2011-2012 a higher perspective

Page 1

EdlHon: DomaniE:~Bitondo路& Siwm Doj-la

Admol': Ms. Marie Ala~

Coatdb1lton: U.. .Alezanderon, J~u Thomu, Jake Eisen, Eloisa Cervantes, Nlq_ole lCay, La~ Clarlleld, Hilary Notldn: Lauren Hoffman Ab~.~enattar, Pajtla~~路 Maya M1llliWUl,1Liaune Me.~路~ ~&f!:b W'~. JfurJaha Ladak~ Shawn,.V~, Damela - rria Ooatamo, Rachel Hung. Maaaulee C..-d,&yJ~Grovar, v ;nJ:iael& Patdo1 BIUahJiiliio &~dp*-!iB~

Mr. Jaatin Medved, The rr Department, Ma. Viaky Dlmo, Ms. K'ara Lyane-Pm., ~ Riajen?i;b).lok, Dajld ~o~ Mf. ~J~

!!.etters from Administration .................. Pg. 3 Staff ....................................................... Pg. 6 Students . .. .. .. .. .. . .. ... . .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . Pg. 10 Grade 6 Portraits ........................... oPg 10




Grade 7 Portraits ........ o•o····o············Pgo 14 Grade 8 Portraits ....... oo...................Pg. 18 Grade 9 Portraits ............................ Pg 22 Grade 10 Portraits .......................... Pg. 26 Grade 11 Portraits .......................... Pg. 30 0


............................................. llg. 3~ ~l11lls .................................................... llg. f>~ <Commutnity and Service ........................ Pg. 60 Athletics ................................................ Pg. 80 Fall Teams ..................................... Pg. 82 Winter Teams ................................ Pg. 86 Spring Teams ................................ Pg. 90

................................... Pg. ~E3 Student Life ........................................... Pg. 11 0 Letter frem the Editors .......................... llg. 152 ~l[c(llen~e ~eelc



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his yearbook is important to me, it is the first time I have the privilege of writing a note and appearing on this page as Head of School. I like it. (I hope rm doing a good job.) I have been a teacher or administrator for 22 years, and a student in school before that, so one could argue that my life can be measured out in yearbooks. I have a fondness for them, and they have followed me around from move to move. A yearbook is a magic trick-it does the impossible. A yearbook captures all the events that happen in a school year, celebrates the achievements of the whole community and the achievements of individuals, it gives a sense of what it was like to be here at the school to both those who experienced it first hand and those who merely 'read' the book. It is a calendar of that final year for our Graduates and a set of expectations for those already looking to write immortal words under their grad photo. Yearbooks manage to be an objective and impersonal look at the year, yet they are intimately personal at the same time-particularly after everyone signs it! The biggest part of the magic trick is yet to come: the fact that the people pictured in these pages will always stay young while each time we visit the pages we get older and the memories need more coaxing to come alive from the past. But they do and it's magic. Many years ago a student, Larissa Lay, wrote in my yearbook, uno not let who you are now prevent you from becoming who you are meant to be." I didn't reflect much on those words at the time, although they were definitely more original than 'have a nice summer'. Curiously, these words have come to mind when I have doubted myself and was afraid to try something new. I've written it in your yearbook now. And of course, thanks for all who contributed to this yearbook, particularly Domenic, Siwan, and Ms Aragona. It's magic.

or Jones Head of School



f a picture is truly worth a thousand words, you have a great deal of reading ahead of you! But, no doubt you ask, will one find a thesis, complete

with topic sentences and supporting evidence?

There is definitely a large cast of characters, more than even Charles Dickens could have imagined creating in one of his lengthy novels. And as for that thesis, there seems to be a message emerging about how much fun education is at The York School. Between service trips to India and Tanzania, a band trip to London and Paris, Model UN trips to Boston and Chicago, and Challenge Week trips from Squamish, B.C. to St. John's, Newfoundland, our students have logged enough miles to spread smiles from floor to floor and sea to sea. And then there were those moments on stage, when we were figuratively transported beyond the here and now - from TEDxiB@York to The Good Person of Szechwan and New Canadian Kid, from coffee houses to Arts nights. And even when the stage was quiet, the Coliseum, fields, and rinks were showcasing the talents of our many athletes. In the end, when you analyze all the evidence, you will see that the thesis is as large as life itself, which isn't surprising, given our dedication to the lofty mission of developing "inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who are engaged citizens of the world." Thanks to Siwan Doyle and Domenic Bitondo, our yearbook editors, for making a most convincing case for counting The York School among the very best schools in the world.

