi Joy Hakanson Australia



Nirrimi Joy Hakanson Australia


1. famous, it's a must or not? being famous is only a conseguence of being myself. Being myself is a must.

4. what do you want to achieve this year? I'm working at my first personal exhibition, that start in march 2010. A lot of time, but I need it all to make the best exhibit I can! That's my goal for this and next year.

2. are you ready to being famous? I don't know, but I'm training hard... For example I try to don't pay at the pub, at the cinema, ecc.... like a rockstar, but they usually kick me off.

5. What question do you hate?. and why? : D I hate questions about what I hate. ;-)

3. important stuff in your life? Stuff is never important. People is important: my family, my sweet love and my son.

6. square / circle / triangle? I was born square, I found my triangle, I'll die circle.

il Paolo Bordino Milano http://www.paopao.it


il Paolo Bordino Milano http://www.paopao.it

numero 08

il Paolo Bordino Milano http://www.paopao.it


il Paolo Bordino Milano http://www.paopao.it


il Paolo Bordino Milano http://www.paopao.it


il Paolo Bordino Milano http://www.paopao.it

1. famous, it's a must or not? In order to make it as an artist in this world it's a definite must; the more people who can recognize your work the better. As far as the definition of famous as being "rich, entitled and obnoxious," no. "Respected," yes.

2. are you ready to being famous? I really need to work on my people skills, but other than that, yes - I'm definitely ready!

3. important stuff in your life? My support system - my friends and family, and most of all my husband (corny, but true!) for putting up with my art supplies gradually taking over the house!

4. what do you want to achieve this year? I'm graduating from school in December, so I definitely want to be able to assemble a really kick-ass senior show. Also, I hope to make some connections illustration-wise over the summer and pursue more personal work.

5. What question do you hate?. and why? : D 6. square / circle / triangle? Circle, definitely.

: D ...random, nonsensical questions such as "if you were a crayon, which color would you be?" or, "square/circle/triangle?"

Stasia Yukika Burrington Moscow


Stasia Yukika Burrington Moscow

Cat Lady


Stasia Yukika Burrington Moscow

Conjoined small


Stasia Yukika Burrington Moscow

Meditator 01


Stasia Yukika Burrington Moscow

Meditator 05


Stasia Yukika Burrington Moscow

Patchwork Tattoo - The Cover Issue


Jess Bradley United Kingdom


Jess Bradley United Kingdom Wave of Lemmings


Jess Bradley United Kingdom Cow be Gone


Jess Bradley United Kingdom Dagon


Albina Terentjeva Estonia blowing_lungs_like_bubbles_


Albina Terentjeva Estonia can_you_smell_the_spring_


Albina Terentjeva Estonia environmentally_friendly_


Albina Terentjeva Estonia float_down_strangers_


Albina Terentjeva Estonia Glasses_as_glasses_


Artemis Ryn Thorburn Canada and U.K Bath Time


Artemis Ryn Thorburn Canada and U.K Mismatched Love


Artemis Ryn Thorburn Canada and U.K Tea Picnic


Artemis Ryn Thorburn Canada and U.K My Hat


Gregory Mann United States Self Portrait Small


Gregory Mann United States Unconventional Still Life


Gregory Mann United States Still Life


Wardrobe by:

Fashion Photography http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/profile.php?id=1302908215&ref=ts


West Java, Bandung Indonesia

Pintu Terlarang - OST Pintu Terlarang Original Soundtrack Lifelike 2008 9.1 Mantra - Baby Baby Sangat susah untuk tidak memuji kualitas album ini, dengan produser Aghi Narottama seorang aranser jenius yang setiap karyanya dirilis selalu menunjukkan peningkatan yang berarti. Mendengarkan track-track musik latar karya nya bersama Ramondo Gascaro dan Bemby Gusti cukup memberikan thriller tersendiri tanpa perlu menonton film nya. Soundtrack ini juga berisi “supergroup” Mantra ( Zeke ‘ZATPP’, Emil Husen ‘Naif’, Anda ‘Bunga’, Yudhi Arfani “Everybody Loves Irene), Sore, Tika, Notturno, dan Alfred Ayal. Dengan variasi musik yang berusaha membawa kita ke masa keemasan musik, dan mengunjungi masa dimana kita bisa mendengarkan musik folk dan swing pada saat terbaiknya. … ya ya mungkin saya sedikit berlebihan disini, tetapi rasanya tidak berlebihan jika saya menyebut bahwa soundtrack ini adalah album soundtrack dengan produksi dan konsep terbaik yang pernah saya dengar dari film Indonesia, yang menunjukan bahwa Indonesia ternyata memiliki musisi yang berkelas dan masih mempunyai idealisme mutu.

It is very difficult not to praise the quality of this album, with producer Aghi Narottama a genius arranger that his work is released for each show that the increase means. Listen to every track with his music background with Ramondo Gascaro and Bemby Gusti enough to give retired thriller without the need to watch his film. This soundtrack also includes a "supergroup" Mantra (Zeke 'ZATPP', Emil Husen 'naif,' Anda 'Bunga', Yudhi Arfani "Everybody Loves Irene), Sore, Tika, Notturno, and Alfred Ayal. With the variation of music inside it, trying to bring us to the golden period of music and the period where we can listen to folk and swing music at best. Ya ya ... I may be a bit redundant here, but it's not redundant if I mention that the soundtrack is a soundtrack album with the production and the concept of the best I ever heard of the film Indonesia, which appeared to indicate that Indonesia has a class musicians who still have ideals and quality.

Deathrockstar is a music webzine based in Indonesia. with mission to introducing music whether it’s good or bad as long it share the same mission in the non-mainstream music’s scene and for the sake of fun to the world and Indonesia in particular. as now we switch the language to mainly Indonesian, but i believe that music speaks for itself no matter you can understand the articles or not. or maybe you can learn to speak Indonesian now. And we encouraging you to share some comments in the articles for discussion/debate/etc or to get more network (as now you can log-in using your Facebook account), and meet more people that also loves music. ps : if you are from the band/label/management/agent that don’t want us to put the songs that you represents, please send us a message, and we’ll turn that off. :)

presented by : www.DeathRockStar.info

www.theydomagz.wordpress.com They do! www.theydomagz.wordpress.com www.theydomagz.wordpress.com 1st issue “Right To Fame” for ne xt su bmission click he r e www.theydomagz.wordpress.com

supported friends:

www.deathrockstar.info www.deathrockstar.info www.deathrockstar.info www.deathrockstar.info www.deathrockstar.info www.deathrockstar.info

http://tiarma.multiply.com/ TIARMA SIRAIT http://tiarma.multiply.com/ POLENG STUDIO http://tiarma.multiply.com/

www.rottenfresh.com www.rottenfresh.com www.rottenfresh.com www.rottenfresh.com www.rottenfresh.com www.rottenfresh.com www.rottenfresh.com www.rottenfresh.com www.rottenfresh.com

1st issue; June/July; o nine; English/Bahasa; Right To Fame; www.theydo.com;

artwork by Elif Sanem Karakoรง

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