$500 deposit cheque made payable toTheYork School
Once you have satisfied yourself as to the suitability of this trip for your child, please complete the following forms online viaYorkNet by Monday, September 26th, 2022:
ParentAcknowledgement, Consent & Release Form
Aphotocopy of student passport
The Music Excursion to Cuba will take place from February 18 23, 2023 Enclosed with this letter you will find an Excursion Information Form that outlines the educational rationale for the trip, our itinerary, activities, risks associated with the trip, important contact information, and financial information Please read the information carefully as it forms the basis of your consent for your child’s participation
Also to be submitted to Jean Coronel or Cody MacFarlane by Monday September 26th, 2022:
Dear Parents, September, 2022
As this is an international excursion and at times the group is in a remote location, the accuracy of the information being provided by families is crucial
Finally, please ensure that your child’s medical information and emergency contact information is up to date for this excursion To confirm these details, log on toYorkNet
Level II Code of Conduct (A document to be notarized will be handed out later in the fall)
Re: Music Excursion to Havana, Cuba 2023
Be sure to look over the medical form to ensure that all of the information is up to date and communicate any changes in information prior to trip departure.
Exact Flight times and details will be sent to participating students.
Excursion Name International Music Excursion Havana, Cuba
Cost includes: travel medical insurance (See Tentative Itinerary section for items included and not included in cost)
Group Involved
Please note that once you have provided consent to have your child participate in the excursion you will be charged for the expenses incurred on your child's behalf for this excursion. Where, after you have provided your consent, notice is given that your child cannot attend the excursion, the following cancellation policy applies:
Group Leader Staff Involved
This excursion is an opportunity for students to continue developing their passion for music Through multiple performances and interaction with local people in Cuba, students can extend their repertoire and develop a deeper understanding of how culture and geography impact music.
TheYork School, Canada Cuba Sports and Cultural Festivals
Service Provider(s)
Barb Prevedello (inToronto) 416 209 9905
Approximate Cost
59lostdays to and including 31 days before departure - 50% of total price lost
Cost does not Include: Personal spending money eg: some lunches, donations, tips, snacks, souvenirs ($200)
This cost is to be paid in 3 installments $500 non-refundable deposit due September 26th, 2022 $1450 is due November 1st 2022 $1450 is due December 1st 2022
Students will meetATthe airport 3 hours prior to departure
From time deposit is received up to 60 days before departure - deposit
Cheques are to be made payable toTheYork School
Transportation Details:
Cody MacFarlane, Diane Drysdale, (recently retired York School teacher) and otherYork faculty as needed
DestinationAddress Havana, Cuba
Emergency Contact Information
Agroup of Grade 9 12 music students
Educational Rationale
30 days to and including day of departure - 100% of total price lost
Other forms of transportation include a private coach
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Students may be exposed to a number of physical injuries including: cuts, scrapes, broken bones, bruising, sprains, head injury, concussions, and slips, trips, and falls from
What to Bring
Student preparation for excursion: As they get closer to the trip, the group will meet on a weekly basis to work on their performance pieces A packing and logistics meeting will take place in January prior to departure Students are expected to read this package carefully
Return Level II VO Form via YorkNet by Monday September 26th, 2022
Packing List included below
Specific Risks Identified:
heights ● Traffic accidents ● Associated travel risks including temperature related injuries, physical injuries and getting lost or seperated, damage or loss of property ● Illness, disease related to travel, food, water and environmental conditions ● Associated airline travel risks ● Allergic reactions ● Different standards of design, safety and maintenance of buildings, public places and conveyances ● Health and safety standards potentially different to those in Canada ● Uncertain communication and transportation facilities at times ● Terrorism ● Exposure to COVID-19 2022 | 2023 2
Sun Protection: Where a trip involves your child being outside between 11:00 AM and 4:00 PM, or the UV rating is predicted to be 3 or greater, remind parents to provide children with the following: sunscreen, hat and water bottle. Sunglasses that protect against UV-A and UV-B rays are also recommended.
