va·sciSIC Townsend Harris High School at Queens College
149-11 Melbourne Avenue, Flushing, NY 11367
Watching - 9ut for a math mistake: Why 2K tOOO sOOOn leaves·some ticked off '
by Allison Slotnick Does it really matter what date date is the actual starting point. Billions of people around it starts on? It's just another Some people, including the world are anticipating the year," said Linda To, sopho- many mathematicians and merdawn of the chandisers, believe the third millenmillennium starts immenium on Janudiately after the comple'"l ary 1, 2000, but tion of the previous are they a year thousand years. The reaearly in their son is that the first year ~ celebrations, or of the first millennium -~ perhaps a few £o was completed on Deyears late? The ] cember 3I, year zero. actual starting P.. Therefore, the second date of the upmillennium began on coming millenJanuary 1, 1000, and this nium is debated millennium should bebetween mathgin on January 1, 2000. ematicians, reThis reasoning is based ligious figures, upon the assumption governmental that the calendar started agencies, and on year zero. Marisa even Harrisites. Cohen, sophomore, subTheone area scribes to this view. of agreement is "The millennium starts that a millenRuff! Ruff! 2000 or Ruff! Ruff! 2001? This dog eertaintly in the year 2000; it's just has strong feelings towards 2000, but several nium consists logical, every 1000 mathematicians are giving reasons to believe otherwise. of one thousand years starts a new [milcompleted years. It is which more. Many, however, don't lennium]," she said. Merchancalendar is used, and what con- have this laid back attitude, and disers are using this theory to cept one believes, that deter- have been researching the his- their advantage by selling evmines each person's view of the tory of the calendar and at- erything from the "bottle of beginning. tempting to figure out which Y2K bug spray" to the "Year
2000 voodoo bag." Two hundred seventy two companies in the U.S. have been granted patents for products that have the term 'millennium' in their title. The calendar which is most commonly used today, however, did not start from year zero. This is the Gregorian calendar, and it is credited to Dionysius, a sixth century monk who was appointed by Pope St. John I to generate a new calendar. Dionysius approximated that Christ was born in 753 AU.C. (after the founding of Rome-anno urbis condita). He restarted the calendar with Christ's birth as I AD. ("anno domini" meaning "the year of our Lord"). At this time, no one knew about the concept of zero; hence, they could not have started with year zero. Using this date as a basis, the second millennium will end on December 3 I, 2000, and begin in 200I. "If you really think about when time began, and do the math, then you see that there is no possible way that 2000 can be the millen-
nium," said Roni Siegel, sophomore. Various government agencies, such as the Library of Congress, National Bureau of Stands and Technology, and the U.S. Naval Observatory, agree. Even the Royal Greenwich Observatory has declared that January I, 2001 is the true beginning of the third millenmum. Despite all the on-going preparations for the millennium celebration, some modern scholars suggest that the millennium has already passed. They base this conclusion on the fact that Dionysius' estimate of Jesus' birth was incorrect. Instead, they think that the time frame of his birth was somewhere between 7 to 4 B.C. Therefore, two thousand years from these dates would mean that the third millennium began somewhere between January 1, I993 and January I, 1998. "I don't feel many people will accept that reasoning because the year 2000 is such a milestone, and the media has been so percontinued on page 3
Spirited millennium 'ball' proceeds ball drop by Emmy Favilla Though for some, fear of Y2K and other problems con- . tinues to build as the year approaches an end, students and their guests seemed full of energy a.nd prepared to party at the Millennium Dance on Friday, December I7 in the gym. Metallic balloons and icicle lights set the atmosphere for the last dance of 1999, which some wished to consider the last of the second millennium as well. Equipped with both colored and strobe lights, which added a unique millennium touch to the Student Union-sponsored event, the D.J. played a variety of sounds, from techno to reggae to Latin beats. "Most
of the stuff they played was pretty good, but even though I didn't like every song, I had a lot of fun just being silly with all my friends," said Matt D' Auria, junior. Many precautions were taken to ensure the safety of students and their guests. Metal detectors were used at the ffont door, and those who brought guests had to make sure that they came with photo ID's or signed physical descriptions. "My friend forgot to bring her ID with her, so we had to go all the way home, get it, and come back. But we still managed to make the most of the dance," said junior J ennifero Mungiguerra.
Senior advisor Ellen middle showed off their "rav- cheered on. Stars of the night Schwartz and broadcast jour- ing" and break dancing talents, included junior Andrew Fung nalism teacher Laura Benin dis- while students and friends and sophomore Ryan Dennie. tributed traditional New Year's noisemakers and ~ other party favors for use -~ at the dance or to take ::E ~ home. Thanks to senior ~· Maria Cando, however, >. .&> glow sticks were the most 0 0 popular accessory of the if dance. Sold by her throughout the week for $3 a pair, glow sticks were still being purchased well into the :::· night. The highlight of the night occurred when the entire crowd formed a large circle. Those bold Christopher Gonzalez and Despina Vovvoudakis join in the fun of the Millenium enough to jump into the Dance last Friday, December 17, in the gym.
