Sustainable Construction
Coal Combustion Products
A Primer for Architects
Produced by the American Coal Ash Association Educational Foundation
Sustainable Construction with Coal Combustion Products What are Coal Combusiton Products? When selecting materials for
technically equivalent
duced by coal-fueled power
and social impact of sustain-
construction, we have the
or superior to conventional
plants. They include fly ash,
able construction is profound.
choice of substituting recycled
materials. They can significant-
bottom ash, boiler slag, flue
Each year in the U.S. coal-
materials for conventional
ly increase profitability through
gas desulfurization materials,
fueled power plants generate
products to achieve sustain-
decreased energy, water,
and other products. Most CCPs
electricity along with more
able design and significantly
land, and other costs, as
can be recycled in place
than 125 million tons of CCPs
reduce a myriad of environ-
well as through quality
of conventional materials,
that can be used or recycled
mental impacts. In most cases
and longevity.
especially those that must be
in construction and in a wide
mined, using energy and other
variety of other commercial
resources that degrade the
or “beneficial” uses. About
quality of our environment
40 percent of CCPs are used,
and increase project costs.
while the remaining 60 percent
The economic, environmental
are disposed of.
Building foundations
Soil stabilization
Exterior and interior walls
Controlled low-strength
these materials cost less, are available locally, and are
Coal combustion products or “CCPs” are materials pro-
Fly Ash
Among the most common uses
ultra high strength load
of CCPs is the substitution of
bearing columns in high-rise
fly ash for portland cement in
buildings. Though the proper-
concrete or the use of fly ash
ties of fly ash vary according
as an admixture in concrete.
to coal composition and
More than half of the concrete
power plant operating condi-
produced in the United States
tions, experts can advise on
is blended with fly ash — a fine,
quality and determine the
powdery substance captured
best mix design for most any
in emission control systems at
condition and project need.
the power plant. Annual pro-
Builders routinely use 40 per-
duction is about 72 million tons,
cent fly ash in mixes, but that
with 44 percent of that amount
amount can reach 70 percent
used in various applications.
or more in massive walls,
Fly ash is used extensively in
girders, road bases, dams
concrete, from lightweight to
and foundations.
A Primer for Architects
Floor slabs Bricks Concrete masonry units Fiber cement siding
materials (flowable fill) Carpet backing Floor underlayments Manufactured soils and composts Pervious concrete Mineral filler in asphalt, road
Ceramic tiles
base and pavement sub-base
Metal castings
Composite materials
Portland cement feedstock
(wood, plastic and stone)
Sustainable Construction with Coal Combustion Products Flue Gas Desulfurization Gypsum
Bottom Ash
Boiler Slag
The second most common
gypsum). This material is used
Boiler slag is formed in cyclone
use of CCPs is flue gas de-
in almost thirty percent of
or slag tap boilers, which
sulfurization (FGD) gypsum
the gypsum panel products
produce a molten ash that
in wallboard. This material is
(wallboard) manufactured in
is cooled with water. Boiler
produced by emission control
the United States. FGD gypsum
slag is generally a black,
systems that remove sulfur and
can be used in cement pro-
granular material.
oxides from power plant flue
duction and geotechnical
Roofing shingles
gas streams. Residues vary,
applications. It can also be
Blasting grit
but the most common uses in
used in self-leveling floor
Snow and ice control
construction applications are
applications. The agricultural
Portland cement production
FGD gypsum (or “synthetic�
industry also uses this material
Structural fills
to treat undesirable soil
conditions and to improve
Road base
Green roof growing media
crop performance.
Pavement sub-base Mineral fillers in asphalt
Aggregates Pervious pavements
CCP Production and Use Statistics*
Pavement sub-bases
Fly Ash
Concrete masonry units
Annual Production = 71,700,000 tons
Annual Use = 31,626,037 tons
Bottom ash is a coarse, granu-
Manufactured soils and compost
Flue Gas Desulfurization Gypsum
lar material collected from the
Portland cement production
bottom of a coal furnace. It is
Snow and ice contro1
composed of a range of fine
Annual Production = 12,300,000 tons
Annual Use = 9,228,271 tons
Bottom Ash
to coarse angular particles
themselves as replacements
that are generally gray to
for aggregate in structural
black in color. Bottom ash and
concrete applications, includ-
boiler slag can be used as a
ing masonry products. These
Boiler Slag
raw feed for manufacturing
materials are also suitable for
Annual Production = 2,072,695 tons
portland cement clinker. The
geotechnical applications,
Annual Use = 1,663,980 tons
physical characteristics of bot-
such as structural fills and
tom ash and boiler slag lend
land reclamation.
