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For more information: Amy Jowers 3773 Commonwealth Blvd. Tallahassee, FL 32303 850.576.8171 Fax: 850.576.7559



League of Southeastern Credit Unions Debuts Look, Direction for New Year

BIRMINGHAM, ALA/TALLAHASSEE, FLA (January 4, 2010) — Since the economic downturn of the past 18 months, credit unions are quickly becoming the safe, secure option for consumers looking for a financial institution that cares about their money and their community. Today, the League of Southeastern Credit Unions (LSCU), through its consolidation of the Florida and Alabama Credit Union Leagues, officially debuts its new look, direction, and mission, “To ensure an operating environment through advocacy, leadership, and services that will enable credit unions to maximize their potential as unique financial institutions.” In 2008, the membership of the Florida and Alabama Leagues approved combining resources, knowledge, and expertise to offer credit unions members the strongest voice possible. LSCU will use its expanded resources to lobby state and federal issues to ensure credit union members’ voices are heard in Montgomery, Tallahassee, and Washington, D.C. In the past year, both Alabama and Florida credit unions have worked diligently to express their views to legislators on member business lending and other pending regulatory changes which could affect credit unions and how they do business. Because of the highly visible credit union presence in Washington, D.C., as well as in both states, LSCU’s advocacy efforts have helped more than 110,000 new members switch to its member credit unions in 2009. “We are excited to kick off 2010 with a new management structure, a user-friendly, interactive Web site, and an experienced staff ready to tackle the myriad of issues facing our credit unions,” said Patrick La Pine, president/CEO of LSCU. “We have worked hard over the past six months to create an incomparable and continually evolving group of resources which will enable our membership to grow and thrive despite the challenging economic landscape.” LSCU has created a Web site (www.lscu.coop) which will enable its members to keep up with and comment on the latest regulatory and compliance issues, register for and access educational conferences and webinars online, and find relevant, strategic product solutions to help credit unions meet the needs of their members. Streaming video and newsfeeds will keep the Web site fresh and continual updates will ensure timely delivery of the information credit unions care about. Under a reorganization approved in December, LSCU offices in Tallahassee, Fla. and Birmingham, Ala. will have a management team combining executives from both the Florida and Alabama leagues. The League of Southeastern Credit Unions represents 332 credit unions in Alabama and Florida with a combined total of $55 billion in assets and more than 6.3 million members. LSCU provides advocacy and regulatory information; education and training; cooperative initiatives (including financial education outreach); media relations and information; and business solutions. For more information, visit www.lscu.coop.


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