Follow-up: Students will perform at a school assembly and contribute to The York School publications about their experience. Feedback will be sought and a follow up meeting to share stories and photographs will be organized
Activities to be undertaken by students: Students will travel by air from Canada to Cuba In the country, students will travel by private coach and by foot Students will take part in musical performances and interaction with young children, adolescents, youth, adults Students will take part in general travel and tourism in local communities including visiting and shopping at local markets, restaurants, shops and attractions.The group will stay in a hotel.
Getting Lost Students will be supervised by teachers while in Cuba. Students are given and advised to carry an emergency contact sheet while traveling. When conducting group activities, including shopping and sightseeing, teachers will establish regular check ins with students and students will travel in groups and be made aware of boundaries and rules in all locations Independent Time Protocol will be followed: Students will be paired with a buddy and must not venture out alone During independent time, students will be provided with a map of the area and geographic limits will be identified for students When given the opportunity to venture away from the group, they must remain within specific geographic limits and will check in periodically with a teacher at a specific place and time. Students will have cell phone contact numbers for both
Pre trip preparation will include briefing on routes, boundaries, safety rules and emergency procedures, including contingency plans in case of separation. All trip equipment and gear will be checked by staff before departure. Students will be oriented to new sites. Boundaries and out of bound areas will also be described Teachers will carry a cell phone, medical and contact information for their groups and first aid kits Each teacher is trained in first aid Students will be paired in a buddy system At minimum, 1:10 staff to student ratio will be maintained
Associated Travel Risks:
If allergies and health issues are a concern, students must travel with appropriate medication and have extra medications as well as written instructions on administration.
In terms of covid precautions, we will follow the school’s policy at the time of the excursion Further information will be shared prior to the excursion
● Food Allergies Students with anaphylactic allergies will work closely with The York School and Can Cuba to communicate with food providers to avoid allergens where possible Alternative food options will be sourced if necessary
Everyone will exercise precautions to avoid sun burns and heat related issues by applying sunscreen, wearing a hat and/or sunglasses, and monitoring time spent in direct sunlight.
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● Disease - TB, HIV, Hep B, leprosy, etc ensure all necessary vaccines are up to date prior to travel, and training of students to avoid contracting any illness, washing hands, use of antibacterial lotion
● Water Bottled for water at all times (brushing teeth and drinking)
The York School will work with our travel agency to monitor world events via worldwide alert systems, news services, government travel advisory services, etc These provide daily and “breaking news” updates regarding things like weather, political situations, labour unrest, health issues, travel advisories
Traffic Accidents
- Teachers will travel with a comprehensive binder which includes student health and medical forms, copies of identification and will have a well stocked travel first aid kit
● Travel First Aid Kit with Over the Counter Medications (eg Tylenol, Advil, Gravol, Imodium, Pepto Bismol) to be carried at all times
Students will be registered with the Canadian Embassy prior to departure
Precautions to be taken to reduce or eliminate risks:
Precautions to reduce exposure to COVID 19:
● Food students are advised to avoid street food and fruit juices.
Land travel arrangements made through professional travel agents who retain well established coach companies with safe comfortable vehicles Local drivers will be used and travel at night will be kept to a minimum
Crime All tours are fully escorted at all times by trip leaders as well as the local tour guide who is versed in the local area and safety of local neighbourhoods Hotel is chosen for its high level of security Valuables should not be brought
Drowning (boating and pool) The hotel pool and ocean are off limits. Swimming is not permitted while on this trip.
