Why think!
As the name implies, the work we do is thoughtful. Our work strives for success, beauty and satisfaction not as the starting point of a design, but as the result of a long and focused process of investigation and discovery. By searching for the underlying issues embedded in each project, and through an openness to the widest range of possibilities, we endeavor to craft design solutions that results in a unique and intelligent resolution of need, desire, function and circumstance.
As a firm we are generalists. We’ve been fortunate to have the opportunities to work on theaters, schools, houses, o ces and hospitals among many other things. These varied experiences have allowed us to specialize in the design process itself rather than focusing on any one specific type of program or building—applying the wide range of our diverse experience to the wide range of projects that have come our way. Being generalists gives us the freedom to start our work with questions rather than with the answers of an expert. It allows for the type of openness to possibility that eschews assumptions and fixed knowledge and searches for meaning and understanding and we wouldn’t have it any other way.