October/November 2012

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10 2012




Honing the Craft

Clay birds beware

Introducing: Amanda Perez

www.TheYetiOnline.com Issue 10, October 2012


The Yeti The Yeti


Yeti Monster Coverage.

Yeti Editorial Staff Editor in Cbief

Catalina Chiang

Managing Editor Finance Editor

Nicholas Cicale Armagan Gurbuz

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Rea Kyani

News Editors

Danielle Befeler

Views Editors

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Taylor Rao Perry Petruccelli

Letter from the Editor The next few weeks hold a lot of potential including the promise of the upcoming election. As November 6th draws closer, we are guaranteed to see bickering from both of the Presidential candidates that rivals even that of the oldest married couples. But who can blame them when the fate of social minorities, healthcare, the economy, and foreign relations are on the line? Change is coming: for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, and we’ll be watching closely to see who ends up on top. As I step into the role of Editor in Chief for the first time, I am encouraged about the possibility that lies in moving forward. This time around at The Yeti, we’ve channeled our excitement in this season of change as a source of inspiration for every aspect of this issue, including the design and the direction. Join us as we welcome some fresh and inspired writers and editors offering up critical commentary on social issues in every section. Among them, is the talented Views Columnist, Nina K Guzmán. Be sure to catch her sassy weekly posts, from the (Mis)adventures of a Manic Pixie Queer Girl, every Tuesday at www.theyetionline.com. At your service,

Ryan Pfeffer Arts & Life Editors

Catalina Chiang Editor in Chief

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Sports Editors

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The Yeti is a student-run, conversation-driven media outlet in Tallahassee that serves our readership by providing an alternative to corporately funded, commercial media. We publish in print twice a semester and online twice a week. We focus on providing new perspectives on current events and investigating under-represented and under-reported local issues. Our aim is to convey the voice of the community in hopes of sparking a dialogue between students and community members, and to create an educated exchange of information that will motivate our readership to be aware and active members of society.

Paul Rutkovsky

The Yeti operates only with the help of a dedicated staff of volunteer writers. We thank them for their hard work and support. If you’d like to get involved with The Yeti, e-mail fsuyeti@gmail.com or visit our website: www.theyetionline.com.



Campus Progress works to help young people — advocates, activists, journalists, artists — make their voices heard on issues that matter. Learn more at CampusProgress.org.

The opinions expressed in the Views section are those of the writers, and do not necessarily represent the views of The Yeti itself.

Table of Contents


18 24 4 10 19 26 6 12 20 27 LIT 7 14 21 8 28 9 16 22 30


Food Trucks

Baton Twirler

Women’s Issues

Music and Free Use

The Other Guys

Anti-Japan Protest

NYC Soda Ban




Killer Kart

2012 Election

Underground Sports


Featured Writer

G. E. Food Ban

LGBT History Month

Craft Beer

Politics in Sports

Other Writing

Issue 10, October 2012


The Yeti

2012 Presidential Election Jeanette Horowitz and Amanda Perez, Contributing Writers

The 5 Biggest Concerns for Florida Voters


lorida is always an important state when it comes to the race for the White House. Florida holds 29 electoral votes, meaning it’s one of the more influential states, as seen in the 2000 Bush/Gore election. These are the controversial issues relevant to Florida voters in this election and the corresponding views of the presidential candidates, President Barack Obama and former Governor of Massachusetts Mitt Romney.

Issue 1. JOBS and THE ECONOMY Unemployment, taxes, and how to manage the federal government’s $14 trillion debt will be leading issues in the 2012 campaign. The recession hit Florida hard, contributing to an unemployment rate of 10 percent. Florida has lost 150,000 jobs since 2009, an unemployment increase of 81 percent. Hispanics and African-Americans, who have a national unemployment rate of 11 and 14.4 percent respectively, make up a heavy amount of the state’s population. “The recession has affected the construction industry to the point that finding a job is virtually impossible,” said Armando Viltre,



a Hispanic construction worker for 15 years, who lost his job due to industry cutbacks. “It took 3 years for me to find a stable, decent paying construction job again, even with all of my experience. I’m grateful I found a job, but others haven’t been so lucky.” Obama plans to offer immediate action to create jobs and immediate relief to families. He wants to implement a tax credit to companies that create jobs, especially small businesses, while promising tax cuts for workers and added benefits to unemployment insurance. Romney plans to cut back on taxes on estate, interest, dividends, capital gains, and corporate income tax. He encourages free trade with countries such as Colombia, Panama, and South Korea, while installing a more rigorous border patrol to keep cheap illegal imports from coming in.

Issue 2.THE HOUSING MARKET Since the crash of the housing market, foreclosures have been ongoing, and houses have been harder to sell. Housing prices declined dramatically after the housing bubble burst, but they have been rising in recent

months. Although mortgage rates are at an all-time low, many Americans do not have the credit rate to qualify for mortgages. Many former homeowners have turned to renting as a result. But the U.S. apartment sector recently announced its smallest vacancy decline in almost two years, indicating that even the once-blossoming real estate haven is in trouble. Since the housing market crash, landlords have been able to boost rent, but there has not been significant job growth or a steady rise of income. With the construction industry in the hole, building homes has not benefitted the economy either, causing more economic problems. “We’ve had a hard time getting credit out to people who would want to buy a house. I will get credit flowing to people who are qualified so they can buy a home and we can start moving more homes and raise values.” –Romney, September 22 2012 in Las Vegas. “It’s going to take a while for our housing market to fully recover, but it’s going to take a lot more time– and cause a lot more hurt– if Congress keeps standing in the way.” – Obama, September 29 2012 during Weekly Presidential Address.


Issue 3. MEDICARE and HEALTHCARE Medicare is a hot issue. At 17.3 percent of the population, Florida has the highest percentage of seniors in the nation at. In Florida, 82 percent of residents age 60 and over are registered to vote and they represent 32 percent of the total voters in the state. Older age demographics historically vote more than any other age group. Like most issues, the two candidates are divided on their respective stances on Medicare. Obama plans to keep Medicare the way it is today. Sick people or people with preexisting conditions cannot be denied healthcare. The government pays for this through taxes. Romney plans to alter Medicare by giving future beneficiaries fixed amounts of money to buy health care. “I want to get health care to act more like a consumer market, meaning like the things we deal with every day in our lives. Consumer markets tend to work very well—keep the costs down and the quality up,” – Romney, June 13 2012 in Orlando FL. “If you’re one of the more than 250 million Americans who already have health insurance, you will keep your health insurance -this law will only make it more secure and more affordable.” – Obama, June 28 2012 during Weekly Presidential Address.

Issue 4. STATE OF ISRAEL The relationship between the U.S. and Israel has always been controversial. Florida has one of the United State’s largest Jewish populations, many of whom consider themselves one-issue voters. Israel is an important tactical ally in the Middle East. One percent of the federal budget goes towards foreign aid, giving Israel about $3 billion in 2011for military aid. The U.S. helps Israel by taking on the preeminent role in facilitating peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. Jointly, the U.S. and Israel are developing the Arrow AntiBallistic Missile Program, in which they trade intelligence to counter terrorism. They even house some of our militarily bases and supply

stocks. With a relationship this intertwined and the large Jewish population in Florida, Israel is a key issue in the state. “I will recommit America to the goal of a democratic, prosperous Palestinian state living side by side in peace and security with the Jewish state of Israel. On this vital issue, the President has failed. In this old conflict, only a new President will bring the chance to begin anew.” - Romney, October 8 2012 during address to the Military Institute in Virginia. “We are bound to Israel because of the interests that we share. But ultimately it’s our common ideals that provide the true foundation for our relationship. That is why America’s commitment to Israel has endured under Democratic and Republican presidents, and congressional leaders of both parties.” – Obama, March 4 2012 during Weekly Presidential Address.

Issue 5. EQUAL RIGHTS Equal rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender American citizens have been an escalating movement, and it is a huge topic for the upcoming election. Florida does not license same-sex couples for marriage, honor same-sex marriages from other jurisdictions, or have any form of statewide relationship recognition for same-sex couples. Florida did not pass any bills last year regarding LGBTQ rights. “As president, I will protect the sanctity of life. I will honor the institution of marriage. And I will guarantee America’s first liberty: the freedom of religion.” – Romney, August 10 2012 during the GOP presidential nomination acceptance speech. “I have always been adamant that gay and lesbian Americans should be treated fairly and equally. And that’s why, in addition to everything we have done in this administration, rolling back don’t ask, don’t tell, so that outstanding Americans can serve our country.” - Obama, May 9, 2012 during an ABC News interview.