Annual Production = 18,100,000 tons
Annual Use = 7,303,538 tons
*2007 survey results; additional CCP categories and data available at
A Primer for Architects
Sustainable Construction with Coal Combustion Products
Programs Supporting CCPs in Sustainable Architecture U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED Certification
Green Building Initiative
Leadership in Energy and
As with LEED, the Green Build-
Environmental Design (LEED) is
ing Initiative (GBI) promotes
a suite of related, sustainable
the adoption of building
rating systems developed by
practices that result in energy-
the U.S. Green Building Coun-
Fly ash concrete contributed points toward LEED Silver Certification for EPA Region 8 Headquarters in Denver, Colorado.
cil. To become a LEED-certified project, a building must attain a specific number of credits to achieve certification or the advanced levels of Silver, Gold, or Platinum certification.
Using fly ash or bottom ash/
reducing a project’s carbon
When using concrete in con-
boiler slag in pervious pave-
footprint. Use of CCPs has
struction, the use of coal com-
ments, which reduces the rate
contributed to all six credit cat-
bustion products (CCPs) can
and quantity of stormwater
egories, including: 1. Sustain-
contribute to credits providing
runoff, can contribute to
able Sites, 2. Water Efficiency,
various benefits to many proj-
Stormwater Design: Quantity
3. Energy and Atmosphere,
ect types, including schools
Control. CCPs can also be
4. Materials and Resources, 5.
and university campuses, com-
used in brownfield redevelop-
Indoor Environmental Quality,
mericial interiors, and homes.
ment (Sustainable Sites) and in
and 6. Innovation and Design
concrete to reduce the heat
Process when they are in-
island effect.
cluded in a variety of bulidng
CCPs contribute under the Materials and Resources
materials and applications.
efficient, healthier and environmentally sustainable buildings by promoting credible and practical green building approaches for residential and commercial construction. GBI uses the Green Globes management tool that includes an assessment protocol, rating system and guide for integrating environmentally friendly design into commercial buildings. Working with the American National Standards Institute, GBI has released for public comment a standard against which sustainability can be evaluat-
category, as well as the Green
The thermal mass effects of
Construction and Technology
concrete offer numerous
categories for their recycled
energy advantages, includ-
content and because they
ing reductions in energy use in
Similar to LEED, the BRE Envi-
and resources, and building
are locally available. Innova-
heating, air conditioning, and
ronmental Assessment Method
longevity. Please visit: www.
tion in Design credits can be
lighting. Even underground-
(BREEAM), is taking hold inter-
attained for replacing portland
parking garages incorporat-
nationally. Please visit:
cement with fly ash mixes.
ing CCPs have contributed to
A Primer for Architects
Please visit: www.usg www.
ed. As in the LEED process, the use of CCPs contributes points to site development, materials
Sustainable Construction with Coal Combustion Products Build it Green - GreenPoint Checklist: California
Greenprint: Denver, Colorado The City and County of Denver
ing fly ash, and found them to
Build It Green is a non-profit
or “green” a home is. A home
partnered with the Univer-
be more durable than ordinary
membership organization
can be considered green if it
sity of Colorado at Denver’s
concrete. In May 2007, Green-
Sustainable Urban Infrastruc-
print Denver announced Den-
whose mission is to promote
fulfills the prerequisites, earns at
ture Program to develop a
ver’s Green Concrete Policy
healthy, energy- and resource-
least 50 points, and meets the
first-of-its-kind greenhouse gas
as a part of the city’s Climate
efficient building practices in
minimum points per category:
inventory at the city scale. The
Action Plan. In October that
Energy (30), Indoor Air Quality/
inventory included the em-
year, Mayor John Hickenloop-
bodied energy of key urban
er signed an executive order
materials, including concrete,
outlining the city’s sustainability
and showed that cement in
policy, including a requirement
concrete contributed more
that construction projects use
program offered by Build It
than 2 percent of the city’s
concrete with at least 20 per-
Green. The program offers
For more information about
greenhouse gas footprint. The
cent fly ash. This requirement is
builders, homeowners and
GreenPoint Rated, visit www.
