Student Version
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One of The York School’s core values is providing a safe and inclusive learning environment where all school members feel comfortable, accepted and supported. In this regard, our Code of Conduct promotes responsibility, respect, civility, citizenship and academic excellence, and sets clear standards of behaviour. Our Code of Conduct is intended to benefit all members of the school community: students, administrators, staff, parents and guardians, as well as all visitors, volunteers and community users. It is the responsibility of all York School community members to familiarize themselves with the contents of the Code of Conduct. ACADEMIC READINESS POLICY
York School students are expected to come to school prepared, ready to learn and be fully engaged in their learning. They are expected to: ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
be punctual be prepared for class attend all classes and tests demonstrate attentiveness in class and on school trips meet assignment deadlines make up missed work, tests and assignments promptly follow classroom agreements
Consequences The school reserves the right to apply consequences outlined on page 13 of the Core Agreement for any incidences of non-compliance with the Academic Readiness Policy. INTERPERSONAL BEHAVIOUR POLICY York School students are expected to treat one another and all members of our school community with kindness and respect. The are expected to: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
use appropriate language respect those people who may have different beliefs or ideas respect the feelings of others act to make other people feel included in our community refrain from initiating unwanted physical contact with others, or retaliating when provoked refrain from making inappropriate public displays of affection act in a manner that ensures their own safety and that of other members of our school community not bring anything into the school that might endanger their own safety and the safety of others including, without limitation, a weapon, toxic chemical or an intoxicating substance
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Consequences The school reserves the right to apply consequences outlined on page 13 of the Core Agreement for any incidences of non-compliance with the Interpersonal Behaviour Policy. ACADEMIC HONESTY POLICY
The York School is dedicated to enabling students to perform academically to the best of their abilities. Students can only learn when they approach their work with serious intent and integrity. The school will not tolerate any acts of plagiarism, cheating, collusion or other act by which a student unfairly misrepresents his or her academic effort or product or knowingly assists another in such misrepresentation. Plagiarism and Cheating ‘‘Plagiarism’’ occurs when a student knowingly represents as his or her own, any idea or work of another person in any academic assignment, test or examination. ‘‘Cheating’’ occurs when a student obtains an unfair advantage over other students in the context of the preparation or performance of any academic assignment, test or examination. “Collusion” occurs when a student knowingly allows his or her work to be submitted or copied by another student. Consequences The school reserves the right to apply consequences outlined on page 13 of the Core Agreement for any incidents of Academic Dishonesty. For additional resources on Academic Honesty please see Appendix A. ANTI-BULLYING POLICY
Students and staff at The York School have a right to learn and teach in a supportive, caring and safe environment without fear of being bullied. To ensure this, students and staff have worked together to develop an anti-bullying policy which identifies bullying behaviour and helps students develop strategies to deal with problems in a non-violent manner. The Education Act defines bullying as follows: Bullying means the severe or repeated use by one or more pupils of a written, verbal, electronic or other form of expression, a physical act or gesture or any combination of them if it is directed at another pupil and if it has the effect of or is reasonably intended to have the effect of, (a) causing physical or emotional harm to the other pupil or damage to the other pupil’s property, Core Agreement - Student Version 2017-2018
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(b) placing the other pupil in reasonable fear of harm to himself or herself or damage to his or her property, (c) creating a hostile environment at school for the other pupil, (d) infringing on the legal rights of the other pupil at school, or (e) materially and substantially disrupting the education process or the orderly operation of a school; (“intimidation”)
Cyber-bullying Without limiting the generality of the definition of “bullying” in subsection (1), bullying includes bullying, known as cyber-bullying, that is done through any form of electronic means using any technique, including, (a) creating a web page or a blog in which the creator assumes the identity of another person; (b) impersonating another person as the author of posted content or messages; and (c) communicating material to more than one person or posting material on an electronic medium that may be accessed by one or more persons. Bullying in schools For the purposes of this Act, bullying shall be deemed to occur in a school if it occurs, (a) on a school site or public property within 50 metres of a school site; (b) during the course of an activity, function or program that is conducted for a school purpose, whether or not it takes place at a school site; (c) through the use of technology or an electronic device provided to pupils by a school; or (d) through the use of technology or an electronic device that is not provided to pupils by a school if the bullying has the effect of or is reasonably intended to have the effect described in clause (c), (d) or (e) of the definition of “bullying” in subsection (1). Education Act, Section 2(1) Subsection 1(1), (1.2), and Consequences Bullying at The York School is considered a serious offense. The school reserves the right to apply consequences outlined on page 13 of the Core Agreement for any incidents of bullying. For additional resources on Anti-Bullying please see Appendix B. ATHLETIC PARTICIPATION POLICY
