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Please take note of the following Typographical errors: A) B) C) D)
p. 52, Laura Lingail should read Laura Mingail. p. 80, Mausfield should read Mansfield. p. 49, David Ozevsky should read David Ozersky. p.40, Wilma Joy Veenstrax should read Wilma Joy Veenstra.
Barbara Goodwin Zeibots - Headmistress We are proud to present our 1997 York School yearbook. In these pages, the varied life of this vibrant school is depicted. Now into its fourth decade , York continues in slow, steady growth towards the completion of the Secondary School years. While excellence in academics is the cornerstone of our program, this is never to the exclusion of development of the whole child. This year we see for the first time Volleyball, Golf, a student newspaper, a visual Arts Club, a Jazz Band, and a Drama Society (involved for the first time in 1997 in the Independent School Drama Festival.) Many thanks to the Yearbook Committee for the hours of work that this project demands. Special thanks to Mr. Kupec, Mrs. Chandler, and Mrs. Mason. Thanks to Miss Van Tassell for her assistance with advertising, and thanks to Benjamin Freedman, Mrs. Bird and Mrs. Mansikka for wonderful photographs.
Marilyn Andrews - Vice Principal can still remember, with incredible clarity, my first day as the Registrar of what was then York Montessori School. It was lanuary 1976 ... my hair was dark brown, I didn't wear glasses, my children were three and five years old and I had taken he job secure in the knowledge that it would require only two and a half hours a day, from my kitchen, with the help of m answering machine . My son had had his tonsils removed the day before and was moaning quietly in a corner of the family oom, while I was completely devastated by my very first complaint from a parent about the nursery school. Little did I know hat my life would quickly seem absolutely without purpose unless someone complained about something at least once a day. Since that first telephone call in 1976, I have been privileged to work and laugh with Barbara Zeibots, the ultimate guide hrough the jungles of parental perceptions and educational reality and to be part of the growth and success of the remarkable 路little school that could". Our total budget in 1976 was just over $100,000 . .. it now approaches $3 million. We have a ~oddler programme, we have a full-day Senior Kindergarten, we have a rapidly expanding elementary school, we changed >Ur name to The York School, we have developed a mission statement, in September of 1995, we opened the doors to >Ur very first grade 9 class and in late November of 1996, we submitted the application which, we hope, will allow us to >ffer the IB diploma. Now, all we're missing is our very own building to match the wonderful programmes we offer and to house those superb eachers who make it all work so smoothly . )o .. . twenty years have gone by . I remember with less clarity and the hair is now white, but there can't be anyone who 1as more fun at York than I do! Ask me in another 20 years!
Laura Logaridis
8 long years of friends and fun I feel my time here has just begun, Now I learn it's come to an end. I'll miss Sarah and all the money she lends . Friends and teachers have all been kind I don't want to leave my friends behind.
David Zarnett I have been at York for the last 8 years. My fondest memory was in grade 1 when we called the teachers by their first names. I like playing on sports teams such as volleyball and basketball - I also like recess.
Mark Rupert 8 years have gone by so fast. I have
made a lot of friends and had a lot of fun. Grade 8 has been the most fun because we rule the school.
Jessica Kaplan
During the 2 years I have been at York I have learned a lot and made lots of friends. I have friends and memories from basketball, track and field, and many other activities. Thanks for the memories York!
Kara McNeil
This is my first year at York. I've made lots of great friends in that time. Now I'm graduating but not saying good-bye, because I'll be back next year. I really enjoy York.
Michael Choptiany I have been at York for four years (grades 1, 2, 7 and 8) My favourite sport is hockey, but I was honoured to be on York's first ever volleyball team. I am excited to be graduating from York!
Michael Young Rebecca Malen
For the two years that I have been at The York School, I have learned many things and made many friends . I love to play basketball. Dancing is my favourite hobby. This has been the best year for me. I will miss you York!
I have been at York since I was in Grade 1. Now I am in Grade 8 and graduating . . . . . . finally! At York I have been prepared for high school - I hope! But even if I haven't it was fun . . . . . . kind of. To all the young readers - do your homework and nobody will get hurt. Kim Le
Christopher Flynn
I would like to leave you with a saying which you can quote in my older life: "You can't always depend on little blue men to get you out of trouble . . . sometimes they bite!!" P.S . . . . . L.L. and C.F.
My achievements and experiences at York began when I was three, Growing, learning, changing, music, sports, Making friends, studying frantically! The great years have made lasting memories, My life here as Kiki has flown by, I'll miss everyone 'cause I'm finally graduating And leaving York with a sigh.
Katie Lewis There are so many good memories - here are a few : Buffet world, here we come (and a trip to Zellers too!), gummy worms, fat-free Fresco Gelato ice cream (like eating nothing) , across the room communication, text books (where do they go?), Haley's house is off limits, tape recorder troubles, not walking to the corner store, watch out! here I come! You're in the army now! Thanks for all the great memories . .. . R.M., H.C., K.A., K.L., B.F.F., and others M.E., B.W., L.M., L.L.
Rory Stavro-Pearce I have been at York for 2 years. I play trumpet at school, and soccer and rugby at recess. My favourite subjects are gym, art and RECESS.