Zeroes add up to hope The millennium is all about zeroes. There is an irresistible impulse to tum a zero year into something special. Traditionally Americans commemorate round numbers such as 40ih birthdays and SOih anniversaries. It seems that merchants are raking in the money as they add these oval digits to their bank accounts and products, confusing consumers with the actual date of the new millennium and taking away any attention the lonely "2" could have gotten during its debut as the first digit of the year. The majority of experts agree that the real millennium is 200l,while the average American and typical Harrisite (see p.3) believes the new millennium begins January 1, 2000. The wizardry of merchandising stamps "2000" on a tee shirt and sells it for $30 to eager customers. Two thousand is no longer a year; it's a sellable commodity, perhaps because it represents a frantic wish for some new hope. Whatever the reasons, the party for the beginning of the millennium, with all its matching party favors and accessories, has been moved up a year in advance. Since we are not ones to tum down the invitation to a good time, and we are always looking for a new way to forget the daily stresses of school, this edition of The Classic is dedicated to the celebration of the new millennium. While the math department might deny we can do simple addition (we can! year 1 + 2000 years= year 2001), there's something compelling about celebrating now rather than later. Although Kosovo, Che.chnya and other parts of the world remain entangled in conflict, the progress in Northern Ireland and the Middle East encourages the public to envision better times which appear not too _far from reach. Why wait to start anew? As much as we all want to believe this New Year's Eve is a symbol of new optimism in our hearts, this is America, which means that at least part of this dream is fed by commercialism. Even so, the impetus of an early celebration of this millennium stems from impatience for a brighter future. So go out and fill your candy bowls with M&Ms, buy your 2000 champagne glasses, and stamp 2000 wherever you like. Party like it's 2001 or even 2000, but most of all have fun and a safe holiday.
The Third Millennium
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Y TooK-otic The most significant event will Atlantis will be found, and the groundhogs on their home There are visions permanently take place on the last day, when infamous Titanic will be found planet. They will begin drilling stuck in our heads. Masses of Russia and the U.S. engage in a docked at its shore. through the land in northern people glued together like freez- twelve-hour war over who rightBy November, after almost a Zimbabwe, only to realize that ing i.cicles on_the streets, waiting fully .owns the moon. In an at- year of introducing themselves to Y2K has affected their systems for a teeny tiny little ball to drop. tempt to bomb key citie-s on the us, the alien groundhogs will fi- as well and they have missed People on a Barcalounger, warm Eastern seaboard nally make clear what they want their mark by about four billion and sprawled out, with a beer can from humans and Earth miles. Their actual -destination oftheU.S~ in hand. Everyone has a differ- Russia itself. Hidden was Pluto, and in mident image of New Year's Eve. De- will.acdown below the December, Chip and his native spite where they choose to usher cisurface of followers will pack up and leave. in the new millennium, Earth, a In December, masses of people there is still one little will be glued together like icicles question poking on the streets, waiting for a around in teeny tiny little ball to everyone's drop. People will sit on mind: Will things really ~ 0 • • Barcaloungers, warm and sprawled change? out, with beer cans in hand. The answer is Then, the clock will hit 12:01, and yes. The second that the the real millennium will take clock hits 12:01, aliens will aspower supply will be dentally place. And no one will be able to sume control of all radio and tele- misfire and blow up the moon in- discovered that is useful to the redict that one. vision signals and impose abso- stead. This will result in a dazAndrew Goldberg lute rule on all of the earth. Of zling light show that will enthrall Lauren Paley course, we won't actually see the Southern hemisphere until Editors-in-Chief Townsend Harris High School at Queens College these extra-terrestrials until a July. 149·11 Melbourne Avenue, Flushing, N.Y;ll367 Rebecca Munoz Bosede Adenekan News Editor Feature Editor month later. What will appear to Readers are invited to submit letters to the In September, due to height: editor. Letters should be placed in Ms. Cowen's Brian Griffing Audley Wilson be an angry colony of ground- ened global warming that will go mailbox in the general office. The Cla.uic re· Sports Editor Photography Editor serves the right to edit all letters. Letters must hogs will set down in Washing- on simultaneously all year round, include name and official class. Names will be Alice Lee Lucy Hong ton the second of the month, and the polar ice caps will melt. Howwithheld upon request. Steven Seidenfeld Art Editor Business and Circulation proclaim one emperor of the ever, because of alien interest in Manager world named Chip, followed by our planet, the groundhogs will News Staff: Lauren Amorillo, Afton Baff, Noreen Bukhari, Karen DeVita, Lorraine Kapovich, Danielle Lord, Carol Pruss six more weeks of winter. enlist the help of fellow alien feature Staff: Jonathan Cofsky, Emmy Favilla, Sur•bhi Jain, Alice Lee, Irene Lew, Christina Pagan, Michele Potofsky, Y2K will wreak havoc on the friends, a colony of angry beavers, Emlly Rubinstein, Steven Seidenfeld, AUison Slotnick Sports Staff: Josh Fox, Arielle Frost, Ashley Pillsbury, Eric Trager world, but only for three days. In to evaporate the excess water and Photography Staff: April Dimla, KeUie Ehe, Jamie Gullen, Hilary Holmer, Alice lofescu, llwira Marciszek, Jennifer those three days, people will be repair the hole in the ozone layer Sheth, Shara Siegel, Lisha Perez, Juliana Piedrahita. Eric Trager, Yvette Warenam, Dawn Wing, Hye-Kyung Yang, William Yang left without power, and no one as well. In the process, remains ~Kelly Punell, Emily Rivlin-Nadler, Lillian Lin, Rachel Schiffman, Lillian Lin Advisor - lisa Cowen . Principal - Dr. Malcolm Largmann will go to work or attend schooL of the lost, heart-shaped city of by Sylvia Stanojev
