MARCH 2021
The Young Musician's University GMG Celebrates 18 Years and Gets New Name "Music Education Reimagined" We are so excited because March
We have adapted and evolved as the music
commemorates our 18th Anniversary of
education industry has progressed and new
"Giving The Gift of Music!" During this
technologies have come to the forefront.
month, there will be virtual masterclasses
This advancement has allowed us to offer
with special guest musicians and other
self-paced courses, live in-person classes,
activities, such as our YMU Fastest Hands
and live virtual classes to students across
Competition and our YMU Music Spelling
the nation as we continue to provide quality
Bee for all of our students. We will also be
music instruction to our young musicians!
launching our newest program, Little Music Since COVID-19, we have had tremendous Essentials, a live virtual piano class for
success in providing services beyond our
toddlers ages 4-6 with 24 available spots.
brick-and-mortar location. Through the use of technology, we are thrilled to be
In addition, GMG will be undergoing a name expanding our services to students change to our tagline, The Young
throughout the US. We are also extremely
Musician's University. This rebranding
excited that our identity and mission are
allows us to better communicate and reflect now reflected in our name, with the launch our values, goals, and commitment to our
of The Young Musician's University! We
students. The Young Musician's University
look forward to continuing our journey with
provides us with a unique identity that
our -- now YMU Parents and Students!
reflects who we are as a music school, "Music Education Reimagined."