2014 2015 a higher perspective

Page 1

THE A Higher errspecti~e

'olume XV~


Editors: Taylor Lau and Noah Powers

Advisor: Marie Aragona

Hey York! We all kn0w that Cllacdia Terr l0ves mer ~ame!

amGi eem~efitisms, sa tAis y.eaf s~e tms~~rnt it w.euiG be fun te hiee throtJ9hewt tme yearbsok. Keep ah

e¥-e oat and see new rrmam~ times ~am ea·mfin€1 herr!

€load h1ck!

How many times can you find me in this yearbook?

Messages from Administration ....................................................•.....•......•...•..•.....•• pg 4 F=c.c:lJitlf and Sit~f1f .........•...•......•.•...................................•...•..............•..••..•...•.....•..••..•. pg t)

Grc.de t> Grc.de 1

pg 12 pg 16

Grace 8 pg20 Middle School Ar7ts .•...•.....•....•.........................•................•............••...•.••.... pg24

pg 28 Mi~~IE! ~c:tlo()1 ~ILJt>s; .................................................................................. . pg34 Middle School Challenge Week ......................•....•...•................................. pg39 Middle S...,cliool Oocfl ..........•.....••.....•..•..•.•.•••..••.•..••••..•.•••.•......•......•.••..•..•... pg42 Middle S~hool Student Life .........•...............•.............................•................ pg44

Middle School Athletics

Senior Sc:hoo"1! .............. ··································~···························································· pg 46

pg48 Grc.cjEt ~ ·····~·············-·················································································· . Grc.de 10 ········~·············,············································································· pg52 Grade 11

pg56 Grads ·························"········································· .........•..•.•....•.•..........•.....•• pg60 Senior School Athletics ••. _, ............................................................................ pg86 pg96 Senior School Clubs & Committees House Council ............................ . ................,_..................................................... pg 104 ~~rliC>r ~c:lle>()l Ar1t!i ........................................................................................ . pg 1@6 Senior School Student l:.ife ............................................................................... . pg 11r4 <ire~ct flrctFl" ....................................................................................................................... . pg 13 Grad Retrec.t pg 13

Graduc.tion •.......•.......•.....•..•..•.••....•...........•..•••••.•.•...........• ·············~···························· pg 13

pg 13 Middle Sahool Closing Ceremonies .•......••...•••..••••..•...•...•......••.•••..••..•.....•.•••..••••••• •···· pg 1 Senior Sch ooI Cl os1ng · Ceremon1es · ................................................................................. pg 1 <irad Portrait ..•....•....•.••....................••..••.•••........•.•..•.•.. ·····················!···~ ..................... . pg 14 Grad Dinner .......................................................................... .

Editnr' e l\1 n+a

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rbara -ZEI York-

As you read this yearbook, just imagine 50 years almost to this date, when York School began, establishing a legal entity on which to start a school in Toronto, the county of York! Interested parents and myself had gathered together in a home to discuss our desire to begin what was the first Montessori School within the boundaries ofToronto at that time. Each and every member of that first Board were involved, with setting up the constitution, arranging financial matters, searching for a site, welcoming admissions, ordering Montessori materials etc. Anticipation and excitement was high as we unpacked the materials in late August 1965 that came all the way from Holland! A day or two after Labour Day, 1965, we opened the doors in Grace Church on the Hill, which is within walking distance from the present York School site! There were 18 children in the morning and 18 in the afternoon session with a parent volunteer always in attendance. I believe that historical close connection between the school and parents has continued today and we still have a strong Board and Parents Association! In that first class there were two children, David Galbraith and Jamie Weaver whose parents would become very involved in the life of the school. Barbara Galbraith became Head of the Lower School and Dr Molly Weaver worked as our school Psychologist for many years. The school today is remarkably different in size from that first location. We can now boast about being the first full IB school in Canada and offering excellence in Coed education from Kindergarten to Grade 12. Many of you already know that I have become totally immersed in the Global Pathways School in South India. Teaching teachers and establishing an "IB like" curriculum has allowed me my dream of continuing on, in a field of education and service. The economically disadvantaged children at Global Pathways School are receiving the same fine education that exists today at York, ensuring a brighter future. You will be surprised to find out that 50 years later, Mrs. Galbraith and Dr Weaver are also still involved with a developing school, offering great expertise at GPS in their respective fields. Alii can say, is that I am very lucky to have experienced the opportunity to work in both settings. Volunteering my time at GPS has allowed me to "give back" which is an important thing to do in life ... even when you're retired!

Prindpal Welcome back to the year that was ... and what a year it was! While 2014-15 was marked outside our school walls by conflict - the rise of the lslamist State, the Ferguson race riots, the umbrella revolution in Hong Kong, terrorist attacks in Ottawa and Paris, to name but a few- inside our walls, peace reigned sup rem~. As it so happened, our students seemed to face their greatest threats while outside the school, barely escaping a hurricane during a Senior Boys Soccer tournament in Bermuda, and carefully navigating around the umbrella-toting protestors in Hong Kong during the International Independent School Public Speaking Competition. Which isn't to say that we didn't have our share of exciting moments within the walls. I certainly won't forget battling Gladla Tor in the wresting ring during United Way Week, laughing through the Senior School play, "7 Stories", or experiencing our first-ever Friday Night Lights basketball games. And what about Mini We Day, the dance/arts collective showcase "Preview", and Bring Your Game? All in all, from sea to sea and wall to wall, York School students were being what they set out to be: enaaaed citizens of the world. Thank you to editors Taylor Lau and Noah Powers for making the

Yearbooks are fixed mementos of what occurred in a school year, often focussing on general social and cultural events. Yearbooks cover what is of interest to the largest population and th ey paint the events of the year with a broad brush. (This one is terrific. A big thank you to Taylor Lau, Noah Powers and Ms. Aragona). Yearbooks don't pretend to catch everything, they intentionally have blank space and empty pages. You are encouraged to take your pen and personalize them. Make this yearbook a document that reflects your experience of these events. Make this yearbook your narrative, your story, by writing your thoughts in the margins. A good yearbook is annotated and can provide 'future you' with a gli mpse into 'current you'. That is the real power of a yearbook, its ability to capture the recent past for you to examine in the future- a time capsule. Think about putting a copy of your report card in the back of this book. It might be more interesting to you years down the road than it is today! I

In The Tempest, a play about how understanding the past is key to the present and the future, William Shakespeare wrote, " ...what's past is prologue; what to come in yours and mine discharge." This yearbook is the prologue; the story that sets the scene for future events. What next year holds is yet to be told.