The Classic
Designs on comfort: Pyrex, putty, Y2K too soon? . k around a~dth~medi~hasbee~. soper- apartfromthe~.C/A.D.frameseren d•lpl"tous f"In ds StiC photography paper during sumBy Carolina Chang Inside his room in New mer days. The air conditioner York City, Johnny enjoys the was only first introduced to comfort of everyday life. It human comfort in 1917, when is a hot summer day and he Sam Katz and the Balaban walks into his air-condi- brothers, owners of a theatre in tioned kitchen and grabs a Chicago, installed it to attract glass of water out of the re- moviegoers. Any chemist will tell you frigerator. Johnny walks to the music from the radio, that extreme changes in tememanating out of his sur- perature will cause regular round sound loudspeakers. glass to break. To solve this He makes his way towards problem, chemistry students the sofa and sits down, a use Pyrex in experiments that drink in one hand and a large require extreme changes in globule of silly putty in the temperature. Pyrex was created in 1915 by Corning Glass other. All these objects Johnny Works in New York. Like air has been using were created conditioning, Pyrex was not before 1950. As one looks intended for human use. Instead around his home, he notices it was primarily used in batterso many conventional items ies. Bakers around the world that are taken for granted. can thank Becky Littleton, wife Today, when everything is of a Coming physicist, for putdone in the speed of light, ting the Pyrex glass into her people often overlook ob- oven for baking. This led to the jects that have been created mass production and improvedecades ago that make ev- ment of Pyrex glass. Radios in New York City eryday living more comfortcan be heard in New Jersey and able and entertaining. A cool refreshing room Connecticut. The first radio during a scorching hot day broadcast in 1906 could only be would not be possible with- heard within a five-mile radius. out the air conditioner. This Professor Reginald Aubrey appliance was created in Fessenden was experimenting 1902, but not for human pur- with the radio while wishing poses. Willis H. Carrier, in- everyone a Merry Christmas. ventor of the air conditioner, His experiment provided a developed it to stop the con- breakthrough that proved that traction and expansion of sound and music could be trans-
continued from p.l
own calendars separate and
SlStent m making us beheve that the actual millennium starts in 2000," said Shara Siegel, sophomore. . There are various cultures that do not follow the Gregorian calendar. According to their own calendars, they do not have to worry about this millennium problem for many years. Such
work. Below IS a summary of some of these alternatives: No matter whether you follow the Gregorian or another calendar, the millennium is an inevitable landmark of time. People will continue to contemplate and celebrate this phenomenon as time goes by.
mitted thr~gh radio waves. In addition to radios, loudspeakers were added to amplify the sound. The first · loudspeaker was used during a gigantic New York City convention in 1916. The idea Sources: of the loudspeaker was from . . Letts, John, publisher. "A Moment Lee De Forest and was used groups mclude the Chmese, in Time." 1997-1999. Online. http)/ Jews, Muslims, and Hindus. www.countdown by AT &T to produce a crysThey each have their own pat- 2<XXl.combody_a_moment_in_time.html>. tal clear sound for an auditerns for determining when 4 December 1999. ence. time began and se th · Locher, John, publisher. "Cashing in Many inventions were ac' u eir own on the Millennium." November 1999. cycles for establishing when a Online.<http:// cidents that somehow created thousand years have passed. www.everything2000.com/news/ a useful object. However, this The chronology of time tied to news/rnillcashin.asp>. 4 December is not the case with silly · "the year of our Iord" has, of 1999 · . M"ll . . "Wh en d oes the putty. James Wright,an ent emum 1nstttute. course, become an accepted millennium begin?" September 1999. gineer during World War II, norm internationally. However, Online. <http:// did not intentionally create this chronology of time is millenniuminstitute.net/misc/ silly putty. Wright was atmerely a accepted convenience beThgins.htmi>J. 4 Dece~AberThl999. tempting to create a new rubomton, eannye. s e . by many cultures that do not Century Turns." October 1997. ber by combining boric acid embrace Christianity. Indeed, a Online. <http:/www.usnews.com/ and silicone oil. Instead his number of cultures have their usnews/issue/27mill.htm>. final result was a bouncy substance that he had no use for. It wasn't until 1949 that Peter Hodgson, an advertising copywriter, bought the silly putty for $147 and later on * Bacteria have been on earth for over made a profit of $140 mil3.5 billion (3,500,000,000) years. lion. That is equivalent to 3.5 million
Funky Facts
(3,500,000) millennia. Source: Wallechinsky, David, I.h.!l PeQp!e'S A!mana Presents lhe 20111 Century: The definitjye cQmpendjum QfastQnjshim: events. amazing people. and strange-but-true ~New York: Little Brown and Company, 1995.