Issue 10, October 2012



The Yeti C H I N E S E

A N T I - J A P A N

P R O T E S T Bi De Yang, Contributing Writer


n 2004, the country of Japan purchased three islands from a private Japanese owner, Hiroyuki Kurihara, including two Senkaku islands located in the East China Sea. After World War II, these islands were in the trusteeship of the United States, who then gave them to a wealthy Japanese family. The Chinese claim that the islands have belonged to China since ancient times and that the United States did not have the right to hand them off. Since September, Chinese citizens have been protesting against Japanese sovereignty over the Senkaku islands. Chinese interest in these islands increased when the United Nations found oil deposits around the islands’ boundaries in the sixties. China has been searching for natural resources to fuel their growing industrialization. The eight islands are also strategically located in popular shipping waters. Chinese fishing boats have been sailing close the islands, near Japanese parole boats. They have been staging marches and calling people to boycott Japanese products. More serious incidents include arson and an accidental death during a fishing and parole boat face-off. Since the World War II treaty, Chinese protests and riots against the Japanese government have been commonplace occurrences. The Chinese claim that Japanese and American textbooks neglect to discuss

Te r r i t o r i a l



certain historical events, many which are crucial to understanding Japanese and Chinese history. “While the Americans admit to the use of nuclear weapons at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, they barely illuminate the rest of the Pacific War,”

said Dr. Kurt Piehler, an American History professor and Director of the Institute of World War II at Florida State University. “American classrooms tend to focus on the European theatre,

Di s p u t e

Re i g ni t e s

instead of the Pacific. It’s unwillingness from the Americans to confront their own actions in the Pacific.” Some Chinese citizens claim that the Japanese held killing contests in the territories occupied by Japan’s forces, employing swords to conserve bullets. They hold that medical researchers used civilians for biological and chemical testing, and that Japanese soldiers deceived local women into prostitution as wartime “comfort women” through kidnapping, violently coercion, or false promises of factory work. In 2005, the Japanese government issued a formal apology to all the Asian countries affected by Japanese colonialism. Despite this, Chinese protests against Japan continue. To the outrage of many Asian communities, Japan still houses shrines that idolize war-time criminals of the past, such as Prime Minister Hideki Tojo. Recent events involving the ownership of the Senkaku Islands have put negative sentiments towards the Japanese in the spotlight once again. Not all Chinese citizens have forgotten the WWII wartime acts of Japan, as is clear in the protests. The Chinese protests are not only about the Senkaku Islands, but also a call to reanalyze how history is portrayed in Japanese and American textbooks.

Chin a - J a p a n

Co nfli c t


The Terrors of Tallahassee


A Guide to Ridding Cockroaches from Your Home Nicholas Cicale, Managing Editor On October 5th, a Florida man died after winning a cockroach-eating contest. In September, a group of North Carolina State University scientists developed a way to remotely steer roaches equip with a specially designed robotic vest. Cockroaches have been infesting the news as of late. And judging by the surplus of the pests in Tallahassee, chances are you’ll encounter one of these gargantuan creatures that have found its way into your dorm room, apartment or house.

“I have recently noticed an abnormal amount of oversized roaches in Tallahassee.” – Edward Marques, 2012 FSU biology graduate.

American Cockroach (Periplaneta americana)

Size: 3 - 5.1 centimeters Color: Dark brown or Auburn Lifespan: 21 months

Keeping the Enemy Out

Methods of Combat

Habitat: Dark, damp areas with warm

Keeping your kitchen clean by taking out the trash regularly, doing the dishes, and keeping crumbs off of countertops lower the risk of attracting this pest. Also be sure to put any non-refrigerated foods, like fruits, pastries, and candies, into containers or bags. Not only can these items attract roaches, but the bugs spread germs onto the foods they touch. Doors and windows should remain closed whenever possible. Check around the edges of the house for any holes that could allow a cockroach to enter. If entry points are found, block them off. Pesticides can be an effective way to eliminate pests for the long term. However, the scent can sometimes bother residents, so proceed with caution.

1. The Raid Approach: Spraying a roach directly with a liberal dose of certified bug spray will knock the roach out and kill it within a few seconds. This is the easiest way to defeat the enemy, but residents must keep bug spray in their house at all times. Household cleaning spray will get the job done as well.

Diet: Scavenger, prefers sweets and

2. The Broom Approach: This one is a college favorite because it allows the exterminator to keep his or her distance. A barrage of hits with either the bristles or pole end will stun the enemy and eventually destroy it. 3. The Textbook Approach: With some practice this can be the most effective elimination method. Dropping a heavy book directly onto a roach will kill it instantly every time. Keep in mind that it takes precision to land a lethal hit and bug guts will get on your book (use that College Algebra book you hated.) 4. The Classic Approach: Sandals, shoes, and boots have crushed roaches for millennia. One good stomp or swing is all it takes; however, this method requires the exterminator to get close to the cockroach, therefore confidence is key. Any hesitation could be costly.

temperatures. Mostly nocturnal. decaying organic matter, but can eat almost anything. Ground speed: 5.47 kilometers/hour Flying Capabilities: YES Breeding: Depending on their living conditions, roaches can either lay eggs or give live birth. Durability:

The American Cockroach

can live 12 days without water, and 42 days without food with a water supply nearby. Roaches breathe through holes around their body, called tracheae, which allows them to survive for days without their heads.

Cockroaches can also

survive without air for 45 minutes, and can fully recover after being submerged underwater. Roaches can also withstand anywhere from 6 to15 times as much radiation as most mammals. Health




quently carry diseases like salmonella on their legs. The germs can spread onto exposed food and kitchenware as they investigate a home. Physchological Harm: Roaches invade the nightmares of people throughout the world. The mere sight of a roach can scare away your friends and family, and even startle the manliest of men.

Issue 10, October 2012


Science A Food Advocacy Group Moves into Tallahassee The Food and Water Watch, an advocacy group that strives to ensure that all food and water is safe to consume, has a new branch in Tallahassee. The group has been around for seven years and has active branches in several states. The goal is “to protect clean, safe, affordable food and water” by motivating communities to promote safe food sales in their area and throughout the country. Talya Tavor leads the Tallahassee branch, which had its first meeting this past August. Their campaign, called the “Let Me Decide Campaign,” is gathering support to pass a state bill that would require businesses to label all plant foods that have genetically engineered ingredients, similar to the way nutrition labels already display things like fat content. The group believes that genetically engineered foods are “untested, unlabeled, and potentially unsafe.” When a plant is genetically engineered, the natural plant gene is spliced. Splicing mixes the DNA of one organism with the DNA of an entirely different one in order to make the original heartier. Companies began releasing these altered crops to the public in 1996. Advertised as pesticide resistant, these crops allowed farmers to spray entire fields with weed killers and insecticides without harming their stock. The chemicals remained on the crops that were harvested and in the soil those plants resided in. As a result, some weeds became resistant to old pesticides, like Round-Up, calling a need for stronger chemicals and an increase of pesticide usage every harvest. Nobody has tested the effect of these pesticides on humans who consume coated foods, but The Food and Water Watch is concerned that these stronger pesticides will continue to build-up in the future. “This is something that impacts every single living creature and it is incredibly scary because there are no long term studies that

say how this can impact people,” said Talya Tavor. “It is out of the hands of individuals. We don’t know what we are putting into our bodies.” While the build-up of pesticides is a scary thought, it is not the only concern of the Tallahassee group. Members believe that people should know what they are buying, and have the right to make informed decisions about their purchases. The Food and Water Watch has attracted more attention lately. Over one thousand individuals signed the group’s on-going petition for the genetically engineered food labels, and more sign every day. Recently, they have caught the attention of Florida House Representative Michelle Rehwinkel Vasilinda, who has shown her support. With enough signatures and a devoted following, they hope that the House Representative will bring the bill up at the next state legislation session. According to Tavor, 400 people have officially joined the cause, which has programs throughout Florida, Iowa, and Illinois. Sixty members showed up to the last Tallahassee branch meeting. “I think people should be aware of what they are eating,” said Casey Luzius, an Environmental Science major at Florida State University. “It’s easy to label them, so why not?” The Food and Water Watch feels that if they continue to get this kind of support, there is a good chance that the food label bill will pass. “I think they can do it, and if they did I might be more cautious about what I eat, but I wouldn’t want to go out of my way to avoid foods with these ingredients,” said Luzius. The next few months will be key for the bill and the organization. To sign the Food and Water Watch’s petition, you can visit their office in person or ask for a copy to be mailed to you. Food and Water Watch Talya Tavor - Tallahassee Field Organizer (847) 997-0564 ttavor@fwwlocal.org www.foodandwaterwatch.org Autumn Rosencrantz, Staff Writer



No More Genetically Engineered Foods!

The Yeti


Kathryn Avagliano, Contributing Writer Eighteen years ago, Rodney Wilson, a high school teacher in Missouri, decided to create LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) History Month. He believed the month of October should be dedicated to the celebration, education, and awareness of LGBT history and culture. Since then, schools across America, including Florida State University, have embraced the event. History hasn’t always been kind to LGBT issues. The “Boys Beware” Public Service Announcements that aired in the 1960s were particularly harsh. These videos, which are chronicled on YouTube, confuse homosexuals with pedophiles and try to pass this off as fact. The videos were shown on televisions and in schools across the nation. Since then, the United States has established landmark changes for LGBT rights. As of 1979, homosexuality is no longer categorized as an illness. In the 1980s, individual states all decriminalized homosexuality, allowing many actors, congressmen, athletes, writers, and comedians to come “out.” The Gay Liberation Front was the first gay rights group to use

the word “gay” in their name was. They formed in the early 70s and had fliers that read “Do You Think Homosexuals Are Revolting? You Bet Your Sweet Ass We Are!” They organize protests against businesses that discriminated, marriage inequality, and unfair treatment throughout Washington D.C. In the 90s, the LGBT community added a “Q” to their acronym. Standing for the word queer, it represents anyone who’s uncertain of his or her sexual orientation. Today, organizations, websites, and groups of people come together to celebrate LGBT History Month. Every day throughout October, the LGBTQ community chose gay and lesbian icons to represent a broad spectrum of individuals. Among the 31 people chosen for 2012 are novelist Truman Capote, Glee actor Chris Colfer, and Holocaust hero Pierre Seel. Every day of the month, lgbthistorymonth. com releases a short video about a different activist and their life and achievements. Some are heartbreaking, some are funny, and all are part of history. The biggest day of the month is October 11th, National Coming Out Day.

