Child Safety Center Booklet

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for our children, then we don’t stand for much.

If we don’t stand up

- Ma ria n Wrigh t Ede lm a n

What We Do The Child Safety Center is a Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC) that seeks to prevent the re-victimization of sexually abused children and help them heal. Our child-focused response to child abuse involves a multidisciplinary approach to coordinating the investigation, prosecution and treatment in each case. The multidisciplinary approach is successful in reducing duplication, ensuring that cases do not fall through the cracks and resolving more cases successfully. A collaborative approach to investigation brings wider viewpoints into making decisions, helps identify more resources for children and provides a smoother experience for children and families. We work to minimize trauma for abused children, break the cycle of abuse and hold offenders accountable.

Services We Offer • Forensic interviews of child victims

• Therapy

• Forensic sexual assault exams

• Family Advocacy

• Mental health evaluations

Why We Do It • To change the way our communities respond to child abuse • To empower every child affected by abuse to fulfill their unique potential • To allow all child abuse victims and their families access to the vital services available through a CAC • To benefit professionals investigating and prosecuting these cases by having the support, facilities and coordinating efforts provided by a strong CAC • To stand equipped and ready to take action for children who need our services • Our community places a high priority on protecting children • Key stakeholders at the local, state and federal level recognize the CAC model as an effective response to child abuse

about child abuse

If we stay quiet

our children will too.

By the Numbers... • There are 14 Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC) locations throughout Arkansas and more than 750 nationwide • The Child Safety Center has served more than 1,000 children in the past 6 years • All services at the Child Safety Center are available at no charge to children and families • 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys will be sexually assaulted before the age of 18 • 95% of child victims know their perpetrator • Only 10% of sexually abused children will ever tell anyone • Child sexual abuse is 30 times more common than autism • Each year, more than 3,000 children enter a CAC in Arkansas • The Child Safety Center serves more than 250 different child abuse victims each year • Children who receive services at a CAC are four times more likely to receive specialized medical exams • Children seen at a CAC are twice as likely to receive specialized mental health treatment • In communities with a CAC, 81% of cases are likely to be coordinated among partner agencies compared to 52% in communities without a CAC


92% were sexual abuse victims 22% were not old enough to attend Kindergarten 91% knew their perpetrator 35% received medical exams 48% were referred for therapy services

TYPES OF ABUSE 92% Sexual Abuse

4% Witness to Violence

11% Physical Abuse

2% Drug Endangerment

5% Neglect

1% Other

Many children are seen for more than one type of abuse.

R E L AT I O N S H I P T O V I C T I M 40% Parent

8% Parent’s Boy/Girlfriend

23% Other Known Person

5% Stepparent

20% Other Relative

4% Other



7-12 years




13-18 years








0-6 years hispanic/ latino


african american


Total Projected Cost

$700,000 $688,000 - Construction $12,000 - Furnishings

Grant Received for


Capital Campaign Our capital campaign goal is $500,000 to be used toward the building of a new facility. Our current location does not allow us to serve more than one child at a time due to lack of space. Our work is highly confidential; therefore, we want families to have their own private space in waiting areas. Due to the high demand for our

Capital Campaign Goal


services, there is a great need for a facility that allows us to serve multiple families, or agencies, at a time. We need to be able to offer therapy services in one part of the building while forensic interviews or medical exams take place at the same time in another part of the building. With a larger facility, our hope is to one day hire an additional full-time therapist who can see children and families on a regular basis. More than 50% of children we serve are referred for mental health services, with a larger facility we could accommodate many of those children in our center.

Rendering provided by: SCM Architects PLLC

Get Involved At the Child Safety Center, our doors are open to help children thanks to the generosity of donors and volunteers - just like you - who give of their resources. And, there are several ways to help. Financial donations are always welcome and appreciated. Also, we rely on our wonderful volunteers to keep our center running smoothly.

D O N AT E The Child Safety Center is a 501C3 Non-Profit Organization G I V E O N L I N E - Scan the QR code to donate via PayPal, or visit G I V E BY MA I L - Checks made payable to Child Safety Center PO Box 2142 | Searcy, AR 72143 N E E DED I TE M S - fleece blankets, snacks, juice boxes, bottled water, coloring books, black permanent markers, copy paper and DVD-R packs

VOLUNTEER The Child Safety Center offers a variety of volunteering opportunities including: • Fundraising, Public Relations and Event Volunteers • Special Project Volunteers (yard maintenance, cleaning, etc.) For more information, or for a list of volunteer requirements, please contact the Child Safety Center at (501) 388-1636 or visit

Partnering Agencies Searcy Police Depar tment

Heber Springs Police Depar tment

White County Sheriff 's Depar tment

Cleburne County Prosecuting Attorney's O ffice

White County Prosecuting Attorney's O ffice

Jackson County Sheriff 's Depar tment

Ark ansas State Police Crimes Against Children Division

Jackson County Dept. of Child & Family Ser vices

Ark ansas Children's Hospital / UAMS

Jackson County Prosecuting Attorney's O ffice

White County Dept. of Child & Family Ser vices

Stone County Sheriff 's Depar tment

Beebe Police Depar tment Bald Knob Police Depar tment Judsonia Police Depar tment Rose Bud Police Depar tment Kensett Police Depar tment Independence County Sheriff 's Depar tment Independence County Dept. of Child & Family Ser vices Independence County Prosecuting Attorney's O ffice Cleburne County Sheriff 's Depar tment Cleburne County Dept. of Child & Family Ser vices

501 East Race Street • PO Box 2142 S e a rc y, A r k a n s a s 7 2 1 4 3 (501) 388-1636 c h i l d s a f e t y c e n t e r. o r g

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