* Cockroachi:s . have · been on earth for ove.r' 280 mrl·libn · (280, ·00'0;-GOO) • yeairs ·: · That is equivalent to 280 thousand (280,000) millennia. * The average person lives for approximately 75 years. That is equivalent to .075 or 7.5% of a millennium. Compiled by Beth Dubin ~
Millennium Survey _Question Do you consider the beginning of the next millenium to be this coming year or January 1, 2001?
Choices 2000 2001
Is this New Year's more special to you than others?
Yes No
How worried are you about the "Y2K bug"?
Very worried A little worried Not worried
Freshmen 55% 45%
Sophomores 67% 33%
48% 52%
56% 44%
0% . 53% 47%
5% 48% 47%
Juniors 17% 83%
37% 63% 0% 37% 63%
Seniors 60% 40%
Totals 57% 43%
63% 37%
53% 47%
4% 51% 45%
3% 49% 48% :::·
"';''~ iiJ.Q SAT..1!._,.::1 Jl!.~
~.~AI ~:mi.
tt, :u Wot. a;4t t~~-.~
~~~ SAT~ .:il~il ~ltAie 6-7~¥£i~ ~ ~.2~• .:il~~tt ~Ai, ~~~ ~~~f~Oi~OI 719 ~ ~~ ~DI~ Oi"i!!IOI iiR'EI'-IC:~.
45-74 Bell Blvd. Beyside, NY 11361
Catholic Medical Centers of Brooklyn and Queell$ 88-25 153rd Street Jamaica, New York 11432 (718) 558-6900
.. The Classic
4 ;~~!!'~M/JMJ~.!:!'J Experts believe preparation will provide escape key December 31, 1999 t;
By Allison Slotnick & Alice Lee Lives without telephone, television, banking, or internet are some of the fears that Harrisites and many other Americans have about the year 2000. When the clock strikes 12:00 a.m. on January 1, no one knows quite what to expect. Talk about Y2K has spread across the airwaves and around the globe since the beginning of the decade, and the government has been feverishly working so that everything will go right on the brink of the new year. Nonetheless,
many fear that electronics will automatically shut down, and computers will get confused with processing the year as '1900.' "Ireally don't know all of the facts behind Y2K, but I am a bit scared about the possibility of the country shutting down due to computer failure," Roni Siegel, sophomore, said. Many Americans share the same fear and uncertainty as Roni about Y2K. In short, problems may occur when computers designed before 1990 try to perform calcu-
lations or show the date. Being that the date is currently expressed as a two-digit number, such as '99~ for 1999, the computer system may shut down or damage information due to its bewilderment over '00.' This computer crisis has brewed for the past 40 years. In the 1960s, computer memory and starage were extremely expensive, so every digit saved would be valuable space that could be given to other information slots. Therefore, digital shorthand was used frequently, and the familiar format of
1.1.5 &i!拢2 3 Ei!S&S 3 Gil 5 LY Y Y &LL!H.
mrnldd/yy was introduced. Once every 100 years, however, those two-digit date fields become incomprehensible to computers whose software has not been updated to account for the century shift. To many computers around the world, 01101100 means January 1, 1900. Therefore, the fear has been that on midnight of January 1, 2000, many computers will start counting time all over again, and instead of moving on to the 21st century with the rest of the world, they will start from the beginning of the 20th century. According to Donald MacGregor, a researcher with Decision Science Research Institute of Eugene, Americans are the most worried people in the world about Y2K and the coming year. Many people are without an explanation as to why they are so frightened. "It's just the fact that there has been so much hype in the media, and that a new century is uncharted territory. It's like walking into a dark
room - you have no idea what to expect," said Kerry Purtell, sophomore. Mr. MacGregor's research shows that the U.S. is "the one country in the highly industrialized world that has never come through a calamity." Since the United States has yet to face a major disaster, Americans tend to exaggerate the possibilities and fear the worst. Some question whether or not New York is ready to cross the bridge into the 21" century. Governor George E. Pataki tried to calm these fears by assuring New 路 Yorkers that the state's computers are ready for 2000. Referring to a test conducted on 9/9/99, he said, "As a result of our planning, [and] an investment of more than $140 million, . .. we successfully passed." He further added, "New York State has led the nation in realizing the importance ofY2K." New York City is also prepared for Y2K's possible impacts. In 1996, Congress anticipated the
Some to turn out; by Victoria Kowanetz With the millennium approaching, there are numerous places someone could go to ring in the New Year. There's Times Square, restaurants, clubs, cruises and of course, your living room. But with all these choices, why would someone stay home? This year many people have taken that idea into consideration for fear ofY2K complications. Many concerts including "Celebration 2000," which was to be held in New York City, have been canceled due to poor ticket sales. Money is also a factor tied in with
Roving Reporter:
Sophomore Amanda Blanke "As we look back, we see that peace wasn't anywhere near where it was supposed to be. We had two world wars and recently Kosovo. It's a new millennium and a new beginning, hopefully."