Participation in athletic activities at The York is a part of school life. Each student must abide by the following: Attendance Athletes are expected to attend all practices and games. Students who fail to attend a game without legitimate excuse (e.g., illness, family emergency, and medical appointment) or who fail to provide sufficient notice of their impending absence should expect not to play in the
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season’s next game. Absences from playoffs/championships tournaments may result in a three game suspension for the subsequent athletic season. Absences from practices or games for reason of school disciplinary measures or academic reasons will only be considered legitimate where the absence has been countenanced by the Division Principal, or where a decision has been made that the student is ineligible to play by virtue of the academic eligibility process. Students who miss classes on game day without legitimate excuse or because they have been ill will only be eligible to participate in the day’s game on the authority of the Division Principal and Athletic Director. Repeated absences from practices and/or games may lead to dismissal from the team, to be determined by the coach and Athletic Director. Academics Students who must be absent from a class or classes must notify their teacher(s) in person or via email at least one day prior to their absence. Students who are absent from a class or classes by reason of an athletic event are responsible for completing all missed homework, assignments or projects. Students must make up any tests missed within 48 hours of their return to school following the athletic event. Any student who is deemed to be in academic difficulty or neglectful of their studies will be referred to the appropriate Division Principal and Athletic Director to determine the student’s eligibility. A ‘return to play’ plan may be required in certain instances. Conduct Student athletes are expected to: ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
show respect to all coaches, referees, players, spectators and school property act as ambassadors for the school abide by all rules set out by coaches conduct themselves in an honourable and sporting manner demonstrate appropriate conduct on all bus trips only use sports equipment with express permission of the coach only be in the gymnasium if they are supervised by a coach or faculty member
Students who do not conduct themselves in accordance with this Code of Conduct may be disciplined in any of the following ways: ● ● ● ● ● ●
verbal reprimand from the coach reduced playing time sitting out and observing not dressing for a game not attending a game or games a school detention and/or
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dismissal from the team
Uniform/Equipment Each student will be assigned a uniform and may be assigned equipment at the beginning of the season and is responsible for returning it in acceptable condition at the end of the season. Any student who fails to do so will be assessed a replacement fee of $100 per uniform/piece of equipment. Please note that some teams buy their uniform and equipment and therefore the above does not apply. All parts of this agreement are set out to assist each student in striving for excellence in both academics and athletics. CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES POLICY
The York School encourages students to participate fully in student life which includes involvement in co-curricular activities. Each student’s goal is to maintain a balance between co-curricular endeavours and educational commitments. Any student who is deemed to be in academic difficulty or neglectful of their studies will be referred to the appropriate Division Principal to determine what action would be in the best interest of the student. RESPECT FOR PROPERTY POLICY
The York School does not tolerate theft or actions taken to damage the property of others. York School students and staff should feel their possessions are respected by others. We expect students to respect property of classmates, teachers, staff, the school and the community. Consequences The school reserves the right to apply consequences outlined on page 13 of the Core Agreement for any incidents of non-compliance with the Respect for Property Policy. USE AND ABUSE OF HARMFUL SUBSTANCES POLICY
Students shall not possess, use or misuse substances on school property or at school functions. ‘‘Substance’’ refers to tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, inhalant (prescription and illicit), and illicit drugs. The use of over-the-counter medications and prescription drugs other than for their intended purpose are also prohibited. ‘‘School property’’ refers to the school’s physical building, yard, outside and underground parking lots, and front and rear entrances. ‘‘School functions’’ refers to all classes, field trips and excursions, social engagements (school sanctioned parties or dances), and ceremonies. The school reserves the right to search a student’s locker or personal belongings if she/he is suspected of possession of any such substances. Consequences
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The school reserves the right to apply consequences outlined on page 13 of the Core Agreement for any incidents which involve possession, use or misuse of substances anywhere on school property or at any school function. ATTENDANCE POLICY
Regular and punctual school attendance is an integral aspect of success at school. The following table outlines school arrival and dismissal times as well as lunchtimes. School
Dismissal Lunch
Junior School JK/SK
9:00 a.m.