UCD team investigated alter-
the first of its kind in a U.S. city.
municipalities a tool to assess
native concrete mixes contain-
The GreenPoint Checklist is the basis of GreenPoint Rated, a third-party home rating
Health (5), Resources (6), and Water (9). Coal combusition products may contribute in several categories.
how environmentally friendly
Sustainable specifications with fly ash concrete Wal-Mart recently issued
forefront of large retail cor-
company-wide specifications
porations. The company has
requiring fly ash and other supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) in all construction. The company now has specifications for the use
Micheal Clark, a senior architect for Wal-Mart accepts a Coal Combuslong supported using CCPs, tion Products Partnership award but its past experience caused from Susan Bodine, Assistant some challenges. Many of Administrator for the EPA’s its consultants, contractors Office of Solid Waste and and construction managers Emergency Response.
of fly ash or CCPs for non-trow-
remembered past problems,
eled exterior sitework, struc-
such as delayed set times and
tural concrete, grout, concrete
poor finishes — largely caused
CCP use can result in lower
to see for itself the benefits and
masonry units, and troweled
by inexperience with CCPs.
costs (or no cost increase),
mitigate the concerns. Wal-
concrete floors in amounts
Wal-Mart did not allow hearsay
improved environmental
Mart’s dedication and innova-
ranging from 12 to 25 percent.
to sour them on CCPs. Con-
performance, and material
tive approach has now led
These innovative require-
tinued research and expert
benefits. Tests of its concrete
to its leadership role among
ments placed Wal-Mart in the
knowledge demonstrated that
placements allowed Wal-Mart
retailers in CCP use.
A Primer for Architects
Sustainable Construction with Coal Combustion Products High Volume Fly Ash Concrete: Superior Sustainability & Technical Performance
Among the many examples of high volume fly ash concrete are... the US.Environmental Protection Agency Headquarters, Washington, D.C. ... Northern Arizona University’s Applied
Among the most significant
and other destructive chemi-
environmental aspects of
cal reactions that degrade
Research and Development Building (LEED Platinum) ...
using fly ash over conventional
and destroy structures over
Wurster Hall Seismic Upgrate, Stanford University ...
cement is that greenhouse gas
time. The pozzolanic properties
emissions can be exponentially
of fly ash produce long-term
Student Community Center (LEED) ... Montana State
reduced. For every ton of fly
strength gains and improve
University’s science building ... the Milwaukee Art Museum ...
ash used for a ton of port-
concrete durability by making
land cement approximately
it less permeable. Fly ash con-
one ton of carbon dioxide is
crete lowers the heat of hydra-
prevented from entering the
tion, and reduces shrinkage
earth’s atmosphere. Fly ash
and cracking. Fly ash affects
does not require the energy
the concrete’s plastic proper-
intensive kilning process
ties by improving workability,
required by portland cement.
reducing water demand,
This energy expense can also be calculated in terms of fuel
and reducing segregation and bleeding.
use. A single ton of cement
Economic gains are significant
requires approximately 55
from both technical and sus-
gallons of oil to produce. By
tainability perspectives, as well
using fly ash concrete instead,
as from an aesthetic point of
we prevent disposal, conserve
view. Projects that endure save
virgin resources - by using an
taxpayers maintenance and
industrial material instead
reconstruction costs, freeing
- and we prevent the energy
money to stimulate local econ-
consumption associated with
omies and enhance communi-
mining virgin materials.
ties. Fly ash typically costs less
Fly ash concrete is also technically superior to conventional concrete in that it has proven more resistant to acid, sulfates,
The University of Texas – Houston’s School of Nursing and
the Utah state Capitol building ... Oakland-Bay Bridge ... and more...
This residence designed by Arizona architect, Michael Frerking utilizes 67 percent fly ash concrete.
than portland cement, making concrete competitive with other materials such as wood and asphalt.