Junior Erik Mathes "I think the world will end in 2003 and there' II be war and destruction. It'll spawn out from Northern Ireland and spread to the rest of Europe."
Lauren Paley was the "Roving Reporter" and Audley Wilson took all photographs.
these galas. Tickets ranged from $1,000-$2,000 per person for "Celebration 2000." Tickets for Barbra Streisand's millennium show in Las Vegas cost $2,500. The price for other concerts, including Gloria Estefan's in Miami, is $1,500. However, people's fears also play a big part in the low-ticket sales. Various transportation officials and companies have guaranteed that there will be no problems concerning Y2K. Jane Garvey, an administrator for the FAA stated that, "Aviation safety will not be compromised on January 1, 2000 or any other day." By conducting sur-
This is the season Vw the world will make
Senior Maria Bartha "I never expected world peace and I don't think it'll ever come. There are too many people in the world. The world is too big, and there are too many imbeciles."
"If the I peace, t it. Sayir does it.'
om V2K T.K.O. troubles ofY2K, andrewas ordered to take place. December, the City develits Y2K Project Office in orto coordinate the Y2K efforts 42 City Agencies. In January the City selected a Y2K conto help with any decisions plans. The Deputy Mayor for perations, Joseph J. Lhota, gave speech on August 13, 1998, sayng that, "In just about one year's ime our agencies had inventoried, assessed, planned, and started the ork necessary to address the Y2K "mpact on our priority systems." ~s ofAugust31, 1999,97% ofthe city's critical programs were reported as being Y2K compliant, according to Special Focus: Preparing for the Year 2000, which was written by New York City's Year 2000 Project Office. The Clinton Adminisl!ration has earned a B+ in Y2K readiness on their last check-up performed by the Senate's Y2K panel, according to the Washington Post (Novem-
~expected veys and consulting with airplane part manufacturers, the FAA has stated that "there are no safety or flight problems which are associated with on-board avionics equipment and attributed to Y2K." Despite these assurances, many people have decided not to fly or take trains for fear of computer malfunctions. However, many people also feel that if Y2K problems do occur, there isn't much we can do. "If it's going to happen, it's going to happen, no matter what, whether you stay home or not," says junior Georgia Koudellou. Still, there are many
pecta "·
The Classic oecember31, 1999
A sound way to celebrate·:
ber 23, 1999). This is a vast improvement from when it earned a Din 1996. About $10 billion has been spent in order to repair Y2K, and most federal agencies are by Jessica Schmidt December 31, 1999, the last day ready for the clock to strike. However, there are a few fed- of the 20th century; where will you era! bureaus not completely ready be? Many different artists. are makfor the new year. These depart- ing it a memorable event by havments received low grades from ing one last concert before the end the Congress on their Y2K report of the millennium. Artists ranging from Michael card as of August 1999 testing. Among those agencies are the Ag- Jackson to Metallica and Ted riculture Department's food stamp Nugent will be playing concerts in and child nutrition programs, the venues all around the world. Education Department's student aid programs, and Medicare/ Medicaid program. These departments have all publicized statements declaring that they are currently Y2K compliant. The only exception is the Justice Department, which earned a C-, and has not made any comments on its computers and their Y2K Th G G compliance status. e 00 00 0 After hearing the Y2K results Continued on p. 8
Some singers to take note of big night in the same way it does every year: with live performances and a great view of the ball dropping ceremony from their Times Square studios. Scheduled to appear are: The Goo Goo Dolls, Christina Aquilera, 98 • and Blink182, Unfortunately, it is not open to the public but MTV's Fly 2K contest gives you a chance to win a trip around the world to pick up 10 other contest finalists and end up back at the New York studios for the show.
to turn in people who have made sure that they will have everything so they don't have to leave their hous~~~ "I don't think people should make . ;-,, a big deal," explains junior Tammy · Kenny. "No one is sure what is going to happen. You shouldn't let it nist an~\, .. \ interfere with your everyday life." co-host of \ Sources: "EntertainFAA2000Website.JaneGarve. "Re· ment Tonight," sponse to Y2K." Online. 14 Dec.1999. is playing a concert http://www.faay2k.com/default.html> Civil Aviation Y2K Information Rewith his band, One view. "U.S. Air Carriers." Online. 14 World Live!, in Gisborne, Dec.1999 New Zealand-thefirst city to see http ://www.y2ktransport.dot.gov/ light on January 1. fly2klAirCarriers.asp> MTV is ringing in the New Year
boy band 'N Sync is scheduled to play a concert in Honolulu, Hawaii with tickets going for $65 each, a
surprisingly low price compared to other millennium concerts such as Barbara Streisand whose cheapest ticket is going for $500. The King of Pop, Michael Jackson, is time-zone hopping from one show in Sydney, Australia to Honolulu, Hawaii so he can perform two shows to bring in the New Year. Prices for this show have yet to be announced. Cheap Trick, playing at Disney MGM in Orlando, has one of the cheapest tickets on the list of millennium bashes ($44.52) for what you get in the package. Their party includes a ticket to the theme park, comedians, DJ's and dance parties, video screens and fire works at midnight. ·Don Valley Stadium in Sheffield, England will be turned into a raver's playhouse when the Chemical Brothers, Paul Oakenfold and Sasha "redecorate" in club style. The party includes d~cing till 6" a.m~ zoo··Slrobe lights and a suspension bridge connecting two DJ booths, and 30 bars. These concerts and many more are what the rest of the world will be doing to make this New Year's as memorable as possible. For more information, visit sites such as MTV.com or RollingStone.com.
lhen we talk about "Peace on Earth." How hopeful are you that progress in peace as we enter the new millennium?