3:30 p.m.
Junior School – Grade 1 to 5
8:15 a.m.
3:45 p.m.
Middle School – Grade 6 to 8:30 a.m. 8
3:40 p.m.
Senior School – Grades 9
9:00 a.m.
4:00 p.m. (3:40 p.m. on Friday)
Senior School – Grades 10
9:00 a.m.
4:00 p.m. (3:40 p.m. on Friday)
Senior School – Grades 11 and 12
9:00 a.m.
4:00 p.m. (3:40 p.m. on Friday)
12:00 p.m. to 12:20 p.m. Recess 12:20 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. Grade 1-3 12:40 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. to lunch Grade 4-5 12:15 p.m. to 12:35 p.m. 11:50 a.m. pm to 12:40 p.m. Yard/Gym Available 12:15 p.m. to 12:40 p.m. Flex Space Available 11:50 a.m. to 12:40 p.m. 11:50 a.m. to 12:40 p.m. Yard/Gym Available 11:50 am to 12:15 p.m. Flex Space Available 12:15 - 12:40 p.m. 11:50 a.m. to 12:40 p.m. Yard/Gym Available 11:50 am to 12:15 p.m. Flex Space Available 12:15 - 12:40 p.m. 11:50 a.m. to 12:40 p.m. Yard/Gym Available 11:50 am to 12:15 p.m. Flex Space Available 12:15 - 12:40 p.m.
May only go out for lunch on specific dates.
May leave everyday for lunch except Wednesday. May leave everyday for lunch except Wednesday.
May leave everyday for lunch. Students with spares may leave the premises during their spare.
Students who are late for either the beginning of the day or a class must sign in at reception, indicating the time of their arrival, and receive a late slip. A student who receives a late slip from reception must proceed directly to the class and give the late slip to the teacher (Middle and Senior School only). Students who have been late without excuse must sit a detention at the next available detention time, either at lunch or after school. Students who miss more than the first ten minutes of a class without excuse will sit a one hour detention on one of Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.
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Students who miss a test or performance task because of illness or for a legitimate unexpected reason must have their parents communicate with the school when they return and must complete the test or performance task on the day of their return at 7:45 a.m. Students who are scheduled to attend an event which causes them to miss a test or performance task must, prior to the day, negotiate an alternate date and time for the test or performance task to be completed with their teacher. Students who have been given authorization to leave the school during the day must visit reception, providing evidence of authorization, write down their name and the time of their leaving. Where a student is going to be absent and the parent is aware of this, they should call reception to report the absence and the reasons for the absence before the beginning of the day. Where a student’s absence is unexplained, the school will contact the parent as soon as possible. Consequences The school reserves the right to apply consequences outlined on page 13 of the Core Agreement for non-adherence to the School’s Attendance Policy. UNIFORM POLICY
The York School uniform is one of our identifying features that we take pride in as a school. All students are expected to wear the appropriate uniform, which is clean, in good repair and appropriately sized. The York School has two uniform seasons; summer (From the beginning of the year until the Thanksgiving break, May and June) and winter (all remaining times). Below find a summary of the components of The York School uniform. Middle and Senior School
Winter uniform** Girls
Summer uniform Boys
Girls fitted white shirt York Cardigan (optional) York Pullover (optional) York Vest (optional) Blazer (#1 Dress)
White oxford shirt York Cardigan (optional) York Pullover (optional) York Vest (optional) Blazer (#1 Dress)
Navy polo shirt
Navy polo shirt
School tie
School tie
Grey skirt (length to be Grey pants (black belt no shorter than 3 required) inches above the knee)
Khaki shorts or grey skirt
Khaki shorts
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Grey pants (black belt required) Shoes
Black leather dress shoe with 1 inch heel or less either tie up or slip on.