What will you remember most about Middle School years? Th~ polar bear dip at camp Oochigeas, exploring Toronto's biodiverse parks, sampling Quebec City cuisine and hiking the muddy terrain of the Muskokas. Perhaps, it might be the social connections made during homeroom challenges, lunch clubs such as improv, chess, Minecraft or hanging out in the commons area. The cool learning activities may also make an imprint. Who will forget the flight unit in grade 6 science and technology, pinewood derby or food art in grade 7, or the STEM boat navigation project in grade 8? What will be the memories that you wish to forget about Middle School? Perhaps, the constant misplaced belongings, be it the laptop chargers, PE uniform, locks, or homework assignments. Maybe, the cold chairs on Monday mornings in the winter or missing out on the last pizza slice at lunch? Middle School life in and out of the classroom has been a journey of steps forward and steps backward- this we know is most important. Along this journey, we have cheered, competed, cried, laughed and loved at our many events. Thank you to our students for being open-minded, taking risks, caring for others and living the IB learner profile. Special thanks to the faculty for their ongoing commitment, support and expertise in nurturing our students to take on the journey. Congratulations to Taylor Lau and Noah Powers, yearbook editors, and their team for




Kinberley Benoit









Alison Chcrnp

ScrOO Galey

Glen Blar'











No Photo Available






Okre Drysdale

&en licsta1

Corneron Eby


~ Ruth Elchholtz

~ ~


Notosha Estey

Peal Goodman

Sheryl Fo路th



No Photo Available

Robin .Johomseo

t#..e Krysa







Koro l ysne.Poris

Oooglos Peck









Kod1e Rlvenn

.Jody Roberts

Seal Mitchell


No Photo Available

\ I.J ~




David Porls

Kathleen Ped<

No Photo Available




Merc:ede Rogers

Tansyn Ross















Nay Wood

.lessica Wodord

Corrie Zhao


• ..:>CHOOL



Matthew Adelberg







Anthony Costokos

Cole Fra-klio




JUio Kirsh




(•• \,

.,~, , · @











lshi Slderko

t-byOen Spindler

Ben Perko

Blo Reo

Joseph Sd-otzker

.kmes Troyror

Willian Wu















Rob Altshler

Antra Bowmoo


Md:vei Belloev

Saah Bernstein

Griffin Betts

Collin Caruthers

Alim Meralii






Elizobelh Ndel

Herry Petrelh

Rolph Roo.kr.o

Scrcil Teltebun

Georgia Samt.el

lucas V!doi-Rlbas Smith

Gig! Noble

Olivia W'/:i:;n

Alex Treynor

The Middle School put together a great renditien of a classic stery. A job well done to everyone who participated!


Anthony Costakos Bruk Negatu Maonnen Ben Perko Seumas Sheridan Hayden Spindler James Traynor T~ylor Zivojinovich

B~SKETBAlbl : Coaches: Cameron Eby and Teresa MacDonald


Lieveke Bax Jenna Grossman Mimi Hodaie Ella Mathison Shira Moses Haley Perko Pippi Samuel

Cleo Bushell Jordan Hausman Julia Kirsh Avery Moorhead Maryah Noorani Ella Rea lshi Sklenka


Coaches: Glen Downey and Aaron Lue« Sam Barnard Anthony €ostakos Nic;holas Karsli Colm O'Brien O'leary hiam Salass Seumas Sheridan

Alex Bastin S~m

Li Sameer Passi Michael Sava Aar:ish Siddiqui

Look how far

we've come since then!

tJ14 GIRlLS B~S~ErFB~ILl Coach: Rick DeMarinis Sarah Bernstein Zoe Brenzel Abi Daviau Emma Evans Sadie Katz Clara Meyer Gigi Noble Katherine Rothwell Georgia Samuel Tasia Thorsteinson

Audrey Bowen Maya Carr Anna Eberlee Claire Jewell Carly Lanfer Julia Murmann Ayesha Noorani Maia Sampaleanu Sophia Sheiner Olivia Wilson

W14 BIDYS V<O.lllle¥B~I!J!. Coaches: Laura Hq/e and Christine Dionisio Rowan Bradt Noah Chisamore Matthew James David Marcuzzi Ch~rles Sheiner Zilvinas Trumpaitis

Collin Carruthers Holden Folk Christopher Johnson

Zach Schwartz Jake Storfer

tJ14 B®¥ 5 SCDC€ E_ R Coaches: Marco Milanovic and Tamsyn Ross Rob Altshuler Sam Barnard Alex Bastin Ia ~obi Bernstein Griffin Betts JP Briggs rvnhony Costakos Devin Driesman Michael Goldberg luke Goldman Casper Harris Jack Hodgson Matias Kahr-Landolt Nicholas Karsli Sasha Koch Sam Li Colm O'Brien O'Leary Darragh O 'Brien O'Leary Sameer Passi Henry Petrelli Vishvak Raghavan Isaac Rose Marc Rouhana Ralph Rouhana Uam Salass Michael Sava Seumas Sheridan Aarish Siddiqui


lJ12_BCO¥S B~SKETBAILIL Coacn: Mike Krysa Sam Barnard Alex Bastin Anthony Costakos Devin DriesinClln Bruk Negatu Makonnen Ben Perko lsCll~c; Rose Michael Sava Aarish Siddiqui Seumas SheridClln Hayden Spindler William Wu

tJ12 GIRI1S VO ILIL~¥B~LL Coacn: Rick DeMarinis Monica Altshuler eleo Bushell Jordan Hausman Avery Moorhead Grace Renner lshi Sklenka

Lieveke Bax Alexandra Cuzick Madeline Lee Ella Rea Pippi Samuel

No Photo Available

Rob Altshuler Griffin Betts ROWilii Bradt Noah ehisamore Chr,istof?her Johnson Luke Goldman Christopher b.awrence Casper H~rris Sa~h«ii KQcll Vishvak Raghavan Jake Stoffer Darragh 0'8rien O'L.eary eharles Sheiner

U13 GIRLS VOLllEYBALIL Coach: Rick DeMarinis Audrey Bowen Greta Bushell Calaya Corneli Abi Daviau Jenna Grossman Sadie Katz Hannah Lisecky Elizabeth Martin Clara Meyer Kate McNeil-Stamper Julia Murmann Abby Nash Haley Perko Racehl Pinkus Katherine Rothwell Sophia Sheiner Tasia Thorsteinson

Coqch: Andrew Murray

No Photo


V<DLILEYB~Ll Coach: Rick DeMarinis


JP Briggs James Fair Michael Golaberg Jack Hodgson Matias Kahr-Landolt Colm O'Brien O'Leary Griffin Ridout Ralph Rouhana Zilvinas Trumpaitis

Collin Carruthers Holden Folk Dyson Hague Matthew James Alim Meralli Henry Petrilli Marc Rouhana Hal'irison Stone

No Photo


Zoe Brenzel Sarah Bernstein Maya Froman Anna Eberlee Gigi Nobel Claire Jewell Tali Pukier Rhea Salahudeen Maia Sampaleanu Georgia Samuel ~1

Coaches: Sean Mitchell and Jody Roberts Griffin Betts Sam Barnard Zoe Brenzel JP Briggs Collin Carruthers Noah Chfsamore Anna Eberlee Michael Golgberg Dyson Hague Casper Harris Christopher Johnson Sasha Koch early lanfer Samaer Passi Henry Petrelli Tali Pt.tkier Visvake Raghavan Isaac Rose Marc Rouhana Liam Salass Mala Sampaleanu Michael Sava Joseph SchatziC:er Sara Teitelbaum Alex Traynor

