When everything builds up to be too much for you, it can sometimes be discouraging to continue on the path that you’re used to taking. Many of us ended the previous year on a glum note, no thanks to all of the political issues that plagued the world and everyone taken from us.
It’s times like these when it’s a struggle to even just exist in this world. Seeing difficult events unfold before us is painful. There are times when we can’t help but think “are we in a point of no turning back?” While we can’t retrace our steps and undo the past, you have to remember that there is still something to be done. A do-over is possible, as long as you start now.
This issue of TYIOF is a testament to the new year and to all the emerging ideas that you, the youth, bring to the table. Everything you see in this zine shows that while we may just be beginning, there’s still so much more to look forward to.