Carrie Anderson I have been at York since I was 4. From Miss Rodrigoe to Ms. Mittal, I have learned a lot. I have made many friends that I will miss. I have enjoyed all the sports that I have played throughout the years - basketball and badminton. Bye York .
Victoria Orlando I've been at York for 11 long years and I have shared many memories. I'll miss all my friends when I leave next year and I'll try not to shed a tear. This is the end of my years at York School. So long, it's been cool!!
David Assad This is my second year at York and I've had a lot of fun. The only thing I disliked was the 40 minute bus ride to get here every morning.
Nicky Bennett I've been here for two years. Next year I don't know where I am going. All I know is that I am buying a motorcycle. It costs $750, has a new engine and tires. I can go where I want - except the road . Rats!!
Molly Ehrlich I have been at York for 5 years and this year is the most memor:tble. Along with the education I received I have made many friends . X-country, badminton, track, the play - I have had a lot of fun. I'll miss you York
Adam Humphrey What I really enjoyed at York was the bike club.
Laurence Payne I've been here for 8 years. I like playing on sports teams, especially basketball. My favorite subjects are gym and art. York school has taught me a lot about life and work habits.
Benjamin Cook I have been at The York School for 2 years and now I must leave. The staff has always been helpful and understanding. I can't say how much I appreciate all the hard work of the teachers. I have learned so much in my time here. I have also made many good friends. Thanks York for 2 great years!
Elizabeth McNeely My name is Lizzie and for my 8 years at York I've been busy. With all my great friends the fun never ends (except for computers!) Art is fun. I like to run. I have had many memorable days here at York.
Jordan Morassutti Six long years at York Boy, how hard did I work. But I can't say it wasn't fun Math and Phys. Ed are my favourite subjects York is the only school I really know, And when it's time to leave, I'll be sad to go.
Adrian Lo Fun, challenging, fantastic, lucky 8 What can I say? York is great. Gym, math, science, art I'll miss them with a loving heart I'll come and visit once a year But who knows? I might still be here!
Ruth Koziebrocki Hi! I am Ruth. I have gone to York for 2 years. My best memory is finishing exams. It felt really good for it all to be over. I have made lots of friends and had good times.
Bobby Neubauer I came to York last year in the second term. Since then I have become an avid member of the Bike Club. I bike with them almost every week. Even though I've been here a short while, I have already learned a lot from The York School.
Jordana Kerbel Hi! I'm Jordana. This is what I like about myself: I'm nice, funny and I'm in grade 8. I dislike math, but my best subjects are music and art. I am 13. My favourite teachers are Susan Charron and Alison Roy. I've almost forgotten about the detentions I've had. Good-bye York.
Haley Cohen Haley Cohen is my name, basketball and baseball are my games. I can be heard talking down the hall. At York I've been in many plays and have been through many memorable days. York for eight years with many friends. At York I've gone through many trends! Bye York.
Aubrey Dorfman I've been at York for 8 long years, Vhen I first came I had many fears. My favourite subjects are math and science My best friends are David, Jordan and Laurence Thank you York for 8 great years, When I leave I will shed many tears!
Matthew Kaplan I came to York and I learned a lot, I used to go to a public school, so good teachers here I sought. I came and found teachers that taught, The teachers were amazing and knowledge I got!
Matthew Faust Hi! My name is Matt Faust. I've been going to York for 2 years. I Jlayed on the volleyball team in the fall but we lost all our games and the tournament. I also plan to play more sports. I play the trombone in the band. I have been playing it for 4 years. York's been a BLAST! See most of you next year!!
Kathryn Ast My name is Kathryn Ast and my 6 years at York have been a blast. I've made great friends and the fun never ends. Computer class is not for me but Art with Mrs. Terry makes up for any bad days. I have many memories of my days at York. I will never forget
Beatrice Wayne I am Bea Wayne, I've been at The (ork School for 4 years. I like doing extra-curricular activities like sports. My favourite times in English make up for difficulties in computer class. Godd-bye York!
Rory Gunderson 'York' - It has prepared me for the fu ture and given memories of my past. Its dedicated teachers always went that extra mile. I loved every day of it and I loved it with a smile.
Nicholas Van Nostrand Thank you York! You have allowed me to accomplish some of the things that I love to do!
Sarah Watson I have been at The York School for 2 years. I have made many friends and have had many memorable experiences. I enjoy Math and French but do not like History and Geography. I would like to say Hi! to Lola, Toria, Kiki, Kara and Sica.
Tim Graham -li, my name is Tim. I have been at York School for five years, and it has been wonderful. I have learned a lot at York. My favourite sport is table tennis. My favourite subjects are Math, Science and Geography. The subject that I hate is English. My favourite colour is red.
Picture not available.
Sam Gharai This is my first year as a York student and so far it has been great. Teachers are nice, students are nice and the learning environment is great too. Ever since I have been at York I have learned more and achieved better grades. Also I believe we should get a better and bigger school so we can have more sports teams. Overall, the York School is the best school I have ever been in since I moved to Canada 5 years ago.