A Primer for Architects
The Milwaukee Art Museum incorporated high volume fly ash concrete to achieve a variety of important design objectives.
Sustainable Construction with Coal Combustion Products Durability & strength make fly ash concrete ideal for high-rises, skyscrapers and other large structures. Trump International Hotel and Tower, Chicago
Freedom Tower, New York City The Freedom Tower will set
The Trump International Hotel
a record for strength with
and Tower in Chicago will
concrete including Class C fly
be the Western Hemisphere’s
ash in the foundation, core
tallest reinforced concrete
and support columns, and
building. The project includes
slabs. The building’s engineers
180,000 cubic yards of
required 14,000 pounds per
high performance (fly ash)
square inch of compressive
concrete and conventional
strength. More than 240,000
concrete. Outrigger beams
yards of concrete will be used
achieved 16,000-psi,
with mix designs of 40 percent
marking the highest design
fly ash. When complete the
strength to date for a
tower will be a 1,368-foot-tall
commercial application.
building, topped by a 408-foot spire, for a total of 1,776 feet.
CEMEX U.S. Headquarters, Houston
BAPS Hindu Temple, Chicago High volume fly ash was used for the reinforced foundations, beams, and shear walls of this Hindu Mandir, which is one of the largest constructed in the United States.
The new CEMEX USA head-
Much of the concrete will
quarters will be the largest
reflect more of the sun’s
green building of its kind in
energy during the day and
Houston, including concrete
does not radiate as much
mixes that contain fly ash.
stored heat at night.
A Primer for Architects
Sustainable Construction with Coal Combustion Products Site Preparation
Flooring Applications
Carpet Backing
CCPs have many uses when
Many builders are using CCP-
Backing comprised of
preparing a project site for
based floor underlayments
recycled materials can take
development. Fly ash can be
in construction, to address a
years of abuse without sac-
used to stabilize and solidify
variety of flooring situations
rificing performance. The
soils at Brownfield sites or in
and challenges. Self-leveling
inherent “ball-bearing� effect
construction areas. If rains
underlayments may be placed
resulting from the spherical
have made work areas difficult
to aid in preparation of the
nature of the glass particles
to access by vehicular traffic,
floor prior to installation of the
of fly ash contribute to bet-
self-cementing fly ash or fly
finished floor systems. On the
ter packing factors in various
ash combined with portland
other hand over-layments are
polymer systems. For carpet
cement, cement kiln dust or
sometimes specified to correct
backing systems, this trans-
lime kiln dust can dry up these
defective flooring issues prior
lates to improved flammability
areas quickly and economi-
to installation of carpeting, tile,
ratings, better tuft binds, and
cally. Blending self cementing
wood or other surfaces. These
improved dimensional stabil-
fly ash with existing soils allows
applications also can provide
ity. As a bonus to the perfor-
for the stabilization of roads
sound deadening features.
mance characteristics fly ash
and parking areas prior to
For examples of these ap-
imparts to these engineered
paving. When embankments
plications see www.maxxon.
systems, carpet backings now
or structural fills are needed,
com/go_green. Fly ash and
qualify under the USGBC LEED
fly ash, bottom ash and boiler
FGD (or synthetic) gypsum are
section MR 4.1 and 4.2 for
slag can be combined with
used widely in commercial
recycled content and the NSF
earthen materials to meet
applications, and can be used
140 as contributing towards
engineering specifications
in single family and multi-fam-
silver, gold and platinum levels
for compaction, compressive
ily homes to support LEED
of sustainability.
strength, grain size distribu-
points for indoor environmental
tion and other geo-technical
quality, low emitting materi-
Wall-Form Products
considerations. Large quanti-
als, recycled content, regional
have hollow interiors and
ties of CCPs can be placed to
materials and innovation
are stacked or set in place
provide economically accept-
in design.
and can be filled with
Most of these products
able alternatives to importing
high volume fly ash steel-
barrow materials.
reinforced concrete.
A Primer for Architects
CCP Building
Masonry Products Fly ash and bottom ash are also used extensively in grouts and masonry products, including concrete veneer stone, available in a wide range of color options.