October 11th is the anniversary of the first march on Washington by LGBT people, which happened in 1974. Communities celebrate the day differently across the nation - from giving out cookies and handing out fliers to actually setting up doors in conspicuous locations and allowing members to burst through officially. The Pride Student Union at FSU hosted a week of community building events from October 8 -12, including a Poetry Slam, multiple guest speakers, and many story telling opportunities. On National Coming Out Day, they set up a rainbow-painted door on Landis Green to encourage people to officially “come out,” and organized Pride’s Rainbow March. A poll conducted by The Center For American Progress shows that marriage equality is now a mainstream value. LGBT month shows us how far our country has come, and allows us to judge how far we have left to go. Equality and tolerance does not come about in one day. It’s an ongoing process of campaigning, gaining, and maintaining rights.

Issue 10, October 2012


The Yeti


(and Donkey) in the Room Wo m e n




2012 Kathryn Avagliano, Contributing Writer

While women today remain, depressingly, in short supply in the United States’ political realm, women’s issues— which many thought were put to rest decades ago— have come to the forefront of the 2012 campaign. It has been one of the most divisive campaigns in modern history; both the Republican and the Democratic Parties hold extraordinarily different stances on women rights. In the case of the Republican Party, medieval approaches to the well-being of America’s women could be potentially disenfranchising for female voters. If conservatives want to win the vote from women (and they should want to, as in 2008, 60.8% of the female population over 18 turned out to vote, where for men it was only 56% ) they are going about it the wrong way in this campaign. Ten million more women than men voted in the last election, but the GOP seems to be doing everything in its power to turn women off with their agenda.



Earlier this year, birth control took the lead as the great debate in Congress. The issues grew out of the Obama healthcare reform, which requires all employers’ insurance plans to cover contraceptives, including those with moral objections to their usage. Conservative talk show host, Rush Limbaugh, drew fire from both liberals and conservatives on February 29th when he called Georgetown Law School student and women’s rights advocate, Sandra Fluke, a slut. Fluke had attempted to give testimony in Congress supporting the bill that would make healthcare cover contraceptive costs but was denied from speaking at the all-male hearing by Republican leaders. It should be noted that, while the Republican Party did not endorse Limbaugh’s statements, and the issue of employerbacked birth control was resolved through compromise, Mitt Romney has made it very

clear that, if elected, he intends to end federal funding for another service primarily used by women: Planned Parenthood. When asked about local sentiment in regards to federal budget cuts, a Tallahassee representative of Planned Parenthood expressed that a bill currently in Congress that would cut $24 million from the organization. “This could have a serious impact on women’s access to birth control and life-saving health care, including cancer screenings.” Mitt Romney has repeatedly said that, if elected, he will overturn Roe v. Wade, allowing abortion to be decided on the state level. As the governor of Massachusetts, he vetoed a bill to allow scientists to perform stem-cell research, but he also didn’t sign an anti-abortion pledge put out by the Susan B. Anthony foundation, a conservative group firmly against abortion. In regards to the birth control debate, Romney has stated that he would not hold religious organizations to providing contraceptives to their employees and has declared that he sees this as an attack on religious freedom. President Obama supports Roe v. Wade, the landmark Supreme Court case that legalized abortion in 1973. Though he has repealed federal funding of abortions except in cases of molestation and rape, the President has proven over his term that he believes in a woman’s right to choose. Frankly, there shouldn’t be any


legislation drafted on the issue of abortion. Especially if it is to be made by men who, let’s face it, will never in their lives have to decide whether or not to keep a baby. Issues other than reproductive rights have also come into light during this campaign. In the four years Obama has been president, women are still paid seventy-seven cents on the dollar for doing a job identical to a man. In 1960, women were paid forty cents on the dollar. President John F. Kennedy pledged that before the decade was out he would put a man on the moon and stop pay discrimination against women. Only one of those happened. The difference shrank rapidly in the 80’s and has remained almost static since 2005. Unfortunately, the Obama administration has done little to narrow this gap. Romney is opposed to the Obama administration sweepingly deciding to allow

women to have jobs closer to combat, and instead thinks female advancement should be determined by generals and combat leaders. Saying women shouldn’t be in combat because their “emotions” can create a “compromising situation” (Feb. 10 2012, Rick Santorum) is probably not the best way to win over female voters. Ultimately, it is the pay discrepency that causes the most concern. It is a form of institutional sexism that happens every day, and therefore goes largely unnoticed. It’s 2012 and women make significantly less than a man for the same job, and we’ve been aware of this problem since the 1960’s. All this aside, nothing is being done about the innequality. Little is even being said about it. So who should you vote for if you’re a college student in Tallahasse, Florida? For the issues regarding women, it boils down to this:

Mitt Romney’s pro-life, he is against the federal government making any decisions regarding women’s advancement in the military, and he would withdraw all federal funding from Planned Parenthood. President Obama would operate as he has for the past four years: upholding Roe v. Wade and wanting to implement sweeping reforms in the military to accelerate women’s advancement, but not doing much to decrease the wage gap between men and women. If you are over eighteen, you should vote, but be an informed voter. The lives and livelihoods of you, your sister, your mother, or your grandmother might depend on it. Personally, I’m voting for the first one who tells me how I can make as much as any Tom, Dick, or Harry.

Issue 10, October 2012



The Yeti

STUPID NYC’s Newest Law (and other important things) Nick Freeman, Contributing Writer In an attempt to control obesity rates, the New York City Board of Health has voted to restrict the sale of all sugar-sweetened beverages over 16 ounces in size. Keeping the cyber sphere ablaze since the beginning of June, the litigation is the brainchild of New York’s 10-year mayor, Michael Bloomberg. Champion of the calorie count chart and other public health laws, Bloomberg’s latest beef is with the soft drink industry. “We’re not banning you from getting the stuff. It’s just if you want 32 ounces, the restaurant has to serve it in two glasses,” Bloomberg testified on NBC’s Today Show. “What we have done is we’ve improved life expectancy. Life expectancy in New York City is three years greater than the American average.” Although his latest crusade against soda seems well-intentioned, the measure is a violation of logic and a violation of the most fundamental of American ideals: choice. A few buzzwords come to mind: arbitrary, unfair, and senseless. While there’s no question that sugared soft drinks are unhealthy, it is important to take a look at how this measure will affect obesity, its intended target. This law has no effect on the food that is often paired with these sugary drinks, although it is the more obvious culprit for the excessive weight gain. In addition, sedentary lifestyles, a major contributor to obesity, are completely untouched by the regulation. If Mr. Bloomberg really wishes for the people of his fair city to lose weight, why doesn’t he enact a rule that decrees all people must exercise at least an hour daily?



On the other hand, diet soda is exempt from the law, so it can be served by the gallon. As a result, the amount of people drinking diet soda, which is readily on tap in any portion size, is expected to spike. Diet sodas contain lovely chemicals such as aspartame, saccharin, and cyclamates. While soft drink companies love to cite the FDA’s endorsement of the safety of these sweeteners (aspartame’s approval is a story in itself), independent scientists with the Cesare Maltoni Cancer Research Center say otherwise. “The results of this mega-experiment indicate that [aspartame] is a multi-potential carcinogenic agent, even at a daily dose of 20 mg/kg body weight, much less than the current acceptable daily intake.” In addition, the trend towards diet soda will ultimately lead to a rise in the “Big Mac and Diet Coke” mentality that many Americans unfortunately have, where one’s “healthy” choice allows them to splurge elsewhere. I hope

Bloomberg has a plan to tackle Diet Cancer in a few years, in addition to a new plan for obesity. My gut says this one is doomed to fail. This failure, however, may be a good thing. This litigation is a freedom-limiting write-off. Michael Bloomberg likes to use his ahead-of-itstime smoking ban as a reason why this idea should be made a reality. Sure, less people smoking means less people dying, but at what cost? The decision of whether an establishment


EIGHT WEIRD LAWS ALABAMA Incestuous marriages are legal. FLORIDA Doors of all public buildings must open outward. GEORGIA All sex toys are banned. INDIANA It’s illegal for a man to be sexually aroused in public.

should be “smoking” or “non-smoking” should be up to the property owner. If he/she decides that it would make more business sense to make a place a “smoking” establishment (in a nightlife district, for instance), then who is some politician to say otherwise? No one is forcing a consumer to go to a “smoking” bar. If a customer want to avoid secondhand-smoke, they’ll go to one of many “non-smoking” establishments. No one is forcing a consumer to purchase a 128 ounce drink either. Personal responsibility must play a role in one’s decision to make healthy choices. Governments, in this case, New York’s municipal government, have the power of fiscal penalty and sometimes even physical force to uphold and enforce these rules. We have no choice but to abide by these senseless regulations. The legislation will not only impact consumers, but it will be highly detrimental to

the beverage corporations and the businesses that carry their products as well. For example, a firm now has to provide many more 16 ounce soda cups than before. These smaller cups are more expensive to make than the larger ones. Now, the negative PR surrounding the soda producers will significantly lower sales. In the restaurant business where profit margins are already very low, the new soda law will end up affecting the restaurants that serve these drinks more than the people who drink them. While what we eat and drink can be amounted as trivial, the right to choose what we eat and drink and in what quantity is a fundamental right, on par with freedom of speech. Bloomberg’s condescending “we know what’s best for you” mentality reflects the tyranny of public health legislations that harm the American citizen more than an XL soda ever can.