Morning Program Claudia Onorati Amanda Hart Aleksa Hartog Jake Fine
Christopher Comparey Jessie Stewart Cara Fletcher Laura Eden
Kirsten Morson Kabir Vassanji Andres Alias Michael Doswell
Lauren Abramsky Mark Cameron Charlie Creery Petra Szirmak
Simon Khodkar Peter Hass Gabriel Kuper Marlee Blumenthal
Brett Cameron Daniel Cameron Lyndsay Lyons Laurie Fletcher
Vanessa Battista Katherine Irwin
Afternoon Program Sebastian Leek
Ariel Goldshmidt Hannah Hersh Paulina Dhillon Jessi Jo Barnett
~BSENTEES: Marissa MacLellan, Hayley Boothe, Kathryn Rumaya, Olivia Parry, iean Pitcher, Alexander Shiek, Julian Kuper.
Simona Martella Emma Walshe Graham Vehovec Jacelyn Tu
Sp~ncer Sample Maximilien Rehm Isabelle Ouellette Emily Peckham
Clare Kordyback Meredith Jonatan Alisa Furniss Katherine Fowley
Noelle Forder Reilly Day Alexis Erlichman ABSENT: Ryan Kucan, Erik Long
Olivia Meikle Nicholas Shaw Olivia Romeo Connor Jerred
Derek Cheung Brydne Slattery Min HoMo Jessica Davies
Elizabeth Irish Maximilian Gubert Daniel Lengyel Thomas Coddington
ABSENT: Emily Brodigan Jonathan Choo
Darrien Tu Catherine Aynn Mandy Yu Rohan Shah
Jordan Ross David Laciak Jaclyn Kanitz Mathew Goldfarb
Jacqueline Evershed Kelly Damp Laura Archer Chuckie Burger
"If children grew up according to early indications, we should have nothing but geniuses" - Goethe
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• \f!/1'
Darcy Bayliss Erica Clayton Clare Karasik Lennex Szeto
Andrew Friedenthal Benjamin Kates Alicia Owen Alexandra Burce
Alessandro Delzotto Cameron Bates Tara Lengyel Eric Vehovec
Trevor Matthews Genevieve Westrope James Harquail Geneva Long
Hayley Bates Duncan Thompson Reid Buchanan Edward Legg
Sally Englehart Daniel Szirmak Scott Retcher Christopher Dimatteo Avra Kates Robert Lee
Facing the unknown!
"Some day each of us will be famous for fifteen minutes." Andy Warhol
Jaclyn Ederman David Lewis Molly Friedman Taryn Beber
Mary Ratcliffe Kristen Laciak Taylor Bell Lindsay Stransman
Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. William Butler Yeats
Danielle Aronovitch Jessica Parry Andrew Irwin Megan Finley Joseph Lyons
Lauren Damp Elisabeth Hass Jordan Bacon Lauren Forcier Eve Kordyback
Gareth Cecil-Cockwell Peter Malcolm John Racioppo Michela Comparey Andrew Tai-Pow
William Peckham Darren Chan Jessica Pesic Addison Teng David Mile Marco Romeo
This Page Is Sponsored by EVE KORDYBACK and FAMILY.
Evan Jerred Astrid Gutierrez Alexander Bates George Squire
Luke Englehart Malcolm Cecil - Cockwell Katie Young Cory Shee
Max Laskin Darren Brand David Goldberg Dillon Thring
Sarah Lengyel Caleigh Mingay Stephanie Mile Christopher Barber
Michelle Swiatek Ronald Woo Shelley Kanitz Jake Goldsbie
Sofia Harquail Connor Greg Michael Soong Roanne Bossin Daniel Myran Shannon Matthews Emily Strauss
Thomas Gutierrez Soheila Hakimi Billy Singleton Whitney Ross
Chase Cohl Mac Gould Aaron Myran Katie Englehart
Alexander Somjen Alexandra Orlando Zachary Taylor Lindsay Brand
Broidy Eckhardt Taylor Jacobson Michael Finley Max Bruce
Steven Thompson Jansen Shrubb Tara O 'Connell Elana Lechcier-Kimel Sammy Lyons Julia Webster Heather Kerr
Caitlin Tam Jamie Fine Carrie Guss Jennifer Liswood
Jeffrey Gray Justin Letofsky Margot Killoran William Mulock
Joanna Orenbach Dean Simonsky Julian Olsson Jacquie Kerbel
Thomas Dovey Liam Cohl Adam Louis Evan Barnett
David Ozersky Theodore Soong Michael Richardson Christopher Simpson
Amy Lim Ah Ken Allanah Gregg Matthew Greyson Andrea Lewis
Sidharth Shah Zoe Fallis Carey Ederman
ABSENT: Cicely Arthur, Sam Chown
This Page Is Sponsored by: EVAN BARNETT AND
Seth Wayne Jacqueline Porter Herschel Lechier-Kimel Carlie Brand
Alan Breuer Anna Rupert Diana Kyung Susan Heath
Deborah Perkins-l..eitman Patrick Woo Jesse Guss Hart Lambert
Jaimie Orenbach Jason Ross Morgan Connelly Jeffrey Thompson
Blair Aronovitch Lauren Shrubb Taylor Morassutti Maryanne Ast
Sydney Jacobson Carleton Eckhardt Benjamin Strauss Michael Frankel
Jenna Greenspan Devin Law Elisabeth Flynn Jessica Goldberg
BSENT: Emma Clayton, Katie Barber, Kristina Pesic.