Sustainable Construction with Coal Combustion Products
Applications Diagram courtesy U.S. EPA
Green Roofs Typically, green roofs are part
public and private benefits.
of a normal roof system which
They are normally longer last-
involves green space on top
ing than conventional roofs,
of a building. Green roofs are
reduce heat loss dramatically,
usually modular in design
require less maintenance,
allowing plants to be planted
absorb sound, and often pro-
in movable sections or con-
vide aesthetic spaces for peo-
tainers. A waterproof barrier
ple to meet or congregate.
separates the green roof from
Because of its lightweight,
the structural roof. The units
granular characteristics, bot-
containing plants have a
tom ash is an ideal material
drainage system, filter cloth
for part of the growing media.
and lightweight growing me-
For more information: www.
dia to allow the plants to es- and www.
tablish their roots. Green roofs
can provide a wide range of
Geotechnical applications
fill materials once the trench
include soil stabilization,
work is complete. Rapid setting
road base, structural fill, and
flowable fills made with fly ash,
embankments. The use of
bottom ash and cement
A wood alternative produced
CCPs in controlled low-strength
(if needed) can be used to
by Lifetime Lumber (www.
materials (CLSM), sometimes
efficiently close the exposed can contain up
called flowable fills, provides
work areas. Workers are not
to 65 percent fly ash or more.
economic alternatives to
needed in the trench to tamp
Please see “The Buyer’s Guide
many backfill situations. When
or manually place fill materials
to Coal Ash Containing Prod-
utility trenches are constructed
and large quantities can be
ucts” under Resources (pg 10).
at a job site, often the dirt or
placed in a matter of minutes,
earthen materials excavated
allowing the surface to be
are removed immediately.
paved or finished quickly.
Fly ash also serves as filler in wood, plastic products, paints, and metal castings.
Ceiling Tiles & Panel Products Ceiling tiles and wall products made with fly ash and FGD gypsum can be textured and pigmented with a wide range of colors.
This necessitates importing
A Primer for Architects
Sustainable Construction with Coal Combustion Products Future of Coal Combustion Products in Sustainability Coal combustion products are
concrete design and is willing
quality sources of CCPs will
the chart below, production
expected to continue to play
to pay for this quality and per-
be available to the project
of CCPs will continue their
a major role in the concrete
formance. It is hard to general-
owner, designer and architect
upward trend.
market by replacing at least
ize where the sources of quality
well into the future. Producers
25 to 40 percent of portland
fly ash will be, but with power
and marketers are working
cement in most applications.
plants in 47 of the 50 states, the
together to ensure CCPs will
Their use in other building prod-
likelihood of adequate supplies
continue to comply with appli-
ucts is also expected to grow
is great.
cable standards and specifi-
will further enable the CCP
perception of fly ash and other CCPs, from waste to valuable
U.S. Coal Combustion Products Use Trend Chart
need to use virgin materials.
decreases, the prices for fly ash
These benefits result in signifi-
follow that movement.
cant positive impacts to the
some fly ash quality, the indus-
from Baltimore to Puerto Rico
try is working hard to meet this
to meet market needs. Like
and other challenges. Benefi-
slag, fly ash is going to be
ciation processes and emerg-
available to the specifier or
ing technologies are being de-
project owner who wants to in-
veloped and implemented to
corporate it into a sustainable
ensure that dependable, high
Fly Ash
25 20 15 10 5 0
Data Years
A Primer for Architects
east coast, fly ash is shipped
Bottom Ash
trol systems threaten to affect
20 05
Texas and Oregon. On the
Boiler Slag
20 02
Though new air emission con-
Flue Gas Desulfurization
19 99
in from as far away as Arizona,
Fluidized Bed Combustion
19 66
In California, fly ash is shipped
Short Tons (Millions)
portland cement increases or
19 96
space, and eliminates the
19 93
price of portland cement. As
cal, economic, social, and
19 90
reduces the need for landfill
objectives ‑ aesthetic, techni-
19 87
is typically half to a third the
a way to meet a variety of
conditions. As is indicated in
19 84
green house gas emissions,
coal combustion products as
ing production and market
product. Using CCPs reduces
The price of fly ash per ton
sustainable buildings, choose
industry to adapt to chang-
19 81
CCPs’ many benefits.