No Photo Available

U14 S0FTB~LL Coaches: Shelley Gopal and Jaime White ChloeAghar Kobi Bernstein Audrey Bowen Greta Bushell Anthony Costakos Rowan Bradt James Fair Holden Folk Abi Daviau Shai Hirsh! Jack Hodgson Colin Hebel Kate McNeil-Stamper Julia Murmann Sadie Katz Ben Perko Griffin Ridout Katherine Rothwell Claudio Rugarli Luke Sacco Matthew Santos Charles Sheiner Sophia Sheiner Jacob Seifred Ben Singer Hayden Spindler Jake Storfer Tasia Thorsteinson Elliott Vavitsas

Sam Barn~rd Ryan Cho Luke Goldman Sam ~i eli~abeth Martin Zuleika Rebanks Miahael Sava Jatnes rraynor _ _ Elliott Vav.itsas

Kobi Bern~ein Vrtaliy Feoktistov Matthew James David Mareyzzi Nicolas Ortiz Isaac Rose Sidney Secord Zilvinas Trumpaitis

l\4al~ Athlete.af the Ye_ ar: Casper Harris Fer:nal~ ~thletes of the Year: Julia Mt!.nrmann and Georg_ ia


U12/U14 CO-EB TRJXCI( ~ND FIELD Coaches: Kadie Rfverin, Sarah Bauld and Andrea Cowie Matthew Asper Matthew Borinsky Calaya Corneli Devin Driesman Nicholas Karsli Hannah Lisecky Milica Samardzic Summer Spindler

Alex Bastin Emily Bruno Anthony Costakos Victoria Feldberg Edward Khoury Rachel Pinkus Joseph Schatzker Harrison Stone

No Photo Available

Lieveke Bax Romi Bogdan Maya Carr Julia Kirsh Clara M~yer Gigi Noble Ella Rea Georgia Samuel lshi Sklenk~

Saran Bernstein C::leo Bushell Jenna Grossman Esh~ Kumar Shira Moses Racelil Pinkus Grace Renner Pippi Samuel Portia.Viel

s Matthew Adelberg Rob Altshuler Elma Aman Matvei Beliaev Gabriel Blanc Matthew Borinsky Anitra Bowman Ryan Cho Emma Evans Victoria Feldberg Michael Goldberg Madeleine Helwig Shai Hirschi Madeline l ee Edwarq Khoury Steve lu Maddy Mackintosh Alim Meralli Ayesha Noorani Mar.yah Noorani Rachel Pinkus Marc Rouhana Ralph Rouhana Claudio Rugarli Milica Samardzic Georgia Samuel Pippi Samuel Michael Sava Harrison Stone Alex Traynor Elliott Vavitsas lucas Vidai-Ribas Smith Duncan Watson William Wu

Rob Altshuler Ryan Cho Jack Hodgson Hannah Lisecky Maddy Mackintost;, Avery Moorhectc::l Harrison S,lone Duncan Watson

Gabriel Blanc Emma Evans David Marcuzzi Elisabeth Nicis,el Ayesha Noorani Maryah ~oar-ani Abbie 0'Cor:~n•ll Rhe;a Salahumeen y

Jaqen Bu:Kbp'um alaya C6rneli Sam Li , Jfeve Lu Ale~ander McGurgan Griffin Ridout Zilvinas Trumpaitis William Wu

Lucie Antoniak Matvei Beliaev Sarah Bernstein Gabriel Blanc Matthew Borinsky Audrey Bowen Zoe Brenzel Emily Bruno Anitra Bowman Jaden Buxbaum Noah Chisamore Alexa Buxbaum Ryan Cho Calaya Corneli Anna Eberlee James Fair Maya Froman Michael Goldber~ Shai Hirschi Liam Hogarth Claire Jewell Jason Kahn Edward Khoury Esha Kumar Hannah Lisecky David Marcuzzi Steve Lu Elizabeth Martin Alexander McGurgan Clara Meyer Julia Murmann Abby Nash Gigi Noble Abbie O'Connell Haley Perko Ayesha Noorani Tali Pukier Vishvak RaghavaJ Henry Petrelli Ralph Rouhana Marc Rouhana Zuleika Rebanks Claudio Rugarli Rhea Salahudeen Milica Samarazic Sophia Sheiner Harrison Stone Sarah Teiteloaurr Alex Traynor L1,1cas Vidai-Ribas Smith Quncan WatSon Olivia Wilson Mala Sampaleanu

Gabriel Blanc Lieveke Bax Matthew Borinsky Romi Bogdan Cleo Bushell Anitra Bowman Emma Evans Alexa Buxbaum Madeleine Helwig Jordan Hausman Sadie Katz Edward Khoury Christopher Lawrence Elisabeth Nickel Abbie O'Connell Ayesha Noorani Sidney Secord Michael Sava Alex Traynor

Griffin Betts Matthew Borin"sky Rowan Bradt Jaden Buxbaum HoiCien F,olk Mjcl\ael Golsberg Claire Jewell Ayesha Noorani Griffin Ridout )ralph Rouhana Jake Storfer

Gabriel Blanc Anitra Bowman Zoe Brenzel James Fair Maya Froman Shai Hirschi Maddy Mackintosh Sameer Passi lsaa~ Rose Luke Sac,PG Lucas Vidal- ibas路Sm" 路



Matthew Adelberg Jack Hodgson lauren Pollack Chloe Aghar Corinne Knox-Germans Ella Rea Monica Altshuler Sam Li Griffin Ridout Sam Barnard Steve Lu Isaac Rose Alex Bastin David MaQruZZi Uam Salass Ueveke Bax Ella Mpthlson Pippi Samuel Anitra Bowman Avery Moorhead Michael Sava Cleo Bushell Elisabeth Nickel Joseph Schatzker Hayden Spindler Anthony Costakos Ayesha Noorani James Traynor Luke Goldman Maryah Noorani Jordan Hausman Abbie O'Connell Lucas Vidal-Ribas Smith Duncan Watson Madeleine Helwig Ben Perko Mimi Hodaie Haley Perko

Alice Baker Jayden Buxbaum Ryan Cho Alexandra Cuzick Christos Greer Jack Hodgson Liam Hogarth Steve Lu Ellie Martin

Alex McGurgan Avery Moorehead Pippi Samuel Joseph Schatzker Harrison Stone Zilvinas Trumpaitil Duncan Watson William Wu Taylor Zivojinovicl

Monica Altshuler Rob Altshuler Elma Aman Matvei Bejiaev Matthew Barrimsky

ShCJi Hirsefll MWniHbd~ie ~uGie H,.l!lllter NiehoJas Karsli

Steve Lu Elizabeth Martin Griffin Ridout Luke Sacco Milica Samardzic Michael Sava Jacob Seifred Lucas Vidai-Ribas Smith

Gabriel Blant Audrey Bc;>wen No~h Chisamare. Ryan Gho Calaya Corneli Holden Folk Sameer Passi