Emily Sharp Ori Rubin Sabrina Lantos Laura Timko
Rachel Lechcier-Kimel Lesley Goldstein David Richardson Matthew Kerbel
Avery Haviv Jason Simon Ben Cadesky Jesse Markowitz
Melissa Senders Benjamin Thorek Jared Greenspan Jenna Laskin
ABSENT: Jesse Markowitz
Eric Addleman Lauren Saville Peter Newbould Colin Fleming
Katherine Fink Hans Zimnoch Andrew Voiles Jonathan Mirsky
Charles Fogel Laura Goldstein Simon Golden Jonathan Kahan
Azra Dhalla Rebecca Haber Robbie Battista Lori Goldberg
.BSENT: Colin Fleming
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York has made the decision t< ~·,; offer the. International Baccalaure -~-- a~e Diploma programme in the fina ~·~~ two years of the Upper School. Th~ process of applying~o become ar lB. school took many ·months f'c complete, and we are awaiting fina approval from the IB Organization As our Upper School expapd~ over the next few years, we lool forward to preparing our studenb for this challenging and excitin~ programme. Not only is it a well , recognized academic curriculum, bu it requires extra-curricular involve· ment in the arts, athletics and community service. York's graduates wil ~ have the benefit of a first-rate educational experience from Grade 1 ·~~:·~;;~r.Ji~~·~ ;:} through to Grade 13. ~ 1 - ~ ~:: ~~ ~.-': :.r....~f ·~ . : . If.\ ~- t·-~· ~ ~ T.; ~I? . ;.~ T·x·~-r;IE ·c •:
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David Beldam Eric Goldberg Kiki Dube Adil Dhalla Alisha Khatau
Memories Are Immortal
Kathryn Lenard Ira Glasner Steven Shienfield Laura Mingail
Lisa Gutierrez Gustav Schmiterlov Caleb Tarshis Samantha Thompson
Anthony lncardona Erik Olsson David Saxe Adrian Bloy
Daniel Zacks Rachel Koziebrocki Jeffrey Crawford Andrew Epstein Nicolaas Holland Benjamin Freedman
The York School Service Learning Programme Service Learning is an important component of a student's learning experiences at The York School. These experiences extend the student's learning beyond the walls of the classroom, help the student gain self understanding and understanding of others, and develop a lifelong sense of responsibility and commitment to community service. The grade eight students have always been actively involved in serving the school community through pizza lunches, special events for the primary students, joint reading and writing projects with the primary students, and coaching JIL sports. Three years ago the grade eights began volunteering during school hours at Centennial school and Sunnybrook Hospital. These volunteer placements are part of the English curriculum. Through reading and writing, and working with young children and veterans the students have a better understanding of the problems facing people coping with disabilities, and the determination needed to overcome them. This year the grade 9 and 10 students also are volunteering within and beyond our school walls. They are involved in food and clothing drives, the JIL sports programme and the Yearbook production. They must also comit to 25 hours of service outside the school over the two year period. This will help to prepare the students for the IB years when they must complete 150 hours of CAS to obtain an IB diploma. The York school faculty and students are commited to the success of this programme. We believe it will benefit the students and the community we live and work in. The York Staff
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• The York School Casa Staff
Mary Teolis
Derek Simunovec Elsie Webster
Barbara Rodrigoe
ABSENT: Marjorie Willoughby Wilma Joy Veenstrax Darlene Collison Marie Barnden
Rachel Whitworth
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Lower and Middle School
Alison Lumsden
Mary Ann Van Tassell
Barbara Galbraith
Sheila Royce
Anne Bell
Patricia Jerred
Tim Mercer
Kevin Pitt
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Lara Bafaro
••••••••••• •
••••• •
Dianne Dowman
Melissa Freedman
Susan Charron
Bina Mittal
•••••••••••• •
.................... . ••••••••••••••• ~
Bruce LePage
Barbara Lister French specialist
Jeannine Visnovec French specialist
Annette Spillane French specialist
David Hamilton
Joanne Hamilton French specialist
Alison Roy Music 路specialist
Lois Lewis Music specialist
Nancy Bunyard Music specialist
Bart Snow Visual Art specialist
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David Kupec Visual Art specialist
Johanna Terry Visual Art specialist
Alison Sutherland Teacher-Librarian
Ora Chandler Teacher-Librarian
Susan Mason Teacher-Librarian
Spero Ginis Physical Education
Margaret Bird Physical Education
Akky Mansikka Special Education
Karen Morgan Administrative Assistant
Joanne Gordon The York Shop
Del Leblanc Lunchroom
Fred Leblanc Custodian
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I Am a Teacher .