teachers and the hotel Students will be made aware of the risks and will discuss the importance of being aware and vigilant Independent time protocols will be followed and will only take place in areas deemed safe in advance
The York School will be in regular contact with the trip leaders and Can Cuba representatives throughout the trip If necessary the group will take a later flight and/or adapt their method of travel to suit the situation. If students are held over in any location, they will stay in a hotel. Where weather or other causes prevent local travel, travel will be delayed to another day. The York School will communicate regularly with Can Cuba to monitor multiple Global alert services to get the most up to date information and any excursion changes will be communicated to parents The York School will have a predetermined communication and evacuation plan with Can Cuba Tours in the event of any emergency or trip interruption
Location of nearest Emergency Medical Service:
From Can Cuba: “In addition to the over 20 hospitals in the city, there are smaller clinics all over the city in each neighbourhood, so no matter where you are, help is always nearby Each school has a doctor and a nurse on staff, even in rural areas The hotel also has a doctor or nurse on site 24 hrs The Canada Cuba guide will work with The York School staff to take care of all the necessary arrangements in case of an emergency, since he/she will be staying at the hotel with the group 24/7.”
Note: terrorism is not considered to be a significant risk in Cuba but is a possible risk Trip leaders will monitor Cuban news. The York School will work closely with Can Cuba to monitor travel advisories and international news
Contingency plan for bad weather/trip interruption:
In cases of minor injury or illness, teachers will assess students and apply first aid. They will make use of the travel first aid kit equipment This incident will be tracked via an injury report form
Cira Garcia Hospital Calle 20 NO 4101 esq aAv 41, Miramar, Playa, La Habana, Cuba Phone: 204 2811 http://www.cirag.cu/
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In the event of a student with an injury, an adult would stay with the injured students and apply any necessary first aid. A second adult would ensure the rest of the group is safe and stable. However, if there is a major accident requiring EMS, a York School staff would accompany any student who would need to be taken to hospital Teachers will keep in contact with The York School and parents will be kept updated on the incident
Pollution (allergies) Students with asthma, or significant dust or heat related allergies are not recommended to take part in the trip
The nearest "tourist" hospital to the hotel and venues where the band will perform is:
Contingency plan for injuries/illnesses:
- Students will be registered with the Embassy prior to departure
Why Havana?
- Parents are encouraged to keep a photocopy of all identification sent with their child
ARTS IN CUBA: February 18 - 23, 2023
Additional Information:
- APacking list will follow and be distributed in a student meeting. Local currency is the Cuban Peso CAN and USD can be exchanged in country
Havana is the cultural centre of Cuba and Cuban music Cuban music has been influential throughout the world and contributed to the development of a wide variety of musical styles around the globe. As music is at the heart of Cuban culture, this city is an immersive musical experience for students There are ample opportunities for students to perform and share musical experiences with local musicians and students
- There is no time difference betweenToronto and Havana
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Student passports must be valid for 6 months beyond the end of February 2023
- Overall cost includes travel medical insurance
This program is specifically designed for music students to experience a comprehensive overview of CubancultureandhistoryfromColumbustobeyondCastro,withafocuson the study of the Afro-Cuban contribution to Music, Dance, and Visual Art in Cuba. Beginning in Havana, founded in 1519, participants will meet and perform with Cuban students and teachers at local arts schools. Additional performances will take place at publicvenuesarrangedbytheCubanMinistryofCulture. Wewillthentravelbybusand explore the climates and topography of tropical rainforests, mountain terrain and caves systems,whileobservingthelifewaysofruralcommunitiesintheCubancountryside.
Tentative Itinerary
As ofAugust 2022 the Government of Canada TravelAdvisory stated as follows:
Cuba - Take normal security precautions (There are no significant safety and security concerns. The overall safety and security situation is similar to that of Canada.You should take normal security precautions.)
FEB18: Flight to Cuba. On arrival in Cuba we will be met by our hosts at the airport and transferred to our hotel in Havana for check-in. Optional rehearsal time availableatthehotel.
