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T h e L e a g u e a n d Yo u .

Earlier this year when CUNA unveiled its “Unite for Good” campaign, it gave credit unions a plan for one national vision; something the industry has been lacking. For the LSCU & Affiliates, it captured our philosophy in how we work with all of you. We view everything we do as a partnership with our member credit unions, one voice for Alabama and Florida. Unite for Good is the thread that sews the fabric of who we are as a movement and where we want to be in a decade. When we look back on the year, we see many examples of accomplishments that would not have been possible without you. The League provided a 10-percent dues rebate at the end of the first quarter. This was the first time it was ever offered in Alabama or Florida. It was made possible because of our efficient operations and increased affiliation, but also because so many of you are using LEVERAGE solutions and/or one offered by our business partners. This best illustrates the direct correlation between the success of LEVERAGE and what we can do for credit unions on the association side of the organization. Midyear we switched gears to focus heavily on the Don’t Tax My Credit Union initiative. This also illustrates how we have evolved to better meet new challenges quickly on behalf of our member credit unions. Together, Alabama and Florida credit


unions have made more than 100,000 grassroots contacts to our congressional delegations. Our unified voice on this topic is being heard loud and clear on Capitol Hill. The League also didn’t limit this initiative to affiliates. We work hard throughout the year to reach out to non-affiliates and show them how working together through the CUNA/League system makes us all stronger. The long-term success and sustainability of LSCU & Affiliates comes from a strategic partnership that involves all of us. As you read through our Unite for Good: The LSCU & Affiliates and You brochure, you will see that your league and its affiliate organizations are strong and growing. We couldn’t do it without you. I look forward to your continued affiliation and active participation in 2014 and beyond. Sincerely,

Patrick La Pine, President/CEO


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Introduced new advocacy brands for each state. Understanding that all politics is local, ACUA and FCUA brands will give credit unions a more recognizable identity in Montgomery and Tallahassee.

$310,000 Dues rebate returned to member credit unions. This was the first ever in Alabama and Florida.

“The League of Southeastern Credit Unions has been an invaluable asset to our credit union. We are celebrating our 50th year and I truly believe we have been able to continue in business for these many years because of the support of the LSCU. They are always ready and willing to assist with whatever our needs are. Being from a small credit union with only two full-time employees, I consider them as additional staff.” Listerhill CU CEO Brad Green talks with CUNA CEO Bill Cheney during Cheney’s tour of Alabama and the Florida panhandle.


of credit unions feel the LSCU understands their needs. This is a five-percent increase from 2012. Source: LSCU & Affiliates 2013 Members Survey.


of credit unions say their satisfaction with the League has improved or stayed the same. This is a five-percent increase in two years. Source: LSCU & Affiliates 2013 Members Survey.

—Michele Days, Manager, Sixth Avenue Baptist Federal Credit Union

Don’t Tax My Credit Union


Postcards delivered to federal lawmakers in Washington, D.C. and in-district offices.


of credit unions feel the LSCU does an effective job advocating credit union issues to federal lawmakers. This is a two-percent increase from 2012. Source: LSCU & Affiliates 2013 Members Survey.

Over fifty credit union advocates traveled to Washington, D.C. in September to bring the Don’t Tax My Credit Union message to federal lawmakers.


Amount raised to fight for the credit union tax exemption through the Cooperative Issues Campaign.


LSCU & Affiliates have been a social media leader during the Don’t Tax My Credit Union initiative.

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Contacts with lawmakers from credit union staff, directors, and members in Alabama and Florida asking them to Don’t Tax My Credit Union.

“Suncoast believes that the ‘Don’t Tax’ issue is significant, and we needed the full force of the League’s advocacy team to make a dent in the discussion. We are more than pleased that they stepped in to make us all more organized in the effort. Their monthly plan was exactly what credit unions needed.” —Gary Vien, SVP, Suncoast Schools FCU


Legislative Advocacy Florida Chief Financial Officer Jeff Atwater spoke at the Florida State GAC.

Held 3rd annual State Governmental Affairs Conferences. The State GACs help credit unions advocate a proactive legislative agenda in Montgomery and Tallahassee, while also building relationships with state lawmakers.

Visits were made with House and Senate lawmakers in Washington, D.C. and in-district. Many of those meetings included credit union advocates from Alabama and Florida.

Le le to fo to Alabama State Sen. Bill Holtzclaw (R) (left) speaks with Rocket City FCU Director Larry Smith.

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Azalea City Credit Union CEO Ola Anise (right) speaks with Rep. David Sessions (R-Mobile) during the Alabama State GAC.

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The League, working with chapters and individual credit unions, expanded legislative events in Alabama and Florida by hosting roundtables, legislative nights, credit union visits, etc.

League helped pass legislation in Florida to help expedite the foreclosure process to ease the burden on credit unions.

Alabama Lt. Governor Kay Ivey speaks with Family Security CU Supervisory Committee Chairman Kenneth Livingston during the Leadership Development Conference.


of credit unions feel the LSCU keeps them well informed of legislative and regulatory issues of importance. This is a two-percent increase from 2012. Source: LSCU & Affiliates 2013 Members Survey.