"(Architects know) that if (they) build with care, (their) structure may stand for centuries. (Teachers know) that if (they) build with love and truth, what (they) build will last forever . . . I am a teacher." John W. Schlatter (from "Chicken Soup for the Soul")
Cancer is so limited __ _ It cannot cripple love, It cannot shatter hope, It cannot corrode faith, It cannot destroy peace, It cannot kill friendship, It cannot suppress memories, It cannot silence courage, It cannot invade the soul, It cannot steal eternal life, It cannot conquer the Spirit. Author Unknown
The York School runs for life. The York School is hope.
Y FOX WALK/RUN Zimnoch "
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Qfht ®doh~r 31, 199 6 tljc ~!.1 ppcr classroom. ®IJill!ltll, (uas it frigljtful! §djl1lll sht~cnts crcntc~ <tltamtlc~
Peace Peace is the hope that keeps friendship alive. Friendship is the colours of excitement and love. Love is the meaning that overpowers fear. Fear is the fight that drowns courage alone. Courage is hope of the love of children. Children are the outcomes of struggles in the past. Past our teacher, our guidance. Guidance is the hero that brings goodness to the soul. Soul is the power that gives remembrance. Remembrance is the sorrow that gives thanks. Thanks is a moment for peace. Peace. Grade five David Ozevsky
The Arts
Guitar Club York welcomes The Guitar Club to our extra-curricular activities plan. This exciting new addition of six keen, fine musicians meets once a week to create and explore the guitar medium. Look forward to delightful sounds as this group continues to jam and progress.
BACK ROW: Mr. Kupec, Mrs. Bird, Jeffrey Crawford FRONT ROW: Andrew Epstein , Evan Barnett, Jordana Kerbel.
Music produces a kind of pleasure human nature cannot do without. Confucius Music is the shorthand of emotion. Leo Tolstoy A jazz musician is a juggler who uses harmonies instead of oranges Benny Green Play on York!
It is dark. He has gone. No more memories to be made. Old ones are melting fast. My tears fall down separately. They unite yvhen they reach the end. The only good is in my head. Beautiful memories of him and me. One small thought keeps me warm. We are still under the ~arne sky. I have drawn what see outside. You look and see inside. Laura Lingail- Grade Nine
Soldier a brave and honest man Soldier fighting across the land Soldier in the command. Soldier. Christopher Barber- Grade Three
Mystere, mystere II est grand. II ales cheveux longs, frises et bruns. Les "grub days", il porte 2 chaussures de differentes couleurs. II adore boire du ''Wink". II enseigne las 7e anne~ et les ordinateurs. Qui est-ce???? Par- Michael Richardson C'est une fille. Elle ales cheveux bruns et frises. Elle aime les chats. Elle a des taches de rousseur. Elle a 10 ans. Elle est jolie. Elle est grande. Elle est une des meilleurs amies. Son nom commence avec Ia lettre M. Elle ne porte pas de lunettes. Qui est-ce? Par- Andrea Lewis
C' Major .Jun1blc Ad.-ian Hioy
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... I surveyed the area around me, and saw lots of dead wood and a whole fallen tree, not rotten yet. I stepped on the tree, and pulled on a long , loose branch. It came off with a twist and a snap. I carried it over to a tree with a V-like shape. I plunked down the tip of the branch in the bottom of the V, so it slanted. I then put smaller branches slanting along the sides of the long branch, so that walls were formed. After that, I put leaves in the holes and openings in the walls, making sure that no heat escaped and the entrance beside the tree trunk, was very small. Then I put logs over the leaves to secure them. My shelter was done. I crawled inside to see what it was like and found it completely black. It was perfect, since any light meant a hole in the wall, which meant cold coming in and heatescaping. I made an entrance-cover out oflittle, thin branches, woven together by long grasses to become a wall that I could easily push away from my opening. My shelter would be warm, and it might even be clean. The only problem was how to keep animals from pushing away the entrance cover and coming in. To take care of that, I sharpened the edges of some little twigs into sharp points with my Swiss-army knife and stuck them into my entrance cover. After I did that, it looked like some sort of protection used in the Middle-Ages. I hoped that my new security system would protect me, at least for the night. I was working so hard that I didn't notice how dark the sky had become. When I finally looked up, I released how tired I was. I crawled into the shelter, put on the entrance-cover, and fell asleep almost instantly ... Excerpt from Lost In the Forest by- Deborah Perkins- Leitman, Grade Six
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Benjamin Kates, Oopik, Crayon on paper. Grade 1
Collection of Miro renderings
Mask making, tempera paint on model magic. Grade 1.
Katie Barber, Spoon and The Dish, marker on paper. Grade 6
Ronald Woo, Starry Night, Crayon on Paper. Grade 3
Geneva Long, Shaman and his Helping Spirit Crayon and Marker on Paper . Grade 1
James Harquail, Mask #J, Model Magic. Grade 1
Steve Thompson, King Tut, Coloured Pencil on Paper. Grade 4
Hayley Cohen, Matisse Abstract, Block Print. Grade 8
Benjamin Freedman, "The Firey Jabberwock," ink on illustration board. Grade 10
Gustav Schmiterlow, The Earth, Acrylic paint on canvas board. Grade 9
Daniel Zacks, Disappearing Faces, pencil on paper. Grade 10
Nicolaas Holland, H20, Acrylic paint on stretched canvas. Grade 10
Daniel Zacks, Mountain Landscape, ink on paper. Grade 10
Erik Olsson, Corruption, Acrylic paint on canvas board. Grade 9
Kiki Dube, "Confusion", Acrylic paint on canvas board. Grade 9 Rachel Koziebrocki, Psychedelic, ink on illustration board. Grade 10
Snoopy Cast: BACK ROW: Kara McNeil, Rebecca Malen, Haley Cohen, Katie Lewis, Elizabeth McNeely, Sarah Watson, Carrie Anderson, Victoria Orlando. MIDDLE ROW: Beatrice Wayne, Kathryn Ast, Kim Le, Jessica Kaplan, Ruth Koziebrocki, Laura Logaridis, Sabrina Lantos, Rebecca Haber, Mrs. Jerred . FRONT ROW: Kate Fink, Azra Dhalla, Laura Timko, Anna Rupert, Lesley Goldstein, Molly Ehrlich.
Being in "Snoopy" was a wonderful experience which we will never forget . . . The other stu dents, parents, staff and friends of the school won't forget your performance either, girls. It wa: great!
Upper School Drama Society BACK ROW: Mr. Kupec, Ira Glasner, Matthew MacPhee, Rachel Koziebrocki, Mr. Hamilton FRONT ROW: Andrew Epstein (standing), Adil Dhalla, Samantha Thompson, Daniel Zacks . Kathryn Lenard.
This 1996-97 year, the Upper School students founded our first Drama Society. This hard-working group performed "Hedges" by David Carley three times; once for the entire school at an assembly, followed by a presentation at the Upper School Fine Arts Display Night on May 1, and, finally, in Ottawa as part of the Independent Schools' Drama Festival. Here they joined with students from across the country in workshops and performances before an appreciative audience.
BACK ROW: Mrs. Bunyard David Assad David Zamett Mark Rupert Adrian Lo Rory Stavro-Pearce Ira Glasner Jeffrey Crawford Front Row: Nicholas Van Nostrand Kim Le Adrian Bloy Caleb Tarshis Ted Finkelberg
Where there is no vision, the people perish. Proverbs 29:18
BACK ROW: Gustav Schmiterlov Mr. Snow Mr. Kupec Daniel Zacks FRONT ROW: Steven Shienfield Kathryn Lenard Rachel Koziebrocki Lisa Gutierrez Anthony lncardona
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rntergenerational Choir
"How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are?" Satchell Paige
In 1997 the grade 5 class once again joined with Senior Link members to sing and entertain in 'he lntergenerational Choir. Conducted by Mrs. Lewis, the choir performed in concert at Fairview 'heatre, Second Mile Club and closing ceremony . Students and Seniors enjoyed a festive pre:hristmas dinner, followed by an afternoon of drama and song. As Andrea Lewis wrote, "I like belg in The Intergenerational Choir because we get to learn more about older people . . . . . . who ave amazing stories to tell . . . . The singing is really fun."
Tunior Choir ACK BACK ROW : Heather Kerr, Katie oung, Astrid Gutierrez, Michelle Swiatek, Sah Lengyel, Alexander Bates, George Squire, aniel Szirmak, Cory Shee . ACK ROW : Jordan Bacon, Sofia Harquail , ephanie Mile, Marco Romeo, Jessica Pesic, :!ward Legg, Elisabeth Hass, Addison Teng, rs . Lewis IDDLE ROW : Megan Finley, David Mile, John ~cioppo, Jake Goldsbie , Shelley Kanitz, Emily rauss, Michela Comparey. ~ONT ROW : Danielle Aronovitch , Lauren ~mp, William Peckham, Jessica Parry.
This Page Is Sponsored by DANIELLE ARONOVITCH and FAMILY.
THE BIKE CLUB The rushing wind. The thrill of movement. The outdoors. Balance, development and strengthening. Adventure. This is the Bike Club!
ACK ROW: Mr. Pitt, Ted Finkelberg, Sam Gharai, aniel Zacks, Bobby Neubauer, Ms. Freedman. ={QNT ROW: Herschel Lechier-Kimel, Benjamin Tauss, Patrick Woo, Hart Lambert, Adam Humphrey. BSENT: Nicky Bennett
Under 1 0 Soccer
BACK ROW FROM LEFT: Mrs. Lumsden, Carey Ederman, Max Bruce, Michael Richardson, Steven Thompson, Billy Singleton, Zachary Taylor, Aaron Myran, Matthew Greyson, Mrs. Bell. FRONT ROW: Thomas Gutierrez, MacGould, Amy Lim, Ah Ken, Lindsay Brand, Sammy Lyons, Justin Letofsky.
Under 14 Soccer
BACK ROW FROM LEFT: Ms. Roy, Peter Newbould, Taylor Morassutti, Rachel LechcierKimel, Michael Frankel, Avery Haviv, Lesley Goldstein, Morgan Connelly, Mme. Visnovec. FRONT ROW: Matthew Kerbel, Ori Rubin, Jenna Greenspan, Charlie Fogel, Devin Law, Laura Timko.
Chess Club
BACK ROW : Philip Parubets, Thomas Gutierrez, Zachary Taylor, Sammy Lyons, Steven Thompson, Billy Singleton, Tomas Benda. FRONT ROW : Mac Gould, Michael Finley, Gareth Cecil-Cockwell, Ronald Woo, Evan Jerred, Malcolm Cecil-Cockwell, Jansen Shrubb.
Lower and Middle School Cross Country BACK ROW: Carleton Eckhardt, Lauren Shrubb, Beatrice Wayne, Molly Ehrlich, Margot Killoran, Elizabeth McNeely. MIDDLE ROW: Mrs. Lister, Jeffrey Thompson, Broidy Eckhardt, Heather Kerr, Cait lin Tam, Seth Wayne, Jesse Guss FRONT ROW: Whitney Ross, Jansen Shrubb, Michael Finley, Elana Lechcier-Kimel, Jamie Fine, Andrea Lewis, Zoe Fallis
Upper School Cross Country <
BACK ROW: Mrs. Lister FRONT ROW: Jeffrey Crawford, Anthony lncardona, Benjamin Freedman, Adil Dhalla.
BACK ROW : Mr . Ginis , Hans Zimnoch , David Zarnett, Simon Golden, Benjamin Thorek, David Richardson, Jordan Morassutti , David Assad, Rory Gunderson . FRONT ROW : Michael Choptiany , Adrian Lo , Matthew Faust, Jason Simon , Jonathan Kahan, Rory Stavro-Pearce .
111111it路路rM UIIUlnlN_ _O___: BACK ROW: Sarah Watson, Beatrice Wayne, Elizabeth McNeely, Haley Cohen. MIDDLE ROW : Mrs . Lister, Kathryn Ast, Samantha Thompson, Rachel Koziebrocki, Kim Le. FRONT ROW: Rebecca Haber, Molly Ehrlich, Jenna Greenspan, Jessica Kaplan, Sabrina Lantos.
Boys Basketball Under 14. BACK ROW: David Assad, Ben Cadesky, Rory Gunderson. MIDDLE ROW: Mr. Ginis, Aubrey Dorfman, David Zarnett, Laurence Payne, Hans Zimnoch FRONT ROW: Benjamin Thorek, David Richardson, Jared Greenspan, Adrian Lo, Jordan Morassutti.
Boys Basketball Under 12 BACK ROW: Mr. Pitt, Taylor Morassutti, Jesse Markowitz, Peter Newbould, Miss Spillane. FRONT ROW: Jason Ross, Avery Haviv, Ori Rubin, Herschel Lechcier-Kimel, Charles Fogel, Seth Wayne.
Ski Daze '97
* * York students in Grades 4-10 enjoyed the fabulous winter conditions at Beaver Valley and Horseshoe Valley. While the grades 4 & 5 improved their cross-country skills, the grades 6-10 challenged the snowy slopes on skis and snowboards. The uninitiated found th-at Mother Nature showed no favourites, as snowboarders mysteriously reappeared as skiers. (Artwork by Anthony Incardona) HE~,
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Grade Eight Quebec Trip, '97. Cold , Castles, Carnival, Cuisine
Humber Arboretum - Nature study in the heart of a "megacity."
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, ,, This Page Is Sponsored by SALLY ENGELHART and FAMILY.
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The York Family Faculty, students and parents form a closely-knit community, working to路 gether to provide a secure and supportive environment.
York School Houses The main aims of the York houses are to create spirit; to make connections between students across the grades, to foster a sense of community within the school, to build a healthy competitive atmosphere, and to develop leadership skills within the House executive. The houses are named after two men and two women who were important leaders in Canadian History. Champlain, Johnson, McClung and Simcoe represent ideals to which our students can aspire. Each house has its own colour, symbol, tie and cheer to distinguish it from the others. Houses meet regularly to plan Spirit Days and other special activities. House members gain points throughout the year for uniform, for participation in special events and clubs, for various competitions, for good citizenship, and for; academic achievement. High point winners are acknowledged with certificates and pins and on a House plaque and Cup which are permanently on display in the school.
Johnson House
York Celebrates the Holidays . Winter celebrations at the York School reflect our multi-cultural interests and make-up . Hanukkah, Christmas and Chinese New Year are times for good stories, food and music. The Grade Fours enjoyed a trip to the Gardiner Museum of Ceramic Art to see their exhibit of Christmas trees . The Grade Fives, assisted by angelic Grade Ones, performed the Christmas story with great charm .
This Page Is Sponsored by SAM CHOWN and FAMILY.
A special thanks to all the families who helped make these celebrations such a success.
Clhe York School May 4, 1996 Date
for supporting the aims and objectives of the Society
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Student Council
BACK ROW: Lisa Gutierrez, Benjamin Freedman, Aubrey Dorfman, Jessica Goldberg, Jessica Kaplan, Ted Finkelberg, Andrew Epstein, Hans Zimnoch. MIDDLE ROW: Mr. Pitt, Beatrice Wayne, Katherine Fink, Mark Rupert, Benjamin Strauss, David Goldberg, Jason Simon, Rachel Lechcier-Kimel, Mrs. Galbraith. FRONT ROW: Elisabeth Hass, Thomas Dovey, Kristen Laciak, Tara Lengyel, Lindsay Stransman, Andrew Friedenthal, Roanne Bossin, John Racioppo, Andrea Lewis.
This Page Is Sponsored by KRISTEN LACIAK and FAMILY .
Voice Newspaper Committee
Members are : Mr. LePage, Andrew Epstein , Nicolaas Holland, Ira Glasner , Daniel Zacks, Adil Dhalla, Anthony lncardona, Benjamin Freedman, Lisa Gutierrez, Jeffrey Crawford, Kiki Dube, Kathryn Lenard , Adrian Bloy, Rachel Koziebrocki , Steven Shienfield, Ted Finkleberg .
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Tlrl! YoRK Sc1-10oL Tzi1E CAPstA.Le.- Do NOT oPEN tA.NTLL Tlrl! YEAR
LOOKING BACK AT SPRING 1996 Each year "Perspective" looks back to the previous Spring term. Stroll with us 'down memory lane'.
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Graduation June 1996
This Page Is Sponsored by LISA GUTIERREZ AND FAMILY.
York's artists display their works at the annual Visual Arts open house
. . . . . . . . . Looking Back Sports Day
Page Sponsored by thE
. Looking Back
MUSIC NIGHT The York School music department entertained a delighted audience of parents, staff and students at the annual spring Music Night. Performers included The York Singers, choirs and bands. Congratulations to everyone! ,
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Earth Day at the Humber Arboretum - Plant a Tree!
Toronto, Canada
M4P 1Y2
8" /1. 5L square cake
Ingredients 1/4 cup 3/4 cup 1/2 batter: 1/2 cup 3/4 cup 2 1 tsp. 1 1/2 cup 2 tsp. 3/4 cup
butter firmly packed brown sugar pineapple, cut into half rings
50 175 1/2
mL mL
butter sugar eggs vanilla all-purpose flour baking powder milk
125 175 2 5 375 10 175
mL mL mL mL mL mL
Method 1. Place butter in bottom of 8"/1.5L square baking dish and place in preheated 350F/180C oven until melted - about 3 or 4 minutes. Sprinkle with brown sugar. 2. Arrange pineapple in rows on top of brown sugar. 3. For the batter, cream butter until light. Gradually beat in sugar. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. 4. stir or sift together flour and baking powder. Add to butter mixture alternately with milk, beginning and ending with flour. 5. Spoon batter gently over the fruit. 6. Bake 40 minutes. Cool cake on rack 5 minutes. Invert onto serving plate.
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Jfump/zreJ;Jlmeml Home c/[W.cJr(iles Chapel
1403 Bayview Avenue, Toronto, M4G 3A8 (416) 487-4523 Toll free 1-800-616-3311
TEL: (416) 925-9191
FAX: (416) 925-3935
KERBEL GROUP INC. "con_Jra..tula..f'ions -to -the students a..nd sta..ff of lhe York .School on a..nother successful ~ea..r"
•••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••• The York School Staff 1996-1997
BACK ROW: D. Kupec, B. LePage, 0. Chandler, M. Van Tassell, B. Lister, A. Bell, D. Dowman, A. Roy, S . Ginis, D. Hamilton . MIDDLE ROW : M. Freedman, L. Lewis, L. Bafaro, S . Mason, J . Gordon, J . Visnovec, B. Galbraith, S . Charron, B. Snow, M. Bird, K. Pitt, T . Mercer. FRONT ROW: A. Spillane, A. Lumsden, K. Morgan, B. Goodwin Zeibots, M. Andrews, B. Mittal, A. Sutherland, P . Jerred. ABSENT: J. Bishop, N. Bunyard, J. Hamilton, A. Mansikka, S. Royce, J. Terry.
In Closing . The York School Yearbook Committee wishes to express its appreciation to all those who helped in so many ways in the publication of Perspective '97. From photography to advertising to editing. It couldn't have been done without you. We hope everyone has a great summer. Enjoy your Perspective '97!
The Yearbook Committee Includes . . .
BACK ROW: Mr. Kupec, Mrs . Bird, Gustav Schmiterlov, Mr. Snow, Daniel Zacks, Mrs. Mason, Mrs. Chandler FRONT ROW: Anthony lncardona, Steven Shienfield, Kathryn Lenard, Rachel Koziebrocki, Benjamin Freedman, Lisa Gutierrez, Andrew Epstein .
See You
The 1997 Perspective is dedicated to the memory of Toby Kerbel.
IN MEMORIAM The York School students and staff were saddened in December of 1996 by the death ofT oby Kerbel. As the mother of three children, two of whom attend The York School, Toby focused her energies and care on her family. With her customary zest for living, she showed a particular interest in programs for 'special needs' children. She was wonderfully supportive of The York School, and was generous in her gifts to the library, donating many interesting and useful books in honour of her daughters, Jacqueline and Jordana. She gave of her time to organize and host a very successful fashion show I silent auction in the fall of 1995. Thank you Toby! We all miss you .