FEB21: Breakfast. 9:00 a.m. departure. This morning we have been invited to attendapresentationbyanAfro-Cubanmusical/dancegroup. Membersofthegroupwill endeavour to share Afro-Cuban songs withthestudentsandaLatindanceworkshopwill follow 12:30 p.m. Lunch ($15) at a local restaurant. 2:00 p.m. departure. After lunch we will visit shopping areas in the city including the artisans market and a collection of boutiques housed in a restored 18th century colonial palace. 4:00 p.m. departure. This afternoonCanadianstudentsperformajointprogramwithotherCubanperformingartists at the Casa de la Cultura. Return to the hotel. 7:00 p.m. Dinner at the hotel. This eveningyouwillperformforinternationalandCubanguestsatthehotel.
FEB20: Breakfast. 9:00 a.m. departure. This morning we will attend an interactive Percussion and Latin Rhythms workshop. A performance by Novel Voz, an excellent a cappella vocal jazz ensemble will follow 12:30 p.m. Lunch($15)atalocal restauranttogetherwithmembersofNovelVoz. 2:00p.m.departure.Afterlunchwewill visit the Jose Marti Memorial, where we will go up to the top of the tower for the best panoramic views of the city and take pictures. 3:00 p.m. departure. This afternoon we will visit the AmadeoRoldanArtsHighSchool. Wewillattendaperformancepresented by music and dance studentsattheschool. AperformancebytheCanadianstudentswill follow Return to the hotel. 7:00 p.m. Dinner at the hotel. 8:30 p.m. departure. This evening we will visit the famous Jazz Café and enjoy performances by top Cuban musicians($10entrancefeeincluded). Yourjazzbandwillbetheopeningacttonight!
FEB19: Breakfast. 9:00 a.m. departure. This morning begins with an orientation tour by bus, followed by a walking tour to Old Town Havana, Spain's gateway to the conquest of Latin America. Havana, founded in 1519 became the capital of Cuba in 1553 and in 1982 UNESCO declared Old Havana a World Heritage Site, where 144 buildings from the 16th and 17th centuries are preserved. Ourguidewillleadawalking tour of the Old City. Then we will travel by air-conditioned coach to the harbour entrance to visit the Parque Historico del Morro (entrance to park included, optional museum fee not included)andseefortificationsbuiltinthe17thcenturytoguardthecity from attack by pirates. 12:30 p.m. Lunch ($15) at a local restaurant. 1:30 p.m. departure. This afternoonstudentswillvisittheA.G.CaturlaArtsHighSchool. Wewill learn about the school and Canadian and Cuban students will perform for each other Return to the hotel. 7:00 p.m. Dinner at the hotel. 8:00 p.m. This evening we will participate in a Latin Rhythms and Band Choreography workshop with a professional banddirector
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FEB22: Breakfast. 9:00 a.m. departure. This morning we will visit Revolution Square and take a second walking tour of the city 12:30 p.m. Lunch ($15) at a local restaurant. 2:00 p.m. departure. This afternoon you will visit a local communitycentre that provides assistance to low income families. You will attend a performance by the community centre kids and learn about this outreachprogramandtheirmissionfromthe volunteers that run it. If you wish, your group can present a donationtothecommunity centre kids (goods, not money). Return to the hotel. 6:30p.m.departure. Thisevening we will have a farewell dinner and dance party with our Cuban friends at the Tulipan partyroom.
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FEB23: Cuba to Canada. We now leave the hotel and return to the airport. Timepermittingotherpointsofinterestmaybevisitedenroutetotheairport.
Please Note: Hotels, restaurants and recreational facilities are quite expensive by local standards. You may choose to invite Cubanstudentsandteacherstoparticipateinsocial activities with your group. This is always warmly received, however, you as host, are expected to assume the cost of the invitation as it is beyond the means of most Cubans. We recommend you check with your guide for suggestions before extending any invitationstoactivitiesnotincludedintheitinerary
Program Includes: Round trip airfare from selected departure city to Cuba, 5 nights hotel accommodation based on double occupancy in air-conditioned rooms with private bathroom, breakfast and dinner daily, coordination and entrance/participation fees for visits performances workshops tours, translator/guide services, local facilitators, ground transportation viamodernair-conditionedbusasperitinerary,Cubanvisaandthe Cuban airport tax. Not Included: Lunches, optional activities, personal expenses and tips.
