Level I Excursions are those which take students to familiar settings within the local area for daytime activities which expose students to risks typically encountered in everyday living or while at school and which involve local transportation either by walking, subway, city bus, school bus, or taxi Examples of Level I Excursions: trips to museums, local parks, a local store or neighbourhood, a library, an art studio, a concert hall, a theatre, another school, or athletic facility Parental consent for Level I Excursions is given at the beginning of each school year
Excursion Name
Date(s) andTimes (AndTransportation Details)
Group Involved (and number of students)
Group Leader and Staff Involved
Activity Description and Educational Rationale
G9 Drama trip to see Fairview at Berkeley StreetTheatre
Wednesday, March 8th 2023
Meet at the theatre at 7:45PM the show is estimated to finish around 9:35-9:45PM
Students to make their own way there and home
8 Grade Nine Drama Students
Shannon Barber
The Berkeley StreetTheatre
26 Berkeley Street
Drama students are invited to go on a field trip with me and their classmates to Berkeley StreetTheatre to see the Canadian premier of the award-winning play, Fairview, by Jackie Sibblies Drury.The show takes place on Wednesday, March 8th at 8:00PM. Fairview is produced by Canstage and ObsidianTheatre, a company that aims to highlight Black voices. On the surface, the show is about a middle class family preparing for a birthday celebration. On a deeper level, the play explores racial tension and surveillance.Audience participation is a possibility in this production. Students are responsible for their own travel to and from the theatre.The estimated running time for the show is 95-105 minutes.
From now until the end of the school year, students will be given 3-4 opportunities to see a show at a local Toronto theatre with their classmates Students should aim to attend at least 2 of these shows This will support their play review unit which culminates in students writing a response to a piece of theatre which they have seen recently
Service Provider(s) TheYork School
Emergency Contact Information Ms Barber’s cell phone (416) 500-1734
Approximate Cost Per Student
Approximately $31 25
Cost includes one ticket to the show
Costs will be levied to student accounts after the excursion
Special Considerations and What to Bring
Sun Protection: Where a trip involves your child being outside between 11:00AM and 4:00 PM, or the UV rating is predicted to be 3 or greater, remind parents to provide children with the following: sunscreen, hat and water bottle. Sunglasses that protect against UV-Aand UV-B rays are also recommended.
Students may want to meet with friends in the class earlier and have dinner at a nearby restaurant Should they do so, this portion of the evening is not supervised by a teacher They should ensure that they are able to get to the theatre by 7:45PM