MASSACHUSETTS Shooting ranges may not set up targets that resemble humans. MICHIGAN Cars may not be sold on Sunday. SOUTH CAROLINA A person must be 18 or older to play a pinball machine. TEXAS One must acknowledge a supreme being before being able to hold public office.

Issue 10, October 2012


Everlasting: The Yeti

The Implications of Eternal Life

THE IMPLICATIONS OF ETERNAL LIFE Sam Levine, Contributing Writer





s humans have progressed through the ages of our recorded history, we have become increasingly more adept at dodging the grasping hands of Death. Take these facts into account: in 1900 in the United States, the average man lived to be only 46-years old. In that same year, the three leading causes of death were pneumonia, tuberculosis, and diarrhea. Now in 2012, heart disease and cancer take the lead. The reason for this is simply science. In 1900, antibiotics and bacterial infections presented a threat of death, making bacterial the leading cause of death in nature. With the advent of penicillin, an entire threat of human death was effectively eliminated from developed countries. Of course we replaced those diseases with new ones brought on by our collective tendency to consume sucralose and preservatives in massive quantities, but a win is a win. With this scientific move towards medical improvement, it should come as no surprise that our concept of a typical lifetime is on the verge of being changed forever. When Alexander Fleming discovered the effects that penicillin had on bacteria, he helped extend the average lifespan for a man living in a developed nation from 46 years of age in 1900 to around 77 years of age today. With the modern advances in both technological storage and biological cell replication, the average lifespan may suddenly leap again, this time by hundreds of years. Envision a future in which, upon dying, a man’s life insurance adjustor checks out the claim for validity, verifies that the death was not fraudulent or self-imposed, takes a flash drive out of his pocket, plugs it into a computer, and sends the information within this flash drive to a body building facility in Southern California. “Why a body-building facility?” you may be tempted to ask. “The dude’s dead. Not much

building going on there. More like decay. The answer, my friend, is simple. In this hypothetical, though very possible, future, a body building facility is no longer a place to go lift weights and grunt. It is now a multi-billion dollar facility in which stem cells are coupled with advanced cloning techniques in order to grow entirely new human bodies, for those fortunate enough to afford such a luxury as a new body every 60 or 70 years. “But wait,” you might say, “What’s up with the flash drive thing you mentioned earlier? What kind of information was stored there?” Once again, this is easily answered in the context of the future. That flash drive would contain this man’s brain, sort of. It would contain all the electrical impulses responsible for memory, thought, feeling, and emotion. In essence, this dead

to either stop replicating or stop being so damn good at their jobs. Basically, your cells all get fed up with maintaining your youth and quit, right around the time you finally managed to save up enough money to pay off your mortgage. So we see that there is an obvious solution to the question of how to extend our lifetimes: block the hormone which tells the cells to begin to deteriorate, or figure out a way to create wholly new cells in place of the old, dying ones. In effect, this would mean that our minds, our conscious interpretations of the world, would continue to grow and would remain static as far as the personality behind them, while our body would remain thirty-yearsold for as long as we have access to the new cells. No, we cannot possibly maintain a society of immortals. We can barely maintain our society today, and as radical as it sounds, the sad truth is that our society’s days are numbered. Massive resource deficits and imminent climate changes are pushing us nearer and nearer to an early extinction. Conservative U.N. estimates have the majority of the world’s population without water by 2050. No one yet knows the full effects that global warming will have. Not to mention the millions of gallons of oil that BP spilled into the ocean, which people seem to have forgotten about, or the two “great garbage patches,” which are each at least a mile in circumference and over a mile in depth located at the intersections of the world’s major oceanic currents. The pursuit of immortality is an ironic non-issue which only draws attention away from the vastly shortened lifespan of us as a species in order that we may focus on pipe dreams of individual everlastingness. Was it not Narcissus who was punished by the gods for being too obsessed with his own image to see the world around him? Will not we be punished in a similar manner for our appalling lack of foresight and inundation in waste and greed? Only time will tell.

"...Death comes from outside. He is a rider, a scythe wielding Jason Voorhees, a disease like Ebola, a drunken guy in a pickup truck, or simply Grandfather Time." man’s soul would be encased within the device, to be imported into his recently created, and completely empty, new brain. It rarely occurs to us, but cell decay is a process that comes from within. In our society’s general view of Death, Death comes from outside. He is a rider, a scythewielding Jason Voorhees, a disease like Ebola, a drunken guy in a pickup truck, or simply Grandfather Time. But never does it occur to us that we are beings composed entirely of tiny little bodies, trillions of them, which each serve a vital purpose to our overall well-being. For the first half of our life spans, they function fine, mitotically dividing and replicating themselves, creating new and healthy cells every time old ones wear out. But after a time that process begins to shut down. Hair begins to go grey. Bones become brittle. Eyesight deteriorates. Skin wrinkles and develops spots and sores. All of this is caused by hormonal reactions within our own bodies that send messages to the cells telling them

Issue 10, October 2012


The Yeti


Bridgette Balderson, Staff Writer

Tallahassee is a drinking town with a football problem - and this town knows how to party. Alcohol is expensive, so where do college students look to for cheap drinking? Sweet, glorious beer, of course. However, all beer is not created equal. There is a marked difference between the hardly palatable swills that have the word “light” imprinted across their aluminum cans and a quality craft beer. The craft beer market has exploded in popularity during the last decade. While beer giants Heineken, Anheuser-Busch, and Coors have been struggling as of late, craft beer has made a huge push into the market, driving sales. So, what is craft beer and what makes it so different? Craft beer is any beer that is not brewed by a massive brewing company, and it’s definitely not the type of beer that will be found in a cheap twentyfour pack at Wal-Mart. According to the Brewers Association, craft beer is any beer made by a small, independent, or traditional brewery. The hallmarks of craft beer and craft brewers are originality and style. The only thing that limits the creation of a craft beer is the creativity of the brewer. The options really are



limitless. Craft beer connoisseurs can commonly find such strange varieties as coffee, orange blossom, and even chipotle. Those who brew note that craft beers are made with passion, not just for profit. Craft brewing at home has become a big hobby in the last few years. After all, what could be better than kicking back and popping the top off a bottle of beer that you bottled and brewed yourself? Lorne Hiller, a Florida State University student and craft beer aficionado, recently decided to take a shot at brewing for the first time. “Last July I went on a road trip and passed through Colorado which is well-known for its craft beer culture. Craft brewing is something I have always wanted to try so I just decided to go for it. This is my first time brewing and I decided to brew a Nebraska Red Ale.” In brewing, ales are usually easy beginner brews because they don’t need to be as temperature controlled as lagers do. The basic ingredients of Hiller’s particular beer are his Nebraska hops, barley and grains, yeast, and water. This recipe yields five gallons and ultimately about forty to fifty bottles of beer at the end. All of these supplies can

be purchased for relatively cheep at Homebrew Den in Tallahassee. Hiller’s kit from Homebrew Den cost $170 and comes with a pot, a five-gallon glass carboy, a bottling bucket and tool, various sanitizing tools, and the ingredients needed for the beer. Hiller offered up an extremely basic explanation of how to brew: “First you want to fill your pot with about five and a half gallons of water which you then bring to a boil. Then you steep the barley in the water, add your malt extracts and hops, and then you boil everything for about an hour. After you’ve finished boiling the beer it then goes into the glass carboy for fermentation where you add the yeast. The overall process from the initial boiling to putting the beer in the carboy takes about three hours. Once the brew is safely in the carboy you have to let it sit for about a week for fermenting. You should see about one bubble every five minutes. The bubbles you see are gas escaping from the yeast eating the sugars from the barley and hops. After the fermentation process is done, the beer will go into bottles for carbonation.” Hiller offered this piece of advice for aspiring brewers, “Home brewing is a hobby, it

should be fun. Don’t stress out if everything isn’t going according to plan while brewing. Just wait it out, and be sure to add your own flair to your brew. Also, brewing is not a one-man job. You’re definitely going to need more than one pair of hands. I’ve been brewing with my roommates and friends.” One last thing to note about home brewing is that by law you are not allowed to sell your own homebrews. Most states allow you to produce beer for your own consumption, but leave the selling of legitimate craft beers to licensed distributers. Not only is this for health reasons, but also because the chain of beer distribution would be turned upside down if everyone just decided to sell the beer they made at home. Leave the real beer to the pros, but have fun experimenting with home brewing. For those aching to get their hands on some craft beer, Tallahassee has a number of fine drinking establishments with craft beer either on tap or in the bottle such as the Fermentation Lounge, Proof Brewing Company, and Leon Pub. So, if you’re looking for something more than the sweaty gym sock taste of the average party beer, get out there and try something new.