Depending on local conditions the orderofactivitiesmaynotbeasindicated,wereserve therighttoadjusttheitineraryifrequiredforthesafeandpropermanagementofthetour
Due to COVID-19, portions of your tour to be provided by third-party suppliersmaybe different than advertised, including being reduced or unavailable. By booking with us, you understand and accept the foregoing and you agree that wecannotbeheldliablefor changesbeyondourcontrol.
Curfew: Students are required to be in their own rooms when directed by staff
Rooms: Room arrangements will be assigned by supervising teachers Students are required to keep their personal belongings neat and tidy Students may not enter another student’s room without permission.
In addition to the expectations set out in the Code of Conduct, the following rules will apply during this trip:
Map of Cuba (Havana Region)
Independent Time Protocol will be followed: Students will be paired with a buddy and must not venture out alone During independent time, students will be provided with a map of the area and geographic limits will be identified for students When given the opportunity to venture away from the group, they must remain within specific geographic limits and will check in periodically with a teacher at a specific place and time Students will have cell phone contact numbers for both
Personal Electronic Equipment: To be brought at own risk and used at appropriate times. Please check with your telecommunications provider to arrange for specific coverage plans
Varadero (arrival & departure city) Havana
Dress: Students must wear appropriate clothing for the activity, location and weather. You are representing The York School and casual wear rules will be in effect: clothing must be neat, clean and should not display objectionable words, phrases, pictures or symbols Students must dress respectably and never let their undergarments or midriffs show Students must wear shoes or boots that are suitable for extended periods of walking
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D Do not forget to pack your Cuba t-shirts
a Please include written instructions with any medication and share with the teachers as they will log any medication taken on the trip.
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F. Hat, baseball caps
C Clothes for hot weather, lots ofT shirts
Preparation Meetings: Students are expected to attend the pre-trip meetings
Swimming:The hotel pool and ocean are off limits Swimming is not permitted on this trip
K. Sunglasses
b. If students have an anaphylactic allergy, please ensure that two epipens are brought. The student will carry one epi pen on them and will give one to the teacher to store with them Similarly, it is also recommended that students bring two puffers, if needed
J Camera
I Comfortable shoes for walking
1. Important Items to Bring to theAirport
A Travel documents such as passports
D Smart Casual (Farewell Dinner)
B Any personal medication you require:
E. Sunscreen
B $250 Canadian is recommended
E Do not forget your school instrument, music stand, sheet music/folder and accessories such as reeds, sticks, etc
F Make sure there is a name tag on your instrument
Academics: Students must maintain their strong academic standing and seek support if needed throughout the year to participate in the excursion. Students will miss three days of school and are responsible for communicating with their teachers ahead of time to find out what they will miss so that they may complete any work before and immediately following the trip Students are expected to attend school on February 24th
A Your passport and any other required travel documentation
C Spending Money recommended money for the week is $250 00 CAN
2. Overall Packing List
H Face cloth
teachers and the hotel Students will be made aware of the risks and will discuss the importance of being aware and vigilant Independent time protocols will be followed and will only take place in areas deemed safe in advance
G. Please make sure you have a strap or belt around your instrument case (especially the larger instruments) before they go on the plane.This is to prevent latches opening and items inside going missing
G Flip flops, sandals
Participation: Student participation in activities is mandatory and they must be on time.