Chloe Aghar Elma Aman Lieveke Bax Audrey Bowen Sasha Brown Emily Bruno Cleo Bushell Alexa Buxbaum Abi Daviau Victoria Fveldber-g Jenna Grossman JJ:>rdan Hausman Lucie Hunter €1aife Jewell .Julia Kirsch Esha Kumar Carly Lanfer f\JI-=-....1.,.1;,...,. I .,..,.

l;ienry Petrelli Tali Pukier Marc Rouhana Ralph Rouhana Georgia Samuel Michael Sava Ben Singer

Hannah lisecky Jt:~lia Murmann Abby Nash Maryah Noorani Tali Pukier Zuleika Rebanks Katherine Rothwell Georgia Samuel Sidney Secord Sophia Sheiner Tasia Thorsteinson Zoe Brenzel Maya Froman Sarah Teitelbai.jm Anna Eberlee Sarah Be¢ stein Gigi Noble fu1::~i:a S:::~~~n•i ~~~~=~====;;;e;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii..._


Rob Altshuler Matvei Beliaev Sarah Bernstein Matthew Borinsky

Edward Kho~ry Gigi Noble Marc Rouhana tucas Vidai-Ribas Smith


Monica Altshule Mimi Hodaijt Maddy Macjc.fntash Milica SamardziG 38

Alexa Buxbaum Hannah Lisecky Elizabeth Martin

Rob Altshuler Aidan Aronoff Matvei Beliaev Kai Bro'Pfi Cole Fnmklin Chris J('G>usinia)is Da~ic:J MarGazzi Ptc::lr-iaA ~arcuzzi Ralph Rouhana R~ssell Sherman LtJe!~s 'Vidai-Ribas Smith

ChloeAghar Anitra Bowman Alexa Buxbaum Ryan Cho Madeleine Helwig Emma McKinney

Abby Nash Ayesha Noorani Michael Sava Sidney Secord Elliott Vavitsas

The grade 6 challenge week explored the biodiversity of living things and looked into what adaptations help a species survive in various ecosystems. Every day was a new adventure, with field trips to the Evergreen Brickworks, Ripley's Aquarium, Kortright Conservation Centre and the Toronto Zoo. Students applied what they learned about adaptations to designing a new hybrid animal for an ecosystem of their choice.

Students explored the rich French-Canadian history that Quebec City has to offer through a variety of activities. The excursions allowed students to get hands-on experiences and opportunities to reflect and question the role that the geographical area played in the foundation of Canada as a country.

The grade eight students and teachers canoed at a brisk pace through the beaut} of Algonquin Park under blue skies. We camped on the picturesque shores of Tom Thompson and Teepee Lake where we were visited by moose, beaver and many loons. Students took ownership of the daily details from route planning to food prep to dishes to portaging at a speedy rate.










lleselot Box

Apio Be!ll!feln

Araew Covelli







Noah Mcritewko



Abrar Rahnm





Alec Treporler

Zeno Marijewko




Gabrielb Viel


Grade Wdlem Atcc:k

Herry Bowen


Chcresf-Oesm, me



Alexooaa Kynaston


,,.,, ••



. ®

Grcx:e lirk

Alex /l/lcO.ay





~· @

Alex M~

Kanilb Salikhova







VoW s





D: B

\\ox Telh.. boun


.. If you let go a little, you wiU have a little happiness. Let go a lot and you will have a lot. Let go completely and you will be free ...


- Oliver Sykes

Most likely to tell you how it is

Been at York . s1nce: GRADE 11

The only cardia I do is tur.ning up.


"Wait, this isn•t the fourth floor? .. - Anik Podder

Literally the most likely to invent , ...

Been at York since: GRADE 1

Been at York since:

to wear a cast because LeBron did

"If you even dream of beating me, you'd better wake up and apologize."


- Muhammad Ali "If winning isn't everything, why do they keep score?"


.. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up, show up, and never give up."

"If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail. ..


- Benjamin Franklin "Life is like a roller coaster. There are ups, downs and sometimes some

Most likely to 11 Wait what? ... Ohhhhu

"Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value. n -Albert Einstein


"Get rich or die tryin'"

-50 Cent Most likely to kick a hole in the wall

Been at York since: GRADE9

HANN~H "If you ever need anything, please don't hesitate to ask someone else first."


~ Kurt Cobain

Most likely to be emotionally unavailable


Perfection is not attainable, but you can measure who you are, not what you may be. II


• About 10 inspirational quotes mashed together

••our ambition should be to rule ourselves, the true kingdom for each one of us; and true progress is to know more, and be more, and to do more ...

.. I'm dope. u -Chris


"What are page numbers?"


-Stepan Popov "How long is a mile?"

Most likely to give you a

high five, but take his hand away before you get it




You have to call me nighthawk... -Brennan Huff (Step Brothers)

Most likely to be in the Hangover part 4

Been at York since: GRADE 9

Been at York since:

Most likely to marry Aaron, combine their wealth, and have girlfriends on the side.


.. Fashions fade, style is eternal" -Yves Saint Laurent

Been a:t Yolik since:

Most likely to become internationally lnsta-famous by 2020

~II> IT~

"They don't know that we know they know we know. n


- Phoebe Buffay (Friends)

Been at York . smce: GRADE 9 "Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring. •• ~

Marilyn Monroe

Most likely to name her first born Sou Two


Six years later and still haven't been to Ooch .

.. You have to call me dragon ... 路 - Dale Doback (Step Brothers)

.. I want to feel my life while I'm in it." - Meryl Streep





Been at York since:

M路o st likely to be just as fabulous at 50

"They say nothing lasts forever; dreams change, trends come and go, but friendships never go out of style."

Thank you to the grads of 2015; the friends

that became family.



-Carrie Bradshaw (Sex and the City)

Been at York




Most likely to "like people on the whole" but be unable to stand individuals

.. I'm not great at the advice. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?"


-Chandler Bing (Friends)

Been at York




Just remember - if

we get caught, I don't speak English.

Most likely to be walking around NIL GIS PERT VILA-FERRAN

"I hate it when I lose stuff at school, like my pencils, my papers and my life ambitions."


5 to 1, 1 to 5, no one here gets out alive. n 11



via Glen Downey

Most likely to grow up and host a politically incorrect talk show

since: JK

- School of Rock

Thanks York for 12 years of listening to whatever it was 1had


If ballet were easy, they'd call it footbalL .. u


"Hard work may not always result in success, but it will never result in regret."


and make interesting mistakes, make amazing mistakes, make glorious and fantastic mistakes. Break rules. [eave the world more interesting for your being here. Make. Good. Art."

"So if you're from Africa, why are you white?" -Karen Smith (Mean Girls)



"I'm not on the outside looking in, I'm not on the inside looking out, I'm in the dead centre, looking around."

Most likely toinventthe next viral

since: GRADE11

My psychiatrist has heard a lot about you. He doesn't like you either.