Black leather dress shoe either tie up or slip on.
Running shoes or brown deck shoes with shorts. Black leather dress shoe or brown deck shoes with skirt.
Running shoes or brown deck shoes with shorts.
Grey knee socks or grey tights
Grey socks
White socks with shorts. Otherwise, grey knee socks.
White socks with shorts.
Athletic Uniform
York PHE t-shirt, York black athletic shorts, white athletic socks, and athletic shoes with non-marking soles
York PHE t-shirt, York black athletic shorts, white athletic socks, and athletic shoes with non-marking soles
York PHE t-shirt, York black athletic shorts, white athletic socks, and athletic shoes with non-marking soles
York PHE t-shirt, York black athletic shorts, white athletic socks, and athletic shoes with non-marking soles
*In addition to the white shirt, students must wear one of the tie, sweater, vest or blazer, except for formal occasions where students must wear the shirt, tie and blazer (#1 Dress). **The winter uniform can be worn at any time in the summer uniform season. Black shoes must accompany winter uniform bottoms. The summer uniform can only be worn in the summer uniform season. Junior School
Winter uniform Girls
Summer uniform Boys
Girls fitted white shirt Green long sleeve polo shirt York Cardigan (optional) York Pullover (optional) York Vest (optional)
White oxford shirt Green Green long sleeve polo shirt York Cardigan (optional) York Pullover (optional) York Vest (optional)
Green polo shirt
Green polo shirt
School tie
School tie
Plaid kilt (Grade 4-5) Plaid tunic Grey pants
Grey pants
Khaki Khaki shorts shorts/skorts/tunic
Black leather dress
Black leather dress
Running shoes
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shoe either tie up or slip shoe either tie up or on. slip on. Socks
Green knee socks or green tights
Grey socks
White socks
White socks
Athletic Uniform
On specific designated occasions such as certain School Assemblies, Arts Nights and Closing Ceremonies, students (in Grades 6-12) must wear the #1 Dress Uniform. Casual Day Dress On occasion, students are invited to come to school in casual dress. On these days, clothing must be neat, clean and should not display objectionable words, phrases, pictures or symbols. Students must dress respectably and never let their undergarments or midriffs show. Consequences for Incorrect Uniform Students who are not wearing the correct uniform will be given a warning, given a detention, or they will be sent home to obtain the proper uniform item. Where a student is missing an item, and needs to purchase a replacement, the school will communicate with the parents to arrange to have the item replaced.
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JURISDICTION, PROCEDURES AND CONSEQUENCES Jurisdiction The Principal, and his or her delegates, may discipline any student who commits an infraction while at school, at a school-related activity, or in other circumstances where committing the infraction will have a negative impact on the school climate. Roles and Responsibilities Every York School community member has a role in upholding the values, policies and practices of the Code of Conduct. Roles and responsibilities are not limited to but include the following: Head of School ● ●
ensure that the Code of Conduct is reviewed regularly act as adjudicator with respect to any contested suspensions and/or expulsions, and authorize all expulsions.
Principals ● ● ● ●
establish and maintain consistent disciplinary practices in the school thoroughly investigate all disciplinary matters brought to their attention and determine disciplinary consequences for all such matters communicating and reporting on more serious infractions of the Code of Conduct to parents of students involved.