experience is transforming the
19 78
building owners understand
mance-based specifications
19 75
and more architects and
Education and practical
19 72
becomes more prominent,
ers who want to create more
cations. Adoption of perfor-
19 69
as sustainable construction
Architects and property own-
Sustainable Construction with Coal Combustion Products Resources The American Coal Ash Association (ACAA) advances the management and use of coal combustion products in ways that are environmentally responsible, technically sound, commercially competitive, and more supportive of a sustainable global environment. Please visit: The quality and characteristics of fly ash as a component of concrete are defined in several standards, including ASTM C618 and ACI 232.2. Marketers of fly ash will commit to the quality specified as they supply fly ash to ready mix producers, who in turn ensure the concrete will meet the designer’s needs through their own quality program. Please visit: C618.htm and www.concrete. org/bookstorenet (Search “ACI 232.2” and “ACI’s Sustainability Related Publications.”) Specific guidance on the use of high volume fly ash can be found in a book recently published by Dr. P.K. Mehta and Dr. Mohan Malhotra titled, “High-Performance, High-Volume Fly Ash Concrete for Building Sustainable and Durable Structures.” This book contains mix designs, recommendations, precautions and examples of high volume fly ash concrete placement and applications. Please visit: www.
Another document, “Optimizing the Use of Fly Ash in Concrete,” published by the Portland Cement Association (IS548) has detailed information on mix designs, placement and finishing techniques, performance characteristics and case studies that describe in technical detail the reasons to use fly ash in concrete to improve performance. Please visit: www.acaa-usa. org/storeindex.cfm “Building Green with Concrete” published by the Portland Cement Association offers case studies and guidance on achieving LEED certification. Please visit: Greener Buildings is a resource for green building and development. Please visit: Green Globes sponsored by the Green Building Initiative is a green management tool that includes an assessment protocol, and a rating system and guide for integrating environmentally friendly design into both new and existing commercial buildings. Please visit: The National Association of Homebuilders Green Building Program offers several resources and tools to help builders, remodelers, home building associations, and homeowners learn how to build green, and the benefits of doing so. Please visit:
The Buyer’s Guide to Coal Ash Containing Products compiled by the Energy and Environmental Research Center, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks is a catalog of products containing coal ash, including building materials, cement and concrete, and specialty products. Please visit: The BEES: Building for Environmental and Economic Sustainability Software brings to your fingertips a powerful technique for selecting cost-effective, environmentally-preferable building products. Please visit: software/bees/bees.htm The Industrial Resources Council (IRC) comprises those whose mission is market development for high volume industrial materials, including coal combustion products. Please visit: http://industrial Sustainable Industries Journal Online focuses on green building, clean energy, and sustainable farming and food production. Please visit: Coal Combustion Products Partnership (C2P2) helps promote the beneficial use of coal combustion products and the environmental benefits that result from their use. Please visit: epawaste/partnerships/c2p2
The Greenbuilder Sourcebook offers fly ash concrete-related resources and information, including CSI numbers, considerations, commerical status, guidelines and other details. Please visit: www.greenbuilder. com/sourcebook/Flyash ToolBase Resources combines product descriptions, design and construction guides, best practices, performance reports, case studies, and more. The NAHB Research Center provides this service with funding from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) through The Partnership for Advancing Technology in Housing (PATH) program, and other industry sponsors. Please visit: www. concrete The National Ready Mix Concrete Association (NRMCA) has guidance documents available to its members and others that define the quality requirements for all concrete mix designs, including those using fly ash or slag. Please visit: Oikos is an online directory for green building products. Please visit:
A Primer for Architects
Coal Combustion Products Build Sustainable... Residences Office Buildings High Rise Structures University Facilities Bridges Concrete Pavements Airport Runways Dams and Reservoirs Stadiums and Arenas Outdoor Sports Complexes Tilt-up Buildings Tunnels Monuments Masonry Products Government Structures Pervious and Asphaltic Pavements Back-Fills Composite Products Manufactured Soils Stone Veneers Plastic and Mineral Fillers Wallboard Panel Products Composts Landscaping Applications
...and much more. American Coal Ash Association Educational Foundation 15200 E. Girard Ave., #3050, Aurora, CO 80014-3955 P: 720-870-7897 F: 720-870-7889 Printed on recycled paper.