Arts & Life

CRAFTY There are thousands of craft beers in the U.S. Need a recommendation? Check out some of these choice selections from The Yeti staff and from friends:

Hopsecutioner IPA

by Terrapin Beer Company. Athens, GA. This is a light to medium bodied IPA with a taste that combines a bitter citrus flavor with an earthy honey taste. Its color is creamy orange. –Joel Bergholtz

Midnight Moonlight

by 7venth Sun Brewery. Dunedin, FL. This is a lighter, easy drinking beer with almost no hop character and a nice sourness with a touch of lemon zest finish, not to mention the brewmaster and his partner are both huge FSU fans. –Jennifer Dickey

Old Rasputin Russian Imperial Stout

by North Coast Brewing Company. Fort Bragg, CA This beer pours very dark. Smells of chocolate, coffee, and smoked wood. Tastes of dark chocolate, caramel, and malt. Leaves a bitter coffee after taste. -Ruwani Dharmakirthi

Yeti Imperial Stout

by Great Divide Brewing Company. Denver, CO Had to put this one in here. Pours pitch black. It smells of chocolate, toffee, molasses, and coffee. Very filling and tastes of chocolate and coffee with a bit of a malty finish. –Maxwell Dickey

Arrogant Bastard Ale

by Stone Brewing Company. San Diego, CA A relatively strong ale that pours a beautiful, clear reddish amber. Notes of citrus and pine hops are helped along by flavors of roasted grains, light spices, caramel, and malt flavorings. Sharp, lightly roasted, and earthy. Goes down quite smoothly leaving a bitter, but crisp aftertaste. - Bridgette Balderson

Midnight Oil

by Swamp Head Brewery. Gainesville, FL Literally the blackest stout I’ve ever seen. It’s a traditional oatmeal stout with fair trade coffee added in the process. Amazing! – Sara Beale

Rastafa Rye

by Blue Point Brewing Company. Patchogue, NY This award-winning ale is malty, fruity, and pours a clear copper color. A portion of all sales from this beer benefits orphaned children in the Caribbean. – Mary Fernandez

Issue 10, October 2012


Arts & Life

The Yeti


culinary enthusiasts, for the food truck phenomenon has made it to Tallahassee. Over the last decade, food trucks have gained an incredible amount of popularity by providing gourmet fast food without the inconvenience of long waits or having to fuss with real silverware. Beginning with the standard ice cream truck and working their way up to preparing full course meals, food trucks have found a way to put food in our stomachs and smiles on our faces. Students may have noticed some of these trucks popping up in places on or near FSU’s campus, but the real treat is the weekly congregation, known simply as Food Truck Thursday. The destination is the Food Truck Hub, located at 330 West Tharpe Street, where from 6-10 pm, hungry patrons can treat their taste buds to an assortment of food truck cuisine every Thursday. Certain trucks participate in the event each week, including Street Chefs, MoBi, and Lucy and Leo’s. Other trucks rotate in and out of the event on a weekly basis, always offering something different to choose from. Street Chefs, one of the trucks that helps organize this weekly event, is a truck that specializes in serving comfort food with a culinary twist. One of their specialties is titled, “Not Your Mama’s Grilled Cheese.” This take on the classic grilled cheese sandwich includes four different types of cheeses. Another crowd favorite is their super-sized cinnamon roll wrapped in bacon. It’s this type of food innovation that makes food trucks so popular. Located next to Street Chefs is the MoBi truck, a mobile bistro. Not limiting themselves to a particular culinary style, they serve everything from barbecue pork mac n’ cheese tacos to fried plantains. Other regulars at Food Truck Thursday include the Filipino eatery, Lasang Pinoy, Big Easy Snowballs, and Fired Up Pizza, which features its own wood-burning oven inside the truck. You can also catch Julio’s Food on the Move and the Lucy

and Leo’s cupcake camper. The Vietnamese food from one of the rotating trucks, Banh Mi Palace, is particularly good. For seven dollars, customers are given a healthy portion of chicken, potatoes, and rice. Banh Mi Palace prides itself on serving authentic Vietnamese food and is a welcomed break from the dining hall experience. The truck is run by a husband and wife team, eager to talk about their food. “We are on rotation, but we like serving at Food Truck Thursday because it has a different feel,” said Julie Nguyen. She went on to say that the rally has more of a family atmosphere than other stops they make, like Hop Yard on St. Michael’s Street, and Status Liquor on Tennessee Street. Inside their food truck lies a full kitchen, laid out and organized to make efficient use of the tight space. Like most food truck owners, Banh Mi Palace purchased their truck off of the perennial find-anything website, Craigslist. For inquiring minds or potential entrepreneurs, a quick search revealed many trucks available to purchase near the Tallahassee area. Food Truck Thursday is an event that brings members of the Tallahassee community together. Families, young professionals, and students can all be found amongst the crowd sampling the different cuisines. Attendees bring chairs and blankets to sit and enjoy their food together while listening to live music. Like the food trucks, the bands rotate each week. In a poll of food truck patrons, Lasang Pinoy and Street Chefs were the favorite for dinner entrees. Lucy and Leo’s was another crowd favorite, due to their delicious cupcakes. For Tallahassee residents, Food Truck Thursday isn’t the only place to get these goodies in town. Many of the trucks can be found at the All Saints Hop Yard on Fridays, at Status Liquors on Tuesdays, and even on the Florida State University campus. It certainly looks like Tallahassee is becoming a new hot spot for the food truck fad, so keep an eye out, and grab some grub.

FOOD TRUCK THURSDAYS Molly Taylor and Blaise Denton, Contributing Writers



The Yet


Arts & Life used by public officials not creative enough to express their beliefs in their own words are consistently met by a bombardment of cease-and-desist letters from the original creators of the songs themselves. This first grabbed media attention in the 1984 presidential election when Ronald Reagan attempted to use Bruce Springsteen’s “Born in the USA” as his campaign song, ironically missing the entire point of the song. Since then, there have been a number of politicians caught in the act of stealing songs without permission. Republican congresswoman Michelle Bachmann was a recent recipient of such a cease-and-desist letter, when her campaign managers had her entering rallies to Tom Petty’s “American Girl” without the artist’s permission. Bachmann is not the only recent campaigning politician to come under fire from artists. Tom Petty took the same course of action in 2000 when former president, George W. Bush, was using “I Won’t Back Down” sans Petty’s approval. Sarah Palin made appearances in 2008 set to Heart’s “Barracuda.” Heart’s objection brings to light an entirely different issue, which may be larger than simple copyright infringement. It is possible, as in Heart’s case, that the songs are being used to support something that their creators are not in support of, which brings the artistic integrity of the song, and the artist, into question. In response to Palin’s use of their song, Heart issued a statement stating, “Sarah Palin’s views in no

rarely ever simple tunes devoid of meaning. Often, they reflect specific events and personal values, the outward expression of very inward thoughts and ideas, the communication of ideas that are extremely individual yet somehow vastly relatable to many people. Music is an art form, and like every other art, musicians work hard on their craft. Failing to acknowledge or reward any artist for their work is quite sad, especially when politicians use these songs for personal gain. Credit should be given where credit is due, and songs should only be used once all the necessary channels have been traversed, and consent of the artist whose property is in question has been given. To go about using a song otherwise is criminal. Zachary Pelo, a Tallahassee local, shares a similar stance when it comes to the music that he writes and the politicians he supports. “I do think that the politician should ask for permission in this case. I wouldn’t want my music to be linked with a political ideal that I disagree with,” said Pelo. “I would be fine with a politician I support using a song of mine, as long as the meaning of the song doesn’t become misconstrued. As long as the artistic integrity of the song remains intact, all is well.” A politician promoting a song by an artist seems like a successful venue to reach more listeners, as long as permission and candor are present. Many people believe that once music is released it becomes part of the public domain. This is not always the case, especially in this day and age. Artists copyright their songs, and the


Political Campaigns and the Music Industry


Ryno Zayas, Contributing Writer

he coming of election season signals a time for change. The air gets a little crisper, and every American suddenly gains an interest in politics. Along with colder weather and an increased level of attention toward political issues come wonderfully inept political advertisements and rallies wherein candidates say mostly unbelievable things to the backing soundtrack of some booming rock anthem. However, there’s a somewhat comical problem here. How legal are these soundtracks? The choruses of power ballads and rock anthems

way represent us as American women. We ask that our song “Barracuda” no longer be used to promote her image.” The 2012 election season is not without its own controversy. The Mitt Romney campaign was recently ridiculed for using the Silversun Pickups song “Panic Switch,” without permission. The Romney campaign defended themselves by claiming they were allowed to play it under a blanket licensing agreement. They were never granted permission from the band and seemingly showed no respect for the rights of the band to not have their music appropriated for a specific message or audience. For musicians, the songs they write are

songs become that artist’s intellectual property, meaning that when the songs are bought or performed publicly via the radio or, in the cases that have been touched on, by a public figure, the artist receives royalties as they own the song. Without permission or payment, the public use of copyrighted songs is essentially the theft of someone’s intellectual property. While politicians try to crack down on illegal downloading on the Internet, they’re hypocritically managing to steal songs themselves. There is no shortage of stolen intellectual property on the part of America’s politicians, and it’s time they play fair.