Teachers ● ● ●
intervene promptly and appropriately to address incidents as they occur assist the Principal by reporting incidents and assisting the Principal in conducting investigations empower students to be positive leaders in their classroom, school and community
Parents ● ● ●
support the efforts of the school’s staff in maintaining a safe and respectful learning environment support and assist staff in dealing with disciplinary issues involving their child contact the school through proper channels of communication if they have a concern
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Procedures Minor Infractions Minor infractions may include, but are not limited to, uniform infractions, lateness, disruptive or distracting behaviour, chewing gum, not following staff directions, breaking rules regarding possession and use of personal digital devices or cellphones, minor infractions regarding the use of technology or breaking rules regarding the use of facilities. Where a minor infraction has occurred, staff may give students reminders, and to preserve the order of the class and the dignity of the student, may ask a student to excuse him or herself temporarily from a class activity. As well, staff members may instruct students with respect to their conduct, assign a detention, send the offending students to the Principal, have them carry out relevant tasks, confiscate personal articles, or take other reasonable measures as authorized by the Principal. More Serious Infractions More serious infractions may include, but are not limited to, repeated instances of a minor infraction, defiance, deliberate disrespectful behaviour, bullying, assaults, theft, damage to property, tobacco, drug or alcohol offences, encouraging others to commit an infraction, and standing by while another person commits a criminal infraction. Students will have a meeting with the Principal and an incident report will be filed. The incident report will include comments from the student and staff member involved. Where necessary, the Principal will interview other people who have knowledge of the incident. The Principal will notify the parents of the child who has committed the infraction and will provide the parents with a copy of the incident report. In cases of bullying, or where there is otherwise a student victim, the parents of the victim will be notified. Infractions of a Criminal Nature The Principal will interview all people involved, file an incident report and notify parents of the allegations. The Principal may, at his or her discretion, notify the police. When the Principal receives credible information that leads to a reasonable suspicion that a student may be in possession of a weapon or an illegal substance, the Principal, or his or her delegate, may execute a search upon the student, his or her possessions, and his or her locker. Any such search will be carried out in the presence of at least one other adult.
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Consequences (may include but are not limited to) Academic Consequences
Where a student has been found to plagiarize, cheat or collude, the principal may ● ● ●
have the student redo the work and submit it to be re-assessed and/or re-marked give the student “no mark” on the assignment give the student “zero” on the assignment
Impose a suspension or expulsion, where a student is repeatedly dishonest with his or her academic work. Loss of Privileges Students who misuse privileges given to them may have such privileges taken away. Confiscation Students who are in possession of anything forbidden by the school may have such articles confiscated temporarily or permanently. Compensation Students who cause damages may be required to pay compensation. Positive Actions Where the Principal determines that it would be in the student’s best interest, they may have the student carry out appropriate actions, including completing chores, writing an apology, and undergoing counselling. Detentions (applies to Middle/Senior School only) Teachers may set lunch hour or after-school detentions for up to 30 minutes for misbehaviour in their class. Students will receive a detention for 30 minutes at the lunch hour or after school, should they be late for class. Students will receive an after-school detention of 60 minutes for skipping a class or missing more than 10 minutes of a class without excuse. Students who miss a detention may be assigned longer and/or multiple detentions. Suspension Students may be suspended for a period of time ranging from partial to full day, or for a more serious infraction or a series of more serious infractions, a series of days. The Principal may on occasion have the suspension carried out within the school so that the student is present in the school, but not attending classes. Probation Students who have been suspended may be placed on terms of probation for a period not exceeding one calendar year, the breach of which may result in expulsion. Core Agreement - Student Version 2017-2018
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Re-admittance Re-admittance to The York School in September is conditional on a student having a good record of conduct in the previous academic year. Expulsion Students may be expelled from the school for a more serious infraction, a series of more serious infractions or an infraction of a criminal nature. Disciplinary Record Disclosure The York School will not disclose a child’s disciplinary record to outside persons or agencies without the consent of the child’s parent, except where legally required to do so. A further exception will occur should such disclosure be requested in the context of a student’s application to post-secondary institutions, in which case the school will disclose an expulsion or any single suspension of more than two days’ length received while in the Senior School. MEDIA POLICY It is The York School’s practice and policy to share students’ achievements and news of school activities both within and outside our community. With technological fluency at the core of our school’s curriculum and activities, The York School believes in modeling responsible digital citizenship and communication. On the school’s website, in brochures, newsletters and blogs, we proudly feature photos, videos and links to student projects, classroom activities, and events held both on and off our campuses. In order to recognize students, The York School may sometimes deem it relevant to include their first and last names. Outside media may be permitted to use images of students for the purpose of promoting the school. For advertising campaigns that would bring significant media attention to any student (such as bus shelter advertisements or school prospectus) The York School will contact parents through a separate communication. By reading and signing this Parent/Student contract permission is given to The York School to report on, photograph, film and record students or their related work for the purposes of communication and promotion of the school across all its internal and external channels. This agreement extends for the duration of the time that the students attend The York School and may extend beyond their departure from the school. The York School retains the copyright and other proprietary rights to media, images, photographs or presentations created by or for The York School.
