2013-2014 Perspective

Page 1

spect Trie YORK SCHOOL



Conor Jones

I love spending time at the Junior School. Every day is exciting. Watching the students fonn lasting friendships in the classroom, hallways and playground. Our young students truly care about one another and have active and engaged minds. Whether working on iPads, "dropping everything to read" printed books during DEAR time or experiencing the outdoors at the Evergreen Brick Works their enthusiasm and camaraderie is inspiring. Congratulations to students, faculty and staff on a great year. Caring about others, taking risks and keeping an open mind are just a few of the m Learner Profile attributes Junior School students embody every day. Each page of this yearbook captures students in Junior Kindergarten to Grade 5 as they learn, play, rise to exciting challenges and revel in new experiences. The photos and highlights show how creativity and school spirit made the Junior School a very special place to learn during the 2013-2014 year.

I encourage students to have their friends and teachers sign this yearbook and to take them home and treasure them, and the memories they hold, for years to come. A big thank you to the yearbook staff for putting this wonderful keepsake together for the Junior School community.

I wish all students and their families a fun-filled summer. See you in September! Sincerely, Conor Jones Head of School

Susan Charron

Dear students, This has been a very busy year, as always, in the Junior School and a special one for me as it is my hst! How touched and honoured I am to have made the front cover of this years Perspective, thanks to Alice Baker's winning entry. On a day to day basis, your classrooms were turned into inquiry Jabs where discoveries were made about yourselves through pJay, garbage was analysed and sorted, the human body was studied, inventions were created, childrens rights were defended and the secrets to a long life were revealed! To complement your classroom learning, you enjoyed field trips to the Brick Works, Chudleighs, High Park, Black Creek Pioneer Village, City Hall, Norval, The Textile Museum, The Living Arts Centre and the ROM just to name a few! Mme. Almeida, Mrs. Selley, Ms. Spencer and Ms. Wychopen have produced an incredible retrospective of your year in the pages of this yearbook. From cover to cover, the book is filled with pictures of an eventful and fun-filled year. We all greatly appreciate their efforts! Re ading through the yearbook will bring it all back to life once again. Enjoy- I know that I will! Thank you for all the wonderful memories of our time together over the years. All the best, Susan Charron Pri ncipal, Junior School

Katherine Almeida Ravi Appadurai Moria Barnden Ginny Ba~es

Anne Bell Kate Boynton Morgan Carroll Chaka Comrie

.locquelyn CI.JTlffiings Rick DeMarinis

Mona Desai Marcus Down

Chris~ian Derblich

Susan Duviner Vanessa Emer Amy Faba

Lidija Grkov~c Yeni Guerra Ryan Hewg路tl Shane Heyes

Andrea Hess Gill Hickman Jamie Ho comb Mary Hudson

Kendra Hutton Patricia lndart

lan Johns Carol Klestinec

Elissa Khne-Beber Katie Leopold Denise Liu Hallie McClelland

Justin Medved Andrea Mercer May Moffat ..loha1sson

Suzanne Newell

Raquel Pineda Barb Prevedello Merlin Sorarona Joanne Schwindt

Lynne Selle Julie Selley Afzal Shaikh Karen Smith

Sara Spencer

Siobhan Swan Robyn Torshis

&in Way

Jennifer Wyatt Lynn Wychopen Liso Yorke


Staff at


Aret Day


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Aret Day

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York has spirit!

Spirit Day


Stut:l8nte Cro66~untry


llatcm i\bugha7.aleh Max Borcan Lennon Bussoli-Dobrow Lill} Cloth Eri~ Eichhollz

Eden f'Cidbcrg Baker Fcle~k} E\路an Fr.tiherg Kute Jones Churlollc Macba


Charlie Pepper Xavier Santone GcmmRSingh Madeline Singh

JK with Miss Lynn & Miss Maria


RaahimAii RiduAman Ellu Buxbaum Annie Corrin Dylan Davies

Austin Deluce Robcn Di Lon:nzo-Gmhom Alexander Fluitt Selin Hocooglu Alexondm Kent

Rohhic Kozmun Solomon Marcus SimincMeh Ella Mikctinac Paul l11ilipp

Baxter Selle) Su111White Bcckptt Yuzpc

with Miss Kendra and Miss Mary



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MPhn Alobthnni Tristnn Bhnrti SPhil Bhatia Cav.1hru Bums BaylnChown

Mnximilinn Donaldson Bruce English Sofia GJ'C!Il-Murruy Rhys Gutch~:r Molly Jones