Issue 10, October 2012


The Yeti

HALLOWEEN Alyssa West, Contributing Writer

As the autumn days grow shorter and nights begin to be occupied by screenings of old horror classics, most college students may no longer be asking themselves, “Am I too old to trick-or-treat?” but rather asking, “What costume am I going to wear for that party I’ll barely remember?” As most will attest to, Tallahassee is a good place to be on Halloween. From haunted houses to bar hopping, this town seems to have just about everything. But before blacking out wearing some cheap costume, take a second to go back to the good ol’ days and carve a pumpkin or watch ABC Family’s 13 Nights of Halloween. The idea of curling up on a couch or dorm room bed and watching one--or all--of the ridiculously cheesy Halloweentown movies is an innocent reminder of home. Before showing the Strip who is boss, take a minute to remember that Halloween means a little more than how many beers you can funnel while wearing a Scream mask. On the big night, there are more important things at hand, like what kind of drinks to consume. If you’re not feeling adventurous, stick to the average fall brew, but if you

are feeling more spirited, there are quite a few ways to delight your inner liquor ghoul. Indulge the devil inside with the Slimy Limey: 2 cans of frozen limeade 2 cans of frozen lemonade 2 bottles of Sprite 1 bottle of liqueur of choice (We suggest rum!) 1 tub of lime sherbert Finally—and most scandalously—comes the most important decision, what to wear. Tallahassee’s one and only year-round Halloween store, The Magic and Costume Shop on West Tennessee, has a plethora of wigs, masks, and side burns to fit any costume possibility. From the sexy to the ridiculous, they have it all. In selecting a costume, remember that this is the one night you can be anything you want without fear. So take full advantage of the opportunity and be the person you never thought you could. Though a competition for best crayon costume seems doubtful, not everyone has to wear a leotard with a pair of bunny ears and call it a day. Get creative, think outside of the box, and let your freak flag fly because, really, that’s what Halloween is all about.

Slimy Limey 20


2 cans of frozen limeade 2 cans of frozen lemonade 2 bottles of Sprite 1 bottle of liqueur of choice (We suggest rum!) 1 tub of lime sherbert



oing into any art-related career is a scary prospect. Constantly being told how difficult it is, how rare it is for people to make it, and how little money there is should sound familiar to any aspiring artist. Despite the naysayers, FSU provides ambitious students with every opportunity for success if they are willing to put forth the hard work. Proof of this notion is seen in the thesis film “Killer Kart,” written and directed by James Feeney. The horrorcomedy was Feeney’s thesis project at FSU, and one that has reached great success. The film has gone so far as to be shown at Screamfest, which is often referred to as the Sundance of horror and the birth place of great horror films such as Paranormal Activity. The success of the film can be attributed to all of the cast and crew, but more specifically to the director, Feeney, and the lead actress, Christine Rodriquez. The film follows Rodriguez as Cass, a grocery store worker, who has been left in charge for the first time. Of course, nothing goes smoothly for poor Cass. Right at closing time, things take a turn towards creepy territory, as Cass becomes cornered by every grocery store employee’s worst fear: a

Arts & Life

severely pissed off shopping cart. The plot of “Killer Kart” will have audiences gripping their side, begging for mercy from the laughs caused by one-liners and the straight-faced acting of the cast. Feeney says that horror films have always been a part of his life, especially while working in the haunted house his cousins owned in Massachusetts. “When it came time to develop a thesis, I thought that I should probably do something I know, and I know horror,” he said. The opposite could be said for Rodriguez, however, who has done most of her acting in improv comedy. Despite her lack of experience in the genre, Rodriguez pulls off the part, particularly with her scream. With such a perfect scream, it was surprising to find that she did not rehearse it at all. According to Rodriguez, it came naturally. She is a self-proclaimed scaredy-cat whose biggest fear is, ironically enough, being chased. Perhaps the scariest part of the whole operation was the filming process itself. Due to the corporate tendencies of grocery stores, “Killer Kart” was left without a location only four days before filming was to start, testing Feeney’s flexibility. Thankfully,

local grocery store, New Leaf Market, was gracious enough to lend their store after closing hours. The time restriction, however, continued to push Feeney to his writing and directing limits, a challenge that resulted in the hilarious and heartfelt film. Despite the fact that the idea of a grocery cart attacking is ridiculous, audiences will still find themselves wholeheartedly buying into the idea. The film gives aspiring directors, actors, and writers hope that hard work and clever writing can pay off. In such a short time span, the movie makes you care about characters you never thought you would. By the end of “Killer Kart,” you might just find yourself emotionally invested in Cass’s well-being. We want her to conquer the cart; we want her to outsmart this evil being, and most of all we want everyone to remember to put grocery carts back in their designated area. Every. Time. If you’re interested in the film, be sure to check out the “Killer Kart” fan page on Facebook and show your support for the work of these FSU students.

Issue 10, October 2012


The IssuesYeti in Sports

#PoliticsInSports Amanda Perez, Contributing Writer



When the often controversial Tim Tebow appeared alongside his mother in a commercial advocating a Christianbased pro-life agenda during 2010’s Super Bowl XLIV, much of the viewership was caught off guard. Many wondered if such a personal subject matter should be publicly endorsed, regardless of which side the outspoken Christian was speaking for. Whether you like Tebow’s political/religious views or not, we all have to face the fact that athletes have a strong voice in American issues. With the help of social media, that voice has grown increasingly outspoken in the 21st century. Perhaps the best case of a player clashing with a political figure includes Baltimore Ravens linebacker Brendon Ayanbadejo and Democratic Maryland delegate Emmett C. Burns, Jr. The defensive juggernaut has been open about his support for gay marriage and LGBTQ equal rights since 2009, prompting a recent letter written by Burns to Ravens owner Steve Biscotti claiming he was “…appalled that a football player would step into this controversial divide… and try to sway public opinion one way or another.” In the letter, Burns makes several complaints about Ayanbadejo’s personal political views having an effect on the citizens of Maryland, lobbying for Biscotti to keep his players quiet. However it seemed to have a reverse effect, as Ayanbadejo soon fired back at Burns with a series of tweets containing strong political rhetoric including, “…government grants EVERY citizen equal rights,” “I have everything to gain for speaking out about equality in gay rights,” and “I have an opinion on lots of matters. But I know equality is the right thing to do. I will die for what is right.” Ayanbadejo found support from Minnesota Vikings punter, Chris Kluwe,

who also tweeted his disgust at Burns, claiming, “So that stupid Emmett Burns made me so irate I had to stay up late and get my feelings out in written form… It honestly baffles me that in this day and age, someone can think stifling another’s right to free speech is somehow okay.” Twitter’s heavy social following fueled national attention for the feud and after Burns was heavily criticized, he went back on his plea to Biscotti. Burns said of Ayanbadejo, “Upon reflection, he has his First Amendment rights…each of us has the right to speak our own opinions.” Burns sent that letter in order to secure a position in politics. However, the letter has damaged his political reputation, because NFL players like Ayanbadejo and Kluwe now have a media outlet that allows them to be heard and not “keep quiet” as Burns requested. The athletes won this battle in political discourse, due largely to the fact that Twitter has allowed athletes an unfiltered, and uncensored way to speak to their fans and to the world. In the sports world, there have always been outspoken athletes with strong political views. Social media websites such as Twitter have just made communicating these views easier. Athletes can now say what they want without seeking any approval from endorsers, agents, and teams. “I love Twitter because it gives celebrities a chance to speak their minds freely,” said FSU student Princess Pullen. “I don’t have to wonder whether their words have been twisted around, I know it’s really coming from that person.” After the tragic shooting of Trayvon Martin in late February, NBA star Lebron James gathered his Miami Heat teammates so that they could tweet a picture of the team wearing hoodie sweatshirts in support of Martin and his family. The shooting was a national

controversy, with supporters on both sides of the case. Lebron and his teammates showed they weren’t afraid of exhibiting their true personal opinions on relative political and social controversies. Until the 1960s, most sports in the U.S. were segregated, and integration in sports can largely be attributed to athletes taking a stand on the issue. Such an example occurred in Mexico City, Mexico, during the 1968 Summer Olympics. In one of the most memorable moments in sports history, Sprinters Tommie Smith and John Carlos took sports segregation into their own hands. After placing first and third in the 200-meter sprint, the two AfricanAmerican athletes took to the podium with no shoes, faces to the ground, and a fist in the air as a symbol of human rights, showing support of integration in all sports for all nations. They caught the attention of the media and the Olympic Committee who replaced the president of the committee, a Nazi enthusiast. Similarly, Muhammad Ali refused to be drafted for the Vietnam War, claiming, “I ain’t got no quarrel with them Viet Cong... they never called me nigger,” putting national spotlight on the question of who gets drafted into war and the presence of racism in America. News has never traveled as rapidly as it does now and athletes are taking advantage of that. They have immediate social and cultural influence and they are using that to voice their opinions on politics— not to gain power or status— but to stand up for what they believe is right. The emergence of social media has given an unfiltered voice to America’s biggest celebrities. In today’s day and age, it is increasingly important to find a voice and sports figures have to be respected for using social media to stand up for change they believe in.