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INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) POLICY The York School supports technology use for all members of its community to enhance teaching and learning and communication. All faculty, staff and students, as well as parents are asked to agree to the following: General
1. The school’s technology facilities and student-owned laptops are to be used for constructive school related tasks, while at school and especially in the classroom. 2. Any disruptive, malicious or unethical use of technology that relates in any way to members of our school community or school equipment, whether initiated at home or at school, will not be tolerated. 3. Technology difficulties are not an excuse for work incompletion, or classroom disruption. Students should use pen and paper if necessary. 4. Passwords must not be shared . 5. Headphones are not to be used in class or in the hallways, including those for music players and smartphones, without the direct permission of a teacher. 6. While privacy will be respected, staff will have access to student files, email, and/or student-owned laptops. 7. Material, including images, that is retrieved from any electronic source must be correctly cited according to copyright laws and The York School bibliography format. 8. It is against privacy laws to record, or to take pictures of others, without direct permission.
E-mail 1. There is to be no mass mailing of any kind without the permission of a staff member. This includes using mailing lists set up for groups of students for non-school related purposes. 2. Students are personally responsible for messages sent, and no inappropriate language or message content will be tolerated. 3. Correct e-mail etiquette must be used at all times, and e-mail used for school purposes should be written with proper grammar and spelling conventions. Protection of our network
1. Executable files (files with the .exe extension) are not to be stored in a network directory, or transferred over the network. 2. Proxy software, or proxy websites, that attempt to bypass the firewall are not permitted and their use will result in consequences. 3. Music, video or game files are not to be downloaded, stored on, or transferred using the school network, unless directly related to a school project. 4. Peer-to-peer networking using the school’s internal network, including shared drives and peer-to-peer programmes, is not allowed at school.
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5. Students must exercise caution to prevent virus, malware and spyware contamination. The school antivirus software must not be deleted, or changed to another application. If students detect contamination, they should report it to IT staff. Printing 1. Printing is tracked for Middle and Senior School students. Charges will be made once a term, if applicable (3 cents per page for black and white, and 18 cents per page for colour) to student accounts. 2. Colour printing is discouraged if it is not essential to the curriculum; 3. All printing to school printers must have a header with a student’s name and class. Where headers are not available, a small text box should be used. Student-owned laptops (Grade 7 to 12)
1. Only those computer devices approved by the school are to be used at school. This includes a Lenovo tablet for Grades 7-8 and either the school-selected Lenovo or Macbook for Grades 9-12. 2. No power-on passwords or biometric enabling are allowed as this affects the ability to perform maintenance. 3. All screensavers and desktops are to be of an appropriate nature. 4. Personal material on laptops must be stored in a folder separate to school-related material and must not be backed up to the network. It is the responsibility of the student to backup personal material at home and the IT staff cannot be held responsible for loss of this material during maintenance, although due care will be taken. 5. The Start menu and the toolbar must always be visible and not set to hide. 6. Loaner laptops must be returned in the same condition as when borrowed. Students are responsible for repair costs if damage occurs because of negligence or carelessness. 7. All software not owned by the student, must be removed at the time the student leaves the school.
Electronic Personal Equipment Policy
1. The I.T. department does not support personal mobile devices or personal tablets. 2. The s chool’s Information and Communication Technology policy does apply to personal mobile devices used at school, as well as to the mandatory school tablets and laptops. 3. Students in the Middle School may not use their cellphones in the school, except at their locker at the following times: before 8:30 a.m., after school classes are finished, and for a ten minute period during the lunch recess. 4. Senior School students may not use their cell phones in the classroom, gym, or on school outings without permission from a teacher. 5. Senior School students may use cell phones, or other personal electronic devices at the following times, so long as they are at their locker or not in the hallway or stairwell: before 9:00 a.m., between 11:50 a.m. and 12:40 p.m., and after classes are finished.
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