Senior Chin-Chin Chang just say the millennium brings nothing. It's if the people really want something does nothing. It's action that
"I think that as the millennium rolls around, people try to look positively towards things. Peace is something we all inately want to have, but I don't think it's something we'll have."
"I think over the past fifty years, conflagrations have been maintained within specific borders and other countries have been concerned with bringing about peace. Even in the Middle East, we see today traditional enemies sitting down to conference about peace. But, I don't think conflagration will disappear entirely. As nations grow increasingly globalized, they will become ever more sensitive to the violence and try to stem it. It is a means of each country protecting itself'
December 31, 1999
Millennium madness sweeps into stores
R Millennium's Worth of Time
By Anna Olson and Debbie the new millennium. "It's no big deal;, she said. Many countdowns are posted Gopstein stores are just trying to rip people off all over the city, which helped create this There are millennium shopping craze. "Everyone The rising sun, a fiery ball of flames, like they always do" said junior Isaac approximately: penetrated through the sophomore girl's Acosta. is anxious to see what is going to hapglass paned window as she drowsily Other Harrisites are more enthusias- pen when the clock strikes twelve cracked open her eyes, climbed out of o'clock come January 1, 2000. * 10 centuries in a bed and lethargically ~egan her descent Retail shopping is a perfect millennium downstairs. Fifteen minutes later, she outlet for relieving the anxiety," commented junior happilymunchedonhermillennium * 100 decades in a Cheerios as the Backstreet Boy's Arielle Frost. millennium Millennium C.D. poured through "I own a millennium the kitchen and the family's Gerheadband myself," said fresh* 1,000 years in a man shepherd barked enthusiasman Hillary Homier, "but millennium tically. people are getting annoyed alThe ·nation has been ready. Companies might find flooded this year as a new that more people will buy such * 12,000 months in a wave of millennium prodproducts if they weren't shoved millennium ucts engulf stores, calling down our throats." much attention to the preIn any event, * 52,000 weeks in a mier of the year 2000. millennium prodmillennium Mugs, watches, teddy ucts are becoming bears, tee shirts, candles increasingly popu* 365,000 days in a and party supplies are lar in clothing millennium just some of the prodshops, department ucts featured stores and super* 8,760,000 hours in a throughout malls markets. They are millennium and the Internet becoming so this holiday seawidespread that son. Companies out of 20 525,600,000 minutes continue to ad::=;:___ • __ --:3 _____ ..... ___ __ p eo pI e in a millennium vertise a new q u e s century, using television, magazines and tic. Sophomore Lisha Perez believes tioned, 14 knew that M & M's -are the * 31,536,000,000 the Internet to get you to join the flock that "the millennium is a once-in-a-life- "official spokescandy of the millenseconds in a millennium of people purchasing millennium items. time event." "I don't see the harm in nium." "Of course I knew that!" sophoThe millennium gift idea has inspired owning a pair of millennium socks or a ~ore Shara ·Siegel exclaimed, "What Compiled by Beth Dubin J,Uany online shopping _sjghts _s_u.c.lut£__s.hirttru:_onun~mor_<\tt< this_occurrence," else could they be?'' etailgifts and ideas express which both sell only millennium products. Some popular millennium items are TY spe2000 cial edition beanie bears, M&M special millennium edition candy jars, millennium hats and shirts featuring logos like Course Approved by NYS Dept. of Motor Vehicles and State Education Dept. " have a nice millennium," mugs that read" curing my millennjum hangover," watches designed to countdown to the millennium and many party accessories like New Year's eve candles. Some of the hottest millennium products can be purchased at your local grocery store like millennium chocolate money and (ONE BLOCK OFF QUEENS BLVD. AND UNION TPKE. INTERSECTION candy-filled champagne bottles enCLOSE TO ALL PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION) graved with 2000 emblems. Will Smith, Bath and Body Works, Seventeen magazine and various clothing companies are among the influx of Student Completion Certificate Dual Controlled Cars businesses intent on promoting the millennium to the public this year. With the (Blue Card-MV285) Experienced NYS licensed teachers holiday season in progress, millennium Eligible for Senior License at 1 7 objects are appearing more and more frequently, causing some shoppers, and Student qualifies for insurance discounts where granted by insurance company Harrisites among them, to take notice. STUDENT MUST BE 16 YEARS OLD ON OR BEFORE 2/2/00 ,_ "The millennium is a hot topic for people these days. Everyone has become Registration & scheduling will take place at Kew-Forest School every Wed. & part of the hype. Some of the millenThurs. at 3:30PM starting immediately. Tuition for entire course is $395. All check nium stuff is nice, but some is just crazy. Millennium wineglasses? Who needs & money orders must be made out to Kew-Forest School at or before registration. A those?" asks junior Emma Guerrierri. deposit for $200 must be made out to Kew-Forest School at or before Registration. "Companies need to screw their heads on straight. They must have some idea ~----------~-------------------------Kew-Forest School Driver Education Application Spring 2000 that the millennium has already been PRINT YOUR LEGAL FIRST AND LAST NAME advertised to a nauseating level," declared Kevin Wallenstein, freshman. Date of birth Home telephone Indeed, millennium advertisements bombard the television screen, offering Home Address cut-rate airline tickets for the end of I, give my son I daughter permission to enroll in the Kew-Forest School Education course 1999, the last chance to see Broadway (Student's name) (parent's name) musicals this c_entury, or the opportunity Name of student's school Parent's name Date to visit the first place to see the dawn of