Most likely to pursue a career as a hamster

"I was within and without. Simultaneously enchanted and repelled by the inexhaustible variety of life." - F. Scott Fitzgerald

(The Great Gatsby)

Been at York since:

Most likely to bike off into the sunset shortly before having a mechanical failure

MICHAEL ''Your toast has been burned, and no amount of scraping will remove the black parts! 11


- Pvt. Michael J. Caboose

Been at York since:

Most l'ikely to teach

drama at Yale GI~LliAN .. You're only given a little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it ... - Robin Williams


Throughout my t ime at York, I've written lAs and EEs; trav路ene,cn from Uttle India to actual India; .reflected and inquired, and potentially become an engaged citizen of the world. But it's really the people I'll remember and the person they let me become.

JASON KIRSH EN BLATT ''Leave no stone unturned." - John Lewis Bigwood

Most likely to eat the same lunch for the rest of his life


Been at York since:

.. Freedom is waking up in the morning and going to bed at night, and in between doing what you want to do ... - Casey Neistat


Most likely to say what no one was thinking

Been at York since:



me, beep me, if you wanna reach me!" -Kim Possible

Been at York since: JK "I hope that when the world comes to an end, I can breathe a sigh of relief because there will be so much to look forward to ...

Most likely to marry Lucius, combine their wealth, and have girlfriends on the side


- Donnie Darko

Been at York . s1nce: Preschool "Friends may come, and friends may leave. But they are our friends, and we will love them forever... -Toy Story

Most likely to Thanks to York and the people in it for wake up ~ne day being my home since kin8ergarten. Yo1 as the pnncess will forever hold a special place in my in an animated heart. Disney musical


let anyone, not even yourself, discourage you from pursuing your dream. Do what makes you happy. YOLO.

Don't overcomplicate the simple things in life.


Study history, study history. In history lies

all the secrets of statecraft. 11

Most likelÂĽ to since:

be a writer for South Park



How do you guys come to school everyday? II

.. Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe. 11

Been at York since:

uHomies 1•m

Graduated" - Kanye West


Most likely to have the most friends yet tiate the most people



,. Everybody's got something to hide except me and my monkey! .. - The Beatles Most likely to star in a

Been at York . smce:

Pantene commercial


Hit and run.

"A certain butterfly is already on the wing. ••

Been at York




Most likely to go to the moon



Shout out te my Canadian Moon Boys

Been at York since:

GRADE 7 "There's no such thing as a painless lesson. They just don't exist. Sacrifices are necessary. You can't gain anything without losing something first. Although, if you can endure that pain and walk away from it, you'll find that you now have a heart strong enough to overcome any obstacle. • • Edward Elric

u Don't let anyone ever make you feel like you don't deserve what you want."

- Patrick Verona

(1 0 Things I Hate About You)

Most likely to be a werewolf


"But if we go out there and give it all we've got ... that's heroic. You guys wanna be heroes?"


Most likely to

charm his way


through life


,"Laughter is timeless, imagination has no age, and dreams are forever...

"Welcome to the real world. It sucks. You're gonna love it!" - Monica Geller (Friends)



1'm not mad. 11 - Chr.is T.


Most likely to open up a coffee shop that•s too obscure for any of us to go to

NQ1(H 11

Everybody is who he was in highschooL••


- Calvin Trillin ... Hopefully not.

. s1nce: "The unfortunate, yet truly exciting thing about your life, is that there is no core curriculum. The entire place is an elective...

Most likely

to be the calm after the



"Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else." - Margaret Mead

Most likely

to lose his lunch bag

Been at York since: GRADE 3 "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."

"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."


-Dr Seuss Most likely to dissolve into an aqueous solution when in w;:ttP.r

Been at York . s1nce: GRADE 6

•pressure is how you know everything's working. • - Andre Agassi "I'm right 82% of the time. Who cares about the other 20%? ..

Been at York . s1nce:


.. Let's join the higher level math with the cool kids." -Danny Choi

Most likely to be hiding some1lhing from all of us


~~ ~~/


~ ?'P I ~




JR GIRiiS BASKE1iB1\LL Coaches: Kevin Stewart and Elise Curr Claudia Cushion thloe Kim Alexandra Kynaston Zena Marijewko Alex Mulders Kamilla Salikhova Sidney Strachan

JR BOYS SCOâ‚ŹCER Coaches: Jessica Woolard and Nico Girard Martin Camara Andrea Cavalli Jake Eisen Raymond Goodman Nicholas Khorasani Noah Marijewko Kidus Negatu Makonnen Harry Pencer Yahya Saleh Shane Thorsteinson

Jack Capombassis Olivier Charest-Descomme David Friedland Alexander Hare Oliver Kiessling Cal McNeil-Stamper Leonard Nickel Abrar Rahman Ralph Snabian Michael Wolfe

SR BOYS VOLLI:YB~ILI!l Coach: Mike Krysa Willem Atack Noah Brown Tanis Helman Nick Murmann Matthew Shade Silver i!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!.:__Truman Wood-Lockyer

Henry Bowen Shahrez Ejaz Josh Moses Richard Naumc Doug Van Loa Jack Wunder



Coach: Kadie Riverin Emaan Chaudry Quinn Halman lzzy Kamin :laire Wortsman

Emi-Lee Commisso Helena Hyams Raquel Moses Lexi Zebrowski


~== Coaches: Brian Eaton and Octavian Ghidanac Ali Afnan Zakariya Ali Ali Amirzadeh Jan Jelle Bax Dillon Bhatti Nil Gispert Vila-Ferran Noah Klein Muhammed Jallow Max Navarro Caceres Aadil Oassim Ludwig Sjostrand Aqib Rahman Yovin Udagedara Nikolas Trivanovic Kieran Woodsworth F-rank Wang

JR GIRLS VO I116EYB~IU Coaches: Tamsyn Ross and Mr. Sn Lieselot 'Bax Pieternel Bax Ajanta Bernstein Claudia Cushion Zoe Flatt Robbie Goodmar Ivy Renner Sydney Kohn Saffi Schonberg Kate Stadelmann Sidney Strachan Alex Wilson

BASKETB~Ll Coach: Cameron Eby

JR B€>¥S

Ethan Giller Rupert Cartwright Kerim Kassem Ahmed Karooni Casey Levitt Jacob Kay Richard Nauman Joshua Moses Matthew Shade Silver Shane Thorsteinson Dylan Wagman Michael Wolfe Truman Wood-Lockyer

Coaches: Kadie Riverin and Rick DeMc Adam Ali Aidan Blair; Jeremy Etkin-Silver Aaron Gyenes Tanis Helman lan Johnson Shawn Sud

Zak Ali Kalen Bogdan Michael Friedlan« lan Hanson Muhammed Jallo' Lucas Sheiner Jack Wunder:

SR GIRLS VOLLEYBALL Coach: Laura Hale Emi-Lee Commisso Ariel Gorodensky Quinn Halman Allison Hoffman Heidi Holland Sofia Shetinina Danielle Solish Emma Teitelbaum Shannon Whitchurch-Aird

â‚Ź tJRf.ING Coaches: L.eslie Miller and Paul Cobban Layth AI-Hellawi Danny Choi Spencer Marsden Richard Nauman Joy Patterson Stepan Popov Harrison Solish Kate Stadelmann Christopher Trivanovic