Jamie Katz Mnxwell Ncls~:n Alc:xnndru Nodd~:r Noel Robinson MiPli Rose

Julin Rotljw~:ll Lul!! Smith

lB with Mrs. Bell

Seif Abdel Hudi Sophie Breeze Hir.un Burm K:~itlyn Costukos Caley Ellis

lliyun Gang1111i Connor Gardiner

Dr.tyden Gibbs Kusim lrshad Claire Kcmngh:~n

Kat) a Khoury Vanessa Philipp Kale Rose Harris Rothwell Colin SiJn!rberg

Arly Skuffe Dylan Zivujinovich

lS with Mrs. Selley

Gratl6 151

Cullum Atkinson Jamie Bcnuyon-Abr.lhum Muyu Dhnnucharjcc D-.1wson Cluucrbuck Manina Guccione

Funlcan llcydary SummcrOsnk GrJcc Plumpton-Uill llurri~on Rotman Ma)( Suntonc

Alison Schutzkcr Zuzu Vogli111.zo Bmzzioli Da\路id Wong IIanna~ Yuzpe lbmhim Zio-f'll Din

2C with Ms. Carroll

Fiona Bellamy Khnled Bender William Che~kes Solin Davidson P1ppa Dempsey-Hull



llud~on Grill

Sophia Mucba Angus Oliver Christian l'lumpton-llill

Ruby Rea

Dori Seeman Emiliju Trurnpaitytc Tavish Wilkin

2H with Ms. Hudson

rerrtflo rwoo

Zoe B11rn11rd Peter Bergman Ross Bowen J~~mes Conneely Amber Ellis



Somerset Folk Alexander Frnncis Chloe Gutcher Henry Hicks

Ryder Jennings Sam Katz Caitlin Marsden Olivia Novae Sophie Pel'per

Will ~1lllia;on H~Rose

Ale.t Sklenkn Skyler Wexler Annie White

3D with Ms.Cummings

Youssef 8albau EmilyDca Amelia Ellis Aiel'. fclesky Luis Freeman


Gardiner Jaime Goodmun Alcli.U Gn:II路Murruy Joshua Katz Charlie Kernaghan

Owen Moorhead 8c:nNush Swn Novae Savilll Pu.~si Oscmr.Puul

Jore l'orruw ZqraSulli.U Hj:len Suva Abigail Smith Geoffrey Vuvitsus

3F with Ms. Swan

Ms. Faba

- - - r errlflo Thr66s

at York.

1M GrwlB Be at 61aok Cr86k f\Ot166r Y1• •

Anna Abcr Rai}nnAli Chloe Andre\!.~ ierra Bcnayon-Abrahnm Madeleine Blanc

Owen Breeze Saara Chaudry Robb) Elli~ Adam Kirsh Gillian Lawson

Joseph Munin Emma Nachshcn Gemma Noble Lauren Pons Zacii Shnwn

Charlitr Shc:fidan Daniel ~11 erbcrs Griffin S11tallwood Susnnnn Wang Ryan Yu

4H with

Mr. Heyes.


Maya Abdcl Hadi Luke Andrews Ynsmin Bender Spencer Blyth Jed Carr

Jessie Cronin Dahlia Elkhoul) Reese Feldberg Evan Janlim Sophie Klnssen

Lorenzo Loewenthal Rowan Mackintosh Cameron Meredith Paige Rcthwcll Phoebe )ttllmnn

J;unic R) gicl Nno~ Singer Aln.~tai ~'fei:\cira

Alec Wilkin Alexander Yuzpc

4P with Ms. Prevedello





Monicn Altshuler ElmaAmnn Sam Barnard RomiBogdnn Cleo Bushell

Anthony Costakos Devin Driesman Cole Franklin VcmKozlova Ryan Neal

Marynh Noorani Eliana Puscolo Ella Rea lsiUic Rose: Amaliya s .lilkbova

Joseph &~er

Seuma.'>' Sbrndnn lsh1 Sklenka Christinn Walker WilliamWu

5H with Mr. Hewgill

Manhcw Adclbcrg Alice Baker Alclt Bnslin Lic:vckc: Balt Sa.~ha Brown

Malcolm Bums Jordan Hausman Mimi 1-lodaic Lucie Hun1cr Julia Kirsh

Ella Mnlhison 1\ \'c:ry Moorhead

Bruk Ncgalu Makonnc:n Samcer Passi Muddit.~Paul

Laun:n l'\lll!lck Micl=rsava llnydc~路Spindlcr James Trnynor Tn) lor 7.ivojino\'ich

5N with Ms. Newell

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Mr. Paean r&id

from hL!5 11ooks, ~ hl6 ~ on ~for hJ," book I Wltil I Could Draw and hl6 '1ldne-1ldne from 11!, ohJieihooe1 JK ana SK ~.ne~Mr.

Paean played hie mandolin. Happy~sl



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