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Past eras mark century's turn with debate, predictions By Danielle Lord and Rebecca Munoz The people who lived at the turn of the last two centuries have left behind many newspaper articles, drawings and cartoons which allow us a glimpse of their thoughts as their new century was dawning. Like us, they debated just when they should celebrate, and also like us, they made predictions about their country's and the world's future. Widespread public debate over when a new century begins can be traced back to the late 1700s. According to a compilation of historical records by George E. McCluskey Jr., mathematics professor at Lehigh University, at the turn of the 18th century, "newspapers were in the thick of the debate in Europe and America." On December 26, 1799, The Times of London asserted, "The present century will not terminate till January 1, 1801. We shall not pursue the question further." A Philadelphia newspaper, called The Porcupine, however, responded, "We are now in the last year of the century, and whoever denies this fact has no more brains than an oyster." A century later, on January 2, 1900, the New York Tribune reported, "No new century began yesterday. Avoid all delusions on that head."
Predictions about life in the twentieth century Whether you believe the last year of the century to be 1999 or 2000, the coming of a new year has traditionally been
thought of as a time for reflection on the past and predictions for the future; And in 1899, many predictions were made about the 20th century, which ~as envisioned an Age of "Optimism, Confidence and Innocence," as well as a time of "Peace, Prosperity and Progress" for the world. Here are some of these predictions:
will appear in cities." + Salespeople in large stores would be replaced by "phonographs" which have automatic hands to make change. + Trains would be built which could run up to 150 mph. • In 1999, "half a possibility" would
• Based on population statistics of that day, the population of New York in 1999 would be between 8-45 million people.
be that humans will be so advanced in space technology that they will have control of other planets, namely Mars. Sources: Bowen, Ezra, ed. The Golden Interlude: 1900-1910. New York: Time-Line Books, 1969 New York Times articles, 1899/1900/1901 Whelan, Frank. "2000 is not the start of the millennium- here's why" online. http://www.mcall.com/html/2000/ 39546.htm
Millennium WWW Links Everything 2000: The Millennium Resource
+NY in 1999 would have no traffic jams and clean streets because the new automobiles were much smaller in size and cleaner than a horse and carriage.
http://www.everything2000.com/ Millennium Institute
+ The US would be the 201h century leader in world affairs.
Countdown 2000
+ Home ice-making machines would be invented.
CNET.com: Y2K . com
http://www.cnet.com/ContentJReports/Speciai/Y2000/ Focus On-Line: Millennium Countdown
• Walking "would become a novelty. Even children will ride their own automoBiles on Boston streets."
http://www.oecd.orglpuma/focus/current/y2k.htm Royal Observatory Greenwich: The Fi-rst Sunrise of the Year 2000 and the New Millennium
+ The "child of the future will be muscular and athletic."
http://www.rog.nmm.ac.uk/leaflets/new_mill.html Worldwide Observatory of the Year 2000
+ Newspapers would be printed with only the press of a button.
Compiled by Beth Dubin
+ A "peculiar specimen of horsefly
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The Classic
8 Teens dress to the zeroes Decerober 31, 1999
By Shara Siegel On December 31, 1999 the clock chimes 6 o'clock. You reach into your closet for something to wear to a friend's party, dinner with family, or a night at home. As your head turns to take a peak inside, a look of despair darts across your face. One major question replays itself in your mind: what am I going to wear tonight? With the new century less than a few days away, such a question has posed much concern for many individuals. The millennium has been a key topic in the media and also for many magazines. The December 1999/ January 2000 issue of YM, or Young and Modern, and the December 1999 edition of Teen are two magazines that have special sections devoted to millennium eve fashions. These two magazines are mainly geared towards teenagers. In Teen, there was a section entitled "Millennium Madness." The input given about the millennium is that "Blue and silver are the hottest colors for Y2K, but you'll need a lot of sparkle, glitz, and glamour to make your New Year's Eve an evening to remember." Junior Tracy Kirschen stated that she has planned her outfit out already. "For the millennium, I'm wearing silver tones. I bought silver CK jeans and a silver XOXO blazer. Also I'm wearing silver lipstick." She winked and added, "At midnight one lucky guy will be wearing my lipstick too!" Freshman Valentina Nesterovskaya said, "On New Year's, I'll probably be dressed in something shiny with a lot of sparkles." Although senior Sandy Yoon said that she is "staying home," she added, "Maybe I'll wear a glittery blue dress at home." Male models in this magazine wore black pants with white, black, and orange
dress shirts. Junior Ricky Miaw does not intend to dress in this mode for New Year's. "I am just going to dress normally," he said. Along with these styles, female models wore glittery tube tops._Jank tops, and tube dresses.