R Insect repellent
U. English/Spanish dictionary
• Associated airline travel risks
• Terrorism
N. Shampoo/conditioner and soap (hotels provide soap, but you may prefer your own brand)
• Uncertain communication and transportation facilities at times
Our emergency contact information is up to date I/We agree to update the information with the trip leader if changes occur prior to the trip start date
I/We have reviewed the Trip Plan and are aware that this excursion may expose my/our child to the following risks:
S Aspirin/Tylenol, Pepto bismol, Imodium
T. Snacks (Nut Free)
M Hair Dryer
O. Toothpaste and toothbrush
• Different standards of design, safety and maintenance of buildings, public places and conveyances
• Traffic accidents
• Illness, disease related to travel, food, water and environmental conditions
• Health and safety standards potentially different to those in Canada
The following sets out statements to which, you, the parent(s), must agree by signing electronically below in order for your child to be permitted to participate in the intended trip Should you have questions regarding any of the statements below, you may contact the Divisional Principal, David Hamilton (416-926-1325 Ext 5272) or Experiential Educator, Barb Prevedello, at bprevedello@yorkschool com (416 926 1325 Ext 1439) I/We understand, as the parent or guardian of the student named above, that students on York School trips are expected to participate fully in all activities undertaken during and in preparation for the trip, and that they must conduct themselves in a manner befitting of their role as ambassadors for the school community I/We further understand that all students will be bound by The York School Code of Conduct and any additional rules and regulations listed in this information package and/or discussed and implemented while on the trip, and that any infraction of these rules may, at the discretion of the trip leader, result in the immediate return of the student to Toronto. Responsibility and payment for these arrangements will be borne by the parent/guardian Any infraction of these rules may, at the discretion of the Division Head, result in appropriate disciplinary action including suspension from subsequent trips
• Allergic reactions
Exposure to COVID 19 2022 | 2023 10
L Glasses/contact lenses and cleaning solution
P Female hygiene products
• Associated travel risks including temperature related injuries, physical injuries and getting lost or seperated, damage or loss of property
• Physical injuries: cuts, scrapes, broken bones, bruising, sprains, head injury, concussions, and slips, trips, and falls from heights
I/We have reviewed the contents of this information package and Code of Conduct expectations, rules and consequences with our child I/We, the undersigned, consent to the participation of our child (as noted above) in The York School trip to Havana being held February 18-23, 2023
Q Small packages of facial tissues (toilet paper substitute when outside of hotel)
I/We, the undersigned, grant the trip supervisors appointed by The York School permission to act on my/our behalf and to consent, to any medical, dental or surgical treatment, including pain relief and admission to hospital which may be required for my/our child, in the opinion of a qualified medical practitioner if, after reasonable attempts have been made to contact me/us at the phone numbers provided to the school, I/we cannot be reached I/We do hereby release The York School, its directors, employees and its agents, from every manner of suit, claim or legal action which may arise as a result of an injury to, or the death of, my/our child sustained by reason of my/our child’s participation in this excursion As parent(s) of the child above, I/we 1. acknowledge that I/we understand the statements made regarding the intended excursion with respect to expected behavior, consequences for misbehavior, and the details of the trip, including activities and risks, 2 consent to my/our child’s full participation in the trip, and to the school taking the measures set out above in response to any medical emergency that may arise, and 3 release the school from legal action arising from injury or death according to the terms set out above
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I understand, as the parent or guardian of the student named above, that students on York School trips are expected to participate fully in all activities undertaken during and in preparation for the trip, and that they must conduct themselves in a manner befitting their role as ambassadors for the school community We further understand that all students will be bound by The York School Code of Conduct and any additional rules and regulations listed in this information package and/or discussed and implemented while on the trip, and that any infraction of these rules may, at the discretion of the trip leader, result in the immediate return of the student to Toronto at the parent/guardian’s expense and that any infraction of these rules may, at the discretion of the Division Head, result in disciplinary action We have reviewed the contents of this information package and Code of Conduct expectations, rules and consequences with our child
Please include a photocopy of your child’s passport with this package
Adetailed packing list will be shared prior to the trip and discussed in pre trip meetings.
This copy of the Venturing Out Package is for reference only. Log on to your YorkNet account at https://yorkschool myschoolapp com/app#login to complete your child’s VO Package and give consent for their participation in this excursion.
Please Note
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Please include a $500 deposit cheque made out toTheYork School with this package