SR GIRLS SID€€ER Coaehes: Brian Eaton and Jan Noesthed Ajanta Bernstein Lieselot Bax Emaan Chaudry Emi-Lee Commiss Roboie Goodma1 Claudia Cushion Lindsay Katz Allison Hoffman Ivy Renner Alex M~laers Danielle Solish Kamilla Salikhova Sidney Strachan Kate Stadelinann Sydney Turk Melanie Travassos Claire Wortsman

JR @®-eD


Coach: Mike Krysa Henry Bowen Willem Atack Jake Eisen Eloisa Cervantes Alexander Feoktistov David Friedland Alessia Kettlitz Daniel Kahn Alexander Kynaston Oliver Kiessling David Marcuzzi Anzhelika Libkind Nick Murmann William Meyer CharleyWu Ethan Winokur

No Photo Available

SB C0-1!~ BADMINTO Coach: Mike Krysa

No Photo Available


Sam Bager Noah Brown Muhammed Jallow Ronan Marlovy Adrian Maruzzi Noah Powers Shawn Sud

Board of Directors Award: Zak Ali and Jan Jelle Bax Male Athlete of the Year: Muhammed Jallow Female Athlete of the Year: Quinn Halman

R <D€>-ED ULTIMATE FRISBEE 01 Coach: Robin Johannsen Zakariya Ali Colin Brandt Michael Friedland Quinn Halman Tanis Helman Noah Klein .atja Lichtenberger Trevor 0' Leary

Jan Jelle Bax Emi-Lee Commisso Nil Gispert Vila-Ferran lan Hanson Mishaal Hukamdad Aaron Lengyel Leah Monson Yovin Udagedara

SR C®-ED lLJI1-viMATE FRISBEE 1!>2 Coach: Emily Cunningham Yassin Abdelhady Ali Amirzadeh Ella Avanessian Theodore Sager Jack Barish Sydney Flatt David Friedland Alexander Hare Jacob Kay lan Johnson Kailey Kimsa Sabrina Leon Landegger Jonathan Lieberman Cal McNeil-Stamper Maria Medeleanu Josh Moses Jake Thompson Max Teitelbaum Nikolas Trivanovic

JRISR TRA€K AND FIE·t.D :oaches: € hris Deighton and Justin Medved Gabriella Banhara Paula Banhara Aidan Blair Jacqueline Davidson Nate Lansil Tara Marijewko Sarah Marrone Doug Van Loan Jack Wunder


_u M


. tv 97


Ella Avanessian Jack Barish Ellie Eberlee Souhila El Sheikh Sydney Flatt Nil Gispert Vila-Ferran Quinn Halman Muhammed Jallow Kailey Kimsa Sabrina Leon Landegger Anzhelika Libkind Maria Medeleanu Maddie Rozells Sofie Shetinina Hunter Soli

Tanis Helman lan JohnsoA Taylor Lau Trevor: 0'lbear.y 98 Max:Yalentine

Aidan Blair Muliammed Jallow Jacob Kay Joshua Moses Yovin Udagedara

Ali Afnan Jacky Davidson Manseeb Malek

Khalid AI-Bawaliz ZakAii Willem Atack Rahul Birla Danny Choi Raymond Goodman Julie Jenkins Kerim Kassem Chris Kousinioris Jonathan Lieber man Harry Pencer Russell Sherman Yovin Udagedara

Janna Bresge lillie路 ~berlee l:)ahieJie Salish

Layth AI-Hellawi Ali Amirzadeh Isaac Baker Jack Capombassis Michael Friedland Kenny Jeji Ahmed Karooni Reuben King Casey Levitt William Meyer Yahya Saleh Harrison Salish Dvlan Waaman

Jack Capombassis Kenny Jeji Caitlin Morgante Shannon Scherer Alec Trepanier Noah Yakobson

Ma-dison Bruno Paula Banhara Emaan Chaudry ~mi-Lee Commisso Jacky Davidson Georgia Ellickson Benjamin Feldman Emily Gelgoot Tanis ~elman Lindsay Katz Kailey Kimsa Sabrina Leon Landegger Maria路 Mecleleanu Caitlin Morgante Raquel Moses Maja Sjostrand Sydney Turk Talia Wolfe

Ali Afnan Khalid AI::Bawaliz Willem Atack Jack B~rish Rahul Birla Jack C:apombassis Raymond Goodman lzzy Kamin Nicholas Kaufmann Graham Chris Kousinioris William Meyer. Aqib Rahman Elias Volonakis Dylan Wagman Michael Wolfe

Ella Avanessian Jenna Bresge Jacky Davidson Sycjney Flatt Kailey Kimsa Taylor Lau Sabrina Leon Landegger Maria Medeleanu Hunter Soli Melanie Travassos

Adam Ali Sam Beber Ryan Bradley Emaan Chaudry Ariel G orodensky Stefan Jovanovic Russell Sherman Hunter Soli Talia Wolfe

Sam Bager Aidan Blair Noah Brown Ellie Eberlee Helena r.tyams Lindsay Katz Sofie Shetinina Doug Van Loan Claire Wortsman

J=illippo <Zoraova Samantha Hjt'n<iler;$on-Whaley Alex~nel'ia Ky_ naston ~cdrian Marcuzzi Adam Mills 100 Sb.aonon Scherer ~---

Jack Barish Sophie Fraser Julie Jenkins Taylor Lau Leah Monson Noah Powers

Colin Br.anc::lt Shannon Greii-Aird Gillj.an Kiessling KatjaJLiGhtenoerger Kyle Perez Ll!l ~s Sheiner

Willem Atack Kai Brown Emaan Chaudry Michael Duncan Tanis Helman Christopher Kousinioris Nick Murmann <;h;:~nc


Dana Bernick Martin Camara Filippo Cordova David Friedland Reuben King Alex Mulders Dan Schechner l=lbc



Gabriella Banhara Hannah Blyth Alex Goldman Mishaal Hukamdad Taylorlau Anzhelika Libkind Clara Pencer

Paula Banhara Gabriella Banhara Paula Banhara Ellie Eberlee Hannah Blyth Madison Bruno Heidi Holland Adelia D'Andrea Souhila El Sheikh Julie Jenkins Heidi Holland Quinn Halman Sabrina Leon Landegger Emma Perlmutar-Mahoney Mishaal Hukamdad Katja Lichtenberger Claire Wortsman Bmr:na Perlmutar-Mahoney Tara Marijewko

Emma Teitelbaum

Lexi Zebrowski


Zakariya Ali Ben Adelberg Layth AI-Hellawi Golnaz Abazari Hannah Blyth Paula Banhara Aidan Aronoff Willem Atack Jenna Bresge Evan Capstick Jenna Bresge Dana Bernick Rahul Birla Ellie Eberlee Eloisa Cervantes ack Capombassis Evan ~apstick Emaan Chaudry Souhila El Sheikh Sophie Fraser fictoria Driesman Elspeth Eberlee Jake Eisen O.Uir-m Halman Ally Hoffman t1ichael Friedland Ariel Gorodensky Nat Greene 1-:teidi Holland Julie Jenkins Allison Hoffman David Grout Michael Kahn Hannah Kahn lzzy Kamin Kerim Kassem Gillian Kiessling Chloe Kim Traylor Lau Matthew Lloyg Casey Levitt Alex Mackay David l..azzam Kersti Muzaffar Marina NichqJ'son Shannon Scher~r Caitlin M~rgante Khash Poorzargar Danielle Solish Emma Perlmutar-Mahoney Danielle Soiish .Russell Sherman Sergio Snabian Hunter Soli Sydney Turk Ethan Winokur Michael Wolfe Truman Wood-Lockyer Claire Wortsman tNo=-h V.,.J.,"I...~" ..