Freshman Alexandra Lore said, "I will probably wear my blue skirt with I don't know what blouse yet. I still have to go shopping." A YM survey asked "tons" offemales to share their plans for the millennium. In the survey, 32% of the females surveyed said they would be seen in a little dress and heels, and 18% voted to stay home in their most comfortable print and plaid pajamas. Another 22% voted to wear a "dazzle-him dress" and 28% said they would wear dark denim jeans and a "shimmery" top. Males in YM magazine were dressed in black pants, and black jeans. They wore blue and purple tops. The tops ranged from collared necks to round necks, and some of their models wore dress shirts as well. Antonio Muzamali, sophomore, does not plan to dress in such attire. "For the millennium, I will be dressing as I always do- cooland stylish. I'll be wearing my khakis and my mechanic shirt that has a big caution sign on the back. The caution sign has nothing to do with the hype of the millennium. I just think the shirt is
DID YOU KNOW? The counting of years since the birth of Christ is a Christian and Western practice. According to the Jewish calendar, it is now 5760; for Buddhists, it's 2544 and for Muslims, it's the year 1421. Source: Martini, Carlo Maria, "A Christian Community Toward the Third Millennium." America. 512198, 8-12.
cool" he said. Not everyone finds the predicted New Year's fashions appealing. "I seriously doubt that I will spend New Year's Eve walking around town in a sequin miniskirt and tube top. This just, isn't an accurate depiction of dressing with the season," said sophomore Roni Siegel. Senior Elizabeth Yoon also said, "The millennium is just a New Year. 路 I'm not even going out anywhere. The only reason I would dress up is to go to New Year's mass at church." Sophomore Joseph Failagao raised the issue that the glittery fashion statements of the millennium may prompt a hazardous situation. He said, "I personally would not dare walk around in the so-called sparkly millennium clothing. I don't mind if other people want to wear shiny clothing. However, it will increase the chance of blind spots to drivers Due to this, the amount of car accidents will increase." Joseph Wong, sophomore, said there would have to be a lot of people wearing shiny clothing to create a serious danger. "If everybody dresses up in shiny outfits it might pose a problem for cars," he said. Many designers are coming up with slogans for the New Year. DKNY had a publication wishing everyone a "Happy 路 DKNY2K." Sophomore Anna Olson found these advertisements to be appealing and catchy. "It is so nice that these companies want to wish all their clients a happy New Year," she said. Skechers had an advertisement to the same effect that said "Skechers l:JSA 2000; Happy New Year!" However, sophomore Allison Slotnick said, "If they really cared about the consumers, they would not be raising the prices so drastically for the New Year. This is just an excuse for them to make more money." Whatever one decides to wear, this New Year is predicted to be an unforgettable one. 路Sophomore Kerry Purtell said, "This marks the end of an old era, and the beginning ofa future filled with so much hope and potential. When New Year's Eve arrives, whether I am partying in glamorous evening wear or my monkey printed pajamas, I know I will be having the time of my life."
Y2K worries some continued from p. 4 from the city, state, and federal levels, Harrisites had differing opinions on the situation and what they predict for January 1. "The government wants us to think that we are prepared, but it's better to be safe than sorry. I'll still make sure that we have some extra food and money at home," said Steve Madureira, sophomore. Alexandra Lore, freshman, is not worried. "It's [Y2K] not going to happen, and the whole world's making too big a deal," she declared. Leah Capitini, freshman, said, "Everyone's making a big deal out ofnothingjust to make a profit. [Still], the electricity might go out, and then burglary might become more common." Junior Hannah Vanek-Mcilwain agrees with Leah that electricity would be affected. "I don't believe that we will all die, or that the world will come to an end. Perhaps people won't have electricity for a few days, so maybe we won't be able to go to school." For those still fretting about an imminent disaster, there is a hotline that is free of charge
and available to the public. It will answer all Y2K-related questions from wanting to know what will happen to your home computer to checking to see if a particular appliance will function. Trained professionals who are ready to answer your calls five days a week from 9 a.m. through 8 p.m. man the hotline. If you have any questions or fears, call 1-888-USA4-Y2K. There are ways that one can check and prevent against the harms of the thousand year bug. For users of Windows 98: 1) Click Start, then WINDOWS UPDATE ,. 2) Allow Microsoft to scan itself, and install updates. 3) Remember to select the Y2K patch. Sources: http://www.usda.gov www.usdoj.gov, www.hhs.gov http://www.ed.gov http://usgovinfo.about.com/culturel usgovinfollibrary/weekly/ aa091299.htm?iam= ask&terms=Y2K+report+card http://www.ci.nyc.ny.us/htmllmisd htmlllhotafst.html http://www.ci.nyc.ny.us/htmlly2kl html!y2kproblem.html http://www.state.ny.us/governor/ press/year99/sept09_2_99.htm http://www.everything2000.com