PARENT VOLUNTEER EXCURSION AGREEMENT 2023-2024 This venturing out form is for Junior School parents who wish to volunteer as chaperones on trips to promote students’ learning outside the classroom. We ask that all parents volunteering to support an excursion this school year sign this document. Level I & II Excursions Parents may accompany students on either Level I or Level II excursions. ● Level I Excursions are those which expose students to situations and risks typically encountered in everyday living or while at school and which involve walking, subway, city bus, school bus, taxi, or the school van. Examples of Level I Excursions include trips to museums, local parks, a local store or neighbourhood, a library, an art studio, a concert hall, a theatre, another school, or athletic facility. ● Level II Excursions (in the Junior School) are day excursions for all Grades that involve activities with a higher level of risk including excursions such as a cross country skiing day, skating afternoon, and a visit to a local farm. Excursion Risk Mitigation Prior to trips, research will be conducted, including on site risk assessment evaluations, making local connections and evaluating best practices. Teachers will travel with the proper tools and materials to facilitate a safe and effective trip. Teachers will carry a First Aid kit, a cell phone where necessary, map and/or information on the area, emergency numbers, emergency plan, and each child’s medical information sheet. All parents and students will be given particulars of the trip prior to departure. Teachers will provide students and parents with age-appropriate guidelines, code of conduct for the trip, equipment lists, educational rationale and other pertinent information as it relates to the specific trip. In all cases, where students are involved in sports or recreational activities, reference will be made to the Ontario Physical and Health Education Association (OPHEA) guidelines in order to plan appropriate measures for minimizing risks. Where the activity is not covered by OPHEA guidelines, reference will be made to local industry standards or governing bodies, as may be published. Acknowledgement, Consent, And Release The following sets out statements to which you must agree by signing electronically below in order for you to participate in the intended trips. Should you have questions regarding any of the statements below, you may contact Director of Student Life and Belonging, Sarah Charley, at (416-926-1325 Ext. 1616) or Experiential Educator, Andrea Lossing, at (416-926-1325 Ext. 1221). I/We do hereby release The York School, its directors, employees and its agents, from every manner of suit, claim or legal action which may arise as a result of an injury to, or the death sustained by reason of my participation in this excursion. I/we 1. acknowledge that I/we understand the statements made regarding the intended excursions with respect to the details of the trips, including activities and risks, 2. consent to my full participation in the trips, and to the school taking the measures set out above in response to any medical emergency that may arise, and 3. release the school from legal action arising from injury or death according to the terms set out above. By signing this form electronically, I acknowledge that I have reviewed the details of this form and consent to participate as a parent volunteer on excursions for the 2023-2024 Academic Year.