HannaK Blyth Robbie GooGiman Bryn Harvey,;~aymond Anzt:.elika Libkind Emma Perlmutar-Mahoney 102

Ben Adelberg Aidan Aronoff Willem Atack Isaac Baker Daniel Balicki Dana Bernick Martin Camara Jack Capombassi: Eloisa Cervantes Emaan Chaudry Emi-Lee Commisso Jasper Dobbin Michael Duncan Remi Fahy David Friedland Nat Greene Alexander Hare Tanis Helman Samantha Henderson-Whaley Jacqueline Hogart Daniel .Kahn Kerim Kassem Chloe Kim Alessia Kettlitz Christopher Kousinic Reuben King William M~ye~ Alexandra Kynaston Adam Mills Alex M~lders Nick Murmann Lyle Museat Kidus Negatu Makonnen Matthew l?ong Shannon Scherer 路Ralph S~aoian Harrison Solish Kate Stadelmann Sidney Strachan Sliawn Sud Shane Thorsteinson Elias Colonakis CharleyWu Afeksa Zatezalo

Hannah Blyth Emi-Lee Commisso Heidi Holland Taylor Lau Emma Perlmutar-Mahoney Noah Powers


Ajanta Bernstein Pieternel Bax Claudia Cushion Madison Bruno Adelia D'Andrea Robbie Goodman Quinn Halman Sammy Hacker Mishaal Hukamdad Ally Hoffman Maria Medeleanu Tara Marijewko Raquel Moses Adam Mills Hunter Soli Danielle Solish Lexi Zebrowski Claire Wortsman

Danielle Barish Paula Banhara Kalen Bogdan Jack Barish Jack Brown Kai Brown Noah Brown Filippo Cordova Adelia D'Andrea Anastasia Filomeno Michael Friedland Quinn Halmt;!n Helena Hyams lzzy Kamin Lindsay Katz Jason Kirshenblatt Adrian Marcuzzi Sarah Marrone Kersti Muzaffar Sofie Shetinina Max Teitelbaum Nix Trivanovic Yovin Udagedara SydneyTur.k

Ali Amirzadeh Jack Barish Noah Brq,wn DannY. C:hoi Jasper,.Dobbin Elbisa Cervantes Noah Klein Matthew Lfoyd Alessia Kettlitz Alex Kynaston Adrian Marcuzzi Kate Stadelmann Adam Mills Sidney Strachan ,unter Soli _ _ ___ Emma Teitelbaum _ _ _..__ _. . . . Elliott Vavitsas

IDaniel Balicki Lieveke Bax Ryan Cho Marc De Verteuil Tanis Helman Katja Lichtenberger Alex Mackay Ella Mathison Eliana Pascolo Max Valent!J:re Frank Wana 103




路-,-llbE)f ~IMS~ Head @irl

ARTS Sabrina Leon Landegger ATHLEti"ICS Yovin Udagedara l~n



ALl Heacd Soy


SOCIAL Quinn Halman Danielle Solish



The Senior School Play was a huge success! Congratulations to all of the actors~ directors and backstage crew!

02.20.2015 Going to the movies, but can't decide which kind to see? A classic or a horror? A spy film or a teen drama? Well there's one way to see it aii ... PREVIEW. Directed by Sabrina Leon Landegger, the showcase featured talents such as dancing, singing, acting and visual arts.


"Going to New York City with the school was amazing! It was a great group of students and teachers. Thanks to Mr. Noestheden and Ms. Balomenos for chaperoning! We had a great time while trying to see as much of New York as possible. We visited many museums that reflected various forms of art, including, The Guggenheim Museum, Museum of the Moving Image, The Met and MOMA. It was a fantastic trip that I will always remember!" - Emma Perlmutar-Mahoney

Grade 12 Visual Arts Student



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1"'"ffE.. ~'\)ALMOST

~EAt1~ WHO ~~UP T&


,r; Hannah Blyth, Grade 12


Prairies to Meumtbains This trip was an adventure that included an abandoned coal mine, snowshoeing on to of Lake Louise ski hill, a triR to a First Nation's community, laser tag, a meeting with t~ mayor of Banff, shopping and cooking for themselves as well as numerous other activities to keep busy ! while still learning. Students explpred ana learned about two contrasting landscapes of Alberta that different communities use to their economic and social benefrt.

~ I

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The grade 9 Challenge week trip offered the students an opportunity to see part of Ontario in a way that is reminiscent • of the Group of 7. Like the Group of 7, the students travelled to Killarney to draw and paint en plein air in order to capture the beauty of the Canadian landscape. During this amazing experience the students had the privilege of receiving instruction from two Group of 7 inspired landscape painters.


Explerring the Racl< Students toured through the various are in and around St. John's, Newfoundlanc They took part in light hikes outside of tl city, visited national monuments, museur and the science centre, attended some live music shows and visited students at a school. We also took a ferr to Belle Island.

Reac.hins the Summit The focus of the trip was not only to learn outside of the classroom, byt it gave us the opportunity to bond with each other. From high roP-es, kayaking and climbing the Chief, everybody was given the chance to grow and learn on a physical and mental level. Being on one of the more physically demanding trips really required people to have a positive mindset. Learning about development choices that Squamish is making and the impact of these choices on F-irst Nations became the focus of our documentary. - Emily Gelgoot

Jazz liraim Grade 10 students had the opportunity to travel to New Orleans to study the music and culture of the city. Performances took place throughout the French Quarter and students had the opportunity to be exposed to many different kinds of musicians. A visit to the International Heritage Festival and Preservation Hall were a few of the highlights for the group.

Resilience ef the City The World Issues trip to New Orleans focussed on investigating the recovery and resilience of the city from the devastating impacts of Hurricane Katrina. Students met with a variety of community members to seek answers. Students were exposed to the history and culture of New Orleans to gain a better appreciation of the resilience of the community.

Savaurrel Montreal A group of grade 10 students headed to the city of Montreal to explore the rich history and culture the area has to offer. Students engaged in Ia gastronomie du Quebec by attending a cooking school and learning the culinary art of Quebecois cuisine. Students also had the opportunity to tour Montreal on foot and on bicycle through tours and exploration.

