The York School is committed to providing a safe and inclusive learning environment where all school members feel comfortable, accepted and supported. In this regard, our Code of Conduct (part of our Core Agreement document at promotes responsibility, respect, civility, citizenship and academic excellence, and sets clear standards of behaviour. Please review this Code of Conduct Executive Summary with your teacher and discuss the relevant issues referring to the complete Code of Conduct for definitions and details.
The Code of Conduct is intended to benefit all members of the school community including students, administrators, staff, parents and guardians as well as visitors, volunteers and community users.
Failure to abide by the Code of Conduct will result in Progressive Disciplinary Action. At The York School students are dealt with as individuals, on a case by case basis, in a manner that accounts for the context, severity of the infraction, previous disciplinary issues and the age of student. Infractions are classified as minor, serious and those that have a criminal nature, all of which have a respective disciplinary action. The goal of the disciplinary action is to educate students and keep our school a safe and supportive environment for all.
Student Behaviour
I will demonstrate respect towards all school members, including teachers, staff, peers and parents. I will respect other people’s need to be free from physical harm. I will take responsibility for my behaviour, demeanour, language and observe all school rules and regulations.
I will be punctual for school and I will attend all classes unless I have a legitimate reason for missing class and have the permission of my parent(s) or guardians.
Academic Honesty
The York School is dedicated to enabling students to perform academically to the best of their abilities. Students are expected to acquire communication and learning skills through various curriculum activities, so as to avoid the temptation to plagiarize or cheat.
I understand that plagiarism, cheating, collusion or other act by which a student unfairly misrepresents his or her academic effort or achievement or knowingly assists another in such misrepresentation will not be tolerated by The York School.
Students and staff at The York School have a right to teach and learn in a supportive, caring and safe environment without fear of being bullied. To ensure this, students and staff have worked together to develop an anti-bullying policy which identifies bullying behaviour and helps students develop strategies to deal with problems in a non-violent manner.
I have read and understood the definitions of bullying and will act in a manner which is positive and will decrease/ eliminate bullying at The York School.
Participation in athletics and co-curricular activities at The York School is an integral part of school life. The Athletic Code of Conduct states “I am committed to attending athletics practices and events, staying current with my academic responsibilities and showing respect to coaches, referees, players, spectators and school property” is an extension of the School’s Code of Conduct.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
I am responsible for all my online activity, including that which takes place off-site and outside of school hours, and I will be held responsible for any inappropriate use that relates in any way to any member of our school community or school equipment.
I understand that York School staff have access to my files, email and/or hardware devices so as to best support me and ensure my safety.
Respect for Property
I will respect the property of classmates, teachers, staff and the school. I will also show the same courtesy during school related activities and towards others in our community, whether at school or off-site.
I will wear and maintain the school uniform properly at all times.
Use and Abuse of Harmful Substances
I will not possess or use tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, inhalants, or illicit drugs or misuse over-the-counter medications or personal prescription drugs on school property or at school functions.
Improper behaviour by a student at The York School or breach of any of the above noted policies will not be tolerated while at school, at a school related activity or in any other circumstance which is deemed to impact the school climate.
I understand all the policies included in The York School Code of Conduct, have reviewed the definitions of infractions, am aware of the process for remediation and discipline and understand that disciplinary action may be taken which may include suspension or expulsion.
Media Policy (part of Core Agreement at
I give permission to The York School to report on, photograph, film and record me and my related work across all its internal and external channels such as websites, blogs, tweets, etc. for the purposes of informing our community, providing increased communication and promotion of our activities and events at the school.
This permission does not include express advertising campaigns. Outside media will not be given use of your image without your express consent.
The York School retains the copyright and other proprietary rights to media, images, photographs or presentations created by or for The York School.
This agreement extends for the duration of the time that I attend The York School, and may extend beyond their departure from the school.
I understand that this document is a summary of the School’s Code of Conduct and Media Policy which can be found at