David Hamilton Principal of the Upper School 4


have watched the growth of the class of 2012 having taught two thirds of the graduating class grade 9 science. From curious ninth graders in

ICE figuring out their world to confident learners contributing to the greater good of their community, they have taken the lead of giving back and living our school mission,' knowledgeable, inquiring and caring

citizens of the world'. The class of 2012 is best remembered by bringing community members together by the creation ofYork TV; a new level of being tuned into the hub of student life at the Upper School. Competitive house challenges spearheaded by spirited house captains have connected grade 6 to 12 students together as they collect points toward the York shield. The involvement of graduates at the 2nd TEDxiB at York provided them an opportunity to extend into the IB world community where they joined other liked minded IB learners with 'Passion, purpose and perspective'. Graduates have demonstrated their knowledge and inquiry in the group JiVi myth busters showcasing their creative side in solving scientific puzzles, delivering the difficult message in Brecht's 'Good Person of Szechwan', composing and performing the accompanying musical score to the play, displaying artistic talent at the US arts night and writing many IB exams. Congratulations to Domenic and Siwan for capturing the above and more within these pages. To the class of 2012, regardless of the path you take, we ho:ee you find yourself back here to share your adventures.

Helen Gin Vice Principal and IB coordinator 5

Judy Amsterdam

Christine Appadumi

Ravi Appadumi

Marie Aragona

Effie Bolomcnos

Matthew Barry

Kimberley Benoit

Josh Berger

Winston Berrottc

Megan Berry

Fabio BiiiJliarclli

Gina Boncore

Tamany Booth

Jim Brickell


David De La Huertn

Vicky Diano

Dianne Dowman

Susan Doyle

Anne-Marie Dubuc

Brian Eaton

Jennifer Elliott

Notasha Estey

Geruld Feeney

Robin Fulford

Sara Gardner

Megan Gardner Ross


Helen Gin

Pearl Goodman

Shelley Gopal

David Hamilton

Katharine Hancock

David Hanna

Gordon Hefford




Ginny Bates

Andrea Cowie


Dilniclle Lemieux


Mary McGUJiough

11111 Johns


June Kerr

Eva Lee

Justin Medved

Leslie Miller

Seun Mitchell

Marilca MotiwaJia


Christopher Steele

Kevin Stewnrt

Heather Swanson

Dan Taylor

AllTOn Walker


Sally Warren

Bill Websler

Jaime White

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Annelle Whiteley

Chuck Wiley

Mary Wood

Connie Zhao


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Jacqueline Davidson

Ben Isenberg


Vivian Davis

MW"C De Vcncuil

Noah DiRenzo

Jcrtmy Elkin-S ilver

Michael Friedland

Nicholas Gruliam

Tanis Helman

Allison Hoffman

,Dennis Frolov


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Edward Dickson


Edith Eayrs

Souhiln El Sheikh

Georcin 'Ellit kson

Benjamin Fcltlmun

Sytlney Autt

Sophit: Fmscr


Noah Poweis

Remi Raguin

Mel issa Ro~

Dan Schccbner

Sam Tauber

Christopher Trivnnovic

,Yovin Udngedara

Mu.x Vlllentine

Daniel Williams

Luc:as Sheiner

Tobias Sparwasser Soroka


Maddie Aidclman

Pctr Alcxundcrov

Duniellc Ball

Abby Benattar

Kalhfcen Bowman

Max Brenzel

Danicllc Bro"'n


Jonllh Gorodensky

Kate Griffiths

Riley Hanson

dllfl! Harvey-Raymond

Lauren Hoffman

Pnmoy Hussain


Shionne Hitchman


Rachel Hung

Jonn1hnn Klip


Grad Signatures

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Sun falllna over fields and atades Wind howllna throuah the arms of trees Row tumbllna. falllna. throuah the cracks Of • vawnlna cave.

Deer pllop throu1h the wild .avannahs Wltllllons keeplna watcll Hidden, under swathes of arus, Until the time Is rlaht.

Waterfalls pourlna overcnffs, Roarlna. tosslna waves of arace With no restraint and no mercy, To those who It can catch.

The sun fall$ over the dome of the world, sleep Ina for the nljllt.

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rom TEDxiB@York to "Bring Your Game", from the first day of school to graduation, this book not only documents the year but highlights the accomplishments and new initiatives of the students within these pages. We couldn't have created this collection of memories alone; thus we would like to thank the school, our committee and our patient yet meticulous advisor, Ms. Aragona, for all of their help and support throughout the year.

Editing this yearbook was an amazing experience. It is a "behind-the-scenes" job; however unlike other positions within the school, it is a job whose legacy will last forever. As we worked on the yearbook, we realized that we were

creating a memory. We were creating an item that people will keep for the rest of their lives. It warms our hearts to know that in fifty years, when we are old and grey, our peers will dust off the book after finding it in a box in their basement and momentarily return to their younger days.

They will reminisce,

remembering stories and friends--their lives as high school students. Thank you, and good luck in the years to come!


Dornenic Bitondo


Friesens 'IN-~



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