2 minute read
From the Headmaster’s Desk
Another year has gone by and having to put my thoughts into words, makes me pause and think. As yet another batch is ready to step into the world outside familiar walls, I reflect on an important question: “What is it that they carry out of these walls?”
As a head of an esteemed school such as Doon, I need to ensure that the boys (and girls) carry forth the torch of knowledge, showcasing all the values that The Doon School stands strong for. Also that as your Headmaster, I have been effective in helping you grow.
The words that stand out in our mission statement are: ‘to serve a meritocratic India; ...to be just and ethical citizens; ....wise and principled leaders.’ Each one of you is a reflection of what is taught at this institution; but what is of paramount importance is whether or not you have been moulded into good human beings!
Success is something that comes and goes, what makes you stay ahead in the game of life is your passion, your focus, and the values you stand for. They make you stand out in the crowd. You are blessed to be born into families which are affluent and will ensure that you have all the comforts of life. But do not forget, you also have a responsibility; a responsibility to take your family further and beyond. It should be your endeavour to add value to your parents’ and forefathers’ hard work. Ensure that as you grow into gentlemen, your parents are recognised by your names, your names are taken with respect and love due to all your hard work and good deeds.
In these last two years at Chandbagh, I have learnt a lot from all of you and I say it with pride that you are not only influencing your peers or juniors, but you have also influenced me in ways I might not be able to express. This influence is something that has now become a part of my life. The passion and drive I see in your eyes; I haven’t seen in a long time. I am enjoying my journey with you as my co-drivers as together we shape the future of this school.
This is your last year at school and what you leave behind are stories and memories. What is spoken about you after you have gone, is how you made everybody feel, the values you lived by, the way you motivated your juniors and how you taught them to do things they were too scared to try. Ensure though, that you are remembered with fondness and not with a ‘sigh of relief’! You may not be aware but many an eye is looking at you and imbibing your way of life. Be the reason behind someone’s smile not pain. Remember all those times, when you needed kindness and did not get it and ensure that if you are around, no one else has that feeling. You are as good as your deeds - make them the best!
Pause, listen, and you will hear the echoes of your steps way after you have left. You may have walked out of the confines of these walls, but your stories stay long after you- rather forever! Ensure they are happy and heart-warming stories!