Grace 10 Communication Technology students embarked on an adventure to Silicon Valley, California for this year's Challenge Week trip. Students toured the tleadquart'ers of numerous tech companies: Google, Cisco, Face book and Jabel to name a few. Other outings included a visit to Alcatraz, dinner in Chinatown, and nights spent walking along the wharf (holy, do those sea lions ev~r stink!). With perfect weather, mind-blowing tours, and amazing food, this adventure was one to be remembered for years to

Con(luerrirn~ Cancer About 2 in 5 Canadians will develop cancer in their lifetime, and about 1 in 4 Canadians will die of cance Wrth these staggering statistics in mind, grade 10 science students spent the week arming themselves wi knowledge about current research in the prevention and treatment of cancer. Students built on what the had learned about cancer cells from the biology unit and met with doctors, professors, graduate studen1 and other professionals involved in cutting edge research in Toronto. Stude'l!s viewed cancer cells under 1 microscope at Mount Sinai Hospital, extracted DNA at the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research and sa\ how surgical skills are taught at the Li Ka Shing Institute. They toured laboratories and had lunch with senior attending surgeons. They also learnec about how expensive cancer research is and where the man goes when it is donated. This led them to design their own fund raisers or awareness campaigns to educa others about cancer prevention.

The Grade 9 ICE students visited Chinatown, Little India and many other places around Toronto {and even Canada) to truly see what is meant by "experience teaches".

While half of the Grade 11 's worked hard to put on a "Science Showcase" for York'~ very own Grade 4's, the other half of the Grade 11 's travelled to the University of Guelph to compete in the science olympics. Great job, everyone!

Congratulations to Ms. N alan and aII the debaters on a wonderful and successful season. Well done!

Students travelled to Vanderbilt University (Nashville, TN) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, MA).


I Located at Breakout Studios, and DJ'd by York's very own Trevor O'Leary



~ l<ir:tg




York's service efforts this year included the Oochathon, United Way Week, Mini We Day, India Casual days, and much more!

"To sum up the 2 weeks spent in India in a few sentences is incredi difficult, as this experience was truly one of a kind. Going into the t1 was expecting to have an impact on the lives of the children at GF but it was really them who had an impact on me. I was so fortuna to meet so many amazing kids, who made my time in India so memorable. One of my favourite memories is Dance Class, where was able to participate in traditional Indian dances with the studer in my class. India, thank you so much for the incredible experiencE - Hunter Soli


Senior School

Faculty Award Benjamin Feldman Hannah Kahn Kailey Kimsa Jonathan Lieberman Marina Nicholson Dan Schechner

05.29.2015 b.ois Lewis Music Award

Gillian Kiessling Marina Nicholson

Austin Sassarath

Jason IH~nson

V.aledictt0rian Award

Debating Award

Lt. Governor's Communi1rx Sophie Fraser Hannah Kahn Marina Nicholson

Volunteer Award Benjamin Feldman

Dedication Award Georgia Ellickson Julie Jenkins

Clara Pencer

Spirit Award Zakariya Ali Taylor Lau

Maria ~edeleanu

lnq.uir-y Award lEvan Capstick 138

Julie Jenkins

Princi al's Athleti Award Noah Chisamore (Gr Henry Petre lli (Gr 8) Maia Sampleanu (Gr 8



Award Jordan Hausman (Gr 6) Avery Moorhead (Gr 6) Michael Sava (Gr 6) Rowan Bradt (Gr 7) Alexa Buxbaum (Gr 7) Abby Nash (Gr 7) Ayasha Noorani (Gr 8) Henry Petrelli {Gr 8) Georgia Samuel (Gr 8

Alice Baker (Gr 6) Sam Barnard (Gr 6) Lucie Hunter (Gr 6) Calaya Corneli (Gr 7) Maddy Mackintosh (Gr 7) Clara Meyer (Gr 7) Charlie Sheiner (Gr 7) David Marcuzzi (Gr 8) Henry Petrelli (Gr 8) Anitra Bowman (Gr 8)

Fellowship Award Jord., Hausman (Gr 6) Grace Renner (Gr 6) Joseph Schatzker (Gr 6) Dunc.n Watson (Gr 7) Katie McNeil-Stamper {Gr 7) Jack Hodgson (Gr 7) Emily Bruno (Gr 7) Michael Goldberg (Gr 8) Elisabeth Nickel (Gr 8) bie O'Connell (Gr


Goodwin-Zeibots 5Gholarship Shai Hirschi (Gr 8)

2007 Scholarship Emma Evans (Gr 8)

Spirit Award Cleo Bushell (Gr 6) Sameer Passi (Gr 6) Hayden Spindler (Gr 6) Holden Folk(Gr 7) Casper Harris (Gr 7) Ellie Martin {Gr 7) Jake Storfer(Gr 7) Gabriel Blanc(Gr 8) Emma Evans (Gr 8) Georgia Samuel (Gr 8)

1he Vorl< Schaal Award Avery Moorhead (Gr t Ryan Cho (Gr 7} Shai1Hirschi路 (Gr 8)


Inquiry Award Layth AI.-Hellawi (Gr 9) Willem A tack (Gr. 10) Pieter.nel Bax (Gr 10) Jacob Kay (~r 10) Khalid AI~Bawaliz (Gr 11} Ronan Mallovy (Gr 11}

Fellowship Award Layth AI-Hellawi (Gr 9) Zena Marijewko (Gr 9) Martin Camara (Gr 10) Alexandra Kynaston (Gr 10) Truman Wood-Lockyer (Gr 10) Aidan Blair {Gr 11) Noah Brown (Gr 11) Hunter Soli (Gr 11)

Leadership Award Caitlin Morgante (Gr 9) Shannon Scherer (Gr 9) Martin Camar.a (Gr 10) lan Hanson (Gr 10} Emi-lee Commisso {Gr 11) Shawn Sud (Gr 11}


A NOTE FROM THE EDITORS ... First off, we have countless people to thank for their assistance in making this happen, so here it goes. Thank you to Joy Patterson for drawing Gladia Tor. lftank you to Ms. Convery, Ms. Doyle and Mr. D for helping us collect athletics photos. Thank you to Ms. Gilbert for helping us hunt down grad photos. Thank you to Ms. Henderson for tal<ing pictures at every school event. Thank you to Ms. Rogers for helping us with our trip pages Thank you to everyone who had any role whatsoever in the making of this yearbook. A ve1 special thank you goes to Ms. Aragona for dealing with all we've put her through - especi; our lack of timeliness and Taylor's desire to make everything perfect. this is nowhere closE to everyone we owe thanks to, but we would need another eight pages to name everyon Nonetheless, this wouldn't have been possible without any of you! Reflecting back on everythir:1g we did to make this yearbook the best' we c:o~Jc!, w feel like we're closer with every stuaent and teacher at York. Not only have we ta en hundreds of photos, we've sorted through thousands and we've cropped

me~ hexagons

than we ever thought Wfa would. It was truly an honour to create~ometrnimg as cherished as a yearbook, and we hop.e that you don't forget to reflect ori this ba.ok later in life. We hope you enjoyed this book as much as we enjoyed makin,.g it! Love, T~ylor

Lau and Noah Powers

P.S. Congratulations to The York ScHool and Ms. Goodwin-Zeibots for a suceessful fiftY years.. f;iere's ta fifty more! Last thing ... In case you we~JJ wondering, there are 26 GladiaTors th"rougho_u{ this book. Dicl you find them all?

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