Increased awareness of advocacy efforts through the hiring of PR Firm in Tallahassee. Received significant increase in earned media through those Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL)efforts. meets with credit

“We count on LSCU for what I believe is the most valuable service they provide — legislative advocacy and lobbying for credit unions. In today’s world of seemingly out of control regulations and legislation, I cannot imagine how credit unions would survive without it!” —Linda Cencula, president/CEO, Alabama Telco CU

unions during the CUNA GAC.


of credit unions feel that LSCU grassroots activities are important. This is a fourpercent increase from 2012. Source: LSCU & Affiliates 2013 Members Survey.

Rep. Steve Southerland (R-FL) speaks during the Tallahassee Chapter legislative night.

Regulatory Advocacy and Compliance Training Support


Number of free compliance trainings held across Alabama and Florida.


Volume of League InfoSight uses by Alabama and Florida credit unions. A free compliance and model policy resource provided by the League.

As part of the value of affiliation, distributed quarterly Custom Performance Reports that show how credit unions are performing in their peer asset size group.

“The League’s educational opportunities and compliance tools are a tremendous benefit to our credit union. PolicyPro and the Custom Performance Report have been particularly useful to us.” —Jo Alvis, assistant manager, COO, ACIPCO Federal Credit Union


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Held credit union meeting with CFPB and NCUA board members during the past two Hike the Hill meetings in Washington, D.C. CFPB Director Richard Cordray speaks with Alabama and Florida credit unions in Washington, D.C.

Facilitated state and federal examiner meetings at State GACs, Annual Convention & Exposition and Leadership Development Conference.

LSCU & Affiliates President/ CEO Patrick La Pine introduces NCUA Board Member Mike Fryzel during NCUA meeting at Hike the Hill.

League InfoSight and PolicyPro are free solutions provided to credit unions through value of affiliation with LSCU & Affiliates.

99% of credit unions feel

that Regulatory Affairs is helpful in answering

The League continues to find opportunities to bring regulators together with credit unions to discuss issues and build relationships on the state and federal level.

my compliance and/or operational question. This is a three-percent increase from 2012. Source: LSCU & Affiliates 2013 Members Survey.

Education and Training


Average number of attendees to the LSCU & Affiliates Annual Convention and Exposition (AC&E) in Orlando. The AC&E is one of the largest credit union conferences in the country.


Number of participants in the more than 100 webinar offerings from the LSCU & Affiliates.



of credit unions feel the LSCU provides them the education and training that satisfies their needs. This is a five-percent increase from 2012. Source: LSCU & Affiliates 2013 Members Survey.

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LSCU & Affiliates and CUES held the 2nd annual Credit Union Executive Dialogue bringing together large asset sized credit unions to discuss the long-term success of the industry.

The SAS Credit Union initiatives money has been instrumental in the development and training of my staff and myself. As a small asset credit union, we have very limited resources, yet with the assistance of scholarship funds, we have been able to send staff to trainings and seminars to educate them and, in turn, better serve our members.�

Number of credit union executives, CEOs, and directors that have been trained by the LSCU & Affiliates in 2013.

—Tim Cannon, CEO, 1st CU of Gainesville Introduced a mobile app for signature education events to enhance the experience for attendees.

The LSCU & Affiliates became an approved provider of Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits by the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) in March of 2013. Affiliated credit union staff and officials have the opportunity to earn up to 141 CPE credits across various fields of study.

Cooperative Initiatives Cooperative Initiatives

focuses on meeting the needs of LSCU’s members and providing resources to enhance their operations. Integral parts of our member relations activities are the Small Asset Size (SAS) Credit Union Program, focused on consultative support to credit unions under $50 million in assets, the ongoing development of our 19 chapters, and enhancing the skills of our young leaders and future leaders through the Young Professionals Group (YPG).

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International Partnerships Eight Costa Rican interns were hosted by credit unions in Alabama and Florida through the International Credit Union Leadership Program. It’s a partnership between the World Council of Credit Unions and the U.S. State Department. Later in the year, U.S. interns spent a week in Costa Rica learning about their credit U.S. interns visited the U.S. Embassy during their stay in Costa Rica.

I cannot say enough GOOD things about the League and how resourceful you guys are. It would be very difficult for a small credit union to function without the League.” —Wendy Bolton, CEO/manager, Montgomery VA Federal Credit Union

union system.



Alabama Credit Union hosted Randall Chavarria, financial director at Coopebanpo Credit Union in Costa Rica.

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Number of credit union participants in 22 planning sessions performed by the LSCU staff.


of credit unions felt the LSCU staff communicates League priorities. This is a six-percent increase from 2012. Source: LSCU & Affiliates 2013 Members Survey.

LSCU facilitated the Young Professionals Group as it grew to 72 participants, LSCU Young Professionals Group tours All Children’s Hospital in St. Petersburg.


Touch points with credit union directors and staff through training, chapter programs, conferences, and workshops.


Amount small asset size credit unions have used through the LSCU SAS Initiatives account for a League or CUNA event, product or service.

representing 42 credit unions. The YPG meets regularly and has begun taking on service projects.