Issue 10, October 2012


The Yeti


Y E T I ’ S




BATON TWIRLER Bridgette Balderson, Staff Writer


illian Tapper is not your average Seminole. While many students party away opportunities and wait in angst for a job after graduation, Tapper has become emblematic of what it truly means to be a Florida State Seminole and a shining example of FSU’s policy of “Upholding the Garnet and the Gold.” Pageant contestant, FSU Feature Twirler, and Senior Class Council President are but a few of her many accomplishments. Despite her many successes, Tapper remains focused on the constant refinement of her baton twirling skills heading into her senior season. Hailing from Hollywood, Florida, Tapper certainly is a “Jill of all trades.” You might spot Tapper on the field during halftime of home Florida State football games, where she is a FSU Feature Baton Twirler performing with the Marching Chiefs. Being a feature twirler requires a full year on the Majorette line just to become eligible for auditions. Tapper remained focused and got the part in her second year at FSU, successfully re-auditioning every year since. As a third-year feature twirler, Tapper works daily on creating new and innovative routines. She practices during the week alongside the Marching Chiefs’



halftime formations. She changes and tweaks her routine every week to ensure the show is memorable every time she steps on the field. When changing her routine, she must learn and implement new twirling tricks and techniques including back neck rolls, elbow pops, and fire baton twirling. Tapper always practices and includes in her show the use of four batons at once, a trick that requires great attention to detail and work ethic. When asked how she succeeds at her routine week in and week out in front of a live crowd Jillian had this to say:

“Performing during halftime in front of 83,000 people in Doak Campbell Stadium is always exciting. The fans always really give a positive response to my performance and the Marching Chiefs. When the fans are really into it, so am I. The trick is not to overthink a performance; you just have fun with it. The best part about twirling is that there really are no limitations, you can always add another spin or trick into your routine.” Tapper has been twirling since the age of two, accumulating several hundreds of hours’ worth of practice. She has taken her talents outside of the state, winning multiple twirling titles at state and global levels. One of those

world titles was winner of the World Open for Solo Twirling at the University of Notre Dame, a national level competition. It should come as no surprise that Tapper considers twirling as her biggest passion. “I’m extremely humbled to be part of such an FSU tradition, it’s really the icing on top of the cake at the end of my four years here,” said Jillian. After graduation, Tapper is considering taking her baton twirling talents to the teaching realm, but has worked hard in college to create a plethora of career options when her time at FSU is up. The senior— who is double majoring in Communications & Media Studies and Sports Management, with a minor in Hospitality— will have to choose a career path eventually, but right now she is focusing on enjoying her final year twirling at FSU. Whatever path Tapper ends up on, her work ethic and involvement in the community will ensure she will do well.

Jillian Tapper:

More than a Baton Twirler

+ Currently a senior at FSU, Jillian is double majoring in Communications & Media Studies and Sports Management with a minor in Hospitality

+ She is a sister of the Iota Chapter of the Alpha Delta Pi sorority

and is currently on their executive board serving as the Director of Social Enrichment.

+ She is the winner of this year’s Miss FSU Scholarship Pageant

which consisted of Talent, Evening Wear, Swimwear, Interview, and an On-Stage Question portion of the competition. After winning Miss FSU, she qualified for the Miss Florida pageant where she placed 3rd runner up.

+ Jillian was nominated for princess for FSU’s 2012 Homecoming Court.

+ Jillian is currently Florida State’s Senior Class Council President

of the Student Government Association and Allocations Chair for the FSU Student Foundation. The FSU Student Foundation is entirely student run and strives to support the enrichment of FSU and its students. As Allocations Chair Jillian had this to say, “It’s so gratifying to have students raising money for students. This year we’ve presented the Garnet and Gold Scholar Society with a $100,000 check as well provided funding for undergraduate research.”

Issue 10, October 2012



The Yeti

does not. Our coaches believe being an FSU walk-on is a privilege that holds the same rights and responsibilities as scholarship athletes. That means looking through submission tapes, talking to mom and dad, and more. These athletes are shunned from the team’s depth chart and excluded from team travel, and they still show up for every practice, go to team meetings, study playbooks, and train in the weight room just like everyone else. The drive and motivation of these athletes is likely a hold over from their high school glory days, but that doesn’t stop coaches from acknowledging and rewarding this drive – or at least exploiting and using it to get the starters better equipped for the weekend’s big game. Scout team players generally work as part of the practice squad, a group of individuals that are trained to simulate FSU’s next opponent’s offensive and defensive schemes,

Nicholas Cicale, Managing Editor




very Florida State sports fan knows that EJ Manuel is our Heismanhopeful starting quarterback. Fewer know about his back-up, Clint Trickett, who sees some game action from time to time. Hardly anybody knows the other six quarterbacks listed on the Seminoles’ roster. So who are they? A look through the roster shows that there is a surplus of players at every position. Out of FSU’s 128 registered football players, just over 60 have actually seen game action in 2012. These other 68 players make up a unit known as the scout team, a valuable group of players with a surprisingly heavy load: prepare the starters each week by learning and imitating the upcoming opponent’s offense, defense, and special teams. Scout team players in college football range from redshirt scholarship athletes that need more time to develop, to the scrappy high school football athletes that refuse to be told their road has ended. While most colleges hold open tryouts for walk-ons, FSU

in order to give the first team solid preparation. They are a punching bag for NFL-caliber players like quarterback EJ Manuel, defensive end Bjoern Werner, safety Lamarcus Joyner, and running back Chris Thompson, who all put fear into the eyes of the their Division I opponents, week in and week out. While the regular starters practice plays they are familiar with, the scout team must learn a new system of plays and an entirely new playbook each week. They are responsible for playing at new positions and using techniques that they have no previous experience with. While most college athletes are given incentives to join the team, such as scholarships, private tutors, and promised playing time, walk-ons do not. Instead, walk-on athletes participate for other reasons. They play because they love the sport, and even though they might not be as talented or freakishly athletic as the other guys, they try their hardest to compete and genuinely care about prepping the starters. On occasion, this hard work can pay off in a big way. Scout team players sometimes are given a story-book moment where they step in due to injuries and flourish. Others find a spot on the special teams unit, which allows them to see the field for a handful of plays each game. But most serve their four years in college juggling football and school and, shortly thereafter, ushering themselves back to the land of the blue collar with little to show for it. They refuse to follow the rational voice so many of us listened to after high school that said to call it quits. They have chosen to follow their dreams and refuse to wake up until they feel in their hearts it is over. That is a quality deserving of a standing ovation; if only they could hear it.


UNDERGROUND SPORTS Skeet Shooting Perry Petruccelli, Views Editor

It’s a sunny day in southern Georgia, with the fresh smell of gunpowder in the air. Our Seminole shooters take to the field with their double-barreled shotguns slung over their shoulders, and their ammo belts strapped firmly to their waists. They proudly take their position at the first shooting station, and one of the shooters raises his gun. A loud “pull” resonates throughout the field, and out flies a pair of clay pigeons roughly 20-yards out. Within a few critical seconds, our shooter has already set his gun on his shoulder, spotted both discs, and proceeded to obliterate the two into smithereens. Congratulations are offered from the shooters teammates as the group trudges on through the following seven stations. Before diving into the realm of current FSU skeet shooting, a little history on the sport is necessary. Originally developed in the 1920s as an aid to bird hunting, skeet shooting’s popularity quickly rose throughout the country, not long after the National Skeet Association was established. In 1935, the National Skeet Shooting Championship was held in Ohio, and with the increase in popularity, began touring around the nation, making stops in St. Louis, Detroit, and even San Francisco. When WWII came around, seasoned veteran skeet shooters took to the war to assist in training young soldiers how to identify targets quickly and shoot with a calm, steady eye. The skeet field may have been originally designed as a bird hunting simulation, but it proved equally beneficial for war-time

shooting practice. The field is set up with eight different shooting positions providing for a comprehensive shooting experience of different angles, combined with the fast-moving targets. Skeet shooting has played an important role for men and women, both on American soil as a pastime and on foreign soil as a war tactic. So how does one go about preparing to shoot a 4x1 inch clay disc that flies at roughly 45-miles per hour? The answer cannot be dusted off and stuck in your Nintendo in the form of “Duck Hunt,” the popular videogame that synthesizes the thrilling experience of skeet shooting. Our FSU athletes practice two to five times a week, working on everything from their shooting technique and foot position to determining how wind conditions affect their shots. Each position requires its own unique aspect to the shot. One of the most difficult and important skills is knowing how far in front of the disk you want to shoot, which varies depending on the angle and speed of the flying disc. These different tactics require hours of hard work and practice, but it pays off when the competition begins. The FSU Skeet and Trap Team started from the ground up with the help of Coach Mike Simpson, who coached several of the shooters on the USA National Junior Olympic Shotgun Team. The FSU team practices about three times a week at a facility located in southern Georgia. They recently enjoyed the fruit of their labor when the team entered its first shooting tournament. Superb shooting at the Olympic

Training Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado, resulted in a silver medal for the FSU team. The competition plays somewhat like a sped-up golf match except the shooters aren’t wearing tacky colors, and instead of swinging iron they are blasting shotgun shells through a 12-gauge barrel. Like a golf player, a skeet shooter must maintain his composure when leading, or things can fall apart fast. Jason Phillips, member of the FSU Skeet and Trap Club, discusses the key to his success. “Do not think about your score. You have to hit one clay at a time. I get so pumped when I go on a streak, but I have to calm myself down and just take it one clay at a time.” A shooter gets 25 shots per round to prove that their shooting skills surpass their competition’s, and that their hard work has paid off. The sport of skeet shooting may have originally started as a way to increase accuracy in bird shooting, but after creating some rules and guidelines to mesh with the necessary speed and precision of the sport, skeet shooting has in many ways surpassed its origins and developed into one of sports’ best kept secrets. These shooters practice for days on end to become adept at shooting from numerous angles, distances, and wind conditions. If you haven’t already, check out a nearby skeet shooting competition; while the sport is played casually and comfortably, it always proves to be highly entertaining. See you at the next station. PULL!

Issue 10, October 2012


The Yeti

Letter from the Literature Editors

When we read through our first batch of the literature section submissions, we immediately fell in love with Amanda Perez’s oeuvre. Her poetry, littered with dark humor and witty rhetoric, required little to no editing whilst demanding our attention. But Amanda hasn’t been our only love in this print edition; on a whole we’ve really enjoyed editing the Tallahassee community’s creative materials and finding a theme amongst our favorites. That doesn’t mean that all of our selections fit into the dark humor category for this edition, there were some we had to regretfully exclude but we hope to pay them homage on the Yeti website. This also doesn’t mean that we only welcome those who fit in the box; we welcome all walks of life, all majors, and all authors. Ru and I are honored be the ones to give The Yeti’s Literature section a makeover, a fresh face, and look forward to showcasing Tallahassee’s best side for as long as possible. We encourage newcomers and old favorites to submit poetry, flash fiction, six-word stories, creative nonfiction, and short story excerpts to lityeti@gmail.com. Sara Beale Literature Co Editor With Regards from Ruwani Dharmakirthi Literature Co Editor

Beheading at the Farmer's Market on September 27, 1956 The day is brighter than hell. It is one of those days where you see everything white because the sun is naked.

heaving a small chainsaw. “That isn’t a toy, kid. Let me help you put it back.”

This pale, blonde child is looking at me. She looks like a meringue with that dress. Big, round sleeves, baby pink, soft enough to eat, with a matching skirt to go with them.

I wish she would stop staring at me.

She reaches up to grab my hand and off we go skipping behind a display of cauliflower.

In one slow, long motion, she lifts the chainsaw and brings it down on my head.

The kid lets go of my hand and disappears under the display, behind the table cloth. She comes up



She giggles out the words “Let’s play” and turns on the fucking chainsaw.

The cauliflower blush as my head rolls across the pavement. I wish I had brought my sunglasses.

Poetry by Amanda Perez Have you ever been kissed by a vampire? It feels like getting lost in a foreign country, Spain on a sunny September morning, waiting for someone to find you, but hoping no one does.

Ferris Wheel It turns slowly while messy-haired children eat fried corn.

They must get on and off in a hurry--some fall on their hands, and wait for the next cart, until reaching up, sky city seems vast and metallic, a silver dollar gleaming at the bottom of a pool.

An Hour with Salvador Velazquez

A strange sight.

It feels like getting lost in a foreign country, seduced by a Spanish vampire named Salvador Velazquez, waiting for someone to find you, but hoping no one does. “Pareces mi cena y pareces exquisita.” Seduced by a Spanish vampire named Salvador Velazquez, whose tongue tastes like butane and blood, “Pareces mi cena y pareces exquisita.” Salvador Velazquez whose tongue tastes like butane and blood, grabs a handful of my curls and takes a bite from my neck. Salvador Velazquez drains my blood, grabs a handful of my curls and takes a bite from my neck. Spain on a sunny September morning drains my blood. Have you ever been kissed by a vampire?

Issue 10, October 2012


The Yeti

Blood on the Tracks by Spencer Darr

Feb 7th: Diplo and Sleigh Bells, The Moon The next evening Diplo was playing at the Moon. We sat in the parking lot; I scraped my pinky across the back of my tongue leaving behind a residue of MDMA. My friends used the term ‘Molly’. With drugs, I generally stuck to weed and alcohol, but the prospect of hooking up with a girl can make a man do things he never considered. Chloe sat next to me, dapping into her own small pile of white crystals. We were with a group of 8, after everyone finished their stash we walked inside the venue. Sleigh Bells was already playing and it felt as if the drugs took hold the moment I felt the music. The bass shook every pore of my skin, penetrating past the hundreds already crammed in front of the stage. After grabbing a beer I moved to where Chloe stood, grabbing her by the hip, drawing her close to my waist. We danced as the music got better the longer the Molly sat in my system. I wasn’t particularly fond of electronic shows, where laptops replace real instruments. As Sleigh Bells cleared the stage, we stepped into the smoking lounge for a much needed grit. Diplo began and we were drawn back out to the floor by the music. After a few minutes alone with my drink, I walked behind Chloe grabbing her hip and spun her to face me before kissing her lightly. Surprised she turned around, grabbing my hand and drawing it down her leg then back up her hip. She leaned her head back towards my ear, “I wasn’t expecting that.” I laughed as she spun, kissed me on the mouth, and walked off. “I’m gonna go dance with my friends.”

Jay’s Place by Catie Sirianni “Cliché bullshit.” I said, closing my eyes and setting the glass to my lips. The expected burning sensation that most people recognized while draining an occasional nightcap stopped registering to me years ago. Pits was located near the edge of town. It was low key, there were only ever a handful of people in there at any given time, and that night probably wasn’t any different, as far as I can remember. But I do remember a laugh: something that was pretty uncommon to hear through the drifting cigarette haze. When I heard the laugh, a sudden jolt sent my drink flying form the security of my hands and floating across the bar. “Goddamn it!” I said, turning and hitting the wood platform to see the one responsible for the transgression. A familiar pair of terror stricken blue eyes met my vengeance seeking ones. It took a second for the name to register, but the face immediately put me back in the classroom to five hours before. Jason Smith. He wasn’t a particularly distinctive kid. He wasn’t a jock or a suck-up, he didn’t cut class or have perfect attendance, and he did well in my class to say the most. I had never had a parent-teacher conference for him and, to be honest, I wasn’t entirely sure whom he socialized with; for all I knew it could have been with Bambi because this kid looked like a deer in headlights. His shanking hand was clenched around a glass of his own, which was probably on the brink of destruction judging by his whitened knuckles. I’m pretty sure that he wasn’t breathing as he stared back at me, and I realized that he was waiting to see how I was going to precede. Momentarily, I pictured what my parents would have said to me if I had been caught drinking at a bar by my teacher when I was his age. It wouldn’t have been so much talking, as it would have been threats of social retention for the rest of my life. But then, I never would have been in that kind of position in high school. I was a model student full of instilled aspirations, graduating in the top five percent of my class. My biggest rebellion had been not going to medical school and becoming a teacher—a job I still hated. If my parents only knew what their unwanted, appointed, but nonetheless obtained ambition had gotten me. Alone, drunk every night at a local shit hole that was too much in need of business to turn the obviously under-aged kid away. I pressed my lips together. “Don’t let it happen again.” I could feel his disbelief prickling the back of my neck, but I ignored it, slid back around in the stool and fixated on the heart of my apathy. Without looking up I nodded at the bartender. Through what was left of my peripheral vision I could see the man behind the counter shake his head, and I knew what was coming. “You’ve had enough.” I lifted my head unenthusiastically and looked past him as I reached into my pocket and drew out the bills that covered the tab. I swayed through the November evening’s streets in the direction of my apartment where I knew I would not be denied the only thing that allowed me to sustain my own self-pity. How could I have known that the next morning when I arrived hung over to work, I would learn that Jason Smith, the boy I didn’t know any more about than his letter grade in my class, wouldn’t return drunkenly home to infuriated parents, but to the hospital in a body bag after stumbling in front of a car?



We were the young, out to play with the night, calling it forth and sending it back to bed. We were the bad neighbors keeping your children up past bed time with our shouts. We made dogs bark from blocks away tails in between their legs, drinking and smoking. We were the Rats of the beach, and we had sand in between our toes and our teeth. We gathered round, all the pretty faces meshed together in between smoke and candle light. In honor of Michael’s birthday We lit nineteen candles on all sides of the house Lights bounced off glass and wood floors made the whole house bright so of course we, drunkenly blew them all out. Save the lone wick harboring our kin on the porch that fire danced and flickered across our crooked smiles A blue jay, a robin, and a brunette chirped at the absence of a cake and fluttered out the front steps flying to the market later than any three starlets should, in search for icing. Surprised they made it back for midnight, considering Michael had already turned into a pumpkin. With his head cut off, brains

dumped out then plopped back on full and lit on the inside his eyes lowered, his smile widened. February was never cold in Florida but tonight gave us goose bumps, made our nipples go erect. Smoke rose and poured out of Daniel’s mouth as he motioned to pass the cigarillo left to meThe incredible screech of rubber on pavement behind us screaming like a virgin victim of rape, the temple penetrated. Tire squeals made all Rats zip it quick and got our eyes wide every Rat scampered as if blue and red lights had already broken upon us. Palm tree branches slapped my face and neck as worse as Amber,. The ground was soft and unstable like our relationship Running head strong to the sounds of the engine hum, the barking dogs, the shouting neighbors who also smelled the gas leaking and cursed us all from their front stoops Forward progress abruptly halted once among the grisly scene. Smoke rose and poured out of the car windows as a ghost materializing among the wreckage. The guy inside the car smacked his bloodied body against the glass, crawling his way out of the ditch, While we stood choking and freezing


by Forrest Rapier

Issue 10, October 2012


The Yeti



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