Southeastern Credit Union Foundation

Over $490,000 raised for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals in Alabama and Florida. Launched the FiCEP (certified financial counselor training program) with 47 representatives from 17 credit unions earning their Credit Union Certified Financial Counselor designation

Acquired a mobile branch, which was donated by Pen Air FCU, that is available during times of disaster.

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SECUF assisted credit unions and chapters in receiving $101,960 in CO-OP Miracle Match Funds


Amount of professional development grants awarded to 35 credit union employees and volunteer leaders.

“Thank you to the SECUF for the generous scholarship for City and Police FCU. The AC&E was great and I came away with a tremendous amount of material and motivation. I look forward to attending future conventions.” —Aaron Logue, CEO, City and Police FCU

Credit union and League events provide valuable support to the Southeastern Credit Union Foundation and its primary programs. Through

Working with credit unions to implement student-run credit union branches. This not only teaches financial education to the students but reaches the next generation of members.

the donations, pledges and various golf outings, funds are raised to provide credit unions grants for financial education training and professional development scholarship programs.

Naheola CU CEO Mark Johnson putting in one of the League’s golf outings to benefit the Southeastern Credit Union Foundation.




Introduced eSignal Daily e-newsletter to replace weekly e-newsletter. The eSignal Daily gets information to credit unions quicker and cuts down on the number of communications from the League.

Signal magazine was named Best Association Magazine for the third straight year by the Hermes Creative Awards.

2.5 million

Potential readers, viewers, and listeners were reached through the LSCU proactive media relations. This included stories in the Birmingham News, Miami Herald, and South Florida Sun Sentinel.

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“At Alive Credit Union, we know we can count on the League as a resource for information regarding our industry and peers. With a variety of communication methods, such as the eSignal newsletter and regular in person visits, the LSCU keeps us informed. We also appreciate the cooperative efforts, like the Better Name For Banking campaign, to continue to raise awareness about the credit union movement.” —Kristin Madole, vice president, communications, Alive Credit Union



of credit unions feel the LSCU keeps them well-informed. This is a three-percent increase from 2012. Source: LSCU & Affiliates 2013 Members Survey.


of credit unions feel the LSCU website is valuable. This is a 14 percent increase from 2012. Source: LSCU & Affiliates 2013 Members Survey.


Number of times LSCU multimedia was accessed by credit unions in 2013. This included videos from the CUNA GAC, State GACs, and LEVERAGE product videos.

Yo u r A d v a n t a g e

LEVERAGE offers credit unions best-in-class solutions through a variety of products and services. When a credit union purchases a product through LEVERAGE it has a direct correlation to the level and quality of services the League provides its member credit unions. The long-term sustainability of the LSCU & Affiliates is clearly dependent on a strong and profitable LEVERAGE.

$110,000 Amount returned to Alabama and Mississippi credit unions from LEVERAGE’s CO-OP patronage dividend.

LEVERAGE held a series of Human Resource Networking meetings for CEOs and HR professionals in Alabama and Florida. Approximately 50 HR professionals attended networking meetings in Birmingham, Jacksonville, Tampa, and Miami. LEVERAGE is working with credit unions to share information about healthcare costs, employee compensation, and recruiting.

$2.2 million

Amount of reimbursements to the LSCU & Affiliates from CUNA Mutual Group which allows the League to offer value of membership solutions such as the SAS Initiatives account and PolicyPro.

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$45 million

Amount of claims CUNA Mutual paid to credit unions and Alabama and Florida members in the last year.


CU Audit and Compliance Group is coming in 2014. It will give Alabama and Florida credit unions access to expanded auditing services, as well as opinion audits.

$100,000 Amount of chapter support from LEVERAGE and CUNA Mutual Group. This helped to pay for chapter events and meetings across Alabama and Florida.

(LEVERAGE) is an alternative that needs to be looked at by every institution. I’m not going to say they have every product but you should look at the products they do have. You need to be able to say I’ve investigated it at the very least. Many times this is going to be the low cost, high service alternative you need for your institution.” —Pat Mason, CEO, SUN CU

1,000 Number of vendors in the CUVM and Ventelligence contract management database that have various levels of critical due diligence information, corresponding to appropriate risk ratings. This gives credit unions the peace of mind that LEVERAGE has done the work for them before signing a contract.


of credit unions feel LEVERAGE is a trusted business partner. This is a five-percent increase from 2012. Source: LSCU & Affiliates 2013 Members Survey.

I may be the marketing person or the teller and sit out front and answer the phone, if that’s what’s necessary. So, to be able to trust somebody (LEVERAGE) and know when you ask them to do something for you that they’re devoted to you and they are going to do exactly what you ask them to do to the best of their ability makes those relationships invaluable.” —Jane Boysen, CEO, Alabama Rural Electric

Alabama Credit Union Association

Florida Credit Union Association

For more information on affiliation with the LSCU, contact LSCU VP, Cooperative Initiatives Laura Vann at 866.231.0545 ext. 2181 or FLORIDA OFFICE 3692 Coolidge Ct. Tallahassee, FL 32311

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ALABAMA OFFICE 22 Inverness Center Parkway, #200